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Home Remedies To Make Lips Pink Naturally

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Apply beetroot juice on your lips at night before sleeping, and you will

notice a reddish pink stain next day. This should last you a good few days. Crush rose petals, mix with fresh cream and use. This makes your lips

naturally soft and pink. Alternatively, you may want to dip a cotton ball in rosewater and smooth it over your lips. Use a menthol-based lip balm on your lips and leave it on for 5 minutes.

With a wet soft-bristled toothbrush exfoliate your lips. Dont graze the skin too much, as lips are very tender. Break a vitamin E capsule and apply on your lips before sleeping. You

can mix vitamin E oil in some Vaseline to make your own lip balm. If you have pale colourless lips, ask your doctor about iron supplements.

Being even slightly anaemic may cause colour to drain from your lips. Taking iron supplements will add a natural flush to your face and lips will appear more rosy.

6. 7.

Apply fresh mint leaf juice or coriander leaf juice daily on your lips to

make them rosy and smooth. Mix together some lemon juice and glycerine and smear on your lips

before sleeping at night. Leaving it on overnight helps to activate lemons lightening properties and the glycerin acts as an excellent moisturizer. This is especially useful for those who wish to remove tan from their lips.

8. 9.

Grate raw coconut and press out some milk. Apply on lips. Eat plenty of raw cucumber and carrots to smoothen out uneven lip


10. Mix a pinch of turmeric into 1 tsp of cold milk cream. Massage lips with

this paste daily for 5 mins. This results in supple pink lips.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.

Mix lemon juice with a little honey and apply at night before sleeping.

Lemon takes off the tan and honey moisturizes and nourishes the lips, restoring natural pinkness. Mix 1 tsp almond oil with lemon juice and rub on on lips every day.

Leave on till dry and wash off with cold water. Sprinkle powdered sugar on a lemon wedge and rub over lips gently.

This is a good way to naturally exfoliate and bleach lips, making them look smoother and redder. Apply a little clarified butter (desi ghee) on lips to naturally redden

their color and provide moisture. Soak four almonds in 1/2 cup milk overnight and grind to a fine

smooth paste next morning. Apply the paste on your lips daily to help them regain their natural pink color in a few months. Mix gram flour, 1 tsp honey, 1 tsp yoghurt and a few drops of lemon

juice and apply regularly on the lips to make them more pink.

Natural Makeup Tips For Pink Lips 1.

To get softer lips, you need to brush lips with old soft bristled toothbrush.

This helps in removing the dry and chapped skin making it appear fresh.


Massaging lips with a teaspoon of honey and rose paste will make the

lips pink, fragrant and glossy naturally.


While getting a facial, pat the lips with cotton soaked in carrot or

beetroot juice. This adds colour as well as nourish the lips. (Note: For red lips mix carrot juice with beetroot juice).


Do not discard the orange peel, use it to cleanse the skin to remove the

dark skin tone and prevent it from happening over and over. This is one of the best home remedies for darkening of lips.


For everyday use, mix saffron with ghee and apply whenever the lips go

dry. Saffron brightens skin and ghee lubricates to make the lips pink, soft and gentle. A personally tried natural makeup works very well.


Massaging lips with ice cubes, soothes the skin and keeps it fresh and

also maintains water balance.


The rose gulkan syrup is not only tasty but also makes lips pink

naturally. Anybody who kisses your lips will get a gulkan treat! (Sugar in gulkan will maintain the stained lips for a longer time)


Brush your lips in small circles with your toothbrush every time you brush your teeth. You don't need to use a lot of pressure, just enough to remove any flakes of dry skin.

Put on lip balm before going out into the sun or windy, cold weather. Apply balm on your lips every time you put on lipstick.

Mix 1 tsp. of olive oil and 1 tsp. of salt and use it to exfoliate whenever your lips start to get dry, or once a week. Use your toothbrush to work the mixture on your lips.

Avoid licking or biting your lips, especially when they are already chapped. The saliva from your mouth doesn't hydrate your lips.

Spread a very thin layer of beetroot juice onto your lips before bed to help achieve a healthy pink color. If you use your finger to apply the juice, wash it off right away or you will stain your finger.

Drink 80 oz. of water every day. This will help hydrate your body from the inside and moisturize your lips and skin.

Apply almond paste to your lips to bring to bring out the natural coloring and make your lips look very healthy.

Tomato is very good for the health, it makes us look so beautiful everyday with pinkish white skin cause by tomato with its lycopene.

Increase the intake of Iron in your diet........

