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ECE 678 Integrated Telecommunications Networks

Project Report

Design of Optical Switch Router


Dr. Martinez

Group Member: Yun Zhao Yeliang Zhang

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of Arizona

Spring 2002

Content Content.........................................................................................................................3 Abstract................................................................................................................................4 Introduction..........................................................................................................................4 Optical Communication System..........................................................................................5 Overview of Optical Communication System.................................................................5 Advantage of Optical Communication System................................................................6 Optical Communication System..........................................................................................7 Overview of All-Optical Network...................................................................................7 Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)......................................................8 Generalized Multi-protocol Label Switch (GMPLS)....................................................10 Optical Switching Router...............................................................................................13 Optical Switching Technology..........................................................................................14 Switch versus Route.......................................................................................................14 O-E-O Switch.................................................................................................................14 O-O-O Switch................................................................................................................14 Optical Components/Elements...........................................................................................15 Optical Component Characteristics...............................................................................15 Micro Electro-mechanical System (MEMS).................................................................17 Tunable Laser.................................................................................................................18 Tunable Filter.................................................................................................................19 Wavelength Converter...................................................................................................20 Optical Amplifier...........................................................................................................21 Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)....................................................................21 Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)..................................................................22 Optical Cross Connect (OXC).......................................................................................24 Tunable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (TOADM)......................................................24 Optical Switching Router Design......................................................................................25 LSR Forwarding Plane Design #1.................................................................................25 LSR Forwarding Plane Design #2.................................................................................27 LSR Control Plane Design.............................................................................................28 Conclusion.........................................................................................................................29 Reference...........................................................................................................................30

This paper deals with the design of optical switching router. The paper talks about the concepts of all-optical network, dense wavelength division multiplexing and generalized multiprotocol label switching, optical switching technology. The various optical components and elements like Optical Amplifiers, Optical Add/Drop Multiplexers and tunable lasers are described. Some sample optical products are listed on the paper. Finally, several draft designs of optical switching router architecture are proposed in this paper.

One of the major issues in the networking industry today is tremendous demand for more and more bandwidth. With the development of Internet technology, a wide variety of applications, such as multimedia communications (audio and video streams), database applications, etc., have been deployed on Internet. All these applications need much more high bandwidth. Before the introduction of optical networks, the reduced availability of fibers became a big problem for the network providers. However, with the development of optical networks and the use of Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM) technology, a new and probably, a very crucial milestone is being reached in network evolution. Optical fiber has significant advantages compared with the electrical transmission line. It is no doubt that the future of the network infrastructure lies in the field of fiber optics. Optical fiber is significantly smaller and lighter than electrical cables. Optical fiber provides the huge bandwidth, low loss rate, and cost effectiveness to enable this emerging network backbone. Optical fiber is more secure than copper wire. Given that fiber has a potential bandwidth of approximately 50 Tb/s [1], nearly four orders of magnitude higher than peak electronic data rates. Therefore, every effort should be made to maximize the capabilities of the fiber optic network. DWDM technology supports multiple simultaneous channels (of different wavelengths) on a single fiber. In DWDM, the optical transmission spectrum is divided into a number of nonoverlapping wavelength, and with each wavelength supporting a single communication channel. Thus, by allowing multiple DWDM channels to coexist on a single fiber, we can tap into the huge fiber bandwidth and throughput. This simple concept has changed the landscape of telecommunication. DWDM telecommunication systems have the transmission capability that exceeds terabits per second; and systems supporting hundreds of gigabits per second are becoming commercially available. Unfortunately, since much of todays network infrastructure

was developed to support voice traffic, an efficient and ultra-high backbone networks based on DWDM is yet to be realized. Meanwhile, Multi-protocol label switching (MPLS), a new network protocol is emerging. MPLS is growing in popularity as a set of protocols for provisioning and managing core networks. The networks may be data-centric like those of ISPs, voice-centric like those of traditional telecommunications companies, or a converged network that combines voice and data. At least around the edges, all these networks are converging on a model that uses the Internet Protocol (IP) to transport data. Generalized MPLS (GMPLS) is proposed shortly after MPLS. The premise of GMPLS is that the idea of a label can be generalized to be anything that is sufficient to identify a traffic flow. For example, in an optical fiber whose bandwidth is divided into wavelengths, the whole of one wavelength could be allocated to a requested flow. The Label Switch Router (LSR) at either end of the fiber simply have to agree on which frequency to use. Unlike with non-generalized labels, the data inside the requested flow does not need to be marked at all with a label value; instead, the label value is implicit in the fact that the data is being transported within the agreed frequency band. On the other hand, some representation of the label value is needed in the signaling protocol so that control messages between the LSRs can agree on the value to use. The tremendous bandwidth of DWDM technology and devices and the innovative GMPLS gives us a chance to step into All-Optical Network. Optical Switching Router is going to be a very important and core part of All-Optical Network. In this paper, we are focused on the design of Optical Switching Router and the optical components.

