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Final Draft 8 Demo


Written by Aaron Livingston

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo

1803 West State Street 16413518295

INT. DINING ROOM SHIRLEY, 40s, sits alone at a dining room table in a desolate room. She is strapped to her chair. She stares into her lap. We hear a door open and shut. RICHARD, 40s, sits down on the opposite side of the table. He reaches out across the table and places a bag of fast food in front of Shirley. RICHARD Shirley shows no response. visibly agitated. Eat! Richard leans back and takes a deep breathe. Shirley is mute and still. Richard abruptly stands up and throws his chair aside. Shirley flinches. RICHARD (CONTD) Im givin you one last chance, girl! You eat your damn food or youre gettin it good!

Final Draft 8 Demo



Richard slowly leans forward,

Shirley finally looks up. She promptly spits at Richard and the saliva falls short. Richard looks down at the spit and looks back up. He is livid. RICHARD (CONTD) (yelling) You ungrateful bitch! Richard rips open the bag of food. French fries spill out everywhere. He sifts through the munchies and unwraps a burger. He puts it up to SHIRLEYs face. RICHARD (CONTD) (maniacally) Open wide! Richard shoves the burger into Shirleys slightly ajar mouth. He lightly slaps her twice on the cheek.

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo

RICHARD (CONTD) Now thats more like it!

Knock, knock, knock. Richard looks toward the front door. Shirleys eyes light up. Richard puts a finger up over his mouth to Shirley. Richard slowly turns and creeps toward the door. He takes a deep breathe and opens the door.


EXT. - FRONT YARD - DAY A little girl, CINDY, 8, stands in the doorway. Behind her is a red wagon filled with girl scout cookies. Richard scans her up and down. RICHARD (CONTD) Whatcha want girl? Cindy smiles.

Final Draft 8 Demo

CINDY The girl scouts are selling cookies because we want to go to the Omaha Zoo. RICHARD Selling cookies?

Cindy nods her head.

Richard looks reluctant but he obliges.

RICHARD (CONTD) Stay there a second. Richard turns around and slams the door shut. Cindy stands there waiting. About fifteen seconds pass and we hear rustling around in the house. The door opens. Richard has a wad of dollar bills clenched in his fist.

Final Draft 8 Demo

RICHARD (CONTD) You go on and give me a box. money for ya. CINDY What kind, mister? RICHARD What? CINDY What kind of cookies would you like? I got

Richard is puzzled beyond belief.

Final Draft 8 Demo

CINDY (CONTD) We have thin mints, tagalongs, dRICHARD Mints.

Cindy snatches a box and hands it to Richard. over the money.

Richard hands


All right.

RICHARD (CONTD) Go on. Get outta here.

Richard turns around, walks into the house, and slams the door right away. Cindy is confused and looks at the wad of bills in her palm. INT. DINING ROOM Richard throws the cookies on the table. Shirleys burger has fallen out of her mouth is again laying on the table with one bite taken out of it. Richard walks to another part of the house. The front door opens and Cindy walks in. CINDY Mister you forgot your change! get a dollar andYou

Final Draft 8 Demo

Cindy takes one look at the tied up Shirley and lets out a blood curdling shriek. Richard runs into the dining room. Cindy turns around and runs out the door. RICHARD Richard takes off after Cindy. EXT - FRONT YARD Cindy is seen by Richard running down the sidewalk. She is hysterically screaming. Richard darts after her and grabs her. He slings the screaming girl over his shoulder as she kicks and screams, trying to wiggle free of his clutches. Richard trudges right back into the house. INT - DINING ROOM Shirley looks at the pandemonium. bewildered. Aw, shit!

Final Draft 8 Demo

Final Draft 8 Demo

RICHARD (CONTD) (laughing) Weve got ourselves some company, darling!

Shes understandably

Shirley grins. Richard looks down and sees the uneaten burger. Cindys helpless screams are heard. FADE TO BLACK.


INT. - DINING ROOM Richard and Shirley sit at their usual spots at the table. Richard is wearing a ratty suit jacket. Shirley is strapped down to her chair like any other day. A large platter is sitting on the tabletop. On it is a human skull surrounded by slabs of meat (Cindy) of various sizes. Richard motions to the meal he has prepared for himself and his dear wife.

Final Draft 8 Demo

May I? Shirley grins. Richard takes his knife and fork to scoop up a portion of meat and dumps it on Shirleys plate. He then does the same to his plate. Richard and Shirley are smiling from ear to ear. They begin to eat. Richard uses a fork and knife while Shirley eats with her face. RICHARD (CONTD) We did good this time, didnt we babe? Shriley nods over and over while snorting and eating the food off her plate.


Final Draft 8 Demo

RICHARD (CONTD) Sure beats Happy Burger, dont it!? Ha! Richard cackles at his own joke. quickly. The two finish their meals RICHARD (CONTD) And for dessert.....THIN MINTS! Richard holds the box of cookies up to the camera while giving a thumbs up and smiling gleefully. FADE TO BLACK. THE END

Final Draft 8 Demo

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