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"I* "! !+i* ,ri!!e i !+e B""- "# J.*+er/011J"*+2.3 4& 15& 0Be+"67 i! i* ,ri!!e i !+e B""- "# J.*+er&011II S.82e63 i& 18

%HA$TER 1 The Creation of Adam and Eve. The Fall. Birth of Cain and Abel. Abel a Keeper of Sheep. Cain a Tiller of the Soil. The Quarrel Between the Brothers and the Result. Cain the First !urderer Cursed of "od. %HA$TER 9 Seth is Born. #eople be$in to !ultipl% and Be&ome 'dolatrous. Third #art of the Earth (estro%ed. Earth &ursed and be&omes &orrupt throu$h the )i&*edness of !en. Cainan a )ise and Ri$hteous Kin$ Foretells the Flood. Eno&h is Born. %HA$TER 5 Eno&h Rei$ns over the Earth. Eno&h Establishes Ri$hteousness upon the Earth and after Rei$nin$ Two +undred and Fort% ,ears is Translated. %HA$TER 4 The #eople of the Earth A$ain Be&ome Corrupt. -oah is Born. %HA$TER : -oah and !ethuselah #rea&h Repentan&e for .ne +undred and Twent% ,ears. -oah Builds the Ar*. (eath of !ethuselah. %HA$TER ; Animals Beasts and Fowls #reserved in the Ar*. -oah and his Sons and their )ives are Shut in. )hen the Floods &ome the #eople want to $et in. -oah .ne ,ear in the Ar*. %HA$TER ) The "enerations of -oah. The "arments of S*in made for Adam Stolen b% +am and the% (es&end to -imrod the !i$ht% +unter who Be&omes the Kin$ of the )hole Earth. The Birth of Abram. %HA$TER 8 The )ise !en of -imrod b% their (ivination Foretell the Evil that Abram will do to -imrod/s Kin$dom and the% see* to *ill the Child. Abram with his !other and -urse are +id in a &ave for Ten ,ears. %HA$TER < )hen Ten ,ears .ld Abram $oes to -oah and Shem Remains with them for Thirt%0nine ,ears and is Tau$ht in all the )a%s of the 1ord. The )i&*edness of -imrod and his #eople. The% #ropose to Build a Tower to +eaven and (ethrone "od. The &onfusion of Ton$ues. %HA$TER 10 The (es&endants of -oah S&attered over the whole earth build themselves &ities.

%HA$TER 11 -imrod/s )i&*ed Rei$n. The 'dolatr% of Terah Abram/s Father. )hen Fift% ,ears old Abram returns to his Father/s +ouse and (is&overs his 'dols. !a*es a prete2t to destro% them. After ma*in$ Savor% !eat for the $ods Abram ta*es a +at&het and destro%s them leavin$ the +at&het in the hands of the lar$er one where it is dis&overed b% his Father who is told b% Abram that the "reat "od had risen up in an$er and (estro%ed his Fellows. Terah in his wrath betra%s Abram to the Kin$ who brin$s him up before the Throne for 3ud$ment. Abram )arns his Father and the Kin$ before all the #rin&es of the Evils of 'dolatr%. %HA$TER 19 Abram pla&ed in #rison and is &ondemned after ten da%s to be &ast into a Fier% Furna&e. +is Brother +aran bein$ Falsel% A&&used is &ondemned to the same Fate. As +aran/ heart was not ri$ht before the 1ord he perished but Abram is (elivered and is brou$ht forth Alive. 's #resented with !an% "ifts. The Kin$ (reams of Abram and a$ain See*s his 1ife. Abram flees to the +ouse of -oah. %HA$TER 15 .n Abram/s a&&ount Terah and all his +ouse with Abram 1eave 4r Casdim to $o to the 1and of Canaan. The% tarr% in +aran where the 1ord Appears to Abram and upon &ondition of Faithfulness #romises man% Blessin$s. Abram &ommanded of the 1ord ta*es his )ife and all belon$in$ to him and $oes to the 1and of Canaan where the 1ord a$ain appears to him and #romises the 1and of Canaan as an Everlastin$ 'nheritan&e. After Fifteen ,ears Abram returns to +aran to 5isit his Father. Tea&hes man% to )al* in the )a%s of the 1ord. A$ain &ommanded to $o to Canaan where he Builds an Altar. The 1ord renews his Covenant with him. %HA$TER 14 Ri*a%on/s &unnin$ (evi&e to ma*e !one% of the E$%ptians. %HA$TER 1: .n A&&ount of Famine in Canaan Abram $oes to E$%pt. Tells the #eople that Sarah is his Sister on a&&ount of her Beaut%. #haraoh (esires to ta*e her but is #revented b% an An$el of the 1ord. The Truth is made *nown and Sarah is Restored to Abram with man% #resents. Abram returns to his +ome. Trouble between 1ot and Abram on a&&ount of 1ot/s &attle. 1ot Removes to Sodom. %HA$TER 1; Four Kin$s with Ei$ht +undred Thousand !en )ar a$ainst Sodom and the Cities of the #lain and destro% and plunder their people. Abram +earin$ that 1ot is ta*en &aptive $athers to$ether about Three +undred !en and #ursues the Kin$s reta*es the &aptives and smites the whole Arm% of the &onfederate Rin$s. .n his Return Abram meets Adoni6ede* Kin$ of 3erusalem the same was Shem. Abram $ives Tithin$ of all he had ta*en to Adoni6ede* and is Blessed of +im. Abram Restores to ever% !an his propert% whi&h he had reta*en in the )ar and returns to +ebron. The 1ord a$ain appears to Abram and promises to bless him with a -umberless #osterit%. Sarah bein$ &hildless $ives +a$ar to Abram for a )ife and be&omin$ 7ealous of her affli&ts her. An An$el &omforts +a$ar. 'shmael is Born. %HA$TER 1) The 1ord Appears to Abram and Establishes the Covenant of Cir&um&ision and &alls his name Abraham and Sarai +e &alls Sarah. %HA$TER 18 Abraham Entertains Three An$els who eat with him. Sarah is promised a Son. The #eople of Sodom and "omorrah and of all the Cities of the #lain be&ome ver% )i&*ed. %HA$TER 1< The Abominations of the people of Sodom and "omorrah. Two An$els sent to Save 1ot. The Cities of the #lain and all their 'nhabitants (estro%ed b% Fire.

%HA$TER 90 Abraham $oes to the land of the #hilistines and a$ain tells the #eople that Sarah is his Sister. Abimele&h the Kin$ desires her for a )ife. An An$el warns him and &ommands him to return her to her +usband. The whole land affli&ted on a&&ount of the matter. Sarah Restored to Abraham who entreats the 1ord to heal the #eople of Abimele&h. %HA$TER 91 'saa& is Born &ausin$ mu&h Re7oi&in$ amon$ the Friends of Abraham. 'shmael Attempts to *ill 'saa& and on that a&&ount is sent awa% with his !other. 'shmael is blessed with Ri&hes and #osterit%. %HA$TER 99 'shmael returns to his Father with his )ives and Children. Abraham Returns to Canaan and ma*es his +ome in Beersheba where he +ospitabl% Entertains all stran$ers and tea&hes them the wa% of the 1ord. 'saa& and 'shmael/s &onversation. The .fferin$ of 'saa& Foretold. Satan/s opinion of the Father of the Faithful. %HA$TER 95 Abraham &ommanded to .ffer up 'saa& in the 1and !oriah. Abraham/s .bedien&e. Sarah/s Affli&tion. )hat +appened on the )a%. Satan attempts to hinder them. 'saa& an A&&eptable .fferin$. Father and Son alone. The willin$ness of 'saa&. +e Assists his Father in Buildin$ the Altar. )hile the% both weep bitterl% the% %et Re7oi&e to be &ounted worth% before the 1ord. 'saa& bound and pla&ed upon the Altar. The An$els of "od inter&ede for 'saa& who is released at the &ommand of the 1ord and a Ram is offered in his pla&e. Satan b% his de&eption and Evils &auses the (eath of Sarah. %HA$TER 94 Abraham #ur&hases a Burial #la&e. 'saa& sent to the +ouse of Shem and Eber to 1earn the )a% of the 1ord. Elie6er is sent to $et a )ife for 'saa&. "oes to the +ouse of Bethuel and brin$s Rebe&&a. %HA$TER 9: Abraham ta*es Keturah for a )ife b% whom he has Si2 Sons. The "enerations of the Sons of Keturah and of 'shmael. %HA$TER 9; 'saa& and Rebe&&a pra% for &hildren. Their #ra%ers answered and Esau and 3a&ob are Born. Abraham after re&ountin$ all the )onderful )or*s of the 1ord en7oins his Son to )al* in +is wa% and *eep +is Commandments. 'n the Fifteenth ,ear of 3a&ob and Esau/s lives Abraham (ies and is Buried b% all the Kin$s of the land. All the #eople and even the &hildren mourn for Abraham for a Full. %HA$TER 9) Esau sla%s -imrod and Two of his !i$ht% !en. Returns +ome wear% from the Fi$ht and sells his Birthri$ht for 5alue. %HA$TER 98 .n a&&ount of Famine 'saa& $oes to "erar the 1and of the #hilistines. After the Famine he Returns at the Command of the 1ord to +ebron. 3a&ob is sent to the +ouse of Shem where he Remains Thirt%0two ,ears to learn the )a% of the 1ord but Esau would not $o. Esau marries a Canaanitish )oman. %HA$TER 9< 3a&ob b% de&eit obtains his Brother/s Blessin$. 3a&ob fearin$ his Brother/s an$er flees to the +ouse of Eber where he remains for Fourteen ,ears. Esau a$ain marries a )oman of the 1and. 3a&ob returns to his Father but bein$ still threatened b% Esau is advised b% his !other to $o to her Brother 1aban in +aran. 3a&ob $oes to +aran bein$ Commanded b% his Father not to !arr% an% of the (au$hters of Canaan. 3a&ob is )a%laid on the Road b% the Son of Esau and is Robbed of all he #ossessed.

%HA$TER 50 )hen he Arrives at !ount !oriah the 1ord appears to 3a&ob and establishes +is Covenant with him. Arrivin$ at his 4n&le/s +ouse he En$a$es to Serve Seven ,ears for Ra&hel. %HA$TER 51 3a&ob is (e&eived and is $iven 1eah in #la&e of Ra&hel but is "iven Ra&hel for Seven ,ears/ more Servi&e. 3a&ob serves 1aban si2 %ears lon$er for )a$es and be&omes ver% Ri&h when the 1ord Appears to him and &ommands him to Return to the 1and of Canaan. 3a&ob .be%s and $oes from 1aban. Ra&hel Steals her Father/s $ods that he ma% not *now where 3a&ob has fled. 1aban #ursues him but establishes a &ovenant of pea&e. 1aban brea*s his Covenant b% sendin$ his Son se&retl% to Esau that 3a&ob ma% Fall in his +ands. Esau with Four +undred !en see* to (estro% 3a&ob. %HA$TER 59 3a&ob sends a !essa$e of #ea&e to his Brother who re7e&ts it with &ontempt and Advan&es to (estro% him. +osts of An$els &ause the Fear of 3a&ob to &ome upon Esau and he $oes to meet him in pea&e in answer to 3a&ob/s #ra%er. 3a&ob )restles with an An$el of the 1ord. %HA$TER 55 3a&ob $oes to She&hem. #rin&e She&hem defiles (inah the (au$hter of 3a&ob. She&hem desires her for a )ife. %HA$TER 54 The #erfid% of She&hem. Simeon and 1evi Sons of 3a&ob aven$e the +onor of their Sister (inah (estro% all the !en of the Cit% and Spoil it. The #eople of Canaan &onspire to aven$e the &ause of She&hem. 'saa& and 3a&ob #ra% for Su&&or. %HA$TER 5: The Fear of "od &ome upon the Canaanites and the% do not Fi$ht with 3a&ob. %HA$TER 5; 3a&ob and his +ouse $oes to Bethel where the 1ord appears to him &alls his name 'srael and Blesses him. The "enerations of 3a&ob and Esau. %HA$TER 5) 3a&ob Returns to She&hem. The Kin$s of Canaan a$ain assemble a$ainst 3a&ob. 3a&ob/s Ten Sons with .ne +undred and Two of their servants Fi$ht a$ainst the Canaanites and Amorites and are su&&essful. %HA$TER 58 and 5< The Sons of 3a&ob (estro% man% Cities of Canaan and all their people. %HA$TER 40 The Remainin$ Twent%0one Kin$s of Canaan fearin$ the Sons of 3a&ob ma*e a permanent #ea&e with them. %HA$TER 41 3oseph the Son of 3a&ob (reams of his Future E2altation over his Brethren. Bein$ his Father/s Favorite his Brethren be&ome 3ealous. 3oseph is sent to 5isit his Brethren. The% &onspire a$ainst him and at the Su$$estion of Reuben #la&e him in a #it. %HA$TER 49 3oseph is sold to a &ompan% of !idianites who in Turn sold him to the 'shmaelites who ta*e him down to E$%pt. An a&&ount of his 3ourne% thither and of his Affli&tion on the Road. %HA$TER 45 Reuben/s An$uish at not Findin$ 3oseph in the #it. The Brothers &ontrive to (e&eive their Father b% (ippin$ his &oat in Blood. 3a&ob/s An$uish at the loss of his Son.

%HA$TER 44 3oseph is sold to #otiphar an .ffi&er of #haraoh. 8eli&ah the )ife of #otiphar see*s to enti&e 3oseph to do Evil but all her advan&es are Re7e&ted. 's Falsel% A&&used b% her and is brou$ht to 3ud$ment. 's A&9uitted b% his 3ud$es but for the Sa*e of the Report a$ainst #otiphar/s )ife he is &ast into #rison. %HA$TER 4: An A&&ount of the Families of 3a&ob/s Sons. %HA$TER 4; 3oseph 'nterprets the (reams of his Fellow0#risoners. %HA$TER 4) 'saa& Blesses his two Sons and (ies. +is #ropert% is (ivided. Esau ta*es all the personal #ropert% and 3a&ob &hooses the 'nheritan&e of the 1and of Canaan with the Cave of !a&hpelah for a Bur%in$ #la&e. %HA$TER 48 #haraoh/s (reams. -ot Re&eivin$ a Satisfa&tor% 'nterpretation from the !a$i&ians he orders the )ise !en to be Slain. The Kin$/s Butler ma*es 3oseph/s "ifts *nown to #haraoh. 3oseph is Brou$ht before the Kin$ who Relates his (reams to him. 3oseph b% the "ift of "od 'nterprets them. A $reat Famine #redi&ted. %HA$TER 4< #haraoh Assembles all the "reat !en of the Kin$dom and desires to appoint 3oseph to "overn E$%pt. The% .b7e&t be&ause he &annot spea* all the Sevent% 1an$ua$es of the Earth. An An$el visits 3oseph and tea&hes him all the 1an$ua$es of the Earth. )hen brou$ht before the Kin$ 3oseph/s )isdom and Knowled$e please #haraoh and all the #rin&es of E$%pt and he is appointed the Se&ond to the Kin$ and all authorit% is $iven him. 3oseph is made )ealth% and &lothed in #rin&el% apparel and pro&laimed "overnor of E$%pt. 's $iven the (au$hter of #otiphar for a )ife. %HA$TER :0 3oseph $oes to help the 'shmaelites a$ainst their Enemies. "reat #lent% prevails in E$%pt as 3oseph predi&ted. 3oseph/s Two Sons !anasseh and Ephraim. 3oseph stores up Food throu$hout E$%pt. That stored b% the E$%ptians is spoiled. The Famine prevails over all the 1and and 3oseph sells &orn to all the E$%ptians and the surroundin$ -ations. Knowin$ that his Brethren will have to &ome to E$%pt for Corn he arran$es to meet them when the% &ome. %HA$TER :1 3a&ob sends his Ten .ldest Sons to E$%pt for Food. Tells them not to enter in at one $ate but to $o in Separatel%. .n the wa% the% Covenant to$ether to see* for 3oseph and if the% &annot ransom him the% resolve to ta*e him b% for&e. The% enter in at ten $ates and spread themselves to see* for 3oseph three da%s. 3oseph in the meantime has his men See*in$ them. )hen found the% are brou$ht before 3oseph who a&&uses them of bein$ Spies. 3oseph sends his Brethren home with &orn while Simeon is *ept as a hosta$e till the% shall a$ain &ome to E$%pt with their ,oun$er Brother. The% are astonished to find their !one% in their sa&*s of &orn. %HA$TER :9 3a&ob/s sorrow at the absen&e of Simeon: Refuses to let Ben7amin $o. But when he and his +ousehold be&ome pin&hed with hun$er 3udah pleads for Ben7amin. Tells his Father of the $reat $lor% and Authorit% of the "overnor of E$%pt and offers himself as Se&urit% for his ,oun$er Brother. 3a&ob &onsents and sends his Sons a$ain to E$%pt with a &on&iliator% 1etter and #resent to the "overnor.

%HA$TER :5 3a&ob/s Sons a$ain $o to E$%pt for Bread. Ben7amin is presented before 3oseph. 3oseph/s Cup. 3oseph/s &ondu&t towards Ben7amin b% whi&h he ma*es himself *nown to him. Resolves to prove his Brethren b% ta*in$ awa% Ben7amin from them and puts his Cup in Ben7amin/s sa&* of &orn and sends them +ome to their Father. An .ffi&er is sent after them who a&&uses them of purloinin$ his !aster/s Cup. Brin$s them ba&* to 3oseph. Ben7amin is ta*en from them b% for&e and the% are told to $o on their wa%. %HA$TER :4 3udah brea*s throu$h the (oor to $et to 3oseph and Ben7amin. +e re&ounts the man% !i$ht% (eeds of his Brethren and threatens to destro% all E$%pt if Ben7amin be not released. 3oseph wran$les with his Brethren and a&&uses them of Sellin$ their Brother. The% &ommen&e to war upon the E$%ptians and fri$hten the whole 1and. After satisf%in$ himself of their repentan&e for sellin$ their Brother 3oseph ma*es himself *nown to them and bestows presents upon them. The% are presented before #haraoh who &ommands 3oseph to brin$ all his Father/s +ousehold (own to E$%pt. +e sends Chariots for this #urpose laden with #resents 1u2uries and Clothin$. 3a&ob/s 7o% on 1earnin$ that 3oseph is still Alive. %HA$TER :: The 1ord &ommands 3a&ob to $o down to E$%pt where +e will ma*e him a "reat -ation. 3oseph and all E$%pt $o to meet 3a&ob to do him +onor when he arrives. The 1and of "oshen is $iven to him and his Children. %HA$TER :; After Seventeen ,ears/ (wellin$ in E$%pt 3a&ob dies after Blessin$ his Children and &ommandin$ them to $o in the )a% of the 1ord. 3oseph and his Brethren and all the !i$ht% !en of E$%pt $o up to Canaan to Bur% 3a&ob. Esau &laimin$ the 1and of Canaan as his will not Allow 3oseph to Bur% his Father. After Esau and man% of his #eople are slain 3a&ob is Buried b% For&e. All the Kin$s of Canaan &ome up to do him +onor. %HA$TER :) The Sons of Esau ma*e war with the Sons of 3a&ob and are smitten. Some are ta*en &aptive to E$%pt. The Children of Esau enlist the #eople of Seir to A&&ompan% them to E$%pt to (eliver their Brethren. 3oseph and his Brethren and the E$%ptians sla% Si2 +undred Thousand. -earl% all the !i$ht% !en of Seir bein$ Slain the% ma*e war with the Children of Esau to (rive them from their 1and. Esau prevails and utterl% annihilates the Children of Seir. %HA$TER :8 #haraoh dies and the whole "overnment of E$%pt devolves upon 3oseph #haraoh the ,oun$er bein$ but a nominal Ruler. The Children of Esau a$ain &ome A$ainst the 'sraelites and are a$ain smitten. %HA$TER :< 3a&ob/s #osterit% in E$%pt. After #rophes%in$ that the 1ord would (eliver his Brethren from E$%pt 3oseph dies and is buried and the 'sraelites are ruled over b% the E$%ptians. %HA$TER ;0 8epho the Son of Elipha6 the Son of Esau who was ta*en Captive b% 3oseph where he Buried his Father Es&apes from E$%pt with all his !en. %HA$TERS ;1 ;9 and ;5 #ett% )ars and &ontentions of the -ations of Afri&a with 8epho. %HA$TER ;4 8epho 1eads a "reat Arm% of Chittimites Edomites and 'shmaelites a$ainst E$%pt. Three +undred Thousand E$%ptians put to Fli$ht but .ne +undred and Fift% !en of 'srael prevail a$ainst 8epho.

%HA$TER ;: The Elders of E$%pt &onspire with #haraoh and &unnin$l% brin$ 'srael into Bonda$e to them. Bein$ afraid of their power the% affli&t them in order to lessen the -umber of the Children of 'srael. %HA$TER ;; #haraoh (e&rees that ever% !ale Child born in 'srael shall be Killed and still the% in&rease. %HA$TER ;) Aaron is Born. .n A&&ount of #haraoh/s de&ree man% of the Sons of 'srael live apart from their )ives. The Kin$/s &ounsellors devise another plan to lessen the number of 'srael b% drownin$ them. The 1ord finds a means of preservin$ the !ale Children. %HA$TER ;8 !oses a Child of #romise is born. The E$%ptian )omen a&tin$ as Spies. !oses is dis&overed and pla&ed b% his !other in an Ar* of Bulrushes. 's Found and Adopted b% the (au$hter of #haraoh and $rows up amon$ the Kin$/s Children. %HA$TER ;< #haraoh #ro&laims that if an% of the 'sraelites are short in their 1abor either in Bri&*s or !ortar his ,oun$est Son shall be put in their #la&e. %HA$TER )0 !oses puts the Kin$/s &rown upon his own head. Baalam and the )ise !en ma*e this a #rete2t a$ainst him. )hen $rown up !oses visits his Brethren and learns of their "rievan&es. !oses obtains a da%/s rest on the Sabbath for all 'srael. %HA$TER )1 !oses sla%s an E$%ptian and bein$ (is&overed flees from E$%pt. Aaron #rophe&ies. %HA$TER )9 !oses flees to Cush. At the (eath of the *in$ he is &hosen in his Stead. +e Rei$ns Fort% ,ears in Cush. %HA$TER )5 The Rei$n of !oses and his Strate$i& )arfare. %HA$TER )4 )ar in Afri&a. %HA$TER ): Thirt% Thousand Ephraimites thin* it Time to $et out of E$%pt Rise up to $o to Canaan but are Slain b% the #hilistines. %HA$TER ); !oses leaves Cush and $oes to the 1and of !idian. Reuel ta*in$ him for a Refu$ee *eeps him in prison for Ten ,ears. 's fed b% 8ipporah the (au$hter of Reuel. #haraoh smitten of the #la$ue. Sla%s a &hild of the 'sraelites ever% da%. +e dies of the Rot and his Son Adi*am Rei$ns in his Stead. %HA$TER )) Adi*am #haraoh Affli&ts 'srael more than ever. !oses is Released b% Reuel and !arries his (au$hter 8ipporah. !oses obtains possession of the Sti&* 3ehovah. %HA$TER )8 !oses has Two Sons. #haraoh withholds Straw from the 'sraelites.

%HA$TER )< The 1ord appears to !oses and &ommands him to $o down to E$%pt to (eliver 'srael. Aaron meets him. 'srael on hearin$ of his !ission $reatl% re7oi&es. !oses and Aaron $o to #haraoh who &alls all the !a$i&ians to meet !oses. The% #erform !ira&les as well as !oses and thus (e&eive the Kin$. #haraoh not findin$ the -ame of 3ehovah on an% of the Boo*s of Re&ords sa%s he does not *now who +e is and will not let his #eople $o. !oses and Aaron tea&h #haraoh but he will not hear*en but &auses the labor of the Children of 'srael to be in&reased. !oses bein$ dis&oura$ed is told b% the 1ord that with an outstret&hed hand and heav% #la$ues 'srael shall be (elivered. %HA$TER 80 After Two ,ears !oses and Aaron a$ain $o to #haraoh but #haraoh will not +ear*en. The 1ord affli&ts E$%pt with all manner of #la$ues and Affli&tions. The First0born of all the E$%ptians is Slain. #haraoh sends the Children of 'srael awa% and all the E$%ptians rise up to ur$e their (eparture but the% will not $o in the -i$ht. %HA$TER 81 The (eparture of the 'sraelites from E$%pt with "reat Ri&hes and Flo&*s and +erds. After the E$%ptians bur% their First0born man% of them $o after the 'sraelites to indu&e them to return. But the% refuse to return and fi$ht the -obles of E$%pt and drive them home. #haraoh resolves with the E$%ptians to pursue 'srael and &ompel them to Return. The Children of 'srael are divided. some wantin$ to $o ba&*. !oses pra%s for deliveran&e. The 1ord tells him not to &r% to him but pro&eed. The waters of the Red Sea are (ivided. The 'sraelites pass Throu$h in Safet% but the E$%ptians are utterl% (estro%ed. The 'sraelites pro&eed on their 3ourne% and are fed with !anna. The Children of Esau fi$ht 'srael but the 1atter #revail. %HA$TER 89 The Ten Commandments are "iven. )hile !oses is in the !ount Aaron ma*es a "olden Calf and 'srael )orships it. Civil )ar. The 1ord has a San&tuar% Built for +is )orship in the )ilderness. %HA$TER 85 Aaron and his Sons are #la&ed in &har$e of the 1ord/s Servi&e. The Sa&rifi&es and .fferin$s. The #assover is Celebrated. The #eople lust for Flesh to eat. Their punishment. !oses sends Twelve !en to e2plore the 1and of Canaan. Ten of them brin$ an Evil Report and the #eople want to Return to E$%pt. For their 1a&* of Faith that "eneration shall not 1ive to obtain their #ossessions. %HA$TER 84 The Earth Swallows up the Rebellious. The Children of 'srael &ommanded not to )ar with the Children of Esau or !oab. The Edomites will not let 'srael pass throu$h their 1and. %HA$TER 8: Some of the Canaanites rise up to fi$ht 'srael who are fri$htened and run awa%. But the Sons of 1evi &ompel them to Return. The% prevail over their Enemies. The% must not tou&h Ammon. .$ Kin$ of Bashan. Balaam is &alled upon to &urse 'srael but will not. 'srael &ommits )horedom with the !oabites and the% are Smitten with #estilen&e. %HA$TER 8; All over twent% %ears of a$e at the time of 1eavin$ E$%pt die at the E2piration of Fort% ,ears. 'srael is -umbered. The !idianites are destro%ed and their Spoil is (ivided amon$ the #eople. %HA$TER 8) !oses appoints 3oshua his su&&essor. The 1ord en&oura$es 3oshua. !oses tea&hes the &hildren of 'srael to )al* in the )a% of the 1ord. +e $oes up to !ount Abarim and dies there. 8

%HA$TER 88 The 1ord &ommands 3oshua to prepare the #eople to pass over 3ordan to possess the 1and. 3eri&ho is Besie$ed Ta*en and (estro%ed. A&han brin$s evil upon the &amp b% #urloinin$ the &ursed thin$ and Brin$s (estru&tion upon +imself. All is ta*en and (estro%ed. The "ibeonites &unnin$l% save themselves. Five Kin$s rise up a$ainst 'srael and are destro%ed. The Sun and !oon stand still at 3oshua/s Command. %HA$TER 8< 3oshua/s Son$ of #raise. The )ars of 'srael.

%HA$TER <0 The Edomites are Smitten b% Chittim. The 1and is (ivided and the people have Rest. 3oshua bein$ Advan&ed in ,ears E2horts the people to .bserve all the 1aws of !oses and then (ies. %HA$TER <1 The Elders 3ud$e 'srael. The% drive out all the Canaanites and 'nherit the #romised 1and.


1 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and God created man in his own image. 2 And God formed man from the ground, and he blew into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living soul endowed with speech. 3 And the Lord said, It is not good for man to be alone I will make unto him a helpmeet. ! And the Lord caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept, and he took awa" one of his ribs, and he built flesh upon it, and formed it and brought it to Adam, and Adam awoke



from his sleep, and behold a woman was standing before him. # And he said, $his is a bone of m" bones and it shall be called woman, for this has been taken from man and Adam called her name %ve, for she was the mother of all living. & And God blessed them and called their names Adam and %ve in the da" that he created them, and the Lord God said, 'e fruitful and multipl" and fill the earth. ( And the Lord God took Adam and his wife, and he placed them in the garden of %den to dress it and to keep it and he commanded them and said unto them, )rom ever" tree of the garden "ou ma" eat, but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil "ou shall not eat, for in the da" that "ou eat thereof "ou shall surel" die. * And when God had blessed and commanded them, he went from them, and Adam and his wife dwelt in the garden according to the command which the Lord had commanded them. + And the serpent, which God had created with them in the earth, came to them to incite them to transgress the command of God which he had commanded them. 1, And the serpent enticed and persuaded the woman to eat from the tree of knowledge, and the woman hearkened to the voice of the serpent, and she transgressed the word of God, and took from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and she ate, and she took from it and gave also to her husband and he ate. 11 And Adam and his wife transgressed the command of God which he commanded them, and God knew it, and his anger was kindled against them and he cursed them. 12 And the Lord God drove them that da" from the garden of %den, to till the ground from which the" were taken, and the" went and dwelt at the east of the garden of %den and Adam knew his wife %ve and she bore two sons and three daughters. 13 And she called the name of the first born -ain, sa"ing, I have obtained a man from the Lord, and the name of the other she called Abel, for she said, In vanit" we came into the earth, and in vanit" we shall be taken from it. 1! And the bo"s grew up and their father gave them a possession in the land and -ain was a tiller of the ground, and Abel a keeper of sheep. 1# And it was at the e.piration of a few "ears, that the" brought an appro.imating offering to the Lord, and -ain brought from the fruit of the ground, and Abel brought from the firstlings of his flock from the fat thereof, and God turned and inclined to Abel and his offering, and a fire came down from the Lord from heaven and consumed it. 1& And unto -ain and his offering the Lord did not turn, and he did not incline to it, for he had brought from the inferior fruit of the ground before the Lord, and -ain was /ealous against his brother Abel on account of this, and he sought a prete.t to sla" him. 1( And in some time after, -ain and Abel his brother, went one da" into the field to do their work and the" were both in the field, -ain tilling and ploughing his ground, and Abel feeding his flock and the flock passed that part which -ain had ploughed in the ground, and it sorel" grieved -ain on this account. 1* And -ain approached his brother Abel in anger, and he said unto him, 0hat is there between me and thee, that thou comest to dwell and bring th" flock to feed in m" land1 1+ And Abel answered his brother -ain and said unto him, 0hat is there between me and thee, that thou shalt eat the flesh of m" flock and clothe th"self with their wool1 2, And now therefore, put off the wool of m" sheep with which thou hast clothed th"self, and recompense me for their fruit and flesh which thou hast eaten, and when thou shalt have done this, I will then go from th" land as


thou hast said1 21 And -ain said to his brother Abel, 2urel" if I sla" thee this da", who will re3uire th" blood from me1 22 And Abel answered -ain, sa"ing, 2urel" God who has made us in the earth, he will avenge m" cause, and he will re3uire m" blood from thee shouldst thou sla" me, for the Lord is the /udge and arbiter, and it is he who will re3uite man according to his evil, and the wicked man according to the wickedness that he ma" do upon earth. 23 And now, if thou shouldst sla" me here, surel" God knoweth th" secret views, and will /udge thee for the evil which thou didst declare to do unto me this da". 2! And when -ain heard the words which Abel his brother had spoken, behold the anger of -ain was kindled against his brother Abel for declaring this thing. 2# And -ain hastened and rose up, and took the iron part of his ploughing instrument, with which he suddenl" smote his brother and he slew him, and -ain spilt the blood of his brother Abel upon the earth, and the blood of Abel streamed upon the earth before the flock. 2& And after this -ain repented having slain his brother, and he was sadl" grieved, and he wept over him and it ve.ed him e.ceedingl". 2( And -ain rose up and dug a hole in the field, wherein he put his brother4s bod", and he turned the dust over it. 2* And the Lord knew what -ain had done to his brother, and the Lord appeared to -ain and said unto him, 0here is Abel th" brother that was with thee1 2+ And -ain dissembled, and said, I do not know, am I m" brother4s keeper1 And the Lord said unto him, 0hat hast thou done1 $he voice of th" brother4s blood crieth unto me from the ground where thou hast slain him. 3, )or thou hast slain th" brother and hast dissembled before me, and didst imagine in th" heart that I saw thee not, nor knew all th" actions. 31 'ut thou didst this thing and didst sla" th" brother for naught and because he spoke rightl" to thee, and now, therefore, cursed be thou from the ground which opened its mouth to receive th" brother4s blood from th" hand, and wherein thou didst bur" him. 32 And it shall be when thou shalt till it, it shall no more give thee its strength as in the beginning, for thorns and thistles shall the ground produce, and thou shalt be moving and wandering in the earth until the da" of th" death. 33 And at that time -ain went out from the presence of the Lord, from the place where he was, and he went moving and wandering in the land toward the east of %den, he and all belonging to him. 3! And -ain knew his wife in those da"s, and she conceived and bare a son, and he called his name %noch, sa"ing, In that time the Lord began to give him rest and 3uiet in the earth. 3# And at that time -ain also began to build a cit"5 and he built the cit" and he called the name of the cit" %noch, according to the name of his son for in those da"s the Lord had given him rest upon the earth, and he did not move about and wander as in the beginning. 3& And Irad was born to %noch, and Irad begat 6echu"ael and 6echu"ael begat 6ethusael.

1 And it was in the hundred and thirtieth "ear of the life of Adam upon the earth, that he again knew %ve his wife, and she conceived and bare a son in his likeness and in his image, and she called his name 2eth, sa"ing, 'ecause God has appointed me another seed in the place of Abel, for -ain has slain 12

him. 2 And 2eth lived one hundred and five "ears, and he begat a son and 2eth called the name of his son %nosh, sa"ing, 'ecause in that time the sons of men began to multipl", and to afflict their souls and hearts b" transgressing and rebelling against God. 3 And it was in the da"s of %nosh that the sons of men continued to rebel and transgress against God, to increase the anger of the Lord against the sons of men. ! And the sons of men went and the" served other gods, and the" forgot the Lord who had created them in the earth5 and in those da"s the sons of men made images of brass and iron, wood and stone, and the" bowed down and served them. # And ever" man made his god and the" bowed down to them, and the sons of men forsook the Lord all the da"s of %nosh and his children and the anger of the Lord was kindled on account of their works and abominations which the" did in the earth. & And the Lord caused the waters of the river Gihon to overwhelm them, and he destro"ed and consumed them, and he destro"ed the third part of the earth, and notwithstanding this, the sons of men did not turn from their evil wa"s, and their hands were "et e.tended to do evil in the sight of the Lord. ( And in those da"s there was neither sowing nor reaping in the earth and there was no food for the sons of men and the famine was ver" great in those da"s. * And the seed which the" sowed in those da"s in the ground became thorns, thistles and briers for from the da"s of Adam was this declaration concerning the earth, of the curse of God, which he cursed the earth, on account of the sin which Adam sinned before the Lord. + And it was when men continued to rebel and transgress against God, and to corrupt their wa"s, that the earth also became corrupt. 1, And %nosh lived ninet" "ears and he begat -ainan 11 And -ainan grew up and he was fort" "ears old, and he became wise and had knowledge and skill in all wisdom, and he reigned over all the sons of men, and he led the sons of men to wisdom and knowledge for -ainan was a ver" wise man and had understanding in all wisdom, and with his wisdom he ruled over spirits and demons 12 And -ainan knew b" his wisdom that God would destro" the sons of men for having sinned upon earth, and that the Lord would in the latter da"s bring upon them the waters of the flood. 13 And in those da"s -ainan wrote upon tablets of stone, what was to take place in time to come, and he put them in his treasures. 1! And -ainan reigned over the whole earth, and he turned some of the sons of men to the service of God. 1# And when -ainan was sevent" "ears old, he begat three sons and two daughters. 1& And these are the names of the children of -ainan the name of the first born 6ahlallel, the second %nan, and the third 6ered, and their sisters were Adah and 7illah these are the five children of -ainan that were born to him. 1( And Lamech, the son of 6ethusael, became related to -ainan b" marriage, and he took his two daughters for his wives, and Adah conceived and bare a son to Lamech, and she called his name 8abal. 1* And she again conceived and bare a son, and called his name 8ubal and 7illah, her sister, was barren in those da"s and had no offspring. 1+ )or in those da"s the sons of men began to trespass against God, and to transgress the commandments which he had commanded to Adam, to be fruitful and multipl" in the earth. 2, And some of the sons of men caused


their wives to drink a draught that would render them barren, in order that the" might retain their figures and whereb" their beautiful appearance might not fade. 21 And when the sons of men caused some of their wives to drink, 7illah drank with them. 22 And the child9bearing women appeared abominable in the sight of their husbands as widows, whilst their husbands lived, for to the barren ones onl" the" were attached. 23 And in the end of da"s and "ears, when 7illah became old, the Lord opened her womb. 2! And she conceived and bare a son and she called his name $ubal -ain, sa"ing, After I had withered awa" have I obtained him from the Almight" God. 2# And she conceived again and bare a daughter, and she called her name :aamah, for she said, After I had withered awa" have I obtained pleasure and delight. 2& And Lamech was old and advanced in "ears, and his e"es were dim that he could not see, and $ubal -ain, his son, was leading him and it was one da" that Lamech went into the field and $ubal -ain his son was with him, and whilst the" were walking in the field, -ain the son of Adam advanced towards them for Lamech was ver" old and could not see much, and $ubal -ain his son was ver" "oung. 2( And $ubal -ain told his father to draw his bow, and with the arrows he smote -ain, who was "et far off, and he slew him, for he appeared to them to be an animal. 2* And the arrows entered -ain4s bod" although he was distant from them, and he fell to the ground and died. 2+ And the Lord re3uited -ain4s evil according to his wickedness, which he had done to his brother Abel, according to the word of the Lord which he had spoken. 3, And it came to pass when -ain had died, that Lamech and $ubal went to see the animal which the" had slain, and the" saw, and behold -ain their grandfather was fallen dead upon the earth. 31 And Lamech was ver" much grieved at having done this, and in clapping his hands together he struck his son and caused his death. 32. And the wives of Lamech heard what Lamech had done, and the" sought to kill him. 33 And the wives of Lamech hated him from that da", because he slew -ain and $ubal -ain, and the wives of Lamech separated from him, and would not hearken to him in those da"s. 3! And Lamech came to his wives, and he pressed them to listen to him about this matter. 3# And he said to his wives Adah and 7illah, ;ear m" voice < wives of Lamech, attend to m" words, for now "ou have imagined and said that I slew a man with m" wounds, and a child with m" stripes for their having done no violence, but surel" know that I am old and gre"9headed, and that m" e"es are heav" through age, and I did this thing unknowingl". 3& And the wives of Lamech listened to him in this matter, and the" returned to him with the advice of their father Adam, but the" bore no children to him from that time, knowing that God4s anger was increasing in those da"s against the sons of men, to destro" them with the waters of the flood for their evil doings. 3( And 6ahlallel the son of -ainan lived si.t"9five "ears and he begat 8ared and 8ared lived si.t"9two "ears and he begat %noch.

1 And %noch lived si.t"9five "ears and he begat 6ethuselah and %noch walked with God after having begot 6ethuselah, and he served the Lord, 14 and

despised the evil wa"s of men. 2 And the soul of %noch was wrapped up in the instruction of the Lord, in knowledge and in understanding and he wisel" retired from the sons of men, and secreted himself from them for man" da"s. 3 And it was at the e.piration of man" "ears, whilst he was serving the Lord, and pra"ing before him in his house, that an angel of the Lord called to him from ;eaven, and he said, ;ere am I. ! And he said, =ise, go forth from th" house and from the place where thou dost hide th"self, and appear to the sons of men, in order that thou ma"est teach them the wa" in which the" should go and the work which the" must accomplish to enter in the wa"s of God. # And %noch rose up according to the word of the Lord, and went forth from his house, from his place and from the chamber in which he was concealed and he went to the sons of men and taught them the wa"s of the Lord, and at that time assembled the sons of men and ac3uainted them with the instruction of the Lord. & And he ordered it to be proclaimed in all places where the sons of men dwelt, sa"ing, 0here is the man who wishes to know the wa"s of the Lord and good works1 let him come to %noch. ( And all the sons of men then assembled to him, for all who desired this thing went to %noch, and %noch reigned over the sons of men according to the word of the Lord, and the" came and bowed to him and the" heard his word. * And the spirit of God was upon %noch, and he taught all his men the wisdom of God and his wa"s, and the sons of men served the Lord all the da"s of %noch, and the" came to hear his wisdom. + And all the kings of the sons of men, both first and last, together with their princes and /udges, came to %noch when the" heard of his wisdom, and the" bowed down to him, and the" also re3uired of %noch to reign over them, to which he consented. 1, And the" assembled in all, one hundred and thirt" kings and princes, and the" made %noch king over them and the" were all under his power and command. 11 And %noch taught them wisdom, knowledge, and the wa"s of the Lord and he made peace amongst them, and peace was throughout the earth during the life of %noch. 12 And %noch reigned over the sons of men two hundred and fort"9three "ears, and he did /ustice and righteousness with all his people, and he led them in the wa"s of the Lord. 13 And these are the generations of %noch, 6ethuselah, %lisha, and %limelech, three sons and their sisters were 6elca and :ahmah, and 6ethuselah lived eight"9seven "ears and he begat Lamech. 1! And it was in the fift" "ear of the life of Lamech when Adam died nine hundred and thirt" "ears old was he at his death, and his two sons, with %noch and 6ethuselah his son, buried him with great pomp, as at the burial of kings, in the cave which God had told him. 1# And in that place all the sons of men made a great mourning and weeping on account of Adam it has therefore become a custom among the sons of men to this da". 1& And Adam died because he ate of the tree of knowledge he and his children after him, as the Lord God had spoken. 1( And it was in the "ear of Adam4s death which was the two hundred and fort"9third "ear of the reign of %noch, in that time %noch resolved to separate himself from the sons of men and to secret himself as at first in order to serve the Lord. 1* And %noch did so, but did not entirel" secret himself from them, but kept awa" from the sons of men three da"s and then went to them for one da". 1+ And during the three da"s that he was in his chamber, he pra"ed to, and praised the Lord his God, and the da" on which he went and appeared to his sub/ects he


taught them the wa"s of the Lord, and all the" asked him about the Lord he told them. 2, And he did in this manner for man" "ears, and he afterward concealed himself for si. da"s, and appeared to his people one da" in seven and after that once in a month, and then once in a "ear, until all the kings, princes and sons of men sought for him, and desired again to see the face of %noch, and to hear his word but the" could not, as all the sons of men were greatl" afraid of %noch, and the" feared to approach him on account of the Godlike awe that was seated upon his countenance therefore no man could look at him, fearing he might be punished and die. 21 And all the kings and princes resolved to assemble the sons of men, and to come to %noch, thinking that the" might all speak to him at the time when he should come forth amongst them, and the" did so. 22 And the da" came when %noch went forth and the" all assembled and came to him, and %noch spoke to them the words of the Lord and he taught them wisdom and knowledge, and the" bowed down before him and the" said, 6a" the king live> 6a" the king live> 23 And in some time after, when the kings and princes and the sons of men were speaking to %noch, and %noch was teaching them the wa"s of God, behold an angel of the Lord then called unto %noch from heaven, and wished to bring him up to heaven to make him reign there over the sons of God, as he had reigned over the sons of men upon earth. 2! 0hen at that time %noch heard this he went and assembled all the inhabitants of the earth, and taught them wisdom and knowledge and gave them divine instructions, and he said to them, I have been re3uired to ascend into heaven, I therefore do not know the da" of m" going. 2# And now therefore I will teach "ou wisdom and knowledge and will give "ou instruction before I leave "ou, how to act upon earth whereb" "ou ma" live and he did so. 2& And he taught them wisdom and knowledge, and gave them instruction, and he reproved them, and he placed before them statutes and /udgments to do upon earth, and he made peace amongst them, and he taught them everlasting life, and dwelt with them some time teaching them all these things. 2( And at that time the sons of men were with %noch, and %noch was speaking to them, and the" lifted up their e"es and the likeness of a great horse descended from heaven, and the horse paced in the air 2* And the" told %noch what the" had seen, and %noch said to them, <n m" account does this horse descend upon earth the time is come when I must go from "ou and I shall no more be seen b" "ou. 2+ And the horse descended at that time and stood before %noch, and all the sons of men that were with %noch saw him. 3, And %noch then again ordered a voice to be proclaimed, sa"ing, 0here is the man who delighteth to know the wa"s of the Lord his God, let him come this da" to %noch before he is taken from us. 31 And all the sons of men assembled and came to %noch that da" and all the kings of the earth with their princes and counsellors remained with him that da" and %noch then taught the sons of men wisdom and knowledge, and gave them divine instruction and he bade them serve the Lord and walk in his wa"s all the da"s of their lives, and he continued to make peace amongst them. 32 And it was after this that he rose up and rode upon the horse and he went forth and all the sons of men went after him, about eight hundred thousand men and the" went with him one da"4s /ourne". 33 And the second da" he said to them, =eturn home to "our tents, wh" will "ou go1 perhaps "ou ma" die and some of them went from him,


and those that remained went with him si. da"4s /ourne" and %noch said to them ever" da", =eturn to "our tents, lest "ou ma" die but the" were not willing to return, and the" went with him. 3! And on the da" some of the men remained and clung to him, and the" said to him, 0e will go with thee to the place where thou goest as the Lord liveth, death onl" shall separate us. 3# And the" urged so much to go with him, that he ceased speaking to them and the" went after him and would not return 3& And when the kings returned the" caused a census to be taken, in order to know the number of remaining men that went with %noch and it was upon the seventh da" that %noch ascended into heaven in a whirlwind, with horses and chariots of fire. 3( And on the eighth da" all the kings that had been with %noch sent to bring back the number of men that were with %noch, in that place from which he ascended into heaven. 3* And all those kings went to the place and the" found the earth there filled with snow, and upon the snow were large stones of snow, and one said to the other, -ome, let us break through the snow and see, perhaps the men that remained with %noch are dead, and are now under the stones of snow, and the" searched but could not find him, for he had ascended into heaven.

1 And all the da"s that %noch lived upon earth, were three hundred and si.t"9five "ears. 2 And when %noch had ascended into heaven, all the kings of the earth rose and took 6ethuselah his son and anointed him, and the" caused him to reign over them in the place of his father. 3 And 6ethuselah acted uprightl" in the sight of God, as his father %noch had taught him, and he likewise during the whole of his life taught the sons of men wisdom, knowledge and the fear of God, and he did not turn from the good wa" either to the right or to the left. ! 'ut in the latter da"s of 6ethuselah, the sons of men turned from the Lord, the" corrupted the earth, the" robbed and plundered each other, and the" rebelled against God and the" transgressed, and the" corrupted their wa"s, and would not hearken to the voice of 6ethuselah, but rebelled against him. # And the Lord was e.ceedingl" wroth against them, and the Lord continued to destro" the seed in those da"s, so that there was neither sowing nor reaping in the earth. & )or when the" sowed the ground in order that the" might obtain food for their support, behold, thorns and thistles were produced which the" did not sow. ( And still the sons of men did not turn from their evil wa"s, and their hands were still e.tended to do evil in the sight of God, and the" provoked the Lord with their evil wa"s, and the Lord was ver" wroth, and repented that he had made man. * And he thought to destro" and annihilate them and he did so. + In those da"s when Lamech the son of 6ethuselah was one hundred and si.t" "ears old, 2eth the son of Adam died. 1, And all the da"s that 2eth lived, were nine hundred and twelve "ears, and he died. 11 And Lamech was one hundred and eight" "ears old when he took Ashmua, the daughter of %lishaa the son of %noch his uncle, and she conceived. 12 And at that time the sons of men sowed the ground, and a little food was produced, "et the sons of men did not turn from their evil wa"s, and 17 the"

trespassed and rebelled against God. 13 And the wife of Lamech conceived and bare him a son at that time, at the revolution of the "ear. 1! And 6ethuselah called his name :oah, sa"ing, $he earth was in his da"s at rest and free from corruption, and Lamech his father called his name 6enachem, sa"ing, $his one shall comfort us in our works and miserable toil in the earth, which God had cursed. 1# And the child grew up and was weaned, and he went in the wa"s of his father 6ethuselah, perfect and upright with God. 1& And all the sons of men departed from the wa"s of the Lord in those da"s as the" multiplied upon the face of the earth with sons and daughters, and the" taught one another their evil practices and the" continued sinning against the Lord. 1( And ever" man made unto himself a god, and the" robbed and plundered ever" man his neighbor as well as his relative, and the" corrupted the earth, and the earth was filled with violence. 1* And their /udges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives b" force from their husbands according to their choice, and the sons of men in those da"s took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mi.ture of animals of one species with the other, in order therewith to provoke the Lord and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted its wa"s upon earth, all men and all animals. 1+ And the Lord said, I will blot out man that I created from the face of the earth, "ea from man to the birds of the air, together with cattle and beasts that are in the field for I repent that I made them. 2, And all men who walked in the wa"s of the Lord, died in those da"s, before the Lord brought the evil upon man which he had declared, for this was from the Lord, that the" should not see the evil which the Lord spoke of concerning the sons of men. 21 And :oah found grace in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord chose him and his children to raise up seed from them upon the face of the whole earth.

1 And it was in the eight"9fourth "ear of the life of :oah, that %noch the son of 2eth died, he was nine hundred and five "ears old at his death. 2 And in the one hundred and sevent" ninth "ear of the life of :oah, -ainan the son of %nosh died, and all the da"s of -ainan were nine hundred and ten "ears, and he died. 3 And in the two hundred and thirt" fourth "ear of the life of :oah, 6ahlallel the son of -ainan died, and the da"s of 6ahlallel were eight hundred and ninet"9five "ears, and he died. ! And 8ared the son of 6ahlallel died in those da"s, in the three hundred and thirt" "ear of the life of :oah and all the da"s of 8ared were nine hundred and si.t"9two "ears, and he died. # And all who followed the Lord died in those da"s, before the" saw the evil which God declared to do upon earth. & And after the lapse of man" "ears, in the four hundred and eightieth "ear of the life of :oah, when all those men, who followed the Lord had died awa" from amongst the sons of men, and onl" 6ethuselah was then left, God said unto :oah and 6ethuselah, sa"ing, ( 2peak "e, and proclaim to the sons of men, sa"ing, $hus saith the Lord, return from "our evil wa"s and forsake "our works, and the Lord will repent of the evil that he declared to do to "ou, so that it shall not come to pass. * )or thus saith the Lord, 'ehold I give "ou a period of one hundred and twent" "ears if "ou will turn to me and forsake "our evil wa"s, then 18 will I

also turn awa" from the evil which I told "ou, and it shall not, saith the Lord. + And :oah and 6ethuselah spoke all the words of the Lord to the sons of men, da" after da", constantl" speaking to them. 1, 'ut the sons of men would not hearken to them, nor incline their ears to their words, and the" were stiffnecked. 11 And the Lord granted them a period of one hundred and twent" "ears, sa"ing, If the" will return, then will God repent of the evil, so as not to destro" the earth. 12 :oah the son of Lamech refrained from taking a wife in those da"s, to beget children, for he said, 2urel" now God will destro" the earth, wherefore then shall I beget children1 13 And :oah was a /ust man, he was perfect in his generation, and the Lord chose him to raise up seed from his seed upon the face of the earth. 1! And the Lord said unto :oah, $ake unto thee a wife, and beget children, for I have seen thee righteous before me in this generation. 1# And thou shalt raise up seed, and th" children with thee, in the midst of the earth and :oah went and took a wife, and he chose :aamah the daughter of %noch, and she was five hundred and eight" "ears old. 1& And :oah was four hundred and ninet"9eight "ears old, when he took :aamah for a wife. 1( And :aamah conceived and bare a son, and he called his name 8apheth, sa"ing, God has enlarged me in the earth and she conceived again and bare a son, and he called his name 2hem, sa"ing, God has made me a remnant, to raise up seed in the midst of the earth. 1* And :oah was five hundred and two "ears old when :aamah bare 2hem, and the bo"s grew up and went in the wa"s of the Lord, in all that 6ethuselah and :oah their father taught them. 1+ And Lamech the father of :oah, died in those da"s "et veril" he did not go with all his heart in the wa"s of his father, and he died in the hundred and ninet"9fifth "ear of the life of :oah. 2, And all the da"s of Lamech were seven hundred and sevent" "ears, and he died. 21 And all the sons of men who knew the Lord, died in that "ear before the Lord brought evil upon them for the Lord willed them to die, so as not to behold the evil that God would bring upon their brothers and relatives, as he had so declared to do. 22 In that time, the Lord said to :oah and 6ethuselah, 2tand forth and proclaim to the sons of men all the words that I spoke to "ou in those da"s, peradventure the" ma" turn from their evil wa"s, and I will then repent of the evil and will not bring it. 23 And :oah and 6ethuselah stood forth, and said in the ears of the sons of men, all that God had spoken concerning them. 2! 'ut the sons of men would not hearken, neither would the" incline their ears to all their declarations. 2# And it was after this that the Lord said to :oah, $he end of all flesh is come before me, on account of their evil deeds, and behold I will destro" the earth. 2& And do thou take unto thee gopher wood, and go to a certain place and make a large ark, and place it in that spot. 2( And thus shalt thou make it three hundred cubits its length, fift" cubits broad and thirt" cubits high. 2* And thou shalt make unto thee a door, open at its side, and to a cubit thou shalt finish above, and cover it within and without with pitch. 2+ And behold I will bring the flood of waters upon the earth, and all flesh be destro"ed, from under the heavens all that is upon earth shall perish. 3, And thou and th" household shall go and gather two couple of all living things, male and female, and shall bring them to the ark, to raise up seed from them upon earth. 31 And gather unto thee all food that is eaten b" all the animals, that


there ma" be food for thee and for them. 32 And thou shalt choose for th" sons three maidens, from the daughters of men, and the" shall be wives to th" sons. 33 And :oah rose up, and he made the ark, in the place where God had commanded him, and :oah did as God had ordered him. 3! In his five hundred and ninet"9fifth "ear :oah commenced to make the ark, and he made the ark in five "ears, as the Lord had commanded. 3# $hen :oah took the three daughters of %liakim, son of 6ethuselah, for wives for his sons, as the Lord had commanded :oah. 3& And it was at that time 6ethuselah the son of %noch died, nine hundred and si.t" "ears old was he, at his death.

1 At that time, after the death of 6ethuselah, the Lord said to :oah, Go thou with th" household into the ark behold I will gather to thee all the animals of the earth, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air, and the" shall all come and surround the ark. 2 And thou shalt go and seat th"self b" the doors of the ark, and all the beasts, the animals, and the fowls, shall assemble and place themselves before thee, and such of them as shall come and crouch before thee, shalt thou take and deliver into the hands of th" sons, who shall bring them to the ark, and all that will stand before thee thou shalt leave. 3 And the Lord brought this about on the ne.t da", and animals, beasts and fowls came in great multitudes and surrounded the ark. ! And :oah went and seated himself b" the door of the ark, and of all flesh that crouched before him, he brought into the ark, and all that stood before him he left upon earth. # And a lioness came, with her two whelps, male and female, and the three crouched before :oah, and the two whelps rose up against the lioness and smote her, and made her flee from her place, and she went awa", and the" returned to their places, and crouched upon the earth before :oah. & And the lioness ran awa", and stood in the place of the lions. ( And :oah saw this, and wondered greatl", and he rose and took the two whelps, and brought them into the ark. * And :oah brought into the ark from all living creatures that were upon earth, so that there was none left but which :oah brought into the ark. + $wo and two came to :oah into the ark, but from the clean animals, and clean fowls, he brought seven couples, as God had commanded him. 1, And all the animals, and beasts, and fowls, were still there, and the" surrounded the ark at ever" place, and the rain had not descended till seven da"s after. 11 And on that da", the Lord caused the whole earth to shake, and the sun darkened, and the foundations of the world raged, and the whole earth was moved violentl", and the lightning flashed, and the thunder roared, and all the fountains in the earth were broken up, such as was not known to the inhabitants before and God did this might" act, in order to terrif" the sons of men, that there might be no more evil upon earth. 12 And still the sons of men would not return from their evil wa"s, and the" increased the anger of the Lord at that time, and did not even direct their hearts to all this. 13 And at the end of seven da"s, in the si. hundredth "ear of the life of :oah, the waters of the flood were upon the earth. 1! And all the fountains of the deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened, and the rain was upon the earth fort" da"s and fort" nights. 1# And :oah and his household, and all the living creatures that were with him, came into the ark on 20 account

of the waters of the flood, and the Lord shut him in. 1& And all the sons of men that were left upon the earth, became e.hausted through evil on account of the rain, for the waters were coming more violentl" upon the earth, and the animals and beasts were still surrounding the ark. 1( And the sons of men assembled together, about seven hundred thousand men and women, and the" came unto :oah to the ark. 1* And the" called to :oah, sa"ing, <pen for us that we ma" come to thee in the ark99and wherefore shall we die1 1+ And :oah, with a loud voice, answered them from the ark, sa"ing, ;ave "ou not all rebelled against the Lord, and said that he does not e.ist1 and therefore the Lord brought upon "ou this evil, to destro" and cut "ou off from the face of the earth. 2, Is not this the thing that I spoke to "ou of one hundred and twent" "ears back, and "ou would not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and now do "ou desire to live upon earth1 21 And the" said to :oah, 0e are read" to return to the Lord onl" open for us that we ma" live and not die. 22 And :oah answered them, sa"ing, 'ehold now that "ou see the trouble of "our souls, "ou wish to return to the Lord wh" did "ou not return during these hundred and twent" "ears, which the Lord granted "ou as the determined period1 23 'ut now "ou come and tell me this on account of the troubles of "our souls, now also the Lord will not listen to "ou, neither will he give ear to "ou on this da", so that "ou will not now succeed in "our wishes. 2! And the sons of men approached in order to break into the ark, to come in on account of the rain, for the" could not bear the rain upon them. 2# And the Lord sent all the beasts and animals that stood round the ark. And the beasts overpowered them and drove them from that place, and ever" man went his wa" and the" again scattered themselves upon the face of the earth. 2& And the rain was still descending upon the earth, and it descended fort" da"s and fort" nights, and the waters prevailed greatl" upon the earth and all flesh that was upon the earth or in the waters died, whether men, animals, beasts, creeping things or birds of the air, and there onl" remained :oah and those that were with him in the ark. 2( And the waters prevailed and the" greatl" increased upon the earth, and the" lifted up the ark and it was raised from the earth. 2* And the ark floated upon the face of the waters, and it was tossed upon the waters so that all the living creatures within were turned about like pottage in a cauldron. 2+ And great an.iet" sei?ed all the living creatures that were in the ark, and the ark was like to be broken. 3, And all the living creatures that were in the ark were terrified, and the lions roared, and the o.en lowed, and the wolves howled, and ever" living creature in the ark spoke and lamented in its own language, so that their voices reached to a great distance, and :oah and his sons cried and wept in their troubles the" were greatl" afraid that the" had reached the gates of death. 31 And :oah pra"ed unto the Lord, and cried unto him on account of this, and he said, < Lord help us, for we have no strength to bear this evil that has encompassed us, for the waves of the waters have surrounded us, mischievous torrents have terrified us, the snares of death have come before us answer us, < Lord, answer us, light up th" countenance toward us and be gracious to us, redeem us and deliver us. 32 And the Lord hearkened to the voice of :oah, and the Lord remembered him. 33 And a wind passed over the earth, and the waters were still and the ark rested. 3! And the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven


were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained. 3# And the waters decreased in those da"s, and the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat. 3& And :oah then opened the windows of the ark, and :oah still called out to the Lord at that time and he said, < Lord, who didst form the earth and the heavens and all that are therein, bring forth our souls from this confinement, and from the prison wherein thou hast placed us, for I am much wearied with sighing. 3( And the Lord hearkened to the voice of :oah, and said to him, 0hen though shalt have completed a full "ear thou shalt then go forth. 3* And at the revolution of the "ear, when a full "ear was completed to :oah4s dwelling in the ark, the waters were dried from off the earth, and :oah put off the covering of the ark. 3+ At that time, on the twent"9seventh da" of the second month, the earth was dr", but :oah and his sons, and those that were with him, did not go out from the ark until the Lord told them. !, And the da" came that the Lord told them to go out, and the" all went out from the ark. !1 And the" went and returned ever" one to his wa" and to his place, and :oah and his sons dwelt in the land that God had told them, and the" served the Lord all their da"s, and the Lord blessed :oah and his sons on their going out from the ark. !2 And he said to them, 'e fruitful and fill all the earth become strong and increase abundantl" in the earth and multipl" therein. CHAPTER 7 1 And these are the names of the sons of :oah5 8apheth, ;am and 2hem and children were born to them after the flood, for the" had taken wives before the flood. 2 $hese are the sons of 8apheth Gomer, 6agog, 6adai, 8avan, $ubal, 6eshech, and $iras, seven sons. 3 And the sons of Gomer were Askina?, =ephath and $egarmah. ! And the sons of 6agog were %lichanaf and Lubal. # And the children of 6adai were Achon, 7eelo, -ha?oni and Lot. & And the sons of 8avan were %lisha, $arshish, -hittim and @udonim. ( And the sons of $ubal were Ariphi, Aesed and $aari. * And the sons of 6eshech were @edon, 7aron and 2hebashni. + And the sons of $iras were 'enib, Gera, Lupirion and Gilak these are the sons of 8apheth according to their families, and their numbers in those da"s were about four hundred and si.t" men. 1, And these are the sons of ;am -ush, 6it?raim, Bhut and -anaan, four sons and the sons of -ush were 2eba, ;avilah, 2abta, =aama and 2atecha, and the sons of =aama were 2heba and @edan. 11 And the sons of 6it?raim were Lud, Anom and Bathros, -hasloth and -haphtor. 12 And the sons of Bhut were Gebul, ;adan, 'enah and Adan. 13 And the sons of -anaan were 7idon, ;eth, Amori, Gergashi, ;ivi, Arkee, 2eni, Arodi, 7imodi and -hamothi. 1! $hese are the sons of ;am, according to their families, and their numbers in those da"s were about seven hundred and thirt" men. 1# And these are the sons of 2hem %lam, Ashur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram, five sons and the sons of %lam were 2hushan, 6achul and ;armon. 1& And the sons of Ashar were 6irus and 6okil, and the sons of Arpachshad were 2helach, Anar and Ashcol. 1( And the sons of Lud were Bethor and 'i?a"on, and the sons of Aram were C?, -hul, Gather and 6ash. 1* $hese are the sons of 2hem, according to their families and their numbers in those da"s were


about three hundred men. 1+ $hese are the generations of 2hem 2hem begat Arpachshad and Arpachshad begat 2helach, and 2helach begat %ber and to %ber were born two children, the name of one was Beleg, for in his da"s the sons of men were divided, and in the latter da"s, the earth was divided. 2, And the name of the second was Doktan, meaning that in his da" the lives of the sons of men were diminished and lessened. 21 $hese are the sons of Doktan Almodad, 2helaf, -ha?armoveth, Derach, ;adurom, <?el, @iklah, <bal, Abimael, 2heba, <phir, ;avilah and 8obab all these are the sons of Doktan. 22 And Beleg his brother begat Den, and Den begat 2erug, and 2erug begat :ahor and :ahor begat $erah, and $erah was thirt"9eight "ears old, and he begat ;aran and :ahor. 23 And -ush the son of ;am, the son of :oah, took a wife in those da"s in his old age, and she bare a son, and the" called his name :imrod, sa"ing, At that time the sons of men again began to rebel and transgress against God, and the child grew up, and his father loved him e.ceedingl", for he was the son of his old age. 2! And the garments of skin which God made for Adam and his wife, when the" went out of the garden, were given to -ush. 2# )or after the death of Adam and his wife, the garments were given to %noch, the son of 8ared, and when %noch was taken up to God, he gave them to 6ethuselah, his son. 2& And at the death of 6ethuselah, :oah took them and brought them to the ark, and the" were with him until he went out of the ark. 2( And in their going out, ;am stole those garments from :oah his father, and he took them and hid them from his brothers. 2* And when ;am begat his first born -ush, he gave him the garments in secret, and the" were with -ush man" da"s. 2+ And -ush also concealed them from his sons and brothers, and when -ush had begotten :imrod, he gave him those garments through his love for him, and :imrod grew up, and when he was twent" "ears old he put on those garments. 3, And :imrod became strong when he put on the garments, and God gave him might and strength, and he was a might" hunter in the earth, "ea, he was a might" hunter in the field, and he hunted the animals and he built altars, and he offered upon them the animals before the Lord. 31 And :imrod strengthened himself, and he rose up from amongst his brethren, and he fought the battles of his brethren against all their enemies round about. 32 And the Lord delivered all the enemies of his brethren in his hands, and God prospered him from time to time in his battles, and he reigned upon earth. 33 $herefore it became current in those da"s, when a man ushered forth those that he had trained up for battle, he would sa" to them, Like God did to :imrod, who was a might" hunter in the earth, and who succeeded in the battles that prevailed against his brethren, that he delivered them from the hands of their enemies, so ma" God strengthen us and deliver us this da". 3! And when :imrod was fort" "ears old, at that time there was a war between his brethren and the children of 8apheth, so that the" were in the power of their enemies. 3# And :imrod went forth at that time, and he assembled all the sons of -ush and their families, about four hundred and si.t" men, and he hired also from some of his friends and ac3uaintances about eight" men, and be gave them their hire, and he went with them to battle, and when he was on the road, :imrod strengthened the hearts of the people that went with him. 3& And he said to them, @o not fear, neither be alarmed, for all our enemies will be delivered into our hands, and "ou ma" do with them as "ou


please. 3( And all the men that went were about five hundred, and the" fought against their enemies, and the" destro"ed them, and subdued them, and :imrod placed standing officers over them in their respective places. 3* And he took some of their children as securit", and the" were all servants to :imrod and to his brethren, and :imrod and all the people that were with him turned homeward. 3+ And when :imrod had /o"full" returned from battle, after having con3uered his enemies, all his brethren, together with those who knew him before, assembled to make him king over them, and the" placed the regal crown upon his head. !, And he set over his sub/ects and people, princes, /udges, and rulers, as is the custom amongst kings. !1 And he placed $erah the son of :ahor the prince of his host, and he dignified him and elevated him above all his princes. !2 And whilst he was reigning according to his heart4s desire, after having con3uered all his enemies around, he advised with his counselors to build a cit" for his palace, and the" did so. !3 And the" found a large valle" opposite to the east, and the" built him a large and e.tensive cit", and :imrod called the name of the cit" that he built 2hinar, for the Lord had vehementl" shaken his enemies and destro"ed them. !! And :imrod dwelt in 2hinar, and he reigned securel", and he fought with his enemies and he subdued them, and he prospered in all his battles, and his kingdom became ver" great. !# And all nations and tongues heard of his fame, and the" gathered themselves to him, and the" bowed down to the earth, and the" brought him offerings, and he became their lord and king, and the" all dwelt with him in the cit" at 2hinar, and :imrod reigned in the earth over all the sons of :oah, and the" were all under his power and counsel. !& And all the earth was of one tongue and words of union, but :imrod did not go in the wa"s of the Lord, and he was more wicked than all the men that were before him, from the da"s of the flood until those da"s. !( And he made gods of wood and stone, and he bowed down to them, and he rebelled against the Lord, and taught all his sub/ects and the people of the earth his wicked wa"s and 6ardon his son was more wicked than his father. !* And ever" one that heard of the acts of 6ardon the son of :imrod would sa", concerning him, )rom the wicked goeth forth wickedness therefore it became a proverb in the whole earth, sa"ing, )rom the wicked goeth forth wickedness, and it was current in the words of men from that time to this. !+ And $erah the son of :ahor, prince of :imrod4s host, was in those da"s ver" great in the sight of the king and his sub/ects, and the king and princes loved him, and the" elevated him ver" high. #, And $erah took a wife and her name was Amthelo the daughter of -ornebo and the wife of $erah conceived and bare him a son in those da"s. #1 $erah was sevent" "ears old when he begat him, and $erah called the name of his son that was born to him Abram, because the king had raised him in those da"s, and dignified him above all his princes that were with him. CHAPTER 8 1 And it was in the night that Abram was born, that all the servants of $erah, and all the wise men of :imrod, and his con/urors came and ate and drank in the house of $erah, and the" re/oiced with him on that night. 2 And when all the wise men and con/urors went out from the house of $erah, the" lifted up their e"es toward heaven that night to look at the stars, and the" saw, and


behold one ver" large star came from the east and ran in the heavens, and he swallowed up the four stars from the four sides of the heavens. 3 And all the wise men of the king and his con/urors were astonished at the sight, and the sages understood this matter, and the" knew its import. ! And the" said to each other, $his onl" betokens the child that has been born to $erah this night, who will grow up and be fruitful, and multipl", and possess all the earth, he and his children for ever, and he and his seed will sla" great kings, and inherit their lands. # And the wise men and con/urors went home that night, and in the morning all these wise men and con/urors rose up earl", and assembled in an appointed house. & And the" spoke and said to each other, 'ehold the sight that we saw last night is hidden from the king, it has not been made known to him. ( And should this thing get known to the king in the latter da"s, he will sa" to us, 0h" have "ou concealed this matter from me, and then we shall all suffer death therefore, now let us go and tell the king the sight which we saw, and the interpretation thereof, and we shall then remain clear. * And the" did so, and the" all went to the king and bowed down to him to the ground, and the" said, 6a" the king live, ma" the king live. + 0e heard that a son was born to $erah the son of :ahor, the prince of th" host, and we "esternight came to his house, and we ate and drank and re/oiced with him that night. 1, And when th" servants went out from the house of $erah, to go to our respective homes to abide there for the night, we lifted up our e"es to heaven, and we saw a great star coming from the east, and the same star ran with great speed, and swallowed up four great stars, from the four sides of the heavens. 11 And th" servants were astonished at the sight which we saw, and were greatl" terrified, and we made our /udgment upon the sight, and knew b" our wisdom the proper interpretation thereof, that this thing applies to the child that is born to $erah, who will grow up and multipl" greatl", and become powerful, and kill all the kings of the earth, and inherit all their lands, he and his seed forever. 12 And now our lord and king, behold we have trul" ac3uainted thee with what we have seen concerning this child. 13 If it seemeth good to the king to give his father value for this child, we will sla" him before he shall grow up and increase in the land, and his evil increase against us, that we and our children perish through his evil. 1! And the king heard their words and the" seemed good in his sight, and he sent and called for $erah, and $erah came before the king. 1# And the king said to $erah, I have been told that a son was "esternight born to thee, and after this manner was observed in the heavens at his birth. 1& And now therefore give me the child, that we ma" sla" him before his evil springs up against us, and I will give thee for his value, th" house full of silver and gold. 1( And $erah answered the king and said to him5 6" Lord and king, I have heard th" words, and th" servant shall do all that his king desireth. 1* 'ut m" lord and king, I will tell thee what happened to me "esternight, that I ma" see what advice the king will give his servant, and then I will answer the king upon what he has /ust spoken and the king said, 2peak. 1+ And $erah said to the king, A"on, son of 6ored, came to me "esternight, sa"ing, 2, Give unto me the great and beautiful horse that the king gave thee, and I will give thee silver and gold, and straw and provender for its value and I said to him, 0ait till I see the king concerning th" words, and behold whatever the king saith, that will I do.


21 And now m" lord and king, behold I have made this thing known to thee, and the advice which m" king will give unto his servant, that will I follow. 22 And the king heard the words of $erah, and his anger was kindled and he considered him in the light of a fool. 23 And the king answered $erah, and he said to him, Art thou so sill", ignorant, or deficient in understanding, to do this thing, to give th" beautiful horse for silver and gold or even for straw and provender1 2! Art thou so short of silver and gold, that thou shouldst do this thing, because thou canst not obtain straw and provender to feed th" horse1 and what is silver and gold to thee, or straw and provender, that thou shouldst give awa" that fine horse which I gave thee, like which there is none to be had on the whole earth1 2# And the king left off speaking, and $erah answered the king, sa"ing, Like unto this has the king spoken to his servant 2& I beseech thee, m" lord and king, what is this which thou didst sa" unto me, sa"ing, Give th" son that we ma" sla" him, and I will give thee silver and gold for his value what shall I do with silver and gold after the death of m" son1 who shall inherit me1 surel" then at m" death, the silver and gold will return to m" king who gave it. 2( And when the king heard the words of $erah, and the parable which he brought concerning the king, it grieved him greatl" and he was ve.ed at this thing, and his anger burned within him. 2* And $erah saw that the anger of the king was kindled against him, and he answered the king, sa"ing, All that I have is in the king4s power whatever the king desireth to do to his servant, that let him do, "ea, even m" son, he is in the king4s power, without value in e.change, he and his two brothers that are older than he. 2+ And the king said to $erah, :o, but I will purchase th" "ounger son for a price. 3, And $erah answered the king, sa"ing, I beseech thee m" lord and king to let th" servant speak a word before thee, and let the king hear the word of his servant, and $erah said, Let m" king give me three da"s4 time till I consider this matter within m"self, and consult with m" famil" concerning the words of m" king and he pressed the king greatl" to agree to this. 31 And the king hearkened to $erah, and he did so and he gave him three da"s4 time, and $erah went out from the king4s presence, and he came home to his famil" and spoke to them all the words of the king and the people were greatl" afraid. 32 And it was in the third da" that the king sent to $erah, sa"ing, 2end me th" son for a price as I spoke to thee and shouldst thou not do this, I will send and sla" all thou hast in th" house, so that thou shalt not even have a dog remaining. 33 And $erah hastened, Eas the thing was urgent from the kingF, and he took a child from one of his servants, which his handmaid had born to him that da", and $erah brought the child to the king and received value for him. 3! And the Lord was with $erah in this matter, that :imrod might not cause Abram4s death, and the king took the child from $erah and with all his might dashed his head to the ground, for he thought it had been Abram and this was concealed from him from that da", and it was forgotten b" the king, as it was the will of Brovidence not to suffer Abram4s death. 3# And $erah took Abram his son secretl", together with his mother and nurse, and he concealed them in a cave, and he brought them their provisions monthl". 3& And the Lord was with Abram in the cave and he grew up, and Abram was in the cave ten "ears, and the king and his princes, soothsa"ers and sages, thought that the king had killed Abram.


CHAPTER 9 1 And ;aran, the son of $erah, Abram4s oldest brother, took a wife in those da"s. 2 ;aran was thirt"9nine "ears old when he took her and the wife of ;aran conceived and bare a son, and he called his name Lot. 3 And she conceived again and bare a daughter, and she called her name 6ilca and she again conceived and bare a daughter, and she called her name 2arai. ! ;aran was fort"9two "ears old when he begat 2arai, which was in the tenth "ear of the life of Abram and in those da"s Abram and his mother and nurse went out from the cave, as the king and his sub/ects had forgotten the affair of Abram. # And when Abram came out from the cave, he went to :oah and his son 2hem, and he remained with them to learn the instruction of the Lord and his wa"s, and no man knew where Abram was, and Abram served :oah and 2hem his son for a long time. & And Abram was in :oah4s house thirt"9nine "ears, and Abram knew the Lord from three "ears old, and he went in the wa"s of the Lord until the da" of his death, as :oah and his son 2hem had taught him and all the sons of the earth in those da"s greatl" transgressed against the Lord, and the" rebelled against him and the" served other gods, and the" forgot the Lord who had created them in the earth and the inhabitants of the earth made unto themselves, at that time, ever" man his god gods of wood and stone which could neither speak, hear, nor deliver, and the sons of men served them and the" became their gods. ( And the king and all his servants, and $erah with all his household were then the first of those that served gods of wood and stone. * And $erah had twelve gods of large si?e, made of wood and stone, after the twelve months of the "ear, and he served each one monthl", and ever" month $erah would bring his meat offering and drink offering to his gods thus did $erah all the da"s. + And all that generation were wicked in the sight of the Lord, and the" thus made ever" man his god, but the" forsook the Lord who had created them. 1, And there was not a man found in those da"s in the whole earth, who knew the Lord Efor the" served each man his own GodF e.cept :oah and his household, and all those who were under his counsel knew the Lord in those da"s. 11 And Abram the son of $erah was great in those da"s in the house of :oah, and no man knew it, and the Lord was with him. 12 And the Lord gave Abram an understanding heart, and he knew all the works of that generation were vain, and that all their gods were vain and were of no avail. 13 And Abram saw the sun shining upon the earth, and Abram said unto himself 2urel" now this sun that shines upon the earth is God, and him will I serve. 1! And Abram served the sun in that da" and he pra"ed to him, and when evening came the sun set as usual, and Abram said within himself, 2urel" this cannot be God1 1# And Abram still continued to speak within himself, 0ho is he who made the heavens and the earth1 who created upon earth1 where is he1 1& And night darkened over him, and he lifted up his e"es toward the west, north, south, and east, and he saw that the sun had vanished from the earth, and the da" became dark. 1( And Abram saw the stars and moon before him, and he said, 2urel" this is the God who created the whole earth as well as


man, and behold these his servants are gods around him5 and Abram served the moon and pra"ed to it all that night. 1* And in the morning when it was light and the sun shone upon the earth as usual, Abram saw all the things that the Lord God had made upon earth. 1+ And Abram said unto himself 2urel" these are not gods that made the earth and all mankind, but these are the servants of God, and Abram remained in the house of :oah and there knew the Lord and his wa"s4 and he served the Lord all the da"s of his life, and all that generation forgot the Lord, and served other gods of wood and stone, and rebelled all their da"s. 2, And king :imrod reigned securel", and all the earth was under his control, and all the earth was of one tongue and words of union. 21 And all the princes of :imrod and his great men took counsel together Bhut, 6it?raim, -ush and -anaan with their families, and the" said to each other, -ome let us build ourselves a cit" and in it a strong tower, and its top reaching heaven, and we will make ourselves famed, so that we ma" reign upon the whole world, in order that the evil of our enemies ma" cease from us, that we ma" reign mightil" over them, and that we ma" not become scattered over the earth on account of their wars. 22 And the" all went before the king, and the" told the king these words, and the king agreed with them in this affair, and he did so. 23 And all the families assembled consisting of about si. hundred thousand men, and the" went to seek an e.tensive piece of ground to build the cit" and the tower, and the" sought in the whole earth and the" found none like one valle" at the east of the land of 2hinar, about two da"s4 walk, and the" /ourne"ed there and the" dwelt there. 2! And the" began to make bricks and burn fires to build the cit" and the tower that the" had imagined to complete. 2# And the building of the tower was unto them a transgression and a sin, and the" began to build it, and whilst the" were building against the Lord God of heaven, the" imagined in their hearts to war against him and to ascend into heaven. 2& And all these people and all the families divided themselves in three parts the first said 0e will ascend into heaven and fight against him the second said, 0e will ascend to heaven and place our own gods there and serve them and the third part said, 0e will ascend to heaven and smite him with bows and spears and God knew all their works and all their evil thoughts, and he saw the cit" and the tower which the" were building. 2( And when the" were building the" built themselves a great cit" and a ver" high and strong tower and on account of its height the mortar and bricks did not reach the builders in their ascent to it, until those who went up had completed a full "ear, and after that, the" reached to the builders and gave them the mortar and the bricks thus was it done dail". 2* And behold these ascended and others descended the whole da" and if a brick should fall from their hands and get broken, the" would all weep over it, and if a man fell and died, none of them would look at him. 2+ And the Lord knew their thoughts, and it came to pass when the" were building the" cast the arrows toward the heavens, and all the arrows fell upon them filled with blood, and when the" saw them the" said to each other, 2urel" we have slain all those that are in heaven. 3, )or this was from the Lord in order to cause them to err, and in order to destro" them from off the face of the ground. 31 And the" built the tower and the cit", and the" did this thing dail" until man" da"s and "ears were


elapsed. 32 And God said to the sevent" angels who stood foremost before him, to those who were near to him, sa"ing, -ome let us descend and confuse their tongues, that one man shall not understand the language of his neighbor, and the" did so unto them. 33 And from that da" following, the" forgot each man his neighbor4s tongue, and the" could not understand to speak in one tongue, and when the builder took from the hands of his neighbor lime or stone which he did not order, the builder would cast it awa" and throw it upon his neighbor, that he would die. 3! And the" did so man" da"s, and the" killed man" of them in this manner. 3# And the Lord smote the three divisions that were there, and he punished them according to their works and designs those who said, 0e will ascend to heaven and serve our gods, became like apes and elephants and those who said, 0e will smite the heaven with arrows, the Lord killed them, one man through the hand of his neighbor and the third division of those who said, 0e will ascend to heaven and fight against him, the Lord scattered them throughout the earth. 3& And those who were left amongst them, when the" knew and understood the evil which was coming upon them, the" forsook the building, and the" also became scattered upon the face of the whole earth. 3( And the" ceased building the cit" and the tower therefore he called that place 'abel, for there the Lord confounded the Language of the whole earth behold it was at the east of the land of 2hinar. 3* And as to the tower which the sons of men built, the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up one third part thereof, and a fire also descended from heaven and burned another third, and the other third is left to this da", and it is of that part which was aloft, and its circumference is three da"s4 walk. 3+ And man" of the sons of men died in that tower, a people without number. CHAPTER 10 1 And Beleg the son of %ber died in those da"s, in the fort"9eighth "ear of the life of Abram son of $erah, and all the da"s of Beleg were two hundred and thirt"9nine "ears. 2 And when the Lord had scattered the sons of men on account of their sin at the tower, behold the" spread forth into man" divisions, and all the sons of men were dispersed into the four corners of the earth. 3 And all the families became each according to its language, its land, or its cit". ! And the sons of men built man" cities according to their families, in all the places where the" went, and throughout the earth where the Lord had scattered them. # And some of them built cities in places from which the" were afterward e.tirpated, and the" called these cities after their own names, or the names of their children, or after their particular occurrences. & And the sons of 8apheth the son of :oah went and built themselves cities in the places where the" were scattered, and the" called all their cities after their names, and the sons of 8apheth were divided upon the face of the earth into man" divisions and languages. ( And these are the sons of 8apheth according to their families, Gomer, 6agog, 6edai, 8avan, $ubal, 6eshech and $iras these are the children of 8apheth according to their generations. * And the children of Gomer, according to their cities, were the )rancum, who dwell in the land of )ran?a, b" the river )ran?a, b" the river 2enah. + And the children of =ephath are the 'artonim, who dwell in the land of 'artonia b" the river Ledah, which


empties its waters in the great sea Gihon, that is, oceanus. 1, And the children of $ugarma are ten families, and these are their names5 'u?ar, Bar?unac, 'algar, %licanum, =agbib, $arki, 'id, 7ebuc, <ngal and $ilma? all these spread and rested in the north and built themselves cities. 11 And the" called their cities after their own names, those are the" who abide b" the rivers ;ithlah and Italac unto this da".