Optical Communication System Overview of Optical Communication System

The basic concept of an optical communication system is illustrated in figure 1. To begin, a serial/parallel bit stream in electrical form from electrical storage medium is presented to a modulator, which encodes the data appropriately for fiber transmission. A light source (laser or Light Emitting Diode - LED) is driven by the modulator and the light focused into the fiber. The light travels down the fiber will be amplified or regenerated by the repeater/amplifier during which time it may experience dispersion and loss of strength. At the receiver end the light is fed to a detector and converted to electrical form. The signal is then amplified and fed to another detector, which isolates the individual state changes and their timing. It then decodes the

sequence of state changes and reconstructs the original bit stream. The received electrical bit stream may then be fed to a using device.
Optical sources (Laser/LED)

E/O modulator


Repeater/ Amplifier


Photo detector

Information sink/storage

Electrical Information transmitter (electrical) (light)

Amplifier/ equalizer

Decision Device (Error-Checking) receiver (electrical)

Figure 1 Block diagram of basic optical communication system [2].

Advantage of Optical Communication System

Optical communication has significant advantages compared to electrical communication. First, optical fiber is significantly smaller, lighter and cheaper than electrical cables for the same capacity of cables. In the wide area environment a large coaxial cable system can easily involve a cable of several inches in diameter and weighing many pounds per foot. A fiber cable to do the same job could be less than one half an inch in diameter and weigh a few ounces per foot. This means that the cost of laying the cable is dramatically reduced.

Figure 2 The capacity of fiber over the years [3].

Second, the data transmission rate of optical communication is tremendous. Figure 2 shows that the data rate of a single fiber (TDM) in use in 1998 is about 10 Gbps. This is very high in

digital transmission terms. In telephone transmission terms the very best coaxial cable systems give about 2,000 analog voice circuits. A 150 Mbps fiber connection gives just over 2,000 digital telephone (64 Kbps) connections [4]. By sending many (wavelength division multiplexed) channels on a single fiber, we can increase this capacity a hundred and perhaps a thousand times. Third, optical communication does not have electrical connections. Data are transmitted via different channel. Each channel has its own wavelength. There is no electromagnetic effect during transmission. Because the connection is not electrical, you can neither pick up nor create electrical interference (the major source of noise). Thus the signal interference is almost reduced since each channel is independent to another. This is one reason that optical communication has so few errors. There are very few sources of things that can distort or interfere with the signal. In a building this means that fiber cables can be placed almost anywhere electrical cables would have problems, (for example near a lift motor or in a cable duct with heavy power cables). In an industrial plant such as a steel mill, this gives much greater flexibility in cabling than previously available. In the wide area network environment there is much greater flexibility in route selection. Cables may be located near water or power lines without risk to people or equipment. Also, the optical communication is more secure than copper wire.

Optical Communication System Overview of All-Optical Network

It is predictable that the current Internet is evolving to an All-Optical network in the nearby future. With the developments in DWDM technology, All-Optical Network offers an almost unlimited potential for bandwidth. There is no O/E or E/O conversion in the optical core network. With DWDM as the optical backbone, GMPLS as the control plane, and optical switching router as the router in the optical core network, All-Optical Network is the most exciting network technology. All-Optical Network increases network throughput, provides high transmission rate and low loss rate, provides Quality of Service (QoS) and Class of Service (CoS). Video on Demand (VOD) and long haul broadband transmission is not a dream in the future. All-Optical Network can achieve terabit-per-second bandwidth easily. We know the highest speed of electrical signal is about 2.5~4 Gbps. Bandwidth bottleneck of electrical signal is removed once All-Optical Network is implemented. Figure 3 shows a picture of All-Optical Network.

