Hydraulicsteeringsystems English

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Hydraulic Steering Systems







ch a n g e s



steering systems. New ways to enhance hydraulic power steering systems have been explored by augmenting active control capability to produce a new type of system: Active Front Steering (AFS). While Delphi is at the forefront of emerging t e ch n o l o g y,

w e r e m a i n c o m m i t t e d t o t h e t e ch n o l o g y w e p i o n e e r e d i n 19 5 1 a n d to supplying fresh, innovative thinking to hydraulic steering.

D r i v e n

b y

o u r

h e r i t a g e, f u t u r e .

f o c u s e d

o n

t h e

Delphi developed the industr ys first power steering system, and ever since, weve been an industr y leader. Today, Delphis innovation and capability continue to drive advances in power steering technology. Delphi supplies steering gears, pumps and hoses individually or as a fully integrated hydraulic power steering system. Selecting a complete system package over individual components can be more cost-effective, as it helps simplify the vehicle manufacturers process. Our experience and expertise add value at ever y st age, from the initial requirement analysis through overall system design, to the subsequent integration, testing and validation of the final product. Delphi is there at ever y turn. As one of the worlds leading hydraulic power steering suppliers, our product reliability has been proven in ever y market

and on ever y class of vehicle. Delphi product durabilit y has passed the test in such demanding environments as the NASCAR Series where ever y racecar uses Delphi pumps and gears. Delphi Steering: A tradition of fir sts Delphi has been first to market on a number of significant hydraulic steering innovations, including:
s s s s s s s s s

1951 Saginaw safet y power steering 1958 Direct drive pump 1958 Rot ar y valve power steering 1965 Variable ratio power steering 1972 Rack and pinion gear 1972 Compact pump 1972 Plastic reser voir 1985 Ball-nut joint 1998 Vane-t ype Continuous Variable Transmission pump 20 0 0 Hydraulic engine cooling/ steering pump

S t e e r i n g

G e a r s

Delphi is able to meet each customer s u n i q u e r e q u i r e m e n t s , p r ov i d i n g a ny ve h i c l e f r o m s m a l l p a s s e n g e r c a r s t o l i g h t - d u t y t ru ck s w i t h a d e s i r e d s t e e r i n g fe e l t h a t h e l p s d eve l o p a n d p r e s e r ve t h e ve h i c l es ch a r a c t e r. Rack and pinion gear s Delphi manufactures both end t ake-off (ETO) and center t ake-off (CTO) rack and pinion gears with straight ratio or variable ratio ch a r a c t e r i s t i c s . We h ave h i g h - o r l owmount designs that mount in front of o r b e h i n d t h e f r o n t a x l e c e n t e r l i n e fo r packaging flexibilit y. Depending on vehicle specifications, steering effort can be tailored by specifying the torsion bar size (spring rate) and valve hydraulic performance characteristics. Typical overall steering ratios are 14:1 and 22:1 (ver y quick to slow), with variable ratio as an optional feature. A centering preload valve is also available to help enhance on-center feel without compromising parking efforts. Integral gear s Delphi has developed a series of power steering recirculating-ball steering gears that are both light weight and durable. Delphis 60 0 Series integral gears are best in class according to industr y st andards in:
s s s s s s s

A s e m i - s o l i d fo r m e d a l u m i n u m va l ve h o u s i n g a n d t h i n - wa l l c a s t i r o n g e a r h o u s i n g r e d u c e m a s s by a p p r ox i m a t e l y 9 p o u n d s ( 4 . 1 kg ) . Th i s l i g h t we i g h t g e a r maintains torque output capacity providing the largest output force capacity for the lowest mass. The 60 0 Series features a center turning t o r q u e o f 0 . 9 t o 1. 2 N m , ve r s u s t h e industr y average of 1.8 Nm, and friction l e v e l s c o m p a r a b l e t o r a ck a n d p i n i o n gears. Its design eliminates certain adjustments necessar y in all other integral gear assemblies further reducing gearto-gear variations. Also, the technology b e h i n d t h e 6 0 0 S e r i e s a l l ow s fo r n e t build production of the thrust system unique in the industr y.