12 'ut the families of Angoli, 'algar and Bar?unac, the" dwell b" the great river @ubnee and the names of their cities are also according to their own names. 13 And the children of 8avan are the 8avanim who dwell in the land of 6akdonia, and the children of 6edaiare are the <relum that dwell in the land of -urson, and the children of $ubal are those that dwell in the land of $uskanah b" the river Bashiah. 1! And the children of 6eshech are the 2hibashni and the children of $iras are =ushash, -ushni, and <ngolis all these went and built themselves cities those are the cities that are situate b" the sea 8abus b" the river -ura, which empties itself in the river $ragan. 1# And the children of %lishah are the Almanim, and the" also went and built themselves cities those are the cities situate between the mountains of 8ob and 2hibathmo and of them were the people of Lumbardi who dwell opposite the mountains of 8ob and 2hibathmo, and the" con3uered the land of Italia and remained there unto this da". 1& And the children of -hittim are the =omim who dwell in the valle" of -anopia b" the river $ibreu. 1( And the children of @udonim are those who dwell in the cities of the sea Gihon, in the land of 'ordna. 1* $hese are the families of the children of 8apheth according to their cities and languages, when the" were scattered after the tower, and the" called their cities after their names and occurrences and these are the names of all their cities according to their families, which the" built in those da"s after the tower. 1+ And the children of ;am were -ush, 6it?raim, Bhut and -anaan according to their generation and cities. 2, All these went and built themselves cities as the" found fit places for them, and the" called their cities after the names of their fathers -ush, 6it?raim, Bhut and -anaan. 21 And the children of 6it?raim are the Ludim, Anamim, Lehabim, :aphtuchim, Bathrusim, -asluchim and -aphturim, seven families. 22 All these dwell b" the river 2ihor, that is the brook of %g"pt, and the" built themselves cities and called them after their own names. 23 And the children of Bathros and -asloch intermarried together, and from them went forth the Belishtim, the A?athim, and the Gerarim, the Githim and the %kronim, in all five families these also built themselves cities, and the" called their cities after the names of their fathers unto this da". 2! And the children of -anaan also built themselves cities, and the" called their cities after their names, eleven cities and others without number. 2# And four men from the famil" of ;am went to the land of the plain these are the names of the four men, 2odom, Gomorrah, Admah and 7ebo"im. 2& And these men built themselves four cities in the land of the plain, and the" called the names of their cities after their own names. 2( And the" and their children and all belonging to them dwelt in those


cities, and the" were fruitful and multiplied greatl" and dwelt peaceabl". 2* And 2eir the son of ;ur, son of ;ivi, son of -anaan, went and found a valle" opposite to 6ount Baran, and he built a cit" there, and he and his seven sons and his household dwelt there, and he called the cit" which he built 2eir, according to his name that is the land of 2eir unto this da". 2+ $hese are the families of the children of ;am, according to their languages and cities, when the" were scattered to their countries after the tower. 3, And some of the children of 2hem son of :oah, father of all the children of %ber, also went and built themselves cities in the places wherein the" were scattered, and the" called their cities after their names. 31 And the sons of 2hem were %lam, Ashur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram, and the" built themselves cities and called the names of all their cities after their names. 32 And Ashur son of 2hem and his children and household went forth at that time, a ver" large bod" of them, and the" went to a distant land that the" found, and the" met with a ver" e.tensive valle" in the land that the" went to, and the" built themselves four cities, and the" called them after their own names and occurrences. 33 And these are the names of the cities which the children of Ashur built, :inevah, =esen, -alach and =ehobother and the children of Ashur dwell there unto this da". 3! And the children of Aram also went and built themselves a cit", and the" called the name of the cit" C? after their eldest brother, and the" dwell therein that is the land of C? to this da". 3# And in the second "ear after the tower a man from the house of Ashur, whose name was 'ela, went from the land of :inevah to so/ourn with his household wherever he could find a place and the" came until opposite the cities of the plain against 2odom, and the" dwelt there. 3& And the man rose up and built there a small cit", and called its name 'ela, after his name that is the land of 7oar unto this da". 3( And these are the families of the children of 2hem according to their language and cities, after the" were scattered upon the earth after the tower. 3* And ever" kingdom, cit", and famil" of the families of the children of :oah built themselves man" cities after this. 3+ And the" established governments in all their cities, in order to be regulated b" their orders so did all the families of the children of :oah forever. CHAPTER 11 1 And :imrod son of -ush was still in the land of 2hinar, and he reigned over it and dwelt there, and he built cities in the land of 2hinar. 2 And these are the names of the four cities which he built, and he called their names after the occurrences that happened to them in the building of the tower. 3 And he called the first 'abel, sa"ing, 'ecause the Lord there confounded the language of the whole earth and the name of the second he called %rech, because from there God dispersed them. ! And the third he called %ched, sa"ing there was a great battle at that place and the fourth he called -alnah, because his princes and might" men were consumed there, and the" ve.ed the Lord, the" rebelled and transgressed against him. # And when :imrod had built these cities in the land of 2hinar, he placed in them the remainder of his people, his princes and his might" men that were left in his kingdom. & And :imrod dwelt in 'abel, and he there renewed his reign over


the rest of his sub/ects, and he reigned securel", and the sub/ects and princes of :imrod called his name Amraphel, sa"ing that at the tower his princes and men fell through his means. ( And notwithstanding this, :imrod did not return to the Lord, and he continued in wickedness and teaching wickedness to the sons of men and 6ardon, his son, was worse than his father, and continued to add to the abominations of his father. * And he caused the sons of men to sin, therefore it is said, )rom the wicked goeth forth wickedness. + At that time there was war between the families of the children of ;am, as the" were dwelling in the cities which the" had built. 1, And -hedorlaomer, king of %lam, went awa" from the families of the children of ;am, and he fought with them and he subdued them, and he went to the five cities of the plain and he fought against them and he subdued them, and the" were under his control. 11 And the" served him twelve "ears, and the" gave him a "earl" ta.. 12 At that time died :ahor, son of 2erug, in the fort"9 ninth "ear of the life of Abram son of $erah. 13 And in the fiftieth "ear of the life of Abram son of $erah, Abram came forth from the house of :oah, and went to his father4s house. 1! And Abram knew the Lord, and he went in his wa"s and instructions, and the Lord his God was with him. 1# And $erah his father was in those da"s, still captain of the host of king :imrod, and he still followed strange gods. 1& And Abram came to his father4s house and saw twelve gods standing there in their temples, and the anger of Abram was kindled when he saw these images in his father4s house. 1( And Abram said, As the Lord liveth these images shall not remain in m" father4s house so shall the Lord who created me do unto me if in three da"s4 time I do not break them all. 1* And Abram went from them, and his anger burned within him. And Abram hastened and went from the chamber to his father4s outer court, and he found his father sitting in the court, and all his servants with him, and Abram came and sat before him. 1+ And Abram asked his father, sa"ing, )ather, tell me where is God who created heaven and earth, and all the sons of men upon earth, and who created thee and me. And $erah answered his son Abram and said, 'ehold those who created us are all with us in the house. 2, And Abram said to his father, 6" lord, shew them to me I pra" thee and $erah brought Abram into the chamber of the inner court, and Abram saw, and behold the whole room was full of gods of wood and stone, twelve great images and others less than the" without number. 21 And $erah said to his son, 'ehold these are the" which made all thou seest upon earth, and which created me and thee, and all mankind. 22 And $erah bowed down to his gods, and he then went awa" from them, and Abram, his son, went awa" with him. 23 And when Abram had gone from them he went to his mother and sat before her, and he said to his mother, 'ehold, m" father has shown me those who made heaven and earth, and all the sons of men. 2! :ow, therefore, hasten and fetch a kid from the flock, and make of it savor" meat, that I ma" bring it to m" father4s gods as an offering for them to eat perhaps I ma" thereb" become acceptable to them. 2# And his mother did so, and she fetched a kid, and made savor" meat thereof, and brought it to Abram, and Abram took the savor" meat from his mother and brought it before his father4s gods, and he drew nigh to them that the" might eat and $erah his father, did not know of it. 2& And Abram saw on the da" when he was sitting amongst them, that the" had no voice, no hearing, no motion, and not one of


them could stretch forth his hand to eat. 2( And Abram mocked them, and said, 2urel" the savor" meat that I prepared has not pleased them, or perhaps it was too little for them, and for that reason the" would not eat therefore tomorrow I will prepare fresh savor" meat, better and more plentiful than this, in order that I ma" see the result. 2* And it was on the ne.t da" that Abram directed his mother concerning the savor" meat, and his mother rose and fetched three fine kids from the flock, and she made of them some e.cellent savor" meat, such as her son was fond of, and she gave it to her son Abram and $erah his father did not know of it. 2+ And Abram took the savor" meat from his mother, and brought it before his father4s gods into the chamber and he came nigh unto them that the" might eat, and he placed it before them, and Abram sat before them all da", thinking perhaps the" might eat. 3, And Abram viewed them, and behold the" had neither voice nor hearing, nor did one of them stretch forth his hand to the meat to eat. 31 And in the evening of that da" in that house Abram was clothed with the spirit of God. 32 And he called out and said, 0o unto m" father and this wicked generation, whose hearts are all inclined to vanit", who serve these idols of wood and stone which can neither eat, smell, hear nor speak, who have mouths without speech, e"es without sight, ears without hearing, hands without feeling, and legs which cannot move like them are those that made them and that trust in them. 33 And when Abram saw all these things his anger was kindled against his father, and he hastened and took a hatchet in his hand, and came unto the chamber of the gods, and he broke all his father4s gods. 3! And when he had done breaking the images, he placed the hatchet in the hand of the great god which was there before them, and he went out and $erah his father came home, for he had heard at the door the sound of the striking of the hatchet so $erah came into the house to know what this was about. 3# And $erah, having heard the noise of the hatchet in the room of images, ran to the room to the images, and he met Abram going out. 3& And $erah entered the room and found all the idols fallen down and broken, and the hatchet in the hand of the largest, which was not broken, and the savor" meat which Abram his son had made was still before them. 3( And when $erah saw this his anger was greatl" kindled, and he hastened and went from the room to Abram. 3* And he found Abram his son still sitting in the house and he said to him, 0hat is this work thou hast done to m" gods1 3+ And Abram answered $erah his father and he said, :ot so m" lord, for I brought savor" meat before them, and when I came nigh to them with the meat that the" might eat, the" all at once stretched forth their hands to eat before the great one had put forth his hand to eat. !, And the large one saw their works that the" did before him, and his anger was violentl" kindled against them, and he went and took the hatchet that was in the house and came to them and broke them all, and behold the hatchet is "et in his hand as thou seest. !1 And $erah4s anger was kindled against his son Abram, when he spoke this and $erah said to Abram his son in his anger, 0hat is this tale that thou hast told1 $hou speakest lies to me. !2 Is there in these gods spirit, soul or power to do all thou hast told me1 Are the" not wood and stone, and have I not m"self made them, and canst thou speak such lies, sa"ing that the large god that was with them smote them1 It is thou that didst place the hatchet in his hands, and then sa"est he smote


them all. !3 And Abram answered his father and said to him, And how canst thou then serve these idols in whom there is no power to do an" thing1 -an those idols in which thou trustest deliver thee1 can the" hear th" pra"ers when thou callest upon them1 can the" deliver thee from the hands of th" enemies, or will the" fight th" battles for thee against th" enemies, that thou shouldst serve wood and stone which can neither speak nor hear1 !! And now surel" it is not good for thee nor for the sons of men that are connected with thee, to do these things are "ou so sill", so foolish or so short of understanding that "ou will serve wood and stone, and do after this manner1 !# And forget the Lord God who made heaven and earth, and who created "ou in the earth, and thereb" bring a great evil upon "our souls in this matter b" serving stone and wood1 !& @id not our fathers in da"s of old sin in this matter, and the Lord God of the universe brought the waters of the flood upon them and destro"ed the whole earth1 !( And how can "ou continue to do this and serve gods of wood and stone, who cannot hear, or speak, or deliver "ou from oppression, thereb" bringing down the anger of the God of the universe upon "ou1 !* :ow therefore m" father refrain from this, and bring not evil upon th" soul and the souls of th" household. !+ And Abram hastened and sprang from before his father, and took the hatchet from his father4s largest idol, with which Abram broke it and ran awa". #, And $erah, seeing all that Abram had done, hastened to go from his house, and he went to the king and he came before :imrod and stood before him, and he bowed down to the king and the king said, 0hat dost thou want1 #1 And he said, I beseech thee m" lord, to hear me99:ow fift" "ears back a child was born to me, and thus has he done to m" gods and thus has he spoken and now therefore, m" lord and king, send for him that he ma" come before thee, and /udge him according to the law, that we ma" be delivered from his evil. #2 And the king sent three men of his servants, and the" went and brought Abram before the king. And :imrod and all his princes and servants were that da" sitting before him, and $erah sat also before them. #3 And the king said to Abram, 0hat is this that thou hast done to th" father and to his gods1 And Abram answered the king in the words that he spoke to his father, and he said, $he large god that was with them in the house did to them what thou hast heard. #! And the king said to Abram, ;ad the" power to speak and eat and do as thou hast said1 And Abram answered the king, sa"ing, And if there be no power in them wh" dost thou serve them and cause the sons of men to err through th" follies1 ## @ost thou imagine that the" can deliver thee or do an"thing small or great, that thou shouldst serve them1 And wh" wilt thou not sense the God of the whole universe, who created thee and in whose power it is to kill and keep alive1 #& , foolish, simple, and ignorant king, woe unto thee forever. #( I thought thou wouldst teach th" servants the upright wa", but thou hast not done this, but hast filled the whole earth with th" sins and the sins of th" people who have followed th" wa"s. #* @ost thou not know, or hast thou not heard, that this evil which thou doest, our ancestors sinned therein in da"s of old, and the eternal God brought the waters of the flood upon them and destro"ed them all, and also destro"ed the whole earth on their account1 And wilt thou and th" people rise up now and do like unto this work, in order to bring down the anger of the Lord God of the universe, and to bring evil upon thee and


the whole earth1 #+ :ow therefore put awa" this evil deed which thou doest, and serve the God of the universe, as th" soul is in his hands, and then it will be well with thee. &, And if th" wicked heart will not hearken to m" words to cause thee to forsake th" evil wa"s, and to serve the eternal God, then wilt thou die in shame in the latter da"s, thou, th" people and all who are connected with thee, hearing th" words or walking in th" evil wa"s. &1 And when Abram had ceased speaking before the king and princes, Abram lifted up his e"es to the heavens, and he said, $he Lord seeth all the wicked, and he will /udge them. CHAPTER 12 1 And when the king heard the words of Abram he ordered him to be put into prison and Abram was ten da"s in prison. 2 And at the end of those da"s the king ordered that all the kings, princes and governors of different provinces and the sages should come before him, and the" sat before him, and Abram was still in the house of confinement. 3 And the king said to the princes and sages, ;ave "ou heard what Abram, the son of $erah, has done to his father1 $hus has he done to him, and I ordered him to be brought before me, and thus has he spoken his heart did not misgive him, neither did he stir in m" presence, and behold now he is confined in the prison. ! And therefore decide what /udgment is due to this man who reviled the king who spoke and did all the things that "ou heard. # And the" all answered the king sa"ing, $he man who revileth the king should be hanged upon a tree but having done all the things that he said, and having despised our gods, he must therefore be burned to death, for this is the law in this matter. & If it pleaseth the king to do this, let him order his servants to kindle a fire both night and da" in th" brick furnace, and then we will cast this man into it. And the king did so, and he commanded his servants that the" should prepare a fire for three da"s and three nights in the king4s furnace, that is in -asdim and the king ordered them to take Abram from prison and bring him out to be burned. ( And all the king4s servants, princes, lords, governors, and /udges, and all the inhabitants of the land, about nine hundred thousand men, stood opposite the furnace to see Abram. * And all the women and little ones crowded upon the roofs and towers to see what was doing with Abram, and the" all stood together at a distance and there was not a man left that did not come on that da" to behold the scene. + And when Abram was come, the con/urors of the king and the sages saw Abram, and the" cried out to the king, sa"ing, <ur sovereign lord, surel" this is the man whom we know to have been the child at whose birth the great star swallowed the four stars, which we declared to the king now fift" "ears since. 1, And behold now his father has also transgressed th" commands, and mocked thee b" bringing thee another child, which thou didst kill. 11 And when the king heard their words, he was e.ceedingl" wroth, and he ordered $erah to be brought before him. 12 And the king said, ;ast thou heard what the con/urors have spoken1 :ow tell me trul", how didst thou and if thou shalt speak truth thou shalt be ac3uitted. 13 And seeing that the king4s anger was so much kindled, $erah said to the king, 6" lord and king, thou hast heard the truth, and what the sages have spoken is right. And the king said, ;ow couldst thou do this thing,


to transgress m" orders and to give me a child that thou didst not beget, and to take value for him1 1! And $erah answered the king, 'ecause m" tender feelings were e.cited for m" son, at that time, and I took a son of m" handmaid, and I brought him to the king. 1# And the king said 0ho advised thee to this1 $ell me, do not hide aught from me, and then thou shalt not die. 1& And $erah was greatl" terrified in the king4s presence, and he said to the king, It was ;aran m" eldest son who advised me to this and ;aran was in those da"s that Abram was born, two and thirt" "ears old. 1( 'ut ;aran did not advise his father to an"thing, for $erah said this to the king in order to deliver his soul from the king, for he feared greatl" and the king said to $erah, ;aran th" son who advised thee to this shall die through fire with Abram for the sentence of death is upon him for having rebelled against the king4s desire in doing this thing. 1* And ;aran at that time felt inclined to follow the wa"s of Abram, but he kept it within himself. 1+ And ;aran said in his heart, 'ehold now the king has sei?ed Abram on account of these things which Abram did, and it shall come to pass, that if Abram prevail over the king I will follow him, but if the king prevail I will go after the king. 2, And when $erah had spoken this to the king concerning ;aran his son, the king ordered ;aran to be sei?ed with Abram. 21 And the" brought them both, Abram and ;aran his brother, to cast them into the fire and all the inhabitants of the land and the king4s servants and princes and all the women and little ones were there, standing that da" over them. 22 And the king4s servants took Abram and his brother, and the" stripped them of all their clothes e.cepting their lower garments which were upon them. 23 And the" bound their hands and feet with linen cords, and the servants of the king lifted them up and cast them both into the furnace. 2! And the Lord loved Abram and he had compassion over him, and the Lord came down and delivered Abram from the fire and he was not burned. 2# 'ut all the cords with which the" bound him were burned, while Abram remained and walked about in the fire. 2& And ;aran died when the" had cast him into the fire, and he was burned to ashes, for his heart was not perfect with the Lord and those men who cast him into the fire, the flame of the fire spread over them, and the" were burned, and twelve men of them died. 2( And Abram walked in the midst of the fire three da"s and three nights, and all the servants of the king saw him walking in the fire, and the" came and told the king, sa"ing, 'ehold we have seen Abram walking about in the midst of the fire, and even the lower garments which are upon him are not burned, but the cord with which he was bound is burned. 2* And when the king heard their words his heart fainted and he would not believe them so he sent other faithful princes to see this matter, and the" went and saw it and told it to the king and the king rose to go and see it, and he saw Abram walking to and fro in the midst of the fire, and he saw ;aran4s bod" burned, and the king wondered greatl". 2+ And the king ordered Abram to be taken out from the fire and his servants approached to take him out and the" could not, for the fire was round about and the flame ascending toward them from the furnace. 3, And the king4s servants fled from it, and the king rebuked them, sa"ing, 6ake haste and bring Abram out of the fire that "ou shall not die. 31 And the servants of the king again approached to bring Abram out, and the flames came upon them and burned their faces so that


eight of them died. 32 And when the king saw that his servants could not approach the fire lest the" should be burned, the king called to Abram, < servant of the God who is in heaven, go forth from amidst the fire and come hither before me and Abram hearkened to the voice of the king, and he went forth from the fire and came and stood before the king. 33 And when Abram came out the king and all his servants saw Abram coming before the king, with his lower garments upon him, for the" were not burned, but the cord with which he was bound was burned. 3! And the king said to Abram, ;ow is it that thou wast not burned in the fire1 3# And Abram said to the king, $he God of heaven and earth in whom I trust and who has all in his power, he delivered me from the fire into which thou didst cast me. 3& And ;aran the brother of Abram was burned to ashes, and the" sought for his bod", and the" found it consumed. 3( And ;aran was eight"9two "ears old when he died in the fire of -asdim. And the king, princes, and inhabitants of the land, seeing that Abram was delivered from the fire, the" came and bowed down to Abram. 3* And Abram said to them, @o not bow down to me, but bow down to the God of the world who made "ou, and serve him, and go in his wa"s for it is he who delivered me from out of this fire, and it is he who created the souls and spirits of all men, and formed man in his mother4s womb, and brought him forth into the world, and it is he who will deliver those who trust in him from all pain. 3+ And this thing seemed ver" wonderful in the e"es of the king and princes, that Abram was saved from the fire and that ;aran was burned and the king gave Abram man" presents and he gave him his two head servants from the king4s house the name of one was <ni and the name of the other was %lie?er. !, And all the kings, princes and servants gave Abram man" gifts of silver and gold and pearl, and the king and his princes sent him awa", and he went in peace. !1 And Abram went forth from the king in peace, and man" of the king4s servants followed him, and about three hundred men /oined him. !2 And Abram returned on that da" and went to his father4s house, he and the men that followed him, and Abram served the Lord his God all the da"s of his life, and he walked in his wa"s and followed his law. !3 And from that da" forward Abram inclined the hearts of the sons of men to serve the Lord. !! And at that time :ahor and Abram took unto themselves wives, the daughters of their brother ;aran the wife of :ahor was 6ilca and the name of Abram4s wife was 2arai. And 2arai, wife of Abram, was barren she had no offspring in those da"s. !# And at the e.piration of two "ears from Abram4s going out of the fire, that is in the fift"9second "ear of his life, behold king :imrod sat in 'abel upon the throne, and the king fell asleep and dreamed that he was standing with his troops and hosts in a valle" opposite the king4s furnace. !& And he lifted up his e"es and saw a man in the likeness of Abram coming forth from the furnace, and that he came and stood before the king with his drawn sword, and then sprang to the king with his sword, when the king fled from the man, for he was afraid and while he was running, the man threw an egg upon the king4s head, and the egg became a great river. !( And the king dreamed that all his troops sank in that river and died, and the king took flight with three men who were before him and he escaped. !* And the king looked at these men and the" were clothed in princel" dresses as the garments of kings, and


had the appearance and ma/est" of kings. !+ And while the" were running, the river again turned to an egg before the king, and there came forth from the egg a "oung bird which came before the king, and flew at his head and plucked out the king4s e"e. #, And the king was grieved at the sight, and he awoke out of his sleep and his spirit was agitated and he felt a great terror. #1 And in the morning the king rose from his couch in fear, and he ordered all the wise men and magicians to come before him, when the king related his dream to them. #2 And a wise servant of the king, whose name was Anuki, answered the king, sa"ing, $his is nothing else but the evil of Abram and his seed which will spring up against m" Lord and king in the latter da"s. #3 And behold the da" will come when Abram and his seed and the children of his household will war with m" king, and the" will smite all the king4s hosts and his troops. #! And as to what thou hast said concerning three men which thou didst see like unto th"self, and which did escape, this means that onl" thou wilt escape with three kings from the kings of the earth who will be with thee in battle. ## And that which thou sawest of the river which turned to an egg as at first, and the "oung bird plucking out thine e"e, this means nothing else but the seed of Abram which will sla" the king in latter da"s. #& $his is m" king4s dream, and this is its interpretation, and the dream is true, and the interpretation which th" servant has given thee is right. #( :ow therefore m" king, surel" thou knowest that it is now fift"9two "ears since th" sages saw this at the birth of Abram, and if m" king will suffer Abram to live in the earth it will be to the in/ur" of m" lord and king, for all the da"s that Abram liveth neither thou nor th" kingdom will be established, for this was known formerl" at his birth and wh" will not m" king sla" him, that his evil ma" be kept from thee in latter da"s1 #* And :imrod hearkened to the voice of Anuki, and he sent some of his servants in secret to go and sei?e Abram, and bring him before the king to suffer death. #+ And %lie?er, Abram4s servant whom the king had given him, was at that time in the presence of the king, and he heard what Anuki had advised the king, and what the king had said to cause Abram4s death. &, And %lie?er said to Abram, ;asten, rise up and save th" soul, that thou ma"est not die through the hands of the king, for thus did he see in a dream concerning thee, and thus did Anuki interpret it, and thus also did Anuki advise the king concerning thee. &1 And Abram hearkened to the voice of %lie?er, and Abram hastened and ran for safet" to the house of :oah and his son 2hem, and he concealed himself there and found a place of safet" and the king4s servants came to Abram4s house to seek him, but the" could not find him, and the" searched through out the countr" and he was not to be found, and the" went and searched in ever" direction and he was not to be met with. &2 And when the king4s servants could not find Abram the" returned to the king, but the king4s anger against Abram was stilled, as the" did not find him, and the king drove from his mind this matter concerning Abram. &3 And Abram was concealed in :oah4s house for one month, until the king had forgotten this matter, but Abram was still afraid of the king and $erah came to see Abram his son secretl" in the house of :oah, and $erah was ver" great in the e"es of the king. &! And Abram said to his father, @ost thou not know that the king thinketh to sla" me, and to annihilate m" name from the earth b" the advice of his wicked counsellors1 &# :ow whom hast thou here and what hast thou


in this land1 Arise, let us go together to the land of -anaan, that we ma" be delivered from his hand, lest thou perish also through him in the latter da"s. && @ost thou not know or hast thou not heard, that it is not through love that :imrod giveth thee all this honor, but it is onl" for his benefit that he bestoweth all this good upon thee1 &( And if he do unto thee greater good than this, surel" these are onl" vanities of the world, for wealth and riches cannot avail in the da" of wrath and anger. &* :ow therefore hearken to m" voice, and let us arise and go to the land of -anaan, out of the reach of in/ur" from :imrod and serve thou the Lord who created thee in the earth and it will be well with thee and cast awa" all the vain things which thou pursuest. &+ And Abram ceased to speak, when :oah and his son 2hem answered $erah, sa"ing, $rue is the word which Abram hath said unto thee. (, And $erah hearkened to the voice of his son Abram, and $erah did all that Abram said, for this was from the Lord, that the king should not cause Abram4s death. CHAPTER 13 1 And $erah took his son Abram and his grandson Lot, the son of ;aran, and 2arai his daughter9in9law, the wife of his son Abram, and all the souls of his household and went with them from Cr -asdim to go to the land of -anaan. And when the" came as far as the land of ;aran the" remained there, for it was e.ceedingl" good land for pasture, and of sufficient e.tent for those who accompanied them. 2 And the people of the land of ;aran saw that Abram was good and upright with God and men, and that the Lord his God was with him, and some of the people of the land of ;aran came and /oined Abram, and he taught them the instruction of the Lord and his wa"s and these men remained with Abram in his house and the" adhered to him. 3 And Abram remained in the land three "ears, and at the e.piration of three "ears the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him I am the Lord who brought thee forth from Cr -asdim, and delivered thee from the hands of all thine enemies. ! And now therefore if thou wilt hearken to m" voice and keep m" commandments, m" statutes and m" laws, then will I cause th" enemies to fall before thee, and I will multipl" th" seed like the stars of heaven, and I will send m" blessing upon all the works of th" hands, and thou shalt lack nothing. # Arise now, take th" wife and all belonging to thee and go to the land of -anaan and remain there, and I will there be unto thee for a God, and I will bless thee. And Abram rose and took his wife and all belonging to him, and he went to the land of -anaan as the Lord had told him and Abram was fift" "ears old when he went from ;aran. & And Abram came to the land of -anaan and dwelt in the midst of the cit", and he there pitched his tent amongst the children of -anaan, inhabitants of the land. ( And the Lord appeared to Abram when he came to the land of -anaan, and said to him, $his is the land which I gave unto thee and to th" seed after thee forever, and I will make th" seed like the stars of heaven, and I will give unto th" seed for an inheritance all the lands which thou seest. * And Abram built an altar in the place where God had spoken to him, and Abram there called upon the name of the Lord. + At that time, at the end of three "ears of Abram4s dwelling in the land of -anaan, in that "ear :oah died, which was the fift"9eighth "ear of the life of Abram and all the da"s that :oah lived


were nine hundred and fift" "ears and he died. 1, And Abram dwelt in the land of -anaan, he, his wife, and all belonging to him, and all those that accompanied him, together with those that /oined him from the people of the land but :ahor, Abram4s brother, and $erah his father, and Lot the son of ;aran and all belonging to them dwelt in ;aran. 11 In the fifth "ear of Abram4s dwelling in the land of -anaan the people of 2odom and Gomorrah and all the cities of the plain revolted from the power of -hedorlaomer, king of %lam for all the kings of the cities of the plain had served -hedorlaomer for twelve "ears, and given him a "earl" ta., but in those da"s in the thirteenth "ear, the" rebelled against him. 12 And in the tenth "ear of Abram4s dwelling in the land of -anaan there was war between :imrod king of 2hinar and -hedorlaomer king of %lam, and :imrod came to fight with -hedorlaomer and to subdue him. 13 )or -hedorlaomer was at that time one of the princes of the hosts of :imrod, and when all the people at the tower were dispersed and those that remained were also scattered upon the face of the earth, -hedorlaomer went to the land of %lam and reigned over it and rebelled against his lord. 1! And in those da"s when :imrod saw that the cities of the plain had rebelled, he came with pride and anger to war with -hedorlaomer, and :imrod assembled all his princes and sub/ects, about seven hundred thousand men, and went against -hedorlaomer, and -hedorlaomer went out to meet him with five thousand men, and the" prepared for battle in the valle" of 'abel which is between %lam and 2hinar. 1# And all those kings fought there, and :imrod and his people were smitten before the people of -hedorlaomer, and there fell from :imrod4s men about si. hundred thousand, and 6ardon the king4s son fell amongst them. 1& And :imrod fled and returned in shame and disgrace to his land, and he was under sub/ection to -hedorlaomer for a long time, and -hedorlaomer returned to his land and sent princes of his host to the kings that dwelt around him, to Arioch king of %lasar, and to $idal king of Go"im, and made a covenant with them, and the" were all obedient to his commands. 1( And it was in the fifteenth "ear of Abram4s dwelling in the land of -anaan, which is the seventieth "ear of the life of Abram, and the Lord appeared to Abram in that "ear and he said to him, I am the Lord who brought thee out from Cr -asdim to give thee this land for an inheritance. 1* :ow therefore walk before me and be perfect and keep m" commands, for to thee and to th" seed I will give this land for an inheritance, from the river 6it?raim unto the great river %uphrates. 1+ And thou shalt come to th" fathers in peace and in good age, and the fourth generation shall return here in this land and shall inherit it forever and Abram built an altar, and he called upon the name of the Lord who appeared to him, and he brought up sacrifices upon the altar to the Lord. 2, At that time Abram returned and went to ;aran to see his father and mother, and his father4s household, and Abram and his wife and all belonging to him returned to ;aran, and Abram dwelt in ;aran five "ears. 21 And man" of the people of ;aran, about sevent"9two men, followed Abram and Abram taught them the instruction of the Lord and his wa"s, and he taught them to know the Lord. 22 In those da"s the Lord appeared to Abram in ;aran, and he said to him, 'ehold, I spoke unto thee these twent" "ears back sa"ing, 23 Go forth from th" land, from th" birth9place and from th" father4s house, to the land which I have


shown thee to give it to thee and to th" children, for there in that land will I bless thee, and make thee a great nation, and make th" name great, and in thee shall the families of the earth be blessed. 2! :ow therefore arise, go forth from this place, thou, th" wife, and all belonging to thee, also ever" one born in th" house and all the souls thou hast made in ;aran, and bring them out with thee from here, and rise to return to the land of -anaan. 2# And Abram arose and took his wife 2arai and all belonging to him and all that were born to him in his house and the souls which the" had made in ;aran, and the" came out to go to the land of -anaan. 2& And Abram went and returned to the land of -anaan, according to the word of the Lord. And Lot the son of his brother ;aran went with him, and Abram was sevent"9five "ears old when he went forth from ;aran to return to the land of -anaan. 2( And he came to the land of -anaan according to the word of the Lord to Abram, and he pitched his tent and he dwelt in the plain of 6amre, and with him was Lot his brother4s son, and all belonging to him. 2* And the Lord again appeared to Abram and said, $o th" seed will I give this land and he there built an altar to the Lord who appeared to him, which is still to this da" in the plains of 6amre. CHAPTER 14 1 In those da"s there was in the land of 2hinar a wise man who had understanding in all wisdom, and of a beautiful appearance, but he was poor and indigent his name was =ika"on and he was hard set to support himself. 2 And he resolved to go to %g"pt, to <swiris the son of Anom king of %g"pt, to show the king his wisdom for perhaps he might find grace in his sight, to raise him up and give him maintenance and =ika"on did so. 3 And when =ika"on came to %g"pt he asked the inhabitants of %g"pt concerning the king, and the inhabitants of %g"pt told him the custom of the king of %g"pt, for it was then the custom of the king of %g"pt that he went from his ro"al palace and was seen abroad onl" one da" in the "ear, and after that the king would return to his palace to remain there. ! And on the da" when the king went forth he passed /udgment in the land, and ever" one having a suit came before the king that da" to obtain his re3uest. # And when =ika"on heard of the custom in %g"pt and that he could not come into the presence of the king, he grieved greatl" and was ver" sorrowful. & And in the evening =ika"on went out and found a house in ruins, formerl" a bake house in %g"pt, and he abode there all night in bitterness of soul and pinched with hunger, and sleep was removed from his e"es. ( And =ika"on considered within himself what he should do in the town until the king made his appearance, and how he might maintain himself there. * And he rose in the morning and walked about, and met in his wa" those who sold vegetables and various sorts of seed with which the" supplied the inhabitants. + And =ika"on wished to do the same in order to get a maintenance in the cit", but he was unac3uainted with the custom of the people, and he was like a blind man among them. 1, And he went and obtained vegetables to sell them for his support, and the rabble assembled about him and ridiculed him, and took his vegetables from him and left him nothing. 11 And he rose up from there in bitterness of soul, and went sighing to the bake house in which


he had remained all the night before, and he slept there the second night. 12 And on that night again he reasoned within himself how he could save himself from starvation, and he devised a scheme how to act. 13 And he rose up in the morning and acted ingeniousl", and went and hired thirt" strong men of the rabble, carr"ing their war instruments in their hands, and he led them to the top of the %g"ptian sepulchre, and he placed them there. 1! And he commanded them, sa"ing, $hus saith the king, 2trengthen "ourselves and be valiant men, and let no man be buried here until two hundred pieces of silver be given, and then he ma" be buried and those men did according to the order of =ika"on to the people of %g"pt the whole of that "ear. 1# And in eight months time =ika"on and his men gathered great riches of silver and gold, and =ika"on took a great 3uantit" of horses and other animals, and he hired more men, and he gave them horses and the" remained with him. 1& And when the "ear came round, at the time the king went forth into the town, all the inhabitants of %g"pt assembled together to speak to him concerning the work of =ika"on and his men. 1( And the king went forth on the appointed da", and all the %g"ptians came before him and cried unto him, sa"ing, 1* 6a" the king live forever. 0hat is this thing thou doest in the town to th" servants, not to suffer a dead bod" to be buried until so much silver and gold be given1 0as there ever the like unto this done in the whole earth, from the da"s of former kings "ea even from the da"s of Adam, unto this da", that the dead should not be buried onl" for a set price1 1+ 0e know it to be the custom of kings to take a "earl" ta. from the living, but thou dost not onl" do this, but from the dead also thou e.actest a ta. da" b" da". 2, :ow, < king, we can no more bear this, for the whole cit" is ruined on this account, and dost thou not know it1 21 And when the king heard all that the" had spoken he was ver" wroth, and his anger burned within him at this affair, for he had known nothing of it. 22 And the king said, 0ho and where is he that dares to do this wicked thing in m" land without m" command1 2urel" "ou will tell me. 23 And the" told him all the works of =ika"on and his men, and the king4s anger was aroused, and he ordered =ika"on and his men to be brought before him. 2! And =ika"on took about a thousand children, sons and daughters, and clothed them in silk and embroider", and he set them upon horses and sent them to the king b" means of his men, and he also took a great 3uantit" of silver and gold and precious stones, and a strong and beautiful horse, as a present for the king, with which he came before the king and bowed down to the earth before him and the king, his servants and all the inhabitants of %g"pt wondered at the work of =ika"on, and the" saw his riches and the present that he had brought to the king. 2# And it greatl" pleased the king and he wondered at it and when =ika"on sat before him the king asked him concerning all his works, and =ika"on spoke all his words wisel" before the king, his servants and all the inhabitants of %g"pt. 2& And when the king heard the words of =ika"on and his wisdom, =ika"on found grace in his sight, and he met with grace and kindness from all the servants of the king and from all the inhabitants of %g"pt, on account of his wisdom and e.cellent speeches, and from that time the" loved him e.ceedingl". 2( And the king answered and said to =ika"on, $h" name shall no more be called =ika"on but Bharaoh shall be th" name, since thou didst e.act a ta. from the dead and he called his name Bharaoh. 2* And the king and his sub/ects loved =ika"on for his


wisdom, and the" consulted with all the inhabitants of %g"pt to make him prefect under the king. 2+ And all the inhabitants of %g"pt and its wise men did so, and it was made a law in %g"pt. 3, And the" made =ika"on Bharaoh prefect under <swiris king of %g"pt, and =ika"on Bharaoh governed over %g"pt, dail" administering /ustice to the whole cit", but <swiris the king would /udge the people of the land one da" in the "ear, when he went out to make his appearance. 31 And =ika"on Bharaoh cunningl" usurped the government of %g"pt, and he e.acted a ta. from all the inhabitants of %g"pt. 32 And all the inhabitants of %g"pt greatl" loved =ika"on Bharaoh, and the" made a decree to call ever" king that should reign over them and their seed in %g"pt, Bharaoh. 33 $herefore all the kings that reigned in %g"pt from that time forward were called Bharaoh unto this da". CHAPTER 15 1 And in that "ear there was a heav" famine throughout the land of -anaan, and the inhabitants of the land could not remain on account of the famine for it was ver" grievous. 2 And Abram and all belonging to him rose and went down to %g"pt on account of the famine, and when the" were at the brook 6it?raim the" remained there some time to rest from the fatigue of the road. 3 And Abram and 2arai were walking at the border of the brook 6it?raim, and Abram beheld his wife 2arai that she was ver" beautiful. ! And Abram said to his wife 2arai, 2ince God has created thee with such a beautiful countenance, I am afraid of the %g"ptians lest the" should sla" me and take thee awa", for the fear of God is not in these places. # 2urel" then thou shalt do this, 2a" thou art m" sister to all that ma" ask thee, in order that it ma" be well with me, and that we ma" live and not be put to death. & And Abram commanded the same to all those that came with him to %g"pt on account of the famine also his nephew Lot he commanded, sa"ing, If the %g"ptians ask thee concerning 2arai sa" she is the sister of Abram. ( And "et with all these orders Abram did not put confidence in them, but he took 2arai and placed her in a chest and concealed it amongst their vessels, for Abram was greatl" concerned about 2arai on account of the wickedness of the %g"ptians. * And Abram and all belonging to him rose up from the brook 6it?raim and came to %g"pt and the" had scarcel" entered the gates of the cit" when the guards stood up to them sa"ing, Give tithe to the king from what "ou have, and then "ou ma" come into the town and Abram and those that were with him did so. + And Abram with the people that were with him came to %g"pt, and when the" came the" brought the chest in which 2arai was concealed and the %g"ptians saw the chest. 1, And the king4s servants approached Abram, sa"ing, 0hat hast thou here in this chest which we have not seen1 :ow open thou the chest and give tithe to the king of all that it contains. 11 And Abram said, $his chest I will not open, but all "ou demand upon it I will give. And Bharaoh4s officers answered Abram, sa"ing, It is a chest of precious stones, give us the tenth thereof. 12 Abram said, All that "ou desire I will give, but "ou must not open the chest. 13 And the king4s officers pressed Abram, and the" reached the chest and opened it with force, and the" saw, and behold a beautiful woman was in the chest. 1! And when the officers of the king beheld 2arai the" were struck with


admiration at her beaut", and all the princes and servants of Bharaoh assembled to see 2arai, for she was ver" beautiful. And the king4s officers ran and told Bharaoh all that the" had seen, and the" praised 2arai to the king and Bharaoh ordered her to be brought, and the woman came before the king. 1# And Bharaoh beheld 2arai and she pleased him e.ceedingl", and he was struck with her beaut", and the king re/oiced greatl" on her account, and made presents to those who brought him the tidings concerning her. 1& And the woman was then brought to Bharaoh4s house, and Abram grieved on account of his wife, and he pra"ed to the Lord to deliver her from the hands of Bharaoh. 1( And 2arai also pra"ed at that time and said, < Lord God thou didst tell m" Lord Abram to go from his land and from his father4s house to the land of -anaan, and thou didst promise to do well with him if he would perform th" commands now behold we have done that which thou didst command us, and we left our land and our families, and we went to a strange land and to a people whom we have not known before. 1* And we came to this land to avoid the famine, and this evil accident has befallen me now therefore, < Lord God, deliver us and save us from the hand of this oppressor, and do well with me for the sake of th" merc". 1+ And the Lord hearkened to the voice of 2arai, and the Lord sent an angel to deliver 2arai from the power of Bharaoh. 2, And the king came and sat before 2arai and behold an angel of the Lord was standing over them, and he appeared to 2arai and said to her, @o not fear, for the Lord has heard th" pra"er. 21 And the king approached 2arai and said to her, 0hat is that man to thee who brought thee hither1 and she said, ;e is m" brother. 22 And the king said, It is incumbent upon us to make him great, to elevate him and to do unto him all the good which thou shalt command us and at that time the king sent to Abram silver and gold and precious stones in abundance, together with cattle, men servants and maid servants and the king ordered Abram to be brought, and he sat in the court of the king4s house, and the king greatl" e.alted Abram on that night. 23 And the king approached to speak to 2arai, and he reached out his hand to touch her, when the angel smote him heavil", and he was terrified and he refrained from reaching to her. 2! And when the king came near to 2arai, the angel smote him to the ground, and acted thus to him the whole night, and the king was terrified. 2# And the angel on that night smote heavil" all the servants of the king, and his whole household, on account of 2arai, and there was a great lamentation that night amongst the people of Bharaoh4s house. 2& And Bharaoh, seeing the evil that befell him, said, 2urel" on account of this woman has this thing happened to me, and he removed himself at some distance from her and spoke pleasing words to her. 2( And the king said to 2arai, $ell me I pra" thee concerning the man with whom thou camest here and 2arai said, $his man is m" husband, and I said to thee that he was m" brother for I was afraid, lest thou shouldst put him to death through wickedness. 2* And the king kept awa" from 2arai, and the plagues of the angel of the Lord ceased from him and his household and Bharaoh knew that he was smitten on account of 2arai, and the king was greatl" astonished at this. 2+ And in the morning the king called for Abram and said to him, 0hat is this thou hast done to me1 0h" didst thou sa", 2he is m" sister, owing to which I took her unto me for a wife, and this heav" plague has therefore come upon me and


m" household. 3, :ow therefore here is th" wife, take her and go from our land lest we all die on her account. And Bharaoh took more cattle, men servants and maid servants, and silver and gold, to give to Abram, and he returned unto him 2arai his wife. 31 And the king took a maiden whom he begat b" his concubines, and he gave her to 2arai for a handmaid. 32 And the king said to his daughter, It is better for thee m" daughter to be a handmaid in this man4s house than to be mistress in m" house, after we have beheld the evil that befell us on account of this woman. 33 And Abram arose, and he and all belonging to him went awa" from %g"pt and Bharaoh ordered some of his men to accompan" him and all that went with him. 3! And Abram returned to the land of -anaan, to the place where he had made the altar, where he at first had pitched his tent. 3# And Lot the son of ;aran, Abram4s brother, had a heav" stock of cattle, flocks and herds and tents, for the Lord was bountiful to them on account of Abram. 3& And when Abram was dwelling in the land the herdsmen of Lot 3uarrelled with the herdsmen of Abram, for their propert" was too great for them to remain together in the land, and the land could not bear them on account of their cattle. 3( And when Abram4s herdsmen went to feed their flock the" would not go into the fields of the people of the land, but the cattle of Lot4s herdsmen did otherwise, for the" were suffered to feed in the fields of the people of the land. 3* And the people of the land saw this occurrence dail", and the" came to Abram and 3uarrelled with him on account of Lot4s herdsmen. 3+ And Abram said to Lot, 0hat is this thou art doing to me, to make me despicable to the inhabitants of the land, that thou orderest th" herdsman to feed th" cattle in the fields of other people1 @ost thou not know that I am a stranger in this land amongst the children of -anaan, and wh" wilt thou do this unto me1 !, And Abram 3uarrelled dail" with Lot on account of this, but Lot would not listen to Abram, and he continued to do the same and the inhabitants of the land came and told Abram. !1 And Abram said unto Lot, ;ow long wilt thou be to me for a stumbling block with the inhabitants of the land1 :ow I beseech thee let there be no more 3uarrelling between us, for we are kinsmen. !2 'ut I pra" thee separate from me, go and choose a place where thou ma"est dwell with th" cattle and all belonging to thee, but Aeep th"self at a distance from me, thou and th" household. !3 And be not afraid in going from me, for if an" one do an in/ur" to thee, let me know and I will avenge th" cause from him, onl" remove from me. !! And when Abram had spoken all these words to Lot, then Lot arose and lifted up his e"es toward the plain of 8ordan. !# And he saw that the whole of this place was well watered, and good for man as well as affording pasture for the cattle. !& And Lot went from Abram to that place, and he there pitched his tent and he dwelt in 2odom, and the" were separated from each other. !( And Abram dwelt in the plain of 6amre, which is in ;ebron, and he pitched his tent there, and Abram remained in that place man" "ears. CHAPTER 16 1 At that time -hedorlaomer king of %lam sent to all the neighboring kings, to :imrod, king of 2hinar who was then under his power, and to $idal, king of Go"im, and to Arioch, king of %lasar, with whom he made a covenant, sa"ing, -ome up to me and assist me, that we ma" smite all the towns of 2odom and its inhabitants, for the" have rebelled against me these thirteen "ears. 2


And these four kings went up with all their camps, about eight hundred thousand men, and the" went as the" were, and smote ever" man the" found in their road. 3 And the five kings of 2odom and Gomorrah, 2hinab king of Admah, 2hemeber king of 7ebo"im, 'era king of 2odom, 'ersha king of Gomorrah, and 'ela king of 7oar, went out to meet them, and the" all /oined together in the valle" of 2iddim. ! And these nine kings made war in the valle" of 2iddim and the kings of 2odom and Gomorrah were smitten before the kings of %lam. # And the valle" of 2iddim was full of lime pits and the kings of %lam pursued the kings of 2odom, and the kings of 2odom with their camps fled and fell into the lime pits, and all that remained went to the mountain for safet", and the five kings of %lam came after them and pursued them to the gates of 2odom, and the" took all that there was in 2odom. & And the" plundered all the cities of 2odom and Gomorrah, and the" also took Lot, Abram4s brother4s son, and his propert", and the" sei?ed all the goods of the cities of 2odom, and the" went awa" and Cnic, Abram4s servant, who was in the battle, saw this, and told Abram all that the kings had done to the cities of 2odom, and that Lot was taken captive b" them. ( And Abram heard this, and he rose up with about three hundred and eighteen men that were with him, and he that night pursued these kings and smote them, and the" all fell before Abram and his men, and there was none remaining but the four kings who fled, and the" went each his own road. * And Abram recovered all the propert" of 2odom, and he also recovered Lot and his propert", his wives and little ones and all belonging to him, so that Lot lacked nothing. + And when he returned from smiting these kings, he and his men passed the valle" of 2iddim where the kings had made war together. 1, And 'era king of 2odom, and the rest of his men that were with him, went out from the lime pits into which the" had fallen, to meet Abram and his men. 11 And Adoni?edek king of 8erusalem, the same was 2hem, went out with his men to meet Abram and his people, with bread and wine, and the" remained together in the valle" of 6elech. 12 And Adoni?edek blessed Abram, and Abram gave him a tenth from all that he had brought from the spoil of his enemies, for Adoni?edek was a priest before God. 13 And all the kings of 2odom and Gomorrah who were there, with their servants, approached Abram and begged of him to return them their servants whom he had made captive, and to take unto himself all the propert". 1! And Abram answered the kings of 2odom, sa"ing, As the Lord liveth who created heaven and earth, and who redeemed m" soul from all affliction, and who delivered me this da" from m" enemies, and gave them into m" hand, I will not take an"thing belonging to "ou, that "ou ma" not boast tomorrow, sa"ing, Abram became rich from our propert" that he saved. 1# )or the Lord m" God in whom I trust said unto me, $hou shalt lack nothing, for I will bless thee in all the works of th" hands. 1& And now therefore behold, here is all belonging to "ou, take it and go as the Lord liveth I will not take from "ou from a living soul down to a shoetie or thread, e.cepting the e.pense of the food of those who went out with me to battle, as also the portions of the men who went with me, Anar, Ashcol, and 6amre, the" and their men, as well as those also who had remained to watch the baggage, the" shall take their portion of the spoil. 1( And the kings of 2odom gave Abram according to all that he had said, and the" pressed him to take


of whatever he chose, but he would not. 1* And he sent awa" the kings of 2odom and the remainder of their men, and he gave them orders about Lot, and the" went to their respective places. 1+ And Lot, his brother4s son, he also sent awa" with his propert", and he went with them, and Lot returned to his home, to 2odom, and Abram and his people returned to their home to the plains of 6amre, which is in ;ebron. 2, At that time the Lord again appeared to Abram in ;ebron, and he said to him, @o not fear, th" reward is ver" great before me, for I will not leave thee, until I shall have multiplied thee, and blessed thee and made th" seed like the stars in heaven, which cannot be measured nor numbered. 21 And I will give unto th" seed all these lands that thou seest with thine e"es, to them will I give them for an inheritance forever, onl" be strong and do not fear, walk before me and be perfect. 22 And in the sevent"9eighth "ear of the life of Abram, in that "ear died =eu, the son of Beleg, and all the da"s of =eu were two hundred and thirt"9nine "ears, and he died. 23 And 2arai, the daughter of ;aran, Abram4s wife, was still barren in those da"s she did not bear to Abram either son or daughter. 2! And when she saw that she bare no children she took her handmaid ;agar, whom Bharaoh had given her, and she gave her to Abram her husband for a wife. 2# )or ;agar learned all the wa"s of 2arai as 2arai taught her, she was not in an" wa" deficient in following her good wa"s. 2& And 2arai said to Abram, 'ehold here is m" handmaid ;agar, go to her that she ma" bring forth upon m" knees, that I ma" also obtain children through her. 2( And at the end of ten "ears of Abram4s dwelling in the land of -anaan, which is the eight"9fifth "ear of Abram4s life, 2arai gave ;agar unto him. 2* And Abram hearkened to the voice of his wife 2arai, and he took his handmaid ;agar and Abram came to her and she conceived. 2+ And when ;agar saw that she had conceived she re/oiced greatl", and her mistress was despised in her e"es, and she said within herself, $his can onl" be that I am better before God than 2arai m" mistress, for all the da"s that m" mistress has been with m" lord, she did not conceive, but me the Lord has caused in so short a time to conceive b" him. 3, And when 2arai saw that ;agar had conceived b" Abram, 2arai was /ealous of her handmaid, and 2arai said within herself, $his is surel" nothing else but that she must be better than I am. 31 And 2arai said unto Abram, 6" wrong be upon thee, for at the time when thou didst pra" before the Lord for children wh" didst thou not pra" on m" account, that the Lord should give me seed from thee1 32 And when I speak to ;agar in th" presence, she despiseth m" words, because she has conceived, and thou wilt sa" nothing to her ma" the Lord /udge between me and thee for what thou hast done to me. 33 And Abram said to 2arai, 'ehold th" handmaid is in th" hand, do unto her as it ma" seem good in th" e"es and 2arai afflicted her, and ;agar fled from her to the wilderness. 3! And an angel of the Lord found her in the place where she had fled, b" a well, and he said to her, @o not fear, for I will multipl" th" seed, for thou shalt bear a son and thou shalt call his name Ishmael now then return to 2arai th" mistress, and submit th"self under her hands. 3# And ;agar called the place of that well 'eer9lahai9roi, it is between Aadesh and the wilderness of 'ered. 3& And ;agar at that time returned to her master4s house, and at the end of da"s ;agar bare a son to Abram, and Abram called his name Ishmael and Abram was eight"9si. "ears old when he begat him.


CHAPTER 17 1 And in those da"s, in the ninet"9first "ear of the life of Abram, the children of -hittim made war with the children of $ubal, for when the Lord had scattered the sons of men upon the face of the earth, the children of -hittim went and embodied themselves in the plain of -anopia, and the" built themselves cities there and dwelt b" the river $ibreu. 2 And the children of $ubal dwelt in $uscanah, and their boundaries reached the river $ibreu, and the children of $ubal built a cit" in $uscanan, and the" called the name 2abinah, after the name of 2abinah son of $ubal their father, and the" dwelt there unto this da". 3 And it was at that time the children of -hittim made war with the children of $ubal, and the children of $ubal were smitten before the children of -hittim, and the children of -hittim caused three hundred and sevent" men to fall from the children of $ubal. ! And at that time the children of $ubal swore to the children of -hittim, sa"ing, Dou shall not intermarr" amongst us, and no man shall give his daughter to an" of the sons of -hittim. # )or all the daughters of $ubal were in those da"s fair, for no women were then found in the whole earth so fair as the daughters of $ubal. & And all who delighted in the beaut" of women went to the daughters of $ubal and took wives from them, and the sons of men, kings and princes, who greatl" delighted in the beaut" of women, took wives in those da"s from the daughters of $ubal. ( And at the end of three "ears after the children of $ubal had sworn to the children of -hittim not to give them their daughters for wives, about twent" men of the children of -hittim went to take some of the daughters of $ubal, but the" found none. * )or the children of $ubal kept their oaths not to intermarr" with them, and the" would not break their oaths. + And in the da"s of harvest the children of $ubal went into their fields to get in their harvest, when the "oung men of -hittim assembled and went to the cit" of 2abinah, and each man took a "oung woman from the daughters of $ubal, and the" came to their cities. 1, And the children of $ubal heard of it and the" went to make war with them, and the" could not prevail over them, for the mountain was e.ceedingl" high from them, and when the" saw the" could not prevail over them the" returned to their land. 11 And at the revolution of the "ear the children of $ubal went and hired about ten thousand men from those cities that were near them, and the" went to war with the children of -hittim. 12 And the children of $ubal went to war with the children of -hittim, to destro" their land and to distress them, and in this engagement the children of $ubal prevailed over the children of -hittim, and the children of -hittim, seeing that the" were greatl" distressed, lifted up the children which the" had had b" the daughters of $ubal, upon the wall which had been built, to be before the e"es of the children of $ubal. 13 And the children of -hittim said to them, ;ave "ou come to make war with "our own sons and daughters, and have we not been considered "our flesh and bones from that time till now1 1! And when the children of $ubal heard this the" ceased to make war with the children of -hittim, and the" went awa". 1# And the" returned to their cities, and the children of -hittim at that time assembled and built two cities b" the sea, and the" called one Burtu and the other Ari?a. 1& And Abram the son of $erah was then ninet"9 nine "ears old. 1( At that time the Lord appeared to him and he said to him, I


will make m" covenant between me and thee, and I will greatl" multipl" th" seed, and this is the covenant which I make between me and thee, that ever" male child be circumcised, thou and th" seed after thee. 1* At eight da"s old shall it be circumcised, and this covenant shall be in "our flesh for an everlasting covenant. 1+ And now therefore th" name shall no more be called Abram but Abraham, and th" wife shall no more be called 2arai but 2arah. 2, )or I will bless "ou both, and I will multipl" "our seed after "ou that "ou shall become a great nation, and kings shall come forth from "ou. CHAPTER 18 1 And Abraham rose and did all that God had ordered him, and he took the men of his household and those bought with his mone", and he circumcised them as the Lord had commanded him. 2 And there was not one left whom he did not circumcise, and Abraham and his son Ishmael were circumcised in the flesh of their foreskin thirteen "ears old was Ishmael when he was circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin. 3 And in the third da" Abraham went out of his tent and sat at the door to en/o" the heat of the sun, during the pain of his flesh. ! And the Lord appeared to him in the plain of 6amre, and sent three of his ministering angels to visit him, and he was sitting at the door of the tent, and he lifted his e"es and saw, and lo three men were coming from a distance, and he rose up and ran to meet them, and he bowed down to them and brought them into his house. # And he said to them, If now I have found favor in "our sight, turn in and eat a morsel of bread and he pressed them, and the" turned in and he gave them water and the" washed their feet, and he placed them under a tree at the door of the tent. & And Abraham ran and took a calf, tender and good, and he hastened to kill it, and gave it to his servant %lie?er to dress. ( And Abraham came to 2arah into the tent, and he said to her, 6ake read" 3uickl" three measures of fine meal, knead it and make cakes to cover the pot containing the meat, and she did so. * And Abraham hastened and brought before them butter and milk, beef and mutton, and gave it before them to eat before the flesh of the calf was sufficientl" done, and the" did eat. + And when the" had done eating one of them said to him, I will return to thee according to the time of life, and 2arah th" wife shall have a son. 1, And the men afterward departed and went their wa"s, to the places to which the" were sent. 11 In those da"s all the people of 2odom and Gomorrah, and of the whole five cities, were e.ceedingl" wicked and inful against the Lord and the" provoked the Lord with their abominations, and the" strengthened in aging abominabl" and scornfull" before the Lord, and their wickedness and crimes were in those da"s great before the Lord. 12 And the" had in their land a ver" e.tensive valle", about half a da"4s walk, and in it there were fountains of water and a great deal of herbage surrounding the water. 13 And all the people of 2odom and Gomorrah went there four times in the "ear, with their wives and children and all belonging to them, and the" re/oiced there with timbrels and dances. 1! And in the time of re/oicing the" would all rise and la" hold of their neighbor4s wives, and some, the virgin daughters of their neighbors, and the" en/o"ed them, and each man saw his wife and daughter in the hands of his neighbor and did not sa" a word. 1# And the" did so from morning to night, and the" afterward returned home each man to his house and each woman to her tent so the" alwa"s did four times in the "ear. 1&


Also when a stranger came into their cities and brought goods which he had purchased with a view to dispose of there, the people of these cities would assemble, men, women and children, "oung and old, and go to the man and take his goods b" force, giving a little to each man until there was an end to all the goods of the owner which he had brought into the land. 1( And if the owner of the goods 3uarreled with them, sa"ing, 0hat is this work which "ou have done to me, then the" would approach to him one b" one, and each would show him the little which he took and taunt him, sa"ing, I onl" took that little which thou didst give me and when he heard this from them all, he would arise and go from them in sorrow and bitterness of soul, when the" would all arise and go after him, and drive him out of the cit" with great noise and tumult. 1* And there was a man from the countr" of %lam who was leisurel" going on the road, seated upon his ass, which carried a fine mantle of divers colors, and the mantle was bound with a cord upon the ass. 1+ And the man was on his /ourne" passing through the street of 2odom when the sun set in the evening, and he remained there in order to abide during the night, but no one would let him into his house and at that time there was in 2odom a wicked and mischievous man, one skillful to do evil, and his name was ;edad. 2, And he lifted up his e"es and saw the traveler in the street of the cit", and he came to him and said, 0hence comest thou and whither dost thou go1 21 And the man said to him, I am traveling from ;ebron to %lam where I belong, and as I passed the sun set and no one would suffer me to enter his house, though I had bread and water and also straw and provender for m" ass, and am short of nothing. 22 And ;edad answered and said to him, All that thou shalt want shall be supplied b" me, but in the street thou shalt not abide all night. 23 And ;edad brought him to his house, and he took off the mantle from the ass with the cord, and brought them to his house, and he gave the ass straw and provender whilst the traveler ate and drank in ;edad4s house, and he abode there that night. 2! And in the morning the traveler rose up earl" to continue his /ourne", when ;edad said to him, 0ait, comfort th" heart with a morsel of bread and then go, and the man did so and he remained with him, and the" both ate and drank together during the da", when the man rose up to go. 2# And ;edad said to him, 'ehold now the da" is declining, thou hadst better remain all night that th" heart ma" be comforted and he pressed him so that he tarried there all night, and on the second da" he rose up earl" to go awa", when ;edad pressed him, sa"ing, -omfort th" heart with a morsel of bread and then go, and he remained and ate with him also the second da", and then the man rose up to continue his /ourne". 2& And ;edad said to him, 'ehold now the da" is declining, remain with me to comfort th" heart and in the morning rise up earl" and go th" wa". 2( And the man would not remain, but rose and saddled his ass, and whilst he was saddling his ass the wife of ;edad said to her husband, 'ehold this man has remained with us for two da"s eating and drinking and he has given us nothing, and now shall he go awa" from us without giving an"thing1 and ;edad said to her, 'e silent. 2* And the man saddled his ass to go, and he asked ;edad to give him the cord and mantle to tie it upon the ass. 2+ And ;edad said to him, 0hat sa"est thou1 And he said to him, $hat thou m" lord shalt give me the cord and the mantle made with divers colors which thou didst conceal with thee in th" house to take care of it.


3, And ;edad answered the man, sa"ing, $his is the interpretation of th" dream, the cord which thou didst see, means that th" life will be lengthened out like a cord, and having seen the mantle colored with all sorts of colors, means that thou shalt have a vine"ard in which thou wilt plant trees of all fruits. 31 And the traveler answered, sa"ing, :ot so m" lord, for I was awake when I gave thee the cord and also a mantle woven with different colors, which thou didst take off the ass to put them b" for me and ;edad answered and said, 2urel" I have told thee the interpretation of th" dream and it is a good dream, and this is the interpretation thereof. 32 :ow the sons of men give me four pieces of silver, which is m" charge for interpreting dreams, and of thee onl" I re3uire three pieces of silver. 33 And the man was provoked at the words of ;edad, and he cried bitterl", and he brought ;edad to 2erak /udge of 2odom. 3! And the man laid his cause before 2erak the /udge, when ;edad replied, sa"ing, It is not so, but thus the matter stands and the /udge said to the traveler, $his man ;edad telleth thee truth, for he is famed in the cities for the accurate interpretation of dreams. 3# And the man cried at the word of the /udge, and he said, :ot so m" Lord, for it was in the da" that I gave him the cord and mantle which was upon the ass, in order to put them b" in his house and the" both disputed before the /udge, the one sa"ing, $hus the matter was, and the other declaring otherwise. 3& And ;edad said to the man, Give me four pieces of silver that I charge for m" interpretations of dreams I will not make an" allowance and give me the e.pense of the four meals that thou didst eat in m" house. 3( And the man said to ;edad, $rul" I will pa" thee for what I ate in th" house, onl" give me the cord and mantle which thou didst conceal in th" house. 3* And ;edad replied before the /udge and said to the man, @id I not tell thee the interpretation of th" dream1 the cord means that th" da"s shall be prolonged like a cord, and the mantle, that thou wilt have a vine"ard in which thou wilt plant all kinds of fruit trees. 3+ $his is the proper interpretation of th" dream, now give me the four pieces of silver that I re3uire as a compensation, for I will make thee no allowance. !, And the man cried at the words of ;edad and the" both 3uarreled before the /udge, and the /udge gave orders to his servants, who drove them rashl" from the house. !1 And the" went awa" 3uarreling from the /udge, when the people of 2odom heard them, and the" gathered about them and the" e.claimed against the stranger, and the" drove him rashl" from the cit". !2 And the man continued his /ourne" upon his ass with bitterness of soul, lamenting and weeping. !3 And whilst he was going along he wept at what had happened to him in the corrupt cit" of 2odom. CHAPTER 19 1 And the cities of 2odom had four /udges to four cities, and these were their names, 2erak in the cit" of 2odom, 2harkad in Gomorrah, 7abnac in Admah, and 6enon in 7ebo"im. 2 And %lie?er Abraham4s servant applied to them different names, and he converted 2erak to 2hakra, 2harkad to 2hakrura, 7ebnac to Ae?obim, and 6enon to 6at?lodin. 3 And b" desire of their four /udges the people of 2odom and Gomorrah had beds erected in the streets of the cities, and if a man came to these places the" laid hold of him and brought him to one of their beds, and b" force made him to lie in them. ! And as he la" down, three men would stand at his head and three at his


feet, and measure him b" the length of the bed, and if the man was less than the bed these si. men would stretch him at each end, and when he cried out to them the" would not answer him. # And if he was longer than the bed the" would draw together the two sides of the bed at each end, until the man had reached the gates of death. & And if he continued to cr" out to them, the" would answer him, sa"ing, $hus shall it be done to a man that cometh into our land. ( And when men heard all these things that the people of the cities of 2odom did, the" refrained from coming there. * And when a poor man came to their land the" would give him silver and gold, and cause a proclamation in the whole cit" not to give him a morsel of bread to eat, and if the stranger should remain there some da"s, and die from hunger, not having been able to obtain a morsel of bread, then at his death all the people of the cit" would come and take their silver and gold which the" had given to him. + And those that could recogni?e the silver or gold which the" had given him took it back, and at his death the" also stripped him of his garments, and the" would fight about them, and he that prevailed over his neighbor took them. 1, $he" would after that carr" him and bur" him under some of the shrubs in the deserts so the" did all the da"s to an" one that came to them and died in their land. 11 And in the course of time 2arah sent %lie?er to 2odom, to see Lot and in3uire after his welfare. 12 And %lie?er went to 2odom, and he met a man of 2odom fighting with a stranger, and the man of 2odom stripped the poor man of all his clothes and went awa". 13 And this poor man cried to %lie?er and supplicated his favor on account of what the man of 2odom had done to him. 1! And he said to him, 0h" dost thou act thus to the poor man who came to th" land1 1# And the man of 2odom answered %lie?er, sa"ing, Is this man th" brother, or have the people of 2odom made thee a /udge this da", that thou speakest about this man1 1& And %lie?er strove with the man of 2odom on account of the poor man, and when %lie?er approached to recover the poor man4s clothes from the man of 2odom, he hastened and with a stone smote %lie?er in the forehead. 1( And the blood flowed copiousl" from %lie?er4s forehead, and when the man saw the blood he caught hold of %lie?er, sa"ing, Give me m" hire for having rid thee of this bad blood that was in th" forehead, for such is the custom and the law in our land. 1* And %lie?er said to him, $hou hast wounded me and re3uirest me to pa" thee th" hire and %lie?er would not hearken to the words of the man of 2odom. 1+ And the man laid hold of %lie?er and brought him to 2hakra the /udge of 2odom for /udgment. 2, And the man spoke to the /udge, sa"ing, I beseech thee m" lord, thus has this man done, for I smote him with a stone that the blood flowed from his forehead, and he is unwilling to give me m" hire. 21 And the /udge said to %lie?er, $his man speaketh truth to thee, give him his hire, for this is the custom in our land and %lie?er heard the words of the /udge, and he lifted up a stone and smote the /udge, and the stone struck on his forehead, and the blood flowed copiousl" from the forehead of the /udge, and %lie?er said, If this then is the custom in "our land give thou unto this man what I should have given him, for this has been th" decision, thou didst decree it. 22 And %lie?er left the man of 2odom with the /udge, and he went awa". 23 And when the kings of %lam had made war with the kings of 2odom, the kings of %lam captured all the propert" of 2odom, and the" took Lot captive, with his propert", and when it was told to Abraham he went and made war with the kings of %lam,


and he recovered from their hands all the propert" of Lot as well as the propert" of 2odom. 2! At that time the wife of Lot bare him a daughter, and he called her name Baltith, sa"ing, 'ecause God had delivered him and his whole household from the kings of %lam and Baltith daughter of Lot grew up, and one of the men of 2odom took her for a wife. 2# And a poor man came into the cit" to seek a maintenance, and he remained in the cit" some da"s, and all the people of 2odom caused a proclamation of their custom not to give this man a morsel of bread to eat, until he dropped dead upon the earth, and the" did so. 2& And Baltith the daughter of Lot saw this man l"ing in the streets starved with hunger, and no one would give him an" thing to keep him alive, and he was /ust upon the point of death. 2( And her soul was filled with pit" on account of the man, and she fed him secretl" with bread for man" da"s, and the soul of this man was revived. 2* )or when she went forth to fetch water she would put the bread in the water pitcher, and when she came to the place where the poor man was, she took the bread from the pitcher and gave it him to eat so she did man" da"s. 2+ And all the people of 2odom and Gomorrah wondered how this man could bear starvation for so man" da"s. 3, And the" said to each other, $his can onl" be that he eats and drinks, for no man can bear starvation for so man" da"s or live as this man has, without even his countenance changing and three men concealed themselves in a place where the poor man was stationed, to know who it was that brought him bread to eat. 31 And Baltith daughter of Lot went forth that da" to fetch water, and she put bread into her pitcher of water, and she went to draw water b" the poor man4s place, and she took out the bread from the pitcher and gave it to the poor man and he ate it. 32 And the three men saw what Baltith did to the poor man, and the" said to her, It is thou then who hast supported him, and therefore has he not starved, nor changed in appearance nor died like the rest. 33 And the three men went out of the place in which the" were concealed, and the" sei?ed Baltith and the bread which was in the poor man4s hand. 3! And the" took Baltith and brought her before their /udges, and the" said to them, $hus did she do, and it is she who supplied the poor man with bread, therefore did he not die all this time now therefore declare to us the punishment due to this woman for having transgressed our law. 3# And the people of 2odom and Gomorrah assembled and kindled a fire in the street of the cit", and the" took the woman and cast her into the fire and she was burned to ashes. 3& And in the cit" of Admah there was a woman to whom the" did the like. 3( )or a traveler came into the cit" of Admah to abide there all night, with the intention of going home in the morning, and he sat opposite the door of the house of the "oung woman4s father, to remain there, as the sun had set when be had reached that place and the "oung woman saw him sitting b" the door of the house. 3* And he asked her for a drink of water and she said to him, 0ho art thou1 and he said to her, I was this da" going on the road, and reached here when the sun set, so I will abide here all night, and in the morning I will arise earl" and continue m" /ourne". 3+ And the "oung woman went into the house and fetched the man bread and water to eat and drink. !, And this affair became known to the people of Admah, and the" assembled and brought the "oung woman before the /udges, that the" should /udge her for this act. !1 And the /udge said, $he /udgment of death must pass upon this woman because she transgressed our law, and this therefore is the decision concerning her. !2


