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by Mike Janowiak & Joan Easley (Inspired by a true story)

Joan Easley 23015-1 Del Valle St. Woodland Hills, CA 91364 (818) 225-7123

FADE IN: EXT. BEVERLY HILLS HIGH - DAY TIFFANY GOLD, the girl with the warmest smile in Beverly Hills, and four equally-pretty, dressed-to-the-teeth SENIORS, slide into their five candy-colored Beemer convertibles. They shut their doors in unison. their engines. VROOM! The ladies start

Tiffany, license plate DADDYZ GRL, leads the parade out of the parking lot and through the pricey streets of B.H. And the video conference-call begins. As they chat, the girls can see each other on dashboard monitors. TIFFANY Yoo-hoo, is everybody rea... KRISTIN CAMERON, a girl with the best face and body money can buy, zooms around in front of her and takes charge. KRISTIN The 22nd meeting of the Beverly Hills High Prom Planning Committee will please come to order. Chair Kristin Cameron.... Kristin beeps. TIFFANY ...and Co-chair Tiffany Gold... Tiffany beeps. KRISTIN ...and the others. JENNIFER beeps. SHAWNA beeps. MELANIEs horn plays La Cucaracha. KRISTIN Melanie! Have you been shopping in Tijuana again? They pass palatial homes and weary maids trudging to the bus.


KRISTIN The purpose of this meeting is to find the location for our pre-prom senior ditch-day picnic and bonfire. TIFFANY The BEST EVER pre-prom senior ditch-day picnic and bonfire. Hooo... EVERYONE Rah! The girl-parade wends its way down Rodeo Drive. SHAWNA Um, I move that Jennifer should, like, voice record the minutes? KRISTIN All in favor? Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. La-cu-ca-ra-cha... Oh! KRISTIN That is so un-Bavarian.

EXT. PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY - DAY Its the Malibu the world envies: bronze bodies playing beach volleyball; surfers; blue skies; palm trees; soaring kites. The pretty girls in their sexy cars perfect the picture. TIFFANY For this year, Im thinking Sand and Sushi. SHAWNA Tiffany always has the best ideas. Kristin frowns. KRISTIN Beach parties are so last millennium.


TIFFANY Really? JENNIFER Jurassic. KRISTIN Totally Nineteenie. the... We need a party for

SHAWNA ...the Twenty-teenies? TIFFANY Okay... Maybe we could... KRISTIN I know just where to go. Follow me.

Kristin turns onto Encinal Canyon Road. They twist and turn through wild mountain countryside. SHAWNA Wow, theres, like, no malls. They drive by a group of guys running in orange jogging shorts. ANTONIO RIVAS leads the pack. He is tan, muscular and gorgeous. Ooo! TIFFANY Eye candy at one oclock.

Kristin hones in on the word prisoner emblazoned across their shirts. KRISTIN Tiffie, dear, we do have standards. Tiffany cant take her eyes off Antonio as they whoosh past. MELANIE What are we doing here? KRISTIN Just ahead, theres Calamigos Ranch. Silence. KRISTIN And Rocky Oaks National Recreation Area. Silence.


KRISTIN And Malibu Country Club. EVERYONE Ooooooh... TIFFANY But this is a picnic, and I think we should rough it. Silence. TIFFANY But catered. They all beep their approval. INT. HOTEL BALLROOM - NIGHT Elegantly-dressed adults dance and mingle. Tiffany, a vision in Versace, chats at the champagne fountain with a HANDSOME GUY in a tux. TIFFANY I hope you like the decorations. I thought because, you know, Daddys a big bio-tech entrepreneur, that these would be appropriate. And cheery. The ceiling is festooned with crepe paper double helixes. From each chandelier dangles a Barbie doll floating in a test tube. TIFFANY Of course Daddy hasnt cloned anybody... yet. She waves to her father, AARON GOLD, whos dancing with an attractive, much-younger woman. Tiffanys mother, CLAIRE GOLD, who looks studious even in a gown, sits alone at the head table and fumes. TIFFANY Oh, look, hes having a good time. I was hoping he would. Did you know our birthdays are just three days apart? HANDSOME GUY Cant say I...


TIFFANY He gives me the best birthday presents. When I was five, he gave me a Cinderella coach and four ponies. She gets a far-away look. TIFFANY One of the ponies had a bladder control problem, but we loved Mr. Tinkles anyway. Then when I was six... Oh. That was the year Daddy wasnt with us. For a moment, Tiffanys cheerfulness fades. TIFFANY But the best was my sixteenth, when he gave me my good pearls and my rhinoplasty. Two things no girl should be without. Tiffanys boyfriend, TRENT SNYDERMAN comes over. Hes a little too everything: handsome, ambitious, privileged and sure of himself. TRENT Tiffie, honey, why dont we just let the gentleman serve his canapes? The waiter smiles, picks up his tray from the table and rushes off... but not before Trent snatches a cheeseball. Tiffany and Trent dance. TIFFANY Dont you just love my decorations? He smiles. TRENT Id love them more if they hadnt monopolized all your time, Tiffie-kins. Tiffany looks surprised and hurt. He pats her on the head.

TRENT ...but you did a nice little job. She cheers up. TIFFANY Im getting in shape for all the charity galas Ill be planning when youre the Entertainment Attorney to the Stars.


They smooch. Tiffanys father comes over. AARON GOLD Mind if I dance with my little girl? TRENT You knew her first, sir. Tiffany dances with her father. to dance. Trent asks Tiffanys mother

AARON GOLD Beautiful party, princess. great little wife someday. TIFFANY Thanks, Daddy. Happy 40th. Forty.

Youll be a

AARON GOLD Makes you think about things.

TIFFANY Your 40th and my 18th in the same week. Thats, like intense! LATER Tiffanys mother looks annoyed. CLAIRE GOLD Where is he? He has to cut the cake. TIFFANY Ill look for him. Tiffany searches the ballroom. She sees her father step out from behind a giant beaker of bubbling blue liquid. Hes wiping lipstick off his mouth with a handkerchief. AARON GOLD Hi, Tiffie. He sees her staring at his handkerchief. AARON GOLD Oh... your Mom kissed me earlier, and... TIFFANY Mom uses Chanel Glossimer Extreme. She studies the handkerchief.


TIFFANY This is Juicy Tubes Ultra Shiny Lip Gloss. AARON GOLD Oh, youre right. After your mother kissed me, another well-wisher gave me a little peck. He gives her a reassuring smile. Tiffany hesitates.

TIFFANY Thats... birthday plausible. LATER The guests eat the last bites of cake. The CHEF presents a huge copper pan to Tiffany, her parents and Trent. CHEF As a special surprise for our favorite customers, la specialitie de la maison. He sets a torch to the cherries jubilee. dramatic whoosh of flame. A deafening SHRIEK. A panicked Tiffany ducks under the table. AARON GOLD Honey, you can come out. Its okay. It goes up in a

He whispers reassuringly to the crowd. AARON GOLD Flashbacks. There was an incident. They all nod. Tiffany pokes her head out. TIFFANY Everybody, go back to having fun. She tries to look at the back of her dress, then whispers to Trent: TIFFANY Any sparks? INT. PROM PLANNING MEETING ROOM - DAY Tiffany and the other girls huddle around Kristin.


KRISTIN I want to do something really different for the prom this year. Kristin extends her foot for the benefit of PHUONG, the Vietnamese nail artist whos giving her a pedicure. MELANIE Itll be hard to top what Tiffie came up with last year. Kristin clenches her feet, making things difficult for Phuong. KRISTIN Tiffanys not the only one with ideas, you know. Her foot reflectively kicks out. Phuong ducks. That was

JENNIFER Renting Cirque du Soleil. great, Tif. Phuong ducks just in case.

KRISTIN After all those double-jointed girls, our dates expected way too much. TIFFANY This year Im thinking High School Retro. Picture a sock hop in a high school gym. Bold! MELANIE I like it.

KRISTIN That will never work. Unless... Yes! Thats it! Ill create the perfect ubergym... in the Grand Ballroom of the Beverly Hilton. SHAWNA What do you think, Tiffany? ARACELI RUIZ pokes her head into the group. Shes a lovely Latina with flowing dark hair, not as well-dressed as the others. ARACELI Beverly Hilton?


KRISTIN This is a closed meeting. ARACELI Wouldnt it be better if we could all afford the prom? KRISTIN I hear theres a new Wal-Mart in the Valley. Where would you like to have the prom? Auto Parts or Rubber Kitchenware? ARACELI I wonder if the principal would find that so funny. Civics teacher MR. DESMOND clears his throat. MR. DESMOND Excuse me, ladies, but I really do need to start class. Phuong removes her nail supplies from the arm of Kristins chair, and Kristin pays her. KRISTIN Thanks, Phuong. Ill need you again next Wednesday. Third period Chem Lab. The students wave good-bye to Phuong. Trent texts: TIF - TONIGHT? He waits for her to reply. MR. DESMOND Can anybody tell me about the Kennedy Administration? TIFFANY Ooo! That was the first time they had five simultaneous inaugural balls. It was 22 degrees with 18-mile-an-hour winds. Trent grows impatient waiting for Tiffany. TIFFANY Army flame-throwers had to remove the snow. But Jackie danced at every ball. What a trouper. Trent gets a photo message... of a womans cleavage. Trent looks around. He sees Kristin giving him a come-hither look. Hes intrigued.


TIFFANY She even designed her own gown -- offwhite silk chiffon over peau dange... MR. DESMOND Miss Gold, I was thinking more of the political aspects. TIFFANY You dont know about vicious politics until youve dealt with florists. Theyd sooner kill you than give you babys breath out of season. INT. CAFETERIA - DAY Tiffany and Kristin sit eating sushi. TIFFANY thats my new prom idea. KRISTIN Interesting... but it needs fine-tuning. Dont tell anyone else till weve worked out the kinks.

TIFFANY What I really like about it is that it would cost people less. I was thinking that maybe you were... WE were... a teensy bit harsh to that Araceli girl. KRISTIN Youre right. It could be a problem. She did threaten to go to the principal. TIFFANY I thought maybe we could meet with her and, well, say were sorry, and... KRISTIN Yes! TIFFANY Really? Kristen smiles. KRISTIN I know exactly what I need to do. Well go to her place... so shell feel more comfortable.


TIFFANY But her mothers a live-in maid. Shes probably not allowed to have anyone over. Kristin delicately picks up a piece of uni with her chopsticks and holds it poised. KRISTIN Go ask her. Jennifer, Shawna and Melanie, walking by with their trays, stare in bewilderment as Tiffany enters The Loser Zone. Kristin and the girls all watch as Araceli reacts coldly to Tiffany at first. After a while, Araceli warms and nods yes. Kristin gives a self-satisfied smile. INT. MANSION LIVING ROOM - DAY Kristin and Araceli sit in the formal living room. bounds down the grand staircase. TIFFANY Fabulous house! Not that I snooped or anything. KRISTIN My turn to use the facilities. Kristin heads upstairs. TIFFANY So anyway, I was thinking we could do a movie-themed prom. Melanies father is this major movie mogul. Im sure he could get us a sound stage for bupkis. ARACELI Que? TIFFANY Huh? ARACELI What? They stare blankly at each other. TIFFANY Oh, and we could get amazing decorations for free, too! Tiffany


INT. HALLWAY - DAY Kristin peeks into a bedroom and spies a JEWELRY BOX. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Tiffany and Araceli chat. TIFFANY Again, my apologies for what Kristin said. When you really get to know her, youll see shes good at heart. INT. HALLWAY - DAY Kristin walks out of the bedroom glancing at the ruby necklace in her hand. She slips it into her pocket. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Araceli sees them out. TIFFANY Bye, Araceli, it was fun. KRISTIN Hope we didnt get you into any trouble. INT. TIFFANYS ROOM - NIGHT Tiffany shops for clothes online. Her door is open.