Tomato helps in acne, after washing your face gently rub a slice of ripe tomato on your face and leave for twenty minutes the rinse off with lukewarm water.

Home Remedies to Make Lips Pink

There are several simple home remedies to make lips look pinker. You should make sure to remove dirt particles, oil and dead skin cells that accumulate on the lips throughout the day. You may gently wash your lips with some cold

water every night before going to bed for this purpose. You may also wipe your lips very gently with a ball of cotton wool soaked in chilled rose water to make your lips look softer and pinker.

Another remedy is to mix a pinch of turmeric powder with teaspoon of cold milk or milk cream and massage your lips with this paste every day for five minutes. This will make your lips look naturally red and supple. Massaging the lips with some glycerin on a daily basis also helps restore to the lips their original color. One of the most popular solutions for solving the problem of dark lips is to smear them with a little honey every night before going to bed. This nourishes the skin cells of the lips and makes them look brighter naturally.

For another remedy, mix a teaspoon each of almond oil and lemon juice and apply this mixture on the lips every day. Leave it on till it dries and then wash your lips with cold water. You may also add a little powdered sugar on a thin slice of lime and rub your lips with it very gently. This acts as a natural exfoliating and bleaching agent that makes lips look smoother and redder. Overnight application of a little clarified butter on the lips also helps redden their color naturally. You may also soak a few almonds in half a cup of milk overnight, grind them finely to a paste the next morning and apply it on your lips. This helps make lips regain their original color in a few months. A mixture of some gram flour, a spoon each of honey and yoghurt and a few drops of lime juice may also be used regularly on the lips to make them redder.

Natural way to get rosy/pinkish cheeks

Apply a paste of two mashed bananas on your face .Wash off after 20 minutes. This face pack is very helpful in giving you a red rosy/pinkglow.

Boil 2-3 beetroots and mash them. To this , add 3 teaspoons of kaolin

powder (it is easily available in your local chemist shop) and apply this mix on your face and neck .Leave it on 20 minutes. Use this home remedy to get a rosy effect.

Soak up masoor daal in unboiled milk for 30 minutes .Grind the mix into a smooth paste. Mix with kaolin powder .Dab on your face. Leave this mix for 20 minutes .And see how your skin glows like a rose.

To get a soft blush like effect ,apply 2-3 teaspoons of gram flour with one spoon of milk cream,3 teaspoons of each wheat bran and curd. Slather this face pack on your skin for 15 minutes. Wash off after 15 minutes.

Apply the pulp of cucumber on your face to get that rosy effect you die for. Cucumber is an excellent skin lightening agent. It helps to fade dark circles also and acts as a great exfoliating agent.

Apply apple cider vinegar on your face to get rosy and pinkish effects on your face.

You can make a face pack at home mixing grated cucumber ,lemon juice(1/4)cup,5 teaspoon of each honey and milk .To this ,add flour to get a thick paste consistency. Then refrigerate it for 5-6 hours. Then smear this mask on your face for 15-20 minutes to get rosy /pink cheeks naturally.

Take 1/4 cup of amaranth juice with a pinch of turmeric to apply on your cheeks. This concoction acts as a natural bleach and helps in warding off wrinkles and dry skin .Apply with cotton balls on your face .In just 2-3 days , you will notice you are blooming like a rose.

You can also mix 1/4 cup of lemon juice with milk to massage on your face to facilitate blood circulation to get a pinkish glow.

Grind few almonds and apply with crushed rose petals, 5 teaspoons of each

mint juice and honey. This mix will look like a cream that can be refrigerated for 5-6 days. This face mask will start showing results in just 1 week .This face mask is to be applied at bedtime.

To get rosy and pinkish cheeks, you can apply orange peel powder with milk or cream on your face.


Your diet also plays an important role in giving you a

glowing skin. Take a healthy diet which will reflect on your face instantly .Take fresh fruits, fruit juice ,fresh vegetables ,milk to get the desired pinkish glow on your face. Taking vitamin C and E help in giving rosy cheeks .So have a bite on plenty of citrus fruits and leafy vegetables.

Take exercise and lead a stress free life-Taking exercise will make you glow naturally because of blood circulation it imparts. Apart from that stay away from stress. Be happy and I am sure glow of happiness will make you look rosy and pink naturally.

By now ,you are aware of many tips on getting rosy cheeks .So why wait dear ?Now is the time to put these tips to practice .Follow these tips and wow the whole world with your rosy cheeks.

"Apply apple cider vinegar on your face to get rosy and pinkish effects on your face!" Is this true! This tip caught my attention. I would like to try this one!

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