Figure 3 All-Optical Networks

Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing (DWDM)

First, Lets take a look at Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM). WDM is the basic technology of optical networking. It is a technique for using a fiber (or optical device) to carry many separate and independent optical channels. Each channel is transmitted at a different wavelength (or frequency). Each channel can be view as a lightpath. Multiple wavelengths are multiplexed into a single optical fiber and multiple lightpath data are transmitted. Because each channel is independent, there is no interference. It is the cost effective technology and is used widely in long haul network. In fact, WDM is one type of FDM. Another way of envisaging WDM is to consider that each channel consists of light of a different color. Thus a WDM system transmits a rainbow. Actually at the wavelengths involved the light is invisible but it's a good way of describing the principle.

1 2 3 4 multiplexer

Fiber link

1 2 3 4 demultiplexer

Figure 4 WDM scheme

Figure 5 shows there are three wavelength windows in optical communications: 850nm, 1310nm and 1550 nm. One simple form of WDM is using 1310 nm as one wavelength and 1550 nm as the other or 850 nm and 1310 nm.

Figure 5 Wavelength Window of Optical Transmission

This type of WDM can be built using relatively simple and inexpensive components and some applications have been in operation for a number of years using this principle. Dense WDM however is an evolution of WDM. Dense WDM refers to the close spacing of channels. There is no accurate and unanimous definition of DWDM. To some, a series of WDM channels spaced at 3.6 nm apart qualifies for the description. Someone define DWDM if the number of multiplexing wavelengths are larger than 40. Others use the term to distinguish systems where the wavelength spacing is 1 nm per channel or less [5].
Tx Rx

fiber plant


Rx Tx



1533nm / 1557nm WDM Coupler

Figure 5 Sparse WDM.

Figure 5 shows an example of a very simple WDM system. Wavelength selective couplers are used both to mix (multiplex) and to separate (demultiplex) the signals. The distinguishing characteristic here is the very wide separation of wavelengths used (different bands rather than different wavelengths in the same band). There are many variations around on this very simple theme. Some systems use a single fiber bi-directionally while others use separate fibers for each direction (as illustrated). Other systems use different wavelength bands from those illustrated in

the figure (1310 and 1550 for example). The most common systems run at very low data rates (by today's standards). Common application areas are in video transport for security monitoring and in plant process control [6].
Tx 1 Tx 2 Tx N Rx1 Rx2


... N

Rx1 Rx2 RxN Tx 1 Tx 2

.. ..


Tx N

Figure 6 Dense WDM

Figure 6 shows how a DWDM system works. Ns share one optical fiber link. Each optical channel is allocated its own wavelength or a small range of wavelengths. A typical optical channel might be 1 nm wide. This channel is really a wavelength range within which the signal must stay. It is normally much wider than the signal itself. The width of a channel depends on many things such as the modulated bandwidth of the transmitter, its stability and the tolerances of the other components in the system.

Generalized Multi-protocol Label Switch (GMPLS)

Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS) is growing in popularity as a set of protocols for provisioning and managing core networks [17]. The networks may be data-centric like those of ISPs, voice-centric like those of traditional telecommunications companies, or a converged network that combines voice and data. At least around the edges, all these networks are converging on a model that uses the Internet Protocol (IP) to transport data. Non-generalized MPLS overlays a packet switched IP network to facilitate traffic engineering and allow resources to be reserved and routes pre-determined. It provides virtual links or tunnels through the network to connect nodes that lie at the edge of the network. For packets injected into the ingress of an established MPLS tunnel, normal IP routing procedures are suspended; instead the packets are label switched so that they automatically follow the tunnel to its egress. Traditionally, provisioning in optical networks has required manual planning and configuration resulting in setup times of days or even weeks and a marked reluctance amongst network managers to de-provision resources in case doing so impacts other services. Where control protocols have been deployed to provision optical networks they have been proprietary


and have suffered from interoperability problems. With the success of MPLS in packet switched IP networks, optical network providers have driven a process to generalize the applicability of MPLS to cover optical networks as well, the result of which is the set of internet drafts that collectively describe Generalized MPLS (GMPLS). These drafts generalize: the MPLS data forwarding model . such that it includes current practice in optical networks the MPLS control protocols . so that they can be used as a standardized and interoperable way of provisioning optical networks Other, related work to standardize the management and configuration of optical networks is ongoing in the development of the Link Management Protocol (LMP) [8] and of optical extensions to OSPF. Figure 7 shows application of MPLS.