CLAIRE GOLD (O.S.) Have you looked at the credit card bill? AARON GOLD (0.S.) Not this again. CLAIRE GOLD (O.S.) You dont give her any limits. Tiffany puts a cashmere sweater set into her virtual shopping cart: Quantity - One. Color - Heavenly Lavender. So? AARON GOLD (O.S.) I can afford it.

CLAIRE GOLD (O.S.) But youre spoiling her. AARON GOLD (O.S.) At least SHE appreciates me.


CLAIRE GOLD (O.S.) If you keep on treating her like some porcelain doll, shell never become anything. Tiffany looks hurt. She changes the quantity to Two.

CLAIRE GOLD (O.S.) You cant be that selfish. AARON GOLD (O.S.) Youre jealous of your own daughter. CLAIRE GOLD (O.S.) I care what happens to her. With you its just ego. AARON GOLD (O.S.) Enough of this crap. Im outta here. Her whole body clenched, Tiffany clutches the mouse and clicks every color from Apple Green to Zanzibar Crimson. Tiffany hits submit. She can breathe again.

INT. TIFFANYS ROOM - DAY Tiffany wakes up to her computer playing Happy Birthday. Beaming, she runs out to see what surprises await. INT. HALLWAY - DAY She looks in room after room, but no one is there. TIFFANY Daddy? INT. SCHOOL HALLWAY - DAY Tiffany and Kristin walk to their lockers. KRISTIN So, how huge was your birthday haul? TIFFANY I think theyre saving the surprise for later. Tiffany looks around. TIFFANY I wonder why Araceli wasnt in class. were supposed to talk about the prom. We


KRISTIN Oh, I wouldnt worry. Shes probably just off someplace getting herself knocked up. INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY Tiffany bursts into the room, filled with anticipation. TIFFANY Well? Her mother shakes her head. CLAIRE GOLD He left. TIFFANY Daddy didnt come home last night? CLAIRE GOLD Im sorry. Call him! TIFFANY Find him!

CLAIRE GOLD It wont do any good. TIFFANY You pushed him away. I heard you.

CLAIRE GOLD Im not the bad guy here. TIFFANY He wouldnt have left if you werent so mean to him. CLAIRE GOLD Tiffany, he ran off to Paris with someone from his office. Tiffany gasps. TIFFANY Juicy Tubes. CLAIRE GOLD Things are going to be different. Tiffany shakes her head sadly.


CLAIRE GOLD You need to learn to be more responsible. If youre going to spend it, youll have to earn it. EARN it? TIFFANY What are we, Amish?

CLAIRE GOLD Give me your credit cards. TIFFANY This isnt fair. Her mother grabs Tiffanys purse. CLAIRE GOLD Tell me about fair. She takes out Tiffanys credit cards and cuts them up. Tiffany runs upstairs. She shouts.

TIFFANY I hate you. Claire storms out of the house. INT. KITCHEN - DAY Tiffany, eyes red from crying, sits down next to the housekeeper, ROSA, who is putting food into containers. TIFFANY I guess its just you and me. ROSA Im sorry, Miss Tiffany. I have to leave early. To talk to my daughters teacher. TIFFANY You cant do that. ROSA Your mother said I can. Rosa glances at the clock. She stuffs the food in the fridge, picks up her bag and hurries to the door. Sorry. But... ROSA I have to catch the bus. TIFFANY


The housekeeper closes the door behind her. TIFFANY ...its my birthday. INT. TIFFANYS ROOM - NIGHT Tiffany lies in bed looking at photos of her and her father from earlier birthdays. Her princess phone rings. Her eyes light up as she grabs for it. TIFFANY Hello? Oh, hi, Kristin. (BEAT) Uh, Daddy? He said I should go pick out anything I want. (BEAT) Now? Theyd really miss me, but I guess I could get away. EXT. RODEO DRIVE - NIGHT Kristin leaves her car for the valet, and she and Tiffany enter a pricey boutique. INT. RODEO DRIVE BOUTIQUE - NIGHT Tiffany and Kristin sort through the clothing racks. TIFFANY Trent gave me the most adorable little... She stops. TIFFANY He forgot. He didnt give me anything, and my father ran off with some hoochie mama. Wow. KRISTIN Your sixth birthday all over again.

Tiffany sees a black silk tank top with PRINCESS spelled out in real jewels. She tears up. KRISTIN Come on. Take it into the dressing room. Take a lot of stuff. Its your birthday! They pile clothes into their arms, Tiffany laughing through her tears. An elegantly-dressed SECURITY GUARD posing as a shopper watches discreetly.


INT. DRESSING ROOM - NIGHT Tiffany tears up again as she looks at her reflection in the Princess top. TIFFANY My... m-m-mother c-c-cut up my c-c-credit cards. KRISTIN No problem. Kristin slips a tool from her purse and deftly removes the security tag from the tank top. TIFFANY What are you doing? KRISTIN Happy birthday. TIFFANY You cant just... KRISTIN Its your eighteenth birthday. Youre entitled to a good present. The gift your father should have given you. TIFFANY He should have. KRISTIN Its yours. Take it off and slip it into your purse... INT. STORE - NIGHT Tiffany looks nervous as they walk out of the dressing room. Kristin smiles at a sales lady. KRISTIN We didnt find anything. Tiffany rushes to the exit. Kristin holds back. Just as Tiffany walks through the security sensor, Kristin passes the security tag through the sensor and tosses it aside. ALARMS SOUND. The security shopper subtly touches Tiffany on the shoulder and leads her away. INT. BEVERLY HILLS POLICE DEPARTMENT - NIGHT Tiffany kvetches to OFFICER WILLIS.


TIFFANY Youre making a horrible mistake. My parents pay your salary. OFFICER WILLIS You get one phone call, missy. I want a raise. INT. POLICE WAITING ROOM - NIGHT Officer Willis pours foamy cups of cappuccino for Kristin and Mrs. Gold. KRISTIN I think it was a cry for help. OFFICER WILLIS Biscotti? Kristin smiles to the officer and looks back at Mrs. Gold with a sad, serious look. KRISTIN I shouldnt have said anything. CLAIRE GOLD No, please tell me. I need to know. KRISTIN Please dont tell her I told you, but shes been a little... out of control. CLAIRE GOLD I dont know what to do with her. KRISTIN She seems to need more... structure. More discipline in her life. CLAIRE GOLD I told him that. KRISTIN A mother senses these things. An Armani-clad lawyer rushes in and hugs Mrs. Gold. ARMANI LAWYER Got here as quickly as I could, Claire. Dont worry. We can make this disappear. CLAIRE GOLD No, thank you. Well do the hard thing... but the RIGHT thing. Tell em


Kristin nods her approval. INT. CHEM LAB - DAY Dangerously close to a Bunsen burner, Phuong waxes Kristins eyebrows. JENNIFER A soundstage? I love it. SHAWNA Fantastic. MELANIE Its really good, but Id like to hear Tiffanys idea. KRISTIN Maybe youll hear it on Americas Most Wanted. Right now were discussing MY prom idea. Kristin arches her brow. Phuong gets a gleam in her eye and rips off the hot wax. KRISTIN Ow! Kristin gives Phuong an accusing look. innocence. INT. COURTROOM - DAY Tiffany is led in wearing her heavenly lavender cashmere sweater set and handcuffs. Her Costco-suited PUBLIC DEFENDER bounds up to her and thrusts out his hand to shake. Oops. Handcuffs. He gives her a friendly punch on the shoulder instead. PUBLIC DEFENDER Nice to meet you. Im your public defender. Were you the crack whore or the... Tiffany stares open-mouthed. through his papers. The lawyer quickly thumbs Phuong feigns

Trent comes into the courtroom carrying a gift. TRENT Hi, Tiffie. I did get you a birthday present. See?


The tough female JUDGE glares. TRENT Is this a bad time? LATER Officer Willis is on the stand. JUDGE Would you like to cross-examine, Mr. Parker? PUBLIC DEFENDER I certainly would, your honor. He pauses dramatically and stares in the officers eyes. PUBLIC DEFENDER Officer Willis, is it? OFFICER WILLIS Yes, sir. PUBLIC DEFENDER Well, Officer Willis, can you say beyond a reasonable doubt that my client had not, in fact, intended to pay for the allegedly-stolen item, but instead, in her youthful enthusiasm, simply forgot that said item was in her purse? Can you say that beyond a reasonable doubt, Officer Willis? OFFICER WILLIS Yes, sir. PUBLIC DEFENDER Are you psychic, Officer Willis? Are you a swami? A soothsayer? Are you telling me you can magically read my clients mind and know what was in her heart? OFFICER WILLIS No, sir. Public defender Parker smiles smugly at the entire courtroom. PUBLIC DEFENDER Aha. So youre saying you do not, in fact, know what was in her heart. OFFICER WILLIS Yes, sir.


Parker winks confidently at Tiffany. OFFICER WILLIS But I do know what was in her purse: seventeen lip glosses, nine dollar bills, and forty three teensy-weensy pieces of credit card. Oh. LATER Kristin is on the stand. PUBLIC DEFENDER Miss Cameron, how long have you known Miss Gold? KRISTIN Since Toddlercize. PUBLIC DEFENDER Is it fair to say youve shopped together more than ten times? Per week? KRISTIN Easy. PUBLIC DEFENDER No more questions.

PUBLIC DEFENDER In all of these myriad shopping expeditions, did you ever see her steal anything? KRISTIN Besides this time? PUBLIC DEFENDER Yes, besides this time? KRISTIN No. The lawyer smiles with satisfaction. knit, and the smile disappears. Suddenly, his brows

PUBLIC DEFENDER Uh, may I rephrase the question, your honor? Too late. JUDGE Asked and answered.

Tiffany looks shell-shocked.


LATER The gavel comes down. JUDGE Guilty. Tiffany pouts. Kristin smirks. The lawyer shrugs. JUDGE Felony shoplifting. expensive T-shirt. Tiffany whispers to herself. That was one

TIFFANY Tank top. What? JUDGE What was that?

TIFFANY Tank top. A T-shirt has sleeves, giving it the shape of the capital letter... JUDGE Miss Gold! TIFFANY Yes? JUDGE One more word and youll be held in contempt of court. TIFFANY Okay Ill... whoopsie. She zips her lip. JUDGE You can either serve four months in jail, or theres another option I like to offer my first-time, non-violent offenders. Tiffany looks at her expectantly.


JUDGE Our womens conservation camp. The judge smiles enigmatically. JUDGE Now wouldnt that be justice on a stick. The judge is lost in her reverie. she catches herself. The BAILIFF coughs, and

JUDGE So... which will it be: four months in jail, or two months in the camp? TIFFANY Two months? Tiffany turns to Trent. TIFFANY Id be out in time for the prom! JUDGE So what have you decided, Miss Gold: jail, or Camp Malibu? TIFFANY Camp Malibu? Im going to the beach! EXT. BEACH - DAY Pretty girls frolic in stylish swimsuits and shorts sets. The picture freezes. screen. Its actually a web page on a computer SHOP NOW. One


Prices and check-off boxes appear next to each outfit. by one, an unseen hand types an X in each box. ON SCREEN: SIGN IN The unseen hand types in T-I-F-F-A-N-Y G-O-L-D. ON SCREEN: OPEN A CREDIT ACCOUNT NOW ( ) an X pops up in the check-off box. ON SCREEN: THANK YOU, TIFFANY!



EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY A powder blue limo stops in front of a wall of tough girls in orange prison uniforms. The driver takes out luggage... and more luggage... and more luggage. Tiffany bounces out in mini-skirted tennis whites. a badminton racquet and shuttlecock. Yoo-hoo! TIFFANY Anybody up for badminton? She holds

Shes greeted with a wall of hostility. The wall parts. A hard-edged young woman steps through the crowd and glares at Tiffany. Its Araceli. Shes lost her sweetness. Araceli? TIFFANY What are you doing here?

ARACELI As if you didnt know. Araceli walks away. Tiffany and follow. The rest of the girls turn their back on

TIFFANY Volleyball? A beat-up prison bus barrels in, running over Tiffanys luggage. Ah! TIFFANY My things!

The bus discharges two new Camp Malibu residents: chubby White girl TAMMY and tough Black girl SHIRELLE. CAPTAIN GERTA WOLF, a ramrod-straight, take-no-prisoners drill instructor with the sense of humor of a corpse, marches up to them and barks: CAPTAIN WOLF Rookies! Im your commander, Captain Wolf. What you are about to undertake is dangerous. You must obey my commands without hesitation, or you could pay with your life. And not just your own life. The lives of your fellow firefighters. Tiffany raises her hand.


TIFFANY Excuse me. What do you mean, firefighters? Tammy looks at her like shes slow. TAMMY You know, the guys with the big hats and the big red trucks... There, see? Sure enough, Tiffany sees a lot of big, red trucks... and a banner: MALIBU FIREFIGHTING CAMP. Tiffany faints. Captain Wolf rushes over and starts mouth-to-mouth and CPR. Tiffanys eyes shoot open. CAPTAIN WOLF Gold, can you breathe on your own? TIFFANY But Im afraid of... CAPTAIN WOLF Good. As I was saying. You can perish from smoke inhalation, limbs being severed, and of course, simply going up in flames. Tiffany raises her hand. TIFFANY I think theres been a mistake. Im afraid of fire. I dont even let them use glow sticks on my birthday cake. Wolf pats her on the shoulder. CAPTAIN WOLF Aww, Princess... Tiffany smiles through her tears. Wolf gets in her face and barks. CAPTAIN WOLF Do I look like someone who cares? SHIRELLE Me, Im guessin no. Tiffany pulls out her cell phone.


TIFFANY Daddy will straighten this out. Wolf grabs the phone and crushes it beneath her boot. CAPTAIN WOLF Where was that? Ill have to do your body cavity search. Im good. SHIRELLE Just brushed.

Wolf gives her a withering look. CAPTAIN WOLF Youre all convicted criminals. Its a privilege to be here with the fresh air, the sunshine... She gestures towards the trees CAPTAIN WOLF ...the combustible materials. You dont see that in a concrete prison cell, and if you cant cut it here, thats where youll go. Tammy looks nervous. CAPTAIN WOLF By week three, you must pass both a written and hands-on test on the tools and techniques of firefighting. By week eight, you must complete the obstacle course in ten minutes or less. If you fail to pass any test, or if you collect three strikes for breaches of discipline, you will be sent to regular prison where you will serve twice as much time. Wolf hands them rule books. CAPTAIN WOLF Study these rules. Tiffany raises her hand. TIFFANY Yoo-hoo! Who do I talk to about a day off? My friends and I have a shopping date to pick out our prom dresses.


CAPTAIN WOLF Fire never takes a vacation day, Gold, and neither do you. INT. BARRACKS - DAY In a drab room lined with World War II Army cots, Tiffany, Tammy and Shirelle zip up their new orange uniforms. TIFFANY This isnt my color. color. Tiffany shakes her head sadly. This isnt anyones Tammy reads the rule book.

TAMMY Wake up at six. Lights out at nine. She counts to three on her fingers. TAMMY Thats a really short day. Shirelle rolls her eyes. Tiffany opens her breadbox-sized locker. TIFFANY Back home, this wouldnt even hold my underwear. (Sniff-sniff.) Not even my thongs. Captain Wolf enters carrying a big garbage bag. Tiffany feels the sheet on her cot. TIFFANY This thread count is appalling. Captain Wolf dumps the garbage bag on Tiffanys cot. Its whats left of Tiffanys clothes... covered in tire tracks. Woefully, Tiffany scans the room, looking for something. TIFFANY Wheres the suggestion box? With an evil smirk, Wolf snaps on her rubber gloves. CAPTAIN WOLF Ill look for it. ON TIFFANYS LOOK OF MAJOR APPREHENSION


TIFFANY I think I would have known if it was... Her voice goes up three octaves. TIFFANY ...THERE! INT. FIREFIGHTING VAN - DAY Tiffany, Tammy and Shirelle squirm uncomfortably as they bump along the dirt road. CAPTAIN WOLF Theres a brush fire headed in our direction. TIFFANY I feel nauseous. CAPTAIN WOLF Do not toss your cookies, Gold. Today you will watch and learn while the experienced members of our team cut a fire break to keep it from spreading. She looks them in the eye. CAPTAIN WOLF Soon YOU will be cutting fire breaks, manning the look-out tower, and helping the career firefighters with mop-up. TIFFANY So were like lumberjacks and the cleaning help? EXT. MOUNTAIN - DAY They hike uphill with full packs. Eew! TIFFANY Im sweating.

SHIRELLE How did you get your pasty white ass through gym class? TIFFANY I didn't do gym class. notes. Daddy wrote me


CAPTAIN WOLF Your daddy cant help you now, Gold, but you can help yourself. Look, listen and learn. Thats whats going to keep you from becoming a charcoal briquet. EXT. HILLTOP - DAY The Captain, Tammy, Shirelle and Tiffany watch as the crew of women in protective bee netting cut a fire break below. CAPTAIN WOLF Theyre cutting a fire break -- getting rid of all combustible materials so the fire runs out of fuel and cant get past that line. She points to the people using chain saws. CAPTAIN WOLF The Sawyers come through first with their chain saws. They cut all vegetation from four inches up. Wolf holds up a roaring chain saw. CAPTAIN WOLF You must be careful when handling this tool. Severed finger are not unheard of. If you do detach a digit, the nearest medical facility is approximately 17.5 miles away. Depending on time of day and traffic flow, likelihood of reattaching said digit is approximately 40-60. Tiffany stares at her fingers, eyes wide. Wolf points to several people using axes that have sharpened hoes on the opposite side. CAPTAIN WOLF The axes are called Pulaskis. That team worries about everything four inches and shorter. Losing digits is seldom a problem. Limbs are another matter. Wolf points to large hoes with rakes on the opposite side. CAPTAIN WOLF Next come the McLeods. If youre not vigilant, toot, toot, tootsie, good-bye. She points to someone bringing up the end with a bent shovel.


CAPTAIN WOLF We call the clean-up person the dragspoon. TIFFANY Is that whole crew like... Islamic? CAPTAIN WOLF Why do you ask? TIFFANY The veils? TAMMY Its bee netting. Thats why I quit Brownies. They made me wear it after I got stung. Its bad enough I had to start carrying around the shot thingee. TIFFANY Eew, needles! Id rather wear the burqa. LATER Aracelis eyes narrow as she spies Tammy sitting with Tiffany. They chat as they unpack their box lunches. TIFFANY I love lunching al fresco. TAMMY I think I used to chug that with vodka. Tiffany pulls her sandwich apart. TIFFANY I told them no mayo. Araceli steps between them and stares down at Tammy, forcing her to abandon Tiffany. Tiffany doesnt understand. TIFFANY Youre making a huge mistake. at the popular table. Im always

As Tammy follows Araceli, men chant in the distance. Ooo! Ah! MEN Ooo! Ah...

TAMMY Whats that? Araceli sings:


ARACELI Thats the sound of the men working on the chain gang. Feeling abandoned, Tiffany watches as Shirelle joins in: SHIRELLE Well, dont you know? WOMEN Thats the sound of the men working on the chain gang. SHIRELLE All day long theyre going... MEN Ooo! Tammy joins the song. WOMEN Ah! MEN Ooo! Tiffany tries to sing along, but Araceli gives her a sharp stare. She watches in sad silence. WOMEN Ah! EVERYONE BUT TIFFANY Thats the sound of the men working on the chain gang. LATER The Captain supervises as Tammy, Shirelle and Tiffany practice with the Pulaskis. Several yards behind Tiffany, Antonio, the good looking guy she saw jogging in the prison uniform, walks towards the Captain. The axe flies backwards out of Tiffanys hands and lands in the ground right between Antonio's legs. She turns, horrified. Antonio gives a sly smile.

ANTONIO Girls usually have to know me before they do that.


Im sorry.

TIFFANY I didnt mean...

She holds up her hands. TIFFANY It was the mayo. ANTONIO They always blame the condiments. INT. FIREFIGHTING VAN - DAY As they ride back to camp, tired and dirty, Captain Wolf talks to the new girls. CAPTAIN WOLF This evening, youll have an opportunity to attend woodcraft class. Tiffany raises her hand. TIFFANY Opportunity as in, Do it if you dont want another cavity search? CAPTAIN WOLF No, Gold. Wolf pats her trusty chain saw. CAPTAIN WOLF It will, however, give you chain saw practice. This will help you... IF you dont want your head sent home in a box. Oh! TIFFANY So its an elective.

EXT. CAMP PAY PHONE - NIGHT Tiffany, still tired and dirty, barely manages to dial the phone. TIFFANY Hi, Kristin! Suddenly its as if Tiffanys had a shot of adrenaline. TIFFANY Whats going on? How is everybody? Ive been thinking an awful lot about the prom.


AT KRISTINS Kristin smiles smugly and looks over at someone we cant see. KRISTIN We have, too. AT THE PAY PHONE Tiffany jabbers on as a long line of irritated inmates wait their turn. TIFFANY Oh, and heres another idea. show scenes from movies? The inmates glare. What if we

Tiffany pays no attention.

TIFFANY Like if somebodys wearing a Scarlet OHara type dress, they could show the burning of Atlanta. Or maybe it would better if they showed the ball scene. You know, ball, prom, prom, ball. SHIRELLE Get off the phone, girl, or you gonna be watching the fava bean scene from Silence of the Lambs. TIFFANY Just one momento! Kristin, will you try my fathers cell again on your other line? Shirelle and Araceli pick her up bodily and carry her away, but she wont let go or stop talking. TIFFANY Sure, Ill hold. The cord is stretched as far as it will go. TIFFANY Thanks anyway! Call you tomorrow! The whole line moans. AT KRISTINs Kristin moans, too, as Trent kisses her neck.


EXT. CAMP - NIGHT Tiffany almost walks past the outdoor woodcraft class. She does a double-take when she notices the teacher is Antonio. She makes a valiant but unsuccessful attempt to wipe the dirt off her face. TIFFANY Is it too late to get in without a reservation? ANTONIO We can squeeze you in, but... He easily picks up a section of tree trunk and drops it in front of her. ANTONIO ...I hope youre not on a low-carb diet. LATER Antonio shows her a highly-varnished clock made out of a slice of tree trunk. TIFFANY Make them? Why do we have to go back to the Crustaceous Period when there are perfectly good clocks at the mall? ANTONIO Here. He hands Tiffany a chain saw and turns it on. She cant handle the power. People duck and scatter as it vibrates out control. She finally touches down on the log and begins to make a very ragged cut. Antonio puts his arms around her and steadies her so she can finish the slice. He keeps his arms around her a beat longer than he needs to. TIFFANY Thanks. ANTONIO Part of the job. She looks at her completed handiwork. TIFFANY It looks... lumpy.


