General Assessment Criteria

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Mark Range 90 - 100 80 89 75 79 Letter Grade A+ AB+ CGPA 4.00 3.67 3.33 High Credit Grade Distinction Descriptors Work of outstanding merit The work meets all the criteria for distinction noted below in such an exceptional way and with such marked excellence that it deserves the highest level of recognition. Work of considerable merit The work shows all the positive qualities of the levels below, along with originality, intellectual inventiveness, and deep interpretative understanding. A comprehensive range of relevant literature is chosen and used appropriately. The work demonstrates critical and independent thinking, incisive argument and an appropriate conclusion based on a full analysis. Presentation is excellent in all respects with excellent referencing and bibliographical skills. Language is accurate and clear and contains very few errors. Work which demonstrates sound relevant knowledge The work displays convincing evidence of extensive understanding, thorough study and practice and the capacity to interpret and use materials flexibly. All major aspects of the question are taken into account with no notable omissions. There is clear evidence of ability to synthesize ideas, professionally and personally, and to produce critically aware material. A good standard of presentation is maintained, with effective use of headings, quotations, references and bibliographical skills. Language is intelligible at all times and contains no significant errors. Adequate/satisfactory work The work covers the main issues and demonstrates a reasonably sound grasp of the core/essential knowledge and practice involved and the capacity to manipulate it competently to meet the main requirements of the assignment. The work is conventional, straightforward, and, on balance presents a generally acceptable argument and conclusion. There is evidence that a core range of relevant literature has been consulted. Presentation is generally clear and appropriate with an acceptable range of quotations, references and bibliographical items. Language is generally clear and substantially correct with no serious or sustained miscommunication. Overall unacceptable level of work The work may contain varying levels of basic knowledge, understanding and relationships between points in the topic. However, it also contains some obvious and significant inadequacies in terms of content, relevance, logic and critical judgement/argument. These weaknesses reflect insufficient coverage of and familiarity with a range of relevant literature. Limited quotations and references are included in the text. Presentation and language are generally faulty with numerous errors which impede communication.

70 -74 65 69

B B-

3.00 2.67


60-64 55 59 50-54

C+ C C-

2.33 2.00 1.67





Marginal Pass

30-39 29 and below

D Fail E 0.00 Low Fail


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