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Continental J.

Education Research 4 (2): 29 - 32, 2011 Wilolud Journals, 2011 ` Printed in Nigeria

ISSN: 2141 - 4181

THE USE OF ICT IN TEACHING AND LEARNING OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION Okposio O. Collins Department of Physical and Health Education, College of Education, Agbor, Delta State ABSTRACT The emergence and use of information communication technology (ICT) in this century is a significant development affecting the teaching and learning of physical education and sport. Education is faced with a new dimension dominated by c-learning. For Physical educators, this trend is also reflected by the necessity to improve their teaching and methodology. The modem alternative is the use of ICT meant to increase accessibility to information and teaching process effectiveness. This paper highlights the use of ICT in the teaching of physical education and spoils. The use of ICT for teaching and learning has be summarized, in the following aspects: the needs for ICT, computer-motion analysis, internet, video analysis/conferencing, chatting and challenges. It is concluded that ICT use enormously improve teaching and learning of physical education and sport. Keywords: ICT in Physical Education (P.E.), Teaching and learning. INTRODUCTION The rapid growth of new technologies has added to the quest for improved teaching and learning methods. Teachers should be conscious of the quality of their teaching. Information and communication technology (ICT) are becoming increasingly pervasive in our modern society and a requirement for ideal means of teaching especially in the field of physical education (Zhang and Martinovic 2008). Information and communication technology (ICT) has a significant role in teaching and learning process as a tool. The use of ICT by learners offers a potential to enhance learning as all subjects as well as physical education. Teaching will get new dimensions, as lessons will be greatly enhanced by the technology tools. The uses of multimedia instructional tools will significantly enrich the teaching content that will become more dynamic and captivating (Gerad and Mathiot, 2000). With current advances globally in ICT, it is essential that physical educators have a thorough working knowledge of these media and their influences on the performance and engagement of their students. We are in an age driven by information and information dominated by digital technology. The digital technology has influence on all aspect of human life and physical education is not an exception. Educators have not generally come to a consensus on the definition of ICT as these technologies are undergoing changes almost on daily basis (Sansanwal, 2009). ICT may include but not limited to personal computers, laptops, printers, LCD projectors, palm devices, fax machines cell phones, digital cameras, internet and intranet. Now the technology is in the process of change from digital to photon. Shortly photon technology will be available for use by the society. Sansauwal (2000) defined information technology as the use of hardware and software for efficient management of information i.e storage, retrieval, processing, communication, diffusion and sharing of information for social, economical and cultural upliftment. It leads to the development of websites, government, corporate sector, educational institutions etc. It opens up a new source of information and reduces limitation of access to information. To use these ICT devices, users must be ICT compliant. It is the ability to use digital technology communication tools and networks appropriately to solve information problems in order to function in an information society. This includes the ability to use technology as a tool for research, organize, evaluate arid communicate information and the possession of a fundamental understanding of the ethical issues surrounding the access and use of information (Zhang and Martinovic 2008). This definition encompasses three areas of ICT proficiency: Cognitive, technical and social. By this prescription, it recognizes that in the technologically connected world, a teacher of physical education does not live in isolation and needs soil as well as hard skills to confidently, reliably and responsibly use ICT to enhance performing his duty. There is need for physical educators to use ICT for facilitating learning because it is related human development and physical education is related to learning through movement. Fundamentally, physical education aims at improving human performance and enhancing human development through selected physical activities meant to fulfill these outcomes (Deborah, Wuest and Bucher 1991, Stanescu 2009). Therefore, the physical education teacher must