He hands her some sand paper. ANTONIO Start sanding. EXT. 0BSTACLE COURSE - DAY Wolf addresses all the girls, who stand at attention. CAPTAIN WOLF Were about to embark on the obstacle course, the heart of... She notices Tiffany looking into her compact mirror and plucking her eyebrows. CAPTAIN WOLF ...Gold, what are you doing? TIFFANY They woke us at the crack of dawn, and there are things a girl has to do. Do you know there are only two mirrors for... CAPTAIN WOLF Give that here, and give me twenty. Tiffany looks in her wallet. TIFFANY Do you have change for a fifty? LATER The girls swing hand-over-hand to get to the other side of an overhead structure. Theyre almost finished by the time Tiffany gets there. She jumps once, twice, three times and then grabs hold of a bar. She slowly and awkwardly whines her way to the end. As others jump over rough-hewn hurdles, Tiffany delicately steps over them to avoid splinters. By the time she steps over the last hurdle, she sees everyone else disappearing into the woods for the final part of the obstacle course. All alone, Tiffany cautiously tiptoes across a board that spans a muddy puddle. A third of the way across, she sees everyone rushing back out of the woods, straight towards her.


They form a line.

Araceli points to Shirelle.

Shirelle jumps up onto the board and knocks Tiffany into the mud. A stunned Tiffany stands up, dripping mud. ARACELI Start over. Tiffany climbs back up onto the board. across, Araceli points to Tammy. Tammy shakes her head no. Tammy gets on the board. TAMMY Sorry. She reluctantly pushes Tiffany into the mud. ARACELI Again. Tiffany drags herself back onto the board. cautious step and then another. Tiffany takes a When shes halfway

The girls push her forward.

When shes almost at the end, Araceli lunges as if to push her. Tiffany topples. Tiffany stands up, muddy and frustrated. TIFFANY Why are you doing this to me? Araceli turns away. As Araceli and the others disappear into the woods, Tiffany, dejected, abandons the obstacle course and trudges through the field toward the finish line. LATER The other girls are drinking water and cooling off. snicker as Tiffany trudges in, covered in mud. CAPTAIN WOLF What happened to you, Gold? All eyes are on Tiffany. Will she give them up? They


She looks at the girls, then back at Captain Wolf. I slipped. time. TIFFANY Ill be more careful next

CAPTAIN WOLF Fire-fighting demands total followthrough. As long as you have the breath to limp across the finish line, Id better never again catch you quitting midcourse. Tiffany nods. CAPTAIN WOLF Right now, youre getting your first taste of a real fire. At least, the burnt-out remains of a real fire. EXT. BURNED-OUT FIELD - DAY Tiffany, Tammy and other inmates walk through with shovels looking for hot spots. A couple others follow them with hoses. TIFFANY This just wasnt well-thought-through. mean, if the career firemen werent totally sure the fire was out, why did they go home? Tammy shrugs. TAMMY Theyre just hot spots. TIFFANY Well, my conditioner does not perform at these temperatures. Tiffany sees a birthday-candle-sized flame. TIFFANY Hose! Hose! I need a hose! Hose! She screams. I

Tammy drops a shovel full of dirt on the inferno and snuffs it out. A girl charges forward with a hose at the ready. TIFFANY Thank you, but we, uh, managed to knock it down. The hose girl shakes her head.


EXT. CAMP PAY PHONE - NIGHT Tiffany heads towards the phone. Araceli whistles. All the girls run to the phone and get in line ahead of Tiffany. LATER Its much darker now, and there are still several girls in front of Tiffany. LATER Finally the last girl in front of her is done, and Tiffany reaches for the phone. Someone taps her on the shoulder. CAPTAIN WOLF Out of luck, Gold. Nine oclock. out. Lights

TIFFANY This isnt fair. I waited all this time. If youre waiting in line at Bloomies at closing time, they dont make you leave. CAPTAIN WOLF I think I know where youre coming from. You feel the nights still young, dont you? TIFFANY You know, I really think were starting to bond here. CAPTAIN WOLF I know just what you need. CUT TO: INT. KITCHEN - NIGHT Wolf spills a fifty-pound sack of onions onto the table and hands Tiffany a paring knife. LATER Tears pour from Tiffanys eyes. We pull back to see she hasnt peeled one onion yet. SERIES OF SCENES An exhausted Tiffany struggles to make her bed. You couldnt bounce a quarter off it, but you could lose a few in the wrinkles.


Tiffany irons her uniform, then tries to cover the scald mark with orange nail polish. Tiffany does a girls push-up. Captain Wolf demonstrates a mans push-up. Tiffany applauds. Captain Wolf scowls and points to the ground. Tiffany looks unhappy. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT All the girls but Tiffany sit on cots arranged into a closed circle. Araceli deals. ARACELI Shirelle, whod you bring? All the girls take out envelopes. SHIRELLE Denzel. TAMMY Ive got Brad Pitt. Tiffany tentatively walks over towards the group. ARACELI This is a CLOSED game. TIFFANY Oh. Tiffany shuffles forlornly back to her lonely cot. SUE points to her envelope. SUE I brought Antonio. ARACELI Banderas? SUE Our Antonio. ALL Ooooo. An Asian girl, KIM, waves her envelope. ARACELI Not another autopsy picture? KIM No, its Elvis.


TAMMY Goody. KIM Dead on the toilet. LATER Tiffany watches from her bunk. There are pictures of hunky guys heads, arms and legs in the kitty. SUE I fold. KIM Too rich for my blood. SHIRELLE Im done. ARACELI Ill see you Denzels foot and butt, and raise you Antonios pelvis. TAMMY I call. Araceli lays down her hand. ARACELI Straight flush. TAMMY Oh, I only have two two-of-a-kinds. Tammy puts down two kings, a three of clubs, and another two kings. SHIRELLE Girl, whatever got you in here, you wasnt the brains of the operation. She thinks for a second. SHIRELLE Or maybe you was. Shirelle puts the two pairs of kings together to make four-ofa-kind. TAMMY Oh! I win! She puts her pieces together.


TAMMY Ive got all of Antonio! parts, anyway. SUE Hes so mysterious.

All the good

SHIRELLE I heard Antonio killed a guy. KIM I heard two. Tiffanys eyes go wide. INT. FIRE TOWER - NIGHT Tiffany, alone on fire watch duty, quietly sings to herself and bounces along. TIFFANY Thats the sound of the men working on the chain gang... ANTONIO (O.S.) Ooo. Tiffany screams. TIFFANY Ah! She turns and sees Antonio standing at the top of the stairs. ANTONIO Dont stop. She moves toward the stairs, but he doesnt step aside. ANTONIO You cant leave. She looks nervous. TIFFANY But my shift is over. His lips curl into an enigmatic smile. ANTONIO Not until you give me your report.


TIFFANY Oh! This bat flew in, and I just knew it was heading straight for my hair, so... I spent most of the night under the table. ANTONIO Then we better check for fire. He leads her over to the edge of the tower. rising over the lush green mountains. The sun is just

Antonio is not quick to remove his arm from Tiffanys shoulder. ANTONIO Bat, huh? TIFFANY A huge one! ANTONIO I guess the only wildlife they have in Beverly Hills are feral shih tzus. TIFFANY We have... squirrels. ANTONIO In my neighborhood, we have rats the size of Chevies. TIFFANY So back in your hood, is that where you learned to use saws and... other sharp objects? ANTONIO You mean like pinking shears? TIFFANY No. ANTONIO Cuticle scissors? TIFFANY Not exactly. He gets a wicked gleam in his eye. ANTONIO Perhaps... switchblades?


TIFFANY Maybe. His eyes narrow and he whispers. ANTONIO You must never ask a man in prison such things. TIFFANY I really have to scoot. Theyll be looking for me in the barracks. They really notice when Im gone. She zooms down the stairs. INT. CLASSROOM - DAY Captain Wolf talks to Tiffany, Shirelle and Tammy, each holding a printed hand-out. CAPTAIN WOLF All right, rookies. Use this time to study for your test. The captain leaves. Tammy tries to study. TAMMY Ill never pass this. Tammy throws the papers on the ground. TAMMY Theyre gonna send me back to prison. Tiffany speaks without looking up. TIFFANY I might be able to help you... if you want. Tammy looks at Shirelle for permission. SHIRELLE I aint your momma. Tammy turns to Tiffany. TAMMY Please. Shirelle shrugs. Antonio watches her and smiles.


TIFFANY Well, I knew I couldnt remember all these tools and firemen jobs and other thingees without some kind of mental association. You with me so far? TAMMY Huh? TIFFANY Let me explain. For every tool or fireman job, I think about different types of girls. TAMMY Huh? TIFFANY Okay, remember the shovel person they call the dragspoon? Think of a person who drags her spoon. A blank look from Tammy. TIFFANY Picture the Size One who cant even force herself to finish a whole lettuce leaf. Nibble, nibble. Oh, Im as big as a Hummer. Dragspoon. Tiffany picks up the rhino, a bent shovel. TIFFANY This ones called a rhino, so I guess that speaks for itself. TAMMY No, I got it. It reminds me of... wait whats the name of that animal? Hippo? No.... SHIRELLE You keep working on that, Tammy. TAMMY Bison? SHIRELLE I got one for sawyer. TIFFANY Yeah?


SHIRELLE Think of Captain Wolf and the new girls. Shirelle snaps on imaginary rubber gloves. SHIRELLE I saw-yer booty! TAMMY Aardvark? EXT. CLASSROOM - DAY Tammy, Shirelle and Tiffany try to peek in on Captain Wolf grading their tests. Captain Wolf bursts out the door. nonchalant. The girls scramble to look

CAPTAIN WOLF Instead of leaving nose prints on the dirty window, why arent you practicing for your hands-on tools test? TIFFANY Does that mean... ? CAPTAIN WOLF Yes, youve delayed the taxi ride to the Big House for a little longer. Tammy looks confused. SHIRELLE We passed. TIFFANY Hoo... Tammy and Shirelle look at her funny. finishes it herself. TIFFANY Rah. CAPTAIN WOLF One correction, Tammy. The clean-up persons called a dragspoon, not a skinny little anorexic shovel. Tiffany looks at Tammy. Tammy shrugs. Tiffany quietly


LATER Tammy and Shirelle chant as they chop logs with their axes. TAMMY AND SHIRELLE Lizzie Borden took an axe, and gave her mother forty whacks. Tiffany watches, not sure if shes welcome to join in. TAMMY AND SHIRELLE And when she saw what she had... Tammy gives her a look that says its okay. the chant and swings her axe. Tiffany joins in

TIFFANY, TAMMY AND SHIRELLE done... Tammy and Shirelle cut through their logs. stuck. Tiffanys axe is

Shirelle smirks and turns to leave as Tiffany struggles to free her axe. Tammy lingers as if shed like to help Tiffany. Shirelle gives Tammy a look. Tammy follows Shirelle, but she gives Tiffany an apologetic wave good-bye. LATER Tiffany stands on the log, pulling at the axe with both hands. TIFFANY ...She gave her father... She gives it one mighty tug... TIFFANY ...forty-one! ...and ends up on her ass. EXT. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - DAY A large banner hangs between two trees: WELCOME VISITORS. Girls hug arriving friends and relatives. picnic and play catch. Happy families

Beneath the banner, Tiffany sits alone, watching and waiting.


Some girls walk by. whisper:

Tammy lingers just long enough to

TAMMY Youll get used to it. either.

