PDPR Reactionpaper

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Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relation

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

Introduction This February 22, 2013 we have a trip in PAL Learning Center, we meet MS Katie ... The first instructor who is Mr. Paolo did not have much time to be with us so Ms. Katie does the job to feed us new knowledge during the one hour seminar. As they say if you are going to apply in PAL Personality Development is the first course to be taken and afterwards he take an overview to us before she start the seminar. The training tackles about on how we walk, how we dress, how we put make-up on and how we carry ourselves in the corporate world. These things are very

important for us students under the hospitality management. The instructor give us many points on how we carry our selves also she give us some piece of an advice on how we can get in PAL as a flight attendant or a flight steward. To bear in mind all the things our instructor told to us is great help not just for our own good but for others. These things can help us to deal with other people well. Personality Development is the first step in reaching ones goal because everything you do will start in yourself and have a vision of yourself five years from now for you to achieve the goals you want in life. This seminar really helps and I enjoyed it a lot. Discussion of Topics The first thing that our instructor discussed is about the difference of personality and character. Personality is the thing that you can see physically while the character is the thing that what's inside you. Our instructor give us some examples, the first one is the ice berg and a tree. The two pictures represent the personality and the

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

character for which it describes the character as where you place your value, morale and well being in your environment. Also don't try to be someone who you are not. The halo effect or "what is beautiful is good". It is what we usually have and seen around us in other words deceiving looks. You cannot judge people right away with their physical appearance "don't judge the book by its cover". Also it is about taking good care of our image because it is our own representation. Image is what other people see you and it projects in the outside so that we should be aware in doing things that is not good for us. There are six aspects that our instructor told us it the SPICES. The first letter "S" stands for social aspect. It defines on how we get along and interact with other people. To have a self confident is also build up in having an interaction with other people around us. Don't underestimate the things you know you are good at. You should have enough confidence for you to stand out with others. Always remember there are border lines in being confident and for being arrogant. The next letter is "P" which is stands for physical aspect. It is how you dress and groom yourself in your daily basis. Putting on a makeup is likely required in girls, just a little blush will do to add a pinkish color in your cheeks and lip gloss can be added too. For boys the first thing they should follow is to have a clean haircut. They should not let facial hair grow to their face like for example the mustache, goatees and a beard. Also they can put some powder and lip gloss because oily face is not presentable in the hospitality. Letter "I" is the next letter that stands for intellectual. People can be judge the way they talk if their educated or not. Intellectual can be enhanced by reading books,

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

magazines, newspapers, watching TV. and many more. Knowing the current news can be useful for some reason if someone ask you about what was happening in the metro you can easily tell what it was. Think things according to your age, you are growing up so you should keep enhancing your intellectual capacities. Take college life seriously than your high-school, because every little thing you do can reflect in your transcript of records. As Ms. Katie told us the maximum failing grades that the airlines can accept is only three. The next letter is "C" which is for culture. Here n our country there are already lots of foreigners like Americans, Koreans, Japanese, Brazilian, Canadian and many more. This people who came here in Philippines affect our cultural aspects. No matter what happens you should love your own culture; don't try to be a foreigner in your own country. It's good to have knowledge with some other cultures but always remember to look back where you came from. The last letter will be "E" for emotional aspect. You should know how to handle yourself and how Will you deal and handle with the different problems that you're going through. Always put God first in everything you will do because he knows what's best for you. It's good to be one of the happy people in your barkada but also you do not want to be nega star in your group. Having a positive outlook in life can be more productive. Your hygiene will be important too. You can improve yourself by taking good care of hygiene and how will you groom yourself. Image can be developed in quite some time. The basics will start in posture, poise and hand gestures. First is the grooming standard. For us girls you should have a good hair cut whether it is long or short as

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

long as you can manage your hair. Always try to keep it clean and away from your face because you don't want to look untidy. Don't put an extreme hair color because some companies don't accept applicants with that kind of hair. Accessories will be

more presentable if it is simple and plain. Headbands should be simple with no excessive designs and for earnings it should not be long, a pair of Pearl earrings will do. For the gentleman the average number of rings they could wear is only one while for the girls are maximum of three rings. Nails should always be clean and pushed back while for the girls they could wear plain or simple nail polish and for the boys are not allowed to put nail polish not even a martiolet. Always try to keep nails short and clean. Goatees, mustache, and beard are not allowed for the gentlemen. Facial hair for the girls should be bleached or waxed to have more feminine look also the nose hair should be trimmed as well. Creating an illusion can make a better posture. Standing straight and to it up straight can make a good body posture and can improve your confidence. There are ways how to sit properly on a chair. Feel first the chair before you sit then you can do different types of sitting position. First is the slide and tuck or semi "S", the cross "S, the regular "S" and lastly the double "L". These sitting positions are for the girls, there are also for the gentlemen's and these are: the de kwatro (remember that if you sit

like this the sole of your shoe should be pointed downwards because some culture when your sole of shoe is pointed towards them it might offend them), cross legs and double "L" it is the same as for the girls the difference is the boys legs are apart from each other. Also remember that the hands of the gentle men will never ever be

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

together. It should not be placed at the back or at side because it can add weight in your body, slightly in front can be more pleasant to do. The next is power dressing, it is the way we put clothing and manage our hair to look professional. This kind of dressing can be applied in corporate attires, business, and law and in government. It can be dark, conservative, and can be match in a pair of pants and jackets, (for women long skirts) and bold, colorful accents such as neckties, scarf or brooches. Do not wear loud accessories just a simple bracelet and leather, gold or silver watches is only allowed. Etiquettes were discussed also in the seminar. Chewing gum in public is not pleasant to see. When burping you should say excuse me or sorry while when you sneeze try to cover your mouth with your hands or with a handkerchief. Also dont throw your garbage everywhere try to put it inside your pocket(if it is small) or inside your bag then when you came home or see a trash can then it is the time you will dispose all your waste. For women do not put make up in public instead wait until you came to the comfort room then do whatever you want to retouch.

Assessment This seminar opens our mind from the topics that we need to learn as a student under the hospitality management. The instructor did a great job in giving us points to many topics that she discussed during the one hour seminar. By learning the

Reaction Paper in Personality Development and Public Relations

personality development course it enhances the way we live. It enlightens us to the right way we should carry our selves when the time comes. In our industry personality development is really important for the reason why it is all started here. You cannot proceed to any further when you didnt know how you will handle yourself towards others. There are things which are similar to me but there are thing that the two differs the way that the PAL instructor has different impact to me. Also she give advises and some tips that was not tackled during in our class. Recommendation Theres nothing I can recommend more because it already meet my expectations towards the seminar. Im really glad that I would be able to attend the seminar in PAL Learning Center. I can say that the place really works during the seminar. Especially the instructor which is Ms. Katie Palma did a great job during that day. Shes really into the teaching. The thing that catches my attention most is when she gives as a piece of advice and some points to remember when we will enter in PAL. How I wish the seminar last more because I really learned a lot from this event.

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