Figure 7 MPLS Application (from Trillium)

MPLS uses a technique known as label switching to forward data through the network. Before data packet traversing MPLS network, the Label Edge Router (LER) will partition each incoming data packet into a set of Forwarding Equivalence Classes (FECs) and assign each FEC with a small and fixed-format label. When a packet is forwarded to its next hop, the label is sent along with it. At each hop across the network, the label on the incoming packet is used as the index in the forwarding table that contains the outgoing interface and a new label that are to


replace the incoming label before it is transmitted to the next hop. When a packet reaches the egress router, the label is removed and the packet is forwarded according to the original networklayer routing scheme. As a packet traverses a MPLS enabled network it must make three transitions. First, it must go from its native layer 3 forwarding into labeled MPLS forwarding. This process entails the adding of a label to the head of the packet. Second, a labeled packet must be able to traverse an MPLS path. This path consists of all the devices that know how this particular packet (and packets like it) needs to traverse a network. This path is called a Label Switch Path (LSP). It is a connection-oriented path that is setup ahead of the forwarding of any packets. Finally a packet must make its way back into layer 3 forwarding. This process consists of removing the label from the head of the packet and then sending it to the appropriate layer 3 protocol for additional handling. In a MPLS enabled network, layer 3 forwarding is used by the edges of the network, and MPLS forwarding is used in the core of the network. Figure 8 shows a two LSPs in a MPLS network.

Figure 8 Two LSPs in an MPLS Packet-Switched Network

The path that data traverses through a network is defined by the transition in label values, as the label is swapped at each LSR. Since the mapping between labels is constant at each LSR, the path LSP is determined by the initial label value. The decision that each packet is examined to determine which LSP it should use and hence what label to assign to it is a local matter to each LER. But it is likely to be based on factors including the destination address, the quality of service requirements and the current sate of the network. This flexibility is one of the key features that make MPLS useful.


The premise of Generalized MPLS is that the idea of a label can be generalized to be anything that is sufficient to identify a traffic flow. For example, in an optical fiber whose bandwidth is divided into wavelengths, the whole of one wavelength could be allocated to a requested flow. The LSRs at either end of the fiber simply have to agree on which frequency to use. Unlike with non-generalized labels, the data inside the requested flow does not need to be marked at all with a label value; instead, the label value is implicit in the fact that the data is being transported within the agreed frequency band. On the other hand, some representation of the label value is needed in the signaling protocol so that control messages between the LSRs can agree on the value to use. Generalized MPLS extends the representation of a label from a single 32-bit number to an arbitrary length byte array and introduces the Generalized Label object (in RSVP) and Generalized Label TLV (in CR-LDP) to carry both the label itself and related information. The following subsections describe how the switching quantities used in optical networks are represented as GMPLS labels.

Optical Switching Router

Optical Switching Router is such kind of router that switch labeled packet directly inside the optical core network, not route the packet hop by hop based on the packet head information. Traditionally, router is built to route packet according the routing table, which resident in the router. This kind of routing is a hop-by-hop routing. GMPLS provide a simple and fast way to switch the labeled packet, if packet is labeled at the edge LSR. Optical Switching Route has the following parts: Data Forwarding Plane the functions are label attaching, label switching and forwarding. Control Plane the functions are table lookup, processing, wavelength assignment, queuing decisions, etc. Interface with other legacy network such as ATM, Gigabit Ethernet, SONET. We will discuss the detail of Optical Switching Router later after introduction of optical components and elements.


Optical Switching Technology Switch versus Route

Basically, there is no apparent way to distinguish which technology is switching or routing. According to the OSI/ISO network reference model, a network device forward an IP packet directly from one to the other, such device is a layer 2 switch. If a network device dynamically route a IP packet based on the routing table, which is a collection of network information with all other routers, such device is called router or layer 3 switch. Switch is fast and simple, it forwards packet directly. Router is much more complicated, slower. Usually backbone network router is a kind of super computer.

O-E-O Switch
Currently most of Optical Switch is O-E-O switch. Incoming signals are converted from Optical domain to Electrical domain, then signals are switched electrically. Once finishing switch, outgoing signals are converted back to optical domain. Figure 9 shows structure of O-E-O optical switch. From the figure, we can see a optical signal from 1290 nm to 1570 nm wavelength is switched to a fixed 1.3 m output.


Clock and Data Recovery Header Processing Automatic Crosspoint Selection

Figure 9 O-E-O Switch

If we need high bandwidth beyond 10 Gbps, O-E-O switch is not a ideal candidate due to its bandwidth bottleneck. Thus, we need O-O-O switch.