Nobody visits me,

Alone again, Tiffany sits awhile. Making sure no one is coming, she dials the phone and speaks in a small, forlorn voice. TIFFANY (Into phone) Mom, remember I told you not to visit me? (BEAT) It still stands. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Araceli makes an announcement. ARACELI Body-parts poker... for all INVITED guests. All the girls walk right past Tiffany as she sits on her bunk... even Tammy. Tiffany slips out of the barracks. EXT. PAY PHONE - NIGHT Tiffany dials her father. TIFFANY Daddy, where are you? me. Please come save

Tiffany slumps on the ground and hugs her knees against the cool night air. She buries her face. EXT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Tiffany wipes her eyes and opens the door a crack to see if she can sneak in unnoticed. She stops and listens. SHIRELLE (O.S.) Yeah, well, yo mama so fat, her tube tops a bus tire. Tiffany stifles a laugh and keeps listening. INSIDE THE ROOM Araceli looks up from her cards.


ARACELI Oh, yeah? Yo mama so fat, she beep when she back up. KIM Yo mama so mean, she make the Wicked Witch of the West look like Baby Jesus. SHIRELLE Yo mama so mean, she dont just beat the eggs, she bust a cap in em. TAMMY My mamas so mean... uh, so mean... She draws a blank. ARACELI Go on... Yo mamas so mean... TAMMY ...she calls me a worthless piece of shit. Everyone falls silent. OUTSIDE Tiffany looks pained. She watches Shirelle discard two cards. SHIRELLE At least you know your mama. I been in so many foster homes, I never even bother to unpack. ARACELI I know how you feel. My papa died when I was five. And my mamas... away. KIM I found my mama... Kim mimes hanging. Tiffany gasps. ARACELI Whos out there? Tiffany runs.


LATER Tiffany drags in past all the sleeping girls. She sits on the cot, and her hand feels something: an ominous lump underneath the covers. She jumps up, grabs her Pulaski and pokes at it. It doesnt move. She grabs the edge of her blanket and rips it off the bed. TIFFANY AH! She looks closer and sees its just a small, misshapen wooden box... painted with the misspelled word SUGESTONS. She looks over at Tammy drooling away in her sleep and smiles. EXT. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE - DUSK Tiffany nails the now-correctly-spelled suggestion box to the outside of the office. Wolf comes out to see whats going on. CAPTAIN WOLF Gold, what are you... TIFFANY Looks nice, doesnt it? I thought I would brighten up the place. I wonder if there are any suggestions in here yet? Tiffany reaches in and pulls out a piece of hand-made lavender stationery. TIFFANY Look at that! Tiffany reads: TIFFANY Suggestions to make campers more well rounded: decorating; party planning; arranging field trips to historic malls... CAPTAIN WOLF You can quit reading, Gold. you a field trip. Ill give


EXT. GARBAGE PILE - DUSK A fenced area is piled high with garbage bags. CAPTAIN WOLF You pick up the garbage here, and you take it to there. Wolf points to the end of the road, way off in the distance. By dawn. CAPTAIN WOLF Or you get a strike.

Tiffany delicately picks up a bag, holds it as far away from herself as possible, and walks, and walks and walks... LATER Winded already, Tiffany deposits her second bag of garbage. LATER Its getting darker, and Tiffanys getting worn out. Carrying a bag of garbage in one hand and a flashlight in the other, she stops mid-trip. She looks back at the still-huge pile waiting for her, then at the pitiful few bags shes already moved. She sighs. LATER Its dark now. Tiffany waddles down the road with six bags slung over her shoulders and the flashlight in her mouth. LATER Its pitch black now, and shes slumped over under eight bags. Suddenly, a bag breaks, spewing rotting garbage. TIFFANY Nooo! She drops to her knees and picks up a piece of cardboard. She uses it to pick up a scoopful of raw meat, but the cardboard goes limp. The garbage spills all over her. Exhausted and crying, Tiffany grabs a handful of garbage and plops it into a bag. TIFFANY I am not up to my elbows in gar... (sniff) Im wearing a fabulous prom gown, peau d ange, just like Jackies...


She cries as she slops an even more disgusting handful into the bag. TIFFANY ...only purple. LATER A half-dead Tiffany drops the last bag of garbage as the sun peeks over the horizon. EXT. OBSTACLE COURSE - DAY A yawning Tiffany, way behind the others, flops over a hurdle. BOARD OVER MUD PUDDLE Tiffany hesitates and looks around before she steps onto the board. No ones waiting for her. Phew. UP AHEAD Kim grabs a coiled hose. and down the other side. makes sure shes alone. She runs up a rough-hewn staircase Araceli goes next. She stops and She

Araceli pries one of the stairs loose to booby-trap it. smirks and goes on her way. AT THE END OF THE COURSE Everyone is there but Tiffany. Wolf looks at her watch.

CAPTAIN WOLF Ruiz, go locate Gold. AT THE STAIRS Araceli stops cold. She sees the stair she booby-trapped, and Tiffany sprawled below. Is she... dead? ARACELI Dios Mio! She crosses herself. Araceli gets up the courage to approach Tiffany. She tentatively pokes at Tiffany with her foot. Tiffany clutches Aracelis foot.


ARACELI Aaaaaah! Tiffany nuzzles up against the foot and drools in her sleep. AT THE END OF THE COURSE Captain Wolf watches Araceli and Tiffany approach. ARACELI She was sleeping. Tiffany yawns. Everyone laughs at her.

CAPTAIN WOLF Thats twice in a row that you didnt finish, Gold. Ill see you tomorrow at 6 AM. Full pack. The other girls snicker. OK. CAPTAIN WOLF You all just got yourselves invited.

ARACELI Thats not fair. Araceli glares at Tiffany. CAPTAIN WOLF But first youll all scrub the barracks. I want to see my smile on every inch of metal. They stare. CAPTAIN WOLF You are firefighters. You are a team. In an emergency, with smoke stinging your eyes and sucking your breath, you must be strong. Most of all, you must work together. You must pull for each other. If one of you isnt cutting it, that means the whole team fell down on the job. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Everyone works furiously. Tiffany mops the floor. Araceli purposely puts a muddy footprint where Tiffany just cleaned. LATER The exhausted girls finally collapse onto their cots.


Reveille is blasted into the barracks. The girls plod out of the barracks with their heavy backpacks. Tiffany, last one out, hefts her backpack onto her shoulder. The weight of it almost knocks her down. Tiffany pulls items out of her backpack and hides them under her pillow, then catches up with everyone else. EXT. MOUNTAIN - DAY The girls run up a hill. Tammy and Tiffany lag behind.

Theres an ominous buzzing sound. KIM Bees. Get out your bee netting! A large swarm heads toward them. The girls reach into their packs and cover their heads with bee netting. Tiffany looks in her pack. TIFFANY Uh-oh. Tiffany starts to run. Then she notices that Tammy stands frozen, about to be attacked. TIFFANY Oh, God. Torn, Tiffany hesitates. Tammy. She takes a deep breath and runs to No bee netting.

She digs in Tammys pack as the bees move closer and closer. She rips out the bee netting and pulls it over Tammys head just as the swarm descends. Tiffany stretches the last corner of the netting into place. Tiffany gets a sting, but she smiles in triumph that she managed to cover Tammy before... Uh-oh! Theres a bee inside the net. It stings Tammy. Tammys neck blows up to twice its normal size. TIFFANY Wheres your epipen? Tammy looks blank.


TIFFANY Shot thingee? Tammy pats a pocket. The bees continue to sting Tiffany as she takes out the epipen. She closes her eyes as she jams it into Tammys thigh. She then pulls Tammy, and they run the hell out of there. EXT. MOUNTAIN ROAD - DAY Tiffany, swollen from bee stings, sits on the back gate of the PARAMEDICS van. PARAMEDIC Your friend Tammy is fine. Youll be okay, but we need to take you to the infirmary. Tiffanys eyes widen. INT. PARAMEDIC VAN - DAY Captain Wolf rides in the back with Tiffany. CAPTAIN WOLF Tiffany, I have to give you a strike for not having all your equipment. Tiffany sighs. CAPTAIN WOLF What you did was stupid and irresponsible... and brave. If you believed in yourself and worked - really worked -- you could be a hell of a firefighter. Her puffed-up lips curl into a smile. she snores the snore of the brave. Her eyes close, and

EXT. WOMENS HIGH-SECURITY PRISON - DAY The doors of the paramedic van open. Tiffanys eyes go wide as she looks up at intimidating prison walls and a fearsome stone guard tower. INT. PRISON - DAY The heavy gate clangs shut behind her.


Paramedics wheel past pale, defeated women locked up in an endless line of small cells. INT. PRISON INFIRMARY - DAY Tiffany, face still swollen, lies between tough-looking, beatup women with nasty bandages and scars. Several moan in pain. One at the far end of the room mutters to herself. Next to Tiffany is a butch PRISONER with a head gash. Tiffany sits up and raises a finger to summon the NURSE. TIFFANY Excuse me! I feel fine now. to go back to Camp Malibu. Im ready

NURSE Nope. Were keeping you overnight for observation. PRISONER Close observation. NURSE Lights out. The nurse turns out the light. Tiffany lies there nervously.

PRISONER I just took twenty stitches to the head. TIFFANY Oh. (BEAT) I know how you feel. Im hoping I dont get facial stretch-marks. PRISONER Youre at the fire camp? TIFFANY Yes. PRISONER I almost went there, but my shrink wrote a letter. Got a little problem with fire. TIFFANY Me,too! Your shrink can write a letter? What did he say?


PRISONER You know. The usual bullshit: Unhealthful fascination with fire. Danger to self and others. The prisoner gets out of bed, walks over to Tiffany, and whispers in a husky voice: PRISONER Want a cigarette? TIFFANY No, thanks. I dont... You dont mean a lit cigarette? Because Im sure youre aware California has laws about smoking in public buildings. PRISONER This aint public. Its as private as it gets in this hellhole. Thats why I gashed my head to get in here. She pulls off her bandage to show Tiffany the gash. Tiffany turns green. TIFFANY You know, maybe you should cover that right back up - - so the germs cant get in there? The prisoner clicks a lighter, its flame set to high. The flame comes dangerously close to the dangling bandage. The prisoner stares at the flame. PRISONER Ever really watch fire? alive. Its like its

TIFFANY Would you mind if I took that? The prisoner pulls the lighter back. PRISONER Mine. Tiffany surreptitiously reaches for the call button but sees its been ripped from the wall.


PRISONER Ever see a room go up? Fire dancing on the curtains... rippling across the ceiling... TIFFANY But you wouldnt want to do that in a room you were in. A LOCKED room. The prisoner comes out of her trance. Damn. Tiffany relaxes. The prisoner taps her lighter restlessly. What can she... PRISONER You have a point.

She yanks out a handful of hair and holds the lighter under it. It flashes in flame. PRISONER Pretty. She yanks more hair out. TIFFANY Not a good idea. You could develop a bald spot? The prisoner lights her hair aflame again. TIFFANY You wouldnt want to ruin your looks, would you? The prisoner thinks a second and pulls a clump from Tiffany. Ow. TIFFANY Okay, now thats not the solution.

The prisoner grabs Tiffanys hair and pulls her towards the lighter. Tiffanys terrified but thinks fast. TIFFANY Alright, another idea. you a story. The prisoner keeps pulling. TIFFANY ...about fire! I could... tell


PRISONER It better be good. She keeps the flame threateningly close. TIFFANY Okay, its a bedtime story. Um, once upon a time, in Chicago, there was this little cow named Bossy. Bossy OLeary. LATER The prisoner snores, flicking the lighter on and off in her sleep. Tiffany lies wide-eyed, staring at the lighter. INT. PRISON INFIRMARY - DAY A guard leads Tiffany out in handcuffs. the head gash calls after her. PRISONER Come back real soon. stories. INT. RICKETY PRISON BUS - DAY Tiffany looks out of the window wistfully as the bus follows the same route she took with her friends: past the surfers and the kite flyers; past Calamigos Ranch and Rocky Oaks. Tiffany goes up and whispers to the driver. He shrugs. The prisoner with

I like your

As they pass Malibu Country Club, Tiffany beeps the bus horn. She smiles a sad smile. They turn down a road and drive by a wooden sign that says, Conservation Camp #13 -- Camp Malibu. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Captain Wolf supervises as girls practice with axes and chain saws. Nearby, Antonio and others watch Tammy practice with the firehose. After some difficulty, she manages to aim the stream through the middle of a hanging tire. Everyone applauds. LATER Araceli hides in the shadows as Tiffany stands ready with the hose. Tiffany signals Shirelle to turn on the water.