And the people of those cities assembled and brought out the "oung woman, and anointed her with hone" from head to foot, as the /udge had decreed, and the" placed her before a swarm of bees which were then in their hives, and the bees flew upon her and stung her that her whole bod" was swelled. !3 And the "oung woman cried out on account of the bees, but no one took notice of her or pitied her, and her cries ascended to heaven. !! And the Lord was provoked at this and at all the works of the cities of 2odom, for the" had abundance of food, and had tran3uilit" amongst them, and still would not sustain the poor and the need", and in those da"s their evil doings and sins became great before the Lord. !# And the Lord sent for two of the angels that had come to Abraham4s house, to destro" 2odom and its cities. !& And the angels rose up from the door of Abraham4s tent, after the" had eaten and drunk, and the" reached 2odom in the evening, and Lot was then sitting in the gate of 2odom, and when he saw them he rose to meet them, and he bowed down to the ground. !( And he pressed them greatl" and brought them into his house, and he gave them victuals which the" ate, and the" abode all night in his house. !* And the angels said to Lot, Arise, go forth from this place, thou and all belonging to thee, lest thou be consumed in the ini3uit" of this cit", for the Lord will destro" this place. !+ And the angels laid hold upon the hand of Lot and upon the hand of his wife, and upon the hands of his children, and all belonging to him, and the" brought him forth and set him without the cities. #, And the" said to Lot, %scape for th" life, and he fled and all belonging to him. #1 $hen the Lord rained upon 2odom and upon Gomorrah and upon all these cities brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven. #2 And he overthrew these cities, all the plain and all the inhabitants of the cities, and that which grew upon the ground and Ado the wife of Lot looked back to see the destruction of the cities, for her compassion was moved on account of her daughters who remained in 2odom, for the" did not go with her. #3 And when she looked back she became a pillar of salt, and it is "et in that place unto this da". #! And the o.en which stood in that place dail" licked up the salt to the e.tremities of their feet, and in the morning it would spring forth afresh, and the" again licked it up unto this da". ## And Lot and two of his daughters that remained with him fled and escaped to the cave of Adullam, and the" remained there for some time. #& And Abraham rose up earl" in the morning to see what had been done to the cities of 2odom and he looked and beheld the smoke of the cities going up like the smoke of a furnace. #( And Lot and his two daughters remained in the cave, and the" made their father drink wine, and the" la" with him, for the" said there was no man upon earth that could raise up seed from them, for the" thought that the whole earth was destro"ed. #* And the" both la" with their father, and the" conceived and bare sons, and the first born called the name of her son 6oab, sa"ing, )rom m" father did I conceive him he is the father of the 6oabites unto this da". #+ And the "ounger also called her son 'enami he is the father of the children of Ammon unto this da". &, And after this Lot and his two daughters went awa" from there, and he dwelt on the other side of the 8ordan with his two daughters and their sons, and the sons of Lot grew up, and the" went and took themselves wives from the land of -anaan, and


the" begat children and the" were fruitful and multiplied. CHAPTER 20 1 And at that time Abraham /ourne"ed from the plain of 6amre, and he went to the land of the Bhilistines, and he dwelt in Gerar it was in the twent"9fifth "ear of Abraham4s being in the land of -anaan, and the hundredth "ear of the life of Abraham, that he came to Gerar in the land of the Bhilistines. 2 And when the" entered the land he said to 2arah his wife, 2a" thou art m" sister, to an" one that shall ask thee, in order that we ma" escape the evil of the inhabitants of the land. 3 And as Abraham was dwelling in the land of the Bhilistines, the servants of Abimelech, king of the Bhilistines, saw that 2arah was e.ceedingl" beautiful, and the" asked Abraham concerning her, and he said, 2he is m" sister. ! And the servants of Abimelech went to Abimelech, sa"ing, A man from the land of -anaan is come to dwell in the land, and he has a sister that is e.ceeding fair. # And Abimelech heard the words of his servants who praised 2arah to him, and Abimelech sent his officers, and the" brought 2arah to the king. & And 2arah came to the house of Abimelech, and the king saw that 2arah was beautiful, and she pleased him e.ceedingl". ( And he approached her and said to her, 0hat is that man to thee with whom thou didst come to our land1 and 2arah answered and said ;e is m" brother, and we came from the land of -anaan to dwell wherever we could find a place. * And Abimelech said to 2arah, 'ehold m" land is before thee, place th" brother in an" part of this land that pleases thee, and it will be our dut" to e.alt and elevate him above all the people of the land since he is th" brother. + And Abimelech sent for Abraham, and Abraham came to Abimelech. 1, And Abimelech said to Abraham, 'ehold I have given orders that thou shalt be honored as thou desirest on account of th" sister 2arah. 11 And Abraham went forth from the king, and the king4s present followed him. 12 As at evening time, before men lie down to rest, the king was sitting upon his throne, and a deep sleep fell upon him, and he la" upon the throne and slept till morning. 13 And he dreamed that an angel of the Lord came to him with a drawn sword in his hand, and the angel stood over Abimelech, and wished to sla" him with the sword, and the king was terrified in his dream, and said to the angel, In what have I sinned against thee that thou comest to sla" me with th" sword1 1! And the angel answered and said to Abimelech, 'ehold thou diest on account of the woman which thou didst "esternight bring to th" house, for she is a married woman, the wife of Abraham who came to th" house now therefore return that man his wife, for she is his wife and shouldst thou not return her, know that thou wilt surel" die, thou and all belonging to thee. 1# And on that night there was a great outcr" in the land of the Bhilistines, and the inhabitants of the land saw the figure of a man standing with a drawn sword in his hand, and he smote the inhabitants of the land with the sword, "ea he continued to smite them. 1& And the angel of the Lord smote the whole land of the Bhilistines on that night, and there was a great confusion on that night and on the following morning. 1( And ever" womb was closed, and all their issues, and the hand of the Lord was upon them on account of 2arah, wife of Abraham, whom Abimelech had taken. 1* And in the morning Abimelech rose with terror and


confusion and with a great dread, and he sent and had his servants called in, and he related his dream to them, and the people were greatl" afraid. 1+ And one man standing amongst the servants of the king answered the king, sa"ing, < sovereign king, restore this woman to her husband, for he is her husband, for the like happened to the king of %g"pt when this man came to %g"pt. 2, And he said concerning his wife, 2he is m" sister, for such is his manner of doing when he cometh to dwell in the land in which he is a stranger. 21 And Bharaoh sent and took this woman for a wife and the Lord brought upon him grievous plagues until he returned the woman to her husband. 22 :ow therefore, < sovereign king, know what happened "esternight to the whole land, for there was a ver" great consternation and great pain and lamentation, and we know that it was on account of the woman which thou didst take. 23 :ow, therefore, restore this woman to her husband, lest it should befall us as it did to Bharaoh king of %g"pt and his sub/ects, and that we ma" not die and Abimelech hastened and called and had 2arah called for, and she came before him, and he had Abraham called for, and he came before him. 2! And Abimelech said to them, 0hat is this work "ou have been doing in sa"ing "ou are brother and sister, and I took this woman for a wife1 2# And Abraham said, 'ecause I thought I should suffer death on account of m" wife and Abimelech took flocks and herds, and men servants and maid servants, and a thousand pieces of silver, and he gave them to Abraham, and he returned 2arah to him. 2& And Abimelech said to Abraham, 'ehold the whole land is before thee, dwell in it wherever thou shalt choose. 2( And Abraham and 2arah, his wife, went forth from the king4s presence with honor and respect, and the" dwelt in the land, even in Gerar. 2* And all the inhabitants of the land of the Bhilistines and the king4s servants were still in pain, through the plague which the angel had inflicted upon them the whole night on account of 2arah. 2+ And Abimelech sent for Abraham, sa"ing, Bra" now for th" servants to the Lord th" God, that he ma" put awa" this mortalit" from amongst us. 3, And Abraham pra"ed on account of Abimelech and his sub/ects, and the Lord heard the pra"er of Abraham, and he healed Abimelech and all his sub/ects. CHAPTER 21 1 And it was at that time at the end of a "ear and four months of Abraham4s dwelling in the land of the Bhilistines in Gerar, that God visited 2arah, and the Lord remembered her, and she conceived and bare a son to Abraham. 2 And Abraham called the name of the son which was born to him, which 2arah bare to him, Isaac. 3 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac at eight da"s old, as God had commanded Abraham to do unto his seed after him and Abraham was one hundred, and 2arah ninet" "ears old, when Isaac was born to them. ! And the child grew up and he was weaned, and Abraham made a great feast upon the da" that Isaac was weaned. # And 2hem and %ber and all the great people of the land, and Abimelech king of the Bhilistines, and his servants, and Bhicol, the captain of his host, came to eat and drink and re/oice at the feast which Abraham made upon the da" of his son Isaac4s being weaned. & Also $erah, the father of Abraham, and :ahor his brother, came from ;aran, the" and all belonging to them, for the" greatl" re/oiced on hearing that a son had been born to 2arah. ( And the" came to Abraham,


and the" ate and drank at the feast which Abraham made upon the da" of Isaac4s being weaned. * And $erah and :ahor re/oiced with Abraham, and the" remained with him man" da"s in the land of the Bhilistines. + At that time 2erug the son of =eu died, in the first "ear of the birth of Isaac son of Abraham. 1, And all the da"s of 2erug were two hundred and thirt"9nine "ears, and he died. 11 And Ishmael the son of Abraham was grown up in those da"s he was fourteen "ears old when 2arah bare Isaac to Abraham. 12 And God was with Ishmael the son of Abraham, and he grew up, and he learned to use the bow and became an archer. 13 And when Isaac was five "ears old he was sitting with Ishmael at the door of the tent. 1! And Ishmael came to Isaac and seated himself opposite to him, and he took the bow and drew it and put the arrow in it, and intended to sla" Isaac. 1# And 2arah saw the act which Ishmael desired to do to her son Isaac, and it grieved her e.ceedingl" on account of her son, and she sent for Abraham, and said to him, -ast out this bondwoman and her son, for her son shall not be heir with m" son, for thus did he seek to do unto him this da". 1& And Abraham hearkened to the voice of 2arah, and he rose up earl" in the morning, and he took twelve loaves and a bottle of water which he gave to ;agar, and sent her awa" with her son, and ;agar went with her son to the wilderness, and the" dwelt in the wilderness of Baran with the inhabitants of the wilderness, and Ishmael was an archer, and he dwelt in the wilderness a long time. 1( And he and his mother afterward went to the land of %g"pt, and the" dwelt there, and ;agar took a wife for her son from %g"pt, and her name was 6eribah. 1* And the wife of Ishmael conceived and bare four sons and two daughters, and Ishmael and his mother and his wife and children afterward went and returned to the wilderness. 1+ And the" made themselves tents in the wilderness, in which the" dwelt, and the" continued to travel and then to rest monthl" and "earl". 2, And God gave Ishmael flocks and herds and tents on account of Abraham his father, and the man increased in cattle. 21 And Ishmael dwelt in deserts and in tents, traveling and resting for a long time, and he did not see the face of his father. 22 And in some time after, Abraham said to 2arah his wife, I will go and see m" son Ishmael, for I have a desire to see him, for I have not seen him for a long time. 23 And Abraham rode upon one of his camels to the wilderness to seek his son Ishmael, for he heard that he was dwelling in a tent in the wilderness with all belonging to him. 2! And Abraham went to the wilderness, and he reached the tent of Ishmael about noon, and he asked after Ishmael, and he found the wife of Ishmael sitting in the tent with her children, and Ishmael her husband and his mother were not with them. 2# And Abraham asked the wife of Ishmael, sa"ing, 0here has Ishmael gone1 and she said, ;e has gone to the field to hunt, and Abraham was still mounted upon the camel, for he would not get off to the ground as he had sworn to his wife 2arah that he would not get off from the camel. 2& And Abraham said to Ishmael4s wife, 6" daughter, give me a little water that I ma" drink, for I am fatigued from the /ourne". 2( And Ishmael4s wife answered and said to Abraham, 0e have neither water nor bread, and she continued sitting in the tent and did not notice Abraham, neither did she ask him who he was. 2* 'ut she was beating her children in the tent, and she was cursing them, and she also cursed her husband Ishmael and reproached him, and Abraham heard the words of Ishmael4s wife to her children, and he was ver" angr" and displeased. 2+ And Abraham


called to the woman to come out to him from the tent, and the woman came and stood opposite to Abraham, for Abraham was still mounted upon the camel. 3, And Abraham said to Ishmael4s wife, 0hen th" husband Ishmael returneth home sa" these words to him, 31 A ver" old man from the land of the Bhilistines came hither to seek thee, and thus was his appearance and figure I did not ask him who he was, and seeing thou wast not here he spoke unto me and said, 0hen Ishmael th" husband returneth tell him thus did this man sa", 0hen thou comest home put awa" this nail of the tent which thou hast placed here, and place another nail in its stead. 32 And Abraham finished his instructions to the woman, and he turned and went off on the camel homeward. 33 And after that Ishmael came from the chase he and his mother, and returned to the tent, and his wife spoke these words to him, 3! A ver" old man from the land of the Bhilistines came to seek thee, and thus was his appearance and figure I did not ask him who he was, and seeing thou wast not at home he said to me, 0hen th" husband cometh home tell him, thus saith the old man, But awa" the nail of the tent which thou hast placed here and place another nail in its stead. 3# And Ishmael heard the words of his wife, and he knew that it was his father, and that his wife did not honor him. 3& And Ishmael understood his father4s words that he had spoken to his wife, and Ishmael hearkened to the voice of his father, and Ishmael cast off that woman and she went awa". 3( And Ishmael afterward went to the land of -anaan, and he took another wife and he brought her to his tent to the place where he then dwelt. 3* And at the end of three "ears Abraham said, I will go again and see Ishmael m" son, for I have not seen him for a long time. 3+ And he rode upon his camel and went to the wilderness, and he reached the tent of Ishmael about noon. !, And he asked after Ishmael, and his wife came out of the tent and she said, ;e is not here m" lord, for he has gone to hunt in the fields, and to feed the camels, and the woman said to Abraham, $urn in m" lord into the tent, and eat a morsel of bread, for th" soul must be wearied on account of the /ourne". !1 And Abraham said to her, I will not stop for I am in haste to continue m" /ourne", but give me a little water to drink, for I have thirst and the woman hastened and ran into the tent and she brought out water and bread to Abraham, which she placed before him and she urged him to eat, and he ate and drank and his heart was comforted and he blessed his son Ishmael. !2 And he finished his meal and he blessed the Lord, and he said to Ishmael4s wife, 0hen Ishmael cometh home sa" these words to him, !3 A ver" old man from the land of the Bhilistines came hither and asked after thee, and thou wast not here and I brought him out bread and water and he ate and drank and his heart was comforted. !! And he spoke these words to me5 0hen Ishmael th" husband cometh home, sa" unto him, $he nail of the tent which thou hast is ver" good, do not put it awa" from the tent. !# And Abraham finished commanding the woman, and he rode off to his home to the land of the Bhilistines and when Ishmael came to his tent his wife went forth to meet him with /o" and a cheerful heart. !& And she said to him, An old man came here from the land of the Bhilistines and thus was his appearance, and he asked after thee and thou wast not here, so I brought out bread and water, and he ate and drank and his heart was comforted. !( And he spoke these words to me, 0hen Ishmael th" husband cometh home sa" to him, $he nail of the tent which thou hast is ver" good, do not put it


awa" from the tent. !* And Ishmael knew that it was his father, and that his wife had honored him, and the Lord blessed Ishmael. CHAPTER 22 1 And Ishmael then rose up and took his wife and his children and his cattle and all belonging to him, and he /ourne"ed from there and he went to his father in the land of the Bhilistines. 2 And Abraham related to Ishmael his son the transaction with the first wife that Ishmael took, according to what she did. 3 And Ishmael and his children dwelt with Abraham man" da"s in that land, and Abraham dwelt in the land of the Bhilistines a long time. ! And the da"s increased and reached twent" si. "ears, and after that Abraham with his servants and all belonging to him went from the land of the Bhilistines and removed to a great distance, and the" came near to ;ebron, and the" remained there, and the servants of Abraham dug wells of water, and Abraham and all belonging to him dwelt b" the water, and the servants of Abimelech king of the Bhilistines heard the report that Abraham4s servants had dug wells of water in the borders of the land. # And the" came and 3uarreled with the servants of Abraham, and the" robbed them of the great well which the" had dug. & And Abimelech king of the Bhilistines heard of this affair, and he with Bhicol the captain of his host and twent" of his men came o Abraham, and Abimelech spoke to Abraham concerning his servants, and Abraham rebuked Abimelech concerning the well of which his servants had robbed him. ( And Abimelech said to Abraham, As the Lord liveth who created the whole earth, I did not hear of the act which m" servants did unto th" servants until this da". * And Abraham took seven ewe lambs and gave them to Abimelech, sa"ing, $ake these, I pra" thee, from m" hands that it ma" be a testimon" for me that I dug this well. + And Abimelech took the seven ewe lambs which Abraham had given to him, for he had also given him cattle and herds in abundance, and Abimelech swore to Abraham concerning the well, therefore he called that well 'eersheba, for there the" both swore concerning it. 1, And the" both made a covenant in 'eersheba, and Abimelech rose up with Bhicol the captain of his host and all his men, and the" returned to the land of the Bhilistines, and Abraham and all belonging to him dwelt in 'eersheba and he was in that land a long time. 11 And Abraham planted a large grove in 'eersheba, and he made to it four gates facing the four sides of the earth, and he planted a vine"ard in it, so that if a traveler came to Abraham he entered an" gate which was in his road, and remained there and ate and drank and satisfied himself and then departed. 12 )or the house of Abraham was alwa"s open to the sons of men that passed and repassed, who came dail" to eat and drink in the house of Abraham. 13 And an" man who had hunger and came to Abraham4s house, Abraham would give him bread that he might eat and drink and be satisfied, and an" one that came naked to his house he would clothe with garments as he might choose, and give him silver and gold and make known to him the Lord who had created him in the earth this did Abraham all his life. 1! And Abraham and his children and all belonging to him dwelt in 'eersheba, and he pitched his tent as far as ;ebron. 1# And Abraham4s brother :ahor and his father and all belonging to them dwelt in ;aran, for the" did not come with Abraham to the land of -anaan. 1& And children were born to :ahor which 6ilca the daughter of


;aran, and sister to 2arah, Abraham4s wife, bare to him. 1( And these are the names of those that were born to him, C?, 'u?, Aemuel, Aesed, -ha?o, Bildash, $idlaf, and 'ethuel, being eight sons, these are the children of 6ilca which she bare to :ahor, Abraham4s brother. 1* And :ahor had a concubine and her name was =eumah, and she also bare to :ahor, 7ebach, Gachash, $achash and 6aacha, being four sons. 1+ And the children that were born to :ahor were twelve sons besides his daughters, and the" also had children born to them in ;aran. 2, And the children of C? the first born of :ahor were Abi, -heref, Gadin, 6elus, and @eborah their sister. 21 And the sons of 'u? were 'erachel, :aamath, 2heva, and 6adonu. 22 And the sons of Aemuel were Aram and =echob. 23 And the sons of Aesed were Anamlech, 6eshai, 'enon and Difi and the sons of -ha?o were Bildash, 6echi and <pher. 2! And the sons of Bildash were Arud, -hamum, 6ered and 6oloch. 2# And the sons of $idlaf were 6ushan, -ushan and 6ut?i. 2& And the children of 'ethuel were 2echar, Laban and their sister =ebecca. 2( $hese are the families of the children of :ahor, that were born to them in ;aran and Aram the son of Aemuel and =echob his brother went awa" from ;aran, and the" found a valle" in the land b" the river %uphrates. 2* And the" built a cit" there, and the" called the name of the cit" after the name of Bethor the son of Aram, that is Aram :ahera"im unto this da". 2+ And the children of Aesed also went to dwell where the" could find a place, and the" went and the" found a valle" opposite to the land of 2hinar, and the" dwelt there. 3, And the" there built themselves a cit", and the" called the name at the cit" Aesed after the name of their father, that is the land Aasdim unto this da", and the Aasdim dwelt in that land and the" were fruitful and multiplied e.ceedingl". 31 And $erah, father of :ahor and Abraham, went and took another wife in his old age, and her name was Belilah, and she conceived and bare him a son and he called his name 7oba. 32 And $erah lived twent"9five "ears after he begat 7oba. 33 And $erah died in that "ear, that is in the thirt"9fifth "ear of the birth of Isaac son of Abraham. 3! And the da"s of $erah were two hundred and five "ears, and he was buried in ;aran. 3# And 7oba the son of $erah lived thirt" "ears and he begat Aram, Achlis and 6erik. 3& And Aram son of 7oba son of $erah, had three wives and he begat twelve sons and three daughters and the Lord gave to Aram the son of 7oba, riches and possessions, and abundance of cattle, and flocks and herds, and the man increased greatl". 3( And Aram the son of 7oba and his brother and all his household /ourne"ed from ;aran, and the" went to dwell where the" should find a place, for their propert" was too great to remain in ;aran for the" could not stop in ;aran together with their brethren the children of :ahor. 3* And Aram the son of 7oba went with his brethren, and the" found a valle" at a distance toward the eastern countr" and the" dwelt there. 3+ And the" also built a cit" there, and the" called the name thereof Aram, after the name of their eldest brother that is Aram 7oba to this da". !, And Isaac the son of Abraham was growing up in those da"s, and Abraham his father taught him the wa" of the Lord to know the Lord, and the Lord was with him. !1 And when Isaac was thirt"9seven "ears old, Ishmael his brother was going about with him in the tent. !2 And Ishmael boasted of himself to


Isaac, sa"ing, I was thirteen "ears old when the Lord spoke to m" father to circumcise us, and I did according to the word of the Lord which he spoke to m" father, and I gave m" soul unto the Lord, and I did not transgress his word which he commanded m" father. !3 And Isaac answered Ishmael, sa"ing, 0h" dost thou boast to me about this, about a little bit of th" flesh which thou didst take from th" bod", concerning which the Lord commanded thee1 !! As the Lord liveth, the God of m" father Abraham, if the Lord should sa" unto m" father, $ake now th" son Isaac and bring him up an offering before me, I would not refrain but I would /o"full" accede to it. !# And the Lord heard the word that Isaac spoke to Ishmael, and it seemed good in the sight of the Lord, and he thought to tr" Abraham in this matter. !& And the da" arrived when the sons of God came and placed themselves before the Lord, and 2atan also came with the sons of God before the Lord. !( And the Lord said unto 2atan, 0hence comest thou1 and 2atan answered the Lord and said, )rom going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. !* And the Lord said to 2atan, 0hat is th" word to me concerning all the children of the earth1 and 2atan answered the Lord and said, I have seen all the children of the earth who serve thee and remember thee when the" re3uire an"thing from thee. !+ And when thou givest them the thing which the" re3uire from thee, the" sit at their ease, and forsake thee and the" remember thee no more. #, ;ast thou seen Abraham the son of $erah, who at first had no children, and he served thee and erected altars to thee wherever he came, and he brought up offerings upon them, and he proclaimed th" name continuall" to all the children of the earth. #1 And now that his son Isaac is born to him, he has forsaken thee, he has made a great feast for all the inhabitants of the land, and the Lord he has forgotten. #2 )or amidst all that he has done he brought thee no offering neither burnt offering nor peace offering, neither o., lamb nor goat of all that he killed on the da" that his son was weaned. #3 %ven from the time of his son4s birth till now, being thirt"9seven "ears, he built no altar before thee, nor brought an" offering to thee, for he saw that thou didst give what he re3uested before thee, and he therefore forsook thee. #! And the Lord said to 2atan, ;ast thou thus considered m" servant Abraham1 for there is none like him upon earth, a perfect and an upright man before me, one that feareth God and avoideth evil as I live, were I to sa" unto him, 'ring up Isaac th" son before me, he would not withhold him from me, much more if I told him to bring up a burnt offering before me from his flock or herds. ## And 2atan answered the Lord and said, 2peak then now unto Abraham as thou hast said, and thou wilt see whether he will not this da" transgress and cast aside th" words. CHAPTER 23 1 At that time the word of the Lord came to Abraham, and he said unto him, Abraham, and he said, ;ere I am. 2 And he said to him, $ake now th" son, thine onl" son whom thou lovest, even Isaac, and go to the land of 6oriah, and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which shall be shown to thee, for there wilt thou see a cloud and the glor" of the Lord. 3 And Abraham said within himself, ;ow shall I separate m" son Isaac from 2arah his mother, in order to bring him up for a burnt offering before


the Lord1 ! And Abraham came into the tent, and he sat before 2arah his wife, and he spoke these words to her, # 6" son Isaac is grown up and he has not for some time studied the service of his God, now tomorrow I will go and bring him to 2hem, and %ber his son, and there he will learn the wa"s of the Lord, for the" will teach him to know the Lord as well as to know that when he pra"eth continuall" before the Lord, he will answer him, therefore there he will know the wa" of serving the Lord his God. & And 2arah said, $hou hast spoken well, go m" lord and do unto him as thou hast said, but remove him not at a great distance from me, neither let him remain there too long, for m" soul is bound within his soul. ( And Abraham said unto 2arah, 6" daughter, let us pra" to the Lord our God that he ma" do good with us. * And 2arah took her son Isaac and he abode all that night with her, and she kissed and embraced him, and gave him instructions till morning. + And she said to him, < m" son, how can m" soul separate itself from thee1 And she still kissed him and embraced him, and she gave Abraham instructions concerning him. 1, And 2arah said to Abraham, < m" lord, I pra" thee take heed of th" son, and place thine e"es over him, for I have no other son nor daughter but him. 11 < forsake him not. If he be hungr" give him bread, and if he be thirst" give him water to drink do not let him go on foot, neither let him sit in the sun. 12 :either let him go b" himself in the road, neither force him from whatever he ma" desire, but do unto him as he ma" sa" to thee. 13 And 2arah wept bitterl" the whole night on account of Isaac, and she gave him instructions till morning. 1! And in the morning 2arah selected a ver" fine and beautiful garment from those garments which she had in the house, that Abimelech had given to her. 1# And she dressed Isaac her son therewith, and she put a turban upon his head, and she enclosed a precious stone in the top of the turban, and she gave them provision for the road, and the" went forth, and Isaac went with his father Abraham, and some of their servants accompanied them to see them off the road. 1& And 2arah went out with them, and she accompanied them upon the road to see them off, and the" said to her, =eturn to the tent. 1( And when 2arah heard the words of her son Isaac she wept bitterl", and Abraham her husband wept with her, and their son wept with them a great weeping also those who went with them wept greatl". 1* And 2arah caught hold of her son Isaac, and she held him in her arms, and she embraced him and continued to weep with him, and 2arah said, 0ho knoweth if after this da" I shall ever see thee again1 1+ And the" still wept together, Abraham, 2arah and Isaac, and all those that accompanied them on the road wept with them, and 2arah afterward turned awa" from her son, weeping bitterl", and all her men servants and maid servants returned with her to the tent. 2, And Abraham went with Isaac his son to bring him up as an offering before the Lord, as ;e had commanded him. 21 And Abraham took two of his "oung men with him, Ishmael the son of ;agar and %lie?er his servant, and the" went together with them, and whilst the" were walking in the road the "oung men spoke these words to themselves, 22 And Ishmael said to %lie?er, :ow m" father Abraham is going with Isaac to bring him up for a burnt offering to the Lord, as ;e commanded him. 23 :ow when he returneth he will give unto me all that he possesses, to inherit after him, for I am his first born. 2! And %lie?er answered Ishmael and said, 2urel" Abraham did cast thee awa" with th" mother, and swear that thou shouldst not inherit


an" thing of all he possesses, and to whom will he give all that he has, with all his treasures, but unto me his servant, who has been faithful in his house, who has served him night and da", and has done all that he desired me1 to me will he be3ueath at his death all that he possesses. 2# And whilst Abraham was proceeding with his son Isaac along the road, 2atan came and appeared to Abraham in the figure of a ver" aged man, humble and of contrite spirit, and he approached Abraham and said to him, Art thou sill" or brutish, that thou goest to do this thing this da" to thine onl" son1 2& )or God gave thee a son in th" latter da"s, in th" old age, and wilt thou go and slaughter him this da" because he committed no violence, and wilt thou cause the soul of thine onl" son to perish from the earth1 2( @ost thou not know and understand that this thing cannot be from the Lord1 for the Lord cannot do unto man such evil upon earth to sa" to him, Go slaughter th" child. 2* And Abraham heard this and knew that it was the word of 2atan who endeavored to draw him aside from the wa" of the Lord, but Abraham would not hearken to the voice of 2atan, and Abraham rebuked him so that he went awa". 2+ And 2atan returned and came to Isaac and he appeared unto Isaac in the figure of a "oung man comel" and well favored. 3, And he approached Isaac and said unto him, @ost thou not know and understand that th" old sill" father bringeth thee to the slaughter this da" for naught1 31 :ow therefore, m" son, do not listen nor attend to him, for he is a sill" old man, and let not th" precious soul and beautiful figure be lost from the earth. 32 And Isaac heard this, and said unto Abraham, ;ast thou heard, m" father, that which this man has spoken1 even thus has he spoken. 33 And Abraham answered his son Isaac and said to him, $ake heed of him and do not listen to his words, nor attend to him, for he is 2atan, endeavoring to draw us aside this da" from the commands of God. 3! And Abraham still rebuked 2atan, and 2atan went from them, and seeing he could not prevail over them he hid himself from them, and he went and passed before them in the road and he transformed himself to a large brook of water in the road, and Abraham and Isaac and his two "oung men reached that place, and the" saw a brook large and powerful as the might" waters. 3# And the" entered the brook and passed through it, and the waters at first reached their legs. 3& And the" went deeper in the brook and the waters reached up to their necks, and the" were all terrified on account of the water and whilst the" were going over the brook Abraham recogni?ed that place, and he knew that there was no water there before. 3( And Abraham said to his son Isaac, I know this place in which there was no brook nor water, now therefore it is this 2atan who does all this to us, to draw us aside this da" from the commands of God. 3* And Abraham rebuked him and said unto him, $he Lord rebuke thee, < 2atan, begone from us for we go b" the commands of God. 3+ And 2atan was terrified at the voice of Abraham, and he went awa" from them, and the place again became dr" land as it was at first. !, And Abraham went with Isaac toward the place that God had told him. !1 And on the third da" Abraham lifted up his e"es and saw the place at a distance which God had told him of. !2 And a pillar of fire appeared to him that reached from the earth to heaven, and a cloud of glor" upon the mountain, and the glor" of the Lord was seen in the cloud. !3 And Abraham said to Isaac, 6" son, dost thou see in that mountain, which we perceive at a distance, that which I see upon it1 !! And Isaac answered


and said unto his father, I see and lo a pillar of fire and a cloud, and the glor" of the Lord is seen upon the cloud. !# And Abraham knew that his son Isaac was accepted before the Lord for a burnt offering. !& And Abraham said unto %lie?er and unto Ishmael his son, @o "ou also see that which we see upon the mountain which is at a distance1 !( And the" answered and said, 0e see nothing more than like the other mountains of the earth. And Abraham knew that the" were not accepted before the Lord to go with them, and Abraham said to them, Abide "e here with the ass whilst I and Isaac m" son will go to "onder mount and worship there before the Lord and then return to "ou. !* And %lie?er and Ishmael remained in that place, as Abraham had commanded. !+ And Abraham took wood for a burnt offering and placed it upon his son Isaac, and he took the fire and the knife, and the" both went to that place. #, And when the" were going along Isaac said to his father, 'ehold, I see here the fire and wood, and where then is the lamb that is to be the burnt offering before the Lord1 #1 And Abraham answered his son Isaac, sa"ing, $he Lord has made choice of thee m" son, to be a perfect burnt offering instead of the lamb. #2 And Isaac said unto his father, I will do all that the Lord spoke to thee with /o" and cheerfulness of heart. #3 And Abraham again said unto Isaac his son, Is there in th" heart an" thought or counsel concerning this, which is not proper1 tell me m" son, I pra" thee, < m" son conceal it not from me. #! And Isaac answered his father Abraham and said unto him, < m" father, as the Lord liveth and as th" soul liveth, there is nothing in m" heart to cause me to deviate either to the right or to the left from the word that he has spoken to thee. ## :either limb nor muscle has moved or stirred at this, nor is there in m" heart an" thought or evil counsel concerning this. #& 'ut I am of /o"ful and cheerful heart in this matter, and I sa", 'lessed is the Lord who has this da" chosen me to be a burnt offering before ;im. #( And Abraham greatl" re/oiced at the words of Isaac, and the" went on and came together to that place that the Lord had spoken of. #* And Abraham approached to build the altar in that place, and Abraham was weeping, and Isaac took stones and mortar until the" had finished building the altar. #+ And Abraham took the wood and placed it in order upon the altar which he had built. &, And he took his son Isaac and bound him in order to place him upon the wood which was upon the altar, to sla" him for a burnt offering before the Lord. &1 And Isaac said to his father, 'ind me securel" and then place me upon the altar lest I should turn and move, and break loose from the force of the knife upon m" flesh and thereof profane the burnt offering and Abraham did so. &2 And Isaac still said to his father, < m" father, when thou shalt have slain me and burnt me for an offering, take with thee that which shall remain of m" ashes to bring to 2arah m" mother, and sa" to her, $his is the sweet smelling savor of Isaac but do not tell her this if she should sit near a well or upon an" high place, lest she should cast her soul after me and die. &3 And Abraham heard the words of Isaac, and he lifted up his voice and wept when Isaac spake these words and Abraham4s tears gushed down upon Isaac his son, and Isaac wept bitterl", and he said to his father, ;asten thou, < m" father, and do with me the will of the Lord our God as ;e has commanded thee. &! And the hearts of Abraham and Isaac re/oiced at this thing which the Lord had commanded them but the e"e wept bitterl" whilst


the heart re/oiced. &# And Abraham bound his son Isaac, and placed him on the altar upon the wood, and Isaac stretched forth his neck upon the altar before his father, and Abraham stretched forth his hand to take the knife to sla" his son as a burnt offering before the Lord. && At that time the angels of merc" came before the Lord and spake to him concerning Isaac, sa"ing, &( , Lord, thou art a merciful and compassionate Aing over all that thou hast created in heaven and in earth, and thou supportest them all give therefore ransom and redemption instead of th" servant Isaac, and pit" and have compassion upon Abraham and Isaac his son, who are this da" performing th" commands. &* ;ast thou seen, < Lord, how Isaac the son of Abraham th" servant is bound down to the slaughter like an animal1 now therefore let th" pit" be roused for them, < Lord. &+ At that time the Lord appeared unto Abraham, and called to him, from heaven, and said unto him, La" not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou an" thing unto him, for now I know that thou fearest God in performing this act, and in not withholding th" son, thine onl" son, from me. (, And Abraham lifted up his e"es and saw, and behold, a ram was caught in a thicket b" his horns that was the ram which the Lord God had created in the earth in the da" that he made earth and heaven. (1 )or the Lord had prepared this ram from that da", to be a burnt offering instead of Isaac. (2 And this ram was advancing to Abraham when 2atan caught hold of him and entangled his horns in the thicket, that he might not advance to Abraham, in order that Abraham might sla" his son. (3 And Abraham, seeing the ram advancing to him and 2atan withholding him, fetched him and brought him before the altar, and he loosened his son Isaac from his binding, and he put the ram in his stead, and Abraham killed the ram upon the altar, and brought it up as an offering in the place of his son Isaac. (! And Abraham sprinkled some of the blood of the ram upon the altar, and he e.claimed and said, $his is in the place of m" son, and ma" this be considered this da" as the blood of m" son before the Lord. (# And all that Abraham did on this occasion b" the altar, he would e.claim and sa", $his is in the room of m" son, and ma" it this da" be considered before the Lord in the place of m" son and Abraham finished the whole of the service b" the altar, and the service was accepted before the Lord, and was accounted as if it had been Isaac and the Lord blessed Abraham and his seed on that da". (& And 2atan went to 2arah, and he appeared to her in the figure of an old man ver" humble and meek, and Abraham was "et engaged in the burnt offering before the Lord. (( And he said unto her, @ost thou not know all the work that Abraham has made with thine onl" son this da"1 for he took Isaac and built an altar, and killed him, and brought him up as a sacrifice upon the altar, and Isaac cried and wept before his father, but he looked not at him, neither did he have compassion over him. (* And 2atan repeated these words, and he went awa" from her, and 2arah heard all the words of 2atan, and she imagined him to be an old man from amongst the sons of men who had been with her son, and had come and told her these things. (+ And 2arah lifted up her voice and wept and cried out bitterl" on account of her son and she threw herself upon the ground and she cast dust upon her head, and she said, < m" son, Isaac m" son, < that I had this da" died instead of thee. And she continued to weep and said, It grieves me for thee, < m" son, m" son Isaac, < that I had died this da" in th" stead. *, And she still continued to weep, and said, It grieves


me for thee after that I have reared thee and have brought thee up now m" /o" is turned into mourning over thee, I that had a longing for thee, and cried and pra"ed to God till I bare thee at ninet" "ears old and now hast thou served this da" for the knife and the fire, to be made an offering. *1 'ut I console m"self with thee, m" son, in its being the word of the Lord, for thou didst perform the command of th" God for who can transgress the word of our God, in whose hands is the soul of ever" living creature1 *2 $hou art /ust, < Lord our God, for all th" works are good and righteous for I also am re/oiced with th" word which thou didst command, and whilst mine e"e weepeth bitterl" m" heart re/oiceth. *3 And 2arah laid her head upon the bosom of one of her handmaids, and she became as still as a stone. *! 2he afterward rose up and went about making in3uiries till she came to ;ebron, and she in3uired of all those whom she met walking in the road, and no one could tell her what had happened to her son. *# And she came with her maid servants and men servants to Aireath9arba, which is ;ebron, and she asked concerning her 2on, and she remained there while she sent some of her servants to seek where Abraham had gone with Isaac the" went to seek him in the house of 2hem and %ber, and the" could not find him, and the" sought throughout the land and he was not there. *& And behold, 2atan came to 2arah in the shape of an old man, and he came and stood before her, and he said unto her, I spoke falsel" unto thee, for Abraham did not kill his son and he is not dead and when she heard the word her /o" was so e.ceedingl" violent on account of her son, that her soul went out through /o" she died and was gathered to her people. *( And when Abraham had finished his service he returned with his son Isaac to his "oung men, and the" rose up and went together to 'eersheba, and the" came home. ** And Abraham sought for 2arah, and could not find her, and he made in3uiries concerning her, and the" said unto him, 2he went as far as ;ebron to seek "ou both where "ou had gone, for thus was she informed. *+ And Abraham and Isaac went to her to ;ebron, and when the" found that she was dead the" lifted up their voices and wept bitterl" over her and Isaac fell upon his mother4s face and wept over her, and he said, < m" mother, m" mother, how hast thou left me, and where hast thou gone1 < how, how hast thou left me> +, And Abraham and Isaac wept greatl" and all their servants wept with them on account of 2arah, and the" mourned over her a great and heav" mourning. CHAPTER 24 1 And the life of 2arah was one hundred and twent"9seven "ears, and 2arah died and Abraham rose up from before his dead to seek a burial place to bur" his wife 2arah and he went and spoke to the children of ;eth, the inhabitants of the land, sa"ing, 2 I am a stranger and a so/ourner with "ou in "our land give me a possession of a burial place in "our land, that I ma" bur" m" dead from before me. 3 And the children of ;eth said unto Abraham, behold the land is before thee, in the choice of our sepulchers bur" th" dead, for no man shall withhold thee from bur"ing th" dead. ! And Abraham said unto them, If "ou are agreeable to this go and entreat for me to %phron, the son of 7ochar, re3uesting that he ma" give me the cave of 6achpelah, which is in the end of his field, and I will purchase it of him for


whatever he desire for it. # And %phron dwelt among the children of ;eth, and the" went and called for him, and he came before Abraham, and %phron said unto Abraham, 'ehold all thou re3uirest th" servant will do and Abraham said, :o, but I will bu" the cave and the field which thou hast for value, In order that it ma" be for a possession of a burial place for ever. & And %phron answered and said, 'ehold the field and the cave are before thee, give whatever thou desirest and Abraham said, <nl" at full value will I bu" it from th" hand, and from the hands of those that go in at the gate of th" cit", and from the hand of th" seed for ever. ( And %phron and all his brethren heard this, and Abraham weighed to %phron four hundred shekels of silver in the hands of %phron and in the hands of all his brethren and Abraham wrote this transaction, and he wrote it and testified it with four witnesses. * And these are the names of the witnesses, Amigal son of Abishna the ;ittite, Adichorom son of Ashunach the ;ivite, Abdon son of Achiram the Gomerite, 'akdil the son of Abudish the 7idonite. + And Abraham took the book of the purchase, and placed it in his treasures, and these are the words that Abraham wrote in the book, namel"5 1, $hat the cave and the field Abraham bought from %phron the ;ittite, and from his seed, and from those that go out of his cit", and from their seed for ever, are to be a purchase to Abraham and to his seed and to those that go forth from his loins, for a possession of a burial place for ever and he put a signet to it and testified it with witnesses. 11 And the field and the cave that was in it and all that place were made sure unto Abraham and unto his seed after him, from the children of ;eth behold it is before 6amre in ;ebron, which is in the land of -anaan. 12 And after this Abraham buried his wife 2arah there, and that place and all its boundar" became to Abraham and unto his seed for a possession of a burial place. 13 And Abraham buried 2arah with pomp as observed at the interment of kings, and she was buried in ver" fine and beautiful garments. 1! And at her bier was 2hem, his sons %ber and Abimelech, together with Anar, Ashcol and 6amre, and all the grandees of the land followed her bier. 1# And the da"s of 2arah were one hundred and twent"9seven "ears and she died, and Abraham made a great and heav" mourning, and he performed the rites of mourning for seven da"s. 1& And all the inhabitants of the land comforted Abraham and Isaac his son on account of 2arah. 1( And when the da"s of their mourning passed b" Abraham sent awa" his son Isaac, and he went to the house of 2hem and %ber, to learn the wa"s of the Lord and his instructions, and Abraham remained there three "ears. 1* At that time Abraham rose up with all his servants, and the" went and returned homeward to 'eersheba, and Abraham and all his servants remained in 'eersheba. 1+ And at the revolution of the "ear Abimelech king of the Bhilistines died in that "ear he was one hundred and ninet"9three "ears old at his death and Abraham went with his people to the land of the Bhilistines, and the" comforted the whole household and all his servants, and he then turned and went home. 2, And it was after the death of Abimelech that the people of Gerar took 'enmalich his son, and he was onl" twelve "ears old, and the" made him l"ing in the place of his father. 21 And the" called his name Abimelech after the name of his father, for thus was it their custom to do in Gerar, and Abimelech reigned instead of


Abimelech his father, and he sat upon his throne. 22 And Lot the son of ;aran also died in those da"s, in the thirt"9ninth "ear of the life of Isaac, and all the da"s that Lot lived were one hundred and fort" "ears and he died. 23 And these are the children of Lot, that were born to him b" his daughters, the name of the first born was 6oab, and the name of the second was 'enami. 2! And the two sons of Lot went and took themselves wives from the land of -anaan, and the" bare children to them, and the children of 6oab were %d, 6a"on, $arsus, and Aanvil, four sons, these are fathers to the children of 6oab unto this da". 2# And all the families of the children of Lot went to dwell wherever the" should light upon, for the" were fruitful and increased abundantl". 2& And the" went and built themselves cities in the land where the" dwelt, and the" called the names of the cities which the" built after their own names. 2( And :ahor the son of $erah, brother to Abraham, died in those da"s in the fortieth "ear of the life of Isaac, and all the da"s of :ahor were one hundred and sevent"9two "ears and he died and was buried in ;aran. 2* And when Abraham heard that his brother was dead he grieved sadl", and he mourned over his brother man" da"s. 2+ And Abraham called for %lie?er his head servant, to give him orders concerning his house, and he came and stood before him. 3, And Abraham said to him, 'ehold I am old, I do not know the da" of m" death for I am advanced in da"s now therefore rise up, go forth and do not take a wife for m" son from this place and from this land, from the daughters of the -anaanites amongst whom we dwell. 31 'ut go to m" land and to m" birthplace, and take from thence a wife for m" son, and the Lord God of ;eaven and earth who took me from m" father4s house and brought me to this place, and said unto me, $o th" seed will I give this land for an inheritance for ever, he will send his angel before thee and prosper th" wa", that thou ma"est obtain a wife for m" son from m" famil" and from m" father4s house. 32 And the servant answered his master Abraham and said, 'ehold I go to th" birthplace and to th" father4s house, and take a wife for th" son from there but if the woman be not willing to follow me to this land, shall I take th" son back to the land of th" birthplace1 33 And Abraham said unto him, $ake heed that thou bring not m" son hither again, for the Lord before whom I have walked he will send his angel before thee and prosper th" wa". 3! And %lie?er did as Abraham ordered him, and %lie?er swore unto Abraham his master upon this matter and %lie?er rose up and took ten camels of the camels of his master, and ten men from his master4s servants with him, and the" rose up and went to ;aran, the cit" of Abraham and :ahor, in order to fetch a wife for Isaac the son of Abraham and whilst the" were gone Abraham sent to the house of 2hem and %ber, and the" brought from thence his son Isaac. 3# And Isaac came home to his father4s house to 'eersheba, whilst %lie?er and his men came to ;aran and the" stopped in the cit" b" the watering place, and he made his camels to kneel down b" the water and the" remained there. 3& And %lie?er, Abraham4s servant, pra"ed and said, < God of Abraham m" master send me I pra" thee good speed this da" and show kindness unto m" master, that thou shalt appoint this da" a wife for m" master4s son from his famil". 3( And the Lord hearkened to the voice of %lie?er, for the sake of his servant


Abraham, and he happened to meet with the daughter of 'ethuel, the son of 6ilcah, the wife of :ahor, brother to Abraham, and %lie?er came to her house. 3* And %lie?er related to them all his concerns, and that he was Abraham4s servant, and the" greatl" re/oiced at him. 3+ And the" all blessed the Lord who brought this thing about, and the" gave him =ebecca, the daughter of 'ethuel, for a wife for Isaac. !, And the "oung woman was of ver" comel" appearance, she was a virgin, and =ebecca was ten "ears old in those da"s. !1 And 'ethuel and Laban and his children made a feast on that night, and %lie?er and his men came and ate and drank and re/oiced there on that night. !2 And %lie?er rose up in the morning, he and the men that were with him, and he called to the whole household of 'ethuel, sa"ing, 2end me awa" that I ma" go to m" master and the" rose up and sent awa" =ebecca and her nurse @eborah, the daughter of C?, and the" gave her silver and gold, men servants and maid servants, and the" blessed her. !3 And the" sent %lie?er awa" with his men and the servants took =ebecca, and he went and returned to his master to the land of -anaan. !! And Isaac took =ebecca and she became his wife, and he brought her into the tent. !# And Isaac was fort" "ears old when he took =ebecca, the daughter of his uncle 'ethuel, for a wife. CHAPTER 25 1 And it was at that time that Abraham again took a wife in his old age, and her name was Aeturah, from the land of -anaan. 2 And she bare unto him 7imran, 8okshan, 6edan, 6idian, Ishbak and 2huach, being si. sons. And the children of 7imran were Abihen, 6olich and :arim. 3 And the sons of 8okshan were 2heba and @edan, and the sons of 6edan were Amida, 8oab, Gochi, %lisha and :othach and the sons of 6idian were %phah, %pher, -hanoch, Abida and %ldaah. ! And the sons of Ishbak were 6akiro, 'e"odua and $ator. # And the sons of 2huach were 'ildad, 6amdad, 6unan and 6eban all these are the families of the children of Aeturah the -anaanitish woman which she bare unto Abraham the ;ebrew. & And Abraham sent all these awa", and he gave them gifts, and the" went awa" from his son Isaac to dwell wherever the" should find a place. ( And all these went to the mountain at the east, and the" built themselves si. cities in which the" dwelt unto this da". * 'ut the children of 2heba and @edan, children of 8okshan, with their children, did not dwell with their brethren in their cities, and the" /ourne"ed and encamped in the countries and wildernesses unto this da". + And the children of 6idian, son of Abraham, went to the east of the land of -ush, and the" there found a large valle" in the eastern countr", and the" remained there and built a cit", and the" dwelt therein, that is the land of 6idian unto this da". 1, And 6idian dwelt in the cit" which he built, he and his five sons and all belonging to him. 11 And these are the names of the sons of 6idian according to their names in their cities, %phah, %pher, -hanoch, Abida and %ldaah. 12 And the sons of %phah were 6ethach, 6eshar, Avi and $?anua, and the


sons of %pher were %phron, 7ur, Alirun and 6edin, and the sons of -hanoch were =euel, =ekem, A?i, Al"oshub and Alad. 13 And the sons of Abida were -hur, 6elud, Aerur", 6olchi and the sons of %ldaah were 6iker, and =eba, and 6alchi"ah and Gabol these are the names of the 6idianites according to their families and afterward the families of 6idian spread throughout the land of 6idian. 1! And these are the generations of Ishmael the son Abraham, whom ;agar, 2arah4s handmaid, bare unto Abraham. 1# And Ishmael took a wife from the land of %g"pt, and her name was =ibah, the same is 6eribah. 1& And =ibah bare unto Ishmael :eba"oth, Aedar, Adbeel, 6ibsam and their sister 'osmath. 1( And Ishmael cast awa" his wife =ibah, and she went from him and returned to %g"pt to the house of her father, and she dwelt there, for she had been ver" bad in the sight of Ishmael, and in the sight of his father Abraham. 1* And Ishmael afterward took a wife from the land of -anaan, and her name was 6alchuth, and she bare unto him :ishma, @umah, 6asa, -hadad, $ema, Detur, :aphish and Aedma. 1+ $hese are the sons of Ishmael, and these are their names, being twelve princes according to their nations and the families of Ishmael afterward spread forth, and Ishmael took his children and all the propert" that he had gained, together with the souls of his household and all belonging to him, and the" went to dwell where the" should find a place. 2, And the" went and dwelt near the wilderness of Baran, and their dwelling was from ;avilah unto 2hur, that is before %g"pt as thou comest toward Ass"ria. 21 And Ishmael and his sons dwelt in the land, and the" had children born to them, and the" were fruitful and increased abundantl". 22 And these are the names of the sons of :eba"oth the first born of Ishmael 6end, 2end, 6a"on and the sons of Aedar were Al"on, Ae?em, -hamad and %li. 23 And the sons of Adbeel were -hamad and 8abin and the sons of 6ibsam were <badiah, %bedmelech and Deush these are the families of the children of =ibah the wife of Ishmael. 2! And the sons of 6ishma the son of Ishmael were 2hamua, 7ecar"on and <bed and the sons of @umah were Ae?ed, %li, 6achmad and Amed. 2# And the sons of 6asa were 6elon, 6ula and %bidadon and the sons of -hadad were A?ur, 6in?ar and %bedmelech and the sons of $ema were 2eir, 2adon and Dakol. 2& And the sons of Detur were 6erith, Daish, Al"o, and Bachoth and the sons of :aphish were %bed9$amed, Abi"asaph and 6ir and the sons of Aedma were -alip, $achti, and <mir these were the children of 6alchuth the wife of Ishmael according to their families. 2( All these are the families of Ishmael according to their generations, and the" dwelt in those lands wherein the" had built themselves cities unto this da". 2* And =ebecca the daughter of 'ethuel, the wife of Abraham4s son Isaac, was barren in those da"s, she had no offspring and Isaac dwelt with his father in the land of -anaan and the Lord was with Isaac and Arpachshad


the son of 2hem the son of :oah died in those da"s, in the fort"9eighth "ear of the life of Isaac, and all the da"s that Arpachshad lived were four hundred and thirt"9eight "ears, and he died. CHAPTER 26 1 And in the fift"9ninth "ear of the life of Isaac the son of Abraham, =ebecca his wife was still barren in those da"s. 2 And =ebecca said unto Isaac, $rul" I have heard, m" lord, that th" mother 2arah was barren in her da"s until m" Lord Abraham, th" father, pra"ed for her and she conceived b" him. 3 :ow therefore stand up, pra" thou also to God and he will hear th" pra"er and remember us through his mercies. ! And Isaac answered his wife =ebecca, sa"ing, Abraham has alread" pra"ed for me to God to multipl" his seed, now therefore this barrenness must proceed to us from thee. # And =ebecca said unto him, 'ut arise now thou also and pra", that the Lord ma" hear th" pra"er and grant me children, and Isaac hearkened to the words of his wife, and Isaac and his wife rose up and went to the land of 6oriah to pra" there and to seek the Lord, and when the" had reached that place Isaac stood up and pra"ed to the Lord on account of his wife because she was barren. & And Isaac said, < Lord God of heaven and earth, whose goodness and mercies fill the earth, thou who didst take m" father from his father4s house and from his birthplace, and didst bring him unto this land, and didst sa" unto him, $o th" seed will I give the land, and thou didst promise him and didst declare unto him, I will multipl" th" seed as the stars of heaven and as the sand of the sea, now ma" th" words be verified which thou didst speak unto m" father. ( )or thou art the Lord our God, our e"es are toward thee to give us seed of men, as thou didst promise us, for thou art the Lord our God and our e"es are directed toward thee onl". * And the Lord heard the pra"er of Isaac the son of Abraham, and the Lord was entreated of him and =ebecca his wife conceived. + And in about seven months after the children struggled together within her, and it pained her greatl" that she was wearied on account of them, and she said to all the women who were then in the land, @id such a thing happen to "ou as it has to me1 and the" said unto her, :o. 1, And she said unto them, 0h" am I alone in this amongst all the women that were upon earth1 and she went to the land of 6oriah to seek the Lord on account of this and she went to 2hem and %ber his son to make in3uiries of them in this matter, and that the" should seek the Lord in this thing respecting her. 11 And she also asked Abraham to seek and in3uire of the Lord about all that had befallen her. 12 And the" all in3uired of the Lord concerning this matter, and the" brought her word from the Lord and told her, $wo children are in th" womb, and two nations shall rise from them and one nation shall be stronger than the other, and the greater shall serve the "ounger. 13 And when her da"s to be delivered were completed, she knelt down, and


behold there were twins in her womb, as the Lord had spoken to her. 1! And the first came out red all over like a hair" garment, and all the people of the land called his name %sau, sa"ing, $hat this one was made complete from the womb. 1# And after that came his brother, and his hand took hold of %sau4s heel, therefore the" called his name 8acob. 1& And Isaac, the son of Abraham, was si.t" "ears old when he begat them. 1( And the bo"s grew up to their fifteenth "ear, and the" came amongst the societ" of men. %sau was a designing and deceitful man, and an e.pert hunter in the field, and 8acob was a man perfect and wise, dwelling in tents, feeding flocks and learning the instructions of the Lord and the commands of his father and mother. 1* And Isaac and the children of his household dwelt with his father Abraham in the land of -anaan, as God had commanded them. 1+ And Ishmael the son of Abraham went with his children and all belonging to them, and the" returned there to the land of ;avilah, and the" dwelt there. 2, And all the children of Abraham4s concubines went to dwell in the land of the east, for Abraham had sent them awa" from his son, and had given them presents, and the" went awa". 21 And Abraham gave all that he had to his son Isaac, and he also gave him all his treasures. 22 And he commanded him sa"ing, @ost thou not know and understand the Lord is God in heaven and in earth, and there is no other beside him1 23 And it was he who took me from m" father4s house, and from m" birth place, and gave me all the delights upon earth who delivered me from the counsel of the wicked, for in him did I trust. 2! And he brought me to this place, and he delivered me from Cr -asdim and he said unto me, $o th" seed will I give all these lands, and the" shall inherit them when the" keep m" commandments, m" statutes and m" /udgments that I have commanded thee, and which I shall command them. 2# :ow therefore m" son, hearken to m" voice, and keep the commandments of the Lord th" God, which I commanded thee, do not turn from the right wa" either to the right or to the left, in order that it ma" be well with thee and th" children after thee forever. 2& And remember the wonderful works of the Lord, and his kindness that he has shown toward us, in having delivered us from the hands of our enemies, and the Lord our God caused them to fall into our hands and now therefore keep all that I have commanded thee, and turn not awa" from the commandments of th" God, and serve none beside him, in order that it ma" be well with thee and th" seed after thee. 2( And teach thou th" children and th" seed the instructions of the Lord and his commandments, and teach them the upright wa" in which the" should go, in order that it ma" be well with them forever. 2* And Isaac answered his father and said unto him, $hat which m" Lord has commanded that will I do, and I will not depart from the commands of the Lord m" God, I will keep all that he commanded me and Abraham blessed his son Isaac, and also his children and Abraham taught 8acob the instruction of the Lord and his wa"s. 2+ And it was at that time that Abraham died, in the fifteenth "ear of the life


of 8acob and %sau, the sons of Isaac, and all the da"s of Abraham were one hundred and sevent"9five "ears, and he died and was gathered to his people in good old age, old and satisfied with da"s, and Isaac and Ishmael his sons buried him. 3, And when the inhabitants of -anaan heard that Abraham was dead, the" all came with their kings and princes and all their men to bur" Abraham. 31 And all the inhabitants of the land of ;aran, and all the families of the house of Abraham, and all the princes and grandees, and the sons of Abraham b" the concubines, all came when the" heard of Abraham4s death, and the" re3uited Abraham4s kindness, and comforted Isaac his son, and the" buried Abraham in the cave which he bought from %phron the ;ittite and his children, for the possession of a burial place. 32 And all the inhabitants of -anaan, and all those who had known Abraham, wept for Abraham a whole "ear, and men and women mourned over him. 33 And all the little children, and all the inhabitants of the land wept on account of Abraham, for Abraham had been good to them all, and because he had been upright with God and men. 3! And there arose not a man who feared God like unto Abraham, for he had feared his God from his "outh, and had served the Lord, and had gone in all his wa"s during his life, from his childhood to the da" of his death. 3# And the Lord was with him and delivered him from the counsel of :imrod and his people, and when he made war with the four kings of %lam he con3uered them. 3& And he brought all the children of the earth to the service of God, and he taught them the wa"s of the Lord, and caused them to know the Lord. 3( And he formed a grove and he planted a vine"ard therein, and he had alwa"s prepared in his tent meat and drink to those that passed through the land, that the" might satisf" themselves in his house. 3* And the Lord God delivered the whole earth on account of Abraham. 3+ And it was after the death of Abraham that God blessed his son Isaac and his children, and the Lord was with Isaac as he had been with his father Abraham, for Isaac kept all the commandments of the Lord as Abraham his father had commanded him he did not turn to the right or to the left from the right path which his father had commanded him. CHAPTER 27 1 And %sau at that time, after the death of Abraham, fre3uentl" went in the field to hunt. 2 And :imrod king of 'abel, the same was Amraphel, also fre3uentl" went with his might" men to hunt in the field, and to walk about with his men in the cool of the da". 3 And :imrod was observing %sau all the da"s, for a /ealous" was formed in the heart of :imrod against %sau all the da"s. ! And on a certain da" %sau went in the field to hunt, and he found :imrod walking in the wilderness with his two men. # And all his might" men and his people were with him in the wilderness, but the" removed at a distance from him, and the" went from him in different directions to hunt, and %sau concealed himself for :imrod, and he lurked for him in the wilderness.


& And :imrod and his men that were with him did not know him, and :imrod and his men fre3uentl" walked about in the field at the cool of the da", and to know where his men were hunting in the field. ( And :imrod and two of his men that were with him came to the place where the" were, when %sau started suddenl" from his lurking place, and drew his sword, and hastened and ran to :imrod and cut off his head. * And %sau fought a desperate fight with the two men that were with :imrod, and when the" called out to him, %sau turned to them and smote them to death with his sword. + And all the might" men of :imrod, who had left him to go to the wilderness, heard the cr" at a distance, and the" knew the voices of those two men, and the" ran to know the cause of it, when the" found their king and the two men that were with him l"ing dead in the wilderness. 1, And when %sau saw the might" men of :imrod coming at a distance, he fled, and thereb" escaped and %sau took the valuable garments of :imrod, which :imrod4s father had be3ueathed to :imrod, and with which :imrod prevailed over the whole land, and he ran and concealed them in his house. 11 And %sau took those garments and ran into the cit" on account of :imrod4s men, and he came unto his father4s house wearied and e.hausted from fight, and he was read" to die through grief when he approached his brother 8acob and sat before him. 12 And he said unto his brother 8acob, 'ehold I shall die this da", and wherefore then do I want the birthright1 And 8acob acted wisel" with %sau in this matter, and %sau sold his birthright to 8acob, for it was so brought about b" the Lord. 13 And %sau4s portion in the cave of the field of 6achpelah, which Abraham had bought from the children of ;eth for the possession of a burial ground, %sau also sold to 8acob, and 8acob bought all this from his brother %sau for value given. 1! And 8acob wrote the whole of this in a book, and he testified the same with witnesses, and he sealed it, and the book remained in the hands of 8acob. 1# And when :imrod the son of -ush died, his men lifted him up and brought him in consternation, and buried him in his cit", and all the da"s that :imrod lived were two hundred and fifteen "ears and he died. 1& And the da"s that :imrod reigned upon the people of the land were one hundred and eight"9five "ears and :imrod died b" the sword of %sau in shame and contempt, and the seed of Abraham caused his death as he had seen in his dream. 1( And at the death of :imrod his kingdom became divided into man" divisions, and all those parts that :imrod reigned over were restored to the respective kings of the land, who recovered them after the death of :imrod, and all the people of the house of :imrod were for a long time enslaved to all the other kings of the land. CHAPTER 28 1 And in those da"s, after the death of Abraham, in that "ear the Lord brought a heav" famine in the land, and whilst the famine was raging in the land of -anaan, Isaac rose up to go down to %g"pt on account of the famine,


as his father Abraham had done. 2 And the Lord appeared that night to Isaac and he said to him, @o not go down to %g"pt but rise and go to Gerar, to Abimelech king of the Bhilistines, and remain there till the famine shall cease. 3 And Isaac rose up and went to Gerar, as the Lord commanded him, and he remained there a full "ear. ! And when Isaac came to Gerar, the people of the land saw that =ebecca his wife was of a beautiful appearance, and the people of Gerar asked Isaac concerning his wife, and he said, 2he is m" sister, for he was afraid to sa" she was his wife lest the people of the land should sla" him on account of her. # And the princes of Abimelech went and praised the woman to the king, but he answered them not, neither did he attend to their words. & 'ut he heard them sa" that Isaac declared her to be his sister, so the king reserved this within himself. ( And when Isaac had remained three months in the land, Abimelech looked out at the window, and he saw, and behold Isaac was sporting with =ebecca his wife, for Isaac dwelt in the outer house belonging to the king, so that the house of Isaac was opposite the house of the king. * And the king said unto Isaac, 0hat is this thou hast done to us in sa"ing of th" wife, 2he is m" sister1 how easil" might one of the great men of the people have lain with her, and thou wouldst then have brought guilt upon us. + And Isaac said unto Abimelech, 'ecause I was afraid lest I die on account of m" wife, therefore I said, 2he is m" sister. 1, At that time Abimelech gave orders to all his princes and great men, and the" took Isaac and =ebecca his wife and brought them before the king. 11 And the king commanded that the" should dress them in princel" garments, and make them ride through the streets of the cit", and proclaim before them throughout the land, sa"ing, $his is the man and this is his wife whoever toucheth this man or his wife shall surel" die. And Isaac returned with his wife to the king4s house, and the Lord was with Isaac and he continued to wa. great and lacked nothing. 12 And the Lord caused Isaac to find favor in the sight of Abimelech, and in the sight of all his sub/ects, and Abimelech acted well with Isaac, for Abimelech remembered the oath and the covenant that e.isted between his father and Abraham. 13 And Abimelech said unto Isaac, 'ehold the whole earth is before thee dwell wherever it ma" seem good in th" sight until thou shalt return to th" land and Abimelech gave Isaac fields and vine"ards and the best part of the land of Gerar, to sow and reap and eat the fruits of the ground until the da"s of the famine should have passed b". 1! And Isaac sowed in that land, and received a hundred9fold in the same "ear, and the Lord blessed him. 1# And the man wa.ed great, and he had possession of flocks and possession of herds and great store of servants. 1& And when the da"s of the famine had passed awa" the Lord appeared to Isaac and said unto him, =ise up, go forth from this place and return to th" land, to the land of -anaan and Isaac rose up and returned to ;ebron which is in the land of -anaan, he and all belonging to him as the Lord commanded


him. 1( And after this 2helach the son at Arpachshad died in that "ear, which is the eighteenth "ear of the lives of 8acob and %sau and all the da"s that 2helach lived were four hundred and thirt"9three "ears and he died. 1* At that time Isaac sent his "ounger son 8acob to the house of 2hem and %ber, and he learned the instructions of the Lord, and 8acob remained in the house of 2hem and %ber for thirt"9two "ears, and %sau his brother did not go, for he was not willing to go, and he remained in his father4s house in the land of -anaan. 1+ And %sau was continuall" hunting in the fields to bring home what he could get, so did %sau all the da"s. 2, And %sau was a designing and deceitful man, one who hunted after the hearts of men and inveigled them, and %sau was a valiant man in the field, and in the course of time went as usual to hunt and he came as far as the field of 2eir, the same is %dom. 21 And he remained in the land of 2eir hunting in the field a "ear and four months. 22 And %sau there saw in the land of 2eir the daughter of a man of -anaan, and her name was 8ehudith, the daughter of 'eeri, son of %pher, from the families of ;eth the son of -anaan. 23 And %sau took her for a wife, and he came unto her fort" "ears old was %sau when he took her, and he brought her to ;ebron, the land of his father4s dwelling place, and he dwelt there. 2! And it came to pass in those da"s, in the hundred and tenth "ear of the life of Isaac, that is in the fiftieth "ear of the life of 8acob, in that "ear died 2hem the son of :oah 2hem was si. hundred "ears old at his death. 2# And when 2hem died 8acob returned to his father to ;ebron which is in the land of -anaan. 2& And in the fift" "ear of the life of 8acob, people came from ;aran, and =ebecca was told concerning her brother Laban the son of 'ethuel. 2( )or the wife of Laban was barren in those da"s, and bare no children, and also all his handmaids bare none to him. 2* And the Lord afterward remembered Adinah the wife of Laban, and she conceived and bare twin daughters, and Laban called the names of his daughters, the name of the elder Leah, and the name of the "ounger =achel. 2+ And those people came and told these things to =ebecca, and =ebecca re/oiced greatl" that the Lord had visited her brother and that he had got children. CHAPTER 29 1 And Isaac the son of Abraham became old and advanced in da"s, and his e"es became heav" through age the" were dim and could not see. 2 At that time Isaac called unto %sau his son, sa"ing, Get I pra" thee th" weapons, th" 3uiver and th" bow, rise up and go forth into the field and get me some venison, and make me savor" meat and bring it to me, that I ma" eat in order that I ma" bless thee before m" death, as I have now become old and gra"9headed. 3 And %sau did so and he took his weapon and went forth into the field to hunt for venison, as usual, to bring to his father as he had ordered him, so


that he might bless him. ! And =ebecca heard all the words that Isaac had spoken unto %sau, and she hastened and called her son 8acob, sa"ing, $hus did th" father speak unto th" brother %sau, and thus did I hear, now therefore hasten thou and make that which I shall tell thee. # =ise up and go, I pra" thee, to the flock and fetch me two fine kids of the goats, and I will get the savor" meat for th" father, and thou shalt bring the savor" meat that he ma" eat before th" brother shall have come from the chase, in order that th" father ma" bless thee. & And 8acob hastened and did as his mother had commanded him, and he made the savor" meat and brought it before his father before %sau had come from his chase. ( And Isaac said unto 8acob, 0ho art thou, m" son1 And he said, I am th" first born %sau, I have done as thou didst order me, now therefore rise up I pra" thee, and eat of m" hunt, in order that th" soul ma" bless me as thou didst speak unto me. * And Isaac rose up and he ate and he drank, and his heart was comforted, and he blessed 8acob and 8acob went awa" from his father and as soon as Isaac had blessed 8acob and he had gone awa" from him, behold %sau came from his hunt from the field, and he also made savor" meat and brought it to his father to eat thereof and to bless him. + And Isaac said unto %sau, And who was he that has taken venison and brought it me before thou camest and whom I did bless1 And %sau knew that his brother 8acob had done this, and the anger of %sau was kindled against his brother 8acob that he had acted thus toward him. 1, And %sau said, Is he not rightl" called 8acob1 for he has supplanted me twice, he took awa" m" birthright and now he has taken awa" m" blessing and %sau wept greatl" and when Isaac heard the voice of his son %sau weeping, Isaac said unto %sau, 0hat can I do, m" son, th" brother came with subtlet" and took awa" th" blessing and %sau hated his brother 8acob on account of the blessing that his father had given him, and his anger was greatl" roused against him. 11 And 8acob was ver" much afraid of his brother %sau, and he rose up and fled to the house of %ber the son of 2hem, and he concealed himself there on account of his brother, and 8acob was si.t"9three "ears old when he went forth from the land of -anaan from ;ebron, and 8acob was concealed in %ber4s house fourteen "ears on account of his brother %sau, and he there continued to learn the wa"s of the Lord and his commandments. 12 And when %sau saw that 8acob had fled and escaped from him, and that 8acob had cunningl" obtained the blessing, then %sau grieved e.ceedingl", and he was also ve.ed at his father and mother and he also rose up and took his wife and went awa" from his father and mother to the land of 2eir, and he dwelt there and %sau saw there a woman from amongst the daughters of ;eth whose name was 'osmath, the daughter of %lon the ;ittite, and he took her for a wife in addition to his first wife, and %sau called her name Adah, sa"ing the blessing had in that time passed from him. 13 And %sau dwelt in the land of 2eir si. months without seeing his father and mother, and afterward %sau took his wives and rose up and returned to the land of -anaan, and %sau placed his two wives in his father4s house in ;ebron.


1! And the wives of %sau ve.ed and provoked Isaac and =ebecca with their works, for the" walked not in the wa"s of the Lord, but served their father4s gods of wood and stone as their father had taught them, and the" were more wicked than their father. 1# And the" went according to the evil desires of their hearts, and the" sacrificed and burnt incense to the 'aalim, and Isaac and =ebecca became wear" of them. 1& And =ebecca said, I am wear" of m" life because of the daughters of ;eth if 8acob take a wife of the daughters of ;eth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good then is life unto me1 1( And in those da"s Adah the wife of %sau conceived and bare him a son, and %sau called the name of the son that was born unto him %lipha?, and %sau was si.t"9five "ears old when she bare him. 1* And Ishmael the son of Abraham died in those da"s, in the si.t"9forth "ear of the life of 8acob, and all the da"s that Ishmael lived were one hundred and thirt"9seven "ears and he died. 1+ And when Isaac heard that Ishmael was dead he mourned for him, and Isaac lamented over him man" da"s. 2, And at the end of fourteen "ears of 8acob4s residing in the house of %ber, 8acob desired to see his father and mother, and 8acob came to the house of his father and mother to ;ebron, and %sau had in those da"s forgotten what 8acob had done to him in having taken the blessing from him in those da"s. 21 And when %sau saw 8acob coming to his father and mother he remembered what 8acob had done to him, and he was greatl" incensed against him and he sought to sla" him. 22 And Isaac the son of Abraham was old and advanced in da"s, and %sau said, :ow m" father4s time is drawing nigh that he must die, and when he shall die I will sla" m" brother 8acob. 23 And this was told to =ebecca, and she hastened and sent and called for 8acob her son, and she said unto him, Arise, go and flee to ;aran to m" brother Laban, and remain there for some time, until th" brother4s anger be turned from thee and then shalt thou come back. 2! And Isaac called unto 8acob and said unto him, $ake not a wife from the daughters of -anaan, for thus did our father Abraham command us according to the word of the Lord which he had commanded him, sa"ing, Cnto th" seed will I give this land if th" children keep m" covenant that I have made with thee, then will I also perform to th" children that which I have spoken unto thee and I will not forsake them. 2# :ow therefore m" son hearken to m" voice, to all that I shall command thee, and refrain from taking a wife from amongst the daughters of -anaan arise, go to ;aran to the house of 'ethuel th" mother4s father, and take unto thee a wife from there from the daughters of Laban th" mother4s brother. 2& $herefore take heed lest thou shouldst forget the Lord th" God and all his wa"s in the land to which thou goest, and shouldst get connected with the people of the land and pursue vanit" and forsake the Lord th" God. 2( 'ut when thou comest to the land serve there the Lord, do not turn to the right or to the left from the wa" which I commanded thee and which thou didst learn. 2* And ma" the Almight" God grant thee favor in the sight of the people of the earth, that thou ma"est take there a wife according to th" choice one


who is good and upright in the wa"s of the Lord. 2+ And ma" God give unto thee and th" seed the blessing of th" father Abraham, and make thee fruitful and multipl" thee, and ma"est thou become a multitude of people in the land whither thou goest, and ma" God cause thee to return to this land, the land of th" father4s dwelling, with children and with great riches, with /o" and with pleasure. 3, And Isaac finished commanding 8acob and blessing him, and he gave him man" gifts, together with silver and gold, and he sent him awa" and 8acob hearkened to his father and mother he kissed them and arose and went to Badan9aram and 8acob was sevent"9seven "ears old when he went out from the land of -anaan from 'eersheba. 31 And when 8acob went awa" to go to ;aran %sau called unto his son %lipha?, and secretl" spoke unto him, sa"ing, :ow hasten, take th" sword in th" hand and pursue 8acob and pass before him in the road, and lurk for him, and sla" him with th" sword in one of the mountains, and take all belonging to him and come back. 32 And %lipha? the son of %sau was an active man and e.pert with the bow as his father had taught him, and he was a noted hunter in the field and a valiant man. 33 And %lipha? did as his father had commanded him, and %lipha? was at that time thirteen "ears old, and %lipha? rose up and went and took ten of his mother4s brothers with him and pursued 8acob. 3! And he closel" followed 8acob, and he lurked for him in the border of the land of -anaan opposite to the cit" of 2hechem. 3# And 8acob saw %lipha? and his men pursuing him, and 8acob stood still in the place in which he was going, in order to know what this was, for he did not know the thing and %lipha? drew his sword and he went on advancing, he and his men, toward 8acob and 8acob said unto them, 0hat is to do with "ou that "ou have come hither, and what meaneth it that "ou pursue with "our swords. 3& And %lipha? came near to 8acob and he answered and said unto him, $hus did m" father command me, and now therefore I will not deviate from the orders which m" father gave me and when 8acob saw that %sau had spoken to %lipha? to emplo" force, 8acob then approached and supplicated %lipha? and his men, sa"ing to him, 3( 'ehold all that I have and which m" father and mother gave unto me, that take unto thee and go from me, and do not sla" me, and ma" this thing be accounted unto thee a righteousness. 3* And the Lord caused 8acob to find favor in the sight of %lipha? the son of %sau, and his men, and the" hearkened to the voice of 8acob, and the" did not put him to death, and %lipha? and his men took all belonging to 8acob together with the silver and gold that he had brought with him from 'eersheba the" left him nothing. 3+ And %lipha? and his men went awa" from him and the" returned to %sau to 'eersheba, and the" told him all that had occurred to them with 8acob, and the" gave him all that the" had taken from 8acob. !, And %sau was indignant at %lipha? his son, and at his men that were with him, because the" had not put 8acob to death. !1 And the" answered and said unto %sau, 'ecause 8acob supplicated us in this matter not to sla" him, our pit" was e.cited toward him, and we took all


belonging to him and brought it unto thee and %sau took all the silver and gold which %lipha? had taken from 8acob and he put them b" in his house. !2 At that time when %sau saw that Isaac had blessed 8acob, and had commanded him, sa"ing, $hou shalt not take a wife from amongst the daughters of -anaan, and that the daughters of -anaan were bad in the sight of Isaac and =ebecca, !3 $hen he went to the house of Ishmael his uncle, and in addition to his older wives he took 6achlath the daughter of Ishmael, the sister of :eba"oth, for a wife. CHAPTER 30 1 And 8acob went forth continuing his road to ;aran, and he came as far as mount 6oriah, and he tarried there all night near the cit" of Lu? and the Lord appeared there unto 8acob on that night, and he said unto him, I am the Lord God of Abraham and the God of Isaac th" father the land upon which thou liest I will give unto thee and th" seed. 2 And behold I am with thee and will keep thee wherever thou goest, and I will multipl" th" seed as the stars of ;eaven, and I will cause all thine enemies to fall before thee and when the" shall make war with thee the" shall not prevail over thee, and I will bring thee again unto this land with /o", with children, and with great riches. 3 And 8acob awoke from his sleep and he re/oiced greatl" at the vision which he had seen and he called the name of that place 'ethel. ! And 8acob rose up from that place 3uite re/oiced, and when he walked his feet felt light to him for /o", and he went from there to the land of the children of the %ast, and he returned to ;aran and he set b" the shepherd4s well. # And he there found some men going from ;aran to feed their flocks, and 8acob made in3uiries of them, and the" said, 0e are from ;aran. & And he said unto them, @o "ou know Laban, the son of :ahor1 and the" said, 0e know him, and behold his daughter =achel is coming along to feed her father4s flock. ( 0hilst he was "et speaking with them, =achel the daughter of Laban came to feed her father4s sheep, for she was a shepherdess. * And when 8acob saw =achel, the daughter of Laban, his mother4s brother, he ran and kissed her, and lifted up his voice and wept. + And 8acob told =achel that he was the son of =ebecca, her father4s sister, and =achel ran and told her father, and 8acob continued to cr" because he had nothing with him to bring to the house of Laban. 1, And when Laban heard that his sister4s son 8acob had come, he ran and kissed him and embraced him and brought him into the house and gave him bread, and he ate. 11 And 8acob related to Laban what his brother %sau had done to him, and what his son %lipha? had done to him in the road. 12 And 8acob resided in Laban4s house for one month, and 8acob ate and drank in the house of Laban, and afterward Laban said unto 8acob, $ell me what shall be th" wages, for how canst thou serve me for nought1 13 And Laban had no sons but onl" daughters, and his other wives and handmaids were still barren in those da"s and these are the names of


Laban4s daughters which his wife Adinah had borne unto him the name of the elder was Leah and the name of the "ounger was =achel and Leah was tender9e"ed, but =achel was beautiful and well favored, and 8acob loved her. 1! And 8acob said unto Laban, I will serve thee seven "ears for =achel th" "ounger daughter and Laban consented to this and 8acob served Laban seven "ears for his daughter =achel. 1# And in the second "ear of 8acob4s dwelling in ;aran, that is in the sevent" ninth "ear of the life of 8acob, in that "ear died %ber the son of 2hem, he was four hundred and si.t"9four "ears old at his death. 1& And when 8acob heard that %ber was dead he grieved e.ceedingl", and he lamented and mourned over him man" da"s. 1( And in the third "ear of 8acob4s dwelling in ;aran, 'osmath, the daughter of Ishmael, the wife of %sau, bare unto him a son, and %sau called his name =euel. 1* And in the fourth "ear of 8acob4s residence in the house of Laban, the Lord visited Laban and remembered him on account of 8acob, and sons were born unto him, and his first born was 'eor, his second was Alib, and the third was -horash. 1+ And the Lord gave Laban riches and honor, sons and daughters, and the man increased greatl" on account of 8acob. 2, And 8acob in those da"s served Laban in all manner of work, in the house and in the field, and the blessing of the Lord was in all that belonged to Laban in the house and in the field. 21 And in the fifth "ear died 8ehudith, the daughter of 'eeri, the wife of %sau, in the land of -anaan, and she had no sons but daughters onl". 22 And these are the names of her daughters which she bare to %sau, the name of the elder was 6ar?ith, and the name of the "ounger was Buith. 23 And when 8ehudith died, %sau rose up and went to 2eir to hunt in the field, as usual, and %sau dwelt in the land of 2eir for a long time. 2! And in the "ear %sau took for a wife, in addition to his other wives, Ahlibamah, the daughter of 7ebeon the ;ivite, and %sau brought her to the land of -anaan. 2# And Ahlibamah conceived and bare unto %sau three sons, Deush, Daalan, and Aorah. 2& And in those da"s, in the land of -anaan, there was a 3uarrel between the herdsmen of %sau and the herdsmen of the inhabitants of the land of -anaan, for %sau4s cattle and goods were too abundant for him to remain in the land of -anaan, in his father4s house, and the land of -anaan could not bear him on account of his cattle. 2( And when %sau saw that his 3uarreling increased with the inhabitants of the land of -anaan, he rose up and took his wives and his sons and his daughters, and all belonging to him, and the cattle which he possessed, and all his propert" that he had ac3uired in the land of -anaan, and he went awa" from the inhabitants of the land to the land of 2eir, and %sau and all belonging to him dwelt in the land of 2eir. 2* 'ut from time to time %sau would go and see his father and mother in the land of -anaan, and %sau intermarried with the ;orites, and he gave his daughters to the sons of 2eir, the ;orite. 2+ And he gave his elder daughter 6ar?ith to Anah, the son of 7ebeon, his wife4s brother, and Buith he gave to A?ar, the son of 'ilhan the ;orite and


%sau dwelt in the mountain, he and his children, and the" were fruitful and multiplied. CHAPTER 31 1 And in the seventh "ear, 8acob4s service which he served Laban was completed, and 8acob said unto Laban, Give me m" wife, for the da"s of m" service are fulfilled and Laban did so, and Laban and 8acob assembled all the people of that place and the" made a feast. 2 And in the evening Laban came to the house, and afterward 8acob came there with the people of the feast, and Laban e.tinguished all the lights that were there in the house. 3 And 8acob said unto Laban, 0herefore dost thou do this thing unto us1 and Laban answered, 2uch is our custom to act in this land. ! And afterward Laban took his daughter Leah, and he brought her to 8acob, and he came to her and 8acob did not know that she was Leah. # And Laban gave his daughter Leah his maid 7ilpah for a handmaid. & And all the people at the feast knew what Laban had done to 8acob, but the" did not tell the thing to 8acob. ( And all the neighbors came that night to 8acob4s house, and the" ate and drank and re/oiced, and pla"ed before Leah upon timbrels, and with dances, and the" responded before 8acob, ;eleah, ;eleah. * And 8acob heard their words but did not understand their meaning, but he thought such might be their custom in this land. + And the neighbors spoke these words before 8acob during the night, and all the lights that were in the house Laban had that night e.tinguished. 1, And in the morning, when da"light appeared, 8acob turned to his wife and he saw, and behold it was Leah that had been l"ing in his bosom, and 8acob said, 'ehold now I know what the neighbors said last night, ;eleah, the" said, and I knew it not. 11 And 8acob called unto Laban, and said unto him, 0hat is this that thou didst unto me1 2urel" I served thee for =achel, and wh" didst thou deceive me and didst give me Leah1 12 And Laban answered 8acob, sa"ing, :ot so is it done in our place to give the "ounger before the elder now therefore if thou desirest to take her sister likewise, take her unto thee for the service which thou wilt serve me for another seven "ears. 13 And 8acob did so, and he also took =achel for a wife, and he served Laban seven "ears more, and 8acob also came to =achel, and he loved =achel more than Leah, and Laban gave her his maid 'ilhah for a handmaid. 1! And when the Lord saw that Leah was hated, the Lord opened her womb, and she conceived and bare 8acob four sons in those da"s. 1# And these are their names, =euben 2imeon, Levi, and 8udah, and she afterward left bearing. 1& And at that time =achel was barren, and she had no offspring, and =achel envied her sister Leah, and when =achel saw that she bare no children to 8acob, she took her handmaid 'ilhah, and she bare 8acob two sons, @an and :aphtali. 1( And when Leah saw that she had left bearing, she also took her handmaid 7ilpah, and she gave her to 8acob for a wife, and 8acob also came to 7ilpah,


and she also bare 8acob two sons, Gad and Asher. 1* And Leah again conceived and bare 8acob in those da"s two sons and one daughter, and these are their names, Issachar, 7ebulon, and their sister @inah. 1+ And =achel was still barren in those da"s, and =achel pra"ed unto the Lord at that time, and she said, < Lord God remember me and visit me, I beseech thee, for now m" husband will cast me off, for I have borne him no children. 2, :ow < Lord God, hear m" supplication before thee, and see m" affliction, and give me children like one of the handmaids, that I ma" no more bear m" reproach. 21 And God heard her and opened her womb, and =achel conceived and bare a son, and she said, $he Lord has taken awa" m" reproach, and she called his name 8oseph, sa"ing, 6a" the Lord add to me another son and 8acob was ninet"9one "ears old when she bare him. 22 At that time 8acob4s mother, =ebecca, sent her nurse @eborah the daughter of C?, and two of Isaac4s servants unto 8acob. 23 And the" came to 8acob to ;aran and the" said unto him, =ebecca has sent us to thee that thou shalt return to th" father4s house to the land of -anaan and 8acob hearkened unto them in this which his mother had spoken. 2! At that time, the other seven "ears which 8acob served Laban for =achel were completed, and it was at the end of fourteen "ears that he had dwelt in ;aran that 8acob said unto Laban, give me m" wives and send me awa", that I ma" go to m" land, for behold m" mother did send unto me from the land at -anaan that I should return to m" father4s house. 2# And Laban said unto him, :ot so I pra" thee if I have found favor in th" sight do not leave me appoint me th" wages and I will give them, and remain with me. 2& And 8acob said unto him, $his is what thou shalt give me for wages, that I shall this da" pass through all th" flock and take awa" from them ever" lamb that is speckled and spotted and such as are brown amongst the sheep, and amongst the goats, and if thou wilt do this thing for me I will return and feed th" flock and keep them as at first. 2( And Laban did so, and Laban removed from his flock all that 8acob had said and gave them to him. 2* And 8acob placed all that he had removed from Laban4s flock in the hands of his sons, and 8acob was feeding the remainder of Laban4s flock. 2+ And when the servants of Isaac which he had sent unto 8acob saw that 8acob would not then return with them to the land of -anaan to his father, the" then went awa" from him, and the" returned home to the land of -anaan. 3, And @eborah remained with 8acob in ;aran, and she did not return with the servants of Isaac to the land of -anaan, and @eborah resided with 8acob4s wives and children in ;aran. 31 And 8acob served Laban si. "ears longer, and when the sheep brought forth, 8acob removed from them such as were speckled and spotted, as he had determined with Laban, and 8acob did so at Laban4s for si. "ears, and the man increased abundantl" and he had cattle and maid servants and men servants, camels, and asses.