Mass reduction Reduced energy consumption Ride and handling tuning Low noise and tunable valve components Low friction and low variation High maximum pressure capabilit y Qualit y



M AG N AST E E R U s i n g a u n i q u e

c o m b i n a t i o n o f hyd r a u l i c s , e l e c t r o n i c s and magnetics, MAGNASTEER magnetic assist steering has been engineered to provide the continuous speed-sensitive, variable-effort power steering necessar y for todays high-performance vehicles. Instead of using fluid restriction or hydraulic back pressure, the MAGNASTEER systems variable-effort steering is achieved through noncont act mechanization. This provides smooth power steering from one effort level to another. Although sophisticated, MAGNASTEER has few moving parts, making it exceptionally reliable. The system begins with a All hydraulic gear s are equipped with conventional rot ar y valve rack and pinion high-temperature-resist ant internal seals. steering gear. A spool valve is integrated Rack and pinion options include: with the pinion to sense the level of
s s s s s s s s s s

Low-mass hollow rack designs Maintenance-free tie rods Low-mass materials Low-friction materials and processing Variable-effort steering valves Preload valves (C-spring/mid-centering) On-center enhancement valves (16 land) Variable ratios Wide selection of output force capabilities Customer-specific levels of corrosion protection (coatings)

torque applied to the input shaft through a torsion bar. At the heart of this system is an electromagnetic device that acts in parallel with the input shaft from the steering wheel, changing the steering effort required to open or close the rot ar y valve. In turn, the valve applies hydraulic pressure when assist ance is needed. The net result is a wide range of steering authorit y with smooth transition from one effort level to another.

P u m p s ,

H o s e s , a n d

R e s e r v o i r s

P u l l e y s

W ith our new CB110 and CB132 compact pumps, Delphi now has the abilit y to supply all types of vehicles with a common pump design. These pumps are designed for most car and light-dut y truck applications. Delphi can supply the complete steering pump module, i n c l u d i n g b r a cke t s , reser voirs and pulleys. Our pumps can be driven by accessor y belt or directly by the engine. Our patented high flow capabilit y allows hydraulic power once considered loss to be directed at other hydraulic systems such as hydraulic engine cooling or anti-roll systems. Delphi has a long-standing reputation of expertise in power steering hoses and offers a wide range of products for bundled hoses, pressure hoses, return hoses, coolers and remote reser voir hoses.

Our experience in hoses offers a unique advant age to customers. We bring a tot al systems expertise that includes the entire power steering system: pumps, gears and hoses. At Delphi, we develop our power steering pumps and hoses to meet our customers performance requirements then we put them to the test at our Acoustics and Vibration Center (AVC). Part of Delphis Advanced Systems Center, the AVC has three hemianechoic (soundproof) chambers that allow Delphis engineering teams to accurately evaluate noise and vibration levels. Using these world-class testing facilities and evaluation methods, our engineers can tune the power steering system to help reduce noise and improve performance.

Delphis Acoustics and Vibration Center is part of a world-class facility that combines our research, development and testing functions in engineering, manufacturing, acoustics, vibration and prototyping.

World Headquarters and Customer Center 5725 Delphi Drive T roy, Michigan 48098-2815 USA T el: [1] 248.813.2000 Fax: [1] 248.813.2670

Asia Pacific Regional Headquarters Shinjuku Nomura Bldg. 31F Mail Box 3015 , 1-26-2 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, T okyo 163-0569 Japan T el: [81] 42.549.7200 Fax: [81] 42.542.3018

European, Mideast and African Regional Headquarters Paris Nord 2 64, avenue de la Plaine de France B.P 65059 T . remblay en France 95972 Roissy Charles de Gaulle Cedex France T el: [33] 1 . Fax: [33] 1 .

South American Regional Headquarters Av. Gois, 1860 So Caetano do Sul So Paulo 09550-050 Brazil T el: [55] 1 .4234.9500 1 Fax: [55] 1 .4234.9415 1

w w w . d e l p h i . c o m

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Delphi. All rights reserved.

DS-04-E-070 1/04

About Delphi. Multi-national Delphi conducts its business operations through various subsidiaries and has headquarters in Troy, Michigan, USA, Paris, Tok yo and So Paulo, Brazil.

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