WHOOSH! Tiffany hangs on for dear life as the hose twists and turns like a snake on a sugar high. Just when Tiffany has enough control of the hose to aim for the tire, Araceli aims a slingshot and hits Tiffany in the back of the neck with a pebble. Tiffany reflexively grabs for her neck, letting go of the hose... and soaking Captain Wolf. CAPTAIN WOLF Gold! TIFFANY Im so sorry! Tiffany spots Araceli smirking. TIFFANY Something stung me. Wolf walks off, muttering and wringing out her clothes. Tiffany walks over to Araceli. TIFFANY Why are you doing this to me? Araceli walks away. EXT. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - DAY The WELCOME VISITORS banner is up. Tiffany sits on the bench, her face still swollen. She watches and waits as other girls receive visitors. A dark car comes up the gravel road. Could it be...?

People come out of the car and run toward... Tammy. EXT. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - NIGHT As Tiffany backs down the ladder with the banner, she hears a mans voice. MAN (V.O.) Excuse me. Tiffany turns around. Its her father.

AARON GOLD Im looking for...


Tiffany jumps down and wraps her arms around him. blanches. AARON GOLD Ah! Daddy! TIFFANY Its me! AARON GOLD Tiffany? LATER Tiffanys father looks distressed. AARON GOLD Bee stings? TIFFANY Yes, but Daddy, I ran... AARON GOLD Thank God a couple of these tough types must have been around to save you. TIFFANY No, Daddy, you dont under... AARON GOLD Im sorry I didnt come sooner. But dont worry, its all taken care of. Ive pulled some strings. Tiffany beams. TIFFANY You did?


AARON GOLD Of course I did. This is no place for my little princess. TIFFANY Lets get my stuff! INT. BARRACKS - DAY Tiffany throws her things into a bag. Her father sits on her bed. Tammy and Shirelle watch from across the room. AARON GOLD I just hope that swelling goes down before the prom.


TIFFANY Daddy, nobody had to save me from the bees. Im the... AARON GOLD You dont want Trent to see you looking like a day-old fugu. TAMMY Mr. Gold, you dont understand. You should be proud of Tiffany. She saved me from the bees. Really! AARON GOLD Well. How wonderful.

He pats Tammy on the shoulder. AARON GOLD Glad youre okay. Tiffany smiles. AARON GOLD Nice meeting you girls, but we really have to get going. EXT. CAMP MALIBU Tiffany and her father walk toward the car. Tiffany looks back and sees Tammy and Shirelle watching from the doorway. INT. MERCEDES - DAY Tiffanys father drives her down the gravel road towards the exit gate. AARON GOLD What were you thinking? TIFFANY Huh? AARON GOLD Princess, you could have really hurt yourself. And for what? TIFFANY Shes my friend. He pulls up to the gate and hands the guard his paperwork. He turns back to Tiffany.


AARON GOLD Honey, youre meant for better things. TIFFANY Daddy, I kinda like the person I am here. AARON GOLD Dont be silly. Let the worker bees do the hard stuff, the heroic stuff. Youre too delicate. TIFFANY No, Im not. The guard waves them through. TIFFANY At least I dont want to be. AARON GOLD Tiffie, sweetie, youre perfect just the way you are. TIFFANY I can do this. AARON GOLD Honey, lets be realistic. Theres no one Id rather have pick out my socks... even my ties. But... He laughs. AARON GOLD ...cmon. If the house is on fire, I think we could do a little better. Tiffany gets out of the car. AARON GOLD What are you doing? Were going home. TIFFANY No, Daddy. Im more than you think I am. Im staying. Tiffany slams the door and marches back to camp. SERIES OF SCENES Tiffany makes her bed with military precision. quarter off of it. She bounces a


Tiffany irons her uniform with creases so sharp you could slice a bagel. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Captain Wolf supervises morning exercises. perfect push-ups. Tiffany does ten

CAPTAIN WOLF Good work, Gold. You finally graduated from girl push-ups. I hope youre making that kind of progress on the tools test, because Fridays your last chance. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT While everyone sleeps, Tiffany slips out. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - NIGHT In the bright moonlight Tiffany attacks a log with her axe. TIFFANY Lizzie... She swings once. TIFFANY Borden... She swings twice. TIFFANY took an... The axe gets stuck again. it isnt going anywhere. She pulls as hard as she can, but

She looks around to see if anyone is looking. She scurries back to the barracks, leaving six stuck axes gleaming in the moonlight. INT. TOWER - DAY Tiffany, face still swollen, scans the forest for fires. hears a rustling sound just below the tower. She

She looks down and sees a fawn... and Antonio. With a knife in his hand. She screams. The deer runs away. Antonio looks up and yells. ANTONIO Why did you do that?


TIFFANY You were going to kill it. ANTONIO Ill show you what I was going to do. He heads up the stairs with the knife. TIFFANY No! ANTONIO Alright, Ill leave the knife. Ill just bring the apple I was going to feed it. TIFFANY You were going to feed the little deer? Uh-huh. No. ANTONIO Im coming anyway. LATER Antonio is almost to the top. TIFFANY Stop. He keeps coming. TIFFANY Please stop. ANTONIO Youre getting more polite, but Im still coming. Antonio steps onto the platform and find her crouched in the corner hiding her face. TIFFANY Dont look at me. ANTONIO I really wasnt going to hurt it. He holds up the apple. ANTONIO Can I come up now? TIFFANY


ANTONIO See? TIFFANY Its not that. He takes a few steps towards her. ANTONIO Is this a Beverly Hills thing? Sort of. TIFFANY I look awful. I can take it.

ANTONIO Oh, the bee thing.

He leans down and gently turns her face towards his. She peeks out. He gasps.

ANTONIO You know what you look like? TIFFANY What? ANTONIO You look like... a hero. She mists up. He kisses her. then pulls away. TIFFANY I cant. ANTONIO So it is a Beverly Hills thing. He starts down the stairs. TIFFANY Its not that. I have a boyfriend. He turns back. ANTONIO From your neighborhood. He continues down the stairs. She melts in his arms but


EXT. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - DAY Tiffany holds the ladder as Tammy hangs the WELCOME VISITORS banner. Tammy studies Tiffany. TAMMY Tiffany? TIFFANY Yes? TAMMY Your face hardly looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy anymore. Thanks. TIFFANY Can we hang this?

Tammy watches a well-dressed woman in glasses get out of a Mercedes. TAMMY Tiffany? TIFFANY Yes? TAMMY Didnt you tell your Mom not to come? TIFFANY Yes. Why? Tammy points, and Tiffany turns around to see her mother barreling toward them carrying a bag of groceries and a pot of chicken soup. EXT. PICNIC TABLE - DAY As other families eat traditional picnic food nearby, Tiffany eats her soup. TIFFANY This is good, Mom. cooking. I missed Rosas

CLAIRE GOLD I know you didnt want me to come here, but your father told me you were hurt. TIFFANY Im better now.


CLAIRE GOLD He said you wouldnt leave, you were going to stay here and... TIFFANY Im not going home! this program! Im going to finish

CLAIRE GOLD You dont understand. TIFFANY You cant tell me what to... Claire puts her hand on Tiffanys shoulder. CLAIRE GOLD Tiffany, Im proud of you. TIFFANY Oh. INT. BARRACKS - DAY Tiffany lies on her cot, thinking. for her. Tammy rushes in looking

TAMMY Come on! You have to take the hands-on tools test! EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Captain Wolf looks at her stopwatch. Using the chain saw, Tiffany successfully cuts through a tree, managing to keep her blade centered between the two painted lines. LATER Tiffany demonstrates her command of the fire hose, blasting through the paper target on a hanging tire. LATER Tiffany mumbles the Lizzie Borden rhyme to herself. half-way through her log. CAPTAIN WOLF Forty seconds... Another good chop. Shes


TIFFANY ...and when she saw what she had done... The axe gets stuck. She pulls and pulls.

CAPTAIN WOLF Thirty seconds. She rummages through the pockets of her uniform until she feels something: hand lotion! She squeezes the lotion all around the axe head. slides out like buttah. CAPTAIN WOLF Fifteen seconds. She swings the axe furiously. CAPTAIN WOLF Five seconds. And one last chop...and shes through. Tiffany holds up the axe in a victory dance. TIFFANY She gave her father forty-one! CAPTAIN WOLF Somehow you managed to scrape through again, Gold. Tiffany smiles. CAPTAIN FOX Dont get too smug. You still have to pass the obstacle course. EXT. OBSTACLE COURSE - DAY The girls do the hurdles. LATER They come to a long culvert pipe. Lying in front of it are life-sized, straw-and-burlap dummies. Each girl picks one up and carries it through the narrow pipe. Tiffany reaches for a dummy. Araceli hands it to someone else. This continues until there is only one dummy left. Tiffany grabs the last dummys arm and throws it over her shoulder in a firemans carry. Tiffany has improved some. The axe


She takes a couple steps -- the dummys awfully light. All shes holding is its detached arm. Araceli laughs and runs past her into the pipe. Tiffany grabs the dummys other arm. AT THE END OF THE PIPE Each girl emerges with her rescue-ee on her back. Bringing up the rear, Tiffany wriggles out butt first, holding all four detached dummy limbs under one arm and dragging the rest of it by its head. She stumbles across the finish line, dropping and picking up errant limbs. Wolf clicks her stopwatch. CAPTAIN WOLF Way too slow, Gold. Tiffany stands dejected. dummy. All the stuffing falls out of her It comes off.

CAPTAIN WOLF ...And you killed your dummy. EXT. MOUNTAIN - DAY The girls run uphill. Tiffany catches up with Araceli.

TIFFANY Araceli, we need to talk. Araceli pushes Tiffany. Tiffany grabs onto Araceli to try to keep her balance. They both fall down. Captain Wolf runs toward them. TIFFANY Captain Wolf... CAPTAIN WOLF Dont worry, Gold. I can guess what happened. Thats your third strike, Ruiz. TIFFANY No! She didn't do it. I tripped her. Im the one who should get the strike.


CAPTAIN WOLF Are you sure? TIFFANY Im sure. Alright. Gold. CAPTAIN WOLF Thats your second strike,

Araceli gives Tiffany a questioning look. CAPTAIN WOLF Go patch yourselves up. Tiffany and Araceli walk silently down the hill. Finally, Araceli speaks, but they still dont look at each other. ARACELI Thanks. TIFFANY Youre welcome. ARACELI Whyd you do it? Feel guilty? Me?! TIFFANY About what? They walk the rest of the

Araceli gives her a funny look. way down in silence. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT

Tiffany wakes up with a start to see Araceli standing over her with her hand over Tiffanys mouth. TIFFANY Mmmph! Shut up! ARACELI Come with me.

Tiffany follows her into the darkness. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - NIGHT They sit in the shadows next to the barracks. TIFFANY I can scream really loud.


ARACELI Bad idea. TIFFANY Okay. ARACELI You dont have a clue, do you? TIFFANY What? About me. ARACELI About how I got here.