32 And 8acob had two hundred drove of cattle, and his cattle were of large si?e and of beautiful appearance and were ver" productive, and all the families of the sons of men desired to get some of the cattle of 8acob, for the" were e.ceedingl" prosperous. 33 And man" of the sons of men came to procure some of 8acob4s flock, and 8acob gave them a sheep for a man servant or a maid servant or for an ass or a camel, or whatever 8acob desired from them the" gave him. 3! And 8acob obtained riches and honor and possessions b" means of these transactions with the sons of men, and the children of Laban envied him of this honor. 3# And in the course of time he heard the words of Laban4s sons, sa"ing, 8acob has taken awa" all that was our father4s, and of that which was our father4s has he ac3uired all this glor". 3& And 8acob beheld the countenance of Laban and of his children, and behold it was not toward him in those da"s as it had been before. 3( And the Lord appeared to 8acob at the e.piration of the si. "ears, and said unto him, Arise, go forth out of this land, and return to the land of th" birthplace and I will be with thee. 3* And 8acob rose up at that time and he mounted his children and wives and all belonging to him upon camels, and he went forth to go to the land of -anaan to his father Isaac. 3+ And Laban did not know that 8acob had gone from him, for Laban had been that da" sheep9shearing. !, And =achel stole her father4s images, and she took them and she concealed them upon the camel upon which she sat, and she went on. !1 And this is the manner of the images in taking a man who is the first born and sla"ing him and taking the hair off his head, and taking salt and salting the head and anointing it in oil, then taking a small tablet of copper or a tablet of gold and writing the name upon it, and placing the tablet under his tongue, and taking the head with the tablet under the tongue and putting it in the house, and lighting up lights before it and bowing down to it. !2 And at the time when the" bow down to it, it speaketh to them in all matters that the" ask of it, through the power of the name which is written in it. !3 And some make them in the figures of men, of gold and silver, and go to them in times known to them, and the figures receive the influence of the stars, and tell them future things, and in this manner were the images which =achel stole from her father. !! And =achel stole these images which were her father4s, in order that Laban might not know through them where 8acob had gone. !# And Laban came home and he asked concerning 8acob and his household, and he was not to be found, and Laban sought his images to know where 8acob had gone, and could not find them, and he went to some other images, and he in3uired of them and the" told him that 8acob had fled from him to his father4s, to the land of -anaan. !& And Laban then rose up and he took his brothers and all his servants, and he went forth and pursued 8acob, and he overtook him in mount Gilead. !( And Laban said unto 8acob, 0hat is this thou hast done to me to flee and deceive me, and lead m" daughters and their children as captives taken b" the sword1


!* And thou didst not suffer me to kiss them and send them awa" with /o", and thou didst steal m" gods and didst go awa". !+ And 8acob answered Laban, sa"ing, 'ecause I was afraid lest thou wouldst take th" daughters b" force from me and now with whomsoever thou findest th" gods he shall die. #, And Laban searched for the images and he e.amined in all 8acob4s tents and furniture, but could not find them. #1 And Laban said unto 8acob, 0e will make a covenant together and it shall be a testimon" between me and thee if thou shalt afflict m" daughters, or shalt take other wives besides m" daughters, even God shall be a witness between me and thee in this matter. #2 And the" took stones and made a heap, and Laban said, $his heap is a witness between me and thee, therefore he called the name thereof Gilead. #3 And 8acob and Laban offered sacrifice upon the mount, and the" ate there b" the heap, and the" tarried in the mount all night, and Laban rose up earl" in the morning, and he wept with his daughters and he kissed them, and he returned unto his place. #! And he hastened and sent off his son 'eor, who was seventeen "ears old, with Abichorof the son of C?, the son of :ahor, and with them were ten men. ## And the" hastened and went and passed on the road before 8acob, and the" came b" another road to the land of 2eir. #& And the" came unto %sau and said unto him, $hus saith th" brother and relative, th" mother4s brother Laban, the son of 'ethuel, sa"ing, #( ;ast thou heard what 8acob th" brother has done unto me, who first came to me naked and bare, and I went to meet him, and brought him to m" house with honor, and I made him great, and I gave him m" two daughters for wives and also two of m" maids. #* And God blessed him on m" account, and he increased abundantl", and had sons, daughters and maid servants. #+ ;e has also an immense stock of flocks and herds, camels and asses, also silver and gold in abundance and when he saw that his wealth increased, he left me whilst I went to shear m" sheep, and he rose up and fled in secrec". &, And he lifted his wives and children upon camels, and he led awa" all his cattle and propert" which he ac3uired in m" land, and he lifted up his countenance to go to his father Isaac, to the land of -anaan. &1 And he did not suffer me to kiss m" daughters and their children, and he led m" daughters as captives taken b" the sword, and he also stole m" gods and he fled. &2 And now I have left him in the mountain of the brook of 8abuk, him and all belonging to him he lacketh nothing. &3 If it be th" wish to go to him, go then and there wilt thou find him, and thou canst do unto him as th" soul desireth and Laban4s messengers came and told %sau all these things. &! And %sau heard all the words of Laban4s messengers, and his anger was greatl" kindled against 8acob, and he remembered his hatred, and his anger burned within him. &# And %sau hastened and took his children and servants and the souls of his household, being si.t" men, and he went and assembled all the children of 2eir the ;orite and their people, being three hundred and fort" men, and took all this number of four hundred men with drawn swords, and he went


unto 8acob to smite him. && And %sau divided this number into several parts, and he took the si.t" men of his children and servants and the souls of his household as one head, and gave them in care of %lipha? his eldest son. &( And the remaining heads he gave to the care of the si. sons of 2eir the ;orite, and he placed ever" man over his generations and children. &* And the whole of this camp went as it was, and %sau went amongst them toward 8acob, and he conducted them with speed. &+ And Laban4s messengers departed from %sau and went to the land of -anaan, and the" came to the house of =ebecca the mother of 8acob and %sau. (, And the" told her sa"ing, 'ehold th" son %sau has gone against his brother 8acob with four hundred men, for he heard that he was coming, and he is gone to make war with him, and to smite him and to take all that he has. (1 And =ebecca hastened and sent sevent" two men from the servants of Isaac to meet 8acob on the road for she said, Beradventure, %sau ma" make war in the road when he meets him. (2 And these messengers went on the road to meet 8acob, and the" met him in the road of the brook on the opposite side of the brook 8abuk, and 8acob said when he saw them, $his camp is destined to me from God, and 8acob called the name of that place 6achna"im. (3 And 8acob knew all his father4s people, and he kissed them and embraced them and came with them, and 8acob asked them concerning his father and mother, and the" said, $he" were well. (! And these messengers said unto 8acob, =ebecca th" mother has sent us to thee, sa"ing, I have heard, m" son, that th" brother %sau has gone forth against thee on the road with men from the children of 2eir the ;orite. (# And therefore, m" son, hearken to m" voice and see with th" counsel what thou wilt do, and when he cometh up to thee, supplicate him, and do not speak rashl" to him, and give him a present from what thou possessest, and from what God has favored thee with. (& And when he asketh thee concerning th" affairs, conceal nothing from him, perhaps he ma" turn from his anger against thee and thou wilt thereb" save th" soul, thou and all belonging to thee, for it is th" dut" to honor him, for he is th" elder brother. (( And when 8acob heard the words of his mother which the messengers had spoken to him, 8acob lifted up his voice and wept bitterl", and did as his mother then commanded him. CHAPTER 32 1 And at that time 8acob sent messengers to his brother %sau toward the land of 2eir, and he spoke to him words of supplication. 2 And he commanded them, sa"ing, $hus shall "e sa" to m" lord, to %sau, $hus saith th" servant 8acob, Let not m" lord imagine that m" father4s blessing with which he did bless me has proved beneficial to me. 3 )or I have been these twent" "ears with Laban, and he deceived me and changed m" wages ten times, as it has all been alread" told unto m" lord. ! And I served him in his house ver" laboriousl", and God afterward saw m"


affliction, m" labor and the work of m" hands, and he caused me to find grace and favor in his sight. # And I afterward through God4s great merc" and kindness ac3uired o.en and asses and cattle, and men servants and maid servants. & And now I am coming to m" land and m" home to m" father and mother, who are in the land of -anaan and I have sent to let m" lord know all this in order to find favor in the sight of m" lord, so that he ma" not imagine that I have of m"self obtained wealth, or that the blessing with which m" father blessed me has benefited me. ( And those messengers went to %sau, and found him on the borders of the land of %dom going toward 8acob, and four hundred men of the children of 2eir the ;orite were standing with drawn swords. * And the messengers of 8acob told %sau all the words that 8acob had spoken to them concerning %sau. + And %sau answered them with pride and contempt, and said unto them, 2urel" I have heard and trul" it has been told unto me what 8acob has done to Laban, who e.alted him in his house and gave him his daughters for wives, and he begat sons and daughters, and abundantl" increased in wealth and riches in Laban4s house through his means. 1, And when he saw that his wealth was abundant and his riches great he fled with all belonging to him, from Laban4s house, and he led Laban4s daughters awa" from the face of their father, as captives taken b" the sword without telling him of it. 11 And not onl" to Laban has 8acob done thus but also unto me has he done so and has twice supplanted me, and shall I be silent1 12 :ow therefore I have this da" come with m" camps to meet him, and I will do unto him according to the desire of m" heart. 13 And the messengers returned and came to 8acob and said unto him, 0e came to th" brother, to %sau, and we told him all th" words, and thus has he answered us, and behold he cometh to meet thee with four hundred men. 1! :ow then know and see what thou shalt do, and pra" before God to deliver thee from him. 1# And when he heard the words of his brother which he had spoken to the messengers of 8acob, 8acob was greatl" afraid and he was distressed. 1& And 8acob pra"ed to the Lord his God, and he said, < Lord God of m" fathers, Abraham and Isaac, thou didst sa" unto me when I went awa" from m" father4s house, sa"ing, 1( I am the Lord God of th" father Abraham and the God of Isaac, unto thee do I give this land and th" seed after thee, and I will make th" seed as the stars of heaven, and thou shalt spread forth to the four sides of heaven, and in thee and in th" seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. 1* And thou didst establish th" words, and didst give unto me riches and children and cattle, as the utmost wishes of m" heart didst thou give unto th" servant thou didst give unto me all that I asked from thee, so that I lacked nothing. 1+ And thou didst afterward sa" unto me, =eturn to th" parents and to th" birth place and I will still do well with thee. 2, And now that I have come, and thou didst deliver me from Laban, I shall fall in the hands of %sau who will sla" me, "ea, together with the mothers of m" children.


21 :ow therefore, < Lord God, deliver me, I pra" thee, also from the hands of m" brother %sau, for I am greatl" afraid of him. 22 And if there is no righteousness in me, do it for the sake of Abraham and m" father Isaac. 23 )or I know that through kindness and merc" have I ac3uired this wealth now therefore I beseech thee to deliver me this da" with th" kindness and to answer me. 2! And 8acob ceased pra"ing to the Lord, and he divided the people that were with him with the flocks and cattle into two camps, and he gave the half to the care of @amesek, the son of %lie?er, Abraham4s servant, for a camp, with his children, and the other half he gave to the care of his brother %lianus the son of %lie?er, to be for a camp with his children. 2# And he commanded them, sa"ing, Aeep "ourselves at a distance with "our camps, and do not come too near each other, and if %sau come to one camp and sla" it, the other camp at a distance from it will escape him. 2& And 8acob tarried there that night, and during the whole night he gave his servants instructions concerning the forces and his children. 2( And the Lord heard the pra"er of 8acob on that da", and the Lord then delivered 8acob from the hands of his brother %sau. 2* And the Lord sent three angels of the angels of heaven, and the" went before %sau and came to him. 2+ And these angels appeared unto %sau and his people as two thousand men, riding upon horses furnished with all sorts of war instruments, and the" appeared in the sight of %sau and all his men to be divided into four camps, with four chiefs to them. 3, And one camp went on and the" found %sau coming with four hundred men toward his brother 8acob, and this camp ran toward %sau and his people and terrified them, and %sau fell off the horse in alarm, and all his men separated from him in that place, for the" were greatl" afraid. 31 And the whole of the camp shouted after them when the" fled from %sau, and all the warlike men answered, sa"ing, 32 2urel" we are the servants of 8acob, who is the servant of God, and who then can stand against us1 And %sau said unto them, < then, m" lord and brother 8acob is "our lord, whom I have not seen for these twent" "ears, and now that I have this da" come to see him, do "ou treat me in this manner1 33 And the angels answered him sa"ing, As the Lord liveth, were not 8acob of whom thou speaketh th" brother, we had not let one remaining from thee and th" people, but onl" on account of 8acob we will do nothing to them. 3! And this camp passed from %sau and his men and it went awa", and %sau and his men had gone from them about a league when the second camp came toward him with all sorts of weapons, and the" also did unto %sau and his men as the first camp had done to them. 3# And when the" had left it to go on, behold the third camp came toward him and the" were all terrified, and %sau fell off the horse, and the whole camp cried out, and said, 2urel" we are the servants of 8acob, who is the servant of God, and who can stand against us1 3& And %sau again answered them sa"ing, < then, 8acob m" lord and "our lord is m" brother, and for twent" "ears I have not seen his countenance and hearing this da" that he was coming, I went this da" to meet him, and do "ou treat me in this manner1


3( And the" answered him, and said unto him, As the Lord liveth, were not 8acob th" brother as thou didst sa", we had not left a remnant from thee and th" men, but on account of 8acob of whom thou speakest being th" brother, we will not meddle with thee or th" men. 3* And the third camp also passed from them, and he still continued his road with his men toward 8acob, when the fourth camp came toward him, and the" also did unto him and his men as the others had done. 3+ And when %sau beheld the evil which the four angels had done to him and to his men, he became greatl" afraid of his brother 8acob, and he went to meet him in peace. !, And %sau concealed his hatred against 8acob, because he was afraid of his life on account of his brother 8acob, and because he imagined that the four camps that he had lighted upon were 8acob4s servants. !1 And 8acob tarried that night with his servants in their camps, and he resolved with his servants to give unto %sau a present from all that he had with him, and from all his propert" and 8acob rose up in the morning, he and his men, and the" chose from amongst the cattle a present for %sau. !2 And this is the amount of the present which 8acob chose from his flock to give unto his brother %sau5 and he selected two hundred and fort" head from the flocks, and he selected from the camels and asses thirt" each, and of the herds he chose fift" kine. !3 And he put them all in ten droves, and he placed each sort b" itself, and he delivered them into the hands of ten of his servants, each drove b" itself. !! And he commanded them, and said unto them, Aeep "ourselves at a distance from each other, and put a space between the droves, and when %sau and those who are with him shall meet "ou and ask "ou, sa"ing, 0hose are "ou, and whither do "ou go, and to whom belongeth all this before "ou, "ou shall sa" unto them, 0e are the servants of 8acob, and we come to meet %sau in peace, and behold 8acob cometh behind us. !# And that which is before us is a present sent from 8acob to his brother %sau. !& And if the" shall sa" unto "ou, 0h" doth he dela" behind "ou, from coming to meet his brother and to see his face, then "ou shall sa" unto them, 2urel" he cometh /o"full" behind us to meet his brother, for he said, I will appease him with the present that goeth to him, and after this I will see his face, peradventure he will accept of me. !( 2o the whole present passed on in the hands of his servants, and went before him on that da", and he lodged that night with his camps b" the border of the brook of 8abuk, and he rose up in the midst of the night, and he took his wives and his maid servants, and all belonging to him, and he that night passed them over the ford 8abuk. !* And when he passed all belonging to him over the brook, 8acob was left b" himself, and a man met him, and he wrestled with him that night until the breaking of the da", and the hollow of 8acob4s thigh was out of /oint through wrestling with him. !+ And at the break of da" the man left 8acob there, and he blessed him and went awa", and 8acob passed the brook at the break of da", and he halted upon his thigh. #, And the sun rose upon him when he had passed the brook, and he came up to the place of his cattle and children.


#1 And the" went on till midda", and whilst the" were going the present was passing on before them. #2 And 8acob lifted up his e"es and looked, and behold %sau was at a distance, coming along with man" men, about four hundred, and 8acob was greatl" afraid of his brother. #3 And 8acob hastened and divided his children unto his wives and his handmaids, and his daughter @inah he put in a chest, and delivered her into the hands of his servants. #! And he passed before his children and wives to meet his brother, and he bowed down to the ground, "ea he bowed down seven times until he approached his brother, and God caused 8acob to find grace and favor in the sight of %sau and his men, for God had heard the pra"er of 8acob. ## And the fear of 8acob and his terror fell upon his brother %sau, for %sau was greatl" afraid of 8acob for what the angels of God had done to %sau, and %sau4s anger against 8acob was turned into kindness. #& And when %sau saw 8acob running toward him, he also ran toward him and he embraced him, and he fell upon his neck, and the" kissed and the" wept. #( And God put fear and kindness toward 8acob in the hearts of the men that came with %sau, and the" also kissed 8acob and embraced him. #* And also %lipha?, the son of %sau, with his four brothers, sons of %sau, wept with 8acob, and the" kissed him and embraced him, for the fear of 8acob had fallen upon them all. #+ And %sau lifted up his e"es and saw the women with their offspring, the children of 8acob, walking behind 8acob and bowing along the road to %sau. &, And %sau said unto 8acob, 0ho are these with thee, m" brother1 are the" th" children or th" servants1 and 8acob answered %sau and said, $he" are m" children which God hath graciousl" given to th" servant. &1 And whilst 8acob was speaking to %sau and his men, %sau beheld the whole camp, and he said unto 8acob, 0hence didst thou get the whole of the camp that I met "esternight1 and 8acob said, $o find favor in the sight of m" lord, it is that which God graciousl" gave to th" servant. &2 And the present came before %sau, and 8acob pressed %sau, sa"ing, $ake I pra" thee the present that I have brought to m" lord, and %sau said, 0herefore is this m" purpose1 keep that which thou hast unto th"self. &3 And 8acob said, It is incumbent upon me to give all this, since I have seen th" face, that thou still livest in peace. &! And %sau refused to take the present, and 8acob said unto him, I beseech thee m" lord, if now I have found favor in th" sight, then receive m" present at m" hand, for I have therefore seen th" face, as though I had seen a god9 like face, because thou wast pleased with me. &# And %sau took the present, and 8acob also gave unto %sau silver and gold and bdellium, for he pressed him so much that he took them. && And %sau divided the cattle that were in the camp, and he gave the half to the men who had come with him, for the" had come on hire, and the other half he delivered unto the hands of his children. &( And the silver and gold and bdellium he gave in the hands of %lipha? his eldest son, and %sau said unto 8acob, Let us remain with thee, and we will go slowl" along with thee until thou comest to m" place with me, that we ma" dwell there together.


&* And 8acob answered his brother and said, I would do as m" lord speaketh unto me, but m" lord knoweth that the children are tender, and the flocks and herds with their "oung who are with me, go but slowl", for if the" went swiftl" the" would all die, for thou knowest their burdens and their fatigue. &+ $herefore let m" lord pass on before his servant, and I will go on slowl" for the sake of the children and the flock, until I come to m" lord4s place to 2eir. (, And %sau said unto 8acob, I will place with thee some of the people that are with me to take care of thee in the road, and to bear th" fatigue and burden, and he said, 0hat needeth it m" lord, if I ma" find grace in th" sight1 (1 'ehold I will come unto thee to 2eir to dwell there together as thou hast spoken, go thou then with th" people for I will follow thee. (2 And 8acob said this to %sau in order to remove %sau and his men from him, so that 8acob might afterward go to his father4s house to the land of -anaan. (3 And %sau hearkened to the voice of 8acob, and %sau returned with the four hundred men that were with him on their road to 2eir, and 8acob and all belonging to him went that da" as far as the e.tremit" of the land of -anaan in its borders, and he remained there some time. CHAPTER 33 1 And in some time after 8acob went awa" from the borders of the land, and he came to the land of 2halem, that is the cit" of 2hechem, which is in the land of -anaan, and he rested in front of the cit". 2 And he bought a parcel of the field which was there, from the children of ;amor the people of the land, for five shekels. 3 And 8acob there built himself a house, and he pitched his tent there, and he made booths for his cattle, therefore he called the name of that place 2uccoth. ! And 8acob remained in 2uccoth a "ear and si. months. # At that time some of the women of the inhabitants of the land went to the cit" of 2hechem to dance and re/oice with the daughters of the people of the cit", and when the" went forth then =achel and Leah the wives of 8acob with their families also went to behold the re/oicing of the daughters of the cit". & And @inah the daughter of 8acob also went along with them and saw the daughters of the cit", and the" remained there before these daughters whilst all the people of the cit" were standing b" them to behold their re/oicings, and all the great people of the cit" were there. ( And 2hechem the son of ;amor, the prince of the land was also standing there to see them. * And 2hechem beheld @inah the daughter of 8acob sitting with her mother before the daughters of the cit", and the damsel pleased him greatl", and he there asked his friends and his people, sa"ing, 0hose daughter is that sitting amongst the women, whom I do not know in this cit"1 + And the" said unto him, 2urel" this is the daughter of 8acob the son of Isaac the ;ebrew, who has dwelt in this cit" for some time, and when it was reported that the daughters of the land were going forth to re/oice she went with her mother and maid servants to sit amongst them as thou seest.


1, And 2hechem beheld @inah the daughter of 8acob, and when he looked at her his soul became fi.ed upon @inah. 11 And he sent and had her taken b" force, and @inah came to the house of 2hechem and he sei?ed her forcibl" and la" with her and humbled her, and he loved her e.ceedingl" and placed her in his house. 12 And the" came and told the thing unto 8acob, and when 8acob heard that 2hechem had defiled his daughter @inah, 8acob sent twelve of his servants to fetch @inah from the house of 2hechem, and the" went and came to the house of 2hechem to take awa" @inah from there. 13 And when the" came 2hechem went out to them with his men and drove them from his house, and he would not suffer them to come before @inah, but 2hechem was sitting with @inah kissing and embracing her before their e"es. 1! And the servants of 8acob came back and told him, sa"ing, 0hen we came, he and his men drove us awa", and thus did 2hechem do unto @inah before our e"es. 1# And 8acob knew moreover that 2hechem had defiled his daughter, but he said nothing, and his sons were feeding his cattle in the field, and 8acob remained silent till their return. 1& And before his sons came home 8acob sent two maidens from his servants4 daughters to take care of @inah in the house of 2hechem, and to remain with her, and 2hechem sent three of his friends to his father ;amor the son of -hiddekem, the son of Bered, sa"ing, Get me this damsel for a wife. 1( And ;amor the son of -hiddekem the ;ivite came to the house of 2hechem his son, and he sat before him, and ;amor said unto his son, 2hechem, Is there then no woman amongst the daughters of th" people that thou wilt take an ;ebrew woman who is not of th" people1 1* And 2hechem said to him, ;er onl" must thou get for me, for she is delightful in m" sight and ;amor did according to the word of his son, for he was greatl" beloved b" him. 1+ And ;amor went forth to 8acob to commune with him concerning this matter, and when he had gone from the house of his son 2hechem, before he came to 8acob to speak unto him, behold the sons of 8acob had come from the field, as soon as the" heard the thing that 2hechem the son of ;amor had done. 2, And the men were ver" much grieved concerning their sister, and the" all came home fired with anger, before the time of gathering in their cattle. 21 And the" came and sat before their father and the" spoke unto him kindled with wrath, sa"ing, 2urel" death is due to this man and to his household, because the Lord God of the whole earth commanded :oah and his children that man shall never rob, nor commit adulter" now behold 2hechem has both ravaged and committed fornication with our sister, and not one of all the people of the cit" spoke a word to him. 22 2urel" thou knowest and understandest that the /udgment of death is due to 2hechem, and to his father, and to the whole cit" on account of the thing which he has done. 23 And whilst the" were speaking before their father in this matter, behold ;amor the father of 2hechem came to speak to 8acob the words of his son concerning @inah, and he sat before 8acob and before his sons.


2! And ;amor spoke unto them, sa"ing, $he soul of m" son 2hechem longeth for "our daughter I pra" "ou give her unto him for a wife and intermarr" with us give us "our daughters and we will give "ou our daughters, and "ou shall dwell with us in our land and we will be as one people in the land. 2# )or our land is ver" e.tensive, so dwell "e and trade therein and get possessions in it, and do therein as "ou desire, and no one shall prevent "ou b" sa"ing a word to "ou. 2& And ;amor ceased speaking unto 8acob and his sons, and behold 2hechem his son had come after him, and he sat before them. 2( And 2hechem spoke before 8acob and his sons, sa"ing, 6a" I find favor in "our sight that "ou will give me "our daughter, and whatever "ou sa" unto me that will I do for her. 2* Ask me for abundance of dowr" and gift, and I will give it, and whatever "ou shall sa" unto me that will I do, and whoever he be that will rebel against "our orders, he shall die onl" give me the damsel for a wife. 2+ And 2imeon and Levi answered ;amor and 2hechem his son deceitfull", sa"ing, All "ou have spoken unto us we will do for "ou. 3, And behold our sister is in "our house, but keep awa" from her until we send to our father Isaac concerning this matter, for we can do nothing without his consent. 31 )or he knoweth the wa"s of our father Abraham, and whatever he sa"eth unto us we will tell "ou, we will conceal nothing from "ou. 32 And 2imeon and Levi spoke this unto 2hechem and his father in order to find a prete.t, and to seek counsel what was to be done to 2hechem and to his cit" in this matter. 33 And when 2hechem and his father heard the words of 2imeon and Levi, it seemed good in their sight, and 2hechem and his father came forth to go home. 3! And when the" had gone, the sons of 8acob said unto their father, sa"ing, 'ehold, we know that death is due to these wicked ones and to their cit", because the" transgressed that which God had commanded unto :oah and his children and his seed after them. 3# And also because 2hechem did this thing to our sister @inah in defiling her, for such vileness shall never be done amongst us. 3& :ow therefore know and see what "ou will do, and seek counsel and prete.t what is to be done to them, in order to kill all the inhabitants of this cit". 3( And 2imeon said to them, ;ere is a proper advice for "ou5 tell them to circumcise ever" male amongst them as we are circumcised, and if the" do not wish to do this, we shall take our daughter from them and go awa". 3* And if the" consent to do this and will do it, then when the" are sunk down with pain, we will attack them with our swords, as upon one who is 3uiet and peaceable, and we will sla" ever" male person amongst them. 3+ And 2imeon4s advice pleased them, and 2imeon and Levi resolved to do unto them as it was proposed. !, And on the ne.t morning 2hechem and ;amor his father came again unto 8acob and his sons, to speak concerning @inah, and to hear what answer the sons of 8acob would give to their words. !1 And the sons of 8acob spoke deceitfull" to them, sa"ing, 0e told our


father Isaac all "our words, and "our words pleased him. !2 'ut he spoke unto us, sa"ing, $hus did Abraham his father command him from God the Lord of the whole earth, that an" man who is not of his descendants that should wish to take one of his daughters, shall cause ever" male belonging to him to be circumcised, as we are circumcised, and then we ma" give him our daughter for a wife. !3 :ow we have made known to "ou all our wa"s that our father spoke unto us, for we cannot do this of which "ou spoke unto us, to give our daughter to an uncircumcised man, for it is a disgrace to us. !! 'ut herein will we consent to "ou, to give "ou our daughter, and we will also take unto ourselves "our daughters, and will dwell amongst "ou and be one people as "ou have spoken, if "ou will hearken to us, and consent to be like us, to circumcise ever" male belonging to "ou, as we are circumcised. !# And if "ou will not hearken unto us, to have ever" male circumcised as we are circumcised, as we have commanded, then we will come to "ou, and take our daughter from "ou and go awa". !& And 2hechem and his father ;amor heard the words of the sons of 8acob, and the thing pleased them e.ceedingl", and 2hechem and his father ;amor hastened to do the wishes of the sons of 8acob, for 2hechem was ver" fond of @inah, and his soul was riveted to her. !( And 2hechem and his father ;amor hastened to the gate of the cit", and the" assembled all the men of their cit" and spoke unto them the words of the sons of 8acob, sa"ing, !* 0e came to these men, the sons of 8acob, and we spoke unto them concerning their daughter, and these men will consent to do according to our wishes, and behold our land is of great e.tent for them, and the" will dwell in it, and trade in it, and we shall be one people we will take their daughters, and our daughters we will give unto them for wives. !+ 'ut onl" on this condition will these men consent to do this thing, that ever" male amongst us be circumcised as the" are circumcised, as their God commanded them, and when we shall have done according to their instructions to be circumcised, then will the" dwell amongst us, together with their cattle and possessions, and we shall be as one people with them. #, And when all the men of the cit" heard the words of 2hechem and his father ;amor, then all the men of their cit" were agreeable to this proposal, and the" obe"ed to be circumcised, for 2hechem and his father ;amor were greatl" esteemed b" them, being the princes of the land. #1 And on the ne.t da", 2hechem and ;amor his father rose up earl" in the morning, and the" assembled all the men of their cit" into the middle of the cit", and the" called for the sons of 8acob, who circumcised ever" male belonging to them on that da" and the ne.t. #2 And the" circumcised 2hechem and ;amor his father, and the five brothers of 2hechem, and then ever" one rose up and went home, for this thing was from the Lord against the cit" of 2hechem, and from the Lord was 2imeon4s counsel in this matter, in order that the Lord might deliver the cit" of 2hechem into the hands of 8acob4s two sons.


CHAPTER 34 1 And the number of all the males that were circumcised, were si. hundred and fort"9five men, and two hundred and fort"9si. children. 2 'ut -hiddekem, son of Bered, the father of ;amor, and his si. brothers, would not listen unto 2hechem and his father ;amor, and the" would not be circumcised, for the proposal of the sons of 8acob was loathsome in their sight, and their anger was greatl" roused at this, that the people of the cit" had not hearkened to them. 3 And in the evening of the second da", the" found eight small children who had not been circumcised, for their mothers had concealed them from 2hechem and his father ;amor, and from the men of the cit". ! And 2hechem and his father ;amor sent to have them brought before them to be circumcised, when -hiddekem and his si. brothers sprang at them with their swords, and sought to sla" them. # And the" sought to sla" also 2hechem and his father ;amor and the" sought to sla" @inah with them on account of this matter. & And the" said unto them, 0hat is this thing that "ou have done1 are there no women amongst the daughters of "our brethren the -anaanites, that "ou wish to take unto "ourselves daughters of the ;ebrews, whom "e knew not before, and will do this act which "our fathers never commanded "ou1 ( @o "ou imagine that "ou will succeed through this act which "ou have done1 and what will "ou answer in this affair to "our brethren the -anaanites, who will come tomorrow and ask "ou concerning this thing1 * And if "our act shall not appear /ust and good in their sight, what will "ou do for "our lives, and me for our lives, in "our not having hearkened to our voices1 + And if the inhabitants of the land and all "our brethren the children of ;am, shall hear of "our act, sa"ing, 1, <n account of a ;ebrew woman did 2hechem and ;amor his father, and all the inhabitants of their cit", do that with which the" had been unac3uainted and which their ancestors never commanded them, where then will "ou fl" or where conceal "our shame, all "our da"s before "our brethren, the inhabitants of the land of -anaan1 11 :ow therefore we cannot bear up against this thing which "ou have done, neither can we be burdened with this "oke upon us, which our ancestors did not command us. 12 'ehold tomorrow we will go and assemble all our brethren, the -anaanitish brethren who dwell in the land, and we will all come and smite "ou and all those who trust in "ou, that there shall not be a remnant left from "ou or them. 13 And when ;amor and his son 2hechem and all the people of the cit" heard the words of -hiddekem and his brothers, the" were terribl" afraid of their lives at their words, and the" repented of what the" had done. 1! And 2hechem and his father ;amor answered their father -hiddekem and his brethren, and the" said unto them, All the words which "ou spoke unto us are true. 1# :ow do not sa", nor imagine in "our hearts that on account of the love of the ;ebrews we did this thing that our ancestors did not command us. 1& 'ut because we saw that it was not their intention and desire to accede to


our wishes concerning their daughter as to our taking her, e.cept on this condition, so we hearkened to their voices and did this act which "ou saw, in order to obtain our desire from them. 1( And when we shall have obtained our re3uest from them, we will then return to them and do unto them that which "ou sa" unto us. 1* 0e beseech "ou then to wait and tarr" until our flesh shall be healed and we again become strong, and we will then go together against them, and do unto them that which is in "our hearts and in ours. 1+ And @inah the daughter of 8acob heard all these words which -hiddekem and his brothers had spoken, and what ;amor and his son 2hechem and the people of their cit" had answered them. 2, And she hastened and sent one of her maidens, that her father had sent to take care of her in the house of 2hechem, to 8acob her father and to her brethren, sa"ing5 21 $hus did -hiddekem and his brothers advise concerning "ou, and thus did ;amor and 2hechem and the people of the cit" answer them. 22 And when 8acob heard these words he was filled with wrath, and he was indignant at them, and his anger was kindled against them. 23 And 2imeon and Levi swore and said, As the Lord liveth, the God of the whole earth, b" this time tomorrow, there shall not be a remnant left in the whole cit". 2! And twent" "oung men had concealed themselves who were not circumcised, and these "oung men fought against 2imeon and Levi, and 2imeon and Levi killed eighteen of them, and two fled from them and escaped to some lime pits that were in the cit", and 2imeon and Levi sought for them, but could not find them. 2# And 2imeon and Levi continued to go about in the cit", and the" killed all the people of the cit" at the edge of the sword, and the" left none remaining. 2& And there was a great consternation in the midst of the cit", and the cr" of the people of the cit" ascended to heaven, and all the women and children cried aloud. 2( And 2imeon and Levi slew all the cit" the" left not a male remaining in the whole cit". 2* And the" slew ;amor and 2hechem his son at the edge of the sword, and the" brought awa" @inah from the house of 2hechem and the" went from there. 2+ And the sons of 8acob went and returned, and came upon the slain, and spoiled all their propert" which was in the cit" and the field. 3, And whilst the" were taking the spoil, three hundred men stood up and threw dust at them and struck them with stones, when 2imeon turned to them and he slew them all with the edge of the sword, and 2imeon turned before Levi, and came into the cit". 31 And the" took awa" their sheep and their o.en and their cattle, and also the remainder of the women and little ones, and the" led all these awa", and the" opened a gate and went out and came unto their father 8acob with vigor. 32 And when 8acob saw all that the" had done to the cit", and saw the spoil that the" took from them, 8acob was ver" angr" at them, and 8acob said unto them, 0hat is this that "ou have done to me1 behold I obtained rest amongst


the -anaanitish inhabitants of the land, and none of them meddled with me. 33 And now "ou have done to make me obno.ious to the inhabitants of the land, amongst the -anaanites and the Beri??ites, and I am but of a small number, and the" will all assemble against me and sla" me when the" hear of "our work with their brethren, and I and m" household will be destro"ed. 3! And 2imeon and Levi and all their brothers with them answered their father 8acob and said unto him, 'ehold we live in the land, and shall 2hechem do this to our sister1 wh" art thou silent at all that 2hechem has done1 and shall he deal with our sister as with a harlot in the streets1 3# And the number of women whom 2imeon and Levi took captives from the cit" of 2hechem, whom the" did not sla", was eight"9five who had not known man. 3& And amongst them was a "oung damsel of beautiful appearance and well favored, whose name was 'unah, and 2imeon took her for a wife, and the number of the males which the" took captives and did not sla", was fort"9 seven men, and the rest the" slew. 3( And all the "oung men and women that 2imeon and Levi had taken captives from the cit" of 2hechem, were servants to the sons of 8acob and to their children after them, until the da" of the sons of 8acob going forth from the land of %g"pt. 3* And when 2imeon and Levi had gone forth from the cit", the two "oung men that were left, who had concealed themselves in the cit", and did not die amongst the people of the cit", rose up, and these "oung men went into the cit" and walked about in it, and found the cit" desolate without man, and onl" women weeping, and these "oung men cried out and said, 'ehold, this is the evil which the sons of 8acob the ;ebrew did to this cit" in their having this da" destro"ed one of the -anaanitish cities, and were not afraid of their lives of all the land of -anaan. 3+ And these men left the cit" and went to the cit" of $apnach, and the" came there and told the inhabitants of $apnach all that had befallen them, and all that the sons of 8acob had done to the cit" of 2hechem. !, And the information reached 8ashub king of $apnach, and he sent men to the cit" of 2hechem to see those "oung men, for the king did not believe them in this account, sa"ing, ;ow could two men la" waste such a large town as 2hechem1 !1 And the messengers of 8ashub came back and told him, sa"ing, 0e came unto the cit", and it is destro"ed, there is not a man there onl" weeping women neither is an" flock or cattle there, for all that was in the cit" the sons of 8acob took awa". !2 And 8ashub wondered at this, sa"ing, ;ow could two men do this thing, to destro" so large a cit", and not one man able to stand against them1 !3 )or the like has not been from the da"s of :imrod, and not even from the remotest time, has the like taken place and 8ashub, king of $apnach, said to his people, 'e courageous and we will go and fight against these ;ebrews, and do unto them as the" did unto the cit", and we will avenge the cause of the people of the cit". !! And 8ashub, king of $apnach, consulted with his counsellors about this matter, and his advisers said unto him, Alone thou wilt not prevail over the ;ebrews, for the" must be powerful to do this work to the whole cit". !# If two of them laid waste the whole cit", and no one stood against them,


surel" if thou wilt go against them, the" will all rise against us and destro" us likewise. !& 'ut if thou wilt send to all the kings that surround us, and let them come together, then we will go with them and fight against the sons of 8acob then wilt thou prevail against them. !( And 8ashub heard the words of his counsellors, and their words pleased him and his people, and he did so and 8ashub king of $apnach sent to all the kings of the Amorites that surrounded 2hechem and $apnach, sa"ing, !* Go up with me and assist me, and we will smite 8acob the ;ebrew and all his sons, and destro" them from the earth, for thus did he do to the cit" of 2hechem, and do "ou not know of it1 !+ And all the kings of the Amorites heard the evil that the sons of 8acob had done to the cit" of 2hechem, and the" were greatl" astonished at them. #, And the seven kings of the Amorites assembled with all their armies, about ten thousand men with drawn swords, and the" came to fight against the sons of 8acob and 8acob heard that the kings of the Amorites had assembled to fight against his sons, and 8acob was greatl" afraid, and it distressed him. #1 And 8acob e.claimed against 2imeon and Levi, sa"ing, 0hat is this act that "ou did1 wh" have "ou in/ured me, to bring against me all the children of -anaan to destro" me and m" household1 for I was at rest, even I and m" household, and "ou have done this thing to me, and provoked the inhabitants of the land against me b" "our proceedings. #2 And 8udah answered his father, sa"ing, 0as it for naught m" brothers 2imeon and Levi killed all the inhabitants of 2hechem1 2urel" it was because 2hechem had humbled our sister, and transgressed the command of our God to :oah and his children, for 2hechem took our sister awa" b" force, and committed adulter" with her. #3 And 2hechem did all this evil and not one of the inhabitants of his cit" interfered with him, to sa", 0h" wilt thou do this1 surel" for this m" brothers went and smote the cit", and the Lord delivered it into their hands, because its inhabitants had transgressed the commands of our God. Is it then for naught that the" have done all this1 #! And now wh" art thou afraid or distressed, and wh" art thou displeased at m" brothers, and wh" is thine anger kindled against them1 ## 2urel" our God who delivered into their hand the cit" of 2hechem and its people, he will also deliver into our hands all the -anaanitish kings who are coming against us, and we will do unto them as m" brothers did unto 2hechem. #& :ow be tran3uil about them and cast awa" th" fears, but trust in the Lord our God, and pra" unto him to assist us and deliver us, and deliver our enemies into our hands. #( And 8udah called to one of his father4s servants, Go now and see where those kings, who are coming against us, are situated with their armies. #* And the servant went and looked far off, and went up opposite 6ount 2ihon, and saw all the camps of the kings standing in the fields, and he returned to 8udah and said, 'ehold the kings are situated in the field with all their camps, a people e.ceedingl" numerous, like unto the sand upon the sea shore. #+ And 8udah said unto 2imeon and Levi, and unto all his brothers,


2trengthen "ourselves and be sons of valor, for the Lord our God is with us, do not fear them. &, 2tand forth each man, girt with his weapons of war, his bow and his sword, and we will go and fight against these uncircumcised men the Lord is our God, ;e will save us. &1 And the" rose up, and each girt on his weapons of war, great and small, eleven sons of 8acob, and all the servants of 8acob with them. &2 And all the servants of Isaac who were with Isaac in ;ebron, all came to them e3uipped in all sorts of war instruments, and the sons of 8acob and their servants, being one hundred and twelve men, went towards these kings, and 8acob also went with them. &3 And the sons of 8acob sent unto their father Isaac the son of Abraham to ;ebron, the same is Aireath9arba, sa"ing, &! Bra" we beseech thee for us unto the Lord our God, to protect us from the hands of the -anaanites who are coming against us, and to deliver them into our hands. &# And Isaac the son of Abraham pra"ed unto the Lord for his sons, and he said, < Lord God, thou didst promise m" father, sa"ing, I will multipl" th" seed as the stars of heaven, and thou didst also promise me, and establish thou th" word, now that the kings of -anaan are coming together, to make war with m" children because the" committed no violence. && :ow therefore, < Lord God, God of the whole earth, pervert, I pra" thee, the counsel of these kings that the" ma" not fight against m" sons. &( And impress the hearts of these kings and their people with the terror of m" sons and bring down their pride, and that the" ma" turn awa" from m" sons. &* And with th" strong hand and outstretched arm deliver m" sons and their servants from them, for power and might are in th" hands to do all this. &+ And the sons of 8acob and their servants went toward these kings, and the" trusted in the Lord their God, and whilst the" were going, 8acob their father also pra"ed unto the Lord and said, < Lord God, powerful and e.alted God, who has reigned from da"s of old, from thence till now and forever (, $hou art ;e who stirreth up wars and causeth them to cease, in th" hand are power and might to e.alt and to bring down < ma" m" pra"er be acceptable before thee that thou ma"est turn to me with th" mercies, to impress the hearts of these kings and their people with the terror of m" sons, and terrif" them and their camps, and with th" great kindness deliver all those that trust in thee, for it is thou who canst bring people under us and reduce nations under our power. CHAPTER 35 1 And all the kings of the Amorites came and took their stand in the field to consult with their counsellors what was to be done with the sons of 8acob, for the" were still afraid of them, sa"ing, 'ehold, two of them slew the whole of the cit" of 2hechem. 2 And the Lord heard the pra"ers of Isaac and 8acob, and he filled the hearts of all these kings4 advisers with great fear and terror that the" unanimousl" e.claimed, 3 Are "ou sill" this da", or is there no understanding in "ou, that "ou will


fight with the ;ebrews, and wh" will "ou take a delight in "our own destruction this da"1 ! 'ehold two of them came to the cit" of 2hechem without fear or terror, and the" killed all the inhabitants of the cit", that no man stood up against them, and how will "ou be able to fight with them all1 # 2urel" "ou know that their God is e.ceedingl" fond of them, and has done might" things for them, such as have not been done from da"s of old, and amongst all the gods of nations, there is none can do like unto his might" deeds. & 2urel" he delivered their father Abraham, the ;ebrew, from the hand of :imrod, and from the hand of all his people who had man" times sought to sla" him. ( ;e delivered him also from the fire in which king :imrod had cast him, and his God delivered him from it. * And who else can do the like1 surel" it was Abraham who slew the five kings of %lam, when the" had touched his brother4s son who in those da"s dwelt in 2odom. + And took his servant that was faithful in his house and a few of his men, and the" pursued the kings of %lam in one night and killed them, and restored to his brother4s son all his propert" which the" had taken from him. 1, And surel" "ou know the God of these ;ebrews is much delighted with them, and the" are also delighted with him, for the" know that he delivered them from all their enemies. 11 And behold through his love toward his God, Abraham took his onl" and precious son and intended to bring him up as a burnt offering to his God, and had it not been for God who prevented him from doing this, he would then have done it through his love to his God. 12 And God saw all his works, and swore unto him, and promised him that he would deliver his sons and all his seed from ever" trouble that would befall them, because he had done this thing, and through his love to his God stifled his compassion for his child. 13 And have "ou not heard what their God did to Bharaoh king of %g"pt, and to Abimelech king of Gerar, through taking Abraham4s wife, who said of her, 2he is m" sister, lest the" might sla" him on account of her, and think of taking her for a wife1 and God did unto them and their people all that "ou heard of. 1! And behold, we ourselves saw with our e"es that %sau, the brother of 8acob, came to him with four hundred men, with the intention of sla"ing him, for he called to mind that he had taken awa" from him his father4s blessing. 1# And he went to meet him when he came from 2"ria, to smite the mother with the children, and who delivered him from his hands but his God in whom he trusted1 he delivered him from the hand of his brother and also from the hands of his enemies, and surel" he again will protect them. 1& 0ho does not know that it was their God who inspired them with strength to do to the town of 2hechem the evil which "ou heard of1 1( -ould it then be with their own strength that two men could destro" such a large cit" as 2hechem had it not been for their God in whom the" trusted1 he said and did unto them all this to sla" the inhabitants of the cit" in their cit". 1* And can "ou then prevail over them who have come forth together from


"our cit" to fight with the whole of them, even if a thousand times as man" more should come to "our assistance1 1+ 2urel" "ou know and understand that "ou do not come to fight with them, but "ou come to war with their God who made choice of them, and "ou have therefore all come this da" to be destro"ed. 2, :ow therefore refrain from this evil which "ou are endeavoring to bring upon "ourselves, and it will be better for "ou not to go to battle with them, although the" are but few in numbers, because their God is with them. 21 And when the kings of the Amorites heard all the words of their advisers, their hearts were filled with terror, and the" were afraid of the sons of 8acob and would not fight against them. 22 And the" inclined their ears to the words of their advisers, and the" listened to all their words, and the words of the counsellors greatl" pleased the kings, and the" did so. 23 And the kings turned and refrained from the sons of 8acob, for the" durst not approach them to make war with them, for the" were greatl" afraid of them, and their hearts melted within them from their fear of them. 2! )or this proceeded from the Lord to them, for he heard the pra"ers of his servants Isaac and 8acob, for the" trusted in him and all these kings returned with their camps on that da", each to his own cit", and the" did not at that time fight with the sons of 8acob. 2# And the sons of 8acob kept their station that da" till evening opposite mount 2ihon, and seeing that these kings did not come to fight against them, the sons of 8acob returned home. CHAPTER 36 1 At that time the Lord appeared unto 8acob sa"ing, Arise, go to 'ethel and remain there, and make there an altar to the Lord who appeareth unto thee, who delivered thee and th" sons from affliction. 2 And 8acob rose up with his sons and all belonging to him, and the" went and came to 'ethel according to the word of the Lord. 3 And 8acob was ninet"9nine "ears old when he went up to 'ethel, and 8acob and his sons and all the people that were with him, remained in 'ethel in Lu?, and he there built an altar to the Lord who appeared unto him, and 8acob and his sons remained in 'ethel si. months. ! At that time died @eborah the daughter of C?, the nurse of =ebecca, who had been with 8acob and 8acob buried her beneath 'ethel under an oak that was there. # And =ebecca the daughter of 'ethuel, the mother of 8acob, also died at that time in ;ebron, the same is Aireath9arba, and she was buried in the cave of 6achpelah which Abraham had bought from the children of ;eth. & And the life of =ebecca was one hundred and thirt"9three "ears, and she died and when 8acob heard that his mother =ebecca was dead he wept bitterl" for his mother, and made a great mourning for her, and for @eborah her nurse beneath the oak, and he called the name of that place Allon9 bachuth. ( And Laban the 2"rian died in those da"s, for God smote him because he transgressed the covenant that e.isted between him and 8acob. * And 8acob was a hundred "ears old when the Lord appeared unto him, and


blessed him and called his name Israel, and =achel the wife of 8acob conceived in those da"s. + And at that time 8acob and all belonging to him /ourne"ed from 'ethel to go to his father4s house, to ;ebron. 1, And whilst the" were going on the road, and there was "et but a little wa" to come to %phrath, =achel bare a son and she had hard labor and she died. 11 And 8acob buried her in the wa" to %phrath, which is 'ethlehem, and he set a pillar upon her grave, which is there unto this da" and the da"s of =achel were fort"9five "ears and she died. 12 And 8acob called the name of his son that was born to him, which =achel bare unto him, 'en/amin, for he was born to him in the land on the right hand. 13 And it was after the death of =achel, that 8acob pitched his tent in the tent of her handmaid 'ilhah. 1! And =euben was /ealous for his mother Leah on account of this, and he was filled with anger, and he rose up in his anger and went and entered the tent of 'ilhah and he thence removed his father4s bed. 1# At that time the portion of birthright, together with the kingl" and priestl" offices, was removed from the sons of =euben, for he had profaned his father4s bed, and the birthright was given unto 8oseph, the kingl" office to 8udah, and the priesthood unto Levi, because =euben had defiled his father4s bed. 1& And these are the generations of 8acob who were born to him in Badan9 aram, and the sons of 8acob were twelve. 1( $he sons of Leah were =euben the first born, and 2imeon, Levi, 8udah, Issachar, 7ebulun, and their sister @inah and the sons of =achel were 8oseph and 'en/amin. 1* $he sons of 7ilpah, Leah4s handmaid, were Gad and Asher, and the sons of 'ilhah, =achel4s handmaid, were @an and :aphtali these are the sons of 8acob which were born to him in Badan9aram. 1+ And 8acob and his sons and all belonging to him /ourne"ed and came to 6amre, which is Aireath9arba, that is in ;ebron, where Abraham and Isaac so/ourned, and 8acob with his sons and all belonging to him, dwelt with his father in ;ebron. 2, And his brother %sau and his sons, and all belonging to him went to the land of 2eir and dwelt there, and had possessions in the land of 2eir, and the children of %sau were fruitful and multiplied e.ceedingl" in the land of 2eir. 21 And these are the generations of %sau that were born to him in the land of -anaan, and the sons of %sau were five. 22 And Adah bare to %sau his first born %lipha?, and she also bare to him =euel, and Ahlibamah bare to him 8eush, Daalam and Aorah. 23 $hese are the children of %sau who were born to him in the land of -anaan and the sons of %lipha? the son of %sau were $eman, <mar, 7epho, Gatam, Aena? and Amale., and the sons of =euel were :achath, 7erach, 2hamah and 6i??ah. 2! And the sons of 8eush were $imnah, Alvah, 8etheth and the sons of Daalam were Alah, Bhinor and Aena?. 2# And the sons of Aorah were $eman, 6ib?ar, 6agdiel and %ram these are the families of the sons of %sau according to their dukedoms in the land of 2eir.


2& And these are the names of the sons of 2eir the ;orite, inhabitants of the land of 2eir, Lotan, 2hobal, 7ibeon, Anah, @ishan, %?er and @ishon, being seven sons. 2( And the children of Lotan were ;ori, ;eman and their sister $imna, that is $imna who came to 8acob and his sons, and the" would not give ear to her, and she went and became a concubine to %lipha? the son of %sau, and she bare to him Amalek. 2* And the sons of 2hobal were Alvan, 6anahath, %bal, 2hepho, and <nam, and the sons of 7ibeon were A/ah, and Anah, this was that Anah who found the Demim in the wilderness when he fed the asses of 7ibeon his father. 2+ And whilst he was feeding his father4s asses he led them to the wilderness at different times to feed them. 3, And there was a da" that he brought them to one of the deserts on the sea shore, opposite the wilderness of the people, and whilst he was feeding them, behold a ver" heav" storm came from the other side of the sea and rested upon the asses that were feeding there, and the" all stood still. 31 And afterward about one hundred and twent" great and terrible animals came out from the wilderness at the other side of the sea, and the" all came to the place where the asses were, and the" placed themselves there. 32 And those animals, from their middle downward, were in the shape of the children of men, and from their middle upward, some had the likeness of bears, and some the likeness of the keephas, with tails behind them from between their shoulders reaching down to the earth, like the tails of the ducheephath, and these animals came and mounted and rode upon these asses, and led them awa", and the" went awa" unto this da". 33 And one of these animals approached Anah and smote him with his tail, and then fled from that place. 3! And when he saw this work he was e.ceedingl" afraid of his life, and he fled and escaped to the cit". 3# And he related to his sons and brothers all that had happened to him, and man" men went to seek the asses but could not find them, and Anah and his brothers went no more to that place from that da" following, for the" were greatl" afraid of their lives. 3& And the children of Anah the son of 2eir, were @ishon and his sister Ahlibamah, and the children of @ishon were ;emdan, %shban, Ithran and -heran, and the children of %?er were 'ilhan, 7aavan and Akan, and the children of @ishon were C? and Aran. 3( $hese are the families of the children of 2eir the ;orite, according to their dukedoms in the land of 2eir. 3* And %sau and his children dwelt in the land of 2eir the ;orite, the inhabitant of the land, and the" had possessions in it and were fruitful and multiplied e.ceedingl", and 8acob and his children and all belonging to them, dwelt with their father Isaac in the land of -anaan, as the Lord had commanded Abraham their father. CHAPTER 37 1 And in the one hundred and fifth "ear of the life of 8acob, that is the ninth "ear of 8acob4s dwelling with his children in the land of -anaan, he came from Badan9aram.


2 And in those da"s 8acob /ourne"ed with his children from ;ebron, and the" went and returned to the cit" of 2hechem, the" and all belonging to them, and the" dwelt there, for the children of 8acob obtained good and fat pasture land for their cattle in the cit" of 2hechem, the cit" of 2hechem having then been rebuilt, and there were in it about three hundred men and women. 3 And 8acob and his children and all belonging to him dwelt in the part of the field which 8acob had bought from ;amor the father of 2hechem, when he came from Badan9aram before 2imeon and Levi had smitten the cit". ! And all those kings of the -anaanites and Amorites that surrounded the cit" of 2hechem, heard that the sons of 8acob had again come to 2hechem and dwelt there. # And the" said, 2hall the sons of 8acob the ;ebrew again come to the cit" and dwell therein, after that the" have smitten its inhabitants and driven them out1 shall the" now return and also drive out those who are dwelling in the cit" or sla" them1 & And all the kings of -anaan again assembled, and the" came together to make war with 8acob and his sons. ( And 8ashub king of $apnach sent also to all his neighboring kings, to %lan king of Gaash, and to Ihuri king of 2hiloh, and to Barathon king of -ha?ar, and to 2usi king of 2arton, and to Laban king of 'ethchoran, and to 2habir king of <thna"9mah, sa"ing, * -ome up to me and assist me, and let us smite 8acob the ;ebrew and his sons, and all belonging to him, for the" are again come to 2hechem to possess it and to sla" its inhabitants as before. + And all these kings assembled together and came with all their camps, a people e.ceedingl" plentiful like the sand upon the sea shore, and the" were all opposite to $apnach. 1, And 8ashub king of $apnach went forth to them with all his arm", and he encamped with them opposite to $apnach without the cit", and all these kings the" divided into seven divisions, being seven camps against the sons of 8acob. 11 And the" sent a declaration to 8acob and his son, sa"ing, -ome "ou all forth to us that we ma" have an interview together in the plain, and revenge the cause of the men of 2hechem whom "ou slew in their cit", and "ou will now again return to the cit" of 2hechem and dwell therein, and sla" its inhabitants as before. 12 And the sons of 8acob heard this and their anger was kindled e.ceedingl" at the words of the kings of -anaan, and ten of the sons of 8acob hastened and rose up, and each of them girt on his weapons of war and there were one hundred and two of their servants with them e3uipped in battle arra". 13 And all these men, the sons of 8acob with their servants, went toward these kings, and 8acob their father was with them, and the" all stood upon the heap of 2hechem. 1! And 8acob pra"ed to the Lord for his sons, and he spread forth his hands to the Lord, and he said, < God, thou art an Almight" God, thou art our father, thou didst form us and we are the works of thine hands I pra" thee deliver m" sons through th" merc" from the hand of their enemies, who are this da" coming to fight with them and save them from their hand, for in th" hand is power and might, to save the few from the man". 1# And give unto m" sons, th" servants, strength of heart and might to fight


with their enemies, to subdue them, and make their enemies fall before them, and let not m" sons and their servants die through the hands of the children of -anaan. 1& 'ut if it seemeth good in thine e"es to take awa" the lives of m" sons and their servants, take them in th" great merc" through the hands of th" ministers, that the" ma" not perish this da" b" the hands of the kings of the Amorites. 1( And when 8acob ceased pra"ing to the Lord the earth shook from its place, and the sun darkened, and all these kings were terrified and a great consternation sei?ed them. 1* And the Lord hearkened to the pra"er of 8acob, and the Lord impressed the hearts of all the kings and their hosts with the terror and awe of the sons of 8acob. 1+ )or the Lord caused them to hear the voice of chariots, and the voice of might" horses from the sons of 8acob, and the voice of a great arm" accompan"ing them. 2, And these kings were sei?ed with great terror at the sons of 8acob, and whilst the" were standing in their 3uarters, behold the sons of 8acob advanced upon them, with one hundred and twelve men, with a great and tremendous shouting. 21 And when the kings saw the sons of 8acob advancing toward them, the" were still more panic struck, and the" were inclined to retreat from before the sons of 8acob as at first, and not to fight with them. 22 'ut the" did not retreat, sa"ing, It would be a disgrace to us thus twice to retreat from before the ;ebrews. 23 And the sons of 8acob came near and advanced against all these kings and their armies, and the" saw, and behold it was a ver" might" people, numerous as the sand of the sea. 2! And the sons of 8acob called unto the Lord and said, ;elp us < Lord, help us and answer us, for we trust in thee, and let us not die b" the hands of these uncircumcised men, who this da" have come against us. 2# And the sons of 8acob girt on their weapons of war, and the" took in their hands each man his shield and his /avelin, and the" approached to battle. 2& And 8udah, the son of 8acob, ran first before his brethren, and ten of his servants with him, and he went toward these kings. 2( And 8ashub, king of $apnach, also came forth first with his arm" before 8udah, and 8udah saw 8ashub and his arm" coming toward him, and 8udah4s wrath was kindled, and his anger burned within him, and he approached to battle in which 8udah ventured his life. 2* And 8ashub and all his arm" were advancing toward 8udah, and he was riding upon a ver" strong and powerful horse, and 8ashub was a ver" valiant man, and covered with iron and brass from head to foot. 2+ And whilst he was upon the horse, he shot arrows with both hands from before and behind, as was his manner in all his battles, and he never missed the place to which he aimed his arrows. 3, And when 8ashub came to fight with 8udah, and was darting man" arrows against 8udah, the Lord bound the hand of 8ashub, and all the arrows that he shot rebounded upon his own men. 31 And notwithstanding this, 8ashub kept advancing toward 8udah, to challenge him with the arrows, but the distance between them was about


thirt" cubits, and when 8udah saw 8ashub darting forth his arrows against him, he ran to him with his wrath9e.cited might. 32 And 8udah took up a large stone from the ground, and its weight was si.t" shekels, and 8udah ran toward 8ashub, and with the stone struck him on his shield, that 8ashub was stunned with the blow, and fell off from his horse to the ground. 33 And the shield burst asunder out of the hand of 8ashub, and through the force of the blow sprang to the distance of about fifteen cubits, and the shield fell before the second camp. 3! And the kings that came with 8ashub saw at a distance the strength of 8udah, the son of 8acob, and what he had done to 8ashub, and the" were terribl" afraid of 8udah. 3# And the" assembled near 8ashub4s camp, seeing his confusion, and 8udah drew his sword and smote fort"9two men of the camp of 8ashub, and the whole of 8ashub4s camp fled before 8udah, and no man stood against him, and the" left 8ashub and fled from him, and 8ashub was still prostrate upon the ground. 3& And 8ashub seeing that all the men of his camp had fled from him, hastened and rose up with terror against 8udah, and stood upon his legs opposite 8udah. 3( And 8ashub had a single combat with 8udah, placing shield toward shield, and 8ashub4s men all fled, for the" were greatl" afraid of 8udah. 3* And 8ashub took his spear in his hand to strike 8udah upon his head, but 8udah had 3uickl" placed his shield to his head against 8ashub4s spear, so that the shield of 8udah received the blow from 8ashub4s spear, and the shield was split in too. 3+ And when 8udah saw that his shield was split, he hastil" drew his sword and smote 8ashub at his ankles, and cut off his feet that 8ashub fell upon the ground, and the spear fell from his hand. !, And 8udah hastil" picked up 8ashub4s spear, with which he severed his head and cast it ne.t to his feet. !1 And when the sons of 8acob saw what 8udah had done to 8ashub, the" all ran into the ranks of the other kings, and the sons of 8acob fought with the arm" of 8ashub, and the armies of all the kings that were there. !2 And the sons of 8acob caused fifteen thousand of their men to fall, and the" smote them as if smiting at gourds, and the rest fled for their lives. !3 And 8udah was still standing b" the bod" of 8ashub, and stripped 8ashub of his coat of mail. !! And 8udah also took off the iron and brass that was about 8ashub, and behold nine men of the captains of 8ashub came along to fight against 8udah. !# And 8udah hastened and took up a stone from the ground, and with it smote one of them upon the head, and his skull was fractured, and the bod" also fell from the horse to the ground. !& And the eight captains that remained, seeing the strength of 8udah, were greatl" afraid and the" fled, and 8udah with his ten men pursued them, and the" overtook them and slew them. !( And the sons of 8acob were still smiting the armies of the kings, and the" slew man" of them, but those kings daringl" kept their stand with their captains, and did not retreat from their places, and the" e.claimed against


those of their armies that fled from before the sons of 8acob, but none would listen to them, for the" were afraid of their lives lest the" should die. !* And all the sons of 8acob, after having smitten the armies of the kings, returned and came before 8udah, and 8udah was still sla"ing the eight captains of 8ashub, and stripping off their garments. !+ And Levi saw %lon, king of Gaash, advancing toward him, with his fourteen captains to smite him, but Levi did not know it for certain. #, And %lon with his captains approached nearer, and Levi looked back and saw that battle was given him in the rear, and Levi ran with twelve of his servants, and the" went and slew %lon and his captains with the edge of the sword. CHAPTER 38 1 And Ihuri king of 2hiloh came up to assist %lon, and he approached 8acob, when 8acob drew his bow that was in his hand and with an arrow struck Ihuri which caused his death. 2 And when Ihuri king of 2hiloh was dead, the four remaining kings fled from their station with the rest of the captains, and the" endeavored to retreat, sa"ing, 0e have no more strength with the ;ebrews after their having killed the three kings and their captains who were more powerful than we are. 3 And when the sons of 8acob saw that the remaining kings had removed from their station, the" pursued them, and 8acob also came from the heap of 2hechem from the place where he was standing, and the" went after the kings and the" approached them with their servants. ! And the kings and the captains with the rest of their armies, seeing that the sons of 8acob approached them, were afraid of their lives and fled till the" reached the cit" of -ha?ar. # And the sons of 8acob pursued them to the gate of the cit" of -ha?ar, and the" smote a great smiting amongst the kings and their armies, about four thousand men, and whilst the" were smiting the arm" of the kings, 8acob was occupied with his bow confining himself to smiting the kings, and he slew them all. & And he slew Barathon king of -ha?ar at the gate of the cit" of -ha?ar, and he afterward smote 2usi king of 2arton, and Laban king of 'ethchorin, and 2habir king of 6achna"mah, and he slew them all with arrows, an arrow to each of them, and the" died. ( And the sons of 8acob seeing that all the kings were dead and that the" were broken up and retreating, continued to carr" on the battle with the armies of the kings opposite the gate of -ha?ar, and the" still smote about four hundred of their men. * And three men of the servants of 8acob fell in that battle, and when 8udah saw that three of his servants had died, it grieved him greatl", and his anger burned within him against the Amorites. + And all the men that remained of the armies of the kings were greatl" afraid of their lives, and the" ran and broke the gate of the walls of the cit" of -ha?ar, and the" all entered the cit" for safet". 1, And the" concealed themselves in the midst of the cit" of -ha?ar, for the cit" of -ha?ar was ver" large and e.tensive, and when all these armies had entered the cit", the sons of 8acob ran after them to the cit".


11 And four might" men, e.perienced in battle, went forth from the cit" and stood against the entrance of the cit", with drawn swords and spears in their hands, and the" placed themselves opposite the sons of 8acob, and would not suffer them to enter the cit". 12 And :aphtali ran and came between them and with his sword smote two of them, and cut off their heads at one stroke. 13 And he turned to the other two, and behold the" had fled, and he pursued them, overtook them, smote them and slew them. 1! And the sons of 8acob came to the cit" and saw, and behold there was another wall to the cit", and the" sought for the gate of the wall and could not find it, and 8udah sprang upon the top of the wall, and 2imeon and Levi followed him, and the" all three descended from the wall into the cit". 1# And 2imeon and Levi slew all the men who ran for safet" into the cit", and also the inhabitants of the cit" with their wives and little ones, the" slew with the edge of the sword, and the cries of the cit" ascended up to heaven. 1& And @an and :aphtali sprang upon the wall to see what caused the noise of lamentation, for the sons of 8acob felt an.ious about their brothers, and the" heard the inhabitants of the cit" speaking with weeping and supplications, sa"ing, $ake all that we possess in the cit" and go awa", onl" do not put us to death. 1( And when 8udah, 2imeon, and Levi had ceased smiting the inhabitants of the cit", the" ascended the wall and called to @an and :aphtali, who were upon the wall, and to the rest of their brothers, and 2imeon and Levi informed them of the entrance into the cit", and all the sons of 8acob came to fetch the spoil. 1* And the sons of 8acob took the spoil of the cit" of -ha?ar, the flocks and herds, and the propert", and the" took all that could be captured, and went awa" that da" from the cit". 1+ And on the ne.t da" the sons of 8acob went to 2arton, for the" heard that the men of 2arton who had remained in the cit" were assembling to fight with them for having slain their king, and 2arton was a ver" high and fortified cit", and it had a deep rampart surrounding the cit". 2, And the pillar of the rampart was about fift" cubits and its breadth fort" cubits, and there was no place for a man to enter the cit" on account of the rampart, and the sons of 8acob saw the rampart of the cit", and the" sought an entrance in it but could not find it. 21 )or the entrance to the cit" was at the rear, and ever" man that wished to come into the cit" came b" that road and went around the whole cit", and he afterwards entered the cit". 22 And the sons of 8acob seeing the" could not find the wa" into the cit", their anger was kindled greatl", and the inhabitants of the cit" seeing that the sons of 8acob were coming to them were greatl" afraid of them, for the" had heard of their strength and what the" had done to -ha?ar. 23 And the inhabitants of the cit" of 2arton could not go out toward the sons of 8acob after having assembled in the cit" to fight against them, lest the" might thereb" get into the cit", but when the" saw that the" were coming toward them, the" were greatl" afraid of them, for the" had heard of their strength and what the" had done to -ha?ar. 2! 2o the inhabitants of 2arton speedil" took awa" the bridge of the road of the cit", from its place, before the sons of 8acob came, and the" brought it


into the cit". 2# And the sons of 8acob came and sought the wa" into the cit", and could not find it and the inhabitants of the cit" went up to the top of the wall, and saw, and behold the sons of 8acob were seeking an entrance into the cit". 2& And the inhabitants of the cit" reproached the sons of 8acob from the top of the wall, and the" cursed them, and the sons of 8acob heard the reproaches, and the" were greatl" incensed, and their anger burned within them. 2( And the sons of 8acob were provoked at them, and the" all rose and sprang over the rampart with the force of their strength, and through their might passed the fort" cubits4 breadth of the rampart. 2* And when the" had passed the rampart the" stood under the wall of the cit", and the" found all the gates of the cit" enclosed with iron doors. 2+ And the sons of 8acob came near to break open the doors of the gates of the cit", and the inhabitants did not let them, for from the top of the wall the" were casting stones and arrows upon them. 3, And the number of the people that were upon the wall was about four hundred men, and when the sons of 8acob saw that the men of the cit" would not let them open the gates of the cit", the" sprang and ascended the top of the wall, and 8udah went up first to the east part of the cit". 31 And Gad and Asher went up after him to the west corner of the cit", and 2imeon and Levi to the north, and @an and =euben to the south. 32 And the men who were on the top of the wall, the inhabitants of the cit", seeing that the sons of 8acob were coming up to them, the" all fled from the wall, descended into the cit", and concealed themselves in the midst of the cit". 33 And Issachar and :aphtali that remained under the wall approached and broke the gates of the cit", and kindled a fire at the gates of the cit", that the iron melted, and all the sons of 8acob came into the cit", the" and all their men, and the" fought with the inhabitants of the cit" of 2arton, and smote them with the edge of the sword, and no man stood up before them. 3! And about two hundred men fled from the cit", and the" all went and hid themselves in a certain tower in the cit", and 8udah pursued them to the tower and he broke down the tower, which fell upon the men, and the" all died. 3# And the sons of 8acob went up the road of the roof of that tower, and the" saw, and behold there was another strong and high tower at a distance in the cit", and the top of it reached to heaven, and the sons of 8acob hastened and descended, and went with all their men to that tower, and found it filled with about three hundred men, women and little ones. 3& And the sons of 8acob smote a great smiting amongst those men in the tower and the" ran awa" and fled from them. 3( And 2imeon and Levi pursued them, when twelve might" and valiant men came out to them from the place where the" had concealed themselves. 3* And those twelve men maintained a strong battle against 2imeon and Levi, and 2imeon and Levi could not prevail over them, and those valiant men broke the shields of 2imeon and Levi, and one of them struck at Levi4s head with his sword, when Levi hastil" placed his hand to his head, for he was afraid of the sword, and the sword struck Levi4s hand, and it wanted but little to the hand of Levi being cut off.


3+ And Levi sei?ed the sword of the valiant man in his hand, and took it forcibl" from the man, and with it he struck at the head of the powerful man, and he severed his head. !, And eleven men approached to fight with Levi, for the" saw that one of them was killed, and the sons of 8acob fought, but the sons of 8acob could not prevail over them, for those men were ver" powerful. !1 And the sons of 8acob seeing that the" could not prevail over them, 2imeon gave a loud and tremendous shriek, and the eleven powerful men were stunned at the voice of 2imeon4s shrieking. !2 And 8udah at a distance knew the voice of 2imeon4s shouting, and :aphtali and 8udah ran with their shields to 2imeon and Levi, and found them fighting with those powerful men, unable to prevail over them as their shields were broken. !3 And :aphtali saw that the shields of 2imeon and Levi were broken, and he took two shields from his servants and brought them to 2imeon and Levi. !! And 2imeon, Levi and 8udah on that da" fought all three against the eleven might" men until the time of sunset, but the" could not prevail over them. !# And this was told unto 8acob, and he was sorel" grieved, and he pra"ed unto the Lord, and he and :aphtali his son went against these might" men. !& And 8acob approached and drew his bow, and came nigh unto the might" men, and slew three of their men with the bow, and the remaining eight turned back, and behold, the war waged against them in the front and rear, and the" were greatl" afraid of their lives, and could not stand before the sons of 8acob, and the" fled from before them. !( And in their flight the" met @an and Asher coming toward them, and the" suddenl" fell upon them, and fought with them, and slew two of them, and 8udah and his brothers pursued them, and smote the remainder of them, and slew them. !* And all the sons of 8acob returned and walked about the cit", searching if the" could find an" men, and the" found about twent" "oung men in a cave in the cit", and Gad and Asher smote them all, and @an and :aphtali lighted upon the rest of the men who had fled and escaped from the second tower, and the" smote them all. !+ And the sons of 8acob smote all the inhabitants of the cit" of 2arton, but the women and little ones the" left in the cit" and did not sla" them. #, And all the inhabitants of the cit" of 2arton were powerful men, one of them would pursue a thousand, and two of them would not flee from ten thousand of the rest of men. #1 And the sons of 8acob slew all the inhabitants of the cit" of 2arton with the edge of the sword, that no man stood up against them, and the" left the women in the cit". #2 And the sons of 8acob took all the spoil of the cit", and captured what the" desired, and the" took flocks and herds and propert" from the cit", and the sons of 8acob did unto 2arton and its inhabitants as the" had done to -ha?ar and its inhabitants, and the" turned and went awa".


CHAPTER 39 1 And when the sons of 8acob went from the cit" of 2arton, the" had gone about two hundred cubits when the" met the inhabitants of $apnach coming toward them, for the" went out to fight with them, because the" had smitten the king of $apnach and all his men. 2 2o all that remained in the cit" of $apnach came out to fight with the sons of 8acob, and the" thought to retake from them the boot" and the spoil which the" had captured from -ha?ar and 2arton. 3 And the rest of the men of $apnach fought with the sons of 8acob in that place, and the sons of 8acob smote them, and the" fled before them, and the" pursued them to the cit" of Arbelan, and the" all fell before the sons of 8acob. ! And the sons of 8acob returned and came to $apnach, to take awa" the spoil of $apnach, and when the" came to $apnach the" heard that the people of Arbelan had gone out to meet them to save the spoil of their brethren, and the sons of 8acob left ten of their men in $apnach to plunder the cit", and the" went out toward the people of Arbelan. # And the men of Arbelan went out with their wives to fight with the sons of 8acob, for their wives were e.perienced in battle, and the" went out, about four hundred men and women. & And all the sons of 8acob shouted with a loud voice, and the" all ran toward the inhabitants of Arbelan, and with a great and tremendous voice. ( And the inhabitants of Arbelan heard the noise of the shouting of the sons of 8acob, and their roaring like the noise of lions and like the roaring of the sea and its waves. * And fear and terror possessed their hearts on account of the sons of 8acob, and the" were terribl" afraid of them, and the" retreated and fled before them into the cit", and the sons of 8acob pursued them to the gate of the cit", and the" came upon them in the cit". + And the sons of 8acob fought with them in the cit", and all their women were engaged in slinging against the sons of 8acob, and the combat was ver" severe amongst them the whole of that da" till evening. 1, And the sons of 8acob could not prevail over them, and the sons of 8acob had almost perished in that battle, and the sons of 8acob cried unto the Lord and greatl" gained strength toward evening, and the sons of 8acob smote all the inhabitants of Arbelan b" the edge of the sword, men, women and little ones. 11 And also the remainder of the people who had fled from 2arton, the sons of 8acob smote them in Arbelan, and the sons of 8acob did unto Arbelan and $apnach as the" had done to -ha?ar and 2arton, and when the women saw that all the men were dead, the" went upon the roofs of the cit" and smote the sons of 8acob b" showering down stones like rain. 12 And the sons of 8acob hastened and came into the cit" and sei?ed all the women and smote them with the edge of the sword, and the sons of 8acob captured all the spoil and boot", flocks and herds and cattle. 13 And the sons of 8acob did unto 6achna"mah as the" had done to $apnach, to -ha?ar and to 2hiloh, and the" turned from there and went awa". 1! And on the fifth da" the sons of 8acob heard that the people of Gaash had


gathered against them to battle, because the" had slain their king and their captains, for there had been fourteen captains in the cit" of Gaash, and the sons of 8acob had slain them all in the first battle. 1# And the sons of 8acob that da" girt on their weapons of war, and the" marched to battle against the inhabitants of Gaash, and in Gaash there was a strong and might" people of the people of the Amorites, and Gaash was the strongest and best fortified cit" of all the cities of the Amorites, and it had three walls. 1& And the sons of 8acob came to Gaash and the" found the gates of the cit" locked, and about five hundred men standing at the top of the outer9most wall, and a people numerous as the sand upon the sea shore were in ambush for the sons of 8acob from without the cit" at the rear thereof. 1( And the sons of 8acob approached to open the gates of the cit", and whilst the" were drawing nigh, behold those who were in ambush at the rear of the cit" came forth from their places and surrounded the sons of 8acob. 1* And the sons of 8acob were enclosed between the people of Gaash, and the battle was both to their front and rear, and all the men that were upon the wall, were casting from the wall upon them, arrows and stones. 1+ And 8udah, seeing that the men of Gaash were getting too heav" for them, gave a most piercing and tremendous shriek and all the men of Gaash were terrified at the voice of 8udah4s cr", and men fell from the wall at his powerful shriek, and all those that were from without and within the cit" were greatl" afraid of their lives. 2, And the sons of 8acob still came nigh to break the doors of the cit", when the men of Gaash threw stones and arrows upon them from the top of the wall, and made them flee from the gate. 21 And the sons of 8acob returned against the men of Gaash who were with them from without the cit", and the" smote them terribl", as striking against gourds, and the" could not stand against the sons of 8acob, for fright and terror had sei?ed them at the shriek of 8udah. 22 And the sons of 8acob slew all those men who were without the cit", and the sons of 8acob still drew nigh to effect an entrance into the cit", and to fight under the cit" walls, but the" could not for all the inhabitants of Gaash who remained in the cit" had surrounded the walls of Gaash in ever" direction, so that the sons of 8acob were unable to approach the cit" to fight with them. 23 And the sons of 8acob came nigh to one corner to fight under the wall, the inhabitants of Gaash threw arrows and stones upon them like showers of rain, and the" fled from under the wall. 2! And the people of Gaash who were upon the wall, seeing that the sons of 8acob could not prevail over them from under the wall, reproached the sons of 8acob in these words, sa"ing, 2# 0hat is the matter with "ou in the battle that "ou cannot prevail1 can "ou then do unto the might" cit" of Gaash and its inhabitants as "ou did to the cities of the Amorites that were not so powerful1 2urel" to those weak ones amongst us "ou did those things, and slew them in the entrance of the cit", for the" had no strength when the" were terrified at the sound of "our shouting. 2& And will "ou now then be able to fight in this place1 2urel" here "ou will all die, and we will avenge the cause of those cities that "ou have laid waste.


