Laboratory Simulation of A Hot Industrial Job To Find Effective Heat Stress and Resulting Physiologic Strain

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Belding, Hari^iood S., Bruce A. Hertig and Marvln L. Riedese 1. 1960.

Laboratory simul-ation of a hot industrial job to find effective heat stress and resulting physiologic strain. Ary:r" Industrial . Hy.giene Assoc, J. 21: 25-31.

Laboratory Simulation of a Hot Industrial .foh to Find Effective Heat Stress and Resulting Physiologic Strain*
tr)rpartrntnt o! Otrupot;i.onal lIealtJt. Gradu,ate
U n.i.z,




lt, Pittsbtt


h, 1 3, P erutsll

Putclil: I'fccllth,
Lu ania,

fYf llLN -{ ,lolt inr.olvr,s e\iro:uro ro ir polY rer,ti,,lh' noriorr-* ;rqclrt the rlireet lnrl often
Lh,: lrcst, r\':rv tu:lssr.js its t,ilt,,.l.s is iu olrsene 1rli1'.*iologic chrngr:s rr.liich occur lrnong those tr4to rrrc cx1-roscrl- Envircnnrrntll heal is such rn

rld il' orrc is in tloubt regarding strains l prrrticrrlrir hot job the hcst lpproitch is 1() nxrili:ul'o (:irfilli1tor'll rersixlnses,
prorlrrrierl Lx' sn'clrting :rnrl l:oti-v 1.crn1x:lttrrre

nlilJ' tr]- to llrcdict tkrgrce ilru rxieusir,e ph.r'siological litcrrLture ou

\\rherr ciircct urcrlsrut,rrxtl,

cf the rvorkers. is uot fctsibie, ont: o1' luret strrin frour

cilecl.q 'l'ltr-q is an

plrrints i1.*srilrti til ltclrt cxpo$ure. '1.'lrc tr:tttilgr'rlenl, rr,lnt*d to knol' u.hethcr this l'orlt should l.le re,gartlerl ls rhngi:rouslI, hot. The {irst r:tt:p in o}rl,tilirrg llr illls\\1)t \rii-{ to ;rssess i.hc hc;1.{: klltl gtrrcultcrl }l' f lrt l}ro(joss cquipnrmt, the rvelrtlrer lrnr{ t}rc rctir.itiris of thc rr'orkcr. This inr.olvr:rI coller:tir:n o{ irrfonnlrl.iol on glohc tempemturc, liir tcntpern,ttrre, lir r.tlocitv, level o{ rr:tivitv lntl tiunri.ion of i:x1xr'lurc li rrork site. From ilti-,r infornrrrtion nct ht:tl,

of ctpo-*rrrt' rtrttlcr vttions nonditiols. rrccoullt ol'srrr:h itn ntttnrpt to prcclir:i,, in whicb thc svsturr ol asscssing he;r.t stlcss clescribcd l;r, Hlincs nnc[ H:rtch' *nr1 ihe s-r.steul of grlding .strrrin there{rorn, suggestetl b}' Bat.,tn* otrr,

IlttII, reslrcclitclv) *'cre

Hltch" (lurreintfter refenetl to as H&f{ ancl rrtilizecl {or o[' :rr itirin..triili jolr irrr,o]r.irrg cslro*ure to rrrlilnl hol1,. .4pplieltiou of tirc, sr'.-tons i'ielded rr, llrrge or.ert-.stim*le of ]re*t. stress rrnd consecgurttlr, of rcsulting phl'siological strain. Thc fllst l)urposc oi this rrlxrrl is to lrccount Iol tlris ovcrestinratc, lrorrunso others l,ho use

glin to tlic bodr. by rlriiltiol {ll,) rnd colrvc{rtiou {C} rvlrs ccnrrllrrtcrl, usirrg l,hc eocfficicnts gir.on bv HitI{, ;rncl tht: nrctnbolic rontributiotr f,o the Jr:nd (LI) wrrs cstirnntcd. Tho srrnr of thrsc rvus t*kcrr ns tlic hcirt loud g'hich lir,rrl to lie dissipllteel b-v srre*ting (Ii""") lf ii rvorkct 'nere to rcmiiin in hetl l:lluncc. .Secondl-v, thc pottntinl ior cr.rporltivc r:ooliug (11,,,--) u.:rs crrlrrrlnterl to lintl out rvlx,tlrcr lJre reqtrircd oi']oss corrki bc nriiirrtlinetl. l)openrlent prinurill' orr rvrtrir vlpor prrrssuro
of lhe ntnrosplxrr: {hrrmirliir-) lnil ern irir lr;}ocity, it rv;rs ctxnputml rrsing ii i:ocllicient rrlso pror"idccl bv H&l-I. The t,hir:rl stcp in the lrplllorch rrri.s to prerlict