O-O-O Switch
All-Optical switch (O-O-O switch) has advantages over O-E-O switch. Its complexity is a flat function and is independent of bit rate, it can get up to 20 Tbps bandwidth. But its


implementation is not easy. Currently, O-O-O switch is in the research lab and its application is in the near future.

Optical Components/Elements
Optical components and elements used to build a Optical Switching Router include Micro Electro-mechanical System (MEMS), Tunable Laser, Wavelength Converter, Optical Amplifier, Optical Cross Connect (OXC), Tunable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (TOADM), etc. We will first look through the component characteristics.

Optical Component Characteristics

In order to describe optical component characteristics, we categorize the components to three categories [10]: Interconnection: Optical Cross Connect, Optical Add-Drop Mulitplexer, Wavelength Converter Optical Amplifier: Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA), Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) Light Source: Laser, LED Interconnection Characteristics: Insertion loss: the difference in power levels between the input and output of the device under test Crosstalk: indicates the amount of power that enters a channel form neighboring channels. Typically, it is around 25 dB. Repeatability and Switch time: Polarization dependent loss (PDL): the peak-to peak output power variation when the input is exposed to all possible polarization states Center Wavelength: A demultiplexer's output center wavelength must coincide with the channel center wavelength Fresnel Reflection: Fresnel reflection results from boundary interfaces between two materials with different refractive indices. Optical Amplifier Characteristics: Noise: Optical Amplifiers introduce noise. This becomes significant as more and more amplifiers are cascaded in the system. Gain: The gain varies with wavelength


Gain Flatness: measure of the difference in gain over the range of wavelengths. The gain differences is small for one fiber amplifier, but becomes more substantial over longer links due to the cascade of amplifiers. These gain differences promote linear crosstalk.

Bandwidth Saturation Level: The upper limit of linear range. Dynamic Nonlinearity: Channels are sometimes added or dropped, and the number and position of the channels in use changes. These changes affects the amplifier response. Light Source Characteristics:

Peak Wavelength: The peak wavelength is the wavelength at which the source emits the most power. Since the peak wavelength is the operating wavelength, we choose those that can be transmitted with the least attenuation over optical fiber. Thus, 780, 850, 1300, and 1550 nm are usually used. Saturation Level: The upper limit of linear range.

Spectral Width: Ideally, the light transmitted by light emitters is concentrated at the peak wavelength. In practice, the light is emitted in a range of wavelengths centered at the peak wavelength. The spectral width is the width of this range. The smaller the spectral width, the better the system performance, as chromatic dispersion is minimized

Power: The output power of the source must be large enough to provide sufficient power at the detector after fiber attenuation and other losses are taken into account. Speed: The more quickly the source can turn on and off, the greater the bit rate and bandwidth possible.

Another Characteristics is the fiber band. From Table 1, we can see C, L and U bands are commonly used [7].

Band Descriptor O bandOriginal E band Extended S band Short wavelength C band Conventional L band Long wavelength

Range (nm) 1260 to 1360 1360 to 1460 1460 to 1530 1530 to 1565 1565 to 1625

U bandUltralong wavelength 1625 to 1675

Table 1 Fiber Band


Micro Electro-mechanical System (MEMS)

MEMS device is a mechanical integrated circuit where the actuation force required moving the parts may be electrostatic, electro-magnetic or thermal. These silicon micromachines are built just the same way as a silicon integrated circuit. Starting with a silicon wafer, one deposits and patterns materials such as polysilicon, silicon nitride, silicon dioxide and gold in a sequence of steps, producing a complicated three-dimensional structure. However, unlike an integrated circuit, at the end one releases the devise or etches pats of it away, leaving pieces free to move. Because they are built using IC batch-processing techniques, these devices, albeit complicated, are inexpensive to produce because many are fabricated in parallel [8]. VLSI fabrication techniques also allow designers to integrate micromechnical, analog, and digital microelectronic devices on the same chip, producing multifunctional integrated systems. Contrary to intuition, MEMS devices have proven to be robust and long-lived, especially ones whose parts flex without microscopic wear points. MEMS devices have a number of desirable attributes to offer to the systems architect such as small size, high speed, low power, and a high degree of functionality. In particular, many of us believe that the size scale at which these machines work well make them a particularly good match to optics problems where the devices, structures, and relevant wavelengths range in size from one to several hundred microns. MEMS allow the device to be high port count and data-rate independent. The possible application area range from data modulators, variable attenuators, active remote odes, active equalizers, add/drop multiplexers, optical switches, power limiters and MEMS-based Optical Cross connect (OXC). There are two types of MEMS: 2D MEMS and 3D MEMS. Figure 10 and 11 shows the 2D and 3D MEMS architectures.