TIFFANY I... I know youve been acting like I had something to do with it. ARACELI The night after you came over, my moms employer asked if anybody else had been in the house. I didnt want to get in trouble, so I said no. TIFFANY Yeah? ARACELI Then she told me her ruby necklace was missing. So she said it had to be me or my mom. TIFFANY Thats awful. Wait... you thought I did it? ARACELI It was your idea to come over. TIFFANY No, it was Kristins idea. to ask you. They look at each other. TIFFANY Kristin. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Tiffany and Araceli sand their clocks. Antonio works with other girls, but he keeps looking at Tiffany. Shes careful not to look at him. She told me


TIFFANY I still dont get it. She removed the security tag from the tank top. ARACELI So howd the alarm go off? ARACELI AND TIFFANY Kristin! ARACELI That puta deserves payback. TIFFANY Wait. Ive got an idea, but were going to need outside help. ARACELI Ive got no one. My mom was deported to Mexico. TIFFANY Im so sorry. Antonio walks toward them. TIFFANY I know just what I need to do. ANTONIO Do you? Araceli gets the idea its time to get out of their way. ARACELI Im going over to the supply shed for some stain. Araceli leaves. Antonio. Tiffany shows the clock shes sanding to

TIFFANY Is this smooth enough? Antonios fingertips glide across the wood. ANTONIO I dont know if its smooth enough for Beverly Hills. TIFFANY I just want to know if its smooth enough for you.


Tiffany touches the clock, inches away from Antonios fingers. They pull apart as Araceli returns. stain. Araceli raises a can of

ARACELI I usually pick maple cause it goes with everything. She holds up the can in her other hand. ARACELI But I love this mahogany. TIFFANY Then go with it. ANTONIO Be careful. You might regret it and wish you stuck with what you're used to. EXT. CAMP PICNIC TABLE - DAY Tiffany talks to her mom. TIFFANY So we figured out Kristin was behind all of this. She totally manipulated me. Claire gasps. CLAIRE GOLD Me, too. TIFFANY What? CLAIRE GOLD She said you were out of control. Talked me out of getting you a lawyer who could have made this whole... problem... disappear. TIFFANY So it was her idea? Claire nods. CLAIRE GOLD Im so sorry. Its OK. TIFFANY She screwed both of us. Not... yours?


Claire smiles. CLAIRE GOLD So lets screw her right back. Tiffany grins, too. TIFFANY Great! I have a plan. INT. RODEO DRIVE BOUTIQUE - DAY Claire shows Kristins picture to a flamboyant Indian CLERK. CLAIRE GOLD Shes on her way to pick out a prom gown. Please make sure its red. CLERK Oh, madam, with her skin tone? This I cannot see. Claire hands over a wad of cash. Oh, yes. CLERK Im beginning to visualize.

He stuffs the money into his pocket as Kristin enters with her entourage. Claire sneaks out, hiding her face as she passes Kristin. EXT. RODEO DRIVE BOUTIQUE - DAY Claire peeks through the window as Kristin models a spectacular red gown. The clerk and the entourage applaud. CLERK Yes, yes, I knew this was the one. came to me in a vision. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Tiffany lies on her cot as the rest of the girls gather for Body Parts Poker. ARACELI Hey Gold, you too good for us? TIFFANY What? ARACELI Get over here. It


SHIRELLE Got any extra body parts? TIFFANY I have a picture of Trent. Tiffany runs over with the picture, a big smile on her face. KIM Lets see him. TAMMY Hes cute. KIM ...for a live guy. INT. CAFETERIA - DAY Everybody is eating dinner. out the door. EXT. OBSTACLE COURSE - DAY She attacks the course. Dummy in tow, she runs across the finish line. the stopwatch and shakes her head. INT. BARRACKS - DAY Araceli hands Tiffany a small package. ARACELI Its from Kristin! TIFFANY Uh-oh. She starts to unwrap it. ARACELI If its food, Id have it tested. Tiffany pulls out a gold charm of a bird in a cage. TIFFANY Oh, its really pretty. Tiffany reads the note. She checks Tiffany eats quickly and slips Can I cut him up?


TIFFANY Dear Jailbird: We voted you off the prom committee. Not that you have a date for the prom. Trents going with me. EXT. PAY PHONE - DAY Tiffany speaks to Trent. TIFFANY Trent, I just got this terrible message from Kristin. It cant be true. Tell me it isnt true. INT. TRENTS HOUSE Trent looks flustered as he takes her call. TRENT Tiffany, what a surprise. I wasnt expecting to hear from you. Kristin takes the phone from Trent. KRISTIN I was.

EXT. FIRE TOWER - DAY In the shadow of the fire tower, Tiffany leans against a tree crying. ANTONIO (O.S.) Anything I can do to help? Tiffany startles. Antonio comes over to her.

ANTONIO I see you havent lost your nerves of steel. Tiffany fights a smile. TIFFANY Dont make me laugh. Im miserable.

ANTONIO I wouldnt want to do anything awful like cheer you up or anything. TIFFANY Good.


He sits down next to her. ANTONIO So, whatre we gonna do? TIFFANY Im (sniff) not going to the prom. ANTONIO You mean "Beverly Hills" let you down? She nods and buries her head in his shoulder. ANTONIO If you quit crying, Ill tell you a secret. She looks at him, sniffling. TIFFANY OK. ANTONIO You wanna know what Im in for? TIFFANY I...think so. ANTONIO Promise you wont tell a soul? TIFFANY Uh-huh. ANTONIO Swear to God and hope to...die? TIFFANY Uh-huh. ANTONIO It involved arborcide. TIFFANY What? ANTONIO Murder. She gasps. ANTONIO Of a tree.


She looks confused. ANTONIO Developers were going to cut down a twohundred-year-old oak tree. So I stopped them. By sitting in it. For five weeks. I ended up here in cuffs, but they didnt cut down the tree. TIFFANY THATs what you did? ANTONIO Yeah, but dont tell anybody Im a treehugger. Ive got a rep in here for being tough. TIFFANY Really? He looks her straight in the eye. ANTONIO Some people think I even killed a couple guys. Can you imagine that? The fawn peeks through the clearing. ANTONIO Come on... The deer takes a few tentative steps forward. He takes an apple and the knife from his pocket. slice of apple and gives it to Tiffany. He cuts a

Tiffany holds out the apple, awed and quiet, as the baby deer eats out of her hand, then scampers away. ANTONIO You wanna know another secret? TIFFANY Uh-huh. ANTONIO Youd be the queen of my prom. They kiss. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT All the girls play body parts poker. Tammy deals.


TAMMY Sorry about your prom, Tiffany. get to go to mine either.

I didnt

SHIRELLE I changed my mind about going when I found the girl at the tux rental doing unnecessary measurements on my mans inseam. SUE I gave birth on my way to the prom. I didnt have an extra ticket. TAMMY I was going to go with my brother, but he decided he was gay. TIFFANY Did any of you ever get to go to your prom? They all shake their head no. KIM Theyre having mine tonight. ARACELI That sucks. Tammy looks at her cards. TAMMY I bet Bruce Willis hair piece. SHIRELLE I raise you... TIFFANY Wait a minute. I know what well do. Well have our own prom. INT. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE - DAY Captain Wolf sharpens her antique fire axe collection. CAPTAIN WOLF Friday is your last chance to pass the obstacle course. You should be concentrating on that. TIFFANY But, Captain Wolf, I can do both. Im a regular black belt in party planning.


CAPTAIN WOLF Dressing up? Dancing? Its... frivolous. TIFFANY Please dont deny the girls this opportunity. Im sure you have wonderful memories of your prom. Captain Wolf wont meet her eyes. TIFFANY You know, this would be a prom for ALL of us. A chance for everyone to be beautiful. She twists Captain Wolf hair into a dramatic upsweep. TIFFANY Omigod! Audrey Hepburn. Roman Holiday. With your hair like this, youre a dead ringer. CAPTAIN WOLF Audrey Hepburn? Really? TIFFANY I know just the gown for you. CAPTAIN WOLF This isnt about me. TIFFANY Youd be stunning. CAPTAIN WOLF Youre sure it wont interfere with our work? Tiffany holds out her little finger. TIFFANY Pinky swear. Captain Wolf declines the pinky, but... CAPTAIN WOLF All right. Under one condition. If even one person gets a strike against them, the prom is off.


EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Tiffany and the girls help Claire unload boxes and boxes of beauty supplies. The girls are amazed and delighted. Theyve never seen so much stuff. Claire and Tiffany share a look -- happy theyre together doing what theyre doing. LATER Tiffany leads the girls in a, We-must-increase-our-bust exercise. INT. BATHROOM - DAY Tiffany demonstrates the eye liner swoosh. up at the mirror do the best they can. INT. BARRACKS - DAY The troops practice walking in heels. INT. MESS HALL - DAY The troops practice picking up punch cups with pinkies sticking out. INT. BATHROOM - DAY The troops are lined up in front of the mirror. a perfect flirtatious hair toss. They imitate her with mixed levels of allure. INT. BARRACKS - NIGHT Tiffany puts foil in Tammys hair... while Tammy plucks Kims eyebrow... while Kim paints Golinskis nails... while Golinski curls Sues hair... while Sue puts a tooth whitener strip in Aracelis mouth... while Araceli curls Shirelles eyelashes... while Shirelle cornrows Tiffanys hair. Its the circle of beauty. Tiffany beams. Tiffany does Tammy wobbles. The troops, lined


EXT. OBSTACLE COURSE - NIGHT A light punctures the blackness. Its Tiffany, swinging handover-hand wearing a headband flashlight. LATER She checks her stopwatch. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY A few bars of, There she is, Miss America, are played over the P.A. system. TIFFANY (O.S.) This is a test of the emergency prom alert system. Please assemble in the parade grounds for a pop inspection. All the girls rush out and line up. Tiffany walks the line, hands behind her back. followed by her adjutant, Tammy. TIFFANY Assume the position. The troops all stand straight, smile broadly and display their nails. A way-too-big cascade of hair catches her eye. TIFFANY Scrunchie! Tammy pulls one out of her bag. The girls applaud. Tiffany tames the beast. Shes Shit.

Tiffany bows and continues. She shakes

She stops at a hand that fails to pass muster. her head in disapproval. TIFFANY Press-Ons.

Tammy quickly retrieves some fake nails from her bag. Tiffany expertly applies them. Tiffany continues. Strip. Tammy gives her a depilatory strip. Shes stopped cold by a hairy upper lip. TIFFANY


Riiiiip! SHIRELLE Shes tough. KIM But fair. EXT. OBSTACLE COURSE - DAY Tiffanys halfway across the board over the water. Araceli and the girls rush out of the woods -- in avocado facial masques. Tiffany stops dead. ARACELI Lets go. Tiffany runs. All the girls cheer her on.

ARACELI Faster, Gold! You can make it! AT THE END OF THE COURSE ALL THE GIRLS Tiffany, Tiffany, Tiffany! Tiffany makes it across the finish line. She checks her stopwatch. TIFFANY Woo hoo. SHIRELLE I knew you was fast! KIM You did it! TAMMY ...So you can do it tomorrow when it counts. EXT. OBSTACLE COURSE - DAY The Captain holds her stopwatch high. CAPTAIN WOLF This is it, Gold. Pass today, or get a one way ticket to the pen.