sccontl objectir.e is to ilhrstrrLte ihe u,qe{ulness ol l:ri:rorlton' -*inurhtion lor ;rssossirrg the sevcrro1'

rre lilrblc to the sulic error.




of phvsiologic s1 rrrin, rrsing thr ron-

ccpts given lry It&H.

l)l'0\'()rlt tlilorrt s1.udv of thc *r:trrrI torkcn" The llrirrl ol:ljcciivc is to rk'nrou-"lrric ccrtlriu friclrrs ri'irich rrlc operutivc in tkrtcrmining thc rrsefrrlncss ol rur'llllic-cou1r'rl rcflct:tirrr rlothirtg lor
I)ro1r(:{,ion rgiiiusl, r';rrliurri }rorrl.

l hot intlustrirl job l-he*


lndustriol Field Srudy

shift. Each h:rlf+hift; intolvt:s: (l) rborri. rrr lxlur of light prcprrltorl lr'ork, rr1 1.urn1x.'rrrturos lul:orrt 5'F ahot-c otit-oi-rlorlr shlr'lc irinrprltlrlrrres: (b) the hot prirl; of 1|r1r job, r:onsisting o1'
1fi u'ork-rest c'r,.eks, elreli nlroul r^ix nrirr(ci rrst, rr.pproxinurtcll- liO rninrrtes ol creh hrll'-shiff spent in nn rrir-corrditiorrcrl lunclr
r.rtos; ul.rr[

Frotn infortnirtion srr]l1tlir:rl l:J' sirpttvisors lrrtrl n'rrs li':rrrrlrl 1hrr1 thrl n-ork ol this qlrrlir:trlrrr itilr is t,rlirrrill'rlivirl,:rl hctu'ectt the Jirst ltnt.l socottrl Itrrlvcs of r,rrr'lt

iroui clircct nlxctvrrtious, it

Thc job lvitir *'Irich rve llecilrrle concernecl is irr r. nol' plrrnl rrnrl r:rrnrc to otr nttontion ber:rrusc llur first hot, rue:rllurr hlrd l-rought, corrrPrrl ill srrpport lor tliese sludies rvls providerl l:y Grurri, Nr,. ltc-43{? irrrrl fltc Nrt'itrnal hrstilute$ oi llctltl). U. S.



Ol"i;crvirtions ol' condil:ioris |rcr.liling lol (lr.i, tlrc hol p*rt o{ tlrt jol:, tttrt'c ututlc lit, rl'r'ol'ill iocnt.ion.{ olr t\1:o chvs rvhtn rir ri' enit'rirrg


Ta.rr,s of Hot



Averlge Conditiorrs l)ruing tiix-minute C.vcles llstimade of Hourll' Heat Load of Hot ptr{; of



Job* in g0oF Wenther

Contributiun to hourlv heat load {BTU)

0utsi<le Air Ter:rperul:ure 80oF


mated I ^Alr


tll I'gTp tTU/irr c





I{eat lurl Iilqq


A. ]lodorute to herivy sctirity.. B. t"isht io rnoderC. $tunding nt ret D, Stanrling or sitale activity... ..

r$ r20

105 120 100




"l *ol


* Perlorsred for approxinutely 1.8 houm eaclr half-shiit.

* Ccrnpuled by method of lleilmaDd Halchi per&t,urc, uir ierrrperlbtre und air spced,

iros globetem-

cort, of the time is spent rc,sting ai open bays rrliich linc tire long sicles of tlre shed. From the wctncss oi tho clotlring it wns ohvioug that the \rorker$ sr\.e&t frccl]., but no signs of over;tr*in
\\-erc seer on these 80"F days.

