Week 3 - Assignment 1

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Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

Telecom Project in Brazil Launch, Ship and Instal Priya Prasad Strayer University

Dr. Jim Marion BUS517- Project Management April 25, 2010

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil


This paper involves an analysis for setting up a Telecom Project using the following items as a guideline:

Developing a responsibility matrix for the work that needs to be done to plan and initiate the project.

Developing a draft WBS for the project that identifies the deliverables and organizational units (people) responsible. Give an example of the work packages in one of your cost accounts. Develop an OBS which identifies who is responsible for what.

Developing a communication plan to support managing the project. Analyzing the basic host country environmental factors, provide an example of each factor and explain the potential impact on the project.

Project assumption is as follows:

You are the project manager for a major telecommunications company based in the United States. You have a product development team in the US that is launching a telecommunication system product, and your first customer is in Brazil. Your project is to successfully launch the product, ship it to another team in Brazil, and install and configure the system on the ground in Brazil.

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

Planning & Initiation - Responsibility matrix for work:

Responsibility Matrix for New Product Development WBS Activities Project Mgr Initiating Stage Project Request Define Mission, Objectives, Deliverables Project Organization Cost Estimate Risk Assessment Justification statement Develop Project Charter Planning Stage RFP Development Vendor Selection Scope Statement WBS Project Schedule Communications Plan Project Budget Quality Plan Use Case Analysis Specifications Architecture Design Prototypes Test Plan Managing Stage Product Development Quality Control (e.g. testing) Sponsor Tech Lead Stakeholders Finance IT - Analyst Business Lead Testing

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

Quality Assurance Documentation Training development Configuration Management Closing Stage System testing Rollout User training Project Close Lessons Learned

The responsibility matrix indicates who is responsible for what during various phases of the project and provides a guideline for the entire team working on the project.

WBS for the New Telecom Product:

The Work Breakdown Structure to develop a new product, ship to Brazil and install/configure the system in Brazil is as follows:

1. Develop new Telecom Product 1.1 Project Management 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7 Planning Cost and Schedule Management Scope Management Task Management Project Office Administration Project Communication HR Management

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

1.1.8 1.1.9

Risk Management Procurement Management

1.1.10 Quality Management 1.2 Systems Engineering 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 1.3 Software 1.3.1 Software Design Software requirement Spec Software work package Software Prototype Software Detailed Design 1.3.2 Software build Software Coding Software Debugging 1.3.3 Unit testing Unit test planning Unit test preparation Unit test conduct Technical Planning Technical Supervision Business Requirements Systems Requirements Systems Architecture and Design

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil Unit test record 1.4 Hardware 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 Hardware requirements planning Hardware system definition Hardware component selection Hardware component testing

1.5 Deliverables Management 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 Deliverables Planning (Plan delivery to team in Brazil) Deliverables tracking Deliverables production and packaging

1.6 System Test 1.6.1 1.6.2 1.6.3 1.6.4 Module and Sub-System testing System integration testing Acceptance testing Defects tracking

1.7 Support Services 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.7.4 1.7.5 1.8 Installation Configuration Mgmt Quality Assurance Development tools and utilities Internal product liaison Technical Training

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

1.8.1 1.8.2 1.8.3 1.8.4 1.8.5 1.8.6

Installation Planning User support documentation User communication & training Installation Mgmt & Coordination Installation Testing & Verification Installation Performance Monitoring

OBS Organization Based Structure is a framework to summarize organization unit work performance, identify organization units responsible for work packages, and tie the organizational unit to cost control accounts (Gray & Larson, 2009, p. 103). In the current analysis, section 1.3 Software has several deliverables such as Software Design (1.3.1), Software Build (1.3.2) and Unit Testing (1.3.3) and this creates a Project Control Point (cost account). Each lowest manageable sub-deliverable such as through has to be complete for the organizational unit (i.e.) Software to be complete.