Figure 10 2D MEMS for optical crossconnect switching[8]


(a) 3D MEMS switching (b) Beam steering using a two-axis mirror (c) Fabricated MEMS mirror array

Figure 11 3D MEMS architecture [8]

Mirror control for 2D MEMS switch is binary: on(1) and off(0). 2D MEMS is simple and mature technology. 3D MEMS provides very large port count up to over 1000 input and output ports. The drawback of 3D MEMS is its complexity and is still in the research lab.

Tunable Laser
Tunable laser is an important light emitter. The tuning methods are mechanical tuning, acousto-optical tuning, electro-optical tuning and injection current tuning, etc. Table 2 summarize the tunable laser[7].

Table 2 Tunable laser summary


Nortel has a 8 channel LCW508ET tunable DFB laser. It is a InGaAsP DFB laser, tunable wavelength from 1528 nm to 1605 nm, with 20 mW output power. Figure 12 shows the product and its features.

Figure 12 Nortel LCW508ET Tunable DFB laser 8 channel [15]

Tunable Filter
Tunable Filter can filter the input frequency. Table 3 summarize the features of tunable filter. Figure 13 shows the JDS Uniphase polarization independent tunable bandpass filterTB4 series.
Table 3 Tunable Filter summary


Figure 13 JDS Uniphase Polarization Independent tunable Bandpass filters TB4 series[11]

Wavelength Converter
Wavelength Converter converts radiation at one wavelength to radiation at another wavelength. Traditional product is O/E/O wavalength converter. The new generation is Alloptical wavelength converter. Table 4 shows the Optovation AOWC All Optical Wavelength Converter features and applications.

Application: Wavelength conversion Relieve wavelength blocking Dynamic provisioning/lambda management Bit rate/ protocol transparent regeneration Optical Cross Connects Optical Add Drop Muliplexeers
Table 4 Optovation AOWC All Optical Wavelength Converter Features[16]


Optical Amplifier
Optical Amplifier is a device that amplifies an optical signal directly, without the need to convert it to an electrical signal, amplify it electrically, and reconvert it to an optical signal. There are several kinds of Optical Amplifier: Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA) Praseodymium Doped Fluoride Amplifier (PDFA) Telluride Based Erbium Doped Optical Amplifier Semiconductors Optical Amplifier (SOA) Raman Amplifier Planar Waveguide Optical Amplifier Among these OA, EDFA and SOA are the most widely used OA.

Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA)

EDFA is working around the 1550 nm window. It is transparent to modulation format and is extremely low polarization sensitivity. EDFA can get high gain (50 dB) over 80 nm wide bandwidth, and low noise. The disadvantage is the bad gain flatness. Figure 14 shows the principle of EDFA.

Figure 14 EDFA Principle

Figure 15 shows the Nortel MGMFL-1AWC28 Multiwavelength Gain Module EDFA product and features.


Figure 15 Nortel MGMFL-1AWC28 Multiwavelength Gain Module EDFA product and features[15]

Semiconductor Optical Amplifier (SOA)

SOA is working at both 1330 nm and 1550 nm windows. It is small and compact. It can be integrated with other devices. It has flat gain. The disadvantage is that it cannot do multiple wavelength amplification. Figure 16 shows SOA scheme and Table 5 shows typical SOA characteristics [9][14].


Figure 16 SOA Scheme

Table 5 Typical SOA Characteristics


Optical Cross Connect (OXC)

As we mention earlier, MEMS-based OXC is in research stage. There is no commercial product available. Other OXC is not suitable for Optical Switching Router.

Tunable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer (TOADM)

TOADM is a flexible optical component. Figure 17 shows cascade Add/Drop can add or drop multiple channels simultaneously. Figure 18 shows lambda Crossing LambdaFlow Tunable OADM [13].

Figure 17 Multiple OADM

LambdaFlow is a 40 channel tunable OADM with 4 Add/Drop ports. The OADM is tunable over the C band and is capable of adding and dropping data at a rate of 10 Gbps.