2( And the inhabitants of Gaash greatl" reproached the sons of 8acob and reviled them with their gods, and continued to cast arrows and stones upon them from the wall. 2* And 8udah and his brothers heard the words of the inhabitants of Gaash and their anger was greatl" roused, and 8udah was /ealous of his God in this matter, and he called out and said, < Lord, help, send help to us and our brothers. 2+ And he ran at a distance with all his might, with his drawn sword in his hand, and he sprang from the earth and b" dint of his strength, mounted the wall, and his sword fell from his hand. 3, And 8udah shouted upon the wall, and all the men that were upon the wall were terrified, and some of them fell from the wall into the cit" and died, and those who were "et upon the wall, when the" saw 8udah4s strength, the" were greatl" afraid and fled for their lives into the cit" for safet". 31 And some were emboldened to fight with 8udah upon the wall, and the" came nigh to sla" him when the" saw there was no sword in 8udah4s hand, and the" thought of casting him from the wall to his brothers, and twent" men of the cit" came up to assist them, and the" surrounded 8udah and the" all shouted over him, and approached him with drawn swords, and the" terrified 8udah, and 8udah cried out to his brothers from the wall. 32 And 8acob and his sons drew the bow from under the wall, and smote three of the men that were upon the top of the wall, and 8udah continued to cr" and he e.claimed, < Lord help us, < Lord deliver us, and he cried out with a loud voice upon the wall, and the cr" was heard at a great distance. 33 And after this cr" he again repeated to shout, and all the men who surrounded 8udah on the top of the wall were terrified, and the" each threw his sword from his hand at the sound of 8udah4s shouting and his tremor, and fled. 3! And 8udah took the swords which had fallen from their hands, and 8udah fought with them and slew twent" of their men upon the wall. 3# And about eight" men and women still ascended the wall from the cit" and the" all surrounded 8udah, and the Lord impressed the fear of 8udah in their hearts, that the" were unable to approach him. 3& And 8acob and all who were with him drew the bow from under the wall, and the" slew ten men upon the wall, and the" fell below the wall, before 8acob and his sons. 3( And the people upon the wall seeing that twent" of their men had fallen, the" still ran toward 8udah with drawn swords, but the" could not approach him for the" were greatl" terrified at 8udah4s strength. 3* And one of their might" men whose name was Arud approached to strike 8udah upon the head with his sword, when 8udah hastil" put his shield to his head, and the sword hit the shield, and it was split in two. 3+ And this might" man after he had struck 8udah ran for his life, at the fear of 8udah, and his feet slipped upon the wall and he fell amongst the sons of 8acob who were below the wall, and the sons of 8acob smote him and slew him. !, And 8udah4s head pained him from the blow of the powerful man, and 8udah had nearl" died from it. !1 And 8udah cried out upon the wall owing to the pain produced b" the


blow, when @an heard him, and his anger burned within him, and he also rose up and went at a distance and ran and sprang from the earth and mounted the wall with his wrath9e.cited strength. !2 And when @an came upon the wall near unto 8udah all the men upon the wall fled, who had stood against 8udah, and the" went up to the second wall, and the" threw arrows and stones upon @an and 8udah from the second wall, and endeavored to drive them from the wall. !3 And the arrows and stones struck @an and 8udah, and the" had nearl" been killed upon the wall, and wherever @an and 8udah fled from the wall, the" were attacked with arrows and stones from the second wall. !! And 8acob and his sons were still at the entrance of the cit" below the first wall, and the" were not able to draw their bow against the inhabitants of the cit", as the" could not be seen b" them, being upon the second wall. !# And @an and 8udah when the" could no longer bear the stones and arrows that fell upon them from the second wall, the" both sprang upon the second wall near the people of the cit", and when the people of the cit" who were upon the second wall saw that @an and 8udah had come to them upon the second wall, the" all cried out and descended below between the walls. !& And 8acob and his sons heard the noise of the shouting from the people of the cit", and the" were still at the entrance of the cit", and the" were an.ious about @an and 8udah who were not seen b" them, the" being upon the second wall. 113 !( And :aphtali went up with his wrath9e.cited might and sprang upon the first wall to see what caused the noise of shouting which the" had heard in the cit", and Issachar and 7ebulun drew nigh to break the doors of the cit", and the" opened the gates of the cit" and came into the cit". !* And :aphtali leaped from the first wall to the second, and came to assist his brothers, and the inhabitants of Gaash who were upon the wall, seeing that :aphtali was the third who had come up to assist his brothers, the" all fled and descended into the cit", and 8acob and all his sons and all their "oung men came into the cit" to them. !+ And 8udah and @an and :aphtali descended from the wall into the cit" and pursued the inhabitants of the cit", and 2imeon and Levi were from without the cit" and knew not that the gate was opened, and the" went up from there to the wall and came down to their brothers into the cit". #, And the inhabitants of the cit" had all descended into the cit", and the sons of 8acob came to them in different directions, and the battle waged against them from the front and the rear, and the sons of 8acob smote them terribl", and slew about twent" thousand of them men and women, not one of them could stand up against the sons of 8acob. #1 And the blood flowed plentifull" in the cit", and it was like a brook of water, and the blood flowed like a brook to the outer part of the cit", and reached the desert of 'ethchorin. #2 And the people of 'ethchorin saw at a distance the blood flowing from the cit" of Gaash, and about sevent" men from amongst them ran to see the blood, and the" came to the place where the blood was. #3 And the" followed the track of the blood and came to the wall of the cit" of Gaash, and the" saw the blood issue from the cit", and the" heard the voice of cr"ing from the inhabitants of Gaash, for it ascended unto heaven,


and the blood was continuing to flow abundantl" like a brook of water. #! And all the sons of 8acob were still smiting the inhabitants of Gaash, and were engaged in sla"ing them till evening, about twent" thousand men and women, and the people of -horin said, 2urel" this is the work of the ;ebrews, for the" are still carr"ing on war in all the cities of the Amorites. ## And those people hastened and ran to 'ethchorin, and each took his weapons of war, and the" cried out to all the inhabitants of 'ethchorin, who also girt on their weapons of war to go and fight with the sons of 8acob. #& And when the sons of 8acob had done smiting the inhabitants of Gaash, the" walked about the cit" to strip all the slain, and coming in the innermost part of the cit" and farther on the" met three ver" powerful men, and there was no sword in their hand. #( And the sons of 8acob came up to the place where the" were, and the powerful men ran awa", and one of them had taken 7ebulun, who he saw was a "oung lad and of short stature, and with his might dashed him to the ground. #* And 8acob ran to him with his sword and 8acob smote him below his loins with the sword, and cut him in two, and the bod" fell upon 7ebulun. #+ And the second one approached and sei?ed 8acob to fell him to the ground, and 8acob turned to him and shouted to him, whilst 2imeon and Levi ran and smote him on the hips with the sword and felled him to the ground. &, And the powerful man rose up from the ground with wrath9e.cited might, and 8udah came to him before he had gained his footing, and struck him upon the head with the sword, and his head was split and he died. &1 And the third powerful man, seeing that his companions were killed, ran from before the sons of 8acob, and the sons of 8acob pursued him in the cit" and whilst the powerful man was fleeing he found one of the swords of the inhabitants of the cit", and he picked it up and turned to the sons of 8acob and fought them with that sword. &2 And the powerful man ran to 8udah to strike him upon the head with the sword, and there was no shield in the hand of 8udah and whilst he was aiming to strike him, :aphtali hastil" took his shield and put it to 8udah4s head, and the sword of the powerful man hit the shield of :aphtali and 8udah escaped the sword. &3 And 2imeon and Levi ran upon the powerful man with their swords and struck at him forcibl" with their swords, and the two swords entered the bod" of the powerful man and divided it in two, length9wise. &! And the sons of 8acob smote the three might" men at that time, together with all the inhabitants of Gaash, and the da" was about to decline. &# And the sons of 8acob walked about Gaash and took all the spoil of the cit", even the little ones and women the" did not suffer to live, and the sons of 8acob did unto Gaash as the" had done to 2arton and 2hiloh. CHAPTER 40 1 And the sons of 8acob led awa" all the spoil of Gaash, and went out of the cit" b" night. 2 $he" were going out marching toward the castle of 'ethchorin, and the inhabitants of 'ethchorin were going to the castle to meet them, and on that night the sons of 8acob fought with the inhabitants of 'ethchorin, in the


castle of 'ethchorin. 3 And all the inhabitants of 'ethchorin were might" men, one of them would not flee from before a thousand men, and the" fought on that night upon the castle, and their shouts were heard on that night from afar, and the earth 3uaked at their shouting. ! And all the sons of 8acob were afraid of those men, as the" were not accustomed to fight in the dark, and the" were greatl" confounded, and the sons of 8acob cried unto the Lord, sa"ing, Give help to us < Lord, deliver us that we ma" not die b" the hands of these uncircumcised men. # And the Lord hearkened to the voice of the sons of 8acob, and the Lord caused great terror and confusion to sei?e the people of 'ethchorin, and the" fought amongst themselves the one with the other in the darkness of night, and smote each other in great numbers. & And the sons of 8acob, knowing that the Lord had brought a spirit of perverseness amongst those men, and that the" fought each man with his neighbor, went forth from among the bands of the people of 'ethchorin and went as far as the descent of the castle of 'ethchorin, and farther, and the" tarried there securel" with their "oung men on that night. ( And the people of 'ethchorin fought the whole night, one man with his brother, and the other with his neighbor, and the" cried out in ever" direction upon the castle, and their cr" was heard at a distance, and the whole earth shook at their voice, for the" were powerful above all the people of the earth. * And all the inhabitants of the cities of the -anaanites, the ;ittites, the Amorites, the ;ivites and all the kings of -anaan, and also those who were on the other side of the 8ordan, heard the noise of the shouting on that night. + And the" said, 2urel" these are the battles of the ;ebrews who are fighting against the seven cities, who came nigh unto them and who can stand against those ;ebrews1 1, And all the inhabitants of the cities of the -anaanites, and all those who were on the other side of the 8ordan, were greatl" afraid of the sons of 8acob, for the" said, 'ehold the same will be done to us as was done to those cities, for who can stand against their might" strength1 11 And the cries of the -horinites were ver" great on that night, and continued to increase and the" smote each other till morning, and numbers of them were killed. 12 And the morning appeared, and all the sons of 8acob rose up at da"break and went up to the castle, and the" smote those who remained of the -horinites in a terrible manner, and the" were all killed in the castle. 13 And the da" appeared, and all the inhabitants of -anaan saw at a distance all the people of 'ethchorin l"ing dead in the castle of 'ethchorin, and strewed about as the carcasses of lambs and goats. 1! And the sons of 8acob led all the spoil which the" had captured from Gaash and went to 'ethchorin, and the" found the cit" full of people like the sand of the sea, and the" fought with them, and the sons of 8acob smote them there till evening time. 1# And the sons of 8acob did unto 'ethchorin as the" had done to Gaash and $apnach, and as the" had done to -ha?ar, to 2arton and to 2hiloh. 1& And the sons of 8acob took with them the spoil of 'ethchorin and all the


spoil of the cities, and on that da" the" went home to 2hechem. 1( And the sons of 8acob came home to the cit" of 2hechem, and the" remained without the cit", and the" then rested there from the war, and tarried there all night. 1* And all their servants together with all the spoil that the" had taken from the cities, the" left without the cit", and the" did not enter the cit", for the" said, Beradventure there ma" be "et more fighting against us, and the" ma" come to besiege us in 2hechem. 1+ And 8acob and his sons and their servants remained on that night and the ne.t da" in the portion of the field which 8acob had purchased from ;amor for five shekels, and all that the" had captured was with them. 2, And all the boot" which the sons of 8acob had captured, was in the portion of the field, immense as the sand upon the sea shore. 21 And the inhabitants of the land observed them from afar, and all the inhabitants of the land were afraid of the sons of 8acob who had done this thing, for no king from the da"s of old had ever done the like. 22 And the seven kings of the -anaanites resolved to make peace with the sons of 8acob, for the" were greatl" afraid of their lives, on account of the sons of 8acob. 23 And on that da", being the seventh da", 8aphia king of ;ebron sent secretl" to the king of Ai, and to the king of Gibeon, and to the king of 2halem, and to the king of Adulam, and to the king of Lachish, and to the king of -ha?ar, and to all the -anaanitish kings who were under their sub/ection, sa"ing, 2! Go up with me, and come to me that we ma" go to the sons of 8acob, and I will make peace with them, and form a treat" with them, lest all "our lands be destro"ed b" the swords of the sons of 8acob, as the" did to 2hechem and the cities around it, as "ou have heard and seen. 2# And when "ou come to me, do not come with man" men, but let ever" king bring his three head captains, and ever" captain bring three of his officers. 2& And come all of "ou to ;ebron, and we will go together to the sons of 8acob, and supplicate them that the" shall form a treat" of peace with us. 2( And all those kings did as the king of ;ebron had sent to them, for the" were all under his counsel and command, and all the kings of -anaan assembled to go to the sons of 8acob, to make peace with them and the sons of 8acob returned and went to the portion of the field that was in 2hechem, for the" did not put confidence in the kings of the land. 2* And the sons of 8acob returned and remained in the portion of the field ten da"s, and no one came to make war with them. 2+ And when the sons of 8acob saw that there was no appearance of war, the" all assembled and went to the cit" of 2hechem, and the sons of 8acob remained in 2hechem. 3, And at the e.piration of fort" da"s, all the kings of the Amorites assembled from all their places and came to ;ebron, to 8aphia, king of ;ebron. 31 And the number of kings that came to ;ebron, to make peace with the sons of 8acob, was twent"9one kings, and the number of captains that came with them was si.t"9nine, and their men were one hundred and eight"9nine, and all these kings and their men rested b" 6ount ;ebron.


32 And the king of ;ebron went out with his three captains and nine men, and these kings resolved to go to the sons of 8acob to make peace. 33 And the" said unto the king of ;ebron, Go thou before us with th" men, and speak for us unto the sons of 8acob, and we will come after thee and confirm th" words, and the king of ;ebron did so. 3! And the sons of 8acob heard that all the kings of -anaan had gathered together and rested in ;ebron, and the sons of 8acob sent four of their servants as spies, sa"ing, Go and sp" these kings, and search and e.amine their men whether the" are few or man", and if the" are but few in number, number them all and come back. 3# And the servants of 8acob went secretl" to these kings, and did as the sons of 8acob had commanded them, and on that da" the" came back to the sons of 8acob, and said unto them, 0e came unto those kings, and the" are but few in number, and we numbered them all, and behold, the" were two hundred and eight"9eight, kings and men. 3& And the sons of 8acob said, $he" are but few in number, therefore we will not all go out to them and in the morning the sons of 8acob rose up and chose si.t" two of their men, and ten of the sons of 8acob went with them and the" girt on their weapons of war, for the" said, $he" are coming to make war with us, for the" knew not that the" were coming to make peace with them. 3( And the sons of 8acob went with their servants to the gate of 2hechem, toward those kings, and their father 8acob was with them. 3* And when the" had come forth, behold, the king of ;ebron and his three captains and nine men with him were coming along the road against the sons of 8acob, and the sons of 8acob lifted up their e"es, and saw at a distance 8aphia, king of ;ebron, with his captains, coming toward them, and the sons of 8acob took their stand at the place of the gate of 2hechem, and did not proceed. 3+ And the king of ;ebron continued to advance, he and his captains, until he came nigh to the sons of 8acob, and he and his captains bowed down to them to the ground, and the king of ;ebron sat with his captains before 8acob and his sons. !, And the sons of 8acob said unto him, 0hat has befallen thee, < king of ;ebron1 wh" hast thou come to us this da"1 what dost thou re3uire from us1 and the king of ;ebron said unto 8acob, I beseech thee m" lord, all the kings of the -anaanites have this da" come to make peace with "ou. !1 And the sons of 8acob heard the words of the king of ;ebron, and the" would not consent to his proposals, for the sons of 8acob had no faith in him, for the" imagined that the king of ;ebron had spoken deceitfull" to them. !2 And the king of ;ebron knew from the words of the sons of 8acob, that the" did not believe his words, and the king of ;ebron approached nearer to 8acob, and said unto him, I beseech thee, m" lord, to be assured that all these kings have come to "ou on peaceable terms, for the" have not come with all their men, neither did the" bring their weapons of war with them, for the" have come to seek peace from m" lord and his sons. !3 And the sons of 8acob answered the king of ;ebron, sa"ing, 2end thou to all these kings, and if thou speakest truth unto us, let them each come singl" before us, and if the" come unto us unarmed, we shall then know that the" seek peace from us.


!! And 8aphia, king of ;ebron, sent one of his men to the kings, and the" all came before the sons of 8acob, and bowed down to them to the ground, and these kings sat before 8acob and his sons, and the" spoke unto them, sa"ing, !# 0e have heard all that "ou did unto the kings of the Amorites with "our sword and e.ceedingl" might" arm, so that no man could stand up before "ou, and we were afraid of "ou for the sake of our lives, lest it should befall us as it did to them. !& 2o we have come unto "ou to form a treat" of peace between us, and now therefore contract with us a covenant of peace and truth, that "ou will not meddle with us, inasmuch as we have not meddled with "ou. !( And the sons of 8acob knew that the" had reall" come to seek peace from them, and the sons of 8acob listened to them, and formed a covenant with them. !* And the sons of 8acob swore unto them that the" would not meddle with them, and all the kings of the -anaanites swore also to them, and the sons of 8acob made them tributar" from that da" forward. !+ And after this all the captains of these kings came with their men before 8acob, with presents in their hands for 8acob and his sons, and the" bowed down to him to the ground. #, And these kings then urged the sons of 8acob and begged of them to return all the spoil the" had captured from the seven cities of the Amorites, and the sons of 8acob did so, and the" returned all that the" had captured, the women, the little ones, the cattle and all the spoil which the" had taken, and the" sent them off, and the" went awa" each to his cit". #1 And all these kings again bowed down to the sons of 8acob, and the" sent or brought them man" gifts in those da"s, and the sons of 8acob sent off these kings and their men, and the" went peaceabl" awa" from them to their cities, and the sons of 8acob also returned to their home, to 2hechem. #2 And there was peace from that da" forward between the sons of 8acob and the kings of the -anaanites, until the children of Israel came to inherit the land of -anaan. CHAPTER 41 1 And at the revolution of the "ear the sons of 8acob /ourne"ed from 2hechem, and the" came to ;ebron, to their father Isaac, and the" dwelt there, but their flocks and herds the" fed dail" in 2hechem, for there was there in those da"s good and fat pasture, and 8acob and his sons and all their household dwelt in the valle" of ;ebron. 2 And it was in those da"s, in that "ear, being the hundred and "ear of the life of 8acob, in the tenth "ear of 8acob4s coming from Badan9aram, that Leah the wife of 8acob died she was fift"9one "ears old when she died in ;ebron. 3 And 8acob and his sons buried her in the cave of the field of 6achpelah, which is in ;ebron, which Abraham had bought from the children of ;eth, for the possession of a burial place. ! And the sons of 8acob dwelt with their father in the valle" of ;ebron, and all the inhabitants of the land knew their strength and their fame went throughout the land.


# And 8oseph the son of 8acob, and his brother 'en/amin, the sons of =achel, the wife of 8acob, were "et "oung in those da"s, and did not go out with their brethren during their battles in all the cities of the Amorites. & And when 8oseph saw the strength of his brethren, and their greatness, he praised them and e.tolled them, but he ranked himself greater than them, and e.tolled himself above them and 8acob, his father, also loved him more than an" of his sons, for he was a son of his old age, and through his love toward him, he made him a coat of man" colors. ( And when 8oseph saw that his father loved him more than his brethren, he continued to e.alt himself above his brethren, and he brought unto his father evil reports concerning them. * And the sons of 8acob seeing the whole of 8oseph4s conduct toward them, and that their father loved him more than an" of them, the" hated him and could not speak peaceabl" to him all the da"s. + And 8oseph was seventeen "ears old, and he was still magnif"ing himself above his brethren, and thought of raising himself above them. 1, At that time he dreamed a dream, and he came unto his brothers and told them his dream, and he said unto them, I dreamed a dream, and behold we were all binding sheaves in the field, and m" sheaf rose and placed itself upon the ground and "our sheaves surrounded it and bowed down to it. 11 And his brethren answered him and said unto him, 0hat meaneth this dream that thou didst dream1 dost thou imagine in th" heart to reign or rule over us1 12 And he still came, and told the thing to his father 8acob, and 8acob kissed 8oseph when he heard these words from his mouth, and 8acob blessed 8oseph. 13 And when the sons of 8acob saw that their father had blessed 8oseph and had kissed him, and that he loved him e.ceedingl", the" became /ealous of him and hated him the more. 1! And after this 8oseph dreamed another dream and related the dream to his father in the presence of his brethren, and 8oseph said unto his father and brethren, 'ehold I have again dreamed a dream, and behold the sun and the moon and the eleven stars bowed down to me. 1# And his father heard the words of 8oseph and his dream, and seeing that his brethren hated 8oseph on account of this matter, 8acob therefore rebuked 8oseph before his brethren on account of this thing, sa"ing, 0hat meaneth this dream which thou hast dreamed, and this magnif"ing th"self before th" brethren who are older than thou art1 1& @ost thou imagine in th" heart that I and th" mother and th" eleven brethren will come and bow down to thee, that thou speakest these things1 1( And his brethren were /ealous of him on account of his words and dreams, and the" continued to hate him, and 8acob reserved the dreams in his heart. 1* And the sons of 8acob went one da" to feed their father4s flock in 2hechem, for the" were still herdsmen in those da"s and whilst the sons of 8acob were that da" feeding in 2hechem the" dela"ed, and the time of gathering in the cattle was passed, and the" had not arrived. 1+ And 8acob saw that his sons were dela"ed in 2hechem, and 8acob said within himself, Beradventure the people of 2hechem have risen up to fight against them, therefore the" have dela"ed coming this da". 2, And 8acob called 8oseph his son and commanded him, sa"ing, 'ehold th"


brethren are feeding in 2hechem this da", and behold the" have not "et come back go now therefore and see where the" are, and bring me word back concerning the welfare of th" brethren and the welfare of the flock. 21 And 8acob sent his son 8oseph to the valle" of ;ebron, and 8oseph came for his brothers to 2hechem, and could not find them, and 8oseph went about the field which was near 2hechem, to see where his brothers had turned, and he missed his road in the wilderness, and knew not which wa" he should go. 22 And an angel of the Lord found him wandering in the road toward the field, and 8oseph said unto the angel of the Lord, I seek m" brethren hast thou not heard where the" are feeding1 and the angel of the Lord said unto 8oseph, I saw th" brethren feeding here, and I heard them sa" the" would go to feed in @othan. 23 And 8oseph hearkened to the voice of the angel of the Lord, and he went to his brethren in @othan and he found them in @othan feeding the flock. 2! And 8oseph advanced to his brethren, and before he had come nigh unto them, the" had resolved to sla" him. 2# And 2imeon said to his brethren, 'ehold the man of dreams is coming unto us this da", and now therefore come and let us kill him and cast him in one of the pits that are in the wilderness, and when his father shall seek him from us, we will sa" an evil beast has devoured him. 2& And =euben heard the words of his brethren concerning 8oseph, and he said unto them, Dou should not do this thing, for how can we look up to our father 8acob1 -ast him into this pit to die there, but stretch not forth a hand upon him to spill his blood and =euben said this in order to deliver him from their hand, to bring him back to his father. 2( And when 8oseph came to his brethren he sat before them, and the" rose upon him and sei?ed him and smote him to the earth, and stripped the coat of man" colors which he had on. 2* And the" took him and cast him into a pit, and in the pit there was no water, but serpents and scorpions. And 8oseph was afraid of the serpents and scorpions that were in the pit. And 8oseph cried out with a loud voice, and the Lord hid the serpents and scorpions in the sides of the pit, and the" did no harm unto 8oseph. 2+ And 8oseph called out from the pit to his brethren, and said unto them, 0hat have I done unto "ou, and in what have I sinned1 wh" do "ou not fear the Lord concerning me1 am I not of "our bones and flesh, and is not 8acob "our father, m" father1 wh" do "ou do this thing unto me this da", and how will "ou be able to look up to our father 8acob1 3, And he continued to cr" out and call unto his brethren from the pit, and he said, < 8udah, 2imeon, and Levi, m" brethren, lift me up from the place of darkness in which "ou have placed me, and come this da" to have compassion on me, "e children of the Lord, and sons of 8acob m" father. And if I have sinned unto "ou, are "ou not the sons of Abraham, Isaac, and 8acob1 if the" saw an orphan the" had compassion over him, or one that was hungr", the" gave him bread to eat, or one that was thirst", the" gave him water to drink, or one that was naked, the" covered him with garments> 31 And how then will "ou withhold "our pit" from "our brother, for I am of "our flesh and bones, and if I have sinned unto "ou, surel" "ou will do this on account of m" father> 32 And 8oseph spoke these words from the pit, and his brethren could not


listen to him, nor incline their ears to the words of 8oseph, and 8oseph was cr"ing and weeping in the pit. 33 And 8oseph said, < that m" father knew, this da", the act which m" brothers have done unto me, and the words which the" have this da" spoken unto me. 3! And all his brethren heard his cries and weeping in the pit, and his brethren went and removed themselves from the pit, so that the" might not hear the cries of 8oseph and his weeping in the pit. CHAPTER 42 1 And the" went and sat on the opposite side, about the distance of a bow9 shot, and the" sat there to eat bread, and whilst the" were eating, the" held counsel together what was to be done with him, whether to sla" him or to bring him back to his father. 2 $he" were holding the counsel, when the" lifted up their e"es, and saw, and behold there was a compan" of Ishmaelites coming at a distance b" the road of Gilead, going down to %g"pt. 3 And 8udah said unto them, 0hat gain will it be to us if we sla" our brother1 peradventure God will re3uire him from us this then is the counsel proposed concerning him, which "ou shall do unto him5 'ehold this compan" of Ishmaelites going down to %g"pt, ! :ow therefore, come let us dispose of him to them, and let not our hand be upon him, and the" will lead him along with them, and he will be lost amongst the people of the land, and we will not put him to death with our own hands. And the proposal pleased his brethren and the" did according to the word of 8udah. # And whilst the" were discoursing about this matter, and before the compan" of Ishmaelites had come up to them, seven trading men of 6idian passed b" them, and as the" passed the" were thirst", and the" lifted up their e"es and saw the pit in which 8oseph was immured, and the" looked, and behold ever" species of bird was upon him. & And these 6idianites ran to the pit to drink water, for the" thought that it contained water, and on coming before the pit the" heard the voice of 8oseph cr"ing and weeping in the pit, and the" looked down into the pit, and the" saw and behold there was a "outh of comel" appearance and well favored. ( And the" called unto him and said, 0ho art thou and who brought thee hither, and who placed thee in this pit, in the wilderness1 and the" all assisted to raise up 8oseph and the" drew him out, and brought him up from the pit, and took him and went awa" on their /ourne" and passed b" his brethren. * And these said unto them, 0h" do "ou do this, to take our servant from us and to go awa"1 surel" we placed this "outh in the pit because he rebelled against us, and "ou come and bring him up and lead him awa" now then give us back our servant. + And the 6idianites answered and said unto the sons of 8acob, Is this "our servant, or does this man attend "ou1 peradventure "ou are all his servants, for he is more comel" and well favored than an" of "ou, and wh" do "ou all speak falsel" unto us1 1, :ow therefore we will not listen to "our words, nor attend to "ou, for we


found the "outh in the pit in the wilderness, and we took him we will therefore go on. 11 And all the sons of 8acob approached them and rose up to them and said unto them, Give us back our servant, and wh" will "ou all die b" the edge of the sword1 And the 6idianites cried out against them, and the" drew their swords, and approached to fight with the sons of 8acob. 12 And behold 2imeon rose up from his seat against them, and sprang upon the ground and drew his sword and approached the 6idianites and he gave a terrible shout before them, so that his shouting was heard at a distance, and the earth shook at 2imeon4s shouting. 13 And the 6idianites were terrified on account of 2imeon and the noise of his shouting, and the" fell upon their faces, and were e.cessivel" alarmed. 1! And 2imeon said unto them, Geril" I am 2imeon, the son of 8acob the ;ebrew, who have, onl" with m" brother, destro"ed the cit" of 2hechem and the cities of the Amorites so shall God moreover do unto me, that if all "our brethren the people of 6idian, and also the kings of -anaan, were to come with "ou, the" could not fight against me. 1# :ow therefore give us back the "outh whom "ou have taken, lest I give "our flesh to the birds of the skies and the beasts of the earth. 1& And the 6idianites were more afraid of 2imeon, and the" approached the sons of 8acob with terror and fright, and with pathetic words, sa"ing, 1( 2urel" "ou have said that the "oung man is "our servant, and that he rebelled against "ou, and therefore "ou placed him in the pit what then will "ou do with a servant who rebels against his master1 :ow therefore sell him unto us, and we will give "ou all that "ou re3uire for him and the Lord was pleased to do this in order that the sons of 8acob should not sla" their brother. 1* And the 6idianites saw that 8oseph was of a comel" appearance and well9 favored the" desired him in their hearts and were urgent to purchase him from his brethren. 1+ And the sons of 8acob hearkened to the 6idianites and the" sold their brother 8oseph to them for twent" pieces of silver, and =euben their brother was not with them, and the 6idianites took 8oseph and continued their /ourne" to Gilead. 2, $he" were going along the road, and the 6idianites repented of what the" had done, in having purchased the "oung man, and one said to the other, 0hat is this thing that we have done, in taking this "outh from the ;ebrews, who is of comel" appearance and well favored. 21 Berhaps this "outh is stolen from the land of the ;ebrews, and wh" then have we done this thing1 and if he should be sought for and found in our hands we shall die through him. 22 :ow surel" hard" and powerful men have sold him to us, the strength of one of whom "ou saw this da" perhaps the" stole him from his land with their might and with their powerful arm, and have therefore sold him to us for the small value which we gave unto them. 23 And whilst the" were thus discoursing together, the" looked, and behold the compan" of Ishmaelites which was coming at first, and which the sons of 8acob saw, was advancing toward the 6idianites, and the 6idianites said to each other, -ome let us sell this "outh to the compan" of Ishmaelites who are coming toward us, and we will take for him the little that we gave for


him, and we will be delivered from his evil. 2! And the" did so, and the" reached the Ishmaelites, and the 6idianites sold 8oseph to the Ishmaelites for twent" pieces of silver which the" had given for him to his brethren. 2# And the 6idianites went on their road to Gilead, and the Ishmaelites took 8oseph and the" let him ride upon one of the camels, and the" were leading him to %g"pt. 2& And 8oseph heard that the Ishmaelites were proceeding to %g"pt, and 8oseph lamented and wept at this thing that he was to be so far removed from the land of -anaan, from his father, and he wept bitterl" whilst he was riding upon the camel, and one of their men observed him, and made him go down from the camel and walk on foot, and notwithstanding this 8oseph continued to cr" and weep, and he said, < m" father, m" father. 2( And one of the Ishmaelites rose up and smote 8oseph upon the cheek, and still he continued to weep and 8oseph was fatigued in the road, and was unable to proceed on account of the bitterness of his soul, and the" all smote him and afflicted him in the road, and the" terrified him in order that he might cease from weeping. 2* And the Lord saw the ambition of 8oseph and his trouble, and the Lord brought down upon those men darkness and confusion, and the hand of ever" one that smote him became withered. 2+ And the" said to each other, 0hat is this thing that God has done to us in the road1 and the" knew not that this befell them on account of 8oseph. And the men proceeded on the road, and the" passed along the road of %phrath where =achel was buried. 3, And 8oseph reached his mother4s grave, and 8oseph hastened and ran to his mother4s grave, and fell upon the grave and wept. 31 And 8oseph cried aloud upon his mother4s grave, and he said, < m" mother, m" mother, < thou who didst give me birth, awake now, and rise and see th" son, how he has been sold for a slave, and no one to pit" him. 32 < rise and see th" son, weep with me on account of m" troubles, and see the heart of m" brethren. 33 Arouse m" mother, arouse, awake from th" sleep for me, and direct th" battles against m" brethren. < how have the" stripped me of m" coat, and sold me alread" twice for a slave, and separated me from m" father, and there is no one to pit" me. 3! Arouse and la" th" cause against them before God, and see whom God will /ustif" in the /udgment, and whom he will condemn. 3# =ise, < m" mother, rise, awake from th" sleep and see m" father how his soul is with me this da", and comfort him and ease his heart. 3& And 8oseph continued to speak these words, and 8oseph cried aloud and wept bitterl" upon his mother4s grave and he ceased speaking, and from bitterness of heart he became still as a stone upon the grave. 3( And 8oseph heard a voice speaking to him from beneath the ground, which answered him with bitterness of heart, and with a voice of weeping and pra"ing in these words5 3* 6" son, m" son 8oseph, I have heard the voice of th" weeping and the voice of th" lamentation I have seen th" tears I know th" troubles, m" son, and it grieves me for th" sake, and abundant grief is added to m" grief. 3+ :ow therefore m" son, 8oseph m" son, hope to the Lord, and wait for him


and do not fear, for the Lord is with thee, he will deliver thee from all trouble. !, =ise m" son, go down unto %g"pt with th" masters, and do not fear, for the Lord is with thee, m" son. And she continued to speak like unto these words unto 8oseph, and she was still. !1 And 8oseph heard this, and he wondered greatl" at this, and he continued to weep and after this one of the Ishmaelites observed him cr"ing and weeping upon the grave, and his anger was kindled against him, and he drove him from there, and he smote him and cursed him. !2 And 8oseph said unto the men, 6a" I find grace in "our sight to take me back to m" father4s house, and he will give "ou abundance of riches. !3 And the" answered him, sa"ing, Art thou not a slave, and where is th" father1 and if thou hadst a father thou wouldst not alread" twice have been sold for a slave for so little value and their anger was still roused against him, and the" continued to smite him and to chastise him, and 8oseph wept bitterl". !! And the Lord saw 8oseph4s affliction, and Lord again smote these men, and chastised them, and the Lord caused darkness to envelope them upon the earth, and the lightning flashed and the thunder roared, and the earth shook at the voice of the thunder and of the might" wind, and the men were terrified and knew not where the" should go. !# And the beasts and camels stood still, and the" led them, but the" would not go, the" smote them, and the" crouched upon the ground and the men said to each other, 0hat is this that God has done to us1 what are our transgressions, and what are our sins that this thing has thus befallen us1 !& And one of them answered and said unto them, Berhaps on account of the sin of afflicting this slave has this thing happened this da" to us now therefore implore him strongl" to forgive us, and then we shall know on whose account this evil befalleth us, and if God shall have compassion over us, then we shall know that all this cometh to us on account of the sin of afflicting this slave. !( And the men did so, and the" supplicated 8oseph and pressed him to forgive them and the" said, 0e have sinned to the Lord and to thee, now therefore vouchsafe to re3uest of th" God that he shall put awa" this death from amongst us, for we have sinned to him. !* And 8oseph did according to their words, and the Lord hearkened to 8oseph, and the Lord put awa" the plague which he had inflicted upon those men on account of 8oseph, and the beasts rose up from the ground and the" conducted them, and the" went on, and the raging storm abated and the earth became tran3uili?ed, and the men proceeded on their /ourne" to go down to %g"pt, and the men knew that this evil had befallen them on account of 8oseph. !+ And the" said to each other, 'ehold we know that it was on account of his affliction that this evil befell us now therefore wh" shall we bring this death upon our souls1 Let us hold counsel what to do to this slave. #, And one answered and said, 2urel" he told us to bring him back to his father now therefore come, let us take him back and we will go to the place that he will tell us, and take from his famil" the price that we gave for him and we will then go awa". #1 And one answered again and said, 'ehold this counsel is ver" good, but


we cannot do so for the wa" is ver" far from us, and we cannot go out of our road. #2 And one more answered and said unto them, $his is the counsel to be adopted, we will not swerve from it behold we are this da" going to %g"pt, and when we shall have come to %g"pt, we will sell him there at a high price, and we will be delivered from his evil. #3 And this thing pleased the men and the" did so, and the" continued their /ourne" to %g"pt with 8oseph. CHAPTER 43 1 And when the sons of 8acob had sold their brother 8oseph to the 6idianites, their hearts were smitten on account of him, and the" repented of their acts, and the" sought for him to bring him back, but could not find him. 2 And =euben returned to the pit in which 8oseph had been put, in order to lift him out, and restore him to his father, and =euben stood b" the pit, and he heard not a word, and he called out 8oseph> 8oseph> and no one answered or uttered a word. 3 And =euben said, 8oseph has died through fright, or some serpent has caused his death and =euben descended into the pit, and he searched for 8oseph and could not find him in the pit, and he came out again. ! And =euben tore his garments and he said, $he child is not there, and how shall I reconcile m" father about him if he be dead1 and he went to his brethren and found them grieving on account of 8oseph, and counseling together how to reconcile their father about him, and =euben said unto his brethren, I came to the pit and behold 8oseph was not there, what then shall we sa" unto our father, for m" father will onl" seek the lad from me. # And his brethren answered him sa"ing, $hus and thus we did, and our hearts afterward smote us on account of this act, and we now sit to seek a prete.t how we shall reconcile our father to it. & And =euben said unto them, 0hat is this "ou have done to bring down the gre" hairs of our father in sorrow to the grave1 the thing is not good, that "ou have done. ( And =euben sat with them, and the" all rose up and swore to each other not to tell this thing unto 8acob, and the" all said, $he man who will tell this to our father or his household, or who will report this to an" of the children of the land, we will all rise up against him and sla" him with the sword. * And the sons of 8acob feared each other in this matter, from the "oungest to the oldest, and no one spoke a word, and the" concealed the thing in their hearts. + And the" afterward sat down to determine and invent something to sa" unto their father 8acob concerning all these things. 1, And Issachar said unto them, ;ere is an advice for "ou if it seem good in "our e"es to do this thing, take the coat which belongeth to 8oseph and tear it, and kill a kid of the goats and dip it in its blood. 11 And send it to our father and when he seeth it he will sa" an evil beast has devoured him, therefore tear "e his coat and behold his blood will be upon his coat, and b" "our doing this we shall be free of our father4s murmurings. 12 And Issachar4s advice pleased them, and the" hearkened unto him and


the" did according to the word of Issachar which he had counselled them. 13 And the" hastened and took 8oseph4s coat and tore it, and the" killed a kid of the goats and dipped the coat in the blood of the kid, and then trampled it in the dust, and the" sent the coat to their father 8acob b" the hand of :aphtali, and the" commanded him to sa" these words5 1! 0e had gathered in the cattle and had come as far as the road to 2hechem and farther, when we found this coat upon the road in the wilderness dipped in blood and in dust now therefore know whether it be th" son4s coat or not. 1# And :aphtali went and he came unto his father and he gave him the coat, and he spoke unto him all the words which his brethren had commanded him. 1& And 8acob saw 8oseph4s coat and he knew it and he fell upon his face to the ground, and became as still as a stone, and he afterward rose up and cried out with a loud and weeping voice and he said, It is the coat of m" son 8oseph> 1( And 8acob hastened and sent one of his servants to his sons, who went to them and found them coming along the road with the flock. 1* And the sons of 8acob came to their father about evening, and behold their garments were torn and dust was upon their heads, and the" found their father cr"ing out and weeping with a loud voice. 1+ And 8acob said unto his sons, $ell me trul" what evil have "ou this da" suddenl" brought upon me1 and the" answered their father 8acob, sa"ing, 0e were coming along this da" after the flock had been gathered in, and we came as far as the cit" of 2hechem b" the road in the wilderness, and we found this coat filled with blood upon the ground, and we knew it and we sent unto thee if thou couldst know it. 2, And 8acob heard the words of his sons and he cried out with a loud voice, and he said, It is the coat of m" son, an evil beast has devoured him 8oseph is rent in pieces, for I sent him this da" to see whether it was well with "ou and well with the flocks and to bring me word again from "ou, and he went as I commanded him, and this has happened to him this da" whilst I thought m" son was with "ou. 21 And the sons of 8acob answered and said, ;e did not come to us, neither have we seen him from the time of our going out from thee until now. 22 And when 8acob heard their words he again cried out aloud, and he rose up and tore his garments, and he put sackcloth upon his loins, and he wept bitterl" and he mourned and lifted up his voice in weeping and e.claimed and said these words, 23 8oseph m" son, < m" son 8oseph, I sent thee this da" after the welfare of th" brethren, and behold thou hast been torn in pieces through m" hand has this happened to m" son. 2! It grieves me for thee 8oseph m" son, it grieves me for thee how sweet wast thou to me during life, and now how e.ceedingl" bitter is th" death to me. 2# , that I had died in th" stead 8oseph m" son, for it grieves me sadl" for thee m" son, < m" son, m" son. 8oseph m" son, where art thou, and where hast thou been drawn1 arouse, arouse from th" place, and come and see m" grief for thee, < m" son 8oseph. 2& -ome now and number the tears gushing from m" e"es down m" cheeks,


and bring them up before the Lord, that his anger ma" turn from me. 2( , 8oseph m" son, how didst thou fall, b" the hand of one b" whom no one had fallen from the beginning of the world unto this da" for thou hast been put to death b" the smiting of an enem", inflicted with cruelt", but surel" I know that this has happened to thee, on account of the multitude of m" sins. 2* Arouse now and see how bitter is m" trouble for thee m" son, although I did not rear thee, nor fashion thee, nor give thee breath and soul, but it was God who formed thee and built th" bones and covered them with flesh, and breathed in th" nostrils the breath of life, and then he gave thee unto me. 2+ :ow trul" God who gave thee unto me, he has taken thee from me, and such then has befallen thee 3, And 8acob continued to speak like unto these words concerning 8oseph, and he wept bitterl" he fell to the ground and became still. 31 And all the sons of 8acob seeing their father4s trouble, the" repented of what the" had done, and the" also wept bitterl". 32 And 8udah rose up and lifted his father4s head from the ground, and placed it upon his lap, and he wiped his father4s tears from his cheeks, and 8udah wept an e.ceeding great weeping, whilst his father4s head was reclining upon his lap, still as a stone. 33 And the sons of 8acob saw their father4s trouble, and the" lifted up their voices and continued to weep, and 8acob was "et l"ing upon the ground still as a stone. 3! And all his sons and his servants and his servant4s children rose up and stood round him to comfort him, and he refused to be comforted. 3# And the whole household of 8acob rose up and mourned a great mourning on account of 8oseph and their father4s trouble, and the intelligence reached Isaac, the son of Abraham, the father of 8acob, and he wept bitterl" on account of 8oseph, he and all his household, and he went from the place where he dwelt in ;ebron, and his men with him, and he comforted 8acob his son, and he refused to be comforted. 3& And after this, 8acob rose up from the ground, and his tears were running down his cheeks, and he said unto his sons, =ise up and take "our swords and "our bows, and go forth into the field, and seek whether "ou can find m" son4s bod" and bring it unto me that I ma" bur" it. 3( 2eek also, I pra" "ou, among the beasts and hunt them, and that which shall come the first before "ou sei?e and bring it unto me, perhaps the Lord will this da" pit" m" affliction, and prepare before "ou that which did tear m" son in pieces, and bring it unto me, and I will avenge the cause of m" son. 3* And his sons did as their father had commanded them, and the" rose up earl" in the morning, and each took his sword and his bow in his hand, and the" went forth into the field to hunt the beasts. 3+ And 8acob was still cr"ing aloud and weeping and walking to and fro in the house, and smiting his hands together, sa"ing, 8oseph m" son, 8oseph m" son. !, And the sons of 8acob went into the wilderness to sei?e the beasts, and behold a wolf came toward them, and the" sei?ed him, and brought him unto their father, and the" said unto him, $his is the first we have found, and we have brought him unto thee as thou didst command us, and th" son4s bod" we could not find.


!1 And 8acob took the beast from the hands of his sons, and he cried out with a loud and weeping voice, holding the beast in his hand, and he spoke with a bitter heart unto the beast, 0h" didst thou devour m" son 8oseph, and how didst thou have no fear of the God of the earth, or of m" trouble for m" son 8oseph1 !2 And thou didst devour m" son for naught, because he committed no violence, and didst thereb" render me culpable on his account, therefore God will re3uire him that is persecuted. !3 And the Lord opened the mouth of the beast in order to comfort 8acob with its words, and it answered 8acob and spoke these words unto him, !! As God liveth who created us in the earth, and as th" soul liveth, m" lord, I did not see th" son, neither did I tear him to pieces, but from a distant land I also came to seek m" son who went from me this da", and I know not whether he be living or dead. !# And I came this da" into the field to seek m" son, and "our sons found me, and sei?ed me and increased m" grief, and have this da" brought me before thee, and I have now spoken all m" words to thee. !& And now therefore, < son of man, I am in th" hands, and do unto me this da" as it ma" seem good in th" sight, but b" the life of God who created me, I did not see th" son, nor did I tear him to pieces, neither has the flesh of man entered m" mouth all the da"s of m" life. !( And when 8acob heard the words of the beast he was greatl" astonished, and sent forth the beast from his hand, and she went her wa". !* And 8acob was still cr"ing aloud and weeping for 8oseph da" after da", and he mourned for his son man" da"s. CHAPTER 44 1 And the sons of Ishmael who had bought 8oseph from the 6idianites, who had bought him from his brethren, went to %g"pt with 8oseph, and the" came upon the borders of %g"pt, and when the" came near unto %g"pt, the" met four men of the sons of 6edan the son of Abraham, who had gone forth from the land of %g"pt on their /ourne". 2 And the Ishmaelites said unto them, @o "ou desire to purchase this slave from us1 and the" said, @eliver him over to us, and the" delivered 8oseph over to them, and the" beheld him, that he was a ver" comel" "outh and the" purchased him for twent" shekels. 3 And the Ishmaelites continued their /ourne" to %g"pt and the 6edanim also returned that da" to %g"pt, and the 6edanim said to each other, 'ehold we have heard that Botiphar, an officer of Bharaoh, captain of the guard, seeketh a good servant who shall stand before him to attend him, and to make him overseer over his house and all belonging to him. ! :ow therefore come let us sell him to him for what we ma" desire, if he be able to give unto us that which we shall re3uire for him. # And these 6edanim went and came to the house of Botiphar, and said unto him, 0e have heard that thou seekest a good servant to attend thee, behold we have a servant that will please thee, if thou canst give unto us that which we ma" desire, and we will sell him unto thee. & And Botiphar said, 'ring him before me, and I will see him, and if he please me I will give unto "ou that which "ou ma" re3uire for him.


( And the 6edanim went and brought 8oseph and placed him before Botiphar, and he saw him, and he pleased him e.ceedingl", and Botiphar said unto them, $ell me what "ou re3uire for this "outh1 * And the" said, )our hundred pieces of silver we desire for him, and Botiphar said, I will give it "ou if "ou bring me the record of his sale to "ou, and will tell me his histor", for perhaps he ma" be stolen, for this "outh is neither a slave, nor the son of a slave, but I observe in him the appearance of a goodl" and handsome person. + And the 6edanim went and brought unto him the Ishmaelites who had sold him to them, and the" told him, sa"ing, ;e is a slave and we sold him to them. 1, And Botiphar heard the words of the Ishmaelites in his giving the silver unto the 6edanim, and the 6edanim took the silver and went on their /ourne", and the Ishmaelites also returned home. 11 And Botiphar took 8oseph and brought him to his house that he might serve him, and 8oseph found favor in the sight of Botiphar, and he placed confidence in him, and made him overseer over his house, and all that belonged to him he delivered over into his hand. 12 And the Lord was with 8oseph and he became a prosperous man, and the Lord blessed the house of Botiphar for the sake of 8oseph. 13 And Botiphar left all that he had in the hand of 8oseph, and 8oseph was one that caused things to come in and go out, and ever"thing was regulated b" his wish in the house of Botiphar. 1! And 8oseph was eighteen "ears old, a "outh with beautiful e"es and of comel" appearance, and like unto him was not in the whole land of %g"pt. 1# At that time whilst he was in his master4s house, going in and out of the house and attending his master, 7elicah, his master4s wife, lifted up her e"es toward 8oseph and she looked at him, and behold he was a "outh comel" and well favored. 1& And she coveted his beaut" in her heart, and her soul was fi.ed upon 8oseph, and she enticed him da" after da", and 7elicah persuaded 8oseph dail", but 8oseph did not lift up his e"es to behold his master4s wife. 1( And 7elicah said unto him, ;ow goodl" are th" appearance and form, trul" I have looked at all the slaves, and have not seen so beautiful a slave as thou art and 8oseph said unto her, 2urel" he who created me in m" mother4s womb created all mankind. 1* And she said unto him, ;ow beautiful are thine e"es, with which thou hast da??led all the inhabitants of %g"pt, men and women and he said unto her, ;ow beautiful the" are whilst we are alive, but shouldst thou behold them in the grave, surel" thou wouldst move awa" from them. 1+ And she said unto him, ;ow beautiful and pleasing are all th" words take now, I pra" thee, the harp which is in the house, and pla" with th" hands and let us hear th" words. 2, And he said unto her, ;ow beautiful and pleasing are m" words when I speak the praise of m" God and his glor" and she said unto him, ;ow ver" beautiful is the hair of th" head, behold the golden comb which is in the house, take it I pra" thee, and curl the hair of th" head. 21 And he said unto her, ;ow long wilt thou speak these words1 cease to utter these words to me, and rise and attend to th" domestic affairs. 22 And she said unto him, $here is no one in m" house, and there is nothing


to attend to but to th" words and to th" wish "et notwithstanding all this, she could not bring 8oseph unto her, neither did he place his e"e upon her, but directed his e"es below to the ground. 23 And 7elicah desired 8oseph in her heart, that he should lie with her, and at the time that 8oseph was sitting in the house doing his work, 7elicah came and sat before him, and she enticed him dail" with her discourse to lie with her, or ever to look at her, but 8oseph would not hearken to her. 2! And she said unto him, If thou wilt not do according to m" words, I will chastise thee with the punishment of death, and put an iron "oke upon thee. 2# And 8oseph said unto her, 2urel" God who created man looseth the fetters of prisoners, and it is he who will deliver me from th" prison and from th" /udgment. 2& And when she could not prevail over him, to persuade him, and her soul being still fi.ed upon him, her desire threw her into a grievous sickness. 2( And all the women of %g"pt came to visit her, and the" said unto her, 0h" art thou in this declining state1 thou that lackest nothing surel" th" husband is a great and esteemed prince in the sight of the king, shouldst thou lack an"thing of what th" heart desireth1 2* And 7elicah answered them, sa"ing, $his da" it shall be made known to "ou, whence this disorder springs in which "ou see me, and she commanded her maid servants to prepare food for all the women, and she made a ban3uet for them, and all the women ate in the house of 7elicah. 2+ And she gave them knives to peel the citrons to eat them, and she commanded that the" should dress 8oseph in costl" garments, and that he should appear before them, and 8oseph came before their e"es and all the women looked on 8oseph, and could not take their e"es from off him, and the" all cut their hands with the knives that the" had in their hands, and all the citrons that were in their hands were filled with blood. 3, And the" knew not what the" had done but the" continued to look at the beaut" of 8oseph, and did not turn their e"elids from him. 31 And 7elicah saw what the" had done, and she said unto them, 0hat is this work that "ou have done1 behold I gave "ou citrons to eat and "ou have all cut "our hands. 32 And all the women saw their hands, and behold the" were full of blood, and their blood flowed down upon their garments, and the" said unto her, this slave in "our house has overcome us, and we could not turn our e"elids from him on account of his beaut". 33 And she said unto them, 2urel" this happened to "ou in the moment that "ou looked at him, and "ou could not contain "ourselves from him how then can I refrain when he is constantl" in m" house, and I see him da" after da" going in and out of m" house1 how then can I keep from declining or even from perishing on account of this1 3! And the" said unto her, the words are true, for who can see this beautiful form in the house and refrain from him, and is he not th" slave and attendant in th" house, and wh" dost thou not tell him that which is in th" heart, and sufferest th" soul to perish through this matter1 3# And she said unto them, I am dail" endeavoring to persuade him, and he will not consent to m" wishes, and I promised him ever"thing that is good, and "et I could meet with no return from him I am therefore in a declining state as "ou see.


3& And 7elicah became ver" ill on account of her desire toward 8oseph, and she was desperatel" lovesick on account of him, and all the people of the house of 7elicah and her husband knew nothing of this matter, that 7elicah was ill on account of her love to 8oseph. 3( And all the people of her house asked her, sa"ing, 0h" art thou ill and declining, and lackest nothing1 and she said unto them, I know not this thing which is dail" increasing upon me. 3* And all the women and her friends came dail" to see her, and the" spoke with her, and she said unto them, $his can onl" be through the love of 8oseph and the" said unto her, %ntice him and sei?e him secretl", perhaps he ma" hearken to thee, and put off this death from thee. 3+ And 7elicah became worse from her love to 8oseph, and she continued to decline, till she had scarce strength to stand. !, And on a certain da" 8oseph was doing his master4s work in the house, and 7elicah came secretl" and fell suddenl" upon him, and 8oseph rose up against her, and he was more powerful than she, and he brought her down to the ground. !1 And 7elicah wept on account of the desire of her heart toward him, and she supplicated him with weeping, and her tears flowed down her cheeks, and she spoke unto him in a voice of supplication and in bitterness of soul, sa"ing, !2 ;ast thou ever heard, seen or known of so beautiful a woman as I am, or better than m"self, who speak dail" unto thee, fall into a decline through love for thee, confer all this honor upon thee, and still thou wilt not hearken to m" voice1 !3 And if it be through fear of th" master lest he punish thee, as the king liveth no harm shall come to thee from th" master through this thing now, therefore pra" listen to me, and consent for the sake of the honor which I have conferred upon thee, and put off this death from me, and wh" should I die for th" sake1 and she ceased to speak. !! And 8oseph answered her, sa"ing, =efrain from me, and leave this matter to m" master behold m" master knoweth not what there is with me in the house, for all that belongeth to him he has delivered into m" hand, and how shall I do these things in m" master4s house1 !# )or he hath also greatl" honored me in his house, and he hath also made me overseer over his house, and he hath e.alted me, and there is no one greater in this house than I am, and m" master hath refrained nothing from me, e.cepting thee who art his wife, how then canst thou speak these words unto me, and how can I do this great evil and sin to God and to th" husband1 !& :ow therefore refrain from me, and speak no more such words as these, for I will not hearken to th" words. 'ut 7elicah would not hearken to 8oseph when he spoke these words unto her, but she dail" enticed him to listen to her. !( And it was after this that the brook of %g"pt was filled above all its sides, and all the inhabitants of %g"pt went forth, and also the king and princes went forth with timbrels and dances, for it was a great re/oicing in %g"pt, and a holida" at the time of the inundation of the sea 2ihor, and the" went there to re/oice all the da". !* And when the %g"ptians went out to the river to re/oice, as was their


custom, all the people of the house of Botiphar went with them, but 7elicah would not go with them, for she said, I am indisposed, and she remained alone in the house, and no other person was with her in the house. !+ And she rose up and ascended to her temple in the house, and dressed herself in princel" garments, and she placed upon her head precious stones of on". stones, inlaid with silver and gold, and she beautified her face and skin with all sorts of women4s purif"ing li3uids, and she perfumed the temple and the house with cassia and frankincense, and she spread m"rrh and aloes, and she afterward sat in the entrance of the temple, in the passage of the house, through which 8oseph passed to do his work, and behold 8oseph came from the field, and entered the house to do his master4s work. #, And he came to the place through which he had to pass, and he saw all the work of 7elicah, and he turned back. #1 And 7elicah saw 8oseph turning back from her, and she called out to him, sa"ing 0hat aileth thee 8oseph1 come to th" work, and behold I will make room for thee until thou shalt have passed to th" seat. #2 And 8oseph returned and came to the house, and passed from thence to the place of his seat, and he sat down to do his master4s work as usual and behold 7elicah came to him and stood before him in princel" garments, and the scent from her clothes was spread to a distance. #3 And she hastened and caught hold of 8oseph and his garments, and she said unto him, As the king liveth if thou wilt not perform m" re3uest thou shalt die this da", and she hastened and stretched forth her other hand and drew a sword from beneath her garments, and she placed it upon 8oseph4s neck, and she said, =ise and perform m" re3uest, and if not thou diest this da". #! And 8oseph was afraid of her at her doing this thing, and he rose up to flee from her, and she sei?ed the front of his garments, and in the terror of his flight the garment which 7elicah sei?ed was torn, and 8oseph left the garment in the hand of 7elicah, and he fled and got out, for he was in fear. ## And when 7elicah saw that 8oseph4s garment was torn, and that he had left it in her hand, and had fled, she was afraid of her life, lest the report should spread concerning her, and she rose up and acted with cunning, and put off the garments in which she was dressed, and she put on her other garments. #& And she took 8oseph4s garment, and she laid it beside her, and she went and seated herself in the place where she had sat in her illness, before the people of her house had gone out to the river, and she called a "oung lad who was then in the house, and she ordered him to call the people of the house to her. #( And when she saw them she said unto them with a loud voice and lamentation, 2ee what a ;ebrew "our master has brought to me in the house, for he came this da" to lie with me. #* )or when "ou had gone out he came to the house, and seeing that there was no person in the house, he came unto me, and caught hold of me, with intent to lie with me. #+ And I sei?ed his garments and tore them and called out against him with a loud voice, and when I had lifted up m" voice he was afraid of his life and left his garment before me, and fled. &, And the people of her house spoke nothing, but their wrath was ver"


much kindled against 8oseph, and the" went to his master and told him the words of his wile. &1 And Botiphar came home enraged, and his wife cried out to him, sa"ing, 0hat is this thing that thou hast done unto me in bringing a ;e. brew servant into m" house, for he came unto me this da" to sport with me thus did he do unto me this da". &2 And Botiphar heard the words of his wife, and he ordered 8oseph to be punished with severe stripes, and the" did so to him. &3 And whilst the" were smiting him, 8oseph called out with a loud voice, and he lifted up his e"es to heaven, and he said, < Lord God, thou knowest that I am innocent of all these things, and wh" shall I die this da" through falsehood, b" the hand of these uncircumcised wicked men, whom thou knowest1 &! And whilst Botiphar4s men were beating 8oseph, he continued to cr" out and weep, and there was a child there eleven months old, and the Lord opened the mouth of the child, and he spake these words before Botiphar4s men, who were smiting 8oseph, sa"ing, &# 0hat do "ou want of this man, and wh" do "ou do this evil unto him1 m" mother speaketh falsel" and uttereth lies thus was the transaction. && And the child told them accuratel" all that happened, and all the words of 7elicah to 8oseph da" after da" did he declare unto them. &( And all the men heard the words of the child and the" wondered greatl" at the child4s words, and the child ceased to speak and became still. &* And Botiphar was ver" much ashamed at the words of his son, and he commanded his men not to beat 8oseph an" more, and the men ceased beating 8oseph. &+ And Botiphar took 8oseph and ordered him to be brought to /ustice before the priests, who were /udges belonging to the king, in order to /udge him concerning this affair. (, And Botiphar and 8oseph came before the priests who were the king4s /udges, and he said unto them, @ecide I pra" "ou, what /udgment is due to a servant, for thus has he done. (1 And the priests said unto 8oseph, 0h" didst thou do this thing to th" master1 and 8oseph answered them, sa"ing, :ot so m" lords, thus was the matter and Botiphar said unto 8oseph, 2urel" I entrusted in th" hands all that belonged to me, and I withheld nothing from thee but m" wife, and how couldst thou do this evil1 (2 And 8oseph answered sa"ing, :ot so m" lord, as the Lord liveth, and as th" soul liveth, m" lord, the word which thou didst hear from th" wife is untrue, for thus was the affair this da". (3 A "ear has elapsed to me since I have been in th" house hast thou seen an" ini3uit" in me, or an" thing which might cause thee to demand m" life1 (! And the priests said unto Botiphar, 2end, we pra" thee, and let them bring before us 8oseph4s torn garment, and let us see the tear in it, and if it shall be that the tear is in front of the garment, then his face must have been opposite to her and she must have caught hold of him, to come to her, and with deceit did th" wife do all that she has spoken. (# And the" brought 8oseph4s garment before the priests who were /udges, and the" saw and behold the tear was in front of 8oseph, and all the /udging priests knew that she had pressed him, and the" said, $he /udgment of death


is not due to this slave for he has done nothing, but his /udgment is, that he be placed in the prison house on account of the report, which through him has gone forth against th" wife. (& And Botiphar heard their words, and he placed him in the prison house, the place where the king4s prisoners are confined, and 8oseph was in the house of confinement twelve "ears. (( And notwithstanding this, his master4s wife did not turn from him, and she did not cease from speaking to him da" after da" to hearken to her, and at the end of three months 7elicah continued going to 8oseph to the house of confinement da" b" da", and she enticed him to hearken to her, and 7elicah said unto 8oseph, ;ow long wilt thou remain in this house1 but hearken now to m" voice, and I will bring thee out of this house. (* And 8oseph answered her, sa"ing, It is better for me to remain in this house than to hearken to th" words, to sin against God and she said unto him, If thou wilt not perform m" wish, I will pluck out thine e"es, add fetters to th" feet, and will deliver thee into the hands of them whom thou didst not know before. (+ And 8oseph answered her and said, 'ehold the God of the whole earth is able to deliver me from all that thou canst do unto me, for he openeth the e"es of the blind, and looseth those that are bound, and preserveth all strangers who are unac3uainted with the land. *, And when 7elicah was unable to persuade 8oseph to hearken to her, she left off going to entice him and 8oseph was still confined in the house of confinement. And 8acob the father of 8oseph, and all his brethren who were in the land of -anaan still mourned and wept in those da"s on account of 8oseph, for 8acob refused to be comforted for his son 8oseph, and 8acob cried aloud, and wept and mourned all those da"s. CHAPTER 45 1 And it was at that time in that "ear, which is the "ear of 8oseph4s going down to %g"pt after his brothers had sold him, that =euben the son of 8acob went to $imnah and took unto him for a wife %liuram, the daughter of Avi the -anaanite, and he came to her. 2 And %liuram the wife of =euben conceived and bare him ;anoch, Balu, -het?ron and -armi, four sons and 2imeon his brother took his sister @inah for a wife, and she bare unto him 6emuel, Damin, <had, 8achin and 7ochar, five sons. 3 And he afterward came to 'unah the -anaanitish woman, the same is 'unah whom 2imeon took captive from the cit" of 2hechem, and 'unah was before @inah and attended upon her, and 2imeon came to her, and she bare unto him 2aul. ! And 8udah went at that time to Adulam, and he came to a man of Adulam, and his name was ;irah, and 8udah saw there the daughter of a man from -anaan, and her name was Ali"ath, the daughter of 2hua, and he took her, and came to her, and Ali"ath bare unto 8udah, %r, <nan and 2hiloh three sons. # And Levi and Issachar went to the land of the east, and the" took unto themselves for wives the daughters of 8obab the son of Doktan, the son of %ber and 8obab the son of Doktan had two daughters the name of the elder


was Adinah, and the name of the "ounger was Aridah. & And Levi took Adinah, and Issachar took Aridah, and the" came to the land of -anaan, to their father4s house, and Adinah bare unto Levi, Gershon, Aehath and 6erari three sons. ( And Aridah bare unto Issachar $ola, Buvah, 8ob and 2homron, four sons and @an went to the land of 6oab and took for a wife Aphlaleth, the daughter of -hamudan the 6oabite, and he brought her to the land of -anaan. * And Aphlaleth was barren, she had no offspring, and God afterward remembered Aphlaleth the wife of @an, and she conceived and bare a son, and she called his name -hushim. + And Gad and :aphtali went to ;aran and took from thence the daughters of Amuram the son of C?, the son of :ahor, for wives. 1, And these are the names of the daughters of Amuram the name of the elder was 6erimah, and the name of the "ounger C?ith and :aphtali took 6erimah, and Gad took C?ith and brought them to the land of -anaan, to their father4s house. 11 And 6erimah bare unto :aphtali Dach?eel, Guni, 8a?er and 2halem, four sons and C?ith bare unto Gad 7ephion, -hagi, 2huni, %?bon, %ri, Arodi and Arali, seven sons. 12 And Asher went forth and took Adon the daughter of Aphlal, the son of ;adad, the son of Ishmael, for a wife, and he brought her to the land of -anaan. 13 And Adon the wife of Asher died in those da"s5 she had no offspring and it was after the death of Adon that Asher went to the other side of the river and took for a wife ;adurah the daughter of Abimael, the son of %ber, the son of 2hem. 1! And the "oung woman was of a comel" appearance, and a woman of sense, and she had been the wife of 6alkiel the son of %lam, the son of 2hem. 1# And ;adurah bare a daughter unto 6alkiel, and he called her name 2erach, and 6alkiel died after this, and ;adurah went and remained in her father4s house. 1& And after the death of the wife at Asher he went and took ;adurah for a wife, and brought her to the land of -anaan, and 2erach her daughter he also brought with them, and she was three "ears old, and the damsel was brought up in 8acob4s house. 1( And the damsel was of a comel" appearance, and she went in the sanctified wa"s of the children of 8acob she lacked nothing, and the Lord gave her wisdom and understanding. 1* And ;adurah the wife of Asher conceived and bare unto him Dimnah, Dishvah, Dishvi and 'eriah four sons. 1+ And 7ebulun went to 6idian, and took for a wife 6erishah the daughter of 6olad, the son of Abida, the son of 6idian, and brought her to the land of -anaan. 2, And 6erushah bare unto 7ebulun 2ered, %lon and Dachleel three sons. 21 And 8acob sent to Aram, the son of 7oba, the son of $erah, and he took for his son 'en/amin 6echalia the daughter of Aram, and she came to the land of -anaan to the house of 8acob and 'en/amin was ten "ears old when he took 6echalia the daughter of Aram for a wife.


22 And 6echalia conceived and bare unto 'en/amin 'ela, 'echer, Ashbel, Gera and :aaman, five sons and 'en/amin went afterward and took for a wife Aribath, the daughter of 2homron, the son of Abraham, in addition to his first wife, and he was eighteen "ears old and Aribath bare unto 'en/amin Achi, Gosh, 6upim, -hupim, and <rd five sons. 23 And in those da"s 8udah went to the house of 2hem and took $amar the daughter of %lam, the son of 2hem, for a wife for his first born %r. 2! And %r came to his wife $amar, and she became his wife, and when he came to her he outwardl" destro"ed his seed, and his work was evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord slew him. 2# And it was after the death of %r, 8udah4s first born, that 8udah said unto <nan, go to th" brother4s wife and marr" her as the ne.t of kin, and raise up seed to th" brother. 2& And <nan took $amar for a wife and he came to her, and <nan also did like unto the work of his brother, and his work was evil in the sight of the Lord, and he slew him also. 2( And when <nan died, 8udah said unto $amar, =emain in th" father4s house until m" son 2hiloh shall have grown up, and 8udah did no more delight in $amar, to give her unto 2hiloh, for he said, Beradventure he will also die like his brothers. 2* And $amar rose up and went and remained in her father4s house, and $amar was in her father4s house for some time. 2+ And at the revolution of the "ear, Ali"ath the wife of 8udah died and 8udah was comforted for his wife, and after the death of Ali"ath, 8udah went up with his friend ;irah to $imnah to shear their sheep. 3, And $amar heard that 8udah had gone up to $imnah to shear the sheep, and that 2hiloh was grown up, and 8udah did not delight in her. 31 And $amar rose up and put off the garments of her widowhood, and she put a vail upon her, and she entirel" covered herself, and she went and sat in the public thoroughfare, which is upon the road to $imnah. 32 And 8udah passed and saw her and took her and he came to her, and she conceived b" him, and at the time of being delivered, behold, there were twins in her womb, and he called the name of the first Bere?, and the name of the second 7arah. CHAPTER 46 1 In those da"s 8oseph was still confined in the prison house in the land of %g"pt. 2 At that time the attendants of Bharaoh were standing before him, the chief of the butlers and the chief of the bakers which belonged to the king of %g"pt. 3 And the butler took wine and placed it before the king to drink, and the baker placed bread before the king to eat, and the king drank of the wine and ate of the bread, he and his servants and ministers that ate at the king4s table. ! And whilst the" were eating and drinking, the butler and the baker remained there, and Bharaoh4s ministers found man" flies in the wine, which the butler had brought, and stones of nitre were found in the baker4s bread. # And the captain of the guard placed 8oseph as an attendant on Bharaoh4s


officers, and Bharaoh4s officers were in confinement one "ear. & And at the end of the "ear, the" both dreamed dreams in one night, in the place of confinement where the" were, and in the morning 8oseph came to them to attend upon them as usual, and he saw them, and behold their countenances were de/ected and sad. ( And 8oseph asked them, 0h" are "our countenances sad and de/ected this da"1 and the" said unto him, 0e dreamed a dream, and there is no one to interpret it and 8oseph said unto them, =elate, I pra" "ou, "our dream unto me, and God shall give "ou an answer of peace as "ou desire. * And the butler related his dream unto 8oseph, and he said, I saw in m" dream, and behold a large vine was before me, and upon that vine I saw three branches, and the vine speedil" blossomed and reached a great height, and its clusters were ripened and became grapes. + And I took the grapes and pressed them in a cup, and placed it in Bharaoh4s hand and he drank and 8oseph said unto him, $he three branches that were upon the vine are three da"s. 1, Det within three da"s, the king will order thee to be brought out and he will restore thee to th" office, and thou shalt give the king his wine to drink as at first when thou wast his butler but let me find favor in th" sight, that thou shalt remember me to Bharaoh when it will be well with thee, and do kindness unto me, and get me brought forth from this prison, for I was stolen awa" from the land of -anaan and was sold for a slave in this place. 11 And also that which was told thee concerning m" master4s wife is false, for the" placed me in this dungeon for naught and the butler answered 8oseph, sa"ing, If the king deal well with me as at first, as thou last interpreted to me, I will do all that thou desirest, and get thee brought out of this dungeon. 12 And the baker, seeing that 8oseph had accuratel" interpreted the butler4s dream, also approached, and related the whole of his dream to 8oseph. 13 And he said unto him, In m" dream I saw and behold three white baskets upon m" head, and I looked, and behold there were in the upper9most basket all manner of baked meats for Bharaoh, and behold the birds were eating them from off m" head. 1! And 8oseph said unto him, $he three baskets which thou didst see are three da"s, "et within three da"s Bharaoh will take off th" head, and hang thee upon a tree, and the birds will eat th" flesh from off thee, as thou sawest in th" dream. 1# In those da"s the 3ueen was about to be delivered, and upon that da" she bare a son unto the king of %g"pt, and the" proclaimed that the king had gotten his first born son and all the people of %g"pt together with the officers and servants of Bharaoh re/oiced greatl". 1& And upon the third da" of his birth Bharaoh made a feast for his officers and servants, for the hosts of the land of 7oar and of the land of %g"pt. 1( And all the people of %g"pt and the servants of Bharaoh came to eat and drink with the king at the feast of his son, and to re/oice at the king4s re/oicing. 1* And all the officers of the king and his servants were re/oicing at that time for eight da"s at the feast, and the" made merr" with all sorts of musical instruments, with timbrels and with dances in the king4s house for eight da"s.


1+ And the butler, to whom 8oseph had interpreted his dream, forgot 8oseph, and he did not mention him to the king as he had promised, for this thing was from the Lord in order to punish 8oseph because he had trusted in man. 2, And 8oseph remained after this in the prison house two "ears, until he had completed twelve "ears. CHAPTER 47 1 And Isaac the son of Abraham was still living in those da"s in the land of -anaan he was ver" aged, one hundred and eight" "ears old, and %sau his son, the brother of 8acob, was in the land of %dom, and he and his sons had possessions in it amongst the children of 2eir. 2 And %sau heard that his father4s time was drawing nigh to die, and he and his sons and household came unto the land of -anaan, unto his father4s house, and 8acob and his sons went forth from the place where the" dwelt in ;ebron, and the" all came to their father Isaac, and the" found %sau and his sons in the tent. 3 And 8acob and his sons sat before his father Isaac, and 8acob was still mourning for his son 8oseph. ! And Isaac said unto 8acob, 'ring me hither th" sons and I will bless them and 8acob brought his eleven children before his father Isaac. # And Isaac placed his hands upon all the sons of 8acob, and he took hold of them and embraced them, and kissed them one b" one, and Isaac blessed them on that da", and he said unto them, 6a" the God of "our fathers bless "ou and increase "our seed like the stars of heaven for number. & And Isaac also blessed the sons of %sau, sa"ing, 6a" God cause "ou to be a dread and a terror to all that will behold "ou, and to all "our enemies. ( And Isaac called 8acob and his sons, and the" all came and sat before Isaac, and Isaac said unto 8acob, $he Lord God of the whole earth said unto me, Cnto th" seed will I give this land for an inheritance if th" children keep m" statutes and m" wa"s, and I will perform unto them the oath which I swore unto th" father Abraham. * :ow therefore m" son, teach th" children and th" children4s children to fear the Lord, and to go in the good wa" which will please the Lord th" God, for if "ou keep the wa"s of the Lord and his statutes the Lord will also keep unto "ou his covenant with Abraham, and will do well with "ou and "our seed all the da"s. + And when Isaac had finished commanding 8acob and his children, he gave up the ghost and died, and was gathered unto his people. 1, And 8acob and %sau fell upon the face of their father Isaac, and the" wept, and Isaac was one hundred and eight" "ears old when he died in the land of -anaan, in ;ebron, and his sons carried him to the cave of 6achpelah, which Abraham had bought from the children of ;eth for a possession of a burial place. 11 And all the kings of the land of -anaan went with 8acob and %sau to bur" Isaac, and all the kings of -anaan showed Isaac great honor at his death. 12 And the sons of 8acob and the sons of %sau went barefooted round about, walking and lamenting until the" reached Aireath9arba. 13 And 8acob and %sau buried their father Isaac in the cave of 6achpelah, which is in Aireath9arba in ;ebron, and the" buried him with ver" great


honor, as at the funeral of kings. 1! And 8acob and his sons, and %sau and his sons, and all the kings of -anaan made a great and heav" mourning, and the" buried him and mourned for him man" da"s. 1# And at the death of Isaac, he left his cattle and his possessions and all belonging to him to his sons and %sau said unto 8acob, 'ehold I pra" thee, all that our father has left we will divide it in two parts, and I will have the choice, and 8acob said, 0e will do so. 1& And 8acob took all that Isaac had left in the land of -anaan, the cattle and the propert", and he placed them in two parts before %sau and his sons, and he said unto %sau, 'ehold all this is before thee, choose thou unto th"self the half which thou wilt take. 1( And 8acob said unto %sau, ;ear thou I pra" thee what I will speak unto thee, sa"ing, $he Lord God of heaven and earth spoke unto our fathers Abraham and Isaac, sa"ing, Cnto th" seed will I give this land for an inheritance forever. 1* :ow therefore all that our father has left is before thee, and behold all the land is before thee choose thou from them what thou desirest. 1+ If thou desirest the whole land take it for thee and th" children forever, and I will take this riches, and it thou desirest the riches take it unto thee, and I will take this land for me and for m" children to inherit it forever. 2, And :eba"oth, the son of Ishmael, was then in the land with his children, and %sau went on that da" and consulted with him, sa"ing. 21 $hus has 8acob spoken unto me, and thus has he answered me, now give th" advice and we will hear. 22 And :eba"oth said, 0hat is this that 8acob hath spoken unto thee1 behold all the children of -anaan are dwelling securel" in their land, and 8acob sa"eth he will inherit it with his seed all the da"s. 23 Go now therefore and take all th" father4s riches and leave 8acob th" brother in the land, as he has spoken. 2! And %sau rose up and returned to 8acob, and did all that :eba"oth the son of Ishmael had advised and %sau took all the riches that Isaac had left, the souls, the beasts, the cattle and the propert", and all the riches he gave nothing to his brother 8acob and 8acob took all the land of -anaan, from the brook of %g"pt unto the river %uphrates, and he took it for an everlasting possession, and for his children and for his seed after him forever. 2# 8acob also took from his brother %sau the cave of 6achpelah, which is in ;ebron, which Abraham had bought from %phron for a possession of a burial place for him and his seed forever. 2& And 8acob wrote all these things in the book of purchase, and he signed it, and he testified all this with four faithful witnesses. 2( And these are the words which 8acob wrote in the book, sa"ing5 $he land of -anaan and all the cities of the ;ittites, the ;ivites, the 8ebusites, the Amorites, the Beri??ites, and the Gergashites, all the seven nations from the river of %g"pt unto the river %uphrates. 2* And the cit" of ;ebron Aireath9arba, and the cave which is in it, the whole did 8acob bu" from his brother %sau for value, for a possession and for an inheritance for his seed after him forever. 2+ And 8acob took the book of purchase and the signature, the command and the statutes and the revealed book, and he placed them in an earthen vessel


in order that the" should remain for a long time, and he delivered them into the hands of his children. 3, %sau took all that his father had left him after his death from his brother 8acob, and he took all the propert", from man and beast, camel and ass, o. and lamb, silver and gold, stones and bdellium, and all the riches which had belonged to Isaac the son of Abraham there was nothing left which %sau did not take unto himself, from all that Isaac had left after his death. 31 And %sau took all this, and he and his children went home to the land of 2eir the ;orite, awa" from his brother 8acob and his children. 32 And %sau had possessions amongst the children of 2eir, and %sau returned not to the land of -anaan from that da" forward. 33 And the whole land of -anaan became an inheritance to the children of Israel for an everlasting inheritance, and %sau with all his children inherited the mountain of 2eir. CHAPTER 48 1 In those da"s, after the death of Isaac, the Lord commanded and caused a famine upon the whole earth. 2 At that time Bharaoh king of %g"pt was sitting upon his throne in the land of %g"pt, and la" in his bed and dreamed dreams, and Bharaoh saw in his dream that he was standing b" the side of the river of %g"pt. 3 And whilst he was standing he saw and behold seven fat fleshed and well favored kine came up out of the river. ! And seven other kine, lean fleshed and ill favored, came up after them, and the seven ill favored ones swallowed up the well favored ones, and still their appearance was ill as at first. # And he awoke, and he slept again and he dreamed a second time, and he saw and behold seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk, rank and good, and seven thin ears blasted with the east wind sprang, up after them, and the thin ears swallowed up the full ones, and Bharaoh awoke out of his dream. & And in the morning the king remembered his dreams, and his spirit was sadl" troubled on account of his dreams, and the king hastened and sent and called for all the magicians of %g"pt, and the wise men, and the" came and stood before Bharaoh. ( And the king said unto them, I have dreamed dreams, and there is none to interpret them and the" said unto the king, relate th" dreams to th" servants and let us hear them. * And the king related his dreams to them, and the" all answered and said with one voice to the king, ma" the king live forever and this is the interpretation of th" dreams. + $he seven good kine which thou didst see denote seven daughters that will be born unto thee in the latter da"s, and the seven kine which thou sawest come up after them, and swallowed them up, are for a sign that the daughters which will be born unto thee will all die in the life9time of the king. 1, And that which thou didst see in the second dream of seven full good ears of corn coming up upon one stalk, this is their interpretation, that thou wilt build unto th"self in the latter da"s seven cities throughout the land of %g"pt and that which thou sawest of the seven blasted ears of corn


springing up after them and swallowing them up whilst thou didst behold them with thine e"es, is for a sign that the cities which thou wilt build will all be destro"ed in the latter da"s, in the life9time of the king. 11 And when the" spoke these words the king did not incline his ear to their words, neither did he fi. his heart upon them, for the king knew in his wisdom that the" did not give a proper interpretation of the dreams and when the" had finished speaking before the king, the king answered them, sa"ing, 0hat is this thing that "ou have spoken unto me1 surel" "ou have uttered falsehood and spoken lies therefore now give the proper interpretation of m" dreams, that "ou ma" not die. 12 And the king commanded after this, and he sent and called again for other wise men, and the" came and stood before the king, and the king related his dreams to them, and the" all answered him according to the first interpretation, and the king4s anger was kindled and he was ver" wroth, and the king said unto them, 2urel" "ou speak lies and utter falsehood in what "ou have said. 13 And the king commanded that a proclamation should be issued throughout the land of %g"pt, sa"ing, It is resolved b" the king and his great men, that an" wise man who knoweth and understandeth the interpretation of dreams, and will not come this da" before the king, shall die. 1! And the man that will declare unto the king the proper interpretation of his dreams, there shall be given unto him all that he will re3uire from the king. And all the wise men of the land of %g"pt came before the king, together with all the magicians and sorcerers that were in %g"pt and in Goshen, in =ameses, in $achpanches, in 7oar, and in all the places on the borders of %g"pt, and the" all stood before the king. 1# And all the nobles and the princes, and the attendants belonging to the king, came together from all the cities of %g"pt, and the" all sat before the king, and the king related his dreams before the wise men, and the princes, and all that sat before the king were astonished at the vision. 1& And all the wise men who were before the king were greatl" divided in their interpretation of his dreams some of them interpreted them to the king, sa"ing, $he seven good kine are seven kings, who from the king4s issue will be raised over %g"pt. 1( And the seven bad kine are seven princes, who will stand up against them in the latter da"s and destro" them and the seven ears of corn are the seven great princes belonging to %g"pt, who will fall in the hands of the seven less powerful princes of their enemies, in the wars of our lord the king. 1* And some of them interpreted to the king in this manner, sa"ing, $he seven good kine are the strong cities of %g"pt, and the seven bad kine are the seven nations of the land of -anaan, who will come against the seven cities of %g"pt in the latter da"s and destro" them. 1+ And that which thou sawest in the second dream, of seven good and bad ears of corn, is a sign that the government of %g"pt will again return to th" seed as at first. 2, And in his reign the people of the cities of %g"pt will turn against the seven cities of -anaan who are stronger than the" are, and will destro" them, and the government of %g"pt will return to th" seed. 21 And some of them said unto the king, $his is the interpretation of th"


dreams the seven good kine are seven 3ueens, whom thou wilt take for wives in the latter da"s, and the seven bad kine denote that those women will all die in the lifetime of the king. 22 And the seven good and bad ears of corn which thou didst see in the second dream are fourteen children, and it will be in the latter da"s that the" will stand up and fight amongst themselves, and seven of them will smite the seven that are more powerful. 23 And some of them said these words unto the king, sa"ing, $he seven good kine denote that seven children will be born to thee, and the" will sla" seven of th" children4s children in the latter da"s and the seven good ears of corn which thou didst see in the second dream, are those princes against whom seven other less powerful princes will fight and destro" them in the latter da"s, and avenge th" children4s cause, and the government will again return to th" seed. 2! And the king heard all the words of the wise men of %g"pt and their interpretation of his dreams, and none of them pleased the king. 2# And the king knew in his wisdom that the" did not altogether speak correctl" in all these words, for this was from the Lord to frustrate the words of the wise men of %g"pt, in order that 8oseph might go forth from the house of confinement, and in order that he should become great in %g"pt. 2& And the king saw that none amongst all the wise men and magicians of %g"pt spoke correctl" to him, and the king4s wrath was kindled, and his anger burned within him. 2( And the king commanded that all the wise men and magicians should go out from before him, and the" all went out from before the king with shame and disgrace. 2* And the king commanded that a proclamation be sent throughout %g"pt to sla" all the magicians that were in %g"pt, and not one of them should be suffered to live. 2+ And the captains of the guards belonging to the king rose up, and each man drew his sword, and the" began to smite the magicians of %g"pt, and the wise men. 3, And after this 6erod, chief butler to the king, came and bowed down before the king and sat before him. 31 And the butler said unto the king, 6a" the king live forever, and his government be e.alted in the land. 32 $hou wast angr" with th" servant in those da"s, now two "ears past, and didst place me in the ward, and I was for some time in the ward, I and the chief of the bakers. 33 And there was with us a ;ebrew servant belonging to the captain of the guard, his name was 8oseph, for his master had been angr" with him and placed him in the house of confinement, and he attended us there. 3! And in some time after when we were in the ward, we dreamed dreams in one night, I and the chief of the bakers we dreamed, each man according to the interpretation of his dream. 3# And we came in the morning and told them to that servant, and he interpreted to us our dreams, to each man according to his dream, did he correctl" interpret. 3& And it came to pass as he interpreted to us, so was the event there fell not to the ground an" of his words.


