Sermon and Devotional Guide - Week Three

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move out :: a sermon discussion guide


CONNECT (Consider & Share)

1. Jesus has given us the privilege and responsibility of partnering with him in his mission to save and change the world. Does this reality excite you, scare you, or both? Briey explain.

GROW (Discuss and Learn)

Read Matt 28:16-20 2. Jesus claims his authority as Lord of all heaven and earth before commissioning his followers to carry on his mission in all the world. What implications can be drawn regarding our responsibility to share Christ at a global level? What are some ways, big and/or small, that we can do this? What does it mean to be on mission with God? What did Jesus commission his followers to do? In what ways are you personally engaged in a mission God has placed on your heart? When Jesus gave this Great Commission, the disciples were gathered with the risen Lord on a mountaintop enjoying a time of intimate fellowship and worship. Do you think it was dicult for them to hear their friend and leader command them to leave the comfort of that environment to go do his work in the chaos of the world? In what ways might we be called to leave the comfort of our life (insert picture here of the comforts you have become accustomed to) to enter the chaos of our world? Why is it so important that we do this? As believers, we long for the experience of Gods presence - this is the draw of worship and devotion. But here, Jesus promises his presence as we move out into the world helping others nd and follow him. Share a story of a time when you have felt his presence as you served or reached out to others. Compare and contrast the presence of God in the spectrum of environments from devotional intimacy to missional purpose.

3. 4.


SERVE (Apply and Take Action)


(break into groups of 3 or 4 people)

We are on a mission with God - and we are in this together. How can we utilize our partnership with each other - in this group and in the church - to make disciples of all nations? How can we pray for each other personally to take the next step in living out our mission?


Dont forget to consider subgrouping! (groups of 3-4 people)

move out :: a daily devotional guide


be sure to check out this weeks video at! Sunday, March 3 - Mark 5:1-20 Why do you think Jesus would deny this mans request to follow him in his ministry? Perhaps because the people of his hometown needed to hear his story, too. Think about your own experience with Jesus. Does God want you to share your story with those already around you? Who could you share it with this week? Monday, March 4 - John 15:15-16 Jewish rabbis were highly respected teachers with great inuence. Students did not sign up to be disciples - they were hand-selected (chosen) by the teacher. To become a rabbis disciple was among the highest honors in Jewish society. It meant that he believed you had great potential. Reect on what this means to you and your relationship with Jesus. You have been chosen. He believes in you and what you can become. His heart for you is that your life be wonderfully fruitful as you learn from him. You can make a lasting dierence. Do something in response to his calling - however small - today! Tuesday, March 5 - John 15: 15-16 Jesus wanted to make sure his disciples knew he no longer viewed them as servants - they were his friends. What privilege did this bring the disciples regarding their level of engagement in the Masters business? What is the correlation between being Christs friend and his business partner? How do you see your friendship and partnership maturing? Wednesday, March 6 - Isaiah 58:6-7 (The Message) God loves his world. And hes not through with it. His mission is to bring his loving reign over all aspects of human life and community. He is on the move to fulll his mission, and you are part of his movement! Open your eyes and be aware of what is happening in your community and the world, even in your own workplace and your family. Where is God pointing you to join him in the good he wants to bring and the suering he wants to end? Begin praying about it regularly. Listen, and then act. Thursday, March 7 - Hebrews 13:1-3, 16 (NLT) Empathy and seless love are at the heart of living on mission with God. Jesus exemplied this so beautifully and perfectly. We must take the time to put ourselves in the shoes of others. What if I were them? What would I hope that someone who knows the heart of God would do for me? Ask God to open your eyes and your heart to his lost and hurting children around you and across the world. Then pray and act as the Holy Spirit stirs and directs you. Friday, March 8 - Hebrews 13:20-21 (NLT) Perhaps our biggest excuse for not engaging Gods mission is the feeling or mindset that we have little to oer. Do you nd yourself thinking, I would like to help, but what could I possibly do? Here is a prayer that God delights to grant: Father, I want to be part of your mission to love and bless your world. Please equip me with all that I need to do your will for me. I trust you, as I step forward in faith, to produce in me everything that is needed for my life to result in much good being done in your name. Take time to pray this prayer or create your own. Saturday, March 9 - James 1:27 The more we worship and love God, the more our hearts grow sensitive to the things he cares about. If stepping in to meet the needs of people who have been beaten down by life is the kind of religion that pleases God, how are you doing? Imagine for a moment how lives might be changed if you were to get more involved in being part of the solution. What next step could you take?

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