Figure 18 Lambda Crossing LambdaFlow Tunable OADM [13]


Optical Switching Router Design

GMPLS network has two types of Optical Switching Routers:

Label Switching Router (LSR): LSR interacts and links with other LSRs Label Edge Router (LER): LER serves as the interface between the LSR and the legacy networks such as ATM, SONET and Ethernet. Optical Switching Router Design has two parts:

Label Switching Router Forwarding Plane (LSR-FP) Design Label Switching Router Control Plane Design This methodology is consistent with the IETF GMPLS standard draft. The LSR Forwarding Plane needs to perform: Data Routing t oappropriate ports (data forwarding) Channel add/drop to label Edge Router Label Swapping

Figure 19 shows the architecture of a LSR.

Figure 19 Architecture of LSR

LSR Forwarding Plane Design #1

Figure 20 shows LSR Forwarding Plane Design #1. Figure 21 and 22 shows the working principle of Design #1.


Figure 20 LSR Forwarding Plane Design #1

Figure 21 Design #1 Working Principle A

In working principle A, LSR #1 comprises of an array of demultiplexers, label swappers, optical crossconnects, optical amplifiers and multiplexers. Demux separates incoming N from 1 port into individual . Label swapper will swap the label based on the instruction from control plane. In the side view example, the red label green label, black purple, green black, and cyan remains. In working plane B, the cross connect redirects the wavelength into appropriate output ports. The multiplexers group the signals from multiple layers of cross connects. There is one input port and output ports that adds and drops from the LER.


Figure 22 Design #1 Working Principle B

The advantages of Design #1 are: Fully connected Suitable for backbone For mesh connection Multiple input ports and multiple output ports The disadvantages are: Expensive Require a lot of components

LSR Forwarding Plane Design #2


Figure 23 LSR Forwarding Plane Design #2

Figure 24 Design # 2 Working Principle

Figure 23 and 24 show the LSR Forwarding Plane Design #2 and its working principle. The advantages of Design #2 are: Cheaper and simpler For Ring Networks Suitable for metro or smaller networks Lower Insertion loss The disadvantages of Design #2 are: Only 2 Nl input and output ports Not as flexible Extra add/drop switches are need if the number of wavelengths is increased.

LSR Control Plane Design

The proposed LSR-CP has to perform the following in order to set up the LSP routing and resource table: Wavelength Assignment & Routing Management at each link. Traffic Engineering to set up the LSP (Protocol & Algorithm used: OSPF & RSVP) Link Management between LSRs


The incoming data has to check its label against the routing table to determine the next destination hop. Hence, our first proposed optical processing is to perform table lookup. Figure 25 shows the structure of LSR Control Plane Design.

Figure 25 LSR Control Plane Design

In this project, optical communication technology is reviewed. All-Optical Network, DWDM, GMPLS and optical switching technology are discussed. The optical components features and the characteristics are studied. Based on these information, the Optical Switching Router Design draft are proposed.


[1] B. E. A. Saleh, and M. C. Teich, Fundamentals of Photonics, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 1991. [2] L. Kazovsky, S. Benedetto, and A. Willner, Optical Fiber Communication Systems, Artech House Inc., 1996. [3] [4] A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks, Prentice Hall PTR, 1996. [5] R. Ramaswami, K. N. Sivarajan, Optical Networks: A Practical Perspective, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1998. [6] Nortal Networks Tutorials on WDM, CD version. [7] R.Martinez, P.Y.Choo, ECE678 Class LectureNotes, [8] P.B.Chu, et., MEMS: The Path to Large Optical Crossconnects, IEEE Commu. Mag., Mar.2002, pp. 80-87. [9] Overview of Optical Amplifiers:Technology and Systems, [10] J. Hsu, DWDM/Fiber Optic Technology, [11] Optical Amplificatioin, JDS Unifaphse, [12] Kailight Photonics All-Optical Wavelength Converter, [13] LambdaFlow Tunable Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (OADM) , [14] T. Kelly, I Andonovic, et., Role of semiconductor optical amplifiers in advanced networking, Section=Articles&Subsection=Display&ARTICLE_ID=94177 [15] Nortel Optical Components Datasheets, [16] Optovation Product Fact Sheet, [17] E. Rosen, A. Viswanathan, R. Callon, Multiprotocol Label Switching Architecture, Request for Comments 3031, Network Working Group, January 2001.


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