3( And now therefore m" lord and king do not sla" the people of %g"pt for naught behold that slave is still confined in the house b" the captain of the guard his master, in the house of confinement. 3* If it pleaseth the king let him send for him that he ma" come before thee and he will make known to thee, the correct interpretation of the dream which thou didst dream. 3+ And the king heard the words of the chief butler, and the king ordered that the wise men of %g"pt should not be slain. !, And the king ordered his servants to bring 8oseph before him, and the king said unto them, Go to him and do not terrif" him lest he be confused and will not know to speak properl". !1 And the servants of the king went to 8oseph, and the" brought him hastil" out of the dungeon, and the king4s servants shaved him, and he changed his prison garment and he came before the king. !2 And the king was sitting upon his ro"al throne in a princel" dress girt around with a golden ephod, and the fine gold which was upon it sparkled, and the carbuncle and the rub" and the emerald, together with all the precious stones that were upon the king4s head, da??led the e"e, and 8oseph wondered greatl" at the king. !3 And the throne upon which the king sat was covered with gold and silver, and with on". stones, and it had sevent" steps. !! And it was their custom throughout the land of %g"pt, that ever" man who came to speak to the king, if he was a prince or one that was estimable in the sight of the king, he ascended to the king4s throne as far as the thirt"9 first step, and the king would descend to the thirt" step, and speak with him. !# If he was one of the common people, he ascended to the third step, and the king would descend to the fourth and speak to him, and their custom was, moreover, that an" man who understood to speak in all the sevent" languages, he ascended the sevent" steps, and went up and spoke till he reached the king. !& And an" man who could not complete the sevent", he ascended as man" steps as the languages which he knew to speak in. !( And it was customar" in those da"s in %g"pt that no one should reign over them, but who understood to speak in the sevent" languages. !* And when 8oseph came before the king he bowed down to the ground before the king, and he ascended to the third step, and the king sat upon the fourth step and spoke with 8oseph. !+ And the king said unto 8oseph, I dreamed a dream, and there is no interpreter to interpret it properl", and I commanded this da" that all the magicians of %g"pt and the wise men thereof, should come before me, and I related m" dreams to them, and no one has properl" interpreted them to me. #, And after this I this da" heard concerning thee, that thou art a wise man, and canst correctl" interpret ever" dream that thou hearest. #1 And 8oseph answered Bharaoh, sa"ing, Let Bharaoh relate his dreams that he dreamed surel" the interpretations belong to God and Bharaoh related his dreams to 8oseph, the dream of the kine, and the dream of the ears of corn, and the king left off speaking. #2 And 8oseph was then clothed with the spirit of God before the king, and he


knew all the things that would befall the king from that da" forward, and he knew the proper interpretation of the king4s dream, and he spoke before the king. #3 And 8oseph found favor in the sight of the king, and the king inclined his ears and his heart, and he heard all the words of 8oseph. And 8oseph said unto the king, @o not imagine that the" are two dreams, for it is onl" one dream, for that which God has chosen to do throughout the land he has shown to the king in his dream, and this is the proper interpretation of th" dream5 #! $he seven good kine and ears of corn are seven "ears, and the seven bad kine and ears of corn are also seven "ears it is one dream. ## 'ehold the seven "ears that are coming there will be a great plent" throughout the land, and after that the seven "ears of famine will follow them, a ver" grievous famine and all the plent" will be forgotten from the land, and the famine will consume the inhabitants of the land. #& $he king dreamed one dream, and the dream was therefore repeated unto Bharaoh because the thing is established b" God, and God will shortl" bring it to pass. #( :ow therefore I will give thee counsel and deliver th" soul and the souls of the inhabitants of the land from the evil of the famine, that thou seek throughout th" kingdom for a man ver" discreet and wise, who knoweth all the affairs of government, and appoint him to superintend over the land of %g"pt. #* And let the man whom thou placest over %g"pt appoint officers under him, that the" gather in all the food of the good "ears that are coming, and let them la" up corn and deposit it in th" appointed stores. #+ And let them keep that food for the seven "ears of famine, that it ma" be found for thee and th" people and th" whole land, and that thou and th" land be not cut off b" the famine. &, Let all the inhabitants of the land be also ordered that the" gather in, ever" man the produce of his field, of all sorts of food, during the seven good "ears, and that the" place it in their stores, that it ma" be found for them in the da"s of the famine and that the" ma" live upon it. &1 $his is the proper interpretation of th" dream, and this is the counsel given to save th" soul and the souls of all th" sub/ects. &2 And the king answered and said unto 8oseph, 0ho sa"eth and who knoweth that th" words are correct1 And he said unto the king, $his shall be a sign for thee respecting all m" words, that the" are true and that m" advice is good for thee. &3 'ehold th" wife sitteth this da" upon the stool of deliver", and she will bear thee a son and thou wilt re/oice with him when th" child shall have gone forth from his mother4s womb, th" first born son that has been born these two "ears back shall die, and thou wilt be comforted in the child that will be born unto thee this da". &! And 8oseph finished speaking these words to the king, and he bowed down to the king and he went out, and when 8oseph had gone out from the king4s presence, those signs which 8oseph had spoken unto the king came to pass on that da". &# And the 3ueen bare a son on that da" and the king heard the glad tidings about his son, and he re/oiced, and when the reporter had gone forth from


the king4s presence, the king4s servants found the first born son of the king fallen dead upon the ground. && And there was great lamentation and noise in the king4s house, and the king heard it, and he said, 0hat is the noise and lamentation that I have heard in the house1 and the" told the king that his first born son had died then the king knew that all 8oseph4s words that he had spoken were correct, and the king was consoled for his son b" the child that was born to him on that da" as 8oseph had spoken. CHAPTER 49 1 After these things the king sent and assembled all his officers and servants, and all the princes and nobles belonging to the king, and the" all came before the king. 2 And the king said unto them, 'ehold "ou have seen and heard all the words of this ;ebrew man, and all the signs which he declared would come to pass, and not an" of his words have fallen to the ground. 3 Dou know that he has given a proper interpretation of the dream, and it will surel" come to pass, now therefore take counsel, and know what "ou will do and how the land will be delivered from the famine. ! 2eek now and see whether the like can be found, in whose heart there is wisdom and knowledge, and I will appoint him over the land. # )or "ou have heard what the ;ebrew man has advised concerning this to save the land therewith from the famine, and I know that the land will not be delivered from the famine but with the advice of the ;ebrew man, him that advised me. & And the" all answered the king and said, $he counsel which the ;ebrew has given concerning this is good now therefore, our lord and king, behold the whole land is in th" hand, do that which seemeth good in th" sight. ( ;im whom thou chooses, and whom thou in th" wisdom knowest to be wise and capable of delivering the land with his wisdom, him shall the king appoint to be under him over the land. * And the king said to all the officers5 I have thought that since God has made known to the ;ebrew man all that he has spoken, there is none so discreet and wise in the whole land as he is if it seem good in "our sight I will place him over the land, for he will save the land with his wisdom. + And all the officers answered the king and said, 'ut surel" it is written in the laws of %g"pt, and it should not be violated, that no man shall reign over %g"pt, nor be the second to the king, but one who has knowledge in all the languages of the sons of men. 1, :ow therefore our lord and king, behold this ;ebrew man can onl" speak the ;ebrew language, and how then can he be over us the second under government, a man who not even knoweth our language1 11 :ow we pra" thee send for him, and let him come before thee, and prove him in all things, and do as thou see fit. 12 And the king said, It shall be done tomorrow, and the thing that "ou have spoken is good and all the officers came on that da" before the king. 13 And on that night the Lord sent one of his ministering angels, and he came into the land of %g"pt unto 8oseph, and the angel of the Lord stood over 8oseph, and behold 8oseph was l"ing in the bed at night in his master4s


house in the dungeon, for his master had put him back into the dungeon on account of his wife. 1! And the angel roused him from his sleep, and 8oseph rose up and stood upon his legs, and behold the angel of the Lord was standing opposite to him and the angel of the Lord spoke with 8oseph, and he taught him all the languages of man in that night, and he called his name 8ehoseph. 1# And the angel of the Lord went from him, and 8oseph returned and la" upon his bed, and 8oseph was astonished at the vision which he saw. 1& And it came to pass in the morning that the king sent for all his officers and servants, and the" all came and sat before the king, and the king ordered 8oseph to be brought, and the king4s servants went and brought 8oseph before Bharaoh. 1( And the king came forth and ascended the steps of the throne, and 8oseph spoke unto the king in all languages, and 8oseph went up to him and spoke unto the king until he arrived before the king in the seventieth step, and he sat before the king. 1* And the king greatl" re/oiced on account of 8oseph, and all the king4s officers re/oiced greatl" with the king when the" heard all the words of 8oseph. 1+ And the thing seemed good in the sight of the king and the officers, to appoint 8oseph to be second to the king over the whole land of %g"pt, and the king spoke to 8oseph, sa"ing, 2, :ow thou didst give me counsel to appoint a wise man over the land of %g"pt, in order with his wisdom to save the land from the famine now therefore, since God has made all this known to thee, and all the words which thou hast spoken, there is not throughout the land a discreet and wise man like unto thee. 21 And th" name no more shall be called 8oseph, but 7aphnath Baaneah shall be th" name thou shalt be second to me, and according to th" word shall be all the affairs of m" government, and at th" word shall m" people go out and come in. 22 Also from under th" hand shall m" servants and officers receive their salar" which is given to them monthl", and to thee shall all the people of the land bow down onl" in m" throne will I be greater than thou. 23 And the king took off his ring from his hand and put it upon the hand of 8oseph, and the king dressed 8oseph in a princel" garment, and he put a golden crown upon his head, and he put a golden chain upon his neck. 2! And the king commanded his servants, and the" made him ride in the second chariot belonging to the king, that went opposite to the king4s chariot, and he caused him to ride upon a great and strong horse from the king4s horses, and to be conducted through the streets of the land of %g"pt. 2# And the king commanded that all those that pla"ed upon timbrels, harps and other musical instruments should go forth with 8oseph one thousand timbrels, one thousand mecholoth, and one thousand nebalim went after him. 2& And five thousand men, with drawn swords glittering in their hands, and the" went marching and pla"ing before 8oseph, and twent" thousand of the great men of the king girt with girdles of skin covered with gold, marched at the right hand of 8oseph, and twent" thousand at his left, and all the women and damsels went upon the roofs or stood in the streets pla"ing and re/oicing


at 8oseph, and ga?ed at the appearance of 8oseph and at his beaut". 2( And the king4s people went before him and behind him, perfuming the road with frankincense and with cassia, and with all sorts of fine perfume, and scattered m"rrh and aloes along the road, and twent" men proclaimed these words before him throughout the land in a loud voice5 2* @o "ou see this man whom the king has chosen to be his second1 all the affairs of government shall be regulated b" him, and he that transgresses his orders, or that does not bow down before him to the ground, shall die, for he rebels against the king and his second. 2+ And when the heralds had ceased proclaiming, all the people of %g"pt bowed down to the ground before 8oseph and said, 6a" the king live, also ma" his second live and all the inhabitants of %g"pt bowed down along the road, and when the heralds approached them, the" bowed down, and the" re/oiced with all sorts of timbrels, mechol and nebal before 8oseph. 3, And 8oseph upon his horse lifted up his e"es to heaven, and called out and said, ;e raiseth the poor man from the dust, ;e lifteth up the need" from the dunghill. < Lord of ;osts, happ" is the man who trusteth in thee. 31 And 8oseph passed throughout the land of %g"pt with Bharaoh4s servants and officers, and the" showed him the whole land of %g"pt and all the king4s treasures. 32 And 8oseph returned and came on that da" before Bharaoh, and the king gave unto 8oseph a possession in the land of %g"pt, a possession of fields and vine"ards, and the king gave unto 8oseph three thousand talents of silver and one thousand talents of gold, and on". stones and bdellium and man" gifts. 33 And on the ne.t da" the king commanded all the people of %g"pt to bring unto 8oseph offerings and gifts, and that he that violated the command of the king should die and the" made a high place in the street of the cit", and the" spread out garments there, and whoever brought an"thing to 8oseph put it into the high place. 3! And all the people of %g"pt cast something into the high place, one man a golden ear9ring, and the other rings and ear9rings, and different vessels of gold and silver work, and on". stones and bdellium did he cast upon the high place ever" one gave something of what he possessed. 3# And 8oseph took all these and placed them in his treasuries, and all the officers and nobles belonging to the king e.alted 8oseph, and the" gave him man" gifts, seeing that the king had chosen him to be his second. 3& And the king sent to Botiphera, the son of Ahiram priest of <n, and he took his "oung daughter <snath and gave her unto 8oseph for a wife. 3( And the damsel was ver" comel", a virgin, one whom man had not known, and 8oseph took her for a wife and the king said unto 8oseph, I am Bharaoh, and beside thee none shall dare to lift up his hand or his foot to regulate m" people throughout the land of %g"pt. 3* And 8oseph was thirt" "ears old when he stood before Bharaoh, and 8oseph went out from before the king, and he became the king4s second in %g"pt. 3+ And the king gave 8oseph a hundred servants to attend him in his house, and 8oseph also sent and purchased man" servants and the" remained in the house of 8oseph. !, 8oseph then built for himself a ver" magnificent house like unto the


houses of kings, before the court of the king4s palace, and he made in the house a large temple, ver" elegant in appearance and convenient for his residence three "ears was 8oseph in erecting his house. !1 And 8oseph made unto himself a ver" elegant throne of abundance of gold and silver, and he covered it with on". stones and bdellium, and he made upon it the likeness of the whole land of %g"pt, and the likeness of the river of %g"pt that watereth the whole land of %g"pt and 8oseph sat securel" upon his throne in his house and the Lord increased 8oseph4s wisdom. !2 And all the inhabitants of %g"pt and Bharaoh4s servants and his princes loved 8oseph e.ceedingl", for this thing was from the Lord to 8oseph. !3 And 8oseph had an arm" that made war, going out in hosts and troops to the number of fort" thousand si. hundred men, capable of bearing arms to assist the king and 8oseph against the enem", besides the king4s officers and his servants and inhabitants of %g"pt without number. !! And 8oseph gave unto his might" men, and to all his host, shields and /avelins, and caps and coats of mail and stones for slinging. CHAPTER 50 1 At that time the children of $arshish came against the sons of Ishmael, and made war with them, and the children of $arshish spoiled the Ishmaelites for a long time. 2 And the children of Ishmael were small in number in those da"s, and the" could not prevail over the children of $arshish, and the" were sorel" oppressed. 3 And the old men of the Ishmaelites sent a record to the king of %g"pt, sa"ing, 2end I pra" thee unto th" servants officers and hosts to help us to fight against the children of $arshish, for we have been consuming awa" for a long time. ! And Bharaoh sent 8oseph with the might" men and host which were with him, and also his might" men from the king4s house. # And the" went to the land of ;avilah to the children of Ishmael, to assist them against the children of $arshish, and the children of Ishmael fought with the children of $arshish, and 8oseph smote the $arshishites and he subdued all their land, and the children of Ishmael dwell therein unto this da". & And when the land of $arshish was subdued, all the $arshishites ran awa", and came on the border of their brethren the children of 8avan, and 8oseph with all his might" men and host returned to %g"pt, not one man of them missing. ( And at the revolution of the "ear, in the second "ear of 8oseph4s reigning over %g"pt, the Lord gave great plent" throughout the land for seven "ears as 8oseph had spoken, for the Lord blessed all the produce of the earth in those da"s for seven "ears, and the" ate and were greatl" satisfied. * And 8oseph at that time had officers under him, and the" collected all the food of the good "ears, and heaped corn "ear b" "ear, and the" placed it in the treasuries of 8oseph. + And at an" time when the" gathered the food 8oseph commanded that the" should bring the corn in the ears, and also bring with it some of the soil of the field, that it should not spoil. 1, And 8oseph did according to this "ear b" "ear, and he heaped up corn like


the sand of the sea for abundance, for his stores were immense and could not be numbered for abundance. 11 And also all the inhabitants of %g"pt gathered all sorts of food in their stores in great abundance during the seven good "ears, but the" did not do unto it as 8oseph did. 12 And all the food which 8oseph and the %g"ptians had gathered during the seven "ears of plent", was secured for the land in stores for the seven "ears of famine, for the support of the whole land. 13 And the inhabitants of %g"pt filled each man his store and his concealed place with corn, to be for support during the famine. 1! And 8oseph placed all the food that he had gathered in all the cities of %g"pt, and he closed all the stores and placed sentinels over them. 1# And 8oseph4s wife <snath the daughter of Botiphera bare him two sons, 6anasseh and %phraim, and 8oseph was thirt"9four "ears old when he begat them. 1& And the lads grew up and the" went in his wa"s and in his instructions, the" did not deviate from the wa" which their father taught them, either to the right or left. 1( And the Lord was with the lads, and the" grew up and had understanding and skill in all wisdom and in all the affairs of government, and all the king4s officers and his great men of the inhabitants of %g"pt e.alted the lads, and the" were brought up amongst the king4s children. 1* And the seven "ears of plent" that were throughout the land were at an end, and the seven "ears of famine came after them as 8oseph had spoken, and the famine was throughout the land. 1+ And all the people of %g"pt saw that the famine had commenced in the land of %g"pt, and all the people of %g"pt opened their stores of corn for the famine prevailed over them. 2, And the" found all the food that was in their stores, full of vermin and not fit to eat, and the famine prevailed throughout the land, and all the inhabitants of %g"pt came and cried before Bharaoh, for the famine was heav" upon them. 21 And the" said unto Bharaoh, Give food unto th" servants, and wherefore shall we die through hunger before th" e"es, even we and our little ones1 22 And Bharaoh answered them, sa"ing, And wherefore do "ou cr" unto me1 did not 8oseph command that the corn should be laid up during the seven "ears of plent" for the "ears of famine1 and wherefore did "ou not hearken to his voice1 23 And the people of %g"pt answered the king, sa"ing, As th" soul liveth, our lord, th" servants have done all that 8oseph ordered, for th" servants also gathered in all the produce of their fields during the seven "ears of plent" and laid it in the stores unto this da". 2! And when the famine prevailed over th" servants we opened our stores, and behold all our produce was filled with vermin and was not fit for food. 2# And when the king heard all that had befallen the inhabitants of %g"pt, the king was greatl" afraid on account of the famine, and he was much terrified and the king answered the people of %g"pt, sa"ing, 2ince all this has happened unto "ou, go unto 8oseph, do whatever he shall sa" unto "ou, transgress not his commands. 2& And all the people of %g"pt went forth and came unto 8oseph, and said


unto him, Give unto us food, and wherefore shall we die before thee through hunger1 for we gathered in our produce during the seven "ears as thou didst command, and we put it in store, and thus has it befallen us. 2( And when 8oseph heard all the words of the people of %g"pt and what had befallen them, 8oseph opened all his stores of the produce and he sold it unto the people of %g"pt. 2* And the famine prevailed throughout the land, and the famine was in all countries, but in the land of %g"pt there was produce for sale. 2+ And all the inhabitants of %g"pt came unto 8oseph to bu" corn, for the famine prevailed over them, and all their corn was spoiled, and 8oseph dail" sold it to all the people of %g"pt. 3, And all the inhabitants of the land of -anaan and the Bhilistines, and those be"ond the 8ordan, and the children of the east and all the cities of the lands far and nigh heard that there was corn in %g"pt, and the" all came to %g"pt to bu" corn, for the famine prevailed over them. 31 And 8oseph opened the stores of corn and placed officers over them, and the" dail" stood and sold to all that came. 32 And 8oseph knew that his brethren also would come to %g"pt to bu" corn, for the famine prevailed throughout the earth. And 8oseph commanded all his people that the" should cause it to be proclaimed throughout the land of %g"pt, sa"ing, 33 It is the pleasure of the king, of his second and of their great men, that an" person who wishes to bu" corn in %g"pt shall not send his servants to %g"pt to purchase, but his sons, and also an" %g"ptian or -anaanite, who shall come from an" of the stores from bu"ing corn in %g"pt, and shall go and sell it throughout the land, he shall die, for no one shall bu" but for the support of his household. 3! And an" man leading two or three beasts shall die, for a man shall onl" lead his own beast. 3# And 8oseph placed sentinels at the gates of %g"pt, and commanded them, sa"ing, An" person who ma" come to bu" corn, suffer him not to enter until his name, and the name of his father, and the name of his father4s father be written down, and whatever is written b" da", send their names unto me in the evening that I ma" know their names. 3& And 8oseph placed officers throughout the land of %g"pt, and he commanded them to do all these things. 3( And 8oseph did all these things, and made these statutes, in order that he might know when his brethren should come to %g"pt to bu" corn and 8oseph4s people caused it dail" to be proclaimed in %g"pt according to these words and statutes which 8oseph had commanded. 3* And all the inhabitants of the east and west countr", and of all the earth, heard of the statutes and regulations which 8oseph had enacted in %g"pt, and the inhabitants of the e.treme parts of the earth came and the" bought corn in %g"pt da" after da", and then went awa". 3+ And all the officers of %g"pt did as 8oseph had commanded, and all that came to %g"pt to bu" corn, the gate keepers would write their names, and their fathers4 names, and dail" bring them in the evening before 8oseph.


CHAPTER 51 1 And 8acob afterward heard that there was corn in %g"pt, and he called unto his sons to go to %g"pt to bu" corn, for upon them also did the famine prevail, and he called unto his sons, sa"ing, 2 'ehold I hear that there is corn in %g"pt, and all the people of the earth go there to purchase, now therefore wh" will "ou show "ourselves satisfied before the whole earth1 go "ou also down to %g"pt and bu" us a little corn amongst those that come there, that we ma" not die. 3 And the sons of 8acob hearkened to the voice of their father, and the" rose up to go down to %g"pt in order to bu" corn amongst the rest that came there. ! And 8acob their father commanded them, sa"ing, 0hen "ou come into the cit" do not enter together in one gate, on account of the inhabitants of the land. # And the sons of 8acob went forth and the" went to %g"pt, and the sons of 8acob did all as their father had commanded them, and 8acob did not send 'en/amin, for he said, Lest an accident might befall him on the road like his brother and ten of 8acob4s sons went forth. & And whilst the sons of 8acob were going on the road, the" repented of what the" had done to 8oseph, and the" spoke to each other, sa"ing, 0e know that our brother 8oseph went down to %g"pt, and now we will seek him where we go, and if we find him we will take him from his master for a ransom, and if not, b" force, and we will die for him. ( And the sons of 8acob agreed to this thing and strengthened themselves on account of 8oseph, to deliver him from the hand of his master, and the sons of 8acob went to %g"pt and when the" came near to %g"pt the" separated from each other, and the" came through ten gates of %g"pt, and the gate keepers wrote their names on that da", and brought them to 8oseph in the evening. * And 8oseph read the names from the hand of the gate9keepers of the cit", and he found that his brethren had entered at the ten gates of the cit", and 8oseph at that time commanded that it should be proclaimed throughout the land of %g"pt, sa"ing, + Go forth all "e store guards, close all the corn stores and let onl" one remain open, that those who come ma" purchase from it. 1, And all the officers of 8oseph did so at that time, and the" closed all the stores and left onl" one open. 11 And 8oseph gave the written names of his brethren to him that was set over the open store, and he said unto him, 0hosoever shall come to thee to bu" corn, ask his name, and when men of these names shall come before thee, sei?e them and send them, and the" did so. 12 And when the sons of 8acob came into the cit", the" /oined together in the cit" to seek 8oseph before the" bought themselves corn. 13 And the" went to the walls of the harlots, and the" sought 8oseph in the walls of the harlots for three da"s, for the" thought that 8oseph would come in the walls of the harlots, for 8oseph was ver" comel" and well favored, and the sons of 8acob sought 8oseph for three da"s, and the" could not find him. 1! And the man who was set over the open store sought for those names which 8oseph had given him, and he did not find them.


1# And he sent to 8oseph, sa"ing, $hese three da"s have passed, and those men whose names thou didst give unto me have not come and 8oseph sent servants to seek the men in all %g"pt, and to bring them before 8oseph. 1& And 8oseph4s servants went and came into %g"pt and could not find them, and went to Goshen and the" were not there, and then went to the cit" of =ameses and could not find them. 1( And 8oseph continued to send si.teen servants to seek his brothers, and the" went and spread themselves in the four corners of the cit", and four of the servants went into the house of the harlots, and the" found the ten men there seeking their brother. 1* And those four men took them and brought them before him, and the" bowed down to him to the ground, and 8oseph was sitting upon his throne in his temple, clothed with princel" garments, and upon his head was a large crown of gold, and all the might" men were sitting around him. 1+ And the sons of 8acob saw 8oseph, and his figure and comeliness and dignit" of countenance seemed wonderful in their e"es, and the" again bowed down to him to the ground. 2, And 8oseph saw his brethren, and he knew them, but the" knew him not, for 8oseph was ver" great in their e"es, therefore the" knew him not. 21 And 8oseph spoke to them, sa"ing, )rom whence come "e1 and the" all answered and said, $h" servants have come from the land of -anaan to bu" corn, for the famine prevails throughout the earth, and th" servants heard that there was corn in %g"pt, so the" have come amongst the other comers to bu" corn for their support. 22 And 8oseph answered them, sa"ing, If "ou have come to purchase as "ou sa", wh" do "ou come through ten gates of the cit"1 it can onl" be that "ou have come to sp" through the land. 23 And the" all together answered 8oseph, and said, :ot so m" lord, we are right, th" servants are not spies, but we have come to bu" corn, for th" servants are all brothers, the sons of one man in the land of -anaan, and our father commanded us, sa"ing, 0hen "ou come to the cit" do not enter together at one gate on account of the inhabitants of the land. 2! And 8oseph again answered them and said, $hat is the thing which I spoke unto "ou, "ou have come to sp" through the land, therefore "ou all came through ten gates of the cit" "ou have come to see the nakedness of the land. 2# 2urel" ever" one that cometh to bu" corn goeth his wa", and "ou are alread" three da"s in the land, and what do "ou do in the walls of harlots in which "ou have been for these three da"s1 surel" spies do like unto these things. 2& And the" said unto 8oseph, )ar be it from our lord to speak thus, for we are twelve brothers, the sons of our father 8acob, in the land of -anaan, the son of Isaac, the son of Abraham, the ;ebrew, and behold the "oungest is with our father this da" in the land of -anaan, and one is not, for he was lost from us, and we thought perhaps he might be in this land, so we are seeking him throughout the land, and have come even to the houses of harlots to seek him there. 2( And 8oseph said unto them, And have "ou then sought him throughout the earth, that there onl" remained %g"pt for "ou to seek him in1 And what also should "our brother do in the houses of harlots, although he were in %g"pt1


have "ou not said, $hat "ou are from the sons of Isaac, the son of Abraham, and what shall the sons of 8acob do then in the houses of harlots1 2* And the" said unto him, 'ecause we heard that Ishmaelites stole him from us, and it was told unto us that the" sold him in %g"pt, and th" servant, our brother, is ver" comel" and well favored, so we thought he would surel" be in the houses of harlots, therefore th" servants went there to seek him and give ransom for him. 2+ And 8oseph still answered them, sa"ing, 2urel" "ou speak falsel" and utter lies, to sa" of "ourselves that "ou are the sons of Abraham as Bharaoh liveth "ou are spies, therefore have "ou come to the houses of harlots that "ou should not be known. 3, And 8oseph said unto them, And now if "ou find him, and his master re3uireth of "ou a great price, will "ou give it for him1 and the" said, It shall be given. 31 And he said unto them, And if his master will not consent to part with him for a great price, what will "ou do unto him on his account1 and the" answered him, sa"ing, If he will not give him unto us we will sla" him, and take our brother and go awa". 32 And 8oseph said unto them, $hat is the thing which I have spoken to "ou "ou are spies, for "ou are come to sla" the inhabitants of the land, for we heard that two of "our brethren smote all the inhabitants of 2hechem, in the land of -anaan, on account of "our sister, and "ou now come to do the like in %g"pt on account of "our brother. 33 <nl" hereb" shall I know that "ou are true men if "ou will send home one from amongst "ou to fetch "our "oungest brother from "our father, and to bring him here unto me, and b" doing this thing I will know that "ou are right. 3! And 8oseph called to sevent" of his might" men, and he said unto them, $ake these men and bring them into the ward. 3# And the might" men took the ten men, the" laid hold of them and put them into the ward, and the" were in the ward three da"s. 3& And on the third da" 8oseph had them brought out of the ward, and he said unto them, @o this for "ourselves if "ou be true men, so that "ou ma" live, one of "our brethren shall be confined in the ward whilst "ou go and take home the corn for "our household to the land of -anaan, and fetch "our "oungest brother, and bring him here unto me, that I ma" know that "ou are true men when "ou do this thing. 3( And 8oseph went out from them and came into the chamber, and wept a great weeping, for his pit" was e.cited for them, and he washed his face, and returned to them again, and he took 2imeon from them and ordered him to be bound, but 2imeon was not willing to be done so, for he was a ver" powerful man and the" could not bind him. 3* And 8oseph called unto his might" men and sevent" valiant men came before him with drawn swords in their hands, and the sons of 8acob were terrified at them. 3+ And 8oseph said unto them, 2ei?e this man and confine him in prison until his brethren come to him, and 8oseph4s valiant men hastened and the" all laid hold of 2imeon to bind him, and 2imeon gave a loud and terrible shriek and the cr" was heard at a distance. !, And all the valiant men of 8oseph were terrified at the sound of the shriek,


that the" fell upon their faces, and the" were greatl" afraid and fled. !1 And all the men that were with 8oseph fled, for the" were greatl" afraid of their lives, and onl" 8oseph and 6anasseh his son remained there, and 6anassah the son of 8oseph saw the strength of 2imeon, and he was e.ceedingl" wroth. !2 And 6anassah the son of 8oseph rose up to 2imeon, and 6anassah smote 2imeon a heav" blow with his fist against the back of his neck, and 2imeon was stilled of his rage. !3 And 6anassah laid hold of 2imeon and he sei?ed him violentl" and he bound him and brought him into the house of confinement, and all the sons of 8acob were astonished at the act of the "outh. !! And 2imeon said unto his brethren, :one of "ou must sa" that this is the smiting of an %g"ptian, but it is the smiting of the house of m" father. !# And after this 8oseph ordered him to be called who was set over the storehouse, to fill their sacks with corn as much as the" could carr", and to restore ever" man4s mone" into his sack, and to give them provision for the road, and thus did he unto them. !& And 8oseph commanded them, sa"ing, $ake heed lest "ou transgress m" orders to bring "our brother as I have told "ou, and it shall be when "ou bring "our brother hither unto me, then will I know that "ou are true men, and "ou shall traffic in the land, and I will restore unto "ou "our brother, and "ou shall return in peace to "our father. !( And the" all answered and said, According as our lord speaketh so will we do, and the" bowed down to him to the ground. !* And ever" man lifted his corn upon his ass, and the" went out to go to the land of -anaan to their father and the" came to the inn and Levi spread his sack to give provender to his ass, when he saw and behold his mone" in full weight was still in his sack. !+ And the man was greatl" afraid, and he said unto his brethren, 6" mone" is restored, and lo, it is even in m" sack, and the men were greatl" afraid, and the" said, 0hat is this that God hath done unto us1 #, And the" all said, And where is the Lord4s kindness with our fathers, with Abraham, Isaac, end 8acob, that the Lord has this da" delivered us into the hands of the king of %g"pt to contrive against us1 #1 And 8udah said unto them, 2urel" we are guilt" sinners before the Lord our God in having sold our brother, our own flesh, and wherefore do "ou sa", 0here is the Lord4s kindness with our fathers1 #2 And =euben said unto them, 2aid I not unto "ou, do not sin against the lad, and "ou would not listen to me1 now God re3uireth him from us, and how dare "ou sa", 0here is the Lord4s kindness with our fathers, whilst "ou have sinned unto the Lord1 #3 And the" tarried over night in that place, and the" rose up earl" in the morning and laded their asses with their corn, and the" led them and went on and came to their father4s house in the land of -anaan. #! And 8acob and his household went out to meet his sons, and 8acob saw and behold their brother 2imeon was not with them, and 8acob said unto his sons, 0here is "our brother 2imeon, whom I do not see1 and his sons told him all that had befallen them in %g"pt.


CHAPTER 52 1 And the" entered their house, and ever" man opened his sack and the" saw and behold ever" man4s bundle of mone" was there, at which the" and their father were greatl" terrified. 2 And 8acob said unto them, 0hat is this that "ou have done to me1 I sent "our brother 8oseph to in3uire after "our welfare and "ou said unto me. A wild beast did devour him. 3 And 2imeon went with "ou to bu" food and "ou sa" the king of %g"pt hath confined him in prison, and "ou wish to take 'en/amin to cause his death also, and bring down m" gre" hairs with sorrow to the grave on account of 'en/amin and his brother 8oseph. ! :ow therefore m" son shall not go down with "ou, for his brother is dead and he is left alone, and mischief ma" befall him b" the wa" in which "ou go, as it befell his brother. # And =euben said unto his father, $hou shalt sla" m" two sons if I do not bring th" son and place him before thee and 8acob said unto his sons, Abide "e here and do not go down to %g"pt, for m" son shall not go down with "ou to %g"pt, nor die like his brother. & And 8udah said unto them, refrain "e from him until the corn is finished, and he will then sa", $ake down "our brother, when he will find his own life and the life of his household in danger from the famine. ( And in those da"s the famine was sore throughout the land, and all the people of the earth went and came to %g"pt to bu" food, for the famine prevailed greatl" amongst them, and the sons of 8acob remained in -anaan a "ear and two months until their corn was finished. * And it came to pass after their corn was finished, the whole household of 8acob was pinched with hunger, and all the infants of the sons of 8acob came together and the" approached 8acob, and the" all surrounded him, and the" said unto him, Give unto us bread, and wherefore shall we all perish through hunger in th" presence1 + 8acob heard the words of his son4s children, and he wept a great weeping, and his pit" was roused for them, and 8acob called unto his sons and the" all came and sat before him. 1, And 8acob said unto them, And have "ou not seen how "our children have been weeping over me this da", sa"ing, Give unto us bread, and there is none1 now therefore return and bu" for us a little food. 11 And 8udah answered and said unto his father, If thou wilt send our brother with us we will go down and bu" corn for thee, and if thou wilt not send him then we will not go down, for surel" the king of %g"pt particularl" en/oined us, sa"ing, Dou shall not see m" face unless "our brother be with "ou, for the king of %g"pt is a strong and might" king, and behold if we shall go to him without our brother we shall all be put to death. 12 @ost thou not know and hast thou not heard that this king is ver" powerful and wise, and there is not like unto him in all the earth1 behold we have seen all the kings of the earth and we have not seen one like that king, the king of %g"pt surel" amongst all the kings of the earth there is none greater than Abimelech king of the Bhilistines, "et the king of %g"pt is greater and mightier than he, and Abimelech can onl" be compared to one of his officers.


13 )ather, thou hast not seen his palace and his throne, and all his servants standing before him thou hast not seen that king upon his throne in his pomp and ro"al appearance, dressed in his kingl" robes with a large golden crown upon his head thou hast not seen the honor and glor" which God has given unto him, for there is not like unto him in all the earth. 1! )ather, thou hast not seen the wisdom, the understanding and the knowledge which God has given in his heart, nor heard his sweet voice when he spake unto us. 1# 0e know not, father, who made him ac3uainted with our names and all that befell us, "et he asked also after thee, sa"ing, Is "our father still living, and is it well with him1 1& $hou hast not seen the affairs of the government of %g"pt regulated b" him, without in3uiring of Bharaoh his lord thou hast not seen the awe and fear which he impressed upon all the %g"ptians. 1( And also when we went from him, we threatened to do unto %g"pt like unto the rest of the cities of the Amorites, and we were e.ceedingl" wroth against all his words which he spoke concerning us as spies, and now when we shall again come before him his terror will fall upon us all, and not one of us will be able to speak to him either a little or a great thing. 1* :ow therefore father, send we pra" thee the lad with us, and we will go down and bu" thee food for our support, and not die through hunger. And 8acob said, 0h" have "ou dealt so ill with me to tell the king "ou had a brother1 what is this thing that "ou have done unto me1 1+ And 8udah said unto 8acob his father, Give the lad into m" care and we will rise up and go down to %g"pt and bu" corn, and then return, and it shall be when we return if the lad be not with us, then let me bear th" blame forever. 2, ;ast thou seen all our infants weeping over thee through hunger and there is no power in th" hand to satisf" them1 now let th" pit" be roused for them and send our brother with us and we will go. 21 )or how will the Lord4s kindness to our ancestors be manifested to thee when thou sa"est that the king of %g"pt will take awa" th" son1 as the Lord liveth I will not leave him until I bring him and place him before thee but pra" for us unto the Lord, that he ma" deal kindl" with us, to cause us to be received favorabl" and kindl" before the king of %g"pt and his men, for had we not dela"ed surel" now we had returned a second time with th" son. 22 And 8acob said unto his sons, I trust in the Lord God that he ma" deliver "ou and give "ou favor in the sight of the king of %g"pt, and in the sight of all his men. 23 :ow therefore rise up and go to the man, and take for him in "our hands a present from what can be obtained in the land and bring it before him, and ma" the Almight" God give "ou merc" before him that he ma" send 'en/amin and 2imeon "our brethren with "ou. 2! And all the men rose up, and the" took their brother 'en/amin, and the" took in their hands a large present of the best of the land, and the" also took a double portion of silver. 2# And 8acob strictl" commanded his sons concerning 'en/amin, 2a"ing, $ake heed of him in the wa" in which "ou are going, and do not separate "ourselves from him in the road, neither in %g"pt. 2& And 8acob rose up from his sons and spread forth his hands and he pra"ed unto the Lord on account of his sons, sa"ing, < Lord God of heaven and


earth, remember th" covenant with our father Abraham, remember it with m" father Isaac and deal kindl" with m" sons and deliver them not into the hands of the king of %g"pt do it I pra" thee < God for the sake of th" mercies and redeem all m" children and rescue them from %g"ptian power, and send them their two brothers. 2( And all the wives of the sons of 8acob and their children lifted up their e"es to heaven and the" all wept before the Lord, and cried unto him to deliver their fathers from the hand of the king of %g"pt. 2* And 8acob wrote a record to the king of %g"pt and gave it into the hand of 8udah and into the hands of his sons for the king of %g"pt, sa"ing, 2+ )rom th" servant 8acob, son of Isaac, son of Abraham the ;ebrew, the prince of God, to the powerful and wise king, the revealer of secrets, king of %g"pt, greeting. 3, 'e it known to m" lord the king of %g"pt, the famine was sore upon us in the land of -anaan, and I sent m" sons to thee to bu" us a little food from thee for our support. 31 )or m" sons surrounded me and I being ver" old cannot see with m" e"es, for m" e"es have become ver" heav" through age, as well as with dail" weeping for m" son, for 8oseph who was lost from before me, and I commanded m" sons that the" should not enter the gates of the cit" when the" came to %g"pt, on account of the inhabitants of the land. 32 And I also commanded them to go about %g"pt to seek for m" son 8oseph, perhaps the" might find him there, and the" did so, and thou didst consider them as spies of the land. 33 ;ave we not heard concerning thee that thou didst interpret Bharaoh4s dream and didst speak trul" unto him1 how then dost thou not know in th" wisdom whether m" sons are spies or not1 3! :ow therefore, m" lord and king, behold I have sent m" son before thee, as thou didst speak unto m" sons I beseech thee to put th" e"es upon him until he is returned to me in peace with his brethren. 3# )or dost thou not know, or hast thou not heard that which our God did unto Bharaoh when he took m" mother 2arah, and what he did unto Abimelech king of the Bhilistines on account of her, and also what our father Abraham did unto the nine kings of %lam, how he smote them all with a few men that were with him1 3& And also what m" two sons 2imeon and Levi did unto the eight cities of the Amorites, how the" destro"ed them on account of their sister @inah1 3( And also on account of their brother 'en/amin the" consoled themselves for the loss of his brother 8oseph what will the" then do for him when the" see the hand of an" people prevailing over them, for his sake1 3* @ost thou not know, < king of %g"pt, that the power of God is with us, and that also God ever heareth our pra"ers and forsaketh us not all the da"s1 3+ And when m" sons told me of th" dealings with them, I called not unto the Lord on account of thee, for then thou wouldst have perished with th" men before m" son 'en/amin came before thee, but I thought that as 2imeon m" son was in th" house, perhaps thou mightest deal kindl" with him, therefore I did not this thing unto thee. !, :ow therefore behold 'en/amin m" son cometh unto thee with m" sons, take heed of him and put th" e"es upon him, and then will God place his e"es over thee and throughout th" kingdom.


!1 :ow I have told thee all that is in m" heart, and behold m" sons are coming to thee with their brother, e.amine the face of the whole earth for their sake and send them back in peace with their brethren. !2 And 8acob gave the record to his sons into the care of 8udah to give it unto the king of %g"pt. CHAPTER 53 1 And the sons of 8acob rose up and took 'en/amin and the whole of the presents, and the" went and came to %g"pt and the" stood before 8oseph. 2 And 8oseph beheld his brother 'en/amin with them and he saluted them, and these men came to 8oseph4s house. 3 And 8oseph commanded the superintendent of his house to give to his brethren to eat, and he did so unto them. ! And at noon time 8oseph sent for the men to come before him with 'en/amin, and the men told the superintendent of 8oseph4s house concerning the silver that was returned in their sacks, and he said unto them, It will be well with "ou, fear not, and he brought their brother 2imeon unto them. # And 2imeon said unto his brethren, $he lord of the %g"ptians has acted ver" kindl" unto me, he did not keep me bound, as "ou saw with "our e"es, for when "ou went out from the cit" he let me free and dealt kindl" with me in his house. & And 8udah took 'en/amin b" the hand, and the" came before 8oseph, and the" bowed down to him to the ground. ( And the men gave the present unto 8oseph and the" all sat before him, and 8oseph said unto them, Is it well with "ou, is it well with "our children, is it well with "our aged father1 and the" said, It is well, and 8udah took the record which 8acob had sent and gave it into the hand of 8oseph. * And 8oseph read the letter and knew his father4s writing, and he wished to weep and he went into an inner room and he wept a great weeping and he went out. + And he lifted up his e"es and beheld his brother 'en/amin, and he said, Is this "our brother of whom "ou spoke unto me1 And 'en/amin approached 8oseph, and 8oseph placed his hand upon his head and he said unto him, 6a" God be gracious unto thee m" son. 1, And when 8oseph saw his brother, the son of his mother, he again wished to weep, and he entered the chamber, and he wept there, and he washed his face, and went out and refrained from weeping, and he said, Brepare food. 11 And 8oseph had a cup from which he drank, and it was of silver beautifull" inlaid with on". stones and bdellium, and 8oseph struck the cup in the sight of his brethren whilst the" were sitting to eat with him. 12 And 8oseph said unto the men, I know b" this cup that =euben the first born, 2imeon and Levi and 8udah, Issachar and 7ebulun are children from one mother, seat "ourselves to eat according to "our births. 13 And he also placed the others according to their births, and he said, I know that this "our "oungest brother has no brother, and I, like him, have no brother, he shall therefore sit down to eat with me. 1! And 'en/amin went up before 8oseph and sat upon the throne, and the men beheld the acts of 8oseph, and the" were astonished at them and the men ate and drank at that time with 8oseph, and he then gave presents unto


them, and 8oseph gave one gift unto 'en/amin, and 6anasseh and %phraim saw the acts of their father, and the" also gave presents unto him, and <snath gave him one present, and the" were five presents in the hand of 'en/amin. 1# And 8oseph brought them out wine to drink, and the" would not drink, and the" said, )rom the da" on which 8oseph was lost we have not drunk wine, nor eaten an" delicacies. 1& And 8oseph swore unto them, and he pressed them hard, and the" drank plentifull" with him on that da", and 8oseph afterward turned to his brother 'en/amin to speak with him, and 'en/amin was still sitting upon the throne before 8oseph. 1( And 8oseph said unto him, ;ast thou begotten an" children1 and he said, $h" servant has ten sons, and these are their names, 'ela, 'echer, Ashbal, Gera, :aaman, Achi, =osh, 6upim, -hupim, and <rd, and I called their names after m" brother whom I have not seen. 1* And he ordered them to bring before him his map of the stars, whereb" 8oseph knew all the times, and 8oseph said unto 'en/amin, I have heard that the ;ebrews are ac3uainted with all wisdom, dost thou know an"thing of this1 1+ And 'en/amin said, $h" servant is knowing also in all the wisdom which m" father taught me, and 8oseph said unto 'en/amin, Look now at this instrument and understand where th" brother 8oseph is in %g"pt, who "ou said went down to %g"pt. 2, And 'en/amin beheld that instrument with the map of the stars of heaven, and he was wise and looked therein to know where his brother was, and 'en/amin divided the whole land of %g"pt into four divisions, and he found that he who was sitting upon the throne before him was his brother 8oseph, and 'en/amin wondered greatl", and when 8oseph saw that his brother 'en/amin was so much astonished, he said unto 'en/amin, 0hat hast thou seen, and wh" art thou astonished1 21 And 'en/amin said unto 8oseph, I can see b" this that 8oseph m" brother sitteth here with me upon the throne, and 8oseph said unto him, I am 8oseph th" brother, reveal not this thing unto th" brethren behold I will send thee with them when the" go awa", and I will command them to be brought back again into the cit", and I will take thee awa" from them. 22 And if the" dare their lives and fight for thee, then shall I know that the" have repented of what the" did unto me, and I will make m"self known to them, and if the" forsake thee when I take thee, then shalt thou remain with me, and I will wrangle with them, and the" shall go awa", and I will not become known to them. 23 At that time 8oseph commanded his officer to fill their sacks with food, and to put each man4s mone" into his sack, and to put the cup in the sack of 'en/amin, and to give them provision for the road, and the" did so unto them. 2! And on the ne.t da" the men rose up earl" in the morning, and the" loaded their asses with their corn, and the" went forth with 'en/amin, and the" went to the land of -anaan with their brother 'en/amin. 2# $he" had not gone far from %g"pt when 8oseph commanded him that was set over his house, sa"ing, =ise, pursue these men before the" get too far from %g"pt, and sa" unto them, 0h" have "ou stolen m" master4s cup1


2& And 8oseph4s officer rose up and he reached them, and he spoke unto them all the words of 8oseph and when the" heard this thing the" became e.ceedingl" wroth, and the" said, ;e with whom th" master4s cup shall be found shall die, and we will also become slaves. 2( And the" hastened and each man brought down his sack from his ass, and the" looked in their bags and the cup was found in 'en/amin4s bag, and the" all tore their garments and the" returned to the cit", and the" smote 'en/amin in the road, continuall" smiting him until he came into the cit", and the" stood before 8oseph. 2* And 8udah4s anger was kindled, and he said, $his man has onl" brought me back to destro" %g"pt this da". 2+ And the men came to 8oseph4s house, and the" found 8oseph sitting upon his throne, and all the might" men standing at his right and left. 3, And 8oseph said unto them, 0hat is this act that "ou have done, that "ou took awa" m" silver cup and went awa"1 but I know that "ou took m" cup in order to know thereb" in what part of the land "our brother was. 31 And 8udah said, 0hat shall we sa" to our lord, what shall we speak and how shall we /ustif" ourselves, God has this da" found the ini3uit" of all th" servants, therefore has he done this thing to us this da". 32 And 8oseph rose up and caught hold of 'en/amin and took him from his brethren with violence, and he came to the house and locked the door at them, and 8oseph commanded him that was set over his house that he should sa" unto them, $hus saith the king, Go in peace to "our father, behold I have taken the man in whose hand m" cup was found. CHAPTER 54 1 And when 8udah saw the dealings of 8oseph with them, 8udah approached him and broke open the door, and came with his brethren before 8oseph. 2 And 8udah said unto 8oseph, Let it not seem grievous in the sight of m" lord, ma" th" servant I pra" thee speak a word before thee1 and 8oseph said unto him, 2peak. 3 And 8udah spoke before 8oseph, and his brethren were there standing before them and 8udah said unto 8oseph, 2urel" when we first came to our lord to bu" food, thou didst consider us as spies of the land, and we brought 'en/amin before thee, and thou still makest sport of us this da". ! :ow therefore let the king hear m" words, and send I pra" thee our brother that he ma" go along with us to our father, lest th" soul perish this da" with all the souls of the inhabitants of %g"pt. # @ost thou not know what two of m" brethren, 2imeon and Levi, did unto the cit" of 2hechem, and unto seven cities of the Amorites, on account of our sister @inah, and also what the" would do for the sake of their brother 'en/amin1 & And I with m" strength, who am greater and mightier than both of them, come this da" upon thee and th" land if thou art unwilling to send our brother. ( ;ast thou not heard what our God who made choice of us did unto Bharaoh on account of 2arah our mother, whom he took awa" from our father, that he smote him and his household with heav" plagues, that even unto this da" the %g"ptians relate this wonder to each other1 so will our God do unto thee


on account of 'en/amin whom thou hast this da" taken from his father, and on account of the evils which thou this da" heapest over us in th" land for our God will remember his covenant with our father Abraham and bring evil upon thee, because thou hast grieved the soul of our father this da". * :ow therefore hear m" words that I have this da" spoken unto thee, and send our brother that he ma" go awa" lest thou and the people of th" land die b" the sword, for "ou cannot all prevail over me. + And 8oseph answered 8udah, sa"ing, 0h" hast thou opened wide th" mouth and wh" dost thou boast over us, sa"ing, 2trength is with thee1 as Bharaoh liveth, if I command all m" valiant men to fight with "ou, surel" thou and these th" brethren would sink in the mire. 1, And 8udah said unto 8oseph, 2urel" it becometh thee and th" people to fear me as the Lord liveth if I once draw m" sword I shall not sheathe it again until I shall this da" have slain all %g"pt, and I will commence with thee and finish with Bharaoh th" master. 11 And 8oseph answered and said unto him, 2urel" strength belongeth not alone to thee I am stronger and mightier than thou, surel" if thou drawest th" sword I will put it to th" neck and the necks of all th" brethren. 12 And 8udah said unto him, 2urel" if I this da" open m" mouth against thee I would swallow thee up that thou be destro"ed from off the earth and perish this da" from th" kingdom. And 8oseph said, 2urel" if thou openest th" mouth I have power and might to close th" mouth with a stone until thou shalt not be able to utter a word see how man" stones are before us, trul" I can take a stone, and force it into th" mouth and break th" /aws. 13 And 8udah said, God is witness between us, that we have not hitherto desired to battle with thee, onl" give us our brother and we will go from thee and 8oseph answered and said, As Bharaoh liveth, if all the kings of -anaan came together with "ou, "ou should not take him from m" hand. 1! :ow therefore go "our wa" to "our father, and "our brother shall be unto me for a slave, for he has robbed the king4s house. And 8udah said, 0hat is it to thee or to the character of the king, surel" the king sendeth forth from his house, throughout the land, silver and gold either in gifts or e.penses, and thou still talkest about th" cup which thou didst place in our brother4s bag and sa"est that he has stolen it from thee1 1# God forbid that our brother 'en/amin or an" of the seed of Abraham should do this thing to steal from thee, or from an" one else, whether king, prince, or an" man. 1& :ow therefore cease this accusation lest the whole earth hear th" words, sa"ing, )or a little silver the king of %g"pt wrangled with the men, and he accused them and took their brother for a slave. 1( And 8oseph answered and said, $ake unto "ou this cup and go from me and leave "our brother for a slave, for it is the /udgment of a thief to be a slave. 1* And 8udah said, 0h" art thou not ashamed of th" words, to leave our brother and to take th" cup1 2urel" if thou givest us th" cup, or a thousand times as much, we will not leave our brother for the silver which is found in the hand of an" man, that we will not die over him. 1+ And 8oseph answered, And wh" did "ou forsake "our brother and sell him for twent" pieces of silver unto this da", and wh" then will "ou not do the same to this "our brother12, And 8udah said, the Lord is witness between me


and thee that we desire not th" battles now therefore give us our brother and we will go from thee without 3uarreling. 21 And 8oseph answered and said, If all the kings of the land should assemble the" will not be able to take "our brother from m" hand and 8udah said, 0hat shall we sa" unto our father, when he seeth that our brother cometh not with us, and will grieve over him1 22 And 8oseph answered and said, $his is the thing which "ou shall tell unto "our father, sa"ing, $he rope has gone after the bucket. 23 And 8udah said, 2urel" thou art a king, and wh" speakest thou these things, giving a false /udgment1 woe unto the king who is like unto thee. 2! And 8oseph answered and said, $here is no false /udgment in the word that I spoke on account of "our brother 8oseph, for all of "ou sold him to the 6idianites for twent" pieces of silver, and "ou all denied it to "our father and said unto him, An evil beast has devoured him, 8oseph has been torn to pieces. 2# And 8udah said, 'ehold the fire of 2hem burneth in m" heart, now I will burn all "our land with fire and 8oseph answered and said, 2urel" th" sister9 in9law $amar, who killed "our sons, e.tinguished the fire of 2hechem. 2& And 8udah said, If I pluck out a single hair from m" flesh, I will fill all %g"pt with its blood. 2( And 8oseph answered and said, 2uch is "our custom to do as "ou did to "our brother whom "ou sold, and "ou dipped his coat in blood and brought it to "our father in order that he might sa" an evil beast devoured him and here is his blood. 2* And when 8udah heard this thing he was e.ceedingl" wroth and his anger burned within him, and there was before him in that place a stone, the weight of which was about four hundred shekels, and 8udah4s anger was kindled and he took the stone in one hand and cast it to the heavens and caught it with his left hand. 2+ And he placed it afterward under his legs, and he sat upon it with all his strength and the stone was turned into dust from the force of 8udah. 3, And 8oseph saw the act of 8udah and he was ver" much afraid, but he commanded 6anassah his son and he also did with another stone like unto the act of 8udah, and 8udah said unto his brethren, Let not an" of "ou sa", this man is an %g"ptian, but b" his doing this thing he is of our father4s famil". 31 And 8oseph said, :ot to "ou onl" is strength given, for we are also powerful men, and wh" will "ou boast over us all1 and 8udah said unto 8oseph, 2end I pra" thee our brother and ruin not th" countr" this da". 32 And 8oseph answered and said unto them, Go and tell "our father, an evil beast hath devoured him as "ou said concerning "our brother 8oseph. 33 And 8udah spoke to his brother :aphtali, and he said unto him, 6ake haste, go now and number all the streets of %g"pt and come and tell me and 2imeon said unto him, Let not this thing be a trouble to thee now I will go to the mount and take up one large stone from the mount and level it at ever" one in %g"pt, and kill all that are in it. 3! And 8oseph heard all these words that his brethren spoke before him, and the" did not know that 8oseph understood them, for the" imagined that he knew not to speak ;ebrew. 3# And 8oseph was greatl" afraid at the words of his brethren lest the"


should destro" %g"pt, and he commanded his son 6anasseh, sa"ing, Go now make haste and gather unto me all the inhabitants of %g"pt, and all the valiant men together, and let them come to me now upon horseback and on foot and with all sorts of musical instruments, and 6anasseh went and did so. 3& And :aphtali went as 8udah had commanded him, for :aphtali was lightfooted as one of the swift stags, and he would go upon the ears of corn and the" would not break under him. 3( And he went and numbered all the streets of %g"pt, and found them to be twelve, and he came hastil" and told 8udah, and 8udah said unto his brethren, ;asten "ou and put on ever" man his sword upon his loins and we will come over %g"pt, and smite them all, and let not a remnant remain. 3* And 8udah said, 'ehold, I will destro" three of the streets with m" strength, and "ou shall each destro" one street and when 8udah was speaking this thing, behold the inhabitants of %g"pt and all the might" men came toward them with all sorts of musical instruments and with loud shouting. 3+ And their number was five hundred cavalr" and ten thousand infantr", and four hundred men who could fight without sword or spear, onl" with their hands and strength. !, And all the might" men came with great storming and shouting, and the" all surrounded the sons of 8acob and terrified them, and the ground 3uaked at the sound of their shouting. !1 And when the sons of 8acob saw these troops the" were greatl" afraid of their lives, and 8oseph did so in order to terrif" the sons of 8acob to become tran3uili?ed. !2 And 8udah, seeing some of his brethren terrified, said unto them, 0h" are "ou afraid whilst the grace of God is with us1 and when 8udah saw all the people of %g"pt surrounding them at the command of 8oseph to terrif" them, onl" 8oseph commanded them, sa"ing, @o not touch an" of them. !3 $hen 8udah hastened and drew his sword, and uttered a loud and bitter scream, and he smote with his sword, and he sprang upon the ground and he still continued to shout against all the people. !! And when he did this thing the Lord caused the terror of 8udah and his brethren to fall upon the valiant men and all the people that surrounded them. !# And the" all fled at the sound of the shouting, and the" were terrified and fell one upon the other, and man" of them died as the" fell, and the" all fled from before 8udah and his brethren and from before 8oseph. !& And whilst the" were fleeing, 8udah and his brethren pursued them unto the house of Bharaoh, and the" all escaped, and 8udah again sat before 8oseph and roared at him like a lion, and gave a great and tremendous shriek at him. !( And the shriek was heard at a distance, and all the inhabitants of 2uccoth heard it, and all %g"pt 3uaked at the sound of the shriek, and also the walls of %g"pt and of the land of Goshen fell in from the shaking of the earth, and Bharaoh also fell from his throne upon the ground, and also all the pregnant women of %g"pt and Goshen miscarried when the" heard the noise of the shaking, for the" were terribl" afraid. !* And Bharaoh sent word, sa"ing, 0hat is this thing that has this da"


happened in the land of %g"pt1 and the" came and told him all the things from beginning to end, and Bharaoh was alarmed and he wondered and was greatl" afraid. !+ And his fright increased when he heard all these things, and he sent unto 8oseph, sa"ing, $hou hast brought unto me the ;ebrews to destro" all %g"pt what wilt thou do with that thievish slave1 send him awa" and let him go with his brethren, and let us not perish through their evil, even we, "ou and all %g"pt. #, And if thou desirest not to do this thing, cast off from thee all m" valuable things, and go with them to their land, if thou delightest in it, for the" will this da" destro" m" whole countr" and sla" all m" people even all the women of %g"pt have miscarried through their screams see what the" have done merel" b" their shouting and speaking, moreover if the" fight with the sword, the" will destro" the land now therefore choose that which thou desirest, whether me or the ;ebrews, whether %g"pt or the land of the ;ebrews. #1 And the" came and told 8oseph all the words of Bharaoh that he had said concerning him, and 8oseph was greatl" afraid at the words of Bharaoh and 8udah and his brethren were still standing before 8oseph indignant and enraged, and all the sons of 8acob roared at 8oseph, like the roaring of the sea and its waves. #2 And 8oseph was greatl" afraid of his brethren and on account of Bharaoh, and 8oseph sought a prete.t to make himself known unto his brethren, lest the" should destro" all %g"pt. #3 And 8oseph commanded his son 6anasseh, and 6anasseh went and approached 8udah, and placed his hand upon his shoulder, and the anger of 8udah was stilled. #! And 8udah said unto his brethren, Let no one of "ou sa" that this is the act of an %g"ptian "outh for this is the work of m" father4s house. ## And 8oseph seeing and knowing that 8udah4s anger was stilled, he approached to speak unto 8udah in the language of mildness. #& And 8oseph said unto 8udah, 2urel" "ou speak truth and have this da" verified "our assertions concerning "our strength, and ma" "our God who delighteth in "ou, increase "our welfare but tell me trul" wh" from amongst all th" brethren dost thou wrangle with me on account of the lad, as none of them have spoken one word to me concerning him. #( And 8udah answered 8oseph, sa"ing, 2urel" thou must know that I was securit" for the lad to his father, sa"ing, If I brought him not unto him I should bear his blame forever. #* $herefore have I approached thee from amongst all m" brethren, for I saw that thou wast unwilling to suffer him to go from thee now therefore ma" I find grace in th" sight that thou shalt send him to go with us, and behold I will remain as a substitute for him, to serve thee in whatever thou desirest, for wheresoever thou shalt send me I will go to serve thee with great energ". #+ 2end me now to a might" king who has rebelled against thee, and thou shalt know what I will do unto him and unto his land although he ma" have cavalr" and infantr" or an e.ceeding might" people, I will sla" them all and bring the king4s head before thee. &, @ost thou not know or hast thou not heard that our father Abraham with his servant %lie?er smote all the kings of %lam with their hosts in one night,


the" left not one remaining1 and ever since that da" our father4s strength was given unto us for an inheritance, for us and our seed forever. &1 And 8oseph answered and said, Dou speak truth, and falsehood is not in "our mouth, for it was also told unto us that the ;ebrews have power and that the Lord their God delighteth much in them, and who then can stand before them1 &2 ;owever, on this condition will I send "our brother, if "ou will bring before me his brother the son of his mother, of whom "ou said that he had gone from "ou down to %g"pt and it shall come to pass when "ou bring unto me his brother I will take him in his stead, because not one of "ou was securit" for him to "our father, and when he shall come unto me, I will then send with "ou his brother for whom "ou have been securit". &3 And 8udah4s anger was kindled against 8oseph when he spoke this thing, and his e"es dropped blood with anger, and he said unto his brethren, ;ow doth this man this da" seek his own destruction and that of all %g"pt> &! And 2imeon answered 8oseph, sa"ing, @id we not tell thee at first that we knew not the particular spot to which he went, and whether he be dead or alive, and wherefore speaketh m" lord like unto these things1 &# And 8oseph observing the countenance of 8udah discerned that his anger began to kindle when he spoke unto him, sa"ing, 'ring unto me "our other brother instead of this brother. && And 8oseph said unto his brethren, 2urel" "ou said that "our brother was either dead or lost, now if I should call him this da" and he should come before "ou, would "ou give him unto me instead of his brother1 &( And 8oseph began to speak and call out, 8oseph, 8oseph, come this da" before me, and appear to th" brethren and sit before them. &* And when 8oseph spoke this thing before them, the" looked each a different wa" to see from whence 8oseph would come before them. &+ And 8oseph observed all their acts, and said unto them, 0h" do "ou look here and there1 I am 8oseph whom "ou sold to %g"pt, now therefore let it not grieve "ou that "ou sold me, for as a support during the famine did God send me before "ou. (, And his brethren were terrified at him when the" heard the words of 8oseph, and 8udah was e.ceedingl" terrified at him. (1 And when 'en/amin heard the words of 8oseph he was before them in the inner part of the house, and 'en/amin ran unto 8oseph his brother, and embraced him and fell upon his neck, and the" wept. (2 And when 8oseph4s brethren saw that 'en/amin had fallen upon his brother4s neck and wept with him, the" also fell upon 8oseph and embraced him, and the" wept a great weeping with 8oseph. (3 And the voice was heard in the house of 8oseph that the" were 8oseph4s brethren, and it pleased Bharaoh e.ceedingl", for he was afraid of them lest the" should destro" %g"pt. (! And Bharaoh sent his servants unto 8oseph to congratulate him concerning his brethren who had come to him, and all the captains of the armies and troops that were in %g"pt came to re/oice with 8oseph, and all %g"pt re/oiced greatl" about 8oseph4s brethren. (# And Bharaoh sent his servants to 8oseph, sa"ing, $ell th" brethren to fetch all belonging to them and let them come unto me, and I will place them in the best part of the land of %g"pt, and the" did so.


(& And 8oseph commanded him that was set over his house to bring out to his brethren gifts and garments, and he brought out to them man" garments being robes of ro"alt" and man" gifts, and 8oseph divided them amongst his brethren. (( And he gave unto each of his brethren a change of garments of gold and silver, and three hundred pieces of silver, and 8oseph commanded them all to be dressed in these garments, and to be brought before Bharaoh. (* And Bharaoh seeing that all 8oseph4s brethren were valiant men, and of beautiful appearance, he greatl" re/oiced. (+ And the" afterward went out from the presence of Bharaoh to go to the land of -anaan, to their father, and their brother 'en/amin was with them. *, And 8oseph rose up and gave unto them eleven chariots from Bharaoh, and 8oseph gave unto them his chariot, upon which he rode on the da" of his being crowned in %g"pt, to fetch his father to %g"pt and 8oseph sent to all his brothers4 children, garments according to their numbers, and a hundred pieces of silver to each of them, and he also sent garments to the wives of his brethren from the garments of the king4s wives, and he sent them. *1 And he gave unto each of his brethren ten men to go with them to the land of -anaan to serve them, to serve their children and all belonging to them in coming to %g"pt. *2 And 8oseph sent b" the hand of his brother 'en/amin ten suits of garments for his ten sons, a portion above the rest of the children of the sons of 8acob. *3 And he sent to each fift" pieces of silver, and ten chariots on the account of Bharaoh, and he sent to his father ten asses laden with all the lu.uries of %g"pt, and ten she asses laden with corn and bread and nourishment for his father, and to all that were with him as provisions for the road. *! And he sent to his sister @inah garments of silver and gold, and frankincense and m"rrh, and aloes and women4s ornaments in great plent", and he sent the same from the wives of Bharaoh to the wives of 'en/amin. *# And he gave unto all his brethren, also to their wives, all sorts of on". stones and bdellium, and from all the valuable things amongst the great people of %g"pt, nothing of all the costl" things was left but what 8oseph sent of to his father4s household. *& And he sent his brethren awa", and the" went, and he sent his brother 'en/amin with them. *( And 8oseph went out with them to accompan" them on the road unto the borders of %g"pt, and he commanded them concerning his father and his household, to come to %g"pt. ** And he said unto them, @o not 3uarrel on the road, for this thing was from the Lord to keep a great people from starvation, for there will be "et five "ears of famine in the land. *+ And he commanded them, sa"ing, 0hen "ou come unto the land of -anaan, do not come suddenl" before m" father in this affair, but act in "our wisdom. +, And 8oseph ceased to command them, and he turned and went back to %g"pt, and the sons of 8acob went to the land of -anaan with /o" and cheerfulness to their father 8acob. +1 And the" came unto the borders of the land, and the" said to each other, 0hat shall we do in this matter before our father, for if we come suddenl" to


him and tell him the matter, he will be greatl" alarmed at our words and will not believe us. +2 And the" went along until the" came nigh unto their houses, and the" found 2erach, the daughter of Asher, going forth to meet them, and the damsel was ver" good and subtle, and knew how to pla" upon the harp. +3 And the" called unto her and she came before them, and she kissed them, and the" took her and gave unto her a harp, sa"ing, Go now before our father, and sit before him, and strike upon the harp, and speak these words. +! And the" commanded her to go to their house, and she took the harp and hastened before them, and she came and sat near 8acob. +# And she pla"ed well and sang, and uttered in the sweetness of her words, 8oseph m" uncle is living, and he ruleth throughout the land of %g"pt, and is not dead. +& And she continued to repeat and utter these words, and 8acob heard her words and the" were agreeable to him. +( ;e listened whilst she repeated them twice and thrice, and /o" entered the heart of 8acob at the sweetness of her words, and the spirit of God was upon him, and he knew all her words to be true. +* And 8acob blessed 2erach when she spoke these words before him, and he said unto her, 6" daughter, ma" death never prevail over thee, for thou hast revived m" spirit onl" speak "et before me as thou hast spoken, for thou hast gladdened me with all th" words. ++ And she continued to sing these words, and 8acob listened and it pleased him, and he re/oiced, and the spirit of God was upon him. 1,, 0hilst he was "et speaking with her, behold his sons came to him with horses and chariots and ro"al garments and servants running before them. 1,1 And 8acob rose up to meet them, and saw his sons dressed in ro"al garments and he saw all the treasures that 8oseph had sent to them. 1,2 And the" said unto him, 'e informed that our brother 8oseph is living, and it is he who ruleth throughout the land of %g"pt, and it is he who spoke unto us as we told thee. 1,3 And 8acob heard all the words of his sons, and his heart palpitated at their words, for he could not believe them until he saw all that 8oseph had given them and what he had sent him, and all the signs which 8oseph had spoken unto them. 1,! And the" opened out before him, and showed him all that 8oseph had sent, the" gave unto each what 8oseph had sent him, and he knew that the" had spoken the truth, and he re/oiced e.ceedingl" an account of his son. 1,# And 8acob said, It is enough for me that m" son 8oseph is still living, I will go and see him before I die. 1,& And his sons told him all that had befallen them, and 8acob said, I will go down to %g"pt to see m" son and his offspring. 1,( And 8acob rose up and put on the garments which 8oseph had sent him, and after he had washed, and shaved his hair, he put upon his head the turban which 8oseph had sent him. 1,* And all the people of 8acob4s house and their wives put on the garments which 8oseph had sent to them, and the" greatl" re/oiced at 8oseph that he was still living and that he was ruling in %g"pt, 1,+ And all the inhabitants of -anaan heard of this thing, and the" came and


re/oiced much with 8acob that he was still living. 11, And 8acob made a feast for them for three da"s, and all the kings of -anaan and nobles of the land ate and drank and re/oiced in the house of 8acob. CHAPTER 55 1 And it came to pass after this that 8acob said, I will go and see m" son in %g"pt and will then come back to the land of -anaan of which God had spoken unto Abraham, for I cannot leave the land of m" birth9place. 2 'ehold the word of the Lord came unto him, sa"ing, Go down to %g"pt with all th" household and remain there, fear not to go down to %g"pt for I will there make thee a great nation. 3 And 8acob said within himself, I will go and see m" son whether the fear of his God is "et in his heart amidst all the inhabitants of %g"pt. ! And the Lord said unto 8acob, )ear not about 8oseph, for he still retaineth his integrit" to serve me, as will seem good in th" sight, and 8acob re/oiced e.ceedingl" concerning his son. # At that time 8acob commanded his sons and household to go to %g"pt according to the word of the Lord unto him, and 8acob rose up with his sons and all his household, and he went out from the land of -anaan from 'eersheba, with /o" and gladness of heart, and the" went to the land of %g"pt. & And it came to pass when the" came near %g"pt, 8acob sent 8udah before him to 8oseph that he might show him a situation in %g"pt, and 8udah did according to the word of his father, and he hastened and ran and came to 8oseph, and the" assigned for them a place in the land of Goshen for all his household, and 8udah returned and came along the road to his father. ( And 8oseph harnessed the chariot, and he assembled all his might" men and his servants and all the officers of %g"pt in order to go and meet his father 8acob, and 8oseph4s mandate was proclaimed in %g"pt, sa"ing, All that do not go to meet 8acob shall die. * And on the ne.t da" 8oseph went forth with all %g"pt a great and might" host, all dressed in garments of fine linen and purple and with instruments of silver and gold and with their instruments of war with them. + And the" all went to meet 8acob with all sorts of musical instruments, with drums and timbrels, strewing m"rrh and aloes all along the road, and the" all went after this fashion, and the earth shook at their shouting. 1, And all the women of %g"pt went upon the roofs of %g"pt and upon the walls to meet 8acob, and upon the head of 8oseph was Bharaoh4s regal crown, for Bharaoh had sent it unto him to put on at the time of his going to meet his father. 11 And when 8oseph came within fift" cubits of his father, he alighted from the chariot and he walked toward his father, and when all the officers of %g"pt and her nobles saw that 8oseph had gone on foot toward his father, the" also alighted and walked on foot toward 8acob. 12 And when 8acob approached the camp of 8oseph, 8acob observed the camp that was coming toward him with 8oseph, and it gratified him and 8acob was astonished at it. 13 And 8acob said unto 8udah, 0ho is that man whom I see in the camp of


%g"pt dressed in kingl" robes with a ver" red garment upon him and a ro"al crown upon his head, who has alighted from his chariot and is coming toward us1 and 8udah answered his father, sa"ing, ;e is th" son 8oseph the king and 8acob re/oiced in seeing the glor" of his son. 1! And 8oseph came nigh unto his father and he bowed to his father, and all the men of the camp bowed to the ground with him before 8acob. 1# And behold 8acob ran and hastened to his son 8oseph and fell upon his neck and kissed him, and the" wept, and 8oseph also embraced his father and kissed him, and the" wept and all the people of %g"pt wept with them. 1& And 8acob said unto 8oseph, :ow I will die cheerfull" after I have seen th" face, that thou art still living and with glor". 1( And the sons of 8acob and their wives and their children and their servants, and all the household of 8acob wept e.ceedingl" with 8oseph, and the" kissed him and wept greatl" with him. 1* And 8oseph and all his people returned afterward home to %g"pt, and 8acob and his sons and all the children of his household came with 8oseph to %g"pt, and 8oseph placed them in the best part of %g"pt, in the land of Goshen. 1+ And 8oseph said unto his father and unto his brethren, I will go up and tell Bharaoh, sa"ing, 6" brethren and m" father4s household and all belonging to them have come unto me, and behold the" are in the land of Goshen. 2, And 8oseph did so and took from his brethren =euben, Issachar 7ebulun and his brother 'en/amin and he placed them before Bharaoh. 21 And 8oseph spoke unto Bharaoh, sa"ing, 6" brethren and m" father4s household and all belonging to them, together with their flocks and cattle have come unto me from the land of -anaan, to so/ourn in %g"pt for the famine was sore upon them. 22 And Bharaoh said unto 8oseph, Blace th" father and brethren in the best part of the land, withhold not from them all that is good, and cause them to eat of the fat of the land. 23 And 8oseph answered, sa"ing, 'ehold I have stationed them in the land of Goshen, for the" are shepherds, therefore let them remain in Goshen to feed their flocks apart from the %g"ptians. 2! And Bharaoh said unto 8oseph, @o with th" brethren all that the" shall sa" unto thee and the sons of 8acob bowed down to Bharaoh, and the" went forth from him in peace, and 8oseph afterward brought his father before Bharaoh. 2# And 8acob came and bowed down to Bharaoh, and 8acob blessed Bharaoh, and he then went out and 8acob and all his sons, and all his household dwelt in the land of Goshen. 2& In the second "ear, that is in the hundred and thirtieth "ear of the life of 8acob, 8oseph maintained his father and his brethren, and all his father4s household, with bread according to their little ones, all the da"s of the famine the" lacked nothing. 2( And 8oseph gave unto them the best part of the whole land the best of %g"pt had the" all the da"s of 8oseph and 8oseph also gave unto them and unto the whole of his father4s household, clothes and garments "ear b" "ear and the sons of 8acob remained securel" in %g"pt all the da"s of their brother. 2* And 8acob alwa"s ate at 8oseph4s table, 8acob and his sons did not leave


8oseph4s table da" or night, besides what 8acob4s children consumed in their houses. 2+ And all %g"pt ate bread during the da"s of the famine from the house of 8oseph, for all the %g"ptians sold all belonging to them on account of the famine. 3, And 8oseph purchased all the lands and fields of %g"pt for bread on the account of Bharaoh, and 8oseph supplied all %g"pt with bread all the da"s of the famine, and 8oseph collected all the silver and gold that came unto him for the corn which the" bought throughout the land, and he accumulated much gold and silver, besides an immense 3uantit" of on". stones, bdellium and valuable garments which the" brought unto 8oseph from ever" part of the land when their mone" was spent. 31 And 8oseph took all the silver and gold that came into his hand, about sevent" two talents of gold and silver, and also on". stones and bdellium in great abundance, and 8oseph went and concealed them in four parts, and he concealed one part in the wilderness near the =ed sea, and one part b" the river Berath, and the third and fourth part he concealed in the desert opposite to the wilderness of Bersia and 6edia. 32 And he took part of the gold and silver that was left, and gave it unto all his brothers and unto all his father4s household, and unto all the women of his father4s household, and the rest he brought to the house of Bharaoh, about twent" talents of gold and silver. 33 And 8oseph gave all the gold and silver that was left unto Bharaoh, and Bharaoh placed it in the treasur", and the da"s of the famine ceased after that in the land, and the" sowed and reaped in the whole land, and the" obtained their usual 3uantit" "ear b" "ear the" lacked nothing. 3! And 8oseph dwelt securel" in %g"pt, and the whole land was under his advice, and his father and all his brethren dwelt in the land of Goshen and took possession of it. 3# And 8oseph was ver" aged, advanced in da"s, and his two sons, %phraim and 6anasseh, remained constantl" in the house of 8acob, together with the children of the sons of 8acob their brethren, to learn the wa"s of the Lord and his law. 3& And 8acob and his sons dwelt in the land of %g"pt in the land of Goshen, and the" took possession in it, and the" were fruitful and multiplied in it. CHAPTER 56 1 And 8acob lived in the land of %g"pt seventeen "ears, and the da"s of 8acob, and the "ears of his life were a hundred and fort" seven "ears. 2 At that time 8acob was attacked with that illness of which he died and he sent and called for his son 8oseph from %g"pt, and 8oseph his son came from %g"pt and 8oseph came unto his father. 3 And 8acob said unto 8oseph and unto his sons, 'ehold I die, and the God of "our ancestors will visit "ou, and bring "ou back to the land, which the Lord sware to give unto "ou and unto "our children after "ou, now therefore when I am dead, bur" me in the cave which is in 6achpelah in ;ebron in the land of -anaan, near m" ancestors. ! And 8acob made his sons swear to bur" him in 6achpelah, in ;ebron, and his sons swore unto him concerning this thing. # And he commanded them, sa"ing, 2erve the Lord "our God, for he who


delivered "our fathers will also deliver "ou from all trouble. & And 8acob said, -all all "our children unto me, and all the children of 8acob4s sons came and sat before him, and 8acob blessed them, and he said unto them, $he Lord God of "our fathers shall grant "ou a thousand times as much and bless "ou, and ma" he give "ou the blessing of "our father Abraham and all the children of 8acob4s sons went forth on that da" after he had blessed them. ( And on the ne.t da" 8acob again called for his sons, and the" all assembled and came to him and sat before him, and 8acob on that da" blessed his sons before his death, each man did he bless according to his blessing behold it is written in the book of the law of the Lord appertaining to Israel. * And 8acob said unto 8udah, I know m" son that thou art a might" man for th" brethren reign over them, and th" sons shall reign over their sons forever. + <nl" teach th" sons the bow and all the weapons of war, in order that the" ma" fight the battles of their brother who will rule over his enemies. 1, And 8acob again commanded his sons on that da", sa"ing, 'ehold I shall be this da" gathered unto m" people carr" me up from %g"pt, and bur" me in the cave of 6achpelah as I have commanded "ou. 11 ;owbeit take heed I pra" "ou that none of "our sons carr" me, onl" "ourselves, and this is the manner "ou shall do unto me, when "ou carr" m" bod" to go with it to the land of -anaan to bur" me, 12 8udah, Issachar and 7ebulun shall carr" m" bier at the eastern side =euben, 2imeon and Gad at the south, %phraim, 6anasseh and 'en/amin at the west, @an, Asher and :aphtali at the north. 13 Let not Levi carr" with "ou, for he and his sons will carr" the ark of the covenant of the Lord with the Israelites in the camp, neither let 8oseph m" son carr", for as a king so let his glor" be howbeit, %phraim and 6anasseh shall be in their stead. 1! $hus shall "ou do unto me when "ou carr" me awa" do not neglect an" thing of all that I command "ou and it shall come to pass when "ou do this unto me, that the Lord will remember "ou favorabl" and "our children after "ou forever. 1# And "ou m" sons, honor each his brother and his relative, and command "our children and "our children4s children after "ou to serve the Lord God of "our ancestors all the da"s. 1& In order that "ou ma" prolong "our da"s in the land, "ou and "our children and "our children4s children for ever, when "ou do what is good and upright in the sight of the Lord "our God, to go in all his wa"s. 1( And thou, 8oseph m" son, forgive I pra" thee the prongs of th" brethren and all their misdeeds in the in/ur" that the" heaped upon thee, for God intended it for thine and th" children4s benefit. 1* And < m" son leave not th" brethren to the inhabitants of %g"pt, neither hurt their feelings, for behold I consign them to the hand of God and in th" hand to guard them from the %g"ptians and the sons of 8acob answered their father sa"ing, <, our father, all that thou hast commanded us, so will we do ma" God onl" be with us. 1+ And 8acob said unto his sons, 2o ma" God be with "ou when "ou keep all his wa"s turn not from his wa"s either to the right or the left in performing what is good and upright in his sight.


