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This is for people who want Cricket to work perfectly, just follow these instructions not skipping a beat

and you will be OK from then on! If you are not having problems obviously skip this! I have updated this thread ONLY to Change a step. Its not a Required Change for current Cricket users however, it may be needed for Phones that have never been on Cricket before. I also re-phrased some things to be more understandable. This thread is assuming that you already have your phone Unlocked (spc code all zeros) and that you have already contacted Cricket and had the Phone you are programming added to the Account. You might as well tell them you have a Motorola Razor V3C that will ensure there will be no problems obtaining EVDO. Also ask Cricket for your MSID/MIN number (usually not your Phone Number) we will be needing the MSID/MIN if you dont know it, or if the phone was never on Cricket before. My HTC Unlock Tools Directory, Read SPC Instructions Readme My Cricket WAP and Arcsoft new versions or my Cricket Carrier CAB <--If you are installing one of my Cricket CABs dont test it until your PST settings are correct. This thread is also assuming that you already have a CRICKET PRL file loaded in PST. If you have my ROM flashed than a couple PRL files that you can use are on device memory we will get to that later below. Important note on PRL files. You must know what kind of Cricket Plan you have. If you have Roaming on your plan you need to use the 5 digit PRL files. If you DO NOT have Roaming on your plan you must use the PRL files that are considered 4 digits or contain a 0 at the beginning. Otherwise *228 will not work and you will not be able to Authenticate. Examples below. PRL 01013 = Non Roaming PRL 38515 = Roaming 1. Now first thing you want to do is have a good Cricket CAB or ROM installed. This way when the PST settings are done they can be looked over again, and tested. 2. Now if you are starting from a fresh flash OK, if you are starting from a hard reset OK, we can continue. If you have a ROM installed that is having problems I recommend a hard reset and skip Auto Customizations using stylus when it says you have 3 seconds. If you are confident the ROM you have installed is ready to go then fine. We can continue. 3. Now open your Phone Application and go to options and make sure smart dial is off. Then dial ##778 call button (PST/EPST), now click edit and enter six zeros. In the Main Page change the NAM name to Cricket, and enter the MSID/MIN number (that you obtained from your old Cricket phone or from Cricket themselves) make sure its a 10

digit number thats in your area code BUT IT IS USUALLY NOT your PHONE NUMBER. If it was already fine we can continue, if you dont know it you may of skipped obtaining this from calling Cricket as stated above. Now click view info and goto PRL, now check to make sure you have a CRICKET PRL (1013,1014, 1040, 1050 etc.. there are others) If you dont have one loaded in PST and you are using my ROM then you can click in Update PRL File (click in the blank area under setting) and then click Menu, edit, browse and it should go to main root (my documents). Pick PRL 1050 (You may have to try another PRL for *228 to work in step below). Then click ok, then Menu, then ok, it will ask you if you want to update the items click ok. Let it do its thing and restart. If you already have a CRICKET PRL then skip the update PRL step but still make sure to click menu, then ok and let it restart. 4. Now after the phone restarts open phone application again and dial *228 call button (this will make sure base settings are good so i will not have to explain as much, it will also download the proper local EVDO prl to where you are), it will dial cricket and do its programming thing. Do not interrupt this. Let it do its thing even if it restarts. It should say Update complete or Programming complete (if not then try a different Cricket PRL) Now when you are back in action we can continue. 5. Now open the phone application and dial ##778 call button (PST/EPST), now click edit and enter six zeros. Now click view info and goto AKEY and make sure its blank, nothing there. Now click view info and goto NAM settings, NAM name should be Cricket, Mobile Directory number should be YourTenDigitPhoneNumber, MIN1 should be that other phone number the MSID/MIN that is usually not your phone number, but it should be 7 digits, ex: sevendigitnumber, MIN2 should be just your area code. MSID/MIN should be 10digitMSIDnumber <--again usually not yourphonenumber, This part I only know for USA users MCC should be 310, MNC should be 00 (for other Countries you have to look this up), NMSI should be your MSID/MIN (XX10digitnumber<--usually not your phone number) THE XX'S should be zeros, ex: 007185548692, Now if all these settings in this paragraph didnt need touched assuming you didnt skip any of my steps (which they shouldnt be touched i am just making sure) we can move on. 6. Click view info and goto CDMA settings, we are going to make sure they are set right and change a couple things for Clearer voice transmissions, people will compliment how good your phone sounds even in some cases. EVRC should be set at Disable, Home page should be Voice 13k, the Two below it the Same Voice 13k. 7. Click view info click modem settings, change slot cycle index to 1, This will make the phone ring a little sooner, also get your texts a bit sooner. The other 4 options should be Auto, Auto, Enable, No in Order from top to bottom. 8. Click View Info and pick Security, now we are changing this regardless you must do this, we are going to Unauthenticate you and Re-authenticate, it is a Needed step everything in this How To needs to be done and Not skipped! Change the HDR Auth User ID to something bogus like, the password below it make it

something random but remember it, now do the same for PPP user ID and password but make them the same as the HDR ones. 9. Click view info and pick MIP Settings, Make sure Active Profile is on 0, MIP mode should be Simple IP only, MIP reg retries should be 1, MIP reg retry timeout should be 2000 ms, MIP pre-reg timeout should be 30, Mobile Node HA auth should be Disable, send a reg request should be Enable, dormant handoff to disable. 10. Click view info and pick MIP Default Profile, Enable profile should be ENABLE, NAI should be, MN HA SPI set should be enable, MN HA SPI value should be 12c, MN AAA should be enable, MN AAA SPI value should be 2, reverse tunneling should be enable, home address should be, Primary HA address should be, secondary should be, HA shared secret and AAA secret should be cricket <--lowercase, DMU public should be 0, MN Authenticator should be 0. 11. Click view info and pick MIP customer profile 1 and make sure Enable profile is DISABLED. Now do the same with the other 4 profiles (profiles 2-5), make sure that the only profile enabled is MIP Default Profile. 12. Ok now click menu, ok and let it reset, but make sure not to do anything we are going to be going right back INTO EPST, so when it boots back up open the Phone application and dial ##778 call button (PST/EPST), we are going to re-authenticate you its easy, now click edit and enter six zeros, click view info and goto Security, now change the HDR AN Auth to, password should be cricket<-lower case, same for PPP user id and Password make them same as HDR. 13. Click view info and goto MIP default profile, make sure the HA, and AAA shared secrets are both cricket<---lowercase, then click menu OK and let it reset. Thats it! PST settings are perfect for CRICKET, you have a Local EVDO prl file installed, and you are Authenticated for Data and EVDO, now if you used my ROM just go to internet explorer and goto a real page, and follow instructions but remember to click save password! You can also go back into the Phone Application and turn smart dial back on if you choose. Thats done, every Custom ROM flash from now on should never affect your PST settings and you should always be Authenticated. I hope this helps everyone. Ryan Mogul

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