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Shakespeares Macbeth

Reading Guide Grade 10 Applied English

Answer the following questions in full sentences and include examples from the
Act 1, Scene 1
1. What characteristics are usually associated with witches? Which of these
characteristics are shown in Scene 1?
2. Based on what is shown in this first scene, what do you think the play is about?
Act 1, Scene 2
1. In this scene, characters talk about Macbeths actions in battle. What kind of
character is Macbeth?
2. What traits does Duncan exhibit that show him to be a good king?

Act 1, Scene 3
1. Name the four prophecies that the Three Witches reveal to Macbeth. What do
they tell Banquo?
Act 1, Scene 4
1. Explain how Macbeth feels about Malcolm being named the successor to the
Act 1, Scene 5
1. How does Lady Macbeth feel after she reads Macbeths letter?
Act 1, Scene 6
1. What traits does Lady Macbeth show that proves she has mastered hiding behind
a mask?


Act 1, Scene 7
1. How does Macbeth feel about killing the king in this scene?
Act 2, Scene 1
1. What does Macbeths vision of the dagger symbolize?
Act 2, Scene 2
1. How does Lady Macbeth act in this scene?
Act 2, Scene 3
1. Explain the porter scene in terms of its comic relief.


2. Describe how Macduff is portrayed in terms of his allegiance and loyalty to

Duncan, and his reaction to Duncans death. What is his behavior towards
Macbeth before and after the guards are killed?
3. What are the reasons for Malcolm and Donalbain fleeing to separate countries?
Act 2, Scene 4
1. In what way does Macduff show suspicion of Macbeth?

Act 3, Scene 1
1. Why is Fleances death so important to Macbeth? How do you think Macbeth will
react if Fleance should escape the fate planned for him?


Act 3, Scene 2
1. Why does Macbeth keep his plan to murder Banquo a secret from his wife?
Act 3, Scene 3
1. This scene is a major crisis (climax) in the play. Explain.
Act 3, Scene 4
1. Why is Macbeth seeing a ghost?

Act 3, Scene 5
1. What are the Witches planning for Macbeth?

Act 3, Scene 6
1. What signs reveal that Macduff will be a strong opponent to Macbeth?
Act 4, Scene 1
1. What are the witches three apparitions?
2. What does Macbeth resolve to do by the end of this scene?

Act 4, Scene 2
1. Define pathos. How is pathos created in this scene between Lady Macduff and
her son?

Act 4, Scene 3
1. Describe how Macduff and Malcolm feel about each other in this scene and what
they propose to do.

Act 5, Scene 1
1. What is the significance of the image of blood in this scene? What is happening
with Lady Macbeth?

Act 5, Scene 2
1. What forces are opposing Macbeth?
Act 5, Scene 3
1. Describe how Macbeth feels at the end of this scene.

Act 5, Scene 4
1. How does this scene foreshadow the outcome of the battle?
Act 5, Scene 5
1. Why does Macbeth choose to go into battle to face the unknown rather than take
his own life?

Act 5, Scene 6
How is suspense created in this scene?
Act 5, Scene 7

The final failure and death of the hero completes the catastrophe of a tragedy.
a) Why is Macbeth considered a hero?
b) What is redeeming about his character?
c) How is his death a tragedy?

Shakespeares Macbeth
Vocabulary ESL
Task: Use a dictionary or your notes to define the following words or terms.
1. Characteristics:____________________________________________________

2. Four Prophecies:
3. Symbol:__________________________________________________________
4. Comic
5. Allegiance:________________________________________________________
6. Loyalty:__________________________________________________________
7. Crisis:____________________________________________________________
8. Climax:___________________________________________________________
9. Three

10. Pathos:___________________________________________________________
11. Image
12. Catastrophe of
13. Tragedy:__________________________________________________________
14. Tragic
15. Foreshadow:______________________________________________________
16. Suspense:_________________________________________________________

17. Tragic
18. Dramatic

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