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Detailed Lesson Plan in English III

I. Objectives Within the allotted time, the Grade III pupils are expected with at least 75 % to perform the following: a. identify the adjectives used in the sentence II. Subject Matter A. Topic B. Reference

: Using Adjectives : BEC III , 7, 7-1 , English Language Text, pp. 143-149 Reading Text, pp. 135-141 C. Materials : Pictures D. Values Integration: cooperation

III. Procedure ( Inductive Method ) A. Preparation 1. Opening Prayer 2. Checking of Attendance 3. Checking of Assignments 4. Review/Recap of discussion 5. Spelling Drill beautiful expensive intelligent strong yellow B. Motivation 1. Showing of pictures 2. Asking the pupils to give their observations from the given pictures. 3. Make sentence out of it. C. Presentation 1. To further understand the topic, we will read a paragraph but before that I would like you to have an idea of what is our topic today. 2. Let them think of the topic based on the spelled words and the observations that theyre made out from the pictures. ( Adjectives ) 3. Unlock the meaning of Adjectives. 4. The spelled words as examples.

5. Let them give their own examples of adjectives. 6. This time, I will tell you a story about Myrna. Myrna is living far from her school. Everyday, she walks for almost an hour just to reach the school. Before going to school, she prepares sweet fruits and delicious food for her lunch. When she reach school, she hurriedly clean their big room and arrange their little chairs. Myrna is an intelligent girl. She strives hard in her studies and develop strong personality and proper discipline. When she arrives home, she waters their beautiful flowers and feeds her cute puppies. Myrna is a very obedient and a hardworking girl. Guide Questions: 1. What did Myrna do in school/ home? 2. What are the characteristics does Myrna possesses? 3. Do you like the attitude of Myrna?Why? 4. Do you have the same characteristics / attitude like Myrna? How good are you to the people/ things around you? 5. What could be a good title of the paragraph? D. Application Direction: Group yourselves into four. Write the adjectives in the manila paperthat are mentioned in the story. The first group to finish and give the accurate answers will earn the highest point. Each group is given two minutes to answer. Possible answers: far intelligent obedient sweet strong hardworking delicious proper big beautiful little cute IV. Evaluation Direction: Underline the adjectives in the sentence and encircle the words it modifies/describes. 1. Martha is an honest girl. 2. They were dancing on the huge stadium last night. 3. My mother is preparing nutritious desserts. 4. I bought an orange bag yesterday. 5. She is eating ripe mangoes. V. Assignment In your assignment notebook, construct sentences from the describing words below. 1. brave 2. small 3. helpful 4. tiny 5. pretty

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