*'ork shed ltt Rpproximatel). 80"F. Average results are shotvn in Table I. These indicate that cacli six-nrimte c1'cle invoives rbout tliree minutes of erposure to a high level of r&cliant heat. Tlte work is }ieavy obout 20 per cent, flnd ftodcrirto to light 50 1)er cent oi the tirne; 30 per

mnde it iair to a.c.slltne that rnibient r,upor pres$llrcii in the shecl fi'ould be thr.rse prcvliiling out-of-doors. (llersurements hacl tlemon-stmt,etl this to be tnre on the 80'F drr_vs.) At {hc n:nxirrluul predicteci vxpor pre$sltre nf l9 nun Hg |rnrl *t :1ir speed$ prevailing for the hot prrt of thn job, 8,,,", lvas calcrilltd to be 1990 ilTll,/hour.

lro rvater is contributcd in tlic production proc-

This rate of or.aporative cooling would bc in*dequ[tc to dis-qipatc tlic heat lonrl tlnrirrg thc iiot part of the job. lhe clcficierrcy ol'er onoh l N ironr stretch rl4:earccl to be 1120 IJI'LT, grelth' mlximum l>otlr' henting thrt, i-q regulilrh' tolerrble (IJ&H) . The logical prediction wa$ thrt pertormtnce of this job in hot 1re&thcr $'oukl

observations hacl to be madc under the ll.oirther conclitions prev&iling :ii the time of our f i$it to thc plnnt, brrt thc interest nrs focusecl on hent strcs-c rnd strrin in t,he hoitest veether likcly to lre cncountered. In orrlcr to :rrrive at a rlefinition of this \\'eirtherr locnl rvetther bureau rccords \verc eonsulted. These revealed that tlie hottcsb cornbinrtion of conditions sustained for more tl::rn tu hour or trvo rvn* l shilde tempera-



the 250 BTII re1:resentative of thc

turc of $0"F rlntl * t'lter virl)or presisure of rnrr Hg (52 per cent relative humidity).


I{cnt stress in such ir'eailier $rs-c then preclietcd oll tlio .rssunlption bhat rvork plaee tcmper&trires u'orrkl be 10'li' rvanner thon hrlrl been observecl in the 80"F lreath(,.r (Trblc II). Fortunately, tlrc vent,ilat,ing svstem of the work shetl rvas such thnt u,ir *spctxlo^ r,txrlrl bt' assumecl to remain Irs nr-,trsnrt:t1. t)rr t,hesrr l;ases, 8",,., lor the hot l)trt o[ this joir culenl*tcil to be 2600 I3TU/ hottr, rl iotrr,l of !l4tn BTU lor the 3.6 hours of {lil)orjurc rhrring clch shift,. Applrent load r-lur-

Tiut tliis tv:is rclu:rlly nn overpredietion .n'as immediatel-v clenr from the fect tli*t in the ll.eather of interest lrorkrnen actuallv itad cornpletecl tlo 1.S hour exposurc periods per shilt rvithoui incurring injur1.. A sugge-rtcd exlttnttion for the tli.serepnncv betn'ern the pretliciion :ilrd rletiull expr]rience rvl-q tlut the x'ork clothing rl'rs redricing the .sdress bv acting a,s fl, shield *gain$t .sorne of tlte rntlianb he:it. To crilrnine this pcint iurcl to iearn moro abont tlrc nl,trtrl .strtin, this jril: nrs ,cirnul;tteri ilr orrr lrrl-rorirton".
loborotory Study

rcsult. in severe tn'crstrnin.

ing rhe trvo hour*q of preptrfi,torl' \Tork \1'ns llxirit 1{}00 RTII 1xr slrift,. Concrirrent removnl oi' tlrc 10,400 BTII loltl thnt rvt-q gencrirted ovcr 5.{i horrrs rvoulcl require eyaporation oI rbout -1.3 liters of swe$t. Production r.rf swent nt ihis
for fit, ncclim:rtized rncn (B&If). 'llrc llrgc oli rir, *nd the fact that
rtquiretl rate rvonltl not repre.sent nn overstr$in

ollt-of-door shntle temperatnre rr'ns $0'1r'. To accomplish lhi.q the general :rmlriernl tcurpurrture of thc hoi roorn lvftrq se{; sl, 1)5'F. Exllosrrrcs