Okposio O. Collins: Continental J. Education Research 4 (2): 29 - 32, 2011

consider these challenges as an ideal opportunity to raise physical education learning to a higher standard. This paper aims at highlighting ICT use in teaching and learning physical education. Need for using ICT in Physical Education ICT can be used to improve the quality of physical education programme. Physical education concerns activity science and movement education. ICT media such as videos digital camera, television and internet stores and transmits information on a range of physical activities such as aerobic dances, cycling, aquatics and athletics that are used to express and illustrate physical education lessons. Physical education benefits from integration of ICT in making lessons more natural and real. The use of ICT in physical education is becoming very important as it can make significant contribution in primary, secondary and tertiary institutions. This starts with knowledge and understanding of principles applicable when considering using and implementing ICT software and programs in teaching physical education. The questions physical educators may ask is whether ICT support practice in physical education. Is ICT use directly related to teaching and learning objective in physical education? Does the use of ICT allow students to achieve something that could not be done without it? Of relevance is an understanding that children are now born into a technology world where once a computer was a device to be used, technology is now a whole way of life and children are engaged with it from both where once computer application technology was an option is now a requirement. It is therefore necessary to recognize and apply ICT opportunities in everyday teaching. Examples include development of teacher ICT skills, use of information management systems and engagement in effective learning and teaching process. Sansanwal (2009) asserts that not a single teacher is capable of giving up to date and complete information in his own subject. The range of ICT mediums available can fill this gap because it can provide access to different sources of information. It provides comprehensive information in different formats with a variety of examples. Effective use of ICT improves the amount of information students retain through visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning channels in physical education all sport. Computer programmed spoils gives instructions and pictorial sequence of skills used in playing sports and simulations of skills and tactical formations in a variety of sports. Through appropriate use of ICT students are able to promote and develop ownership of their work and direction they choose to take. These have positive effects on their motivation and degree of enjoyment in their choice of learning style and promoting greater independence (Stanescu, Stanescu and Ciolca, 2011). Practical use of ICT in the teaching and learning of physical education Damme (2001) opines that the use of ICT in the learning process of physical education may not be a goal of its own but it is a tool with which to reach objectives. The following are the uses of ICT in learning physical education. Computer Computer is an electronic devise that has the capacity to store, retrieve and process both qualitative and quantitative information fast and accurately. Computers-we used to produce documents, lesson plans, to convert scores (Excel, word spss etc) management. It also involves video units PC heart rate monitor, remedy heart rate monitor and educational software. Computer also aid learning experiences when they are used for motion analysis. This involves using computer to examine the way learner moves and then determine ways in which this movement can be improved in a practical physical education class. This devise stresses how human motor abilities can be perfected and controlled. For example if you ask a softball pitcher how he/she throws a fastball, they may not be able to tell you. Motion analysis visually shows the rudiments and sequence of actions involved in arm, leg movements to enhance performance of skills. Video taped images are also transferred into computers. Special application software analyzes the images. It measures the exact angle at which the player s holding his or her arms and lags. The speed and efficiency of each movement is measured. When using images, the teachers, advantage consist in his possibility of making corrections as soon as pupils exercise is completed, which him to quickly progress and improves his learning. Other computer software such as the programmes Professional Evolution Soccer (PES) is sued to play games. Learners play, identify appreciate the skills, rules and evaluate officiating of the game.


