Highland County Eagle Sightings Summer June 1 - July 31, 2007

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June 1, 2007
Time: 0900 bald eagle Carol Bandy VA 640 at VA 639 on Bandy farm Immature BAEA with white in tail, but not head
2 Immature and mottled, flushed from carcass on Bandy
bald eagle
2 Time: 1800 adult Andrew Luther Over Potomac River in Blue Grass
Valley between VA 641 & VA639
Adult BAEA flew north along the Potomac
River between Ruckman and Snyder lanes
June 2, 2007
Time: 0900 bald eagle Andrew Luther Between Potomac River & VA 640
2 adult about 0.5 mile south of VA 639

5 Time:1115 & 1127

bald eagle
Edmund Hevener,
Sandy Hevener West side US 220 5.4 miles south
Adult BAEA perched in tree over Jackson
adult of Monterey
June 4, 2007
Time: 0835 bald eagle Keith Carson West side US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree near Jackson
5 adult of Monterey River.

7 Time: 0845 bald eagles (2)

Keith Carson East side of US 220 at transmission
line 13.4 miles south of Monterey
Both immature BAEA perched a few feet apart
in the same tree next to Jackson River.
one dark head
one whitish head
June 5, 2007
Time: 1300 Bald eagles (2) Mitchell Byrd, Bob Cole, Nest # 2 HI-06-01 Both eagles at Nest #2
X Adult Linda Cole

4 Time: 1315 bald eagle

Mitchell Byrd, Bob Cole,
Linda Cole
US 220 at VA 642 Adult BAEA flew over.

June 6, 2007
Time: 1100 bald eagle Mitchell Byrd, Bob Cole, VA 643, Hevener Lane Adult BAEA flew from road.
1 adult Linda Cole

5 Time: 1400 bald eagle

Mitchell Byrd, Bob Cole,
Linda Cole
West side US 220 5.4 miles south
of Monterey
Adult BAEA perched in tree near Jackson
June 7, 2007
Time: 0730 bald eagles (2) John Chaney West of VA 678 about 1 mile and Two juvenile BAEA near pond.
fledglings mottled north of McDowell about 1.8 miles
under wings, brown
on top, white
downy feathers
Time: 0840 bald eagles (2) Keith Carson East side of US 220 at transmission Adult and immature BAEA perched in tree near
7 adult line 13.4 miles south of Monterey Jackson River.

June 8, 2007
Time: 0850 Bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 at transmission Immature bald eagle perched in tree by
7 adult line 13.4 miles south of Monterey Jackson River.

4 Time: 1600 golden eagle-

Val Kitchens Edge of Blue Grass Valley near
river and north of VA 642 seen from
Adult GOEA soaring over Brushy Mt.

Ginseng Mt. Rd.

4 Time: 1600 bald eagle Val Kitchens East side of US 220 at Ginseng Mt. Adult BAEA flew north parallel to US 220,
adult Road flapping, not soaring as bird above.

June 9, 2007
Time: 1100 bald eagle Val Kitchens Fire Road 55 south of Paddy’s Adult BAEA flew over and out of sight.
adult Knob on VA-WV line
V June 10, 2007
Time: 0930 golden eagle Edmund Hevener North side of VA 642 about 0.3 mile This bird was perched in a snag and holding a
1 adult west of VA 640 on Crummett farm large clump of grass in its beak. It remained
perched as the observer drove past. This was
^ a solid golden eagle with absolutely no lighter
color visible. This bird was about 1.5 miles
west of the suspect golden eagle nest
discovered July 1, 2007.
1 Time: 1508 golden eagle Sandy Hevener, Northern Blue Grass Valley and Adult GOEA flew very quickly north across VA
Adult Edmund Hevener south side of Snowy Mountain 642 and then VA 644. When it got to the foot of
Snowy Mt., it started circling and slowly rose in
a thermal until very high and out of sight.

2 Time: 1715 bald eagle Edmund Hevener Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Adult BAEA feeding on something in hay
adult 2.4 miles north of US 250 meadow.
June 12, 2007
Time: 1630 bald eagle Keith Carson West side US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree by Jackson River.
5 adult of Monterey
June 13, 2007
Time: 0815 bald eagle Amory Mellon West side US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in snag near the Jackson
5 adult of Monterey River.

