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Aortic Compliance and Stiffness Among Severe Longstanding Hypertensive and Non-hypertensive

ACTA INFORM MED. 2013 Mar; 21(1): 12-15

doi: 10.5455/aim.2013.21.12-15 Received: 25 November 2012 Accepted: 30 January 2013


Lulzim Selim Kamberi1, Daut Rashit Gorani1, Teuta Faik Hoxha1, Bedri Faik Zahiti1 University Clinical Centre of Kosova, Prishtina, Kosovo1
Corresponding author: Lulzim Kamberi, MD. University Clinical Centre of Kosova, nn, Mother Teresa, 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo, +377 44 14 56 80; E-mail:

Original paper aBStraCt Introduction. abnormal aortic function in hypertension is generally attributed to accelerated breakdown of elastin in the aorta, leading to dilatation of the lumen and stiffening of the wall as elastin is replaced with stiffer collagen. aortic stiffness is an independent predictor of cardiovascular risk and all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. Vascular stiffening can activate endothelium which in turn may promote atherogenesis. Modulation of arterial stiffness

has been shown to be successfully managed via changes in lifestyle and put under control of hypertension pharmacologically with antihypertensive drugs and statins. Methods. Hundred and forty four patients have been enrolled in this study. they have been divided in two groups, with hypertension and group of control. groups were with no age difference. Results. group with hypertension were with reduced aortic strain, distensibility (compliance) and have higher stiffness than control group; grHta =9.3 compared to gC=5.4. after

successful treatment of hypertension with antihypertensives and statins, for two years, these parameters showed improvement, but still remain out of normal range compared to control group; 7.6 vs. 5.38. Conclusions. Hypertensive patients have reduced aortic elasticity and increased stiffness which can be stopped and improved after treatment with antihypertensive and statin. Key words: aortic stiffness, aortic elasticity, Hypertension.

Aortic stiffness is an independent predictor of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality in patients with essential hypertension (1, 2, 3). Furthermore, aortic stiffness constant is the best single predictor of acute coronary syndromes (3, 4). Aortic stiffness may predict sustained hypertension; in patients with hypertension and hypothyroidism and in patients with repaired coarctation of aorta, sustained hypertension is caused by the increased aortic stiffness (5, 6). It is concluded that in a population of non-hypertensive subjects with no overt cardiovascular disease or symptoms at baseline, aortic elastic properties measured through trans-thoracic echocardiography predicted the increase in systolic BP, diastolic BP, and pulse pressure beyond the prediction provided by risk factors including initial level of BP, assessed through a multivariate model (7). From the he-


modynamic factors that influence PP, 2 have been shown to independently predict CV risk: aortic stiffness, measured from aortic PWV (1, 8) and early return of reflected waves to the heart, evaluated from pulse wave analysis (9). Vascular stiffening is associated with abnormalities in central aortic flow that can activate endothelium (10). Activation of the endothelium and increased pulsatile stress on the arterial wall may promote atherogenesis (11). Abnormal aortic function in hypertension is generally attributed to accelerated breakdown of elastin in the aorta, leading to dilatation of the lumen and stiffening of the wall as elastin is replaced with stiffer collagen (12) primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT), pHPT is associated with increased aortic stiffness, which improves after parathyroidectomy. Data demonstrate that aortic stiffness may improve upon removal of hyper-parathyroid

stimuli (13). Based on the evidence that subjects with many chronic diseases have increased arterial stiffness when compared to a healthy control population, and that subjects such as athletes or the physically active elderly have decreased arterial stiffness when compared to a normally active control population (14, 15). The only study of this sort revealed by literature search was carried out in patients with end-stage renal disease, and thus is not applicable to the general population (16). However no decrease in arterial stiffness was found in trials of aerobic exercise in subjects with systolic hypertension (17). The main drug class acting on the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) are angiotenzin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEIs). As well as being recognized as effective anti-hypertensive agents, they are of great interest in the treatment of atherosclerosis as they have been shown to protect against sec-

origiNal papEr / aCta iNForM MEd. 2013 Mar; 21(1): 12-15

Aortic Compliance and Stiffness Among Severe Longstanding Hypertensive and Non-hypertensive