Tlre intent of the hrl:orlrtorv sl,uriv \l'rii to tnil clcgreo nf stress lhlrl n'ns lireelictecl for tlris job on n tll.t' rviurt tlre
rlpproximntc the kintl

u'ere speeifled for tl'o hours lnrl in.i.olt'etl n,lter, nfi,tc perio(ls of n'ork for forrr nrinrrter^ irtxl r'(lst for trvo rninutes. The n'ork t'as periormcd in *

Indu,strial Hy giene J ournal

rvind tr.rnnel through rvhich air t'as being moved at approximatell' 250 feet per minute. Thc rvork, which rvas repeated at 10 second intervals, involved standardized arm and back movemcnts in pulling and releasing a 30 pound rveight. It n,as performed from a fixed stance,,n



Estimate of Average Heat Load on the Actual Job on a 90'F Day and in the Laboratorv Studv
Actual job Laboratory study
2.0 4.0 2.0 6.0
540 130 670 1060 60 1120 530 1730 0 1730 110 0 110

a batterl' of Calrod heaters imbeddecl in the tunnel llnll. Heat intensity I'as adjusted so that the average temperature of
u'1iile facing

Duratiou (hours).....


three blackened Vernon globes mounted verticalll in the position occupied by the subject rvas 142'F: at the air temperature (97') and air
."peecl (250





4.0 2.0 6.0

760 160

ft/rnin) in tliis position, the


sat in a corridor outside the u'ind tunnel. Herc, both air and rvall temperatures s'ere 95"F, and air speed was 400 ft/min. A comparison betwccn the situation predicted for the industrial job on a 90'F day and the situation created in the laboratory appears in Table III. Note that the predicted total heat load at rvork and at rest in the laboratory (derived
using the

racliant temperature rvas calculated to be 205'F. During the trvo-minr-rte rest of each cycle

Body heat production (BTU/hour)


both Radiation (BTU/hour) work





both Total ]reat load (BTU/hour)



160 2610


H&H sl.stem) coircsponded well rvith tlie prototype field situation. In the laboratory model, this was accomplished *'ith a somervhat -qmaller fraction of metabolic and convective heat and somervhat larger of radiant.
20, and 28. The-,v lere acclimatized for t'ork
The subjects rvere three ]'Ioung men, aged 20,



* This is {or each half-s}rift and neglects prior one hour of light work v'ith heat load equivalent to about 500 BTU.

in the

Initially, effects of three levels of vapor pressure and three types of

ambient clothing

cotton underdrawers, tee shirt, cotton cap, cotton Nork gioves' cotton socks and leather shoes, and dark glasses; (b) reflectiue apron assemblg, rvith knee
length metallic-coated asbestos apron and

assemblies rvere sought, using the three subjects.

knce-length leggings

Accordingly, a Latin Square design calling for nine exposures rvas u-sed. The three vapor pressures originallr. spec fied rvere intended to include one situation in rvhich evaporation rvas predictcd to be adequate for maintaining heat balance (17 mm Hg) and another in which it *,as not (22 mm Hg), in addition to the level of critical interest in the actual industrial situ-

(the latter open dorvn the backs of the legs to favor ventilation), over items of outfit (a), except
that cotton shorts were substituted for
long underdrat'ers;
reflectiue coat assemblg, rl-ith knee-length


metaliic-coated :lsbestos coat, kneelength leggings rvrapped completely around legs and hard hat, over items
rvere substituted

ation (19 mm Hg) . Failure to find that limit on evaporation \\:as critlctl) elren at 22 mm Hg, led to trial of 25 and 27 mm Hg levels. This involr.ed a seconcl Latin Square arrangement using the data alread5- collected at 22 mm Hg. The three clothing assemblies rvere specified in

of outflt (a), except that cotton shorts for Iong underdrarvers;