Project Communication Plan:

Document Preliminary project concept Scope definition

Risk management report

Description Project overview/executive summary Describes project scope, boundaries, budget, requirements, etc. Describes project risks with probability/severity matrix, mitigation strategies, and

Recipient Sponsor

Sponsor Project Manager All team members Stakeholders Project Manager Sponsor, as needed

Frequency Once at the beginning of the project At the beginning of project, and upon changes Review weekly throughout project, immediate notification of risk occurrence

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

contingency plans Project effort estimate/variances Describes level of effort required to complete project Describes time required to complete project Describes cost required to complete project Describes activities needed to meet project goals. Created from WBS. Schedules work activities and shows task dependencies Defines skill resources assigned to project components Scheduled project progress reports Reports variances from the project plan (schedule, cost, scope, resources) Formal request for a variance from the project plan Evaluates the success or failure of a project Project Manager Functional managers Sponsor Project Manager Sponsor Review weekly Monthly performance reporting Review weekly Monthly performance reporting Review weekly Monthly performance reporting Review weekly

Project time estimate

Project cost estimate

Project Manager Sponsor

Work Breakdown Structure(WBS) Project schedule

Project Manager Project team leads Project Manager Project team leads

Project resource assignment matrix

Project Manager Project team leads

Review weekly Monthly performance reporting Review weekly

Project status report Project variance report

Project Manager Project team leads Project Manager Project team leads Sponsor

Weekly Immediate notification as required, part of monthly performance reporting As required

Change request form Project review document

Project Manager Project team leads Sponsor Project Manager Project team leads Project team members Sponsor

End of project as part of project closure

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil

Lessons learned

Documentation of lessons learned throughout the project

Project Manager Project team leads Project team members

End of project as part of project closure

Host Country Environmental factors: Americas Scores: PDI Power Distance Index = 40 IDV Individualism = 91 MAS Masculinity = 62 UAI Uncertainty Avoidance Index = 46 LTO Long-Term Orientation = 29 Brazils Scores: PDI = 69 IDV = 38 MAS = 49 UAI = 76 LTO = 65

Based on Geert Hofstedes analysis, following are the observations for Brazil: Brazil's highest Hofstede Dimension is Uncertainty Avoidance (UAI) is 76, indicating the societys low level of tolerance for uncertainty. In an effort to minimize or reduce this level of uncertainty, strict rules, laws, policies, and regulations are adopted and implemented. The ultimate goal of this population is to control everything in order to eliminate or avoid the unexpected. As a result of this high Uncertainty Avoidance characteristic, the society does not readily accept change and is very risk adverse. Whereas, the US has a UAI of 46, which indicates that the society has a higher level of tolerance for uncertainty. Brazil has a slightly higher Individualism (IDV) rank of 38 compared to the average Latin population score of 21. However, virtually all the Latin countries are considered to be Collectivist societies as compared to Individualist cultures. This is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships.

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil


Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal rules. US has an Individualism index of 91, which indicates that the United States is a society with a more individualistic attitude and relatively loose bonds with others. The populace is more self-reliant and looks out for themselves and their close family members. The next difference is in the Long Term Orientation LTO for which the United States indexed at 29 and Brazil scored at 65. Countries with high LTO scores indicate more contemplative cultures that adapt their traditions to a modern context, with limited social demands and status pressures and countries with low LTO scores indicate that they respect traditions, and prefer to solve problems as soon as possible. The United States has a lower UAI index than Brazil, which indicates that the US has a low tolerance for uncertainty (i.e.) for example; the US team would prepare a game plan or workflow for the Project Delivery phase to Brazil to avoid uncertainties.

Running head: Telecom Project in Brazil


REFERENCES Internet Resource: Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions. Retrieved on April 25, 2010 at http://www.geerthofstede.com/ Book Resource: Clifford F. Gray & Erik W. Larson (2009). BUS517: Project Management 2009 custom edition by The McGraw-Hill Companies Inc.

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