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Questionnaire for Fitness Clubs

1. What is the name and address of the facility? a. Name: b. Facility: c. Address : d. State/Province: e. Email Address: 2. How many years has this location been in business? a. 0-5 years b. 6-10 years c. 11-15 years d.16-20 years

3. What type of funding did you use to start the business? d. 15-20 years a. Personal funding only b. Personal funding and external funding e. >20 years

4. How large is the facility? a. 0-5,000 square feet b. 5,001-10,000 square feet c. 10,001-15,000 square feet d. >15,000 square feet

5. How many employees do you have working for you? a. 1-10 employees b. 11-20 employees c. 21-30 employees d. >30 employees

6. How many members are currently enrolled at the facility? a. 1-500 members b. 501-1,000 members c. 1,001-1,500 members d. 1,501-2,000 members e. 2,001-2,500 members f. 2,501-3,000 members

7. Estimate the percentage of different age groups that attend the facility. a. 6-17 years of age b. 18-34 years of age c. 35-54 years of age d. >55 years of age

8. What type of equipment does the facility offer? (Check all that apply) a. Cardiovascular b. Strength Machines c. Free Weights d. Strongman e. Kettlebells f. Other, please specify.......................

9. How many times in a year do you spend in the following machines? Particulars Strength Chest Press Incline Press Torso Seated Calf Hack squat T-bar row Big Iron Benches Power Rack 9 Cardio Treadmill Stepper Cyclone Dumbel Weight plates rubber Olimpic dumbbells 10. What value added benefits does the facility offer? (Check all that apply) a. Pool b. Spa Related Features (Tanning, Hot Tub, Steam Room, Dry Sauna, Massage Tables) c. Retail Facilities (Supplement Shop, Protein/Fruit Drink Bar) d. Physical Therapy e. Nutritional Program f.Wellness Fitness Assessments Very Frequently Frequently Sometimes Once a year

11. What type of training classes does the facility offer? (Check all that apply) a. One-on-One Personal Training b. Sport Specific Training c. Group Training d. Yoga 12. You offer latest & innovative technology to your customers through which brands among the following? a. Hoist b. Lifefitness c. Cybex d. Powergym e. Technogym f. Matrix e. Crossfit f. Aerobics g. Gymnastics

13. Please place a check in the box that best describes your response to the following statements/questions. Please use the following codes: SA-Strongly Agree / A-Agree / D-Disagree / SD-Strongly Disagree Questions SA Overall, I believe that the health and fitness industry has been successful. The following are important factors in the health and fitness industry: Profitability Number of memberships Influencing the lifestyles (wellness) of clients Increased professionalism As a health/fitness professional, I frequently provide services such as: Personal training Safety advice Motivation Nutritional advice Weight management Members select exercise classes according to the following criteria: Qualifications of instructor (knowledge and skills) Personality of instructor (fun and motivating) Time of class (meets schedule needs) Intensity of class (members like a hard workout) Members stay at a health and fitness facility because: They get good results The program meets their schedule needs. They want the health benefits. They get good service. They get an opportunity to develop social network. A D SD

14. What sources of media do you use to advertise for your business? a. Internet b. Commercials c. Brochures d. Flyers e. Newspapers f. References

15. How have you been using the internet/website tog. Lawn Signs members? help bring in a. Advertising b. Membership Sign-up c. Fitness Info d. Online Consultation e. Virtual Tours h. Other, please specify f. Exercise Tutorial Videos g. Nutrition Calculator h. Newsletter

16. Please place a check in the box that best describes your response to the following statements/questions. Please use the following codes: SA-Strongly Agree / A-Agree / D-Disagree / SD-Strongly Disagree/ Neutral Particulars The website provides comprehensive information about the business. The website is connected to different social media websites, e.g. Facebook Customer feedback is used to design and develop the website We make our website dynamics as per market demand 17. Among the following fitness venues which offers the greatest growth potential in future: a. b. c. d. e. Health Clubs Gyms Aerobics studios Personal training studios Corporate programs f. g. h. i. j. Recreation centres Schools and universities Diet and nutrition centres Wellness centres Youth fitness programs SD = 1 D=2 N=3 A=4 SA=5

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