(d') seminude assemblg, rvith. socks, shoes, -qh6fi.s, gloves and dark glasses only. Results of the physiological study u'ere used to furnish a chcck on predicted heat stress that
'r,r'as ca,lculatcd

order to obtain comparative data on ordinary as well as metallic-coated clothing, and on metallic-coated clothing rrhich permitted trvo degrees of ventilation of the skin. Seminude stattis
was specified

direct demonstration of blocking effect of ordinar-v clothing against radiation. The four assemblies are described belorv:

in a collateral



achieve a

from environmental conditions and measurement of the heat produced in performing the rvork. The result of each exposure rvas production of srveat, with or rvithout heating up of the body tissue. Whcn the sweat was evaporated from the skin we knew that about 2.3 BTU of heat rvas removed from the skin per gram because this is the heat of Yaporiza-

(a) ordi,narll work clothing, . consisting of cotton khaki shirt and trousers, Iong

tion of rvater at 95"F. The amor-rnt of srveat evaporated was considered to be represented by


February, 1960
ing are given in Trble II. E""' of this rvork was predicted to be 2540 BTU/hour. The actual heat loacl i.illpears to havc becn about 1740 BTU/hour, onl-v 6g pcr cent of the prediction, suggesting error in estimate of X,I, R or C in m&king the prcdiction. II, determincd b1,' sampling of ox-vgen consumptiou, :rnd C) negligible under these conclitions becar-rse skin terlperature anfl air tcmperaturc \\-ere both :Lbout 95'F, r.ere not subject to important error. Therefore.

thc gross loss in clothecl rveight cluring cxposure. Suitable correction rvas nade for u'eight of rvater imbibed. This method r.ielded overestimate of

evaporative cooling to the extent that sweat dripped off or lr,as evaporatcd fron the clothes instead of the skin. Obviousl)., anv part of the s*.eat *.hich st:r1.ed in the clothes rv:rs ineffective
bodl- temperature, tlie amount hacl to be estiaclcled to the evaporative heat loss to obtain actual heat load. Storage was calculated from ayerage ri.qe in body temperature (skin temperature l-eightecl 1/5, rectal a/il X bodr. u'eight X specific heat of bod-v tissue. In

for cooling. In case-s rvhcre there l'as storage of heat in the bodr. tissues, inclic:rtecl b1 rise in

nated and

Il corrlrl hrrr o been no n'or" rlrrn rborrt lU70 BTII/hour, 62 per cent of its predicted vahie (cf Tablc III). It appear.i that thi-s ordinary work clotiring blockecl nearlr' 40 per cent of
impinging radiation. \\ritli the :rctual hert lo:rd at 1740 BTU/hour cvaporate c:r1racit1' should become a critical factor at vapor pre-qsures above 22 mm Hg. The phr,siological data indicatc that -strain \va-s Llnaffected at vapor pres-sLtres from 17 through 22 mm Hg. At 25 mm Hg rcctal tempcratnre

these stuclies, storage negligible except under

the most dilficult combinations of conditions. Recovcr.r. pulse rate, the average of 30-second counts taken one mimrte after each four-mimrtc rvork period, rl as used &rq :t rrruSllr of circulatorl: s1."in. The rates obtained rvere acljusted to compcnsate for individual differences between subjects. Nude rveight lo.qs * ri.eight of r.ater imbibed rv:rs the measLue of srveat. Fatignc lvas indicated on a point scale, r-it1i fir'e points inclicating inabilitv to continue.

rise ancl reco\rer). pul-se r:lte l-ere significantlr. higher as t':Ls fatigtre. Sl-eating and t-astecl st'ert rvcre not increasecl until the next higher levcl, 27 mm Hg, r.:Ls rcached. In a, collateral stndl', rn tLttempt madc to

with Ordinary Il:orl;


Hea,t stresses ancl strains

\.ilriou-q vapor prcssures

in ordinrrv l'ork cloth-




the same ra.di:rtion source l-hile scminucle

dernonstratc the protectir.e cffect agninst radiation more clirectl1., br. exposing the .subjects to

Tenr,n IV Heat Stress and Strains of Performing a Hot Job


Ordinar-v Worl< Clothirrg

lleat stress predicted heat

in thc previoLls exposrlrcs l-ls founcl to be intolerable rvhen seminrrde, (furnishing qualitative cvidencc of blocking effect agrrinst the raclilnt load). Ilesults obtained after rirdiltion had been rednccil to :l tolerable ler-el ure -summerizcd in Tnblc. \,-. Hcre, blocking of abotrt 30 per ccnt of impinging energv resulted from the \rcaring of orclin:trr. clothes. The resultinq clecrclse in strain n'a-s signilicant.
Heat Reflectiue

clothed lnd comparing thc rctual helt loacl in the tu'o cuses. The ler-el of recliant hcat usecl

predicted uaxiIlum evapori! tion..... .. ... actuzrl heat load
1880 1990 1680

Effects of wc:Lring metallic-co:Ltecl clothing on

IIeat strains

this iob t-ere studied because of interest in thcir practic:rl nscfulncss for clecreising strain. Thc