5 Time: 1811 bald eagle

Sandy Hevener West side US 220 5.3 miles south
of Monterey
Fledgling flew up from west shoulder of road
and flew west barely above the trees on bank.
June 14, 2007
Time: 1530-1620 bald eagle Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Adult BAEA ate carrion in hay meadow north of
2 adult 2.4 miles north of US 250 two large maple trees

7 Time: 1640 bald eagles (2) Keith Carson East side of US 220 at transmission Two immature BAEA perched in same tree by
immature line 13.4 miles south of Monterey the Jackson River.

2 Time: 1715-1730 same bald eagle Sandy Hevener, Same as above Same adult BAEA ate carrion in same place
Edmund Hevener
Same adult BAEA perched in large maple tree
2 Time: 1730-1800 same bald eagle Sandy Hevener, Same as above next to hay meadow fence. This eagle looks a
Edmund Hevener lot like a small (male?) 4-year-old that visited
this meadow last summer and photographed
with five immature BAEA on July 31, 2007.
June 15, 2007
2 Time: 0715 and off
& on all a.m.
bald eagle
Sandy Hevener,
Edmund Hevener
Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 -
2.4 miles north of US 250
Adult BAEA walking around hay meadow and
feeding on carrion. The hay was cut and on

2 Time: 2015 bald eagle Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Eagle flew out of maple tree 100 yards west of
adult 2.4 miles north of US 250 house and flew west when observer
approached to open gate for sheep..
June 16, 2007
Time: 1820 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 at transmission Late immature BAEA perched in tree by the
7 late immature line 13.4 miles south of Monterey Jackson River
June 18, 2007
Time: 1300 bald eagle Doug Puffenbarger VA 637 0.1 mile north of US 250 Adult BAEA eating groundhog in front of Jerry
adult Shifflett’s house.
June 19, 2007
Time: 0645- ? bald eagle Edmund Hevener, Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Adult BAEA perched in maple tree 100 yards
2 adult Sandy Hevener 2.4 miles north of US 250 behind house.

bald eagle Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Adult BAEA perched in maple tree 100 yards
Time: 2014
2 adult 2.4 miles north of US 250 behind house. It perched, silhouetted in
evening mist and flew west away from
observer when she opened a gate.
June 21,2007
Time: 0715 bald eagle Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Observer first noticed adult BAEA perched in
2 until? adult 2.4 miles north of US 250 the usual maple tree at 0715 and it was gone
when she went to let sheep out at 0830.

June 23. 2007 bald eagle Keith Carson, Polly Blue Grass Valley west side of VA Young BAEA with diagonal light bars on wing
2 Time: 0948 fledgling (most Newlon 640 & VA 637 intersection. undersurface flew over cornfield and then flew
likely) off to the southwest up the valley.
June 26, 2007
2 Time: 0715-0840 bald eagle Sandy Hevener, Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 - Adult BAEA perched in usual maple tree while
adult Edmund Hevener 2.4 miles north of US 250 observer worked in garden. It remained
perched when she went to let sheep out until
the sheep and observer were halfway to the
perch tree. It flew west-northwest.
June 27, 2007
5 Time: 0830 bald eagle Amory Mellon West side US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA perched in tree.
adult of Monterey
June 29, 2007
2 Time: 0900 bald eagle Andrew Luther Between Potomac River & VA 640 Adult BAEA perched in dead locust tree.
adult about 0.5 mile south of VA 639
Time: 1650-1830
2 bald eagle
Edmund Hevener,
Sandy Hevener
Blue Grass Valley west of VA 637 -
2.4 miles north of US 250
Adult BAEA perched in usual maple tree. It
flew west when observer walked up lane to let
sheep in. This time she did not fly until
observer started to open gate at end of lane.
June 30, 2007
2 Time: 0630-0819 bald eagle(2) Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west side of VA Female adult BAEA perched in usual maple
adults M & F 640 & VA 637 intersection. tree. Observer notices male perched 5 feet
PHOTOS above it at 0803. When she walked up lane to
let sheep out, both remained perched until she
opened the gate. Then the male flew west and
female continued perching. When observer got
back to house the female had flown.

July 1, 2007 bald eagle Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west side of VA Adult BAEA on ground behind Ivan
2 Time: 1400-1430 adult 637 about 2.5 miles north of US
Puffenbarger’s silo fed on groundhog. It flew
when someone shot at another groundhog well
west of the eagle.