2, )or I know that man" and grievous troubles will befall "ou in the latter da"s in the land, "ea "our children and children4s children, onl" serve the Lord and he will save "ou from all trouble. 21 And it shall come to pass when "ou shall go after God to serve him and will teach "our children after "ou, and "our children4s children, to know the Lord, then will the Lord raise up unto "ou and "our children a servant from amongst "our children, and the Lord will deliver "ou through his hand from all affliction, and bring "ou out of %g"pt and bring "ou back to the land of "our fathers to inherit it securel". 22 And 8acob ceased commanding his sons, and he drew his feet into the bed, he died and was gathered to his people. 23 And 8oseph fell upon his father and he cried out and wept over him and he kissed him, and he called out in a bitter voice, and he said, < m" father, m" father. 2! And his son4s wives and all his household came and fell upon 8acob, and the" wept over him, and cried in a ver" loud voice concerning 8acob. 2# And all the sons of 8acob rose up together, and the" tore their garments, and the" all put sackcloth upon their loins, and the" fell upon their faces, and the" cast dust upon their heads toward the heavens. 2& And the thing was told unto <snath 8oseph4s wife, and she rose up and put on a sack and she with all the %g"ptian women with her came and mourned and wept for 8acob. 2( And also all the people of %g"pt who knew 8acob came all on that da" when the" heard this thing, and all %g"pt wept for man" da"s. 2* And also from the land of -anaan did the women come unto %g"pt when the" heard that 8acob was dead, and the" wept for him in %g"pt for sevent" da"s. 2+ And it came to pass after this that 8oseph commanded his servants the doctors to embalm his father with m"rrh and frankincense and all manner of incense and perfume, and the doctors embalmed 8acob as 8oseph had commanded them. 3, And all the people of %g"pt and the elders and all the inhabitants of the land of Goshen wept and mourned over 8acob, and all his sons and the children of his household lamented and mourned over their father 8acob man" da"s. 31 And after the da"s of his weeping had passed awa", at the end of sevent" da"s, 8oseph said unto Bharaoh, I will go up and bur" m" father in the land of -anaan as he made me swear, and then I will return. 32 And Bharaoh sent 8oseph, sa"ing, Go up and bur" th" father as he said, and as he made thee swear and 8oseph rose up with all his brethren to go to the land of -anaan to bur" their father 8acob as he had commanded them. 33 And Bharaoh commanded that it should be proclaimed throughout %g"pt, sa"ing, 0hoever goeth not up with 8oseph and his brethren to the land of -anaan to bur" 8acob, shall die. 3! And all %g"pt heard of Bharaoh4s proclamation, and the" all rose up together, and all the servants of Bharaoh, and the elders of his house, and all the elders of the land of %g"pt went up with 8oseph, and all the officers and nobles of Bharaoh went up as the servants of 8oseph, and the" went to bur" 8acob in the land of -anaan. 3# And the sons of 8acob carried the bier upon which he la" according to all


that their father commanded them, so did his sons unto him. 3& And the bier was of pure gold, and it was inlaid round about with on". stones and bdellium and the covering of the bier was gold woven work, /oined with threads, and over them were hooks of on". stones and bdellium. 3( And 8oseph placed upon the head of his father 8acob a large golden crown, and he put a golden scepter in his hand, and the" surrounded the bier as was the custom of kings during their lives. 3* And all the troops of %g"pt went before him in this arra", at first all the might" men of Bharaoh, and the might" men of 8oseph, and after them the rest of the inhabitants of %g"pt, and the" were all girded with swords and e3uipped with coats of mail, and the trappings of war were upon them. 3+ And all the weepers and mourners went at a distance opposite to the bier, going and weeping and lamenting, and the rest of the people went after the bier. !, And 8oseph and his household went together near the bier barefooted and weeping, and the rest of 8oseph4s servants went around him each man had his ornaments upon him, and the" were all armed with their weapons of war. !1 And fift" of 8acob4s servants went in front of the bier, and the" strewed along the road m"rrh and aloes, and all manner of perfume, and all the sons of 8acob that carried the bier walked upon the perfumer", and the servants of 8acob went before them strewing the perfume along the road. !2 And 8oseph went up with a heav" camp, and the" did after this manner ever" da" until the" reached the land of -anaan, and the" came to the threshing floor of Atad, which was on the other side of 8ordan, and the" mourned an e.ceeding great and heav" mourning in that place. !3 And all the kings of -anaan heard of this thing and the" all went forth, each man from his house, thirt"9one kings of -anaan, and the" all came with their men to mourn and weep over 8acob. !! And all these kings beheld 8acob4s bier, and behold 8oseph4s crown was upon it, and the" also put their crowns upon the bier, and encircled it with crowns. !# And all these kings made in that place a great and heav" mourning with the sons of 8acob and %g"pt over 8acob, for all the kings of -anaan knew the valor of 8acob and his sons. !& And the report reached %sau, sa"ing, 8acob died in %g"pt, and his sons and all %g"pt are conve"ing him to the land of -anaan to bur" him. !( And %sau heard this thing, and he was dwelling in mount 2eir, and he rose up with his sons and all his people and all his household, a people e.ceedingl" great, and the" came to mourn and weep over 8acob. !* And it came to pass, when %sau came he mourned for his brother 8acob, and all %g"pt and all -anaan again rose up and mourned a great mourning with %sau over 8acob in that place !+ And 8oseph and his brethren brought their father 8acob from that place, and the" went to ;ebron to bur" 8acob in the cave b" his fathers. #, And the" came unto Aireath9arba, to the cave, and as the" came %sau stood with his sons against 8oseph and his brethren as a hindrance in the cave, sa"ing, 8acob shall not be buried therein, for it belongeth to us and to our father. #1 And 8oseph and his brethren heard the words of %sau4s sons, and the" were e.ceedingl" wroth, and 8oseph approached unto %sau, sa"ing, 0hat is


this thing which the" have spoken1 surel" m" father 8acob bought it from thee for great riches after the death of Isaac, now five and twent" "ears ago, and also all the land of -anaan he bought from thee and from th" sons, and th" seed after thee. #2 And 8acob bought it for his sons and his seed after him for an inheritance for ever, and wh" speakest thou these things this da"1 #3 And %sau answered, sa"ing, $hou speakest falsel" and utterest lies, for I sold not an"thing belonging to me in all this land, as thou sa"est, neither did m" brother 8acob bu" aught belonging to me in this land. #! And %sau spoke these things in order to deceive 8oseph with his words, for %sau knew that 8oseph was not present in those da"s when %sau sold all belonging to him in the land of -anaan to 8acob. ## And 8oseph said unto %sau, 2urel" m" father inserted these things with thee in the record of purchase, and testified the record with witnesses, and behold it is with us in %g"pt. #& And %sau answered, sa"ing unto him, 'ring the record, all that thou wilt find in the record, so will we do. #( And 8oseph called unto :aphtali his brother, and he said, ;asten 3uickl", sta" not, and run I pra" thee to %g"pt and bring all the records the record of the purchase, the sealed record and the open record, and also all the first records in which all the transactions of the birth9right are written, fetch thou. #* And thou shalt bring them unto us hither, that we ma" know from them all the words of %sau and his sons which the" spoke this da". #+ And :aphtali hearkened to the voice of 8oseph and he hastened and ran to go down to %g"pt, and :aphtali was lighter on foot than an" of the stags that were upon the wilderness, for he would go upon ears of corn without crushing them. &, And when %sau saw that :aphtali had gone to fetch the records, he and his sons increased their resistance against the cave, and %sau and all his people rose up against 8oseph and his brethren to battle. &1 And all the sons of 8acob and the people of %g"pt fought with %sau and his men, and the sons of %sau and his people were smitten before the sons of 8acob, and the sons of 8acob slew of %sau4s people fort" men. &2 And -hushim the son of @an, the son of 8acob, was at that time with 8acob4s sons, but he was about a hundred cubits distant from the place of battle, for he remained with the children of 8acob4s sons b" 8acob4s bier to guard it. &3 And -hushim was dumb and deaf, still he understood the voice of consternation amongst men. &! And he asked, sa"ing, 0h" do "ou not bur" the dead, and what is this great consternation1 and the" answered him the words of %sau and his sons and he ran to %sau in the midst of the battle, and he slew %sau with a sword, and he cut off his head, and it sprang to a distance, and %sau fell amongst the people of the battle. &# And when -hushim did this thing the sons of 8acob prevailed over the sons of %sau, and the sons of 8acob buried their father 8acob b" force in the cave, and the sons of %sau beheld it. && And 8acob was buried in ;ebron, in the cave of 6achpelah which Abraham had bought from the sons of ;eth for the possession of a burial place, and he was buried in ver" costl" garments.


&( And no king had such honor paid him as 8oseph paid unto his father at his death, for he buried him with great honor like unto the burial of kings. &* And 8oseph and his brethren made a mourning of seven da"s for their father. CHAPTER 57 1 And it was after this that the sons of %sau waged war with the sons of 8acob, and the sons of %sau fought with the sons of 8acob in ;ebron, and %sau was still l"ing dead, and not buried. 2 And the battle was heav" between them, and the sons of %sau were smitten before the sons of 8acob, and the sons of 8acob slew of the sons of %sau eight" men, and not one died of the people of the sons of 8acob and the hand of 8oseph prevailed over all the people of the sons of %sau, and he took 7epho, the son of %lipha?, the son of %sau, and fift" of his men captive, and he bound them with chains of iron, and gave them into the hand of his servants to bring them to %g"pt. 3 And it came to pass when the sons of 8acob had taken 7epho and his people captive, all those that remained were greatl" afraid of their lives from the house of %sau, lest the" should also be taken captive, and the" all fled with %lipha? the son of %sau and his people, with %sau4s bod", and the" went on their road to 6ount 2eir. ! And the" came unto 6ount 2eir and the" buried %sau in 2eir, but the" had not brought his head with them to 2eir, for it was buried in that place where the battle had been in ;ebron. # And it came to pass when the sons of %sau had fled from before the sons of 8acob, the sons of 8acob pursued them unto the borders of 2eir, but the" did not sla" a single man from amongst them when the" pursued them, for %sau4s bod" which the" carried with them e.cited their confusion, so the" fled and the sons of 8acob turned back from them and came up to the place where their brethren were in ;ebron, and the" remained there on that da", and on the ne.t da" until the" rested from the battle. & And it came to pass on the third da" the" assembled all the sons of 2eir the ;orite, and the" assembled all the children of the east, a multitude of people like the sand of the sea, and the" went and came down to %g"pt to fight with 8oseph and his brethren, in order to deliver their brethren. ( And 8oseph and all the sons of 8acob heard that the sons of %sau and the children of the east had come upon them to battle in order to deliver their brethren. * And 8oseph and his brethren and the strong men of %g"pt went forth and fought in the cit" of =ameses, and 8oseph and his brethren dealt out a tremendous blow amongst the sons of %sau and the children of the east. + And the" slew of them si. hundred thousand men, and the" slew amongst them all the might" men of the children of 2eir the ;orite there were onl" a few of them left, and the" slew also a great man" of the children of the east, and of the children of %sau and %lipha? the son of %sau, and the children of the east all fled before 8oseph and his brethren. 1, And 8oseph and his brethren pursued them until the" came unto 2uccoth, and the" "et slew of them in 2uccoth thirt" men, and the rest escaped and the" fled each to his cit".


11 And 8oseph and his brethren and the might" men of %g"pt turned back from them with /o" and cheerfulness of heart, for the" had smitten all their enemies. 12 And 7epho the son of %lipha? and his men were still slaves in %g"pt to the sons of 8acob, and their pains increased. 13 And when the sons of %sau and the sons of 2eir returned to their land, the sons of 2eir saw that the" had all fallen into the hands of the sons of 8acob, and the people of %g"pt, on account of the battle of the sons of %sau. 1! And the sons of 2eir said unto the sons of %sau, Dou have seen and therefore "ou know that this camp was on "our account, and not one might" man or an adept in war remaineth. 1# :ow therefore go forth from our land, go from us to the land of -anaan to the land of the dwelling of "our fathers wherefore shall "our children inherit the effects of our children in latter da"s1 1& And the children of %sau would not listen to the children of 2eir, and the children of 2eir considered to make war with them. 1( And the children of %sau sent secretl" to Angeas king of Africa, the same is @inhabah, sa"ing, 1* 2end unto us some of th" men and let them come unto us, and we will fight together with the children of 2eir the ;orite, for the" have resolved to fight with us to drive us awa" from the land. 1+ And Angeas king of @inhabah did so, for he was in those da"s friendl" to the children of %sau, and Angeas sent five hundred valiant infantr" to the children of %sau, and eight hundred cavalr". 2, And the children of 2eir sent unto the children of the east and unto the children of 6idian, sa"ing, Dou have seen what the children of %sau have done unto us, upon whose account we are almost all destro"ed, in their battle with the sons of 8acob. 21 :ow therefore come unto us and assist us, and we will fight them together, and we will drive them from the land and be avenged of the cause of our brethren who died for their sakes in their battle with their brethren the sons of 8acob. 22 And all the children of the east listened to the children of 2eir, and the" came unto them about eight hundred men with drawn swords, and the children of %sau fought with the children of 2eir at that time in the wilderness of Baran. 23 And the children of 2eir prevailed then over the sons of %sau, and the children of 2eir slew on that da" of the children of %sau in that battle about two hundred men of the people of Angeas king of @inhabah. 2! And on the second da" the children of %sau came again to fight a second time with the children of 2eir, and the battle was sore upon the children of %sau this second time, and it troubled them greatl" on account of the children of 2eir. 2# And when the children of %sau saw that the children of 2eir were more powerful than the" were, some men of the children of %sau turned and assisted the children of 2eir their enemies. 2& And there fell "et of the people of the children of %sau in the second battle fift"9eight men of the people at Angeas king of @inhabah. 2( And on the third da" the children of %sau heard that some of their brethren had turned from them to fight against them in the second battle


and the children of %sau mourned when the" heard this thing. 2* And the" said, 0hat shall we do unto our brethren who turned from us to assist the children of 2eir our enemies1 and the children of %sau again sent to Angeas king of @inhabah, sa"ing, 2+ 2end unto us again other men that with them we ma" fight with the children of 2eir, for the" have alread" twice been heavier than we were. 3, And Angeas again sent to the children of %sau about si. hundred valiant men, and the" came to assist the children of %sau. 31 And in ten da"s4 time the children of %sau again waged war with the children of 2eir in the wilderness of Baran, and the battle was ver" severe upon the children of 2eir, and the children of %sau prevailed at this time over the children of 2eir, and the children of 2eir were smitten before the children of %sau, and the children of %sau slew from them about two thousand men. 32 And all the might" men of the children of 2eir died in this battle, and there onl" remained their "oung children that were left in their cities. 33 And all 6idian and the children of the east betook themselves to flight from the battle, and the" left the children of 2eir and fled when the" saw that the battle was severe upon them, and the children of %sau pursued all the children of the east until the" reached their land. 3! And the children of %sau slew "et of them about two hundred and fift" men and from the people of the children of %sau there fell in that battle about thirt" men, but this evil came upon them through their brethren turning from them to assist the children of 2eir the ;orite, and the children of %sau again heard of the evil doings of their brethren, and the" again mourned on account of this thing. 3# And it came to pass after the battle, the children of %sau turned back and came home unto 2eir, and the children of %sau slew those who had remained in the land of the children of 2eir the" slew also their wives and little ones, the" left not a soul alive e.cept fift" "oung lads and damsels whom the" suffered to live, and the children of %sau did not put them to death, and the lads became their slaves, and the damsels the" took for wives. 3& And the children of %sau dwelt in 2eir in the place of the children of 2eir, and the" inherited their land and took possession of it. 3( And the children of %sau took all belonging in the land to the children of 2eir, also their flocks, their bullocks and their goods, and all belonging to the children of 2eir, did the children of %sau take, and the children of %sau dwelt in 2eir in the place of the children of 2eir unto this da", and the children of %sau divided the land into divisions to the five sons of %sau, according to their families. 3* And it came to pass in those da"s, that the children of %sau resolved to crown a king over them in the land of which the" became possessed. And the" said to each other, :ot so, for he shall reign over us in our land, and we shall be under his counsel and he shall fight our battles, against our enemies, and the" did so. 3+ And all the children of %sau swore, sa"ing, $hat none of their brethren should ever reign over them, but a strange man who is not of their brethren, for the souls of all the children of %sau were embittered ever" man against his son, brother and friend, on account of the evil the" sustained from their brethren when the" fought with the children of 2eir. !, $herefore the sons of %sau swore, sa"ing, )rom that da" forward the"


would not choose a king from their brethren, but one from a strange land unto this da". !1 And there was a man there from the people of Angeas king of @inhabah his name was 'ela the son of 'eor, who was a ver" valiant man, beautiful and comel" and wise in all wisdom, and a man of sense and counsel and there was none of the people of Angeas like unto him. !2 And all the children of %sau took him and anointed him and the" crowned him for a king, and the" bowed down to him, and the" said unto him, 6a" the king live, ma" the king live. !3 And the" spread out the sheet, and the" brought him each man earrings of gold and silver or rings or bracelets, and the" made him ver" rich in silver and in gold, in on". stones and bdellium, and the" made him a ro"al throne, and the" placed a regal crown upon his head, and the" built a palace for him and he dwelt therein, and he became king over all the children of %sau. !! And the people of Angeas took their hire for their battle from the children of %sau, and the" went and returned at that time to their master in @inhabah. !# And 'ela reigned over the children of %sau thirt" "ears, and the children of %sau dwelt in the land instead of the children of 2eir, and the" dwelt securel" in their stead unto this da". CHAPTER 58 1 And it came to pass in the thirt"9second "ear of the Israelites going down to %g"pt, that is in the sevent"9first "ear of the life of 8oseph, in that "ear died Bharaoh king of %g"pt, and 6agron his son reigned in his stead. 2 And Bharaoh commanded 8oseph before his death to be a father to his son, 6agron, and that 6agron should be under the care of 8oseph and under his counsel. 3 And all %g"pt consented to this thing that 8oseph should be king over them, for all the %g"ptians loved 8oseph as of heretofore, onl" 6agron the son of Bharaoh sat upon, his father4s throne, and he became king in those da"s in his father4s stead. ! 6agron was fort"9one "ears old when he began to reign, and fort" "ears he reigned in %g"pt, and all %g"pt called his name Bharaoh after the name of his father, as it was their custom to do in %g"pt to ever" king that reigned over them. # And it came to pass when Bharaoh reigned in his father4s stead, he placed the laws of %g"pt and all the affairs of government in the hand of 8oseph, as his father had commanded him. & And 8oseph became king over %g"pt, for he superintended over all %g"pt, and all %g"pt was under his care and under his counsel, for all %g"pt inclined to 8oseph after the death of Bharaoh, and the" loved him e.ceedingl" to reign over them. ( 'ut there were some people amongst them, who did not like him, sa"ing, :o stranger shall reign over us still the whole government of %g"pt devolved in those da"s upon 8oseph, after the death of Bharaoh, he being the regulator, doing as he liked throughout the land without an" one interfering. * And all %g"pt was under the care of 8oseph, and 8oseph made war with all his surrounding enemies, and he subdued them also all the land and all the


Bhilistines, unto the borders of -anaan, did 8oseph subdue, and the" were all under his power and the" gave a "earl" ta. unto 8oseph. + And Bharaoh king of %g"pt sat upon his throne in his father4s stead, but he was under the control and counsel of 8oseph, as he was at first under the control of his father. 1, :either did he reign but in the land of %g"pt onl", under the counsel of 8oseph, but 8oseph reigned over the whole countr" at that time, from %g"pt unto the great river Berath. 11 And 8oseph was successful in all his wa"s, and the Lord was with him, and the Lord gave 8oseph additional wisdom, and honor, and glor", and love toward him in the hearts of the %g"ptians and throughout the land, and 8oseph reigned over the whole countr" fort" "ears. 12 And all the countries of the Bhilistines and -anaan and 7idon, and on the other side of 8ordan, brought presents unto 8oseph all his da"s, and the whole countr" was in the hand of 8oseph, and the" brought unto him a "earl" tribute as it was regulated, for 8oseph had fought against all his surrounding enemies and subdued them, and the whole countr" was in the hand of 8oseph, and 8oseph sat securel" upon his throne in %g"pt. 13 And also all his brethren the sons of 8acob dwelt securel" in the land, all the da"s of 8oseph, and the" were fruitful and multiplied e.ceedingl" in the land, and the" served the Lord all their da"s, as their father 8acob had commanded them. 1! And it came to pass at the end of man" da"s and "ears, when the children of %sau were dwelling 3uietl" in their land with 'ela their king, that the children of %sau were fruitful and multiplied in the land, and the" resolved to go and fight with the sons of 8acob and all %g"pt, and to deliver their brother 7epho, the son of %lipha?, and his men, for the" were "et in those da"s slaves to 8oseph. 1# And the children of %sau sent unto all the children of the east, and the" made peace with them, and all the children of the east came unto them to go with the children of %sau to %g"pt to battle. 1& And there came also unto them of the people of Angeas, king of @inhabah, and the" also sent unto the children of Ishmael and the" also came unto them. 1( And all this people assembled and came unto 2eir to assist the children of %sau in their battle, and this camp was ver" large and heav" with people, numerous as the sand of the sea, about eight hundred thousand men, infantr" and cavalr", and all these troops went down to %g"pt to fight with the sons of 8acob, and the" encamped b" =ameses. 1* And 8oseph went forth with his brethren with the might" men of %g"pt, about si. hundred men, and the" fought with them in the land of =ameses and the sons of 8acob at that time again fought with the children of %sau, in the fiftieth "ear of the sons of 8acob going down to %g"pt, that is the thirtieth "ear of the reign of 'ela over the children of %sau in 2eir. 1+ And the Lord gave all the might" men of %sau and the children of the east into the hand of 8oseph and his brethren, and the people of the children of %sau and the children of the east were smitten before 8oseph. 2, And of the people of %sau and the children of the east that were slain, there fell before the sons of 8acob about two hundred thousand men, and their king 'ela the son of 'eor fell with them in the battle, and when the


children of %sau saw that their king had fallen in battle and was dead, their hands became weak in the combat. 21 And 8oseph and his brethren and all %g"pt were still smiting the people of the house of %sau, and all %sau4s people were afraid of the sons of 8acob and fled from before them. 22 And 8oseph and his brethren and all %g"pt pursued them a da"4s /ourne", and the" slew "et from them about three hundred men, continuing to smite them in the road and the" afterward turned back from them. 23 And 8oseph and all his brethren returned to %g"pt, not one man was missing from them, but of the %g"ptians there fell twelve men. 2! And when 8oseph returned to %g"pt he ordered 7epho and his men to be additionall" bound, and the" bound them in irons and the" increased their grief. 2# And all the people of the children of %sau, and the children of the east, returned in shame each unto his cit", for all the might" men that were with them had fallen in battle. 2& And when the children of %sau saw that their king had died in battle the" hastened and took a man from the people of the children of the east his name was 8obab the son of 7arach, from the land of 'ot?rah, and the" caused him to reign over them instead of 'ela their king. 2( And 8obab sat upon the throne of 'ela as king in his stead, and 8obab reigned in %dom over all the children of %sau ten "ears, and the children of %sau went no more to fight with the sons of 8acob from that da" forward, for the sons of %sau knew the valor of the sons of 8acob, and the" were greatl" afraid of them. 2* 'ut from that da" forward the children of %sau hated the sons of 8acob, and the hatred and enmit" were ver" strong between them all the da"s, unto this da". 2+ And it came to pass after this, at the end of ten "ears, 8obab, the son of 7arach, from 'ot?rah, died, and the children of %sau took a man whose name was -husham, from the land of $eman, and the" made him king over them instead of 8obab, and -husham reigned in %dom over all the children of %sau for twent" "ears. 3, And 8oseph, king of %g"pt, and his brethren, and all the children of Israel dwelt securel" in %g"pt in those da"s, together with all the children of 8oseph and his brethren, having no hindrance or evil accident and the land of %g"pt was at that time at rest from war in the da"s of 8oseph and his brethren. CHAPTER 59 1 And these are the names of the sons of Israel who dwelt in %g"pt, who had come with 8acob, all the sons of 8acob came unto %g"pt, ever" man with his household. 2 $he children of Leah were =euben, 2imeon, Levi, 8udah, Issachar and 7ebulun, and their sister @inah. 3 And the sons of =achel were 8oseph and 'en/amin. ! And the sons of 7ilpah, the handmaid of Leah, were Gad and Asher. # And the sons of 'ilhah, the handmaid of =achel, were @an and :aphtali. & And these were their offspring that were born unto them in the land of -anaan, before the" came unto %g"pt with their father 8acob.


( $he sons of =euben were -hanoch, Ballu, -het?ron and -armi. * And the sons of 2imeon were 8emuel, 8amin, <had, 8achin, 7ochar and 2aul, the son of the -anaanitish woman. + And the children of Levi were Gershon, Aehath and 6erari, and their sister 8ochebed, who was born unto them in their going down to %g"pt. 1, And the sons of 8udah were %r, <nan, 2helah, Bere? and 7arach. 11 And %r and <nan died in the land of -anaan and the sons of Bere? were -he?ron and -hamul. 12 And the sons of Issachar were $ola, Buvah, 8ob and 2homron. 13 And the sons of 7ebulun were 2ered, %lon and 8achleel, and the son of @an was -hushim. 1! And the sons of :aphtali were 8ach?eel, Guni, 8et?er and 2hilam. 1# And the sons of Gad were 7iphion, -haggi, 2huni, %?bon, %ri, Arodi and Areli. 1& And the children of Asher were 8imnah, 8ishvah, 8ishvi, 'eriah and their sister 2erach and the sons of 'eriah were -heber and 6alchiel. 1( And the sons of 'en/amin were 'ela, 'echer, Ashbel, Gera, :aaman, Achi, =osh, 6upim, -hupim and <rd. 1* And the sons of 8oseph, that were born unto him in %g"pt, were 6anasseh and %phraim. 1+ And all the souls that went forth from the loins of 8acob, were sevent" souls these are the" who came with 8acob their father unto %g"pt to dwell there5 and 8oseph and all his brethren dwelt securel" in %g"pt, and the" ate of the best of %g"pt all the da"s of the life of 8oseph. 2, And 8oseph lived in the land of %g"pt ninet"9three "ears, and 8oseph reigned over all %g"pt eight" "ears. 21 And when the da"s of 8oseph drew nigh that he should die, he sent and called for his brethren and all his father4s household, and the" all came together and sat before him. 22 And 8oseph said unto his brethren and unto the whole of his father4s household, 'ehold I die, and God will surel" visit "ou and bring "ou up from this land to the land which he swore to "our fathers to give unto them. 23 And it shall be when God shall visit "ou to bring "ou up from here to the land of "our fathers, then bring up m" bones with "ou from here. 2! And 8oseph made the sons of Israel to swear for their seed after them, sa"ing, God will surel" visit "ou and "ou shall bring up m" bones with "ou from here. 2# And it came to pass after this that 8oseph died in that "ear, the sevent"9 first "ear of the Israelites going down to %g"pt. 2& And 8oseph was one hundred and ten "ears old when he died in the land of %g"pt, and all his brethren and all his servants rose up and the" embalmed 8oseph, as was their custom, and his brethren and all %g"pt mourned over him for sevent" da"s. 2( And the" put 8oseph in a coffin filled with spices and all sorts of perfume, and the" buried him b" the side of the river, that is 2ihor, and his sons and all his brethren, and the whole of his father4s household made a seven da"4s mourning for him. 2* And it came to pass after the death of 8oseph, all the %g"ptians began in those da"s to rule over the children of Israel, and Bharaoh, king of %g"pt, who reigned in his father4s stead, took all the laws of %g"pt and conducted


the whole government of %g"pt under his counsel, and he reigned securel" over his people. CHAPTER 60 1 And when the "ear came round, being the sevent"9second "ear from the Israelites going down to %g"pt, after the death of 8oseph, 7epho, the son of %lipha?, the son of %sau, fled from %g"pt, he and his men, and the" went awa". 2 And he came to Africa, which is @inhabah, to Angeas king of Africa, and Angeas received them with great honor, and he made 7epho the captain of his host. 3 And 7epho found favor in the sight of Angeas and in the sight of his people, and 7epho was captain of the host to Angeas king of Africa for man" da"s. ! And 7epho enticed Angeas king of Africa to collect all his arm" to go and fight with the %g"ptians, and with the sons of 8acob, and to avenge of them the cause of his brethren. # 'ut Angeas would not listen to 7epho to do this thing, for Angeas knew the strength of the sons of 8acob, and what the" had done to his arm" in their warfare with the children of %sau. & And 7epho was in those da"s ver" great in the sight of Angeas and in the sight of all his people, and he continuall" enticed them to make war against %g"pt, but the" would not. ( And it came to pass in those da"s there was in the land of -hittim a man in the cit" of Bu?imna, whose name was C?u, and he became degeneratel" deified b" the children of -hittim, and the man died and had no son, onl" one daughter whose name was 8ania. * And the damsel was e.ceedingl" beautiful, comel" and intelligent, there was none seen like unto her for beaut" and wisdom throughout the land. + And the people of Angeas king of Africa saw her and the" came and praised her unto him, and Angeas sent to the children of -hittim, and he re3uested to take her unto himself for a wife, and the people of -hittim consented to give her unto him for a wife. 1, And when the messengers of Angeas were going forth from the land of -hittim to take their /ourne", behold the messengers of $urnus king of 'ibentu came unto -hittim, for $urnus king of 'ibentu also sent his messengers to re3uest 8ania for him, to take unto himself for a wife, for all his men had also praised her to him, therefore he sent all his servants unto her. 11 And the servants of $urnus came to -hittim, and the" asked for 8ania, to be taken unto $urnus their king for a wife. 12 And the people of -hittim said unto them, 0e cannot give her, because Angeas king of Africa desired her to take her unto him for a wife before "ou came, and that we should give her unto him, and now therefore we cannot do this thing to deprive Angeas of the damsel in order to give her unto $urnus. 13 )or we are greatl" afraid of Angeas lest he come in battle against us and destro" us, and $urnus "our master will not be able to deliver us from his hand. 1! And when the messengers of $urnus heard all the words of the children of


-hittim, the" turned back to their master and told him all the words of the children of -hittim. 1# And the children of -hittim sent a memorial to Angeas, sa"ing, 'ehold $urnus has sent for 8ania to take her unto him for a wife, and thus have we answered him and we heard that he has collected his whole arm" to go to war against thee, and he intends to pass b" the road of 2ardunia to fight against th" brother Lucus, and after that he will come to fight against thee. 1& And Angeas heard the words of the children of -hittim which the" sent to him in the record, and his anger was kindled and he rose up and assembled his whole arm" and came through the islands of the sea, the road to 2ardunia, unto his brother Lucus king of 2ardunia. 1( And :iblos, the son of Lucus, heard that his uncle Angeas was coming, and he went out to meet him with a heav" arm", and he kissed him and embraced him, and :iblos said unto Angeas, 0hen thou askest m" father after his welfare, when I shall go with thee to fight with $urnus, ask of him to make me captain of his host, and Angeas did so, and he came unto his brother and his brother came to meet him, and he asked him after his welfare. 1* And Angeas asked his brother Lucus after his welfare, and to make his son :iblos captain of his host, and Lucus did so, and Angeas and his brother Lucus rose up and the" went toward $urnus to battle, and there was with them a great arm" and a heav" people. 1+ And he came in ships, and the" came into the province of Ashtorash, and behold $urnus came toward them, for he went forth to 2ardunia, and intended to destro" it and afterward to pass on from there to Angeas to fight with him. 2, And Angeas and Lucus his brother met $urnus in the valle" of -anopia, and the battle was strong and might" between them in that place. 21 And the battle was severe upon Lucus king of 2ardunia, and all his arm" fell, and :iblos his son fell also in that battle. 22 And his uncle Angeas commanded his servants and the" made a golden coffin for :iblos and the" put him into it, and Angeas again waged battle toward $urnus, and Angeas was stronger than he, and he slew him, and he smote all his people with the edge of the sword, and Angeas avenged the cause of :iblos his brother4s son and the cause of the arm" of his brother Lucus. 23 And when $urnus died, the hands of those that survived the battle became weak, and the" fled from before Angeas and Lucus his brother. 2! And Angeas and his brother Lucus pursued them unto the highroad, which is between Alphanu and =omah, and the" slew the whole arm" of $urnus with the edge of the sword. 2# And Lucus king of 2ardunia commanded his servants that the" should make a coffin of brass, and that the" should place therein the bod" of his son :iblos, and the" buried him in that place. 2& And the" built upon it a high tower there upon the highroad, and the" called its name after the name of :iblos unto this da", and the" also buried $urnus king of 'ibentu there in that place with :iblos. 2( And behold upon the highroad between Alphanu and =omah the grave of :iblos is on one side and the grave of $urnus on the other, and a pavement between them unto this da".


2* And when :iblos was buried, Lucus his father returned with his arm" to his land 2ardunia, and Angeas his brother king of Africa went with his people unto the cit" of 'ibentu, that is the cit" of $urnus. 2+ And the inhabitants of 'ibentu heard of his fame and the" were greatl" afraid of him, and the" went forth to meet him with weeping and supplication, and the inhabitants of 'ibentu entreated of Angeas not to sla" them nor destro" their cit" and he did so, for 'ibentu was in those da"s reckoned as one of the cities of the children of -hittim therefore he did not destro" the cit". 3, 'ut from that da" forward the troops of the king of Africa would go to -hittim to spoil and plunder it, and whenever the" went, 7epho the captain of the host of Angeas would go with them. 31 And it was after this that Angeas turned with his arm" and the" came to the cit" of Bu?imna, and Angeas took thence 8ania the daughter of C?u for a wife and brought her unto his cit" unto Africa. CHAPTER 61 1 And it came to pass at that time Bharaoh king of %g"pt commanded all his people to make for him a strong palace in %g"pt. 2 And he also commanded the sons of 8acob to assist the %g"ptians in the building, and the %g"ptians made a beautiful and elegant palace for a ro"al habitation, and he dwelt therein and he renewed his government and he reigned securel". 3 And 7ebulun the son of 8acob died in that "ear, that is the sevent"9second "ear of the going down of the Israelites to %g"pt, and 7ebulun died a hundred and fourteen "ears old, and was put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children. ! And in the sevent"9fifth "ear died his brother 2imeon, he was a hundred and twent" "ears old at his death, and he was also put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children. # And 7epho the son of %lipha? the son of %sau, captain of the host to Angeas king of @inhabah, was still dail" enticing Angeas to prepare for battle to fight with the sons of 8acob in %g"pt, and Angeas was unwilling to do this thing, for his servants had related to him all the might of the sons of 8acob, what the" had done unto them in their battle with the children of %sau. & And 7epho was in those da"s dail" enticing Angeas to fight with the sons of 8acob in those da"s. ( And after some time Angeas hearkened to the words of 7epho and consented to him to fight with the sons of 8acob in %g"pt, and Angeas got all his people in order, a people numerous as the sand which is upon the sea shore, and he formed his resolution to go to %g"pt to battle. * And amongst the servants of Angeas was a "outh fifteen "ears old, 'alaam the son of 'eor was his name and the "outh was ver" wise and understood the art of witchcraft. + And Angeas said unto 'alaam, -on/ure for us, I pra" thee, with the witchcraft, that we ma" know who will prevail in this battle to which we are now proceeding. 1, And 'alaam ordered that the" should bring him wa., and he made thereof the likeness of chariots and horsemen representing the arm" of


Angeas and the arm" of %g"pt, and he put them in the cunningl" prepared waters that he had for that purpose, and he took in his hand the boughs of m"rtle trees, and he e.ercised his cunning, and he /oined them over the water, and there appeared unto him in the water the resembling images of the hosts of Angeas falling before the resembling images of the %g"ptians and the sons of 8acob. 11 And 'alaam told this thing to Angeas, and Angeas despaired and did not arm himself to go down to %g"pt to battle, and he remained in his cit". 12 And when 7epho the son of %lipha? saw that Angeas despaired of going forth to battle with the %g"ptians, 7epho fled from Angeas from Africa, and he went and came unto -hittim. 13 And all the people of -hittim received him with great honor, and the" hired him to fight their battles all the da"s, and 7epho became e.ceedingl" rich in those da"s, and the troops of the king of Africa still spread themselves in those da"s, and the children of -hittim assembled and went to 6ount -upti?ia on account of the troops of Angeas king of Africa, who were advancing upon them. 1! And it was one da" that 7epho lost a "oung heifer, and he went to seek it, and he heard it lowing round about the mountain. 1# And 7epho went and he saw and behold there was a large cave at the bottom of the mountain, and there was a great stone there at the entrance of the cave, and 7epho split the stone and he came into the cave and he looked and behold, a large animal was devouring the o. from the middle upward it resembled a man, and from the middle downward it resembled an animal, and 7epho rose up against the animal and slew it with his swords. 1& And the inhabitants of -hittim heard of this thing, and the" re/oiced e.ceedingl", and the" said, 0hat shall we do unto this man who has slain this animal that devoured our cattle1 1( And the" all assembled to consecrate one da" in the "ear to him, and the" called the name thereof 7epho after his name, and the" brought unto him drink offerings "ear after "ear on that da", and the" brought unto him gifts. 1* At that time 8ania the daughter of C?u wife of king Angeas became ill, and her illness was heavil" felt b" Angeas and his officers, and Angeas said unto his wise men, 0hat shall I do to 8ania and how shall I heal her from her illness1 And his wise men said unto him, 'ecause the air of our countr" is not like the air of the land of -hittim, and our water is not like their water, therefore from this has the 3ueen become ill. 1+ )or through the change of air and water she became ill, and also because in her countr" she drank onl" the water which came from Burmah, which her ancestors had brought up with bridges. 2, And Angeas commanded his servants, and the" brought unto him in vessels of the waters of Burmah belonging to -hittim, and the" weighed those waters with all the waters of the land of Africa, and the" found those waters lighter than the waters of Africa. 21 And Angeas saw this thing, and he commanded all his officers to assemble the hewers of stone in thousands and tens of thousands, and the" hewed stone without number, and the builders came and the" built an e.ceedingl" strong bridge, and the" conve"ed the spring of water from the land of -hittim unto Africa, and those waters were for 8ania the 3ueen and for


all her concerns, to drink from and to bake, wash and bathe therewith, and also to water therewith all seed from which food can be obtained, and all fruit of the ground. 22 And the king commanded that the" should bring of the soil of -hittim in large ships, and the" also brought stones to build therewith, and the builders built palaces for 8ania the 3ueen, and the 3ueen became healed of her illness. 23 And at the revolution of the "ear the troops of Africa continued coming to the land of -hittim to plunder as usual, and 7epho son of %lipha? heard their report, and he gave orders concerning them and he fought with them, and the" fled before him, and he delivered the land of -hittim from them. 2! And the children of -hittim saw the valor of 7epho, and the children of -hittim resolved and the" made 7epho king over them, and he became king over them, and whilst he reigned the" went to subdue the children of $ubal, and all the surrounding islands. 2# And their king 7epho went at their head and the" made war with $ubal and the islands, and the" subdued them, and when the" returned from the battle the" renewed his government for him, and the" built for him a ver" large palace for his ro"al habitation and seat, and the" made a large throne for him, and 7epho reigned over the whole land of -hittim and over the land of Italia fift" "ears. CHAPTER 62 1 In that "ear, being the sevent"9ninth "ear of the Israelites going down to %g"pt, died =euben the son of 8acob, in the land of %g"pt =euben was a hundred and twent"9five "ears old when he died, and the" put him into a coffin, and he was given into the hands of his children. 2 And in the eightieth "ear died his brother @an he was a hundred and twent" "ears at his death, and he was also put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children. 3 And in that "ear died -husham king of %dom, and after him reigned ;adad the son of 'edad, for thirt"9five "ears and in the eight"9first "ear died Issachar the son of 8acob, in %g"pt, and Issachar was a hundred and twent"9 two "ears old at his death, and he was put into a coffin in %g"pt, and given into the hands of his children. ! And in the eight"9second "ear died Asher his brother, he was a hundred and twent"9three "ears old at his death, and he was placed in a coffin in %g"pt, and given into the hands of his children. # And in the eight"9third "ear died Gad, he was a hundred and twent"9five "ears old at his death, and he was put into a coffin in %g"pt, and given into the hands of his children. & And it came to pass in the eight"9fourth "ear, that is the fiftieth "ear of the reign of ;adad, son of 'edad, king of %dom, that ;adad assembled all the children of %sau, and he got his whole arm" in readiness, about four hundred thousand men, and he directed his wa" to the land of 6oab, and he went to fight with 6oab and to make them tributar" to him. ( And the children of 6oab heard this thing, and the" were ver" much afraid, and the" sent to the children of 6idian to assist them in fighting with ;adad, son of 'edad, king of %dom.


* And ;adad came unto the land of 6oab, and 6oab and the children of 6idian went out to meet him, and the" placed themselves in battle arra" against him in the field of 6oab. + And ;adad fought with 6oab, and there fell of the children of 6oab and the children of 6idian man" slain ones, about two hundred thousand men. 1, And the battle was ver" severe upon 6oab, and when the children of 6oab saw that the battle was sore upon them, the" weakened their hands and turned their backs, and left the children of 6idian to carr" on the battle. 11 And the children of 6idian knew not the intentions of 6oab, but the" strengthened themselves in battle and fought with ;adad and all his host, and all 6idian fell before him. 12 And ;adad smote all 6idian with a heav" smiting, and he slew them with the edge of the sword, he left none remaining of those who came to assist 6oab. 13 And when all the children of 6idian had perished in battle, and the children at 6oab had escaped, ;adad made all 6oab at that time tributar" to him, and the" became under his hand, and the" gave a "earl" ta. as it was ordered, and ;adad turned and went back to his land. 1! And at the revolution of the "ear, when the rest of the people of 6idian that were in the land heard that all their brethren had fallen in battle with ;adad for the sake of 6oab, because the children of 6oab had turned their backs in battle and left 6idian to fight, then five of the princes of 6idian resolved with the rest of their brethren who remained in their land, to fight with 6oab to avenge the cause of their brethren. 1# And the children of 6idian sent to all their brethren the children of the east, and all their brethren, all the children of Aeturah came to assist 6idian to fight with 6oab. 1& And the children of 6oab heard this thing, and the" were greatl" afraid that all the children of the east had assembled together against them for battle, and the" the children of 6oab sent a memorial to the land of %dom to ;adad the son of 'edad, sa"ing, 1( -ome now unto us and assist us and we will smite 6idian, for the" all assembled together and have come against us with all their brethren the children of the east to battle, to avenge the cause of 6idian that fell in battle. 1* And ;adad, son of 'edad, king of %dom, went forth with his whole arm" and went to the land of 6oab to fight with 6idian, and 6idian and the children of the east fought with 6oab in the field of 6oab, and the battle was ver" fierce between them. 1+ And ;adad smote all the children of 6idian and the children of the east with the edge of the sword, and ;adad at that time delivered 6oab from the hand of 6idian, and those that remained of 6idian and of the children of the east fled before ;adad and his arm", and ;adad pursued them to their land, and smote them with a ver" heav" slaughter, and the slain fell in the road. 2, And ;adad delivered 6oab from the hand of 6idian, for all the children of 6idian had fallen b" the edge of the sword, and ;adad turned and went back to his land. 21 And from that da" forth, the children of 6idian hated the children of 6oab, because the" had fallen in battle for their sake, and there was a great and might" enmit" between them all the da"s.


22 And all that were found of 6idian in the road of the land of 6oab perished b" the sword of 6oab, and all that were found of 6oab in the road of the land of 6idian, perished b" the sword of 6idian thus did 6idian unto 6oab and 6oab unto 6idian for man" da"s. 23 And it came to pass at that time that 8udah the son of 8acob died in %g"pt, in the eight" "ear of 8acob4s going down to %g"pt, and 8udah was a hundred and twent"9nine "ears old at his death, and the" embalmed him and put him into a coffin, and he was given into the hands of his children. 2! And in the eight"9ninth "ear died :aphtali, he was a hundred and thirt"9 two "ears old, and he was put into a coffin and given into the hands of his children. 2# And it came to pass in the ninet"9first "ear of the Israelites going down to %g"pt, that is in the thirtieth "ear of the reign of 7epho the son of %lipha?, the son of %sau, over the children of -hittim, the children of Africa came upon the children of -hittim to plunder them as usual, but the" had not come upon them for these thirteen "ears. 2& And the" came to them in that "ear, and 7epho the son of %lipha? went out to them with some of his men and smote them desperatel", and the troops of Africa fled from before 7epho and the slain fell before him, and 7epho and his men pursued them, going on and smiting them until the" were near unto Africa. 2( And Angeas king of Africa heard the thing which 7epho had done, and it ve.ed him e.ceedingl", and Angeas was afraid of 7epho all the da"s. CHAPTER 63 1 And in the ninet"9third "ear died Levi, the son of 8acob, in %g"pt, and Levi was a hundred and thirt"9seven "ears old when he died, and the" put him into a coffin and he was given into the hands of his children. 2 And it came to pass after the death of Levi, when all %g"pt saw that the sons of 8acob the brethren of 8oseph were dead, all the %g"ptians began to afflict the children of 8acob, and to embitter their lives from that da" unto the da" of their going forth from %g"pt, and the" took from their hands all the vine"ards and fields which 8oseph had given unto them, and all the elegant houses in which the people of Israel lived, and all the fat of %g"pt, the %g"ptians took all from the sons of 8acob in those da"s. 3 And the hand of all %g"pt became more grievous in those da"s against the children of Israel, and the %g"ptians in/ured the Israelites until the children of Israel were wearied of their lives on account of the %g"ptians. ! And it came to pass in those da"s, in the hundred and second "ear of Israel4s going down to %g"pt, that Bharaoh king of %g"pt died, and 6elol his son reigned in his stead, and all the might" men of %g"pt and all that generation which knew 8oseph and his brethren died in those da"s. # And another generation rose up in their stead, which had not known the sons of 8acob and all the good which the" had done to them, and all their might in %g"pt. & $herefore all %g"pt began from that da" forth to embitter the lives of the sons of 8acob, and to afflict them with all manner of hard labor, because the" had not known their ancestors who had delivered them in the da"s of the famine.


( And this was also from the Lord, for the children of Israel, to benefit them in their latter da"s, in order that all the children of Israel might know the Lord their God. * And in order to know the signs and might" wonders which the Lord would do in %g"pt on account of his people Israel, in order that the children of Israel might fear the Lord God of their ancestors, and walk in all his wa"s, the" and their seed after them all the da"s. + 6elol was twent" "ears old when he began to reign, and he reigned ninet"9 four "ears, and all %g"pt called his name Bharaoh after the name of his father, as it was their custom to do to ever" king who reigned over them in %g"pt. 1, At that time all the troops of Angeas king of Africa went forth to spread along the land of -hittim as usual for plunder. 11 And 7epho the son of %lipha? the son of %sau heard their report, and he went forth to meet them with his arm", and he fought them there in the road. 12 And 7epho smote the troops of the king of Africa with the edge of the sword, and left none remaining of them, and not even one returned to his master in Africa. 13 And Angeas heard of this which 7epho the son of %lipha? had done to all his troops, that he had destro"ed them, and Angeas assembled all his troops, all the men of the land of Africa, a people numerous like the sand b" the sea shore. 1! And Angeas sent to Lucus his brother, sa"ing, -ome to me with all th" men and help me to smite 7epho and all the children of -hittim who have destro"ed m" men, and Lucus came with his whole arm", a ver" great force, to assist Angeas his brother to fight with 7epho and the children of -hittim. 1# And 7epho and the children of -hittim heard this thing, and the" were greatl" afraid and a great terror fell upon their hearts. 1& And 7epho also sent a letter to the land of %dom to ;adad the son of 'edad king of %dom and to all the children of %sau, sa"ing, 1( I have heard that Angeas king of Africa is coming to us with his brother for battle against us, and we are greatl" afraid of him, for his arm" is ver" great, particularl" as he comes against us with his brother and his arm" likewise. 1* :ow therefore come "ou also up with me and help me, and we will fight together against Angeas and his brother Lucus, and "ou will save us out of their hands, but if not, know "e that we shall all die. 1+ And the children of %sau sent a letter to the children of -hittim and to 7epho their king, sa"ing, 0e cannot fight against Angeas and his people for a covenant of peace has been between us these man" "ears, from the da"s of 'ela the first king, and from the da"s of 8oseph the son of 8acob king of %g"pt, with whom we fought on the other side of 8ordan when he buried his father. 2, And when 7epho heard the words of his brethren the children of %sau he refrained from them, and 7epho was greatl" afraid of Angeas. 21 And Angeas and Lucus his brother arra"ed all their forces, about eight hundred thousand men, against the children of -hittim. 22 And all the children of -hittim said unto 7epho, Bra" for us to the God of th" ancestors, peradventure he ma" deliver us from the hand of Angeas and his arm", for we have heard that he is a great God and that he delivers all


who trust in him. 23 And 7epho heard their words, and 7epho sought the Lord and he said, 2! , Lord God of Abraham and Isaac m" ancestors, this da" I know that thou art a true God, and all the gods of the nations are vain and useless. 2# =emember now this da" unto me th" covenant with Abraham our father, which our ancestors related unto us, and do graciousl" with me this da" for the sake of Abraham and Isaac our fathers, and save me and the children of -hittim from the hand of the king of Africa who comes against us for battle. 2& And the Lord hearkened to the voice of 7epho, and he had regard for him on account of Abraham and Isaac, and the Lord delivered 7epho and the children of -hittim from the hand of Angeas and his people. 2( And 7epho fought Angeas king of Africa and all his people on that da", and the Lord gave all the people of Angeas into the hands of the children of -hittim. 2* And the battle was severe upon Angeas, and 7epho smote all the men of Angeas and Lucus his brother, with the edge of the sword, and there fell from them unto the evening of that da" about four hundred thousand men. 2+ And when Angeas saw that all his men perished, he sent a letter to all the inhabitants of Africa to come to him, to assist him in the battle, and he wrote in the letter, sa"ing, All who are found in Africa let them come unto me from ten "ears old and upward let them all come unto me, and behold if he comes not he shall die, and all that he has, with his whole household, the king will take. 3, And all the rest of the inhabitants of Africa were terrified at the words of Angeas, and there went out of the cit" about three hundred thousand men and bo"s, from ten "ears upward, and the" came to Angeas. 31 And at the end of ten da"s Angeas renewed the battle against 7epho and the children of -hittim, and the battle was ver" great and strong between them. 32 And from the arm" of Angeas and Lucus, 7epho sent man" of the wounded unto his hand, about two thousand men, and 2osiphtar the captain of the host of Angeas fell in that battle. 33 And when 2osiphtar had fallen, the African troops turned their backs to flee, and the" fled, and Angeas and Lucus his brother were with them. 3! And 7epho and the children of -hittim pursued them, and the" smote them still heavil" on the road, about two hundred men, and the" pursued A?drubal the son of Angeas who had fled with his father, and the" smote twent" of his men in the road, and A?drubal escaped from the children of -hittim, and the" did not sla" him. 3# And Angeas and Lucus his brother fled with the rest of their men, and the" escaped and came into Africa with terror and consternation, and Angeas feared all the da"s lest 7epho the son of %lipha? should go to war with him. CHAPTER 64 1 And 'alaam the son of 'eor was at that time with Angeas in the battle, and when he saw that 7epho prevailed over Angeas, he fled from there and came to -hittim. 2 And 7epho and the children of -hittim received him with great honor, for 7epho knew 'alaam4s wisdom, and 7epho gave unto 'alaam man" gifts and


he remained with him. 3 And when 7epho had returned from the war, he commanded all the children of -hittim to be numbered who had gone into battle with him, and behold not one was missed. ! And 7epho re/oiced at this thing, and he renewed his kingdom, and he made a feast to all his sub/ects. # 'ut 7epho remembered not the Lord and considered not that the Lord had helped him in battle, and that he had delivered him and his people from the hand of the king of Africa, but still walked in the wa"s of the children of -hittim and the wicked children of %sau, to serve other gods which his brethren the children of %sau had taught him it is therefore said, )rom the wicked goes forth wickedness. & And 7epho reigned over all the children of -hittim securel", but knew not the Lord who had delivered him and all his people from the hand of the king of Africa and the troops of Africa came no more to -hittim to plunder as usual, for the" knew of the power of 7epho who had smitten them all at the edge of the sword, so Angeas was afraid of 7epho the son of %lipha?, and of the children of -hittim all the da"s. ( At that time when 7epho had returned from the war, and when 7epho had seen how he prevailed over all the people of Africa and had smitten them in battle at the edge of the sword, then 7epho advised with the children of -hittim, to go to %g"pt to fight with the sons of 8acob and with Bharaoh king of %g"pt. * )or 7epho heard that the might" men of %g"pt were dead and that 8oseph and his brethren the sons at 8acob were dead, and that all their children the children of Israel remained in %g"pt. + And 7epho considered to go to fight against them and all %g"pt, to avenge the cause of his brethren the children of %sau, whom 8oseph with his brethren and all %g"pt had smitten in the land of -anaan, when the" went up to bur" 8acob in ;ebron. 1, And 7epho sent messengers to ;adad, son of 'edad, king of %dom, and to all his brethren the children of %sau, sa"ing, 11 @id "ou not sa" that "ou would not fight against the king of Africa for he is a member of "our covenant1 behold I fought with him and smote him and all his people. 12 :ow therefore I have resolved to fight against %g"pt and the children of 8acob who are there, and I will be revenged of them for what 8oseph, his brethren and ancestors did to us in the land of -anaan when the" went up to bur" their father in ;ebron. 13 :ow then if "ou are willing to come to me to assist me in fighting against them and %g"pt, then shall we avenge the cause of our brethren. 1! And the children of %sau hearkened to the words of 7epho, and the children of %sau gathered themselves together, a ver" great people, and the" went to assist 7epho and the children of -hittim in battle. 1# And 7epho sent to all the children of the east and to all the children of Ishmael with words like unto these, and the" gathered themselves and came to the assistance of 7epho and the children of -hittim in the war upon %g"pt. 1& And all these kings, the king of %dom and the children of the east, and all the children of Ishmael, and 7epho the king of -hittim went forth and


arra"ed all their hosts in ;ebron. 1( And the camp was ver" heav", e.tending in length a distance of three da"s4 /ourne", a people numerous as the sand upon the sea shore which can not be counted. 1* And all these kings and their hosts went down and came against all %g"pt in battle, and encamped together in the valle" of Bathros. 1+ And all %g"pt heard their report, and the" also gathered themselves together, all the people of the land of %g"pt, and of all the cities belonging to %g"pt, about three hundred thousand men. 2, And the men of %g"pt sent also to the children of Israel who were in those da"s in the land of Goshen, to come to them in order to go and fight with these kings. 21 And the men of Israel assembled and were about one hundred and fift" men, and the" went into battle to assist the %g"ptians. 22 And the men of Israel and of %g"pt went forth, about three hundred thousand men and one hundred and fift" men, and the" went toward these kings to battle, and the" placed themselves from without the land of Goshen opposite Bathros. 23 And the %g"ptians believed not in Israel to go with them in their camps together for battle, for all the %g"ptians said, Berhaps the children of Israel will deliver us into the hand of the children of %sau and Ishmael, for the" are their brethren. 2! And all the %g"ptians said unto the children of Israel, =emain "ou here together in "our stand and we will go and fight against the children of %sau and Ishmael, and if these kings should prevail over us, then come "ou altogether upon them and assist us, and the children of Israel did so. 2# And 7epho the son of %lipha? the son of %sau king of -hittim, and ;adad the son of 'edad king of %dom, and all their camps, and all the children of the east, and children of Ishmael, a people numerous as sand, encamped together in the valle" of Bathros opposite $achpanches. 2& And 'alaam the son of 'eor the 2"rian was there in the camp of 7epho, for he came with the children of -hittim to the battle, and 'alaam was a man highl" honored in the e"es of 7epho and his men. 2( And 7epho said unto 'alaam, $r" b" divination for us that we ma" know who will prevail in the battle, we or the %g"ptians. 2* And 'alaam rose up and tried the art of divination, and he was skillful in the knowledge of it, but he was confused and the work was destro"ed in his hand. 2+ And he tried it again but it did not succeed, and 'alaam despaired of it and left it and did not complete it, for this was from the Lord, in order to cause 7epho and his people to fall into the hand of the children of Israel, who had trusted in the Lord, the God of their ancestors, in their war. 3, And 7epho and ;adad put their forces in battle arra", and all the %g"ptians went alone against them, about three hundred thousand men, and not one man of Israel was with them. 31 And all the %g"ptians fought with these kings opposite Bathros and $achpanches, and the battle was severe against the %g"ptians. 32 And the kings were stronger than the %g"ptians in that battle, and about one hundred and eight" men of %g"pt fell on that da", and about thirt" men of the forces of the kings, and all the men of %g"pt fled from before the


kings, so the children of %sau and Ishmael pursued the %g"ptians, continuing to smite them unto the place where was the camp of the children of Israel. 33 And all the %g"ptians cried unto the children of Israel, sa"ing, ;asten to us and assist us and save us from the hand of %sau, Ishmael and the children of -hittim. 3! And the hundred and fift" men of the children of Israel ran from their station to the camps of these kings, and the children of Israel cried unto the Lord their God to deliver them. 3# And the Lord hearkened to Israel, and the Lord gave all the men of the kings into their hand, and the children of Israel fought against these kings, and the children of Israel smote about four thousand of the kings4 men. 3& And the Lord threw a great consternation in the camp of the kings, so that the fear of the children of Israel fell upon them. 3( And all the hosts of the kings fled from before the children of Israel and the children of Israel pursued them continuing to smite them unto the borders of the land of -ush. 3* And the children of Israel slew of them in the road "et two thousand men, and of the children of Israel not one fell. 3+ And when the %g"ptians saw that the children of Israel had fought with such few men with the kings, and that the battle was so ver" severe against them, !, All the %g"ptians were greatl" afraid of their lives on account of the strong battle, and all %g"pt fled, ever" man hiding himself from the arra"ed forces, and the" hid themselves in the road, and the" left the Israelites to fight. !1 And the children of Israel inflicted a terrible blow upon the kings4 men, and the" returned from them after the" had driven them to the border of the land of -ush. !2 And all Israel knew the thing which the men of %g"pt had done to them, that the" had fled from them in battle, and had left them to fight alone. !3 2o the children of Israel also acted with cunning, and as the children of Israel returned from battle, the" found some of the %g"ptians in the road and smote them there. !! And whilst the" slew them, the" said unto them these words5 !# 0herefore did "ou go from us and leave us, being a few people, to fight against these kings who had a great people to smite us, that "ou might thereb" deliver "our own souls1 !& And of some which the Israelites met on the road, the" the children of Israel spoke to each other, sa"ing, 2mite, smite, for he is an Ishmaelite, or an %domite, or from the children of -hittim, and the" stood over him and slew him, and the" knew that he was an %g"ptian. !( And the children of Israel did these things cunningl" against the %g"ptians, because the" had deserted them in battle and had fled from them. !* And the children of Israel slew of the men of %g"pt in the road in this manner, about two hundred men. !+ And all the men of %g"pt saw the evil which the children of Israel had done to them, so all %g"pt feared greatl" the children of Israel, for the" had seen their great power, and that not one man of them had fallen. #, 2o all the children of Israel returned with /o" on their road to Goshen, and


the rest of %g"pt returned each man to his place. CHAPTER 65 1 And it came to pass after these things, that all the counsellors of Bharaoh, king of %g"pt, and all the elders of %g"pt assembled and came before the king and bowed down to the ground, and the" sat before him. 2 And the counsellors and elders of %g"pt spoke unto the king, sa"ing, 3 'ehold the people of the children of Israel is greater and mightier than we are, and thou knowest all the evil which the" did to us in the road when we returned from battle. ! And thou hast also seen their strong power, for this power is unto them from their fathers, for but a few men stood up against a people numerous as the sand, and smote them at the edge of the sword, and of themselves not one has fallen, so that if the" had been numerous the" would then have utterl" destro"ed them. # :ow therefore give us counsel what to do with them, until we graduall" destro" them from amongst us, lest the" become too numerous for us in the land. & )or if the children of Israel should increase in the land, the" will become an obstacle to us, and if an" war should happen to take place, the" with their great strength will /oin our enem" against us, and fight against us, destro" us from the land and go awa" from it. ( 2o the king answered the elders of %g"pt and said unto them, $his is the plan advised against Israel, from which we will not depart, * 'ehold in the land are Bithom and =ameses, cities unfortified against battle, it behooves "ou and us to build them, and to fortif" them. + :ow therefore go "ou also and act cunningl" toward them, and proclaim a voice in %g"pt and in Goshen at the command of the king, sa"ing, 1, All "e men of %g"pt, Goshen, Bathros and all their inhabitants> the king has commanded us to build Bithom and =ameses, and to fortif" them for battle who amongst "ou of all %g"pt, of the children of Israel and of all the inhabitants of the cities, are willing to build with us, shall each have his wages given to him dail" at the king4s order so go "ou first and do cunningl", and gather "ourselves and come to Bithom and =ameses to build. 11 And whilst "ou are building, cause a proclamation of this kind to be made throughout %g"pt ever" da" at the command of the king. 12 And when some of the children of Israel shall come to build with "ou, "ou shall give them their wages dail" for a few da"s. 13 And after the" shall have built with "ou for their dail" hire, drag "ourselves awa" from them dail" one b" one in secret, and then "ou shall rise up and become their task9masters and officers, and "ou shall leave them afterward to build without wages, and should the" refuse, then force them with all "our might to build. 1! And if "ou do this it will be well with us to strengthen our land against the children of Israel, for on account of the fatigue of the building and the work, the children of Israel will decrease, because "ou will deprive them from their wives da" b" da". 1# And all the elders of %g"pt heard the counsel of the king, and the counsel seemed good in their e"es and in the e"es of the servants of Bharaoh, and in


the e"es of all %g"pt, and the" did according to the word of the king. 1& And all the servants went awa" from the king, and the" caused a proclamation to be made in all %g"pt, in $achpanches and in Goshen, and in all the cities which surrounded %g"pt, sa"ing, 1( Dou have seen what the children of %sau and Ishmael did to us, who came to war against us and wished to destro" us. 1* :ow therefore the king commanded us to fortif" the land, to build the cities Bithom and =ameses, and to fortif" them for battle, if the" should again come against us. 1+ 0hosoever of "ou from all %g"pt and from the children of Israel will come to build with us, he shall have his dail" wages given b" the king, as his command is unto us. 2, And when %g"pt and all the children of Israel heard all that the servants of Bharaoh had spoken, there came from the %g"ptians, and the children of Israel to build with the servants of Bharaoh, Bithom and =ameses, but none of the children of Levi came with their brethren to build. 21 And all the servants of Bharaoh and his princes came at first with deceit to build with all Israel as dail" hired laborers, and the" gave to Israel their dail" hire at the beginning. 22 And the servants of Bharaoh built with all Israel, and were emplo"ed in that work with Israel for a month. 23 And at the end of the month, all the servants of Bharaoh began to withdraw secretl" from the people of Israel dail". 2! And Israel went on with the work at that time, but the" then received their dail" hire, because some of the men of %g"pt were "et carr"ing on the work with Israel at that time therefore the %g"ptians gave Israel their hire in those da"s, in order that the", the %g"ptians their fellow9workmen, might also take the pa" for their labor. 2# And at the end of a "ear and four months all the %g"ptians had withdrawn from the children of Israel, so that the children of Israel were left alone engaged in the work. 2& And after all the %g"ptians had withdrawn from the children of Israel the" returned and became oppressors and officers over them, and some of them stood over the children of Israel as task masters, to receive from them all that the" gave them for the pa" of their labor. 2( And the %g"ptians did in this manner to the children of Israel da" b" da", in order to afflict in their work. 2* And all the children of Israel were alone engaged in the labor, and the %g"ptians refrained from giving an" pa" to the children of Israel from that time forward. 2+ And when some of the men of Israel refused to work on account of the wages not being given to them, then the e.actors and the servants of Bharaoh oppressed them and smote them with heav" blows, and made them return b" force, to labor with their brethren thus did all the %g"ptians unto the children of Israel all the da"s. 3, And all the children of Israel were greatl" afraid of the %g"ptians in this matter, and all the children of Israel returned and worked alone without pa". 31 And the children of Israel built Bithom and =ameses, and all the children of Israel did the work, some making bricks, and some building, and the children of Israel built and fortified all the land of %g"pt and its walls, and the


children of Israel were engaged in work for man" "ears, until the time came when the Lord remembered them and brought them out of %g"pt. 32 'ut the children of Levi were not emplo"ed in the work with their brethren of Israel, from the beginning unto the da" of their going forth from %g"pt. 33 )or all the children of Levi knew that the %g"ptians had spoken all these words with deceit to the Israelites, therefore the children of Levi refrained from approaching to the work with their brethren. 3! And the %g"ptians did not direct their attention to make the children of Levi work afterward, since the" had not been with their brethren at the beginning, therefore the %g"ptians left them alone. 3# And the hands of the men of %g"pt were directed with continued severit" against the children of Israel in that work, and the %g"ptians made the children of Israel work with rigor. 3& And the %g"ptians embittered the lives of the children of Israel with hard work, in mortar and bricks, and also in all manner of work in the field. 3( And the children of Israel called 6elol the king of %g"pt H6eror, king of %g"pt,H because in his da"s the %g"ptians had embittered their lives with all manner of work. 3* And all the work wherein the %g"ptians made the children of Israel labor, the" e.acted with rigor, in order to afflict the children of Israel, but the more the" afflicted them, the more the" increased and grew, and the %g"ptians were grieved because of the children of Israel.

CHAPTER 66 1 At that time died ;adad the son of 'edad king of %dom, and 2amlah from 6esrekah, from the countr" of the children of the east, reigned in his place. 2 In the thirteenth "ear of the reign of Bharaoh king of %g"pt, which was the hundred and twent"9fifth "ear of the Israelites going down into %g"pt, 2amlah had reigned over %dom eighteen "ears. 3 And when he reigned, he drew forth his hosts to go and fight against 7epho the son of %lipha? and the children of -hittim, because the" had made war against Angeas king of Africa, and the" destro"ed his whole arm". ! 'ut he did not engage with him, for the children of %sau prevented him, sa"ing, ;e was their brother, so 2amlah listened to the voice of the children of %sau, and turned back with all his forces to the land of %dom, and did not proceed to fight against 7epho the son of %lipha?. # And Bharaoh king of %g"pt heard this thing, sa"ing, 2amlah king of %dom has resolved to fight the children of -hittim, and afterward he will come to fight against %g"pt. & And when the %g"ptians heard this matter, the" increased the labor upon the children of Israel, lest the Israelites should do unto them as the" did unto them in their war with the children of %sau in the da"s of ;adad. ( 2o the %g"ptians said unto the children of Israel, ;asten and do "our work, and finish "our task, and strengthen the land, lest the children of %sau "our brethren should come to fight against us, for on "our account will the" come against us. * And the children of Israel did the work of the men of %g"pt da" b" da", and


the %g"ptians afflicted the children of Israel in order to lessen them in the land. + 'ut as the %g"ptians increased the labor upon the children of Israel, so did the children of Israel increase and multipl", and all %g"pt was filled with the children of Israel. 1, And in the hundred and twent"9fifth "ear of Israel4s going down into %g"pt, all the %g"ptians saw that their counsel did not succeed against Israel, but that the" increased and grew, and the land of %g"pt and the land of Goshen were filled with the children of Israel. 11 2o all the elders of %g"pt and its wise men came before the king and bowed down to him and sat before him. 12 And all the elders of %g"pt and the wise men thereof said unto the king, 6a" the king live forever thou didst counsel us the counsel against the children of Israel, and we did unto them according to the word of the king. 13 'ut in proportion to the increase of the labor so do the" increase and grow in the land, and behold the whole countr" is filled with them. 1! :ow therefore our lord and king, the e"es of all %g"pt are upon thee to give them advice with th" wisdom, b" which the" ma" prevail over Israel to destro" them, or to diminish them from the land and the king answered them sa"ing, Give "ou counsel in this matter that we ma" know what to do unto them. 1# And an officer, one of the king4s counsellors, whose name was 8ob, from 6esopotamia, in the land of C?, answered the king, sa"ing, 1& If it please the king, let him hear the counsel of his servant and the king said unto him, 2peak. 1( And 8ob spoke before the king, the princes, and before all the elders of %g"pt, sa"ing, 1* 'ehold the counsel of the king which he advised formerl" respecting the labor of the children of Israel is ver" good, and "ou must not remove from them that labor forever. 1+ 'ut this is the advice counselled b" which "ou ma" lessen them, if it seems good to the king to afflict them. 2, 'ehold we have feared war for a long time, and we said, 0hen Israel becomes fruitful in the land, the" will drive us from the land if a war should take place. 21 If it please the king, let a ro"al decree go forth, and let it be written in the laws of %g"pt which shall not be revoked, that ever" male child born to the Israelites, his blood shall be spilled upon the ground. 22 And b" "our doing this, when all the male children of Israel shall have died, the evil of their wars will cease let the king do so and send for all the ;ebrew midwives and order them in this matter to e.ecute it so the thing pleased the king and the princes, and the king did according to the word of 8ob. 23 And the king sent for the ;ebrew midwives to be called, of which the name of one was 2hephrah, and the name of the other Buah. 2! And the midwives came before the king, and stood in his presence. 2# And the king said unto them, 0hen "ou do the office of a midwife to the ;ebrew women, and see them upon the stools, if it be a son, then "ou shall kill him, but if it be a daughter, then she shall live. 2& 'ut if "ou will not do this thing, then will I burn "ou up and all "our houses


with fire. 2( 'ut the midwives feared God and did not hearken to the king of %g"pt nor to his words, and when the ;ebrew women brought forth to the midwife son or daughter, then did the midwife do all that was necessar" to the child and let it live thus did the midwives all the da"s. 2* And this thing was told to the king, and he sent and called for the midwives and he said to them, 0h" have "ou done this thing and have saved the children alive1 2+ And the midwives answered and spoke together before the king, sa"ing, 3, Let not the king think that the ;ebrew women are as the %g"ptian women, for all the children of Israel are hale, and before the midwife comes to them the" are delivered, and as for us th" handmaids, for man" da"s no ;ebrew woman has brought forth upon us, for all the ;ebrew women are their own midwives, because the" are hale. 31 And Bharaoh heard their words and believed them in this matter, and the midwives went awa" from the king, and God dealt well with them, and the people multiplied and wa.ed e.ceedingl". CHAPTER 67 1 $here was a man in the land of %g"pt of the seed of Levi, whose name was Amram, the son of Aehath, the son of Levi, the son of Israel. 2 And this man went and took a wife, namel" 8ochebed the daughter of Levi his father4s sister, and she was one hundred and twent"9si. "ears old, and he came unto her. 3 And the woman conceived and bare a daughter, and she called her name 6iriam, because in those da"s the %g"ptians had embittered the lives of the children of Israel. ! And she conceived again and bare a son and she called his name Aaron, for in the da"s of her conception, Bharaoh began to spill the blood of the male children of Israel. # In those da"s died 7epho the son of %lipha?, son of %sau, king of -hittim, and 8aneas reigned in his stead. & And the time that 7epho reigned over the children of -hittim was fift" "ears, and he died and was buried in the cit" of :abna in the land of -hittim. ( And 8aneas, one of the might" men of the children of -hittim, reigned after him and he reigned fift" "ears. * And it was after the death of the king of -hittim that 'alaam the son of 'eor fled from the land of -hittim, and he went and came to %g"pt to Bharaoh king of %g"pt. + And Bharaoh received him with great honor, for he had heard of his wisdom, and he gave him presents and made him for a counsellor, and aggrandi?ed him. 1, And 'alaam dwelt in %g"pt, in honor with all the nobles of the king, and the nobles e.alted him, because the" all coveted to learn his wisdom. 11 And in the hundred and thirtieth "ear of Israel4s going down to %g"pt, Bharaoh dreamed that he was sitting upon his kingl" throne, and lifted up his e"es and saw an old man standing before him, and there were scales in the hands of the old man, such scales as are used b" merchants.


