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Nico Botones Mr. Rhinehart I.B. Junior English - Period 4 October 10 2012

The Literary Analysis Essay: Haruki Murakamis Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman Short Stories

Haruki Murakami, writer of Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, has been recognized by the Chicago Tribune as Whimsical, magical, daring, or sometimes played with the mute in the bell of the trumpet Murakami constructs these short stories with the use of interestingly extensive use of literary techniques, such as point-of-view narration, sensory detail, and the unexpected yet relevant plot twist. These techniques, each in their own way, would develop common themes; ones especially found in The Year of Spaghetti. Such use would exemplify the sublime essence that, not only Murakami creates when writing these short story pieces, but also gives to inspire minds, giving a surreal sense of reality to the reader. The portrayal of Murakamis stories with point-of-view narratives provides certain uniqueness to the characters, giving the overall tone of the story a deeper or a much relatable aesthetic; due to how the dialogue is conveyed. First-person monologue, gives closeness to the narrator, giving a sense of realism of the story. Now with The Year of Spaghetti, there are these abstract dictions and actions that the narrator speaks out

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and does that provide allusions to the idea of human isolation with the subtle undertones of fear. The connotations provided with the idea of spaghetti can be noted by many psychologist interpretations. It has been idealized that spaghetti has some symbolic meaning. To dreams, spaghetti is sought to provide the sense of preparedness, as to the act of making them, especially with the notion that cooking spaghetti is a very delicate processincluding the sauceand even the noodles themselves are delicate. To dream of eating spaghetti is synonymous with the idea of tangled relationships. Even then the sauce itself provides the metaphor for emotions, and a balance in negativity. ( Moving into brass-tax, the narrator speaks in 1st person narrative. There is this innocent yet insecure tone with him. The narrator mentions the Year of Spaghetti, but he mentions that cooking spaghetti is his life and that he lives to cook it, and thats the one great hope he has in his life. In retrospect by the first paragraph, theres that notion that there isnt much going for his life. On the contrary, further mentioning the idea of human isolation with the subtle undertones of fear, theres the sense that he uses the spaghetti to hide a deeper feeling. He blatantly mentions As a rule (178), giving the idea that spaghetti follow a certain parameter every time it is cooked and must be done this way; he mentions twice that he must eat it and enjoy it alone. He does say he expects to be alone, but he expects something subconsciously. I had the distinct feeling that somebody was about to knock on my door. (179) Does he want somebody to be there? The tone that he provides with the syntax, gives this subtle tone to sense he does. The idea of him expecting (using the word imagine) someone else is vague, as he never really

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identifies who he wants to be at his door. There is the chance that he indeed just ignored the door, as he states that the people that were at his door, hovered or slipped way (179). Even then, when a girl called his phone, he has stated My voice didnt sound like my own (181). Its gone to that point where he cant even recognize his own self. Hes found himself so isolated that hed lose enough human contact that hed forget how he sounded. Going back to the idea of spaghetti symbolism, theres no mentioning of cooking sauces. Spaghetti with sauce provides the metaphor for emotions and a balance in negativity. Ironically, theres no sauce mentioned. Therefore there is no balance with the idea of negativity; its all negative with him. The fact that this was all in 1st person perspective, a reader would want to listen. It gives the thought of empathy and with a shade of sympathy towards the narrator. Correlating the insecurities of the narrator, the thought of fear presides with him. He fears many things; but shows these fears in various subconscious acts of compensation. One way this is done is that the narrator addresses the cooking of spaghetti as a form of revenge (179). Based on that statement, it is still unidentifiable why the narrator said this. This was of spite. Revenge could be taken as a subtle subconscious form of self-affliction. He admits its a lonely act, but acting revenge on something nonexistent. He just cooked, and cooked to the point where its making him mad and vengeful. Now he also has this subconscious fear of rejection, which is quite common in people, especially with women. It is mentioned that he eats the spaghetti he has made, constantly throughout the story. Eating spaghetti provides allusion to the idea of a tangled relationship. Theres a relationship that he is certainly not fixing at the time. There was a girl that called up his phone, stated to be his friends ex-girlfriend. Now, he kept lying to

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her about cooking spaghetti, even though he has (181). The lie was already part of him. Thanks to that line, we can clearly idealize the fact that he has been cooking for the soul purpose of a lie that has turned true. Thanks to his constant rejection to opportunity and women, hes conjured the idea of having an imaginary pot with water, with his stove and imaginary match. With the ideal 1st person narration, it collectively provides the constant isolated relationship between him and his world. In summation, the constant retorts of point-of-view narration made by narrator have emphasized the point: it gives total uniqueness and relatable aesthetic. It provides the tone that gives us the idea of his individuality and closeness that a reader could empathize with or sympathize with. It is only then when the symbolic metaphors that spaghetti provides, does give deeper connotation to how and why the narrator acts in the certain way that he does.

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