21r'0 480


3040 920




(in clothing). 280 lectal terrperature rise..... -0.2


0.0 +0.2 94.5

92 680



'F7'2 hrs

ture.... .....

95. 97 660



reflcctir.e llpron outfit sccnred sensible because coverecl most of the arer directll- cxposed to ratliation, rncl nppeared to provide minimnm interfercncc u,ith evrporrtion. Thc outfit rvith rcflcctive coat and itcces,cories promised sorne-




metabolic ]ieat production ..



fatigue after


urlknoryn lmount of interference tr,ith cvaporation. Rcsults are summarized in Table VI. The preclicted heat load of 25.10 BJlTlh6ur again the rcsult of 680 BTU contributed br- X,I
ancl a snperimposed 1760

rnore lrrotcction, but

rt thc cost of


* Overestinate of load due to drip off of sweat.

BTU b1. R. The a\.erage protection against radiltion of ordinarl' r.ork

Inclustrial Hy

91iene J



clothing, in this t.

c:Lse rrvcraging 39 pcr cent, I'as ririsecl to 52 per cent b1. use of the rcfiective apron lnd to 66 per cent b1'use of tlie reflective


Effcct of OrdinarS'Work Clothing Radiant Heat Load


That the urlvant,age of such clothing is r.rot necessarill. proportional to the protection rvhich



provides rgairist ntdiation is indicrted b1' the

Predicted Radiant Load. Apparent -{ctua1 Radiant Load (evaporation -| storage.


1210 BTL:/irr

obscrvetion.q on strlin. Sl.eating, recover-v pulse rate ancl fatigue r.ere somctr,hrt le-ss in the

ing. In the rirnge of r'-apor prcssures, strain in the reflectir.e cort rvas abor,rt equal to
that in the ordinarl-*,ork clotiring, but at higher
yapor pre-ssllres the reflective coat caused significutl1' gre:lter strain.

reflcctive :llrron than in the orclinur\'["ork cloth-


- metabolisrn)........ total....
Load Blocked by Cloth-






810 BTU/hr
.100 BTU/br

/6 blocked.
Er.idence of Strain sweating. rvork and tecovery beart rates.. .. -...... rectal telrperature rise. mean skin ternperature

4{t 3




Hacl sole reliance becn placed on results of the plarrt stttdv ancl predictions of heat strain

105 *


by thc ncthod of I3&H, this job would have been classecl :rs overlv .stressful in hot, humici weather. In f:rct, at 90'F and 19 mm Hg the Heat Stres-" Index (HSI) r'ahre for thc hot part


- 86 per rnin -0.2 "F/hr


skin circulation required to renove

rnetabolic heat... .. ..



of thc job u'a,q 155 (100 is supposedlv the maxinum regularll' tolerable for a full -shift), and the preclictcd tolcrance timc for the rr'ork was a maximttm of 16 niinutcs at a timc. Industrial cxpcriencc belied the prediction and the laboratorv studv indicated the source of the crror. In terns of HSI thc real stress u'as ubout 85. In vier.v of the fact that ordinarl' clothing, reg:rrdless of its color, has a verl' high absorptive efficiencl. for long-rvave radiation of the type

T,lsr,n VI
Heat Stress and Strain of Tu'o-Hour Exposures in Three Clothing Assemblies
(Heat in BTU/hr)
HzO Vupor

mm Hg


HrO Vrpor 22 mm Hg



in t1'ris stud--v, erplanation of the observation such clothing actualll' blocked 30 to 40 per cent of impinging racliation is in orcler. The

rl litl:F


principle involved x-a.r originlllv


to flving clotliing, and lias been cited bv Bnrton" as applicable for determining effisr.rpplied

of thc efficieno' of

Predicted Radiant Load..........
Actual Radiant Load

electrical heat


o: oo Lz == .:.e =Fl == t> E< =uJ =-t ?< iatratz


,r;nu r760

liloo ;oo I o+o I 160 lro


1760 1760




ciencl' of cvnporation of moisture from clothing. \Yhen heat is rclcased or taken r.rp in clot,hing the

(eveporation + storage - rue'





for ri arming or bv the r:rtio:

cooling the skin is

Protection against Radiation.......

per cent protection

insulation outside locus of release or uptake of heat total insulatiori over skin

760 1000 120 0u0 820 137o Sira 6tra Slab .ir,

I 180


2()oo S{'eating. . efficiency for cooling:


l;80 2roo 2 t8o


The total insulation of orclin:rr.v l'ork clothing will be provided b:. (a) air trapped in thc fabric ancl between the fabric and skin, and (b) ihe film of air the fabric. Thus, to account for a 60 per cent transmission for impinging radiation, as in tr'igurc 1, it is on11'necessary to assume :rbsorption near the surface of the frbric, end to iissumc that 0.4 of the insulation lies under the locus of absorption and 0.6 over, thc lrrtter bcing attributecl largell' to air fi1m.



8yt srz] o:", tlaa n";J

roo F


Recorery Pulse Rate (per rnin)

Fatigue after Trvo


ltl ++ 'I

e2 87 ,, | ,oo s7 Fr-1*-1-rL


* Exposure at' 27 mm cause


\vas terminated after one hour be

of oversirain.


Febru,ary, 1960
IOO units of Rodiotion

strain of the real job must be hedged. Thc laboratorl' studl. involved abont half as nuch exposure time :Lnd less than half as much u-ork per da1'as was per{ormcd on thc reai job. Furthermore, the laborator-v situation did not simulate 4O Unirs Convction the extreme air temperatures possible for a ferv ond Rerodioiion hours at a time somctime during the summer, cLorHED the conditions in an emergenc)' rvhich requirecl extra, rvork, or the cumulative effects of a proNUDE

Locus of Absorption in Fobric

longcd halt ii'ave. The margin of safetl- in the lnboratorl' s1l',6o apears to have been about 250 RliU7t o.,r,


Ioad of about 1740 BTII/hour and the E-"- of 1990 IITLT/hour predicted at 19 mm Hg. This margin I'ould allolv anJ. onc of the follorving: an

basecl on the difference bett-een the actr.ral heat

Frcunn 1. Diagrammatic cross-"section through shin and clothing to shol' factors affecting efficicncl' 6f protection against long-rvave radiant

in air and r,r'all temperatures of at least 5"F; a rise in ambient vapor pressure of B mm Hg; an increase in l'ork ler.el of 50 per cent; or an rrnderesiinrrte oi tho actu:lI l)orl lold or overestimate of E-," :rmounting to 12 per cent. The m:lrgin of safetl, is further augmented b1. the

Then, 0.6/1.0

closer to 95% than 100% because the Calrod heating elements rvere radiating partly in the vi.qible spectrum, in that they a,ppeared dull red.) Other studies indicate that this model is entireil. reasonable. Since :rir speed affects both the insulation of the clothing itself and of the overlying air film lve may assume that the blocking efficienc-v of about 40 per ccnt seen under the condition of this stud,v ma1. have a range of 30 to 50 per cent lor most rvork clothing used at most air speeds. Clothing also blocks transfer of heat b1' convection, not considered here because there w&s no temperature gradient betrveen skin and air. Inward convection undoubtedly 6s.,,..a.1 during performance of ."ubtasks

situation the

60 per cent. (In this absorption level probabl-v rvas


fact that 250 BTLT of unbalance rvill be tolerated

information limited to environmental measrrrements and observation of the activitr. serve to emphasize the real neecl for measuremcnts of strain directl)r on the workers, on the hottest davs, before making confident statements re-

rel:rtive to the margin of safetl'. Tlie complexities ancl uncert:rintics of prediction of strain from

from time to time. r*evertheless, the strrin of this job is


to health. The stucll' of effe cts of metallic reflective clothing in some respects is not an adequate
basis for gencralization. Under the circumstances

