Psychiatry Module - Summary of Development

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Age 0-18 months

Laymans Terms Infant

Freuds Pyschosexual Stages Oral

Eriksons Developmental Stages Trust vs. Mistrust

Goals Bonding Weaning

Piagets Cognitive Development Sensorimotor (0-2yrs) - use of reflexes - influenced by senses Pre-operational (2-7) - representational - magical thinking

Kohlbergs Moral Development

Milestones or Issues Attachment (Bowlby) - mothers voice - first smile - stranger anxiety (6-8 months) Acquisition of Speech (e.g. no!) Expression of emotions love and protest Development of defenses reaction formation & isolation Transitional Objects Imaginary Companion Separation anxiety (10-18 mos.) Rapid language development Curiosity of anatomical sex Oedipal Complex Gender role Superego formation (4-5 years old) Imaginary Companion Formation of same-sex groups Gender identity Same-sex parent as role model Play in organized sports Attainment of skills Strengthening of conscience Brain volume reach adult size (by 11 years) Social identity Sexual identity Autonomy Peer relations Mood changes Puberty Synaptic Pruning Myelination progression Brains last connections established (PFC and limbic and cerebellum, PFC and VTA & Nucleus accumbens) Dorsolateral PFC reach adult size Capacity to love and to work Assumption of major social roles Families established Fidelity and commitment Stock taking: what to do with life Retirement Economic security Dealing with losses Exercise, diet, health

Other notes on Development Biologically immature Totally dependent

18-35 months



Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt

Toilet training Discipline

Stage 1: Obedience and Punishment (heteronomous morality, rules are fixed and absolute)

Active and exploratory Filled with ambivalence The Terrible Twos

3-6 years



Initiative vs. Guilt

Plan and carry out

6 years to puberty

Middle School or Elementary


Industry vs. Inferiority

Completion of tasks

Concrete operational (7-11) to Formal operational (11-16)

Stage 3: Interpersonal Concordance Orientation (conforms with society and egocentric thinking) Stage 4: Maintaining Social Order (based on law, order, justice, and duty)

Physical and emotional growth *Control of night time urination usually complete by 4 years

Physical, cognitive, social and moral growth Increase intellectual capacity Empathy and concern

11-20 years

High School


Identity vs. Role Confusion

Role integration

Formal Operational (11-16)

Acceleration of cognitive development Time of turmoil Ambivalence Coincides with parents midlife crises

20-40 years

Early Adulthood

Young Adulthood

Intimacy vs. Isolation

Revealing self to others (marry?)

Formal Operational

Stage 6: Universal Principles (not absolute, according to conscience)

Peak of biological devt

40-65 years

Middle Adulthood Late Adulthood


Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair

Giving self to others (service) Looking back on life

Formal Operational

Prime of ones life or career

65 years to death

Maturity or Senescence

Formal Operational

ARMV 2013


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