Okposio O. Collins: Continental J. Education Research 4 (2): 29 - 32, 2011

Internet Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that promotes free flow of information by pocket switching using the standardized internet protocol suit (Singh, Devi and Raychandhury, 2009). It is a network that consist of millions of private and public academic business and government network of local global scope that are linked by copper wires, fiber-optic cables and wireless connections technologies. The internet provides various information resources and services which can be used by physical educators for teaching and learning. They include electronic mail, online chat, electronic transactions, bulletin board, file transfer and file sharing, online newspapers, arid journals, online gaming and inter linked hyper text documents and other resources of the worldwide web. Physical education teachers share experiences with other professionals via the internet which are integrated into teaching lessons. Students explore new knowledge as they surf the web for assignments, chat with fellow students and play games online. The internet can be used to maximize the effectiveness iii their learning process of physical education. Students have the possibility to email their questions or comments concerning their questions concerning issues in health and audition fitness, physical education programmes, courses to their physical education teachers and academic staff. Internet is used access a machining list of professionals in the same area of study. A user sends an email message to Ike mailing list which is broadcast to other users for accessing current information. Examples are the sports philosophy and Questia lists. Chat through the Internet Interactive chat improves communication with experts and colleagues and community members. Chat allows fellow physical educators to simultaneously communicate publicly on your website, internet, extranet. Team members, class and course mates from different locations can easily conduct on line meetings. Colleagues gather together to intimate groups and discuss issues related to physical educations. They could gather in large online events to interact with experts celebrities, instructors, coaches and teachers can assess chat groups on particular academic issues in physical education and sports. Video Conferencing It allows two or more people at different locations to see and hear each other at the sometime. The communication technology offers new possibilities for sport colleges, libraries including formal instruction to share strategies for coaching sport skills. A very attractive multimedia tool determining students enthusiastic participation in physical education lessons is represented by the audio aids. Direct or indirect aids such as drums, piano respectively. Radio cassette recorder equipped with CD/DVD can be used to reline the movement pace and get students familiarized, with some sonorous competitive conditions. The digital camera use in the instructive educative process allows a quick verification of students placement and posture, being at the same time a very good mean to stress body segment positions when performing sonic motor elements. These are the potentials in ICE that can be used to enhance teaching and learning of physical education. Challenges of ICT using Physical Education Although ICT has attractive potentials for improving teaching of physical education, it also has challenges especially in developing nations of the world. Stanescu et al (2011) reports that it will be a big setback if physical education are not ICT compliant. The reports indicate that many do not still appreciate the use of ICT in teaching and learning and complaint. Nowadays, it is uncommon to see physical education computers in classroom and on sport playground. These could be either ignorance of ICT use or affordability of ICT devices. Similarly most educational institution in Nigeria are not providing enough funds for equipping schools with ICT devices. However, Sansanwal, (2009), and Stanescu et al (2011) observes that ICT devices are becoming more and more mobile and affordable and this could eventually turn into a reality making the study of human movement in physical education a reality. Other challenges include the availability of regular power supply, staff training and development on ICT softwares; assessing softwares and packages for teachers. Other challenges include crashing of computers corruption of files. CONCLUSION Physical education essentially requires the performing physical activity. This is associated with the development of motor skill. Physical education within the school system requires time, facility space and interactive lesson plans. ICT provides access to information, compresses information, motivate learners, and connect learners to


Okposio O. Collins: Continental J. Education Research 4 (2): 29 - 32, 2011

teachers and teacher to theft colleagues. There are nowadays many available technological innovations that could be inserted into the physical education lesson. The visual physical education lesson is essentially based on the connected learning environment which uses ICT that are networked in structure. Physical education should avail themselves of these ICT opportunities to make their lesson more real and dynamic. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. ICT should be integrated into the physical education teacher education curriculum. 2. The computer and internet use related programmes should be integrated into primary and secondary school curriculum to enhance students use of ICT. 3. Employers of labour should make computer literacy requirement for employment for physical education teachers. 4. In-service training on computer literacy should be organized periodically for teachers of physical education. 5. Institutions of learning should provide computer and internet facilities for use by physical education teachers. REFERENCES Damme, G.V. (2001). The new physical education and port Dimensions Sportapolis October. Deborah, A.; Wuest, C. and Bueher, A. (1991). Foundations of physical Education and Sport. St. Louis, Missouri, Mosby Year Book. Gerard, L. and Mathiot, D. (2000). Techniques audiovisuelles et Multimedia. Tomes L et 2 Dunod, Paris. Sansanwal, D.N. (2000). Information Technology and Higher Education. UNIVERSITY NEWS. 3 8(46). Sansanwal, D.N. (2009). Use of ICT in Teaching-Learning and Evaluation. Central institute of Education Technology, New Delhi NCERT. Singh, R.K.J., Devi T.M. and Raychandhury, A. (2009). Use of internet based c-resources at Manipur University: A Survey. Annals of Library and Information Studies. Vol 56 March pp. 52-57. Stanescu, M. (2009). Didactica educatiei: ANEFS. Stanescu, M.; Stoicescu, M. and Ciolca, C. (2011). Computer use in Physical Education and Sport Teaching. The 7th International Scientific Conference e-learning and software for education Bucharest, April. Zhang, Z. and Martinovie, D. (2008). ICT in Teacher Education: Examining needs expectations and attitudes. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology. 34(2) Spring Printemps. Received for Publication: 15/08/2011 Accepted for Publication: 22/10/2011


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