with severe long-standing Ao(%) = 100 * (AoSAoD)/ hypertension was ninety- AoD to obtain the aortic strain. 8.0 Fu-p six and forty-four pts. Aortic distensibility was calculated 8 serves as a control group- from the formula: A:(A* PP) = * GC. Hypertensive patients [(AoS/2)2(AoD/2)2]: [ (AoD/2)2 * 7,87 were divided into two PP], with A being the cross-sectional 7 groups, one group with no lumen area and PP being pulse pres5.97 Fu-p 5.8 Fu-p risk factors (GrHTAnRF, sure. A was estimated as the product 6 and another group with of by r2; where r was the AoS/2 risk factors (GrHTARF); or AoD/2. The aortic stiffness index 5,2 5,3 5 all of them have been () was calculated: =ln (SBP/ DBP)/ treated with ACE-inhibi- (AoS_AoD)/AoD (pure number), tors, Hydrochlorothiazide where SBP is systolic BP and DBP is 4 and beta-blockers. Patients diastolic BP (6, 21, 22, 23). have been follow-up for The results were analyzed by a 3 24 months. BP was mea- standard method of descriptive stasured and recorded three tistics using Pivot Table of Excel Of2 to four times at home fol- fice 2007, MedCalc, Simple Interaclowing the recommen- tive Statistical Analysis (SISA), Sigma dations of the American Stat and Sigma Plot programs. 1 Heart Association (20). Predefined exclusion cri- 3. RESULTS. 0 GrHTAnRF-Group with hyper0 1 2 3 4 teria were: terminal illness, dementia, significant dis- tension with no risk factors; Fu-pGrHTARF GrHTAnRF GC ability, or esophageal dis- follow-up; GrHTARF- Group with hypertenease precluding TEE), and Diagram 1. Aotic strain: grhTA (nrf no rf) vs. gC ; p<0.001 GrHTAnRF-Group with hypertension withandrisk factors; Fu-p-follow-up; GrHTARF- Group with hypertension with risk factors; GC-Group of control. refusal to participate in the sion with risk factors; GC-Group of ondary coronary events in subjects study. Trans-thoracic echo- control. Diagram 1. Shows aortic strain of GrHTA (RF and nRF; 5.2%0.9 and 5.3%1.1 respectively) with cardiovascular disease (18). In cardiography (using machine iE33 Diagram 1. Shows aortic strain summary Antihypertensive therapy Phillips and Siemens accuson 5.97% of GrHTA (RF compared to GC (7.87%1.2) and follow-up; GrHTA(RF and nRF; CV 70 0.8 and 5.8%1.3 and nRF; 5.2%0.9 has a different effect on arterial Siemens) examination of the aorta and 5.3%1.1 respectively)comrespectively), vs. GC (8.0%1.24). Aortic strain has significant differenceisbetween groups, with stiffness. According to arterial stiff- a routine part of the standard echo- pared to GC (7.87%1.2) and followhigher strain of control group. Some improvement of strain happened during follow-up period ness, diuretics have no activity; beta cardiographic examination. We have up; GrHTA(RF and nRF; 5.97%0.8 but still the difference remain significant between GrHTA (nRF and RF) andand 5.8%1.3 respectively), vs. GC GC. blockers have different effects with respect all of the techniques (left and some beta blockers increasing it and right parasternal long-axis views, (8.0%1.24). Aortic strain has sigsome others decreasing it; calcium basal short-axis views, and apical nificant difference between groups, channel blockers reduce arterial long-axis as well as modified apical with higher strain of control group. stiffness as well as ACE inhibitors five chamber views) most used to Some improvement of strain hapand angiotenzin receptor blocking measure proximal aorta. Our TTE pened during follow-up period but agents; effect of aldosterone antag- we have accomplish using the supra- still the difference remain signifionist is that of decreasing arterial sternal view which allow us to depict cant between GrHTA (nRF and RF) stiffness (19). the aortic arch and the three major and GC. Diagram 2. Aortic distensibility: GrHTA vs. GC; and (on the right) follow-up (p<0.001) supra-aortic vessels (in4,5 2. METHODS nominate, left carotid, and 4.34 4.29 Fu-p 4 The study has been approved by left subclavian arteries). the Ethic Committee and written inAortic Stiffness Mea3,5 formed consent was obtained from surement. Aortic systolic 3 all participants. Patients with severe (AoS) diameter was meaGrHTA 2,5 and long-standing hypertension sured at the time of full 2.32 Fu-p GC (SLH) were included in the study. As opening of the aortic valve 2 severe hypertension we considered and diastolic (AoD) diam1.61 1,5 to be those with systolic blood pres- eter was measured as min. sure >180 mmHg and/or diastolic diameter. Three to five con1 blood pressure of>100 mmHg. Long- secutive beats were mea0,5 standing hypertension was consid- sured routinely and aver0 ered HTA lasting for more than one aged. Measurements were 0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5 year and not treated or not treated performed by the same incorrectly for the same period. Hun- vestigator. The percentage GrHTA-group with hypertension; GC-group of control; Fu-p-follow-up. dred and forty patients were enrolled change of the aortic root Diagram 2. Aortic distensibility: grhTA vs. gC; and (on the right) in the study. Number of patients was calculated as:
9 Percentage %
follow-up (p<0.001)
Distensibility mmHg-1 *10-3

Diagram 1. Aotic strain: GrHTA (nRF and RF) vs. GC ; p<0.001


Diagram 2. Shows aortic distensibility of GrHTA (1.61 0.4 mmHg-1 x 10-3) com (2.32 0.6 mmHg-1 x 10-3) and follow-up. Aortic strain has significant difference b with higher distensibility of control group. Some improvement of distensibility h aCta iNForM MEd. 2013 Mar; 21(1): 12-15 / origiNal papEr follow-up but still the difference remain significant between GrHTA and GC; (2. 10-3 vs. GC 4.290.7 mmHg-1 x 10-3 respectively).


