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Ipsum Dolor

Issue #, Date

March 2013

Iron Man 3
This months issue is an Iron Man 3 special, featuring an exclusive feature on the movie, as well as Which Superhero Are You, a look at how much money Marvel movies have made, and our WORLD EXCLUSIVE honest posters: Iron Man special!

The Incredible Burt Wonderstone

We take a look at one of the biggest comedies of the year, starring Steve Carell and Jim Carrey as rival magicians

Welcome to Movie Taco!

Our editor ponders superheroes and more
Thanks for opening this edition of Movie Taco! Im Lucien, the editor of this magazine and the webmaster of BuzzHub. And, if you particularly enjoy my cinematic musings (I write all the reviews in this mag also), you can hear me discuss everything from Batman to Badminton on the two podcasts I host- The Jimmy and Luke Show and Movie Taco, both of which are available now on BuzzHub and are released regularly. This months cover star is Iron Man, in my opinion, one of the best superheroes around. I mean, Superman can fly, sure, but he never makes jokes! Batman is a bit of a nerd (have you ever seen him in bed with a lady?) Thor is too ego-centric, and

Captain America is so out of his depth that he feels like a child starting school- is this where I stand When I make these statements, I am of course referring only to what the st heroes do in their 21 -century film adaptations, as Im not much of a comics reader, and so have no right to declare war against those characters. Anyway, if you feel like it, you can play with our lovely flow-chart on the next page, which allows you to figure out which hero you are. DISCLAIMER: THE CHART MAY NOT ACTUALLY HELP YOU TO FIGURE OUT WHICH HERO YOU ARE. Next month, we have some pretty, sexy people on the cover, to make up for the lunk of metal thats there this month! See you then!

starring Steve Carell, Jim Carrey, Steve Buscemi and Alan Arkin

As The Incredible Burt Wonderstone prepares to hit cinemas, we take an exclusive look at the all-star magician comedy


Lorem Ipsum

ageing Arkin and eventually to a grand magic-off! The Incredible Burt Wonderstone is released March 15. For my next trick, I present to you the two biggest comedy stars in Hollywood- you may examine them if you wish. Now I will place them in a movie together, along with a host of other hilarious Oscar-nominated stars. Impossible, you say? Not so, says I. For here, arriving in cinemas worldwide on March 15 2013, is one of the most highly-anticipated comedies of the decade, featuring Steve The Incredible Carell, Jim The Bearded Carrey, Steve The Cool Buscemi, Olivia The Sexy Wild and Alan The Legend Arkin. In the film, Carell plays Burt Wonderstone, a mildly successful magician who faces his biggest rival to date in the shape of Jim Carrey, who stars as a David Blaine-esque, risk- taker extraordinare. Along with his assistants, Buscemi and Wilde, Wonderstone attempts to take down Carreys character, leading him to

Download the Movie Taco podcast at for extended audio reviews of all the months biggest movies! This month: Wreck-It Ralph, Cloud Atlas, Flight, Hitchcock and The Perks of Being A Wallflower.


hey told me my job was safe, no matter what says

was received so badly by critics and audiences alike that it lost Favreau the Iron Man 3 directing gig. That gig was given to Black, whose only previous directing credit is for Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (which also starred Downey), despite him having being involved in the making of some of the biggest action-comedies of the past 20 years, including Beverly Hills Cop. At the start of Iron Man 3, Tony is left traumatized by the events of Avengers, when he died carrying a massive bomb through a portal in the sky (he came back to life). He finds comfort in the act of designing and building new suits, but when

Shane Black, only the second man in history to be tasked with following up one of the three biggest films of all time. The first man was, of course, James Cameron, who followed up the biggest film ever with the biggest film ever, and is soon to follow them both with the new biggest films ever, whatever it may be. The Avengers was 2012s surprise hit, grossing over $1.5 billion based on a perfect mixture of wonderful promotion, great word of mouth, being released amongst a selection of poor films, and , oh yeah, the fact that its the sequel to no less than 5 record- breaking blockbuster movies, two of which featured Robert Downey Jrs Tony Stark (three counting his Incredible Hulk cameo). Jon Favreau did a great job with the first two Iron Man movies, proving that superhero movies could be the perfect mix of clever and light (somewhere between Spider-Man and The Dark Knight, both masterpieces). Unfortunately, he didnt do such a good job with 2011s desperate Cowboys & Aliens, which

his biggest threat yet, The Mandarin, destroys his home and armory, he is left alone and desolated. We havent seen Tony since the first act of Iron Man says Kevin Feige, chief of Marvel Studios. Hes had his suits throughout the past two and a half movies, but in this one, he has to let that part of his personality go. Although Jon Favreau isnt directing the movie, he will continue to star as Happy Hogan, a character that may come to a sticky end in the film. Happy is one of Tonys closest friends says the former Swingers star. You cant kill of Rhodey, as he has to be Iron Patriot, but Happy has no definite role in the story, as so having something terrible happen to him is a lot easier.


Gwenyth Paltrow is back as, reprising her role as Pepper Potts, but its Rebecca Hall that brings the real sex appeal to this film. I knew the character was a scientist, and that she was a very intelligent, independent woman. I didnt want to play a character who was only present for her looks says Hall of the role. Well, we cant

As you can see, there will be many familiar faces appearing in the film, from Tony to Rhodey to Pepper Potts to the Paul Bettany-voiced robot butler Jarvis. However, there will be many a new face on screen, one of which will be Guy Pearces slimey Adrian, cohort of The Mandarin. I just love playing nasty characters Pearce tells us. The last villain I played was in Bedtime Stories, but as it was a Disney kids film, I couldnt put much angst or beastliness into the role. Whether or not Robert Downey Jr ever puts on the Iron Man suit again, this fourth outing as Tony Stark will be one of the films of the year.

Our Iron Man 3 review will be printed in the May 2013 issue, and Thor: The Dark World will feature on the cover of the October 2013 issue.

The Avengers

Spider-Man 3

X-Men: The Last Stand





Punisher: War Zone

In millions 0 of $






Last April, Marvels The Avengers became the studios first film to cross $1bn worldwide, but how have some of their other films done, both worldwide and internationally?






Here at Movie Taco, we love to celebrate the most talented actors in Hollywood, but what about the hottest? When are they gonna get an issue to themselves? Well, well tell you- NEXT MONTH! With stars including Emma Watson, Channing Tatum and Emily Blint written about and photographed inside the magazine, alongside exclusive features on Pacific Rim and Oblivion, and four very exclusive covers to collect (see right), its going to be one of our best issues to date!

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