garding risk

(a) and (b) of this industriel job. Evidcnce from other sources indicates that the ratio of
blocking of convective transfer rvith this amonnt of clothing may be about the samc as for radimended that value-q for R ancl C computed b1' the sr.stem of H&H be muitiplied b1. 0.60 rvhen \yorkers are covered lith light clothing. Thi-q is Iogical bccause the coefficients of H&H n'cre adopted from studies on nude men.' The accumulated evidence from other physioiogical studies (cf. references given by B&H) indicates that the peak requirement of this job for energv expenditure, for circulation of blood

ation. On this basis it is provisionall"v recom-

of use, greatcr protective effect against racliant lieat r.vas the prediction." That the protection r,as at the 65 per cent ratlier than the 80 to 90 per cent level mir1. be Burtono has reported linding that belorv a critical size metallic particles do not reflect long-r,ave energy (e.g., flnel)' divided platinum is "black"). in .some application.s the binder u.qed to assure adherence of the metal to the fabric, or a covering lacquer has itself been a poor reflcctor for long r.vaveJength radiation. ft has also been demonstrated that the presence of even a thin film of oil or dirt (not pre-"ent in these tests)

to the skin, and for sweating rvill not be


exas long as the heat loacl does not exceed

the capacity for evaporatiye cooling. Hot'ever, conclusions from the re-creation as reEa.rds

radirnt herf ovor pcriojs of minutns, design oi metrllic rellerlive ovot"gtrnrents so t hrt tlte\. will permit ventilation and consequent evaporation of su'eat is not critical, and in fact such dcsign ma1. be contraindicated if air temperatures are expected to be r.'erv high. Horvever, ior cxp6.ulps mcasured in hours, design to per-

n de.r rov r he reffeel ir i tr-. For protection against verr. high levels


Industrial H y giene J oumal

tr I


mit evaporation of sweat is all-important. In creased by making simple physiologic obser* the preseut studies a net decrease in strain vations on actual workers under the hottest
rvith reflective clothing was noted only with the refleetive apron assembly, and this decrease was scarcely enough to justify provision of aprons for this job because experienee has sholvn that
'weather conditions.

Metallic reflective clothibg provided


aclditional protection againsii beat lead. When such clothing is to be worn for periods of hours,

sxtra items of protective clothing fall into di!uso unless the advantage which lhey give is elearly felt by the users.
Summory ond Conclusions

itlvas shorrn that the design must permit good ventilation 4s a means for achieving evapora,-

tion of sweat; othenvise such clothing may give rise to more strain than ordinary work clothing.
Sxposuree-Evaluation md Control. .Eleor" and' Vent' 49: 03 (Nov. 1952). 9. BBr.nnrc, H. S,,,rxD T. F. Ifarcn: Index lor Evaluoting Emt Strcss in Terms o{ Beultine Physiological $trains. Ileat. Pip. md Air Cond.9/: 120 (Aug. 1956). 3, BnBToli, A, C,, eul O. G, Eosor,u: Mm i* a Cokl En' uilonnent, p, ?0, Eclward Araold Ltd', London (1955)' 4, NELsoN, N., L. W. ErcuNa, S' M. f,onvats, aND T. tr'. H,rrss: Tbermsl Exohange of Mon at figh Environmenia.l Tesper&turea' An. tr. Phusi'ol. 151: 02S (19{7) . 5. FooBr, L., Art'D M. Ilrnrus: Phgsiologu ol Hmt Regula' tion and the Stiet ce al Clothiw, Ed' L. E. l'Ien'burgh' p.

Laboratory simulation of environmestai and work conclitions of a hot industrial job revealed that resulting heat strain was substautially less than had been predicted by the iudex of Belding and Hatch. This was attributed to blocking of about 40 per cent of impinging radiation by
the ordinary *e1ft slslhing that was worn- This blocking effect should be taken into aceount in firture use of the lleat Siress Iudex. The laboratory analysis indicated the probability that this partieular industrial job is physiologically safe, but that the margin of safety is too narrow for full reliance on this estimate' Confidence in this prediction would best be in-

1. garN$s,

G. I., Jn., exo T, I" Illrcn: fndushial l{ent

W. A. Sauaders Co. (1949).

0. Bunro:v, A, C.: ?rivato Commuicslion.

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