Aortic Compliance and Stiffness Among Severe Longstanding Hypertensive and Non-hypertensive
Diagram 3. Aortic stiffness index (B): GrHTA vs. GC and (on the right) follow-up (p=0.001)

sion (non-RF and RF) but, difference was very signifi9 cant between GrHTA and 7.6 Fu-p 8 GC (p<0.001) (Diagram 3). All parameters of elasticity 7 (strain and distensibility) 6 5,4 5.38 Fu-p were compromised in aorta 5 of the severe long-standing GrHTA hypertension group comGC 4 pared to control group. 3 These parameters were not 2 related to age as in many trials has been proved (24, 1 25, 26) since control group 0 and SLH group were with 0 1 2 3 4 no age difference statistically; we consider that these GrHTA-group with hypertension; FU-P-follow-up; GC-group of control. changes are due to atheroDiagram 3. Aortic stiffness index of GrHTA (9.3gC ) compared to GC (5.40.9) and follow-up. Diagram 3. Shows aortic stiffness (B): grhTA vs. 1.0 and (on the sclerosis as it is right) follow-uphas significant difference between groups, with higher stiffness of hypertensive reported in Aortic stiffness (p=0.001 many studies that atherogroup. Improvement of aortic stiffness happened during follow-up but, difference remain significant between2. ShowsGC ; (7.61.1 vs. 5.380.8 respectively). reduce elasticity of big arDiagram GrHTA and aortic disten- sclerosis sibility of GrHTA (1.61 0.4 mmHg-1 teries (27, 28, 29), atherosclerosis have Discussion x 10-3strain of the three groupsGC (2.32 0.6 no significant difference between our hypertensive ) compared to (diagram 1) was with been often found in Aortic hypertensive 10 -3 and follow-up. Aortic mmHg-1 xgroups)(group with RF and with-out RF) but the difference (30). These data are in conpatients was very significant between strain GrHTAsignificantcompared to GC (p<0.001).cordance with data of reported from has (RF and nRF) of ourerence be-no difference between groups with diff patients shows Calculated aortic distensibility hypertension (RF and with higher distentween groups, nRF group) but difference was very significant between GrHTA andAnalyzing these Vitarelli A. et. al. (31) GC (p<0.001) sibility (diagram 2). difference between groupim- hypertension (non-RF and RF) but, hypertension of control group. Some with data we conclude that Aortic stiffness has no difference was significant between GrHTA and GC significantly reduce elasticity (disprovementveryof distensibility hap- (p<0.001) (diagram 3). All parameters of elasticity (strain and distensibility) were compromised in aorta of the severe longstanding pened during follow-up group. These parameters were not related to age as in and increase tensibility and strain), hypertension group compared to control but still many difference remain significant the trials has been proved (24, 25, 26) since control group and ness of were with no agewall. As it is stiffSLH group the aortic between GrHTA and GC; (2.320.5 well known these usually, if left unmmHg-1 x 10-3 vs. GC 4.290.7 treated, leads to refractory hypertenmmHg-1 x 10-3 respectively). sion especially isolated systolic hyperDiagram 3. Shows aortic stiffness tension, but also diastolic hypertenof GrHTA (9.31.0) compared to GC sion and pulse pressure (4). In group (5.40.9) and follow-up. Aortic stiff- with hypertension (GrHTARF and ness has significant difference be- GrHTAnRF) during follow-up, aortic tween groups, with higher stiffness distensibility and strain (compliance), of hypertensive group. Improvement increased or have been improved (Diof aortic stiffness happened during agram 1 and Diagram 2) and stiffness, follow-up but, difference remain sig- decreased (Diagram 3). We conclude nificant between GrHTA and GC ; that meticulous treatment of hyper(7.61.1 vs. 5.380.8 respectively). tension will improve compliance of the aorta which is very important 4. DISCUSSION in stopping rigidity of the aorta, reAortic strain of the three groups modeling of thoracic aorta (progres(Diagram 1) was with no significant sive passive dilatation, thickening of difference between hypertensive its wall and lowering of amplitude groups (group with RF and with-out of systolic excursion)(29), (which will RF) but the difference was very sig- improve ISH, and other pathologies nificant between GrHTA (RF and caused from this, mentioned above nRF) compared to GC (p<0.001). (22, 32, 33, 34, 35) This is achieved due Calculated aortic distensibility to reduced atherosclerosis in thoracic of our patients shows no difference aorta after successful treatment with between groups with hypertension anti-hypertensive and with statins. (RF and nRF group) but difference was very significant between GrHTA 5. CONCLUSIONS. and GC (p<0.001) (Diagram 2). Meticulous treatment of hyperAortic stiffness has no differ- tension and atherosclerosis is necesence between group with hyperten- sary, among others proved benefits,

also to reduce stiffness of the aorta and to improve compliance of it, but it seems that this will be realized after long time period.

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aCta iNForM MEd. 2013 Mar; 21(1): 12-15 / origiNal papEr

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