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Where da weed at?

By Shaneka White - Echo staff reporter Published: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 Updated: Wednesday, April 20, 2011 11:04
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Modeling, sports, Marching Sound Machine, Greek organizations, academic clubs just some of the wholesome extracurricular activities available to students. But there's one extracurricular activity some student enjoy, one that's illegal and not so wholesome smoking marijuana. Some students say the "high" helps them focus more in the class and makes class work clear. "I have had a class once where half of the class was high and I thought I was going to catch a contact," said Brett Chambers, an instructor in the department of English and mass communications. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse's website marijuana is the most commonly abused illicit drug in the United States. Marijuana is a dry, shredded green and brown mix of flowers, stems, seeds, and leaves derived from the hemp plant Cannabis sativa.

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In 2009, over 20 percent of college students reported that they smoke marijuana, according to a study conducted by the Office of National Drug Control Policy. Today, marijuana has numerous names: weed, pot, kush, dro, and purp, to name a few. Some NCCU students say that they smoke weed to escape physical and emotional discomfort. "I smoke weed because it helps me to be more focused and alert during class and study hours," said a student who asked not to be named. Another student des-cribed smoking marijuana as an activity that relaxes the body. "Smoking marijuana relaxes you. It helps me stay focus and more attentive in class," said another student who asked not to be named. "I enjoy the feeling of being high; it sometimes makes me forget what's going on in my real world.'" Many students report that it's easy to get marijuana with a little networking. "Most smokers know multiple people who sell or they can be directed to someone who sells." These students are a representation of many college students who take part in abusing drugs on campus. The price of weed can range from $5-10 for a single joint. But the costs for smoking marijuana can run a lot higher than that. The Higher Education Act of 1998 states that students can be denied federal student financial aid if they have even a misdemeanor drug conviction. Possession of less than 1.5 ounces of marijuana is considered a misdemeanor; possession of more than 1.5 ounces is a felony. In 2009, 22 arrests were made at NCCU for drug abuse violations. At NCCU, which deems itself a drug-free campus, first-time offenders face a one-year probation, a $50 fine, 20 hours of community service, and satisfactory completion of the Eagle Care Substance Abuse Program. "When I was caught smoking weed, I had a sanction to appear before the dean, and she referred me to the counseling center," said a student who asked to remain unnamed. "Seeing a therapist didn't help me in regards to smoking. I felt as though I was looked at as an addict, but I knew I could stop." Marijuana is demonized by many advocates of tough drug laws, but some recent findings see some benefits to the medical use of marijuana.

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According to the Mayo Clinic, marijuana may be beneficial for the treatment of a number of conditions, including eczema, epilepsy, chronic pain, insomnia, and symptoms of multiple sclerosis. The most significant benefits have been found in the treatment of chronic pain and symptoms of multiple sclerosis. While marijuana can be used to treat medical conditions, the drug can have dangerous effects.

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The American Council for Drug Education, in a 1995 study, found that marijuana use reduces the ability to learn and retain information. Heavy marijuana users, according to the study, have difficulty focusing, sustain attention, and organize data. These symptoms can last for as long as 24 hours after using the drug.
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