Time:1910-1045 bald eagles (2) Sandy Hevener Blue Grass Valley west side of VA Second year BAEA fed on same groundhog as
2 2nd year
hatch year
637 about 2.5 miles north of US
above. A birddog pointed and barked at it and
it flew northwest and below crest of low hill. It
returned at 1950 and a hatch year BAEA
joined it at 2003. At 2005 the second year
BAEA flew west. The hatch year BAEA
continued to feed until almost dark. It allowed a
crow to feed on the groundhog with it.
July 2, 2007
2 Time: 0630 bald eagle Edmund Hevener West of VA 637 about 100 yards Agitated adult BAEA perched in usual maple
adult and 2.4 miles north of US 250 tree 1000 yards behind house was very vocal.
Observer did not see the cause of its agitation.
A fox squirrel has a den in this tree.
Time: 1600 bald eagle Andrew Luther 5893 Blue Grass Valley Rd. Same Adult BAEA perched on post.
2 adult as VA 640 about 3.5miles north of
US 250

bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in usual tree by the
Time: 1710 adult Monterey 5.4 miles Jackson River.
July 3, 2007
5 Time: 0900 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched over Jackson River in
adult Monterey 5.4 miles tree just north of the usual tree.
July 7, 2007
2 Time: 1000 bald eagle Carol Bandy West of VA 640 between VA 639 Immature BAEA perched in snag across from
immature and VA 637 Jordan’s driveway
golden eagle Keith Powell VA 600, Upper Back Creek near GOEA circled over pond for about five minutes,
Time: 1030
old Hal Walker farm then flew west toward Bear Mountain and out
of sight.

bald eagles (2) Keith Powell VA 600, Upper Back Creek near Two BAEA circled over the pond for at least 5-
Time: 1530 old Hal Walker farm 7minutes. They eventually flew east over Lantz
July 8, 2007
7 Time: 1130 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of 220 south of Monterey Immature BAEA perched in usual tree near
immature 13.4 miles transmission line next to Jackson River.
July 9, 2007
Time: morning bald eagle Les Kodger, Lisa VA 631 south of VA 629 about 0.2 Adult BAEA flewover Kodger hous to pond
adult Kodger mile south of it. It perched and then flew to a
second pond.

golden eagle Pen Goodall One mile east of US 250 & Collin’s Adult GOEA flew over Goodall house and then
10 Time: 1300 adult Run (Goodall driveway) flew over Tamarack, then SW toward the
Camp Alleghany Battlefield.
July 10, 2007
5 Time: 0930 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in usual tree over
adult Monterey 5.4 miles Jackson River.

7 Time: 0940
bald eagle
Keith Carson East side of 220 south of Monterey
13.4 miles
Adult BAEA perched in tree adjacent to tree
where osprey perched.
Time: 1720 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of 220 south of Monterey Immature BAEA perched in usual tree near
7 adult 13.4 miles transmission line next to Jackson River.
Time: 1735
bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in usual tree by the
adult Monterey 5.4 miles Jackson River.
July 11, 2007
2 Time: 0615 bald eagle Sandy Hevener West of VA 637 about 100 yards Third year BAEA perched in same tree on the
3rd. year and 2.4 miles north of US 250 same limb on the upper south side of the tree
as a two-year old used off & on last summer.
Two adult BAEA have been using this tree, but
both, whether singularly or together always
perch on a limb on the north side of the tree at
a slightly lower spot.
5 Time: 0922 bald eagle Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in white oak tree south of
adult Monterey 5.5 miles the usual tree near the end of the cleared

4 Time: late a.m. bald eagles (2)

Debora Ellington 0.75 mile west of US 220 and 6
miles north of Monterey
Two fledgling BAEA perched in tree on
Ginseng Mt. behind Ellington house.
2nd fledgling or 2nd

2 Time: 1630 bald eagle Andrew Luther 5893 Blue Grass Valley Rd. Same
adult as VA 640 about 3.5miles north of
US 250
July 12, 2007
Time: 0930 eagle Patti Reum East side of VA 640 one mile south Eagle flew low, hunting over field
species not of Blue Grass
July 16, 2007
Time: 0845 bald eagle Keith Carson US 220 about 16 miles south of Immature BAEA flew southerly near road. It
immature Monterey appeared to be heading toward the Jackson
River and Little Mountain.

bald eagle Andrew Luther 5893 Blue Grass Valley Rd. Same
2 Time:0730 adult as VA 640 about 3.5miles north of
US 250
July 17, 2007
5 Time: 0900 bald eagle Keith Carson US 220 south of Monterey 5.3 miles Adult BAEA perched in tree about 100 yards
adult east of road north of usual tree.
July 18, 2007
5 Time: 0830 bald eagle Amory Mellen East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in usual tree.
adult Monterey 5.4 miles

5 Time: 0835
bald eagle
Rick Lambert East side of US 220 south of
Monterey 5.4 miles
Adult BAEA perched in tree over Jackson
bald eagle Keith Carson East side of VA 640 about 0.25 mile Adult BAEA perched in tree near driveway to
Time: 0730 adult south of US 250 Morganna Farm.

bald eagle Andrew Luther 5893 Blue Grass Valley Rd. Same Immature BAEA perched.
2nd year immature
2 Time: 0830-0930
as VA 640 about 3.5miles north of
US 250
July 19, 2007
2 Time: 0715 bald eagle Sandy Hevener West of VA 637 about 100 yards Adult BAEA perched in usual tree. This bird
adult- female and 2.4 miles north of US 250 looks like the female from a pair and is
perched on the same lower limb she uses
when the male perches above her.

5 Time: 0720 bald eagle

Keith Carson East side of US 220 south of
Monterey 5.4 miles
Adult BAEA perched in usual tree near
Jackson River.

Time: noon bald eagle Brian Richardson US 220 southern edge of Monterey Adult BAEA investigating something on edge
adult near Moat’s Electronics. of road flew lazily to nearby field.

5 Time: 1725 bald eagles (3) Keith Carson East side of US 220 5.4 miles south Two adult BAEA perched five feet apart in tree
2 adult of Monterey by Jackson River. When observer parked the
fledgling car, one stayed perched and theother flew
southwest,turned more west and flew across
the road and out of sight. After observer took
photos a very young BAEA flew from the south
along the river, past the adult and the birds
exchanged vocalizations. The young eagle
then perched in a tree about 100 yards north of
the adult.
July 20, 2007 East side of US 220 5.4 miles south Adult BAEA flew low, about 10 feet above river
5 Time: 1045 bald eagle Keith Carson of Monterey just north of the usual perch tree. Observer
adult waited 10 minutes and the eagle came back to
the perch tree and landed on the usual limb. It
was quite windy and observer could see the
eagle’s head feathers ruffling in the wind and
observe red about 30 minutes and the eagle
remained perched the entire time.
July 22, 2007 Immature GOEA flew up from the ground in a
3 Time: 1530 golden eagle Keith Carson VA 640 about 1 miles north of US farm field just south of Pisgah church on Rt.
immature 84, just south of Pisgah Church 640. As we drove up next to where the birds
flew up from (in a fenced pasture about 100 ft
from road on west side of road) the eagle and
a raven flew up from nearby spots on the
ground. When we got just opposite where they
were and slowed to look there was a turkey
vulture still on the ground near where the eagle
and raven flew up from, picking at something
we couldn't see. The two white wing patches
and white base of tail were clearly visible on
the eagle as it flew up from the ground. We lost
sight of the eagle after it flew, but it appeared
to depart in a southwesterly direction.
July 24, 2007
Time: 1221 Bald eagle Rick Lambert Clover Creek Ford approx. 7 miles Immature BAEA flew over river.
immature south of McDowell
July 25, 2007
Time: midday Bald eagles (3) Edmund Hevener Behind Blue Grass Post Office The adults and immature were together behind
2 adults the post office.
1 immature

bald eagles (7) Carol Bandy 200 yards west of VA 840 at VA Two adult and 5 immature BAEAs feeding on
2 Time: 1800 2 adults 639 sheep carcass.
5 immature

2 Time: 1710-1720 bald eagles (2)

Edmund Hevener,
Sandy Hevener
100 yards east of VA 637 and south
of Doug Puffenbarger house 2.4
Adult BAEA flew into sinkhole and second
adult BAEA flew in two minutes later. Both
miles north of US 250 were on the ground below the lip of sinkhole.
After about 10 minutes a TV flew in. After
watching for 30 minutes observers never saw
any birds leave the sinkhole.

bald eagles (5) Carol Bandy 200 yards west of VA 840 at VA Five immature BAEAs feeding on sheep
Time: 1900
2 5 immature 639 carcass.

July 26, 2007

2 Time: 0815 bald eagles (5) Carol Bandy 200 yards west of VA 840 at VA Five immature BAEA feeding on sheep
5 immature 639 carcass.

