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ENG555 Network Simulation and Design Techniques Assignment 2012-2013.

WARNING: This assignment has been written so that there is not one single correct answer; there are only correct methodologies. It is important that you develop your investigative ability during the assignment. You must attend all taught sessions so that you receive constant FEEDBACK on your ideas so that you can improve them. If you cannot make it to a laboratory session it is courteous to email Dr. Nick Savage an apology. Failure to attend sessions may affect your ability to effectively explore the problem space and the ease with which you use OpNet.

Problem Statement: Interactive videoconferencing, cloud based storage and immersive games/virtual worlds are all applications that are envisaged to increase in usage in the next few years. The purchase of Skype by Microsoft at a higher than market value and the Skype functionality that has been included in the new Windows Surface tablet indicates an expectation of strong growth in videoconferencing. There are an increased number of suppliers of online backup services (such as BackupDirect) and many devices now ship with cloud functionality (an example being the Nexus tablet). The growth of online virtual worlds (such as Secondlife) and online gaming (such as the Call of Duty series) continues; registration for online virtual worlds increased from 1 to 1.5 billion from 2010 to 2011. You are to investigate the use of QoS techniques (particularly Differentiated Services) in aiding the perceived quality of the network service that can be provided to customers using Interactive videoconferencing, cloud based storage and immersive games/virtual worlds. In order to do this, you should produce a model of a typical link across the network for each of these applications and a model of the traffic generated by these applications. You can then compare the performance of the network when using QoS techniques and when treating all traffic as Best Effort. Tasks 1 Measure traffic/find a traffic model for each of the applications. 2 Build a test network (decide upon the number of nodes, number of users, the background traffic, and the network cabling infrastructure). 3 After building the test network add the traffic from the new application. 4 Identify the effect of using the QoS technique.

ENG555 Network simulation and design techniques

Academic Year 2012-13

Page 2 of 4

This assignment is to be completed individually. You must submit a soft copy of your report (in PDF th or Word format) using Moodle by 3:30pm Wednesday 27 February 2013. Expected deliverables from each individual; 1. A report. The maximum number of words is 2000. It is unacceptable to submit a report of more than 2000 words (not including, contents, references and appendices). The contents of your report must be; Title Page Containing unit title and your student number. Contents Page Listing the contents of your report. Introduction Short introduction reviewing the project. Literature Review A 500 (maximum) word literature review. Methodology You must provide details of your methodology (how you will collect data and how you will use that data). Simulation Configuration You must give details of any important design decisions. You must document any assumptions you have made for the simulation. Findings List your findings and results for each stage of the network development. Conclusion A maximum of 150 words concluding your findings and their significance. Appendix Details of any calculations and test scenarios that you have conducted to support your simulation. You report must use font size 11 or 12, the paragraphs must be justified and the font can be Arial, Times New Roman or Calibri. You must use single line spacing. Each section and sub-section heading should be numbered (1.0, 2.1, 3.0, 4.4. etc) and each figure or table should be labelled according to the primary section (1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc) not the subsection. For example, Table 2.1 is the first table in section 2, Table 4.6 is the sixth table in section 4, Figure 3.7 is the seventh figure in Section 3. Referencing can be either Harvard APA or IEEE style. You must spellcheck your report before submission. Indicative Reading Includes
Won, Y., Hong, J., Choi, M., Hwang, C., Yoo, J. (2008). Measurement of Download and Play and Streaming IPTV Traffic, IEEE Communications Magazine, 46(10), 154-161. Choi, J., Kawk, S.-H., Lim, M.-J., Chae, T., Shim, B.-K., Yoo, J.-H. (2010). Service Traffic Management System for Multiservice IP Networks: Lessons Learned and Applications, IEEE Communications Magazine, 48(4), 58-65. Mathieu, B., Paris, P., (2009). A Topology-Aware P2P Video Streaming System, Global Information Infrastructure Symposium, 1-8. Li, T. (1999). MPLS and the Evolving Internet Architecture, IEEE Communications Magazine, 37(12), 58-65. st Yang, P., Luo, W., Xu, L., Deogun, J., Lu, Y. (2011). TCP Congestion Avoidance Algorithm Identification, 31 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, 310-321. Filsfils, C., Evans, J. (2005). Deploying DiffServ in Backbone Network for Tight SLA Control, IEEE Internet Computing, 9(1), 58-65. Meddeb, A. (2010). Internet QoS: Pieces of the Puzzle, IEEE Communications Magazine, 48(1), 86-94. Stankiewicz, R., Cholda, P., Jajszczyk, A., (2011). QoX: What is it Really, IEEE Communications Magazine, 49(4), 148-158. Floyd, S., Paxson, V. (2001). Difficulties in Simulating the Internet, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 9(4), 392-403. Roberts, L.G. (2009). A Radical New Router, IEEE Spectrum Magazine, 46(7), 30-35.

ENG555 Network simulation and design techniques

Academic Year 2012-13

Page 3 of 4

Pass 80-100% 70-79% 60-69% 50-59% 40-49%

(as below, and) Exemplary work that provides novel analysis and extends and develops arguments and recommendations. Expressed with flair and precision and characterised by intellectual rigour and originality. (as below, and) Shows original thinking in critical examination of key issues. Comprehensively argued and proved through thorough simulation. (as below, and) Provide a clear, balanced, coherent and rigorous analysis. Detailed understanding of knowledge and theory is expressed with clarity and interest. (as below, and) Provides a detailed review of pertinent issues. Demonstrates a thorough knowledge of relevant theory and methods and uses this to underpin arguments and conclusions. Demonstrates a grasp of key concepts and technology, a familiarity with simulations and an understanding of relevant theoretical and methodological issues. A logical structure enables pertinent evidence to be reviewed and evaluated and clear recommendations to be reached. Some knowledge of relevant concepts and technology, but with significant gaps. Little attempt at evaluation and an inadequate structure. Analysis, recommendations and conclusions are vague, ambiguous and not clearly derived from evidence and argument. Failure to grasp basic knowledge and concepts. Misunderstanding of key ideas. Use of simplistic arguments and absence of theory. Lack of analysis, recommendations and conclusions. Poor structure, badly presented and poorly expressed.

Fail 30-39%


Presentation 0 1-3 4-5 6-7 7-8 9 10 A word is spelt incorrectly that should have been found with a spell checker, a consistent lack of the use of paragraphs and sentences, any use of i rather than I. Common misspelling of words such as whether and weather and there and their, inaccurate capitalisation of the first letter of nouns rather than proper nouns, inaccurate use of units (mbps rather than Mbps). Common lack of the correct use of the apostrophe indicating possessive rather than plural, common use of the wrong words, there is a different in the use of rather than there is a difference in the use of. Not referring to tables and figures in the report. Consistent inaccurate use of the comma. Very few mistakes and written in the first person. Very few mistakes, written in the third person and no use of colloquial English.

ENG555 Network simulation and design techniques

Academic Year 2012-13

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