Tiffany beams. TIFFANY Im ready. CAPTAIN WOLF Ive added one little touch that makes it more realistic. This time, the culvert will be filled with smoke. Tiffanys eyes go wide. LATER Tiffany fireman-carries the dummy. stopwatch. TAMMY Youre doing good! Tiffany smiles and runs past her. upside down and checks it again. TAMMY ...I think. END OF THE COURSE The Captain, Araceli and the girls watch Tiffany enter the smoke-filled culvert. They wait... And wait... And wait... ARACELI Im going in. Wolf holds her arm out to stop her. CAPTAIN WOLF No. Everyone looks scared. They hear a faint cough. Everyone holds their breath. Tammy turns the stopwatch Tammy checks the

Eyes watering from the smoke, Tiffany crawls out of the tunnel. The girls chant:


GIRLS Tiffany... Tiffany. She gets up on her feet with the dummy on her back. As they continue to chant, she crosses the finish line. Wolf clicks the stopwatch. Everyone goes silent.

CAPTAIN WOLF You... made it. Tiffany hugs the captain and jumps up and down. Wolf, looking uncomfortable, stands ramrod straight. CAPTAIN WOLF Uh... good... good work, Gold. hope that means youre ready. Tiffany turns to the girls. TIFFANY Hoo... GIRLS Rah! EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Thrilled girls help Tiffany and her mom unload dozens of stunning gowns. Its like Christmas. INT. CAPTAIN WOLFS OFFICE - DAY Tiffany and Claire bring the Captain three gowns. The first is very low-cut. The Captain is shocked. Absolutely not. They show her the other two. Both are elegant, mature. cant decide, so they leave all three dresses. INT. BARRACKS - DAY Tiffany and Claire hold different dresses up to different girls, decide who looks good in what. Tammy models her chiffon and taffeta ensemble, complete with combat boots. The girls egg Claire on to try on a dress. hoot and whistle. She does. They She I just


EXT. CAPTAIN WOLFS OFFICE - DAY Claire and Tiffany peek into Wolfs office. Wolf is holding the sexy dress up to herself in an Audrey Hepburn pose. EXT. BURNED-OUT FIELD - DAY Tiffany and Tammy chat as they expertly put out hot spots with their shovels. Captain Wolf and some other girls work a distance away. TAMMY Make sure you thank your mom for the dress she got me. TIFFANY You already thanked her. A spark lands behind them and ignites a twig. TAMMY Thank her again. I never had anything that nice before. The flame jumps to the cuff of Tiffanys jump suit. points to it and yells. TAMMY Tiffany! Tiffany stands frozen. Tammy yells louder, catching Wolfs attention. TAMMY Tiffany, roll! Tiffany cant move. As Wolf runs toward them, Tammy tackles Tiffany and puts out the fire. CAPTAIN WOLF Are you burned? TIFFANY No. CAPTAIN WOLF Im sorry, Gold. Thats your third strike. INT. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE - DAY Captain Wolf talks to Tiffany. Tammy


CAPTAIN WOLF The prison bus will pick you up at seven A.M. Do you want someone to take over your fire-watch shift tonight? TIFFANY No, Ill do it. CAPTAIN WOLF I... wish this hadnt happened. TIFFANY At least I did one good thing here; they can still have their prom. CAPTAIN WOLF Sorry. You got a strike. prom is off. INT. FIRE TOWER - NIGHT Tiffany looks small and alone in the fire tower. She spots the little fawn, grazing. A tear runs down Tiffanys cheek. the railing. LATER Tiffany scans the forest. distance. She hears partying in the She slumps down against The

A burst of fireworks lights up the sky. Tiffany watches, aghast, as fire spreads from tree to tree. She picks up the radio. TIFFANY This is Fire Tower Eight. Theres a fastmoving fire in Sector Four. There are people out there. FIRE DISPATCHER (O.S.) The career firefighters are on a call. Ill radio Ventura County. They should be there in twenty minutes. Tiffany hears cries for help. TIFFANY We cant wait that long. Camp Malibu. Patch me into


EXT. ROCKY PEAK - NIGHT Fire encircles the recreation area. The Camp Malibu girls arrive in a flurry of activity. Some haul hoses as others bring Pulaskis and other equipment. Tammy hands Tiffany her firefighting gear. As Tiffany pulls on her gear, she barks instructions. TIFFANY Tammy, Araceli, Shirelle, man the hose. Tammy, youre in charge of it. Tammy beams. Tiffany points to a section of the fire. TIFFANY Right there. We have to make an escape route. She turns to the other girls holding chain saws and Pulaskis. TIFFANY Soon as you can get in there, clear a path. Tammys crew manages to knock down a section of the fire. The other girls make quick work of the smoldering underbrush. Araceli leads a group of teenagers to safety -- her former classmates from Beverly Hills High. TRENT(O.S.) Help! Fire is quickly closing in on him. A firefighter, face covered by a protective visor, swings an axe to make a path and rushes through the flame. The firefighter lifts Trent in a firemans carry and tries to take him out the way they came in, but now its become a wall of flame. They stand there. The fire comes closer and closer.

Suddenly, a spray of water breaks through, and they escape. The firefighter lays Trent down on the ground. up as the firefighter removes the visor. Trent looks


TRENT Tiffany? TIFFANY Yup. TRENT Am I dead? LATER Tiffany and the others work on knocking down the fire. Antonio and several other guys are now helping out. TAMMY Tiffany! Tammy points to the fawn Tiffany and Antonio have fed. It stands paralyzed, staring at the fast-approaching fire. Antonio rushes in and carries the fawn to safety. EXT. AMBULANCE - NIGHT Everyone gathers around as Trent is loaded into the ambulance. TRENT Tiffany? TIFFANY Yes? TRENT Im sorry. I made some mistakes. Its you I want to go to the prom with. Tiffany hesitates. eyes. Trent grabs her hand and looks into her

TRENT Think about it. Antonio runs towards them. ANTONIO Tiffany, the deer is fi... He sees Trent holding her hand. Hurt, he walks away. Tiffany starts after him, but Tammy grabs her. TAMMY Come on! I need your help.


As Tammy pulls her away, Tiffany looks over her shoulder at Antonio as he recedes into the distance. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Tiffany waits for the bus with her luggage. The girls and Captain Wolf look somber as the bus pulls in. TIFFANY Im sorry my strike cost you the prom. When I get out in a couple months, I promise Ill find some way to make it happen. The bus opens its door. Tiffany starts up the steps. Araceli looks at Tiffany. She hesitates. She steps forward. ARACELI Wait. Tiffany shouldnt have to go. That second strike she got, Im the one who deserves it. I pushed her. CAPTAIN WOLF Thank you, Araceli. Gold, you can stay and finish out your last two days here. Girls applaud. Wolf turns back to Araceli. You have

CAPTAIN WOLF But, Ruiz, thats strike three. to get on the bus.

TIFFANY No, dont! I can prove Araceli didnt commit the crime that got her sent here... if you give me a little time. Wolf thinks it over. CAPTAIN WOLF All right, with the job you did yesterday, youve earned it. INT. BARRACKS - DAY Tiffany, bags packed, is alone with Araceli. TIFFANY Dont worry, itll work. out of here. Araceli hugs her and leaves. Ill get you


Tiffany walks to the door, stops and gives the place a farewell look. She gets a little misty. EXT. CAMP MALIBU - DAY Tiffany sees the girls in the distance doing jumping jacks. She watches for a moment. She heads towards the administration building. mothers car. Her father drives up in his car. She spots her

Both parents get out. Who will it be?

They look at each other, then at Tiffany. She walks to her father. He smiles.

AARON GOLD I heard about the fire. had it in you. TIFFANY I know.

Didnt know you

AARON GOLD Guess I underestimated you. Tiffany manages a nod. He opens the car door for her.

AARON GOLD Cmon, princess. Give Daddy another chance? TIFFANY I will. Smiling, she walks toward the car door. TIFFANY You know where to find me. She closes the door and gives him a little wave good bye. LATER Tiffany walks toward her mother and hands her the clock she made. TIFFANY I didnt even charge it. CLAIRE GOLD Its beautiful. You made this?


Who knew?

TIFFANY Maybe I am a little Amish.

INT. SOUNDSTAGE - NIGHT The prom is in full swing. The stage is decorated with movie memorabilia. Everyone looks fabulous in their formal-wear. Tiffany wooshes in. Shes stunning in her lavender gown.

One by one, people stop what theyre doing and look in her direction until the room is silent. Even the band stops. Trent cant take his eyes off of her. TIFFANY Hoo... FEMALE VOICES (O.S.) Rah! One by one the girls from Camp Malibu burst into the prom and strut their stuff -- even a hot-looking Captain Wolf in the low-cut number. The boys hoot their approval. The girls glare at their dates. Kristin, looking fiery in her red gown and matching accessories, marches up to Tiffany. Chaperone Claire Gold watches, holding her breath. KRISTIN I dont believe any of you were invited. They ignore her. Kristin dials 911.

KRISTIN Id like to report a disturbance. As Kristin continues her call, Trent takes the stage. TRENT There are heroes here tonight. would you say a few words? Speech! EVERYONE Speech! Speech! Tiffany,

Tiffany steps up to the mic. TIFFANY Thanks, everyone, and a special thank you to Kristin.


Kristin looks unsure of whats coming, but she smiles to the crowd. TIFFANY On the worst day of my life, you were there for me. You told me something I really wanted to hear: that I was entitled to anything I wanted. All I had to do was take it. That got me shipped off to a place where I discovered how much better it feels to earn your way. To earn the trust of the people around you. I wasnt exactly great at that at first, but I learned. Didnt I, ladies? The girls agree. TIFFANY And now, Kristin, were about to give you the same gift. KRISTIN What? Two police officers walk in. KRISTIN Good, youre here. Kristin grabs the mic. She points to the Camp Malibu girls.

KRISTIN These low-class felons are not authorized to be here. TIFFANY My honored guests all have tickets. And by the way, officers, THIS is the felon I called you about. Tiffany points to Kristin. An officer cuffs Kristin. TIFFANY I just knew you couldnt wear that scarlet gown without the ruby necklace. They lead Kristin away. Araceli a thumbs up. Captain Wolf gives Tiffany and

The Camp Malibu girls sing.


GIRLS Ooo, ah; Ooo, ah! Thats the sound of Kristin working on the chain gang... LATER A romantic ballad starts up. All the Camp Malibu girls have found someone to dance with except Araceli and Tiffany, who pour themselves punch. Tiffany looks wistful. ARACELI How could you not be happy? TIFFANY No, its all wonderful: Captain Wolf letting everybody come here, Kristin taken away... I just wish... ARACELI Antonio? TIFFANY I left messages. He just never... Trent comes over to them. TRENT Tiffie, may I have this dance? Tiffany hesitates. TIFFANY Thanks, Trent. Beaming, he reaches for her hand. TIFFANY ...but it just wouldnt feel right. TRENT Oh. She watches him walk away looking like he doesnt know what hit him. A male voice comes up behind Tiffany. ANTONIO Does a barrio boy stand a chance? She turns to see Antonio looking dashing in a tux. TIFFANY I dont know. I heard you killed a guy.


ANTONIO Youll have to take your chances. He sweeps her up in his arms. Finally, its the prom she always dreamed of. and dance. INT. TIFFANYS CAR - DAY Tiffany and Antonio drive down P.C.H. says FIRE-FYTR. Her license plate now They dance...

They turn down Encinal Canyon. They see orange-suited prisoners jogging. Lagging behind all the others is a miffed and humiliated Kristin. Antonio starts to wave, but Tiffany pulls back his hand. Please. TIFFANY We have standards.

EXT. U. S. FOREST SERVICE BUILDING - DAY Tiffany and Antonio proudly walk under a banner that says, Welcome Smoke-Jumper Trainees. Tiffany turns to Antonio. TIFFANY I wonder if they have a Smoke-Jumpers Ball? FADE OUT.

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