2 Time: 0845-0915
eagles (5)
Sandy Hevener 200 yards west of VA 640 at VA
Immature BAEAs on ground, flying in and out
of maple tree, fighting on ground, feeding on
3 fledgling bald sheep carcass. The golden fledgling perched
eagles in snag 100 yards south of carcass. It’s solid
1 2nd. year bald broad white tail band and dark band on bottom
eagle of tail was clearly visible. It perched about 15
1 fledgling golden minutes before flying to ground near carcass.
eagle One of the fledgling BAEA remained perched
on a fence post most of the time and a second
later perched on a different post west of it. The
eagles kept flying in and out of the maple tree
south of carcass making it hard to get an
accurate count. Photo of five bald eagles on
the ground at one time and the golden
July 27, 2007
2 Time: 0730 bald eagles (2) Andrew Luther 5893 Blue Grass Valley Rd. Same Two adult BAEA perched in tree
adults as VA 640 about 3.5miles north of
US 250

bald eagle Sandy Hevener On Ginseng Mountain south of VA Fledgling BAEA flew in and perched in snag in
Time: 0830
4 PHOTO 626 about 0.7 mile west of VA 220 open area of hill behind Ellington house. It
Immature fledgling flew away in about five minutes. A canal flows
at the bottom of the hill and the Potomac River
flows below it to the north.

Fourth year BAEA, possible female, perched in

2 Time: 1700 bald eagle
near adult, 4th year
Sandy Hevener West of VA 637 0.5 mile and 2.4
miles north of US 250
center branch of maple tree. This is a different
branch than ones used by the 5-year old male
female? and adult female pair or the three year old
Time: 0730
2 bald eagles (2) Andrew Luther 5893 Blue Grass Valley Rd. Same One adult BAEA perched in tree and second
adults as VA 640 about 3.5miles north of flew over. They exchanged vocalizations and
US 250 the second then came in and perched.

July 29, 2007

2 Three feathers- Sandy Hevener West of VA 637 0.5 mile and 2.4 Feathers were near dead groundhog and close
2 eagle body miles north of US 250 to an eagle perch tree in Hevener hay
feathers meadow, in a dip where not visible from house,
1 golden eagle near rock pile.
immature, body
feather (fledgling?)
July 30, 2007
5 Time: 0830 bald eagle Amory Mellon East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in usual tree over
adult Monterey 5.4 miles Jackson River.
golden eagle Larry Bandy VA 640 at VA 639 Golden eagle with white tail and dark head flew
Time: early a.m. Immature, possibly close over observer. Its tail was white with dark
2 fledgling trailing band but sun through tail made it
impossible to be sure white solid white and just
not able to see markings of a second year.

Bald eagle Sandy Hevener, 0.5 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 Adult BAEA perched in center of maple tree
Time: 1705 Adult (female?) Edmund Hevener miles north of US 250 directly below her usual limb during downpour.
2 When the rain stopped at 1735, she left.

Dark eagle flew very low over alfalfa, corn

eagle Sandy Hevener 0.75 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 fields to north from area of perch tree. It flew
Time: 1830 dark, markings not miles north of US 250 with effort at tree level and disappeared into
2 visible woods beyond fields. Its tail was not visible

bald eagle Sandy Hevener, 0.75 mile west of VA 637 and 2.4 Adult BAEA perched on female’s limb in ususal
2 adult (female?) Edmund Hevener miles north of US 250 maple tree.
Time: 1915 bald eagle Tom Brody VA 640 north of US 84 near Boesch Adult BAEA perched in tree near road then
3 adult residence flew east.

Time: 1945 eagles (2) Carol Bandy West side of VA 640 at VA 639 Both on ground, couldn’t see tail of darker
2 bald
immature with bold

dark eagle, couldn’t
see tail
July 31, 2007
5 Time: 0745 Bald eagles (2) Rick Lambert East side of US 220 south of Two adult BAEA perched in usual tree over
adults Monterey 5.4 miles Jackson River. One was eating something and
the second just perched.

5 Time: 0810 bald eagle Amory Mellon East side of US 220 south of Adult BAEA perched in usual tree over
adult Monterey 5.4 miles Jackson River.

1 Time: 1130 Eagles (7) Keith Carson About 0.5 mile north of VA 644 All seven eagles were on the wing. The three
3 immature bald halfway between VA 640 & VA 643 immature BAEA circled just north of Carson
eagles, one with on Carson-Newlon property on the property on Snowy Mt. They appeared to be
white patch under south side of Snowy Mt. playing by diving at each other and lifting their
wings and curious talons. Observer watched them circle for 20
white patch in the minutes. The second group of eagles flew over
middle of tail the property in a northern direction and
3 dark eagles, no disappeared in the distance over Lantz Mt.
specific markings,
possible golden

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