12 And the old man took the scales and hung them before Bharaoh. 13 And the old man took all the elders of %g"pt and all its nobles and great men, and he tied them together and put them in one scale. 1! And he took a milk kid and put it into the other scale, and the kid preponderated over all. 1# And Bharaoh was astonished at this dreadful vision, wh" the kid should preponderate over all, and Bharaoh awoke and behold it was a dream. 1& And Bharaoh rose up earl" in the morning and called all his servants and related to them the dream, and the men were greatl" afraid. 1( And the king said to all his wise men, Interpret I pra" "ou the dream which I dreamed, that I ma" know it. 1* And 'alaam the son of 'eor answered the king and said unto him, $his means nothing else but a great evil that will spring up against %g"pt in the latter da"s. 1+ )or a son will be born to Israel who will destro" all %g"pt and its inhabitants, and bring forth the Israelites from %g"pt with a might" hand. 2, :ow therefore, < king, take counsel upon this matter, that "ou ma" destro" the hope of the children of Israel and their e.pectation, before this evil arise against %g"pt. 21 And the king said unto 'alaam, And what shall we do unto Israel1 surel" after a certain manner did we at first counsel against them and could not prevail over them. 22 :ow therefore give "ou also advice against them b" which we ma" prevail over them. 23 And 'alaam answered the king, sa"ing, 2end now and call th" two counsellors, and we will see what their advice is upon this matter and afterward th" servant will speak. 2! And the king sent and called his two counsellors =euel the 6idianite and 8ob the C?ite, and the" came and sat before the king. 2# And the king said to them, 'ehold "ou have both heard the dream which I have dreamed, and the interpretation thereof now therefore give counsel and know and see what is to be done to the children of Israel, whereb" we ma" prevail over them, before their evil shall spring up against us. 2& And =euel the 6idianite answered the king and said, 6a" the king live, ma" the king live forever. 2( If it seem good to the king, let him desist from the ;ebrews and leave them, and let him not stretch forth his hand against them. 2* )or these are the" whom the Lord chose in da"s of old, and took as the lot of his inheritance from amongst all the nations of the earth and the kings of the earth and who is there that stretched his hand against them with impunit", of whom their God was not avenged1 2+ 2urel" thou knowest that when Abraham went down to %g"pt, Bharaoh, the former king of %g"pt, saw 2arah his wife, and took her for a wife, because Abraham said, 2he is m" sister, for he was afraid, lest the men of %g"pt should sla" him on account of his wife. 3, And when the king of %g"pt had taken 2arah then God smote him and his household with heav" plagues, until he restored unto Abraham his wife 2arah, then was he healed. 31 And Abimelech the Gerarite, king of the Bhilistines, God punished on account of 2arah wife of Abraham, in stopping up ever" womb from man to


beast. 32 0hen their God came to Abimelech in the dream of night and terrified him in order that he might restore to Abraham 2arah whom he had taken, and afterward all the people of Gerar were punished on account of 2arah, and Abraham pra"ed to his God for them, and he was entreated of him, and he healed them. 33 And Abimelech feared all this evil that came upon him and his people, and he returned to Abraham his wife 2arah, and gave him with her man" gifts. 3! ;e did so also to Isaac when he had driven him from Gerar, and God had done wonderful things to him, that all the water courses of Gerar were dried up, and their productive trees did not bring forth. 3# Cntil Abimelech of Gerar, and Ahu??ath one of his friends, and Bichol the captain of his host, went to him and the" bent and bowed down before him to the ground. 3& And the" re3uested of him to supplicate for them, and he pra"ed to the Lord for them, and the Lord was entreated of him and he healed them. 3( 8acob also, the plain man, was delivered through his integrit" from the hand of his brother %sau, and the hand of Laban the 2"rian his mother4s brother, who had sought his life likewise from the hand of all the kings of -anaan who had come together against him and his children to destro" them, and the Lord delivered them out of their hands, that the" turned upon them and smote them, for who had ever stretched forth his hand against them with impunit"1 3* 2urel" Bharaoh the former, th" father4s father, raised 8oseph the son of 8acob above all the princes of the land of %g"pt, when he saw his wisdom, for through his wisdom he rescued all the inhabitants of the land from the famine. 3+ After which he ordered 8acob and his children to come down to %g"pt, in order that through their virtue, the land of %g"pt and the land of Goshen might be delivered from the famine. !, :ow therefore if it seem good in thine e"es, cease from destro"ing the children of Israel, but if it be not th" will that the" shall dwell in %g"pt, send them forth from here, that the" ma" go to the land of -anaan, the land where their ancestors so/ourned. !1 And when Bharaoh heard the words of 8ethro he was ver" angr" with him, so that he rose with shame from the king4s presence, and went to 6idian, his land, and took 8oseph4s stick with him. !2 And the king said to 8ob the C?ite, 0hat sa"est thou 8ob, and what is th" advice respecting the ;ebrews1 !3 2o 8ob said to the king, 'ehold all the inhabitants of the land are in th" power, let the king do as it seems good in his e"es. !! And the king said unto 'alaam, 0hat dost thou sa", 'alaam, speak th" word that we ma" hear it. !# And 'alaam said to the king, <f all that the king has counselled against the ;ebrews will the" be delivered, and the king will not be able to prevail over them with an" counsel. !& )or if thou thinkest to lessen them b" the flaming fire, thou canst not prevail over them, for surel" their God delivered Abraham their father from Cr of the -haldeans and if thou thinkest to destro" them with a sword,


surel" Isaac their father was delivered from it, and a ram was placed in his stead. !( And if with hard and rigorous labor thou thinkest to lessen them, thou wilt not prevail even in this, for their father 8acob served Laban in all manner of hard work, and prospered. !* :ow therefore, < Aing, hear m" words, for this is the counsel which is counselled against them, b" which thou wilt prevail over them, and from which thou shouldst not depart. !+ If it please the king let him order all their children which shall be born from this da" forward, to be thrown into the water, for b" this canst thou wipe awa" their name, for none of them, nor of their fathers, were tried in this manner. #, And the king heard the words of 'alaam, and the thing pleased the king and the princes, and the king did according to the word of 'alaam. #1 And the king ordered a proclamation to be issued and a law to be made throughout the land of %g"pt, sa"ing, %ver" male child born to the ;ebrews from this da" forward shall be thrown into the water. #2 And Bharaoh called unto all his servants, sa"ing, Go now and seek throughout the land of Goshen where the children of Israel are, and see that ever" son born to the ;ebrews shall be cast into the river, but ever" daughter "ou shall let live. #3 And when the children of Israel heard this thing which Bharaoh had commanded, to cast their male children into the river, some of the people separated from their wives and others adhered to them. #! And from that da" forward, when the time of deliver" arrived to those women of Israel who had remained with their husbands, the" went to the field to bring forth there, and the" brought forth in the field, and left their children upon the field and returned home. ## And the Lord who had sworn to their ancestors to multipl" them, sent one of his ministering angels which are in heaven to wash each child in water, to anoint and swathe it and to put into its hands two smooth stones from one of which it sucked milk and from the other hone", and he caused its hair to grow to its knees, b" which it might cover itself to comfort it and to cleave to it, through his compassion for it. #& And when God had compassion over them and had desired to multipl" them upon the face of the land, he ordered his earth to receive them to be preserved therein till the time of their growing up, after which the earth opened its mouth and vomited them forth and the" sprouted forth from the cit" like the herb of the earth, and the grass of the forest, and the" returned each to his famil" and to his father4s house, and the" remained with them. #( And the babes of the children of Israel were upon the earth like the herb of the field, through God4s grace to them. #* And when all the %g"ptians saw this thing, the" went forth, each to his field with his "oke of o.en and his ploughshare, and the" ploughed it up as one ploughs the earth at seed time. #+ And when the" ploughed the" were unable to hurt the infants of the children of Israel, so the people increased and wa.ed e.ceedingl". &, And Bharaoh ordered his officers dail" to go to Goshen to seek for the babes of the children of Israel. &1 And when the" had sought and found one, the" took it from its mother4s


bosom b" force, and threw it into the river, but the female child the" left with its mother thus did the %g"ptians do to the Israelites all the da"s. CHAPTER 68 1 And it was at that time the spirit of God was upon 6iriam the daughter of Amram the sister of Aaron, and she went forth and prophesied about the house, sa"ing, 'ehold a son will be born unto us from m" father and mother this time, and he will save Israel from the hands of %g"pt. 2 And when Amram heard the words of his daughter, he went and took his wife back to the house, after he had driven her awa" at the time when Bharaoh ordered ever" male child of the house of 8acob to be thrown into the water. 3 2o Amram took 8ochebed his wife, three "ears after he had driven her awa", and he came to her and she conceived. ! And at the end of seven months from her conception she brought forth a son, and the whole house was filled with great light as of the light of the sun and moon at the time of their shining. # And when the woman saw the child that it was good and pleasing to the sight, she hid it for three months in an inner room. & In those da"s the %g"ptians conspired to destro" all the ;ebrews there. ( And the %g"ptian women went to Goshen where the children of Israel were, and the" carried their "oung ones upon their shoulders, their babes who could not "et speak. * And in those da"s, when the women of the children of Israel brought forth, each woman had hidden her son from before the %g"ptians, that the %g"ptians might not know of their bringing forth, and might not destro" them from the land. + And the %g"ptian women came to Goshen and their children who could not speak were upon their shoulders, and when an %g"ptian woman came into the house of a ;ebrew woman her babe began to cr". 1, And when it cried the child that was in the inner room answered it, so the %g"ptian women went and told it at the house of Bharaoh. 11 And Bharaoh sent his officers to take the children and sla" them thus did the %g"ptians to the ;ebrew women all the da"s. 12 And it was at that time, about three months from 8ochebed4s concealment of her son, that the thing was known in Bharaoh4s house. 13 And the woman hastened to take awa" her son before the officers came, and she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein, and she laid it in the flags b" the river4s brink. 1! And his sister 6iriam stood afar off to know what would be done to him, and what would become of her words. 1# And God sent forth at that time a terrible heat in the land of %g"pt, which burned up the flesh of man like the sun in his circuit, and it greatl" oppressed the %g"ptians. 1& And all the %g"ptians went down to bathe in the river, on account of the consuming heat which burned up their flesh. 1( And 'athia, the daughter of Bharaoh, went also to bathe in the river, owing to the consuming heat, and her maidens walked at the river side, and


all the women of %g"pt as well. 1* And 'athia lifted up her e"es to the river, and she saw the ark upon the water, and sent her maid to fetch it. 1+ And she opened it and saw the child, and behold the babe wept, and she had compassion on him, and she said, $his is one of the ;ebrew children. 2, And all the women of %g"pt walking on the river side desired to give him suck, but he would not suck, for this thing was from the Lord, in order to restore him to his mother4s breast. 21 And 6iriam his sister was at that time amongst the %g"ptian women at the river side, and she saw this thing and she said to Bharaoh4s daughter, 2hall I go and fetch a nurse of the ;ebrew women, that she ma" nurse the child for thee1 22 And Bharaoh4s daughter said to her, Go, and the "oung woman went and called the child4s mother. 23 And Bharaoh4s daughter said to 8ochebed, $ake this child awa" and suckle it for me, and I will pa" thee th" wages, two bits of silver dail" and the woman took the child and nursed it. 2! And at the end of two "ears, when the child grew up, she brought him to the daughter of Bharaoh, and he was unto her as a son, and she called his name 6oses, for she said, 'ecause I drew him out of the water. 2# And Amram his father called his name -habar, for he said, It was for him that he associated with his wife whom he had turned awa". 2& And 8ochebed his mother called his name 8ekuthiel, 'ecause, she said, I have hoped for him to the Almight", and God restored him unto me. 2( And 6iriam his sister called him 8ered, for she descended after him to the river to know what his end would be. 2* And Aaron his brother called his name Abi 7anuch, sa"ing, 6" father left m" mother and returned to her on his account. 2+ And Aehath the father of Amram called his name Abigdor, because on his account did God repair the breach of the house of 8acob, that the" could no longer throw their male children into the water. 3, And their nurse called him Abi 2ocho, sa"ing, In his tabernacle was he hidden for three months, on account of the children of ;am.31 And all Israel called his name 2hemaiah, son of :ethanel, for the" said, In his da"s has God heard their cries and rescued them from their oppressors. 32 And 6oses was in Bharaoh4s house, and was unto 'athia, Bharaoh4s daughter, as a son, and 6oses grew up amongst the king4s children. CHAPTER 69 1 And the king of %dom died in those da"s, in the eighteenth "ear of his reign, and was buried in his temple which he had built for himself as his ro"al residence in the land of %dom. 2 And the children of %sau sent to Bethor, which is upon the river, and the" fetched from there a "oung man of beautiful e"es and comel" aspect, whose name was 2aul, and the" made him king over them in the place of 2amlah. 3 And 2aul reigned over all the children of %sau in the land of %dom for fort" "ears. ! And when Bharaoh king of %g"pt saw that the counsel which 'alaam had advised respecting the children of Israel did not succeed, but that still the"


were fruitful, multiplied and increased throughout the land of %g"pt, # $hen Bharaoh commanded in those da"s that a proclamation should be issued throughout %g"pt to the children of Israel, sa"ing, :o man shall diminish an" thing of his dail" labor. & And the man who shall be found deficient in his labor which he performs dail", whether in mortar or in bricks, then his "oungest son shall be put in their place. ( And the labor of %g"pt strengthened upon the children of Israel in those da"s, and behold if one brick was deficient in an" man4s dail" labor, the %g"ptians took his "oungest bo" b" force from his mother, and put him into the building in the place of the brick which his father had left wanting. * And the men of %g"pt did so to all the children of Israel da" b" da", all the da"s for a long period. + 'ut the tribe of Levi did not at that time work with the Israelites their brethren, from the beginning, for the children of Levi knew the cunning of the %g"ptians which the" e.ercised at first toward the Israelites. CHAPTER 70 1 And in the third "ear from the birth of 6oses, Bharaoh was sitting at a ban3uet, when Alparanith the 3ueen was sitting at his right and 'athia at his left, and the lad 6oses was l"ing upon her bosom, and 'alaam the son of 'eor with his two sons, and all the princes of the kingdom were sitting at table in the king4s presence. 2 And the lad stretched forth his hand upon the king4s head, and took the crown from the king4s head and placed it on his own head. 3 And when the king and princes saw the work which the bo" had done, the king and princes were terrified, and one man to his neighbor e.pressed astonishment. ! And the king said unto the princes who were before him at table, 0hat speak "ou and what sa" "ou, < "e princes, in this matter, and what is to be the /udgment against the bo" on account of this act1 # And 'alaam the son of 'eor the magician answered before the king and princes, and he said, =emember now, < m" lord and king, the dream which thou didst dream man" da"s since, and that which th" servant interpreted unto thee. & :ow therefore this is a child from the ;ebrew children, in whom is the spirit of God, and let not m" lord the king imagine that this "oungster did this thing without knowledge. ( )or he is a ;ebrew bo", and wisdom and understanding are with him, although he is "et a child, and with wisdom has he done this and chosen unto himself the kingdom of %g"pt. * )or this is the manner of all the ;ebrews to deceive kings and their nobles, to do all these things cunningl", in order to make the kings of the earth and their men tremble. + 2urel" thou knowest that Abraham their father acted thus, who deceived the arm" of :imrod king of 'abel, and Abimelech king of Gerar, and that he possessed himself of the land of the children of ;eth and all the kingdoms of -anaan. 1, And that he descended into %g"pt and said of 2arah his wife, she is m"


sister, in order to mislead %g"pt and her king. 11 ;is son Isaac also did so when he went to Gerar and dwelt there, and his strength prevailed over the arm" of Abimelech king of the Bhilistines. 12 ;e also thought of making the kingdom of the Bhilistines stumble, in sa"ing that =ebecca his wife was his sister. 13 8acob also dealt treacherousl" with his brother, and took from his hand his birthright and his blessing. 1! ;e went then to Badan9aram to the house of Laban his mother4s brother, and cunningl" obtained from him his daughter, his cattle, and all belonging to him, and fled awa" and returned to the land of -anaan to his father. 1# ;is sons sold their brother 8oseph, who went down into %g"pt and became a slave, and was placed in the prison house for twelve "ears. 1& Cntil the former Bharaoh dreamed dreams, and withdrew him from the prison house, and magnified him above all the princes in %g"pt on account of his interpreting his dreams to him. 1( And when God caused a famine throughout the land he sent for and brought his father and all his brothers, and the whole of his father4s household, and supported them without price or reward, and bought the %g"ptians for slaves. 1* :ow therefore m" lord king behold this child has risen up in their stead in %g"pt, to do according to their deeds and to trifle with ever" king, prince and /udge. 1+ If it please the king, let us now spill his blood upon the ground, lest he grow up and take awa" the government from th" hand, and the hope of %g"pt perish after he shall have reigned. 2, And 'alaam said to the king, Let us moreover call for all the /udges of %g"pt and the wise men thereof, and let us know if the /udgment of death is due to this bo" as thou didst sa", and then we will sla" him. 21 And Bharaoh sent and called for all the wise men of %g"pt and the" came before the king, and an angel of the Lord came amongst them, and he was like one of the wise men of %g"pt. 22 And the king said to the wise men, 2urel" "ou have heard what this ;ebrew bo" who is in the house has done, and thus has 'alaam /udged in the matter. 23 :ow /udge "ou also and see what is due to the bo" for the act he has committed. 2! And the angel, who seemed like one of the wise men of Bharaoh, answered and said as follows, before all the wise men of %g"pt and before the king and the princes5 2# If it please the king let the king send for men who shall bring before him an on". stone and a coal of fire, and place them before the child, and if the child shall stretch forth his hand and take the on". stone, then shall we know that with wisdom has the "outh done all that he has done, and we must sla" him. 2& 'ut if he stretch forth his hand upon the coal, then shall we know that it was not with knowledge that he did this thing, and he shall live. 2( And the thing seemed good in the e"es of the king and the princes, so the king did according to the word of the angel of the Lord. 2* And the king ordered the on". stone and coal to be brought and placed before 6oses.


2+ And the" placed the bo" before them, and the lad endeavored to stretch forth his hand to the on". stone, but the angel of the Lord took his hand and placed it upon the coal, and the coal became e.tinguished in his hand, and he lifted it up and put it into his mouth, and burned part of his lips and part of his tongue, and he became heav" in mouth and tongue. 3, And when the king and princes saw this, the" knew that 6oses had not acted with wisdom in taking off the crown from the king4s head. 31 2o the king and princes refrained from sla"ing the child, so 6oses remained in Bharaoh4s house, growing up, and the Lord was with him. 32 And whilst the bo" was in the king4s house, he was robed in purple and he grew amongst the children of the king. 33 And when 6oses grew up in the king4s house, 'athia the daughter of Bharaoh considered him as a son, and all the household of Bharaoh honored him, and all the men of %g"pt were afraid of him. 3! And he dail" went forth and came into the land of Goshen, where his brethren the children of Israel were, and 6oses saw them dail" in shortness of breath and hard labor. 3# And 6oses asked them, sa"ing, 0herefore is this labor meted out unto "ou da" b" da"1 3& And the" told him all that had befallen them, and all the in/unctions which Bharaoh had put upon them before his birth. 3( And the" told him all the counsels which 'alaam the son of 'eor had counselled against them, and what he had also counselled against him in order to sla" him when he had taken the king4s crown from off his head. 3* And when 6oses heard these things his anger was kindled against 'alaam, and he sought to kill him, and he was in ambush for him da" b" da". 3+ And 'alaam was afraid of 6oses, and he and his two sons rose up and went forth from %g"pt, and the" fled and delivered their souls and betook themselves to the land of -ush to Aikianus, king of -ush. !, And 6oses was in the king4s house going out and coming in, the Lord gave him favor in the e"es of Bharaoh, and in the e"es of all his servants, and in the e"es of all the people of %g"pt, and the" loved 6oses e.ceedingl". !1 And the da" arrived when 6oses went to Goshen to see his brethren, that he saw the children of Israel in their burdens and hard labor, and 6oses was grieved on their account. !2 And 6oses returned to %g"pt and came to the house of Bharaoh, and came before the king, and 6oses bowed down before the king. !3 And 6oses said unto Bharaoh, I pra" thee m" lord, I have come to seek a small re3uest from thee, turn not awa" m" face empt" and Bharaoh said unto him, 2peak. !! And 6oses said unto Bharaoh, Let there be given unto th" servants the children of Israel who are in Goshen, one da" to rest therein from their labor. !# And the king answered 6oses and said, 'ehold I have lifted up th" face in this thing to grant th" re3uest. !& And Bharaoh ordered a proclamation to be issued throughout %g"pt and Goshen, sa"ing, !( $o "ou, all the children of Israel, thus sa"s the king, for si. da"s "ou shall do "our work and labor, but on the seventh da" "ou shall rest, and shall not


preform an" work, thus shall "ou do all the da"s, as the king and 6oses the son of 'athia have commanded. !* And 6oses re/oiced at this thing which the king had granted to him, and all the children of Israel did as 6oses ordered them. !+ )or this thing was from the Lord to the children of Israel, for the Lord had begun to remember the children of Israel to save them for the sake of their fathers. #, And the Lord was with 6oses and his fame went throughout %g"pt. #1 And 6oses became great in the e"es of all the %g"ptians, and in the e"es of all the children of Israel, seeking good for his people Israel and speaking words of peace regarding them to the king. CHAPTER 71 1 And when 6oses was eighteen "ears old, he desired to see his father and mother and he went to them to Goshen, and when 6oses had come near Goshen, he came to the place where the children of Israel were engaged in work, and he observed their burdens, and he saw an %g"ptian smiting one of his ;ebrew brethren. 2 And when the man who was beaten saw 6oses he ran to him for help, for the man 6oses was greatl" respected in the house of Bharaoh, and he said to him, 6" lord attend to me, this %g"ptian came to m" house in the night, bound me, and came to m" wife in m" presence, and now he seeks to take m" life awa". 3 And when 6oses heard this wicked thing, his anger was kindled against the %g"ptian, and he turned this wa" and the other, and when he saw there was no man there he smote the %g"ptian and hid him in the sand, and delivered the ;ebrew from the hand of him that smote him. ! And the ;ebrew went to his house, and 6oses returned to his home, and went forth and came back to the king4s house. # And when the man had returned home, he thought of repudiating his wife, for it was not right in the house of 8acob, for an" man to come to his wife after she had been defiled. & And the woman went and told her brothers, and the woman4s brothers sought to sla" him, and he fled to his house and escaped. ( And on the second da" 6oses went forth to his brethren, and saw, and behold two men were 3uarreling, and he said to the wicked one, 0h" dost thou smite th" neighbor1 * And he answered him and said to him, 0ho has set thee for a prince and /udge over us1 dost thou think to sla" me as thou didst sla" the %g"ptian1 and 6oses was afraid and he said, 2urel" the thing is known1 + And Bharaoh heard of this affair, and he ordered 6oses to be slain, so God sent his angel, and he appeared unto Bharaoh in the likeness of a captain of the guard. 1, And the angel of the Lord took the sword from the hand of the captain of the guard, and took his head off with it, for the likeness of the captain of the guard was turned into the likeness of 6oses. 11 And the angel of the Lord took hold of the right hand of 6oses, and brought him forth from %g"pt, and placed him from without the borders of %g"pt, a distance of fort" da"s4 /ourne".


12 And Aaron his brother alone remained in the land of %g"pt, and he prophesied to the children of Israel, sa"ing, 13 $hus sa"s the Lord God of "our ancestors, $hrow awa", each man, the abominations of his e"es, and do not defile "ourselves with the idols of %g"pt. 1! And the children of Israel rebelled and would not hearken to Aaron at that time. 1# And the Lord thought to destro" them, were it not that the Lord remembered the covenant which he had made with Abraham, Isaac and 8acob. 1& In those da"s the hand of Bharaoh continued to be severe against the children of Israel, and he crushed and oppressed them until the time when God sent forth his word and took notice of them. CHAPTER 72 1 And it was in those da"s that there was a great war between the children of -ush and the children of the east and Aram, and the" rebelled against the king of -ush in whose hands the" were. 2 2o Aikianus king of -ush went forth with all the children of -ush, a people numerous as the sand, and he went to fight against Aram and the children of the east, to bring them under sub/ection. 3 And when Aikianus went out, he left 'alaam the magician, with his two sons, to guard the cit", and the lowest sort of the people of the land. ! 2o Aikianus went forth to Aram and the children of the east, and he fought against them and smote them, and the" all fell down wounded before Aikianus and his people. # And he took man" of them captives and he brought them under sub/ection as at first, and he encamped upon their land to take tribute from them as usual. & And 'alaam the son of 'eor, when the king of -ush had left him to guard the cit" and the poor of the cit", he rose up and advised with the people of the land to rebel against king Aikianus, not to let him enter the cit" when he should come home. ( And the people of the land hearkened to him, and the" swore to him and made him king over them, and his two sons for captains of the arm". * 2o the" rose up and raised the walls of the cit" at the two corners, and the" built an e.ceeding strong building. + And at the third corner the" dug ditches without number, between the cit" and the river which surrounded the whole land of -ush, and the" made the waters of the river burst forth there. 1, At the fourth corner the" collected numerous serpents b" their incantations and enchantments, and the" fortified the cit" and dwelt therein, and no one went out or in before them. 11 And Aikianus fought against Aram and the children of the east and he subdued them as before, and the" gave him their usual tribute, and he went and returned to his land. 12 And when Aikianus the king of -ush approached his cit" and all the captains of the forces with him, the" lifted up their e"es and saw that the walls of the cit" were built up and greatl" elevated, so the men were


astonished at this. 13 And the" said one to the other, It is because the" saw that we were dela"ed, in battle, and were greatl" afraid of us, therefore have the" done this thing and raised the cit" walls and fortified them so that the kings of -anaan might not come in battle against them. 1! 2o the king and the troops approached the cit" door and the" looked up and behold, all the gates of the cit" were closed, and the" called out to the sentinels, sa"ing, <pen unto us, that we ma" enter the cit". 1# 'ut the sentinels refused to open to them b" the order of 'alaam the magician, their king, the" suffered them not to enter their cit". 1& 2o the" raised a battle with them opposite the cit" gate, and one hundred and thirt" men of the arm" at Aikianus fell on that da". 1( And on the ne.t da" the" continued to fight and the" fought at the side of the river the" endeavored to pass but were not able, so some of them sank in the pits and died. 1* 2o the king ordered them to cut down trees to make rafts, upon which the" might pass to them, and the" did so. 1+ And when the" came to the place of the ditches, the waters revolved b" mills, and two hundred men upon ten rafts were drowned. 2, And on the third da" the" came to fight at the side where the serpents were, but the" could not approach there, for the serpents slew of them one hundred and sevent" men, and the" ceased fighting against -ush, and the" besieged -ush for nine "ears, no person came out or in. 21 At that time that the war and the siege were against -ush, 6oses fled from %g"pt from Bharaoh who sought to kill him for having slain the %g"ptian. 22 And 6oses was eighteen "ears old when he fled from %g"pt from the presence of Bharaoh, and he fled and escaped to the camp of Aikianus, which at that time was besieging -ush. 23 And 6oses was nine "ears in the camp of Aikianus king of -ush, all the time that the" were besieging -ush, and 6oses went out and came in with them. 2! And the king and princes and all the fighting men loved 6oses, for he was great and worth", his stature was like a noble lion, his face was like the sun, and his strength was like that of a lion, and he was counsellor to the king. 2# And at the end of nine "ears, Aikianus was sei?ed with a mortal disease, and his illness prevailed over him, and he died on the seventh da". 2& 2o his servants embalmed him and carried him and buried him opposite the cit" gate to the north of the land of %g"pt. 2( And the" built over him an elegant strong and high building, and the" placed great stones below. 2* And the king4s scribes engraved upon those stones all the might of their king Aikianus, and all his battles which he had fought, behold the" are written there at this da". 2+ :ow after the death of Aikianus king of -ush it grieved his men and troops greatl" on account of the war. 3, 2o the" said one to the other, Give us counsel what we are to do at this time, as we have resided in the wilderness nine "ears awa" from our homes. 31 If we sa" we will fight against the cit" man" of us will fall wounded or killed, and if we remain here in the siege we shall also die.


32 )or now all the kings of Aram and of the children of the east will hear that our king is dead, and the" will attack us suddenl" in a hostile manner, and the" will fight against us and leave no remnant of us. 33 :ow therefore let us go and make a king over us, and let us remain in the siege until the cit" is delivered up to us. 3! And the" wished to choose on that da" a man for king from the arm" of Aikianus, and the" found no ob/ect of their choice like 6oses to reign over them. 3# And the" hastened and stripped off each man his garments and cast them upon the ground, and the" made a great heap and placed 6oses thereon. 3& And the" rose up and blew with trumpets and called out before him, and said, 6a" the king live, ma" the king live> 3( And all the people and nobles swore unto him to give him for a wife Adoniah the 3ueen, the -ushite, wife of Aikianus, and the" made 6oses king over them on that da". 3* And all the people of -ush issued a proclamation on that da", sa"ing, %ver" man must give something to 6oses of what is in his possession. 3+ And the" spread out a sheet upon the heap, and ever" man cast into it something of what he had, one a gold earring and the other a coin. !, Also of on". stones, bdellium, pearls and marble did the children of -ush cast unto 6oses upon the heap, also silver and gold in great abundance. !1 And 6oses took all the silver and gold, all the vessels, and the bdellium and on". stones, which all the children of -ush had given to him, and he placed them amongst his treasures. !2 And 6oses reigned over the children of -ush on that da", in the place of Aikianus king of -ush. CHAPTER 73 1 In the fift"9fifth "ear of the reign of Bharaoh king of %g"pt, that is in the hundred and fift"9seventh "ear of the Israelites going down into %g"pt, reigned 6oses in -ush. 2 6oses was twent"9seven "ears old when he began to reign over -ush, and fort" "ears did he reign. 3 And the Lord granted 6oses favor and grace in the e"es of all the children of -ush, and the children of -ush loved him e.ceedingl", so 6oses was favored b" the Lord and b" men. ! And in the seventh da" of his reign, all the children of -ush assembled and came before 6oses and bowed down to him to the ground. # And all the children spoke together in the presence of the king, sa"ing, Give us counsel that we ma" see what is to be done to this cit". & )or it is now nine "ears that we have been besieging round about the cit", and have not seen our children and our wives. ( 2o the king answered them, sa"ing, If "ou will hearken to m" voice in all that I shall command "ou, then will the Lord give the cit" into our hands and we shall subdue it. * )or if we fight with them as in the former battle which we had with them before the death of Aikianus, man" of us will fall down wounded as before. + :ow therefore behold here is counsel for "ou in this matter if "ou will hearken to m" voice, then will the cit" be delivered into our hands. 1, 2o all the forces answered the king, sa"ing, All that our lord shall


command that will we do. 11 And 6oses said unto them, Bass through and proclaim a voice in the whole camp unto all the people, sa"ing, 12 $hus sa"s the king, Go into the forest and bring with "ou of the "oung ones of the stork, each man a "oung one in his hand. 13 And an" person transgressing the word of the king, who shall not bring his "oung one, he shall die, and the king will take all belonging to him. 1! And when "ou shall bring them the" shall be in "our keeping, "ou shall rear them until the" grow up, and "ou shall teach them to dart upon, as is the wa" of the "oung ones of the hawk. 1# 2o all the children of -ush heard the words of 6oses, and the" rose up and caused a proclamation to be issued throughout the camp, sa"ing, 1& Cnto "ou, all the children of -ush, the king4s order is, that "ou go all together to the forest, and catch there the "oung storks each man his "oung one in his hand, and "ou shall bring them home. 1( And an" person violating the order of the king shall die, and the king will take all that belongs to him. 1* And all the people did so, and the" went out to the wood and the" climbed the fir trees and caught, each man a "oung one in his hand, all the "oung of the storks, and the" brought them into the desert and reared them b" order of the king, and the" taught them to dart upon, similar to the "oung hawks. 1+ And after the "oung storks were reared, the king ordered them to be hungered for three da"s, and all the people did so. 2, And on the third da", the king said unto them, strengthen "ourselves and become valiant men, and put on each man his armor and gird on his sword upon him, and ride each man his horse and take each his "oung stork in his hand. 21 And we will rise up and fight against the cit" at the place where the serpents are and all the people did as the king had ordered. 22 And the" took each man his "oung one in his hand, and the" went awa", and when the" came to the place of the serpents the king said to them, 2end forth each man his "oung stork upon the serpents. 23 And the" sent forth each man his "oung stork at the king4s order, and the "oung storks ran upon the serpents and the" devoured them all and destro"ed them out of that place. 2! And when the king and people had seen that all the serpents were destro"ed in that place, all the people set up a great shout. 2# And the" approached and fought against the cit" and took it and subdued it, and the" entered the cit". 2& And there died on that da" one thousand and one hundred men of the people of the cit", all that inhabited the cit", but of the people besieging not one died. 2( 2o all the children of -ush went each to his home, to his wife and children and to all belonging to him. 2* And 'alaam the magician, when he saw that the cit" was taken, he opened the gate and he and his two sons and eight brothers fled and returned to %g"pt to Bharaoh king of %g"pt. 2+ $he" are the sorcerers and magicians who are mentioned in the book of the law, standing against 6oses when the Lord brought the plagues upon


%g"pt. 3, 2o 6oses took the cit" b" his wisdom, and the children of -ush placed him on the throne instead of Aikianus king of -ush. 31 And the" placed the ro"al crown upon his head, and the" gave him for a wife Adoniah the -ushite 3ueen, wife of Aikianus. 32 And 6oses feared the Lord God of his fathers, so that he came not to her, nor did he turn his e"es to her. 33 )or 6oses remembered how Abraham had made his servant %lie?er swear, sa"ing unto him, $hou shalt not take a woman from the daughters of -anaan for m" son Isaac. 3! Also what Isaac did when 8acob had fled from his brother, when he commanded him, sa"ing, $hou shalt not take a wife from the daughters of -anaan, nor make alliance with an" of the children of ;am. 3# )or the Lord our God gave ;am the son of :oah, and his children and all his seed, as slaves to the children of 2hem and to the children of 8apheth, and unto their seed after them for slaves, forever. 3& $herefore 6oses turned not his heart nor his e"es to the wife of Aikianus all the da"s that he reigned over -ush. 3( And 6oses feared the Lord his God all his life, and 6oses walked before the Lord in truth, with all his heart and soul, he turned not from the right wa" all the da"s of his life he declined not from the wa" either to the right or to the left, in which Abraham, Isaac and 8acob had walked. 3* And 6oses strengthened himself in the kingdom of the children of -ush, and he guided the children of -ush with his usual wisdom, and 6oses prospered in his kingdom. 3+ And at that time Aram and the children of the east heard that Aikianus king of -ush had died, so Aram and the children of the east rebelled against -ush in those da"s. !, And 6oses gathered all the children of -ush, a people ver" might", about thirt" thousand men, and he went forth to fight with Aram and the children of the east. !1 And the" went at first to the children of the east, and when the children of the east heard their report, the" went to meet them, and engaged in battle with them. !2 And the war was severe against the children of the east, so the Lord gave all the children of the east into the hand of 6oses, and about three hundred men fell down slain. !3 And all the children of the east turned back and retreated, so 6oses and the children of -ush followed them and subdued them, and put a ta. upon them, as was their custom. !! 2o 6oses and all the people with him passed from there to the land of Aram for battle. !# And the people of Aram also went to meet them, and the" fought against them, and the Lord delivered them into the hand of 6oses, and man" of the men of Aram fell down wounded. !& And Aram also were subdued b" 6oses and the people of -ush, and also gave their usual ta.. !( And 6oses brought Aram and the children of the east under sub/ection to the children of -ush, and 6oses and all the people who were with him, turned to the land of -ush.


!* And 6oses strengthened himself in the kingdom of the children of -ush, and the Lord was with him, and all the children of -ush were afraid of him. CHAPTER 74 1 In the end of "ears died 2aul king of %dom, and 'aal -hanan the son of Achbor reigned in his place. 2 In the si.teenth "ear of the reign of 6oses over -ush, 'aal -hanan the son of Achbor reigned in the land of %dom over all the children of %dom for thirt"9 eight "ears. 3 In his da"s 6oab rebelled against the power of %dom, having been under %dom since the da"s of ;adad the son of 'edad, who smote them and 6idian, and brought 6oab under sub/ection to %dom. ! And when 'aal -hanan the son of Achbor reigned over %dom, all the children of 6oab withdrew their allegiance from %dom. # And Angeas king of Africa died in those da"s, and A?drubal his son reigned in his stead. & And in those da"s died 8aneas king of the children of -hittim, and the" buried him in his temple which he had built for himself in the plain of -anopia for a residence, and Latinus reigned in his stead. ( In the twent"9second "ear of the reign of 6oses over the children of -ush, Latinus reigned over the children of -hittim fort"9five "ears. * And he also built for himself a great and might" tower, and he built therein an elegant temple for his residence, to conduct his government, as was the custom. + In the third "ear of his reign he caused a proclamation to be made to all his skilful men, who made man" ships for him. 1, And Latinus assembled all his forces, and the" came in ships, and went therein to fight with A?drubal son of Angeas king of Africa, and the" came to Africa and engaged in battle with A?drubal and his arm". 11 And Latinus prevailed over A?drubal, and Latinus took from A?drubal the a3ueduct which his father had brought from the children of -hittim, when he took 8aniah the daughter of C?i for a wife, so Latinus overthrew the bridge of the a3ueduct, and smote the whole arm" of A?drubal a severe blow. 12 And the remaining strong men of A?drubal strengthened themselves, and their hearts were filled with env", and the" courted death, and again engaged in battle with Latinus king of -hittim. 13 And the battle was severe upon all the men of Africa, and the" all fell wounded before Latinus and his people, and A?drubal the king also fell in that battle. 1! And the king A?drubal had a ver" beautiful daughter, whose name was Cshpe?ena, and all the men of Africa embroidered her likeness on their garments, on account of her great beaut" and comel" appearance. 1# And the men of Latinus saw Cshpe?ena, the daughter of A?drubal, and praised her unto Latinus their king. 1& And Latinus ordered her to be brought to him, and Latinus took Cshpe?ena for a wife, and he turned back on his wa" to -hittim. 1( And it was after the death of A?drubal son of Angeas, when Latinus had turned back to his land from the battle, that all the inhabitants of Africa rose up and took Anibal the son of Angeas, the "ounger brother of A?drubal, and


made him king instead at his brother over the whole land at Africa. 1* And when he reigned, he resolved to go to -hittim to fight with the children of -hittim, to avenge the cause of A?drubal his brother, and the cause of the inhabitants of Africa, and he did so. 1+ And he made man" ships, and he came therein with his whole arm", and he went to -hittim. 2, 2o Anibal fought with the children of -hittim, and the children of -hittim fell wounded before Anibal and his arm", and Anibal avenged his brother4s cause. 21 And Anibal continued the war for eighteen "ears with the children of -hittim, and Anibal dwelt in the land of -hittim and encamped there for a long time. 22 And Anibal smote the children of -hittim ver" severel", and he slew their great men and princes, and of the rest of the people he smote about eight" thousand men. 23 And at the end of da"s and "ears, Anibal returned to his land of Africa, and he reigned securel" in the place of A?drubal his brother. CHAPTER 75 1 At that time, in the hundred and eightieth "ear of the Israelites going down into %g"pt, there went forth from %g"pt valiant men, thirt" thousand on foot, from the children of Israel, who were all of the tribe of 8oseph, of the children of %phraim the son of 8oseph. 2 )or the" said the period was completed which the Lord had appointed to the children of Israel in the times of old, which he had spoken to Abraham. 3 And these men girded themselves, and the" put each man his sword at his side, and ever" man his armor upon him, and the" trusted to their strength, and the" went out together from %g"pt with a might" hand. ! 'ut the" brought no provision for the road, onl" silver and gold, not even bread for that da" did the" bring in their hands, for the" thought of getting their provision for pa" from the Bhilistines, and if not the" would take it b" force. # And these men were ver" might" and valiant men, one man could pursue a thousand and two could rout ten thousand, so the" trusted to their strength and went together as the" were. & And the" directed their course toward the land of Gath, and the" went down and found the shepherds of Gath feeding the cattle of the children of Gath. ( And the" said to the shepherds, Give us some of the sheep for pa", that we ma" eat, for we are hungr", for we have eaten no bread this da". * And the shepherds said, Are the" our sheep or cattle that we should give them to "ou even for pa"1 so the children of %phraim approached to take them b" force. + And the shepherds of Gath shouted over them that their cr" was heard at a distance, so all the children of Gath went out to them. 1, And when the children of Gath saw the evil doings of the children of %phraim, the" returned and assembled the men of Gath, and the" put on each man his armor, and came forth to the children of %phraim for battle. 11 And the" engaged with them in the valle" of Gath, and the battle was


severe, and the" smote from each other a great man" on that da". 12 And on the second da" the children of Gath sent to all the cities of the Bhilistines that the" should come to their help, sa"ing, 13 -ome up unto us and help us, that we ma" smite the children of %phraim who have come forth from %g"pt to take our cattle, and to fight against us without cause. 1! :ow the souls of the children of %phraim were e.hausted with hunger and thirst, for the" had eaten no bread for three da"s. And fort" thousand men went forth from the cities of the Bhilistines to the assistance of the men of Gath. 1# And these men were engaged in battle with the children of %phraim, and the Lord delivered the children of %phraim into the hands of the Bhilistines. 1& And the" smote all the children of %phraim, all who had gone forth from %g"pt, none were remaining but ten men who had run awa" from the engagement. 1( )or this evil was from the Lord against the children of %phraim, for the" transgressed the word of the Lord in going forth from %g"pt, before the period had arrived which the Lord in the da"s of old had appointed to Israel. 1* And of the Bhilistines also there fell a great man", about twent" thousand men, and their brethren carried them and buried them in their cities. 1+ And the slain of the children of %phraim remained forsaken in the valle" of Gath for man" da"s and "ears, and were not brought to burial, and the valle" was filled with men4s bones. 2, And the men who had escaped from the battle came to %g"pt, and told all the children of Israel all that had befallen them. 21 And their father %phraim mourned over them for man" da"s, and his brethren came to console him. 22 And he came unto his wife and she bare a son, and he called his name 'eriah, for she was unfortunate in his house. CHAPTER 76 1 And 6oses the son of Amram was still king in the land of -ush in those da"s, and he prospered in his kingdom, and he conducted the government of the children of -ush in /ustice, in righteousness, and integrit". 2 And all the children of -ush loved 6oses all the da"s that he reigned over them, and all the inhabitants of the land of -ush were greatl" afraid of him. 3 And in the fortieth "ear of the reign of 6oses over -ush, 6oses was sitting on the ro"al throne whilst Adoniah the 3ueen was before him, and all the nobles were sitting around him. ! And Adoniah the 3ueen said before the king and the princes, 0hat is this thing which "ou, the children of -ush, have done for this long time1 # 2urel" "ou know that for fort" "ears that this man has reigned over -ush he has not approached me, nor has he served the gods of the children of -ush. & :ow therefore hear, < "e children of -ush, and let this man no more reign over "ou as he is not of our flesh. ( 'ehold 6enacrus m" son is grown up, let him reign over "ou, for it is better for "ou to serve the son of "our lord, than to serve a stranger, slave of the king of %g"pt.


* And all the people and nobles of the children of -ush heard the words which Adoniah the 3ueen had spoken in their ears. + And all the people were preparing until the evening, and in the morning the" rose up earl" and made 6enacrus, son of Aikianus, king over them. 1, And all the children of -ush were afraid to stretch forth their hand against 6oses, for the Lord was with 6oses, and the children of -ush remembered the oath which the" swore unto 6oses, therefore the" did no harm to him. 11 'ut the children of -ush gave man" presents to 6oses, and sent him from them with great honor. 12 2o 6oses went forth from the land of -ush, and went home and ceased to reign over -ush, and 6oses was si.t"9si. "ears old when he went out of the land of -ush, for the thing was from the Lord, for the period had arrived which he had appointed in the da"s of old, to bring forth Israel from the affliction of the children of ;am. 13 2o 6oses went to 6idian, for he was afraid to return to %g"pt on account of Bharaoh, and he went and sat at a well of water in 6idian. 1! And the seven daughters of =euel the 6idianite went out to feed their father4s flock. 1# And the" came to the well and drew water to water their father4s flock. 1& 2o the shepherds of 6idian came and drove them awa", and 6oses rose up and helped them and watered the flock. 1( And the" came home to their father =euel, and told him what 6oses did for them. 1* And the" said, An %g"ptian man has delivered us from the hands of the shepherds, he drew up water for us and watered the flock. 1+ And =euel said to his daughters, And where is he1 wherefore have "ou left the man1 2, And =euel sent for him and fetched him and brought him home, and he ate bread with him. 21 And 6oses related to =euel that he had fled from %g"pt and that he reigned fort" "ears over -ush, and that the" afterward had taken the government from him, and had sent him awa" in peace with honor and with presents. 22 And when =euel had heard the words of 6oses, =euel said within himself, I will put this man into the prison house, whereb" I shall conciliate the children of -ush, for he has fled from them. 23 And the" took and put him into the prison house, and 6oses was in prison ten "ears, and whilst 6oses was in the prison house, 7ipporah the daughter of =euel took pit" over him, and supported him with bread and water all the time. 2! And all the children of Israel were "et in the land of %g"pt serving the %g"ptians in all manner of hard work, and the hand of %g"pt continued in severit" over the children of Israel in those da"s. 2# At that time the Lord smote Bharaoh king of %g"pt, and he afflicted with the plague of lepros" from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head owing to the cruel treatment of the children of Israel was this plague at that time from the Lord upon Bharaoh king of %g"pt. 2& )or the Lord had hearkened to the pra"er of his people the children of Israel, and their cr" reached him on account of their hard work. 2( 2till his anger did not turn from them, and the hand of Bharaoh was still


stretched out against the children of Israel, and Bharaoh hardened his neck before the Lord, and he increased his "oke over the children of Israel, and embittered their lives with all manner of hard work. 2* And when the Lord had inflicted the plague upon Bharaoh king of %g"pt, he asked his wise men and sorcerers to cure him. 2+ And his wise men and sorcerers said unto him, $hat if the blood of little children were put into the wounds he would be healed. 3, And Bharaoh hearkened to them, and sent his ministers to Goshen to the children of Israel to take their little children. 31 And Bharaoh4s ministers went and took the infants of the children of Israel from the bosoms of their mothers b" force, and the" brought them to Bharaoh dail", a child each da", and the ph"sicians killed them and applied them to the plague thus did the" all the da"s. 32 And the number of the children which Bharaoh slew was three hundred and sevent"9five. 33 'ut the Lord hearkened not to the ph"sicians of the king of %g"pt, and the plague went on increasing mightil". 3! And Bharaoh was ten "ears afflicted with that plague, still the heart of Bharaoh was more hardened against the children of Israel. 3# And at the end of ten "ears the Lord continued to afflict Bharaoh with destructive plagues. 3& And the Lord smote him with a bad tumor and sickness at the stomach, and that plague turned to a severe boil. 3( At that time the two ministers of Bharaoh came from the land of Goshen where all the children of Israel were, and went to the house of Bharaoh and said to him, 0e have seen the children of Israel slacken in their work and negligent in their labor. 3* And when Bharaoh heard the words of his ministers, his anger was kindled against the children of Israel e.ceedingl", for he was greatl" grieved at his bodil" pain. 3+ And he answered and said, :ow that the children of Israel know that I am ill, the" turn and scoff at us, now therefore harness m" chariot for me, and I will betake m"self to Goshen and will see the scoff of the children of Israel with which the" are deriding me so his servants harnessed the chariot for him. !, And the" took and made him ride upon a horse, for he was not able to ride of himself !1 And he took with him ten horsemen and ten footmen, and went to the children of Israel to Goshen. !2 And when the" had come to the border of %g"pt, the king4s horse passed into a narrow place, elevated in the hollow part of the vine"ard, fenced on both sides, the low, plain countr" being on the other side. !3 And the horses ran rapidl" in that place and pressed each other, and the other horses pressed the king4s horse. !! And the king4s horse fell into the low plain whilst the king was riding upon it, and when he fell the chariot turned over the king4s face and the horse la" upon the king, and the king cried out, for his flesh was ver" sore. !# And the flesh of the king was torn from him, and his bones were broken and he could not ride, for this thing was from the Lord to him, for the Lord had heard the cries of his people the children of Israel and their affliction.


!& And his servants carried him upon their shoulders, a little at a time, and the" brought him back to %g"pt, and the horsemen who were with him came also back to %g"pt. !( And the" placed him in his bed, and the king knew that his end was come to die, so Aparanith the 3ueen his wife came and cried before the king, and the king wept a great weeping with her. !* And all his nobles and servants came on that da" and saw the king in that affliction, and wept a great weeping with him. !+ And the princes of the king and all his counselors advised the king to cause one to reign in his stead in the land, whomsoever he should choose from his sons. #, And the king had three sons and two daughters which Aparanith the 3ueen his wife had borne to him, besides the king4s children of concubines. #1 And these were their names, the firstborn <thri, the second Adikam, and the third 6orion, and their sisters, the name of the elder 'athia and of the other Acu?i. #2 And <thri the first born of the king was an idiot, precipitate and hurried in his words. #3 'ut Adikam was a cunning and wise man and knowing in all the wisdom of %g"pt, but of unseeml" aspect, thick in flesh, and ver" short in stature his height was one cubit. #! And when the king saw Adikam his son intelligent and wise in all things, the king resolved that he should be king in his stead after his death. ## And he took for him a wife Gedudah daughter of Abilot, and he was ten "ears old, and she bare unto him four sons. #& And he afterward went and took three wives and begat eight sons and three daughters. #( And the disorder greatl" prevailed over the king, and his flesh stank like the flesh of a carcass cast upon the field in summer time, during the heat of the sun. #* And when the king saw that his sickness had greatl" strengthened itself over him, he ordered his son Adikam to be brought to him, and the" made him king over the land in his place. #+ And at the end of three "ears, the king died, in shame, disgrace, and disgust, and his servants carried him and buried him in the sepulcher of the kings of %g"pt in 7oan 6i?raim. &, 'ut the" embalmed him not as was usual with kings, for his flesh was putrid, and the" could not approach to embalm him on account of the stench, so the" buried him in haste. &1 )or this evil was from the Lord to him, for the Lord had re3uited him evil for the evil which in his da"s he had done to Israel. &2 And he died with terror and with shame, and his son Adikam reigned in his place. CHAPTER 77 1 Adikam was twent" "ears old when he reigned over %g"pt, he reigned four "ears. 2 In the two hundred and "ear of Israel4s going down to %g"pt did Adikam reign over %g"pt, but he continued not so long in his reign over %g"pt


as his fathers had continued their reigns. 3 )or 6elol his father reigned ninet"9four "ears in %g"pt, but he was ten "ears sick and died, for he had been wicked before the Lord. ! And all the %g"ptians called the name of Adikam Bharaoh like the name of his fathers, as was their custom to do in %g"pt. # And all the wise men of Bharaoh called the name of Adikam Ahu?, for short is called Ahu? in the %g"ptian language. & And Adikam was e.ceedingl" ugl", and he was a cubit and a span and he had a great beard which reached to the soles of his feet. ( And Bharaoh sat upon his father4s throne to reign over %g"pt, and he conducted the government of %g"pt in his wisdom. * And whilst he reigned he e.ceeded his father and all the preceding kings in wickedness, and he increased his "oke over the children of Israel. + And he went with his servants to Goshen to the children of Israel, and he strengthened the labor over them and he said unto them, -omplete "our work, each da"4s task, and let not "our hands slacken from our work from this da" forward as "ou did in the da"s of m" father. 1, And he placed officers over them from amongst the children of Israel, and over these officers he placed taskmasters from amongst his servants. 11 And he placed over them a measure of bricks for them to do according to that number, da" b" da", and he turned back and went to %g"pt. 12 At that time the task9masters of Bharaoh ordered the officers of the children of Israel according to the command of Bharaoh, sa"ing, 13 $hus sa"s Bharaoh, @o "our work each da", and finish "our task, and observe the dail" measure of bricks diminish not an"thing. 1! And it shall come to pass that if "ou are deficient in "our dail" bricks, I will put "our "oung children in their stead. 1# And the task9masters of %g"pt did so in those da"s as Bharaoh had ordered them. 1& And whenever an" deficienc" was found in the children of Israel4s measure of their dail" bricks, the task9masters of Bharaoh would go to the wives of the children of Israel and take infants of the children of Israel to the number of bricks deficient, the" would take them b" force from their mother4s laps, and put them in the building instead of the bricks 1( 0hilst their fathers and mothers were cr"ing over them and weeping when the" heard the weeping voices of their infants in the wall of the building. 1* And the task9masters prevailed over Israel, that the Israelites should place their children in the building, so that a man placed his son in the wall and put mortar over him, whilst his e"es wept over him, and his tears ran down upon his child. 1+ And the task9masters of %g"pt did so to the babes of Israel for man" da"s, and no one pitied or had compassion over the babes of the children of Israel. 2, And the number of all the children killed in the building was two hundred and sevent", some whom the" had built upon instead of the bricks which had been left deficient b" their fathers, and some whom the" had drawn out dead from the building. 21 And the labor imposed upon the children of Israel in the da"s of Adikam e.ceeded in hardship that which the" performed in the da"s of his father. 22 And the children of Israel sighed ever" da" on account of their heav"


work, for the" had said to themselves, 'ehold when Bharaoh shall die, his son will rise up and lighten our work> 23 'ut the" increased the latter work more than the former, and the children of Israel sighed at this and their cr" ascended to God on account of their labor. 2! And God heard the voice of the children of Israel and their cr", in those da"s, and God remembered to them his covenant which he had made with Abraham, Isaac and 8acob. 2# And God saw the burden of the children of Israel, and their heav" work in those da"s, and he determined to deliver them. 2& And 6oses the son of Amram was still confined in the dungeon in those da"s, in the house of =euel the 6idianite, and 7ipporah the daughter of =euel did support him with food secretl" da" b" da". 2( And 6oses was confined in the dungeon in the house of =euel for ten "ears. 2* And at the end of ten "ears which was the first "ear of the reign of Bharaoh over %g"pt, in the place of his father, 2+ 7ipporah said to her father =euel, :o person in3uires or seeks after the ;ebrew man, whom thou didst bind in prison now ten "ears. 3, :ow therefore, if it seem good in th" sight, let us send and see whether he is living or dead, but her father knew not that she had supported him. 31 And =euel her father answered and said to her, ;as ever such a thing happened that a man should be shut up in a prison without food for ten "ears, and that he should live1 32 And 7ipporah answered her father, sa"ing, 2urel" thou hast heard that the God of the ;ebrews is great and awful, and does wonders for them at all times. 33 ;e it was who delivered Abraham from Cr of the -haldeans, and Isaac from the sword of his father, and 8acob from the angel of the Lord who wrestled with him at the ford of 8abbuk. 3! Also with this man has he done man" things, he delivered him from the river in %g"pt and from the sword of Bharaoh, and from the children of -ush, so also can he deliver him from famine and make him live. 3# And the thing seemed good in the sight of =euel, and he did according to the word of his daughter, and sent to the dungeon to ascertain what became of 6oses. 3& And he saw, and behold the man 6oses was living in the dungeon, standing upon his feet, praising and pra"ing to the God of his ancestors. 3( And =euel commanded 6oses to be brought out of the dungeon, so the" shaved him and he changed his prison garments and ate bread. 3* And afterward 6oses went into the garden of =euel which was behind the house, and he there pra"ed to the Lord his God, who had done might" wonders for him. 3+ And it was that whilst he pra"ed he looked opposite to him, and behold a sapphire stick was placed in the ground, which was planted in the midst of the garden. !, And he approached the stick and he looked, and behold the name of the Lord God of hosts was engraved thereon, written and developed upon the stick. !1 And he read it and stretched forth his hand and he plucked it like a forest


tree from the thicket, and the stick was in his hand. !2 And this is the stick with which all the works of our God were performed, after he had created heaven and earth, and all the host of them, seas, rivers and all their fishes. !3 And when God had driven Adam from the garden of %den, he took the stick in his hand and went and tilled the ground from which he was taken. !! And the stick came down to :oah and was given to 2hem and his descendants, until it came into the hand of Abraham the ;ebrew. !# And when Abraham had given all he had to his son Isaac, he also gave to him this stick. !& And when 8acob had fled to Badan9aram, he took it into his hand, and when he returned to his father he had not left it behind him. !( Also when he went down to %g"pt he took it into his hand and gave it to 8oseph, one portion above his brethren, for 8acob had taken it b" force from his brother %sau. !* And after the death of 8oseph, the nobles of %g"pt came into the house of 8oseph, and the stick came into the hand of =euel the 6idianite, and when he went out of %g"pt, he took it in his hand and planted it in his garden. !+ And all the might" men of the Ainites tried to pluck it when the" endeavored to get 7ipporah his daughter, but the" were unsuccessful. #, 2o that stick remained planted in the garden of =euel, until he came who had a right to it and took it. #1 And when =euel saw the stick in the hand of 6oses, he wondered at it, and he gave him his daughter 7ipporah for a wife. CHAPTER 78 1 At that time died 'aal -hannan son of Achbor, king of %dom, and was buried in his house in the land of %dom. 2 And after his death the children of %sau sent to the land of %dom, and took from there a man who was in %dom, whose name was ;adad, and the" made him king over them in the place of 'aal -hannan, their king. 3 And ;adad reigned over the children of %dom fort"9eight "ears. ! And when he reigned he resolved to fight against the children of 6oab, to bring them under the power of the children of %sau as the" were before, but he was not able, because the children of 6oab heard this thing, and the" rose up and hastened to elect a king over them from amongst their brethren. # And the" afterward gathered together a great people, and sent to the children of Ammon their brethren for help to fight against ;adad king of %dom. & And ;adad heard the thing which the children of 6oab had done, and was greatl" afraid of them, and refrained from fighting against them. ( In those da"s 6oses, the son of Amram, in 6idian, took 7ipporah, the daughter of =euel the 6idianite, for a wife. * And 7ipporah walked in the wa"s of the daughters of 8acob, she was nothing short of the righteousness of 2arah, =ebecca, =achel and Leah. + And 7ipporah conceived and bare a son and he called his name Gershom, for he said, I was a stranger in a foreign land but he circumcised not his foreskin, at the command of =euel his father9in9law.


1, And she conceived again and bare a son, but circumcised his foreskin, and called his name %lie?er, for 6oses said, 'ecause the God of m" fathers was m" help, and delivered me from the sword of Bharaoh. 11 And Bharaoh king of %g"pt greatl" increased the labor of the children of Israel in those da"s, and continued to make his "oke heavier upon the children of Israel. 12 And he ordered a proclamation to be made in %g"pt, sa"ing, Give no more straw to the people to make bricks with, let them go and gather themselves straw as the" can find it. 13 Also the tale of bricks which the" shall make let them give each da", and diminish nothing from them, for the" are idle in their work. 1! And the children of Israel heard this, and the" mourned and sighed, and the" cried unto the Lord on account of the bitterness of their souls. 1# And the Lord heard the cries of the children of Israel, and saw the oppression with which the %g"ptians oppressed them. 1& And the Lord was /ealous of his people and his inheritance, and heard their voice, and he resolved to take them out of the affliction of %g"pt, to give them the land of -anaan for a possession. CHAPTER 79 1 And in those da"s 6oses was feeding the flock of =euel the 6idianite his father9in9law, be"ond the wilderness of 2in, and the stick which he took from his father9in9law was in his hand. 2 And it came to pass one da" that a kid of goats stra"ed from the flock, and 6oses pursued it and it came to the mountain of God to ;oreb. 3 And when he came to ;oreb, the Lord appeared there unto him in the bush, and he found the bush burning with fire, but the fire had no power over the bush to consume it. ! And 6oses was greatl" astonished at this sight, wherefore the bush was not consumed, and he approached to see this might" thing, and the Lord called unto 6oses out of the fire and commanded him to go down to %g"pt, to Bharaoh king of %g"pt, to send the children of Israel from his service. # And the Lord said unto 6oses, Go, return to %g"pt, for all those men who sought th" life are dead, and thou shalt speak unto Bharaoh to send forth the children of Israel from his land. & And the Lord showed him to do signs and wonders in %g"pt before the e"es of Bharaoh and the e"es of his sub/ects, in order that the" might believe that the Lord had sent him. ( And 6oses hearkened to all that the Lord had commanded him, and he returned to his father9in9law and told him the thing, and =euel said to him, Go in peace. * And 6oses rose up to go to %g"pt, and he took his wife and sons with him, and he was at an inn in the road, and an angel of God came down, and sought an occasion against him. + And he wished to kill him on account of his first born son, because he had not circumcised him, and had transgressed the covenant which the Lord had made with Abraham. 1, )or 6oses had hearkened to the words of his father9in9law which he had spoken to him, not to circumcise his first born son, therefore he circumcised


him not. 11 And 7ipporah saw the angel of the Lord seeking an occasion against 6oses, and she knew that this thing was owing to his not having circumcised her son Gershom. 12 And 7ipporah hastened and took of the sharp rock stones that were there, and she circumcised her son, and delivered her husband and her son from the hand of the angel of the Lord. 13 And Aaron the son of Amram, the brother of 6oses, was in %g"pt walking at the river side on that da". 1! And the Lord appeared to him in that place, and he said to him, Go now toward 6oses in the wilderness, and he went and met him in the mountain of God, and he kissed him. 1# And Aaron lifted up his e"es, and saw 7ipporah the wife of 6oses and her children, and he said unto 6oses, 0ho are these unto thee1 1& And 6oses said unto him, $he" are m" wife and sons, which God gave to me in 6idian and the thing grieved Aaron on account of the woman and her children. 1( And Aaron said to 6oses, 2end awa" the woman and her children that the" ma" go to her father4s house, and 6oses hearkened to the words of Aaron, and did so. 1* And 7ipporah returned with her children, and the" went to the house of =euel, and remained there until the time arrived when the Lord had visited his people, and brought them forth from %g"pt from the hand at Bharaoh. 1+ And 6oses and Aaron came to %g"pt to the communit" of the children of Israel, and the" spoke to them all the words of the Lord, and the people re/oiced an e.ceeding great re/oicing. 2, And 6oses and Aaron rose up earl" on the ne.t da", and the" went to the house of Bharaoh, and the" took in their hands the stick of God. 21 And when the" came to the king4s gate, two "oung lions were confined there with iron instruments, and no person went out or came in from before them, unless those whom the king ordered to come, when the con/urors came and withdrew the lions b" their incantations, and this brought them to the king. 22 And 6oses hastened and lifted up the stick upon the lions, and he loosed them, and 6oses and Aaron came into the king4s house. 23 $he lions also came with them in /o", and the" followed them and re/oiced as a dog re/oices over his master when he comes from the field. 2! And when Bharaoh saw this thing he was astonished at it, and he was greatl" terrified at the report, for their appearance was like the appearance of the children of God. 2# And Bharaoh said to 6oses, 0hat do "ou re3uire1 and the" answered him, sa"ing, $he Lord God of the ;ebrews has sent us to thee, to sa", 2end forth m" people that the" ma" serve me. 2& And when Bharaoh heard their words he was greatl" terrified before them, and he said to them, Go toda" and come back to me tomorrow, and the" did according to the word of the king. 2( And when the" had gone Bharaoh sent for 'alaam the magician and to 8annes and 8ambres his sons, and to all the magicians and con/urors and counsellors which belonged to the king, and the" all came and sat before the king.


2* And the king told them all the words which 6oses and his brother Aaron had spoken to him, and the magicians said to the king, 'ut how came the men to thee, on account of the lions which were confined at the gate1 2+ And the king said, 'ecause the" lifted up their rod against the lions and loosed them, and came to me, and the lions also re/oiced at them as a dog re/oices to meet his master. 3, And 'alaam the son of 'eor the magician answered the king, sa"ing, $hese are none else than magicians like ourselves. 31 :ow therefore send for them, and let them come and we will tr" them, and the king did so. 32 And in the morning Bharaoh sent for 6oses and Aaron to come before the king, and the" took the rod of God, and came to the king and spoke to him, sa"ing, 33 $hus said the Lord God of the ;ebrews, 2end m" people that the" ma" serve me. 3! And the king said to them, 'ut who will believe "ou that "ou are the messengers of God and that "ou come to me b" his order1 3# :ow therefore give a wonder or sign in this matter, and then the words which "ou speak will be believed. 3& And Aaron hastened and threw the rod out of his hand before Bharaoh and before his servants, and the rod turned into a serpent. 3( And the sorcerers saw this and the" cast each man his rod upon the ground and the" became serpents. 3* And the serpent of Aaron4s rod lifted up its head and opened its mouth to swallow the rods of the magicians. 3+ And 'alaam the magician answered and said, $his thing has been from the da"s of old, that a serpent should swallow its fellow, and that living things devour each other. !, :ow therefore restore it to a rod as it was at first, and we will also restore our rods as the" were at first, and if th" rod shall swallow our rods, then shall we know that the spirit of God is in thee, and if not, thou art onl" an artificer like unto ourselves. !1 And Aaron hastened and stretched forth his hand and caught hold of the serpent4s tail and it became a rod in his hand, and the sorcerers did the like with their rods, and the" got hold, each man of the tail of his serpent, and the" became rods as at first. !2 And when the" were restored to rods, the rod of Aaron swallowed up their rods. !3 And when the king saw this thing, he ordered the book of records that related to the kings of %g"pt, to be brought, and the" brought the book of records, the chronicles of the kings of %g"pt, in which all the idols of %g"pt were inscribed, for the" thought of finding therein the name of 8ehovah, but the" found it not. !! And Bharaoh said to 6oses and Aaron, 'ehold I have not found the name of "our God written in this book, and his name I know not. !# And the counsellors and wise men answered the king, 0e have heard that the God of the ;ebrews is a son of the wise, the son of ancient kings. !& And Bharaoh turned to 6oses and Aaron and said to them, I know not the Lord whom "ou have declared, neither will I send his people. !( And the" answered and said to the king, $he Lord God of Gods is his


name, and he proclaimed his name over us from the da"s of our ancestors, and sent us, sa"ing, Go to Bharaoh and sa" unto him, 2end m" people that the" ma" serve me. !* :ow therefore send us, that we ma" take a /ourne" for three da"s in the wilderness, and there ma" sacrifice to him, for from the da"s of our going down to %g"pt, he has not taken from our hands either burnt offering, oblation or sacrifice, and if thou wilt not send us, his anger will be kindled against thee, and he will smite %g"pt either with the plague or with the sword. !+ And Bharaoh said to them, $ell me now his power and his might and the" said to him, ;e created the heaven and the earth, the seas and all their fishes, he formed the light, created the darkness, caused rain upon the earth and watered it, and made the herbage and grass to sprout, he created man and beast and the animals of the forest, the birds of the air and the fish of the sea, and b" his mouth the" live and die. #, 2urel" he created thee in th" mother4s womb, and put into thee the breath of life, and reared thee and placed thee upon the ro"al throne of %g"pt, and he will take th" breath and soul from thee, and return thee to the ground whence thou wast taken. #1 And the anger of the king was kindled at their words, and he said to them, 'ut who amongst all the Gods of nations can do this1 m" river is mine own, and I have made it for m"self. #2 And he drove them from him, and he ordered the labor upon Israel to be more severe than it was "esterda" and before. #3 And 6oses and Aaron went out from the king4s presence, and the" saw the children of Israel in an evil condition for the task9masters had made their labor e.ceedingl" heav". #! And 6oses returned to the Lord and said, 0h" hast thou ill treated th" people1 for since I came to speak to Bharaoh what thou didst send me for, he has e.ceedingl" ill used the children of Israel. ## And the Lord said to 6oses, 'ehold thou wilt see that with an outstretched hand and heav" plagues, Bharaoh will send the children of Israel from his land. #& And 6oses and Aaron dwelt amongst their brethren the children of Israel in %g"pt. #( And as for the children of Israel the %g"ptians embittered their lives, with the heav" work which the" imposed upon them. CHAPTER 80 1 And at the end of two "ears, the Lord again sent 6oses to Bharaoh to bring forth the children of Israel, and to send them out of the land of %g"pt. 2 And 6oses went and came to the house of Bharaoh, and he spoke to him the words of the Lord who had sent him, but Bharaoh would not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and God roused his might in %g"pt upon Bharaoh and his sub/ects, and God smote Bharaoh and his people with ver" great and sore plagues. 3 And the Lord sent b" the hand of Aaron and turned all the waters of %g"pt into blood, with all their streams and rivers. ! And when an %g"ptian came to drink and draw water, he looked into his


pitcher, and behold all the water was turned into blood and when he came to drink from his cup the water in the cup became blood. # And when a woman kneaded her dough and cooked her victuals, their appearance was turned to that of blood. & And the Lord sent again and caused all their waters to bring forth frogs, and all the frogs came into the houses of the %g"ptians. ( And when the %g"ptians drank, their bellies were filled with frogs and the" danced in their bellies as the" dance when in the river. * And all their drinking water and cooking water turned to frogs, also when the" la" in their beds their perspiration bred frogs. + :otwithstanding all this the anger of the Lord did not turn from them, and his hand was stretched out against all the %g"ptians to smite them with ever" heav" plague. 1, And he sent and smote their dust to lice, and the lice became in %g"pt to the height of two cubits upon the earth. 11 $he lice were also ver" numerous, in the flesh of man and beast, in all the inhabitants of %g"pt, also upon the king and 3ueen the Lord sent the lice, and it grieved %g"pt e.ceedingl" on account of the lice. 12 :otwithstanding this, the anger of the Lord did not turn awa", and his hand was still stretched out over %g"pt. 13 And the Lord sent all kinds of beasts of the field into %g"pt, and the" came and destro"ed all %g"pt, man and beast, and trees, and all things that were in %g"pt. 1! And the Lord sent fier" serpents, scorpions, mice, weasels, toads, together with others creeping in dust. 1# )lies, hornets, fleas, bugs and gnats, each swarm according to its kind. 1& And all reptiles and winged animals according to their kind came to %g"pt and grieved the %g"ptians e.ceedingl". 1( And the fleas and flies came into the e"es and ears of the %g"ptians. 1* And the hornet came upon them and drove them awa", and the" removed from it into their inner rooms, and it pursued them. 1+ And when the %g"ptians hid themselves on account of the swarm of animals, the" locked their doors after them, and God ordered the 2ulanuth which was in the sea, to come up and go into %g"pt. 2, And she had long arms, ten cubits in length of the cubit of a man. 21 And she went upon the roofs and uncovered the raftering and flooring and cut them, and stretched forth her arm into the house and removed the lock and the bolt, and opened the houses of %g"pt. 22 Afterward came the swarm of animals into the houses of %g"pt, and the swarm of animals destro"ed the %g"ptians, and it grieved them e.ceedingl". 23 :otwithstanding this the anger of the Lord did not turn awa" from the %g"ptians, and his hand was "et stretched forth against them. 2! And God sent the pestilence, and the pestilence pervaded %g"pt, in the horses and asses, and in the camels, in herds of o.en and sheep and in man. 2# And when the %g"ptians rose up earl" in the morning to take their cattle to pasture the" found all their cattle dead. 2& And there remained of the cattle of the %g"ptians onl" one in ten, and of the cattle belonging to Israel in Goshen not one died. 2( And God sent a burning inflammation in the flesh of the %g"ptians, which burst their skins, and it became a severe itch in all the %g"ptians from the


soles of their feet to the crowns of their heads. 2* And man" boils were in their flesh, that their flesh wasted awa" until the" became rotten and putrid. 2+ :otwithstanding this the anger of the Lord did not turn awa", and his hand was still stretched out over all %g"pt. 3, And the Lord sent a ver" heav" hail, which smote their vines and broke their fruit trees and dried them up that the" fell upon them. 31 Also ever" green herb became dr" and perished, for a mingling fire descended amidst the hail, therefore the hail and the fire consumed all things. 32 Also men and beasts that were found abroad perished of the flames of fire and of the hail, and all the "oung lions were e.hausted. 33 And the Lord sent and brought numerous locusts into %g"pt, the -hasel, 2alom, -hargol, and -hagole, locusts each of its kind, which devoured all that the hail had left remaining. 3! $hen the %g"ptians re/oiced at the locusts, although the" consumed the produce of the field, and the" caught them in abundance and salted them for food. 3# And the Lord turned a might" wind of the sea which took awa" all the locusts, even those that were salted, and thrust them into the =ed 2ea not one locust remained within the boundaries of %g"pt. 3& And God sent darkness upon %g"pt, that the whole land of %g"pt and Bathros became dark for three da"s, so that a man could not see his hand when he lifted it to his mouth. 3( At that time died man" of the people of Israel who had rebelled against the Lord and who would not hearken to 6oses and Aaron, and believed not in them that God had sent them. 3* And who had said, 0e will not go forth from %g"pt lest we perish with hunger in a desolate wilderness, and who would not hearken to the voice of 6oses. 3+ And the Lord plagued them in the three da"s of darkness, and the Israelites buried them in those da"s, without the %g"ptians knowing of them or re/oicing over them. !, And the darkness was ver" great in %g"pt for three da"s, and an" person who was standing when the darkness came, remained standing in his place, and he that was sitting remained sitting, and he that was l"ing continued l"ing in the same state, and he that was walking remained sitting upon the ground in the same spot and this thing happened to all the %g"ptians, until the darkness had passed awa". !1 And the da"s of darkness passed awa", and the Lord sent 6oses and Aaron to the children of Israel, sa"ing, -elebrate "our feast and make "our Bassover, for behold I come in the midst of the night amongst all the %g"ptians, and I will smite all their first born, from the first born of a man to the first born of a beast, and when I see "our Bassover, I will pass over "ou. !2 And the children of Israel did according to all that the Lord had commanded 6oses and Aaron, thus did the" in that night. !3 And it came to pass in the middle of the night, that the Lord went forth in the midst of %g"pt, and smote all the first born of the %g"ptians, from the first born of man to the first born of beast. !! And Bharaoh rose up in the night, he and all his servants and all the


%g"ptians, and there was a great cr" throughout %g"pt in that night, for there was not a house in which there was not a corpse. !# Also the likenesses of the first born of %g"pt, which were carved in the walls at their houses, were destro"ed and fell to the ground. !& %ven the bones of their first born who had died before this and whom the" had buried in their houses, were raked up b" the dogs of %g"pt on that night and dragged before the %g"ptians and cast before them. !( And all the %g"ptians saw this evil which had suddenl" come upon them, and all the %g"ptians cried out with a loud voice. !* And all the families of %g"pt wept upon that night, each man for his son and each man for his daughter, being the first born, and the tumult of %g"pt was heard at a distance on that night. !+ And 'athia the daughter of Bharaoh went forth with the king on that night to seek 6oses and Aaron in their houses, and the" found them in their houses, eating and drinking and re/oicing with all Israel. #, And 'athia said to 6oses, Is this the reward for the good which I have done to thee, who have reared thee and stretched thee out, and thou hast brought this evil upon me and m" father4s house1 #1 And 6oses said to her, 2urel" ten plagues did the Lord bring upon %g"pt did an" evil accrue to thee from an" of them1 did one of them affect thee1 and she said, :o. #2 And 6oses said to her, Although thou art the first born to th" mother, thou shalt not die, and no evil shall reach thee in the midst of %g"pt. #3 And she said, 0hat advantage is it to me, when I see the king, m" brother, and all his household and sub/ects in this evil, whose first born perish with all the first born of %g"pt1 #! And 6oses said to her, 2urel" th" brother and his household, and sub/ects, the families of %g"pt, would not hearken to the words of the Lord, therefore did this evil come upon them. ## And Bharaoh king of %g"pt approached 6oses and Aaron, and some of the children of Israel who were with them in that place, and he pra"ed to them, sa"ing, #& =ise up and take "our brethren, all the children of Israel who are in the land, with their sheep and o.en, and all belonging to them, the" shall leave nothing remaining, onl" pra" for me to the Lord "our God. #( And 6oses said to Bharaoh, 'ehold though thou art th" mother4s first born, "et fear not, for thou wilt not die, for the Lord has commanded that thou shalt live, in order to show thee his great might and strong stretched out arm. #* And Bharaoh ordered the children of Israel to be sent awa", and all the %g"ptians strengthened themselves to send them, for the" said, 0e are all perishing. #+ And all the %g"ptians sent the Israelites forth, with great riches, sheep and o.en and precious things, according to the oath of the Lord between him and our )ather Abraham. &, And the children of Israel dela"ed going forth at night, and when the %g"ptians came to them to bring them out, the" said to them, Are we thieves, that we should go forth at night1 &1 And the children of Israel asked of the %g"ptians, vessels of silver, and vessels of gold, and garments, and the children of Israel stripped the


%g"ptians. &2 And 6oses hastened and rose up and went to the river of %g"pt, and brought up from thence the coffin of 8oseph and took it with him. &3 $he children of Israel also brought up, each man his father4s coffin with him, and each man the coffins of his tribe. CHAPTER 81 1 And the children of Israel /ourne"ed from =ameses to 2uccoth, about si. hundred thousand men on foot, besides the little ones and their wives. 2 Also a mi.ed multitude went up with them, and flocks and herds, even much cattle. 3 And the so/ourning of the children of Israel, who dwelt in the land of %g"pt in hard labor, was two hundred and ten "ears. ! And at the end of two hundred and ten "ears, the Lord brought forth the children of Israel from %g"pt with a strong hand. # And the children of Israel traveled from %g"pt and from Goshen and from =ameses, and encamped in 2uccoth on the fifteenth da" of the first month. & And the %g"ptians buried all their first born whom the Lord had smitten, and all the %g"ptians buried their slain for three da"s. ( And the children of Israel traveled from 2uccoth and encamped in %thom, at the end of the wilderness. * And on the third da" after the %g"ptians had buried their first born, man" men rose up from %g"pt and went after Israel to make them return to %g"pt, for the" repented that the" had sent the Israelites awa" from their servitude. + And one man said to his neighbor, 2urel" 6oses and Aaron spoke to Bharaoh, sa"ing, 0e will go a three da"s4 /ourne" in the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God. 1, :ow therefore let us rise up earl" in the morning and cause them to return, and it shall be that if the" return with us to %g"pt to their masters, then shall we know that there is faith in them, but if the" will not return, then will we fight with them, and make them come back with great power and a strong hand. 11 And all the nobles of Bharaoh rose up in the morning, and with them about seven hundred thousand men, and the" went forth from %g"pt on that da", and came to the place where the children of Israel were. 12 And all the %g"ptians saw and behold 6oses and Aaron and all the children of Israel were sitting before Bi9hahiroth, eating and drinking and celebrating the feast of the Lord. 13 And all the %g"ptians said to the children of Israel, 2urel" "ou said, 0e will go a /ourne" for three da"s in the wilderness and sacrifice to our God and return. 1! :ow therefore this da" makes five da"s since "ou went, wh" do "ou not return to "our masters1 1# And 6oses and Aaron answered them, sa"ing, 'ecause the Lord our God has testified in us, sa"ing, Dou shall no more return to %g"pt, but we will betake ourselves to a land flowing with milk and hone", as the Lord our God had sworn to our ancestors to give to us. 1& And when the nobles of %g"pt saw that the children of Israel did not


hearken to them, to return to %g"pt, the" girded themselves to fight with Israel. 1( And the Lord strengthened the hearts of the children of Israel over the %g"ptians, that the" gave them a severe beating, and the battle was sore upon the %g"ptians, and all the %g"ptians fled from before the children of Israel, for man" of them perished b" the hand of Israel. 1* And the nobles of Bharaoh went to %g"pt and told Bharaoh, sa"ing, $he children of Israel have fled, and will no more return to %g"pt, and in this manner did 6oses and Aaron speak to us. 1+ And Bharaoh heard this thing, and his heart and the hearts of all his sub/ects were turned against Israel, and the" repented that the" had sent Israel and all the %g"ptians advised Bharaoh to pursue the children of Israel to make them come back to their burdens. 2, And the" said each man to his brother, 0hat is this which we have done, that we have sent Israel from our servitude1 21 And the Lord strengthened the hearts of all the %g"ptians to pursue the Israelites, for the Lord desired to overthrow the %g"ptians in the =ed 2ea. 22 And Bharaoh rose up and harnessed his chariot, and he ordered all the %g"ptians to assemble, not one man was left e.cepting the little ones and the women. 23 And all the %g"ptians went forth with Bharaoh to pursue the children of Israel, and the camp of %g"pt was an e.ceedingl" large and heav" camp, about ten hundred thousand men. 2! And the whole of this camp went and pursued the children of Israel to bring them back to %g"pt, and the" reached them encamping b" the =ed 2ea. 2# And the children of Israel lifted up their e"es, and beheld all the %g"ptians pursuing them, and the children of Israel were greatl" terrified at them, and the children of Israel cried to the Lord. 2& And on account of the %g"ptians, the children of Israel divided themselves into four divisions, and the" were divided in their opinions, for the" were afraid of the %g"ptians, and 6oses spoke to each of them. 2( $he first division was of the children of =euben, 2imeon, and Issachar, and the" resolved to cast themselves into the sea, for the" were e.ceedingl" afraid of the %g"ptians. 2* And 6oses said to them, )ear not, stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which ;e will effect this da" for "ou. 2+ $he second division was of the children of 7ebulun, 'en/amin and :aphtali, and the" resolved to go back to %g"pt with the %g"ptians. 3, And 6oses said to them, )ear not, for as "ou have seen the %g"ptians this da", so shall "ou see them no more for ever. 31 $he third division was of the children of 8udah and 8oseph, and the" resolved to go to meet the %g"ptians to fight with them. 32 And 6oses said to them, 2tand in "our places, for the Lord will fight for "ou, and "ou shall remain silent. 33 And the fourth division was of the children of Levi, Gad, and Asher, and the" resolved to go into the midst of the %g"ptians to confound them, and 6oses said to them, =emain in "our stations and fear not, onl" call unto the Lord that he ma" save "ou out of their hands. 3! After this 6oses rose up from amidst the people, and he pra"ed to the


Lord and said, 3# < Lord God of the whole earth, save now th" people whom thou didst bring forth from %g"pt, and let not the %g"ptians boast that power and might are theirs. 3& 2o the Lord said to 6oses, 0h" dost thou cr" unto me1 speak to the children of Israel that the" shall proceed, and do thou stretch out th" rod upon the sea and divide it, and the children of Israel shall pass through it. 3( And 6oses did so, and he lifted up his rod upon the sea and divided it. 3* And the waters of the sea were divided into twelve parts, and the children of Israel passed through on foot, with shoes, as a man would pass through a prepared road. 3+ And the Lord manifested to the children of Israel his wonders in %g"pt and in the sea b" the hand of 6oses and Aaron. !, And when the children of Israel had entered the sea, the %g"ptians came after them, and the waters of the sea resumed upon them, and the" all sank in the water, and not one man was left e.cepting Bharaoh, who gave thanks to the Lord and believed in him, therefore the Lord did not cause him to perish at that time with the %g"ptians. !1 And the Lord ordered an angel to take him from amongst the %g"ptians, who cast him upon the land of :inevah and he reigned over it for a long time. !2 And on that da" the Lord saved Israel from the hand of %g"pt, and all the children of Israel saw that the %g"ptians had perished, and the" beheld the great hand of the Lord, in what he had performed in %g"pt and in the sea. !3 $hen sang 6oses and the children of Israel this song unto the Lord, on the da" when the Lord caused the %g"ptians to fall before them. !! And all Israel sang in concert, sa"ing, I will sing to the Lord for ;e is greatl" e.alted, the horse and his rider has he cast into the sea behold it is written in the book of the law of God. !# After this the children of Israel proceeded on their /ourne", and encamped in 6arah, and the Lord gave to the children of Israel statutes and /udgments in that place in 6arah, and the Lord commanded the children of Israel to walk in all his wa"s and to serve him. !& And the" /ourne"ed from 6arah and came to %lim, and in %lim were twelve springs of water and sevent" date trees, and the children encamped there b" the waters. !( And the" /ourne"ed from %lim and came to the wilderness of 2in, on the fifteenth da" of the second month after their departure from %g"pt. !* At that time the Lord gave the manna to the children of Israel to eat, and the Lord caused food to rain from heaven for the children of Israel da" b" da". !+ And the children of Israel ate the manna for fort" "ears, all the da"s that the" were in the wilderness, until the" came to the land of -anaan to possess it. #, And the" proceeded from the wilderness of 2in and encamped in Alush. #1 And the" proceeded from Alush and encamped in =ephidim. #2 And when the children of Israel were in =ephidim, Amalek the son of %lipha?, the son of %sau, the brother of 7epho, came to fight with Israel. #3 And he brought with him eight hