Tech Writing 1

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Paula Bianca C.


A. Definition of Technical writing based on profession. Technical writing refers to straightforward explanations and/or instructions dealing with a particular technical subject or Technical Writing is a term that represents an increasingly broad set of activities that are designed to communicate understandable information that can help people be productive. Those are the literal definitions of Technical writing but if it was to be defined based on the profession under the study of political science it is refered to as a form of making a more formal, professional and comprehensive letters, correct and clarified legal paper works and a form of writing that is important to Political Science majors. B. Kinds of Technical Literature. Kinds of technical literature involve the sequence of invention, development engineering, production and marketing. These include: 1.Proposal. Suggestion for action, usually involving change or performance. It may be to solve a problem, bid for a grant or contract, suggest a new project site, revise policy, initiate a research project, or terminate a project. 2.Shift Market.These are equivalent to time and motion records which specify the time and the mode of work of employees in an organization. These are commonly used in industry, business, hospitals, airports and military services. 3.Market Projection. A market scheme or plan predicting profits based on known evidences and observations. This is usually used by economists, businessmen, brokers, industrialists, scientist and the like. 4.Shipping orders. These may come in printed form or letters. In a shipping company they may refer to directives or instruction that must be obeyed by officers and ranks or to a commission to produce or supply something in return for payment. 5.Design evaluation. It is a technical literature which assesses the value of a designed in engineering, aviation, military, production, business, and other related fields. 6.Contracts. These are formal agreements between to or more parties to do something on mutually agreed terms. 7. Feasibility Report. An examination of the advantages and disadvantages of a proposal. It relies on analysis and persuasion and attempts to answer: Can it be done? Should it be done? It should present all relevant data, calculate the probability of success, and recommend an action or further study of the problem. 8.Meeting minutes. It is a formal record of the minutes of a meeting or a conference describing what transpired during the session. 9.Conference Report. A summary of a business or professional meeting, stating the time, place, subject and personnel of the meeting as well as any results. This may sometimes be called Minutes of the meeting or conference. 10.Survey Report. A thorough study of any subject. Some subjects of surveys are potential markets for products, labor policies, market penetration, public opinion and community resources. Examples are poll survey, survey reports on the study of a possible site for a new plant.

11.Production order. A technical directive on the manufacture of goods and services with exchange value. 12.Letter Report or Memo Report. These are reports in every respect except that the subject heading substitutes for a title page. They should make use of headings and subheadings when appropriate; should state authorization, purpose and scope. They are more formal than standard correspondence, and are carefully typed. 13.Policy. A plan of action adopted or pursued by an individual, government, party, business, and industry or it may be a document containing a contract of insurance. 14.Complaint Report. A critical assessment of action, policy, procedure or person. It usually recommends an alternative or adjustment. Examples are trouble reports, investigative reports, accident reports. 15.Progress Report. An account of what has been accomplished on a project over a specific period of time and what may be expected in the next period. It may include changes in procedures or adjustments in schedules. Some progress reports record personal or professional development as in psychotherapy personnel evaluation. 16.Status report or project report. It is similar to a progress report but the underlying difference is in the time covered. Instead of accounting for a period of time, it describes the status of the project at a particular time, usually the present. It also describes the condition of a department, company profession or industry. In this case, personnel may be evaluated on the basis of their works, examples are annual reports to stockholders by corporations, Presidents report, annual state of the message or address delivered to Congress by the President. 17.Trip Report. An account of a business or professional trip. It records specific and significant places, events, conversation and people met. It attempts to answer where, when, what, why, and who. It may have recommendation section. 18.Laboratory Report. A record of procedures and results of laboratory tests. It describes the scope of a project, the equipment utilized, the procedures used, the results of tests, and any conclusions or recommendations. 19.Instruction Manual. Directions for work procedures or policies, or for the use of technical equipment or appliances. Instruction relies on clear, specific, complete directions presented in sequential order. Manuals may be written in a formal or informal style depending on the audience but they should inspire confidence. 20.Technical Paper. A research paper written for a professional journal or magazine. Technical papers usually describe a theory or new development. They resemble technical reports in most respects. The main difference lies on the facts that the audience for the technical paper is larger and more diverse. C. Qualities of Technical Writing. 1. Clarity. Technical document must convey a single meaning that the reader can understand. Unclear Technical writing is expensive. They vital communication link among the various employees is usually the report, if this link is weak, the entire project may be jeopardized. 2. Accuracy. Unclear writing can cause many problems and even inaccuracy in the report. Slightest error can confuse or even annoy the reader of the report. If the reader suspects that you are slanting information they have the right to doubt the entire document.

3. Comprehensiveness. When writing technically, all the information should be provided, its background must be described and clear description of any process, or method of carrying out a specific work, should also be given. It also includes results, conclusions and recommendations. 4. Accessibility. It means the ease with which the readers can locate the information they seek.To increase Accessibility, include headings and lists in the report. A table of contents, list of illustrations glossary and index are preferred. 5. Conciseness. Technical writing is meant to be useful. The longer a document is, the more difficult it gets to use it. Even it takes more of the user's time. 6. Correctness. Good technical report must also be correct. It. Must be free from grammatical errors, punctuation mistakes, and should have appropriate format standard. If a report contains grammatical errors, the reader will doubt the accuracy of the information in the report. Technical writing is meant to convey information and to persuade the audience. To accomplish these goals it must be clear auccurate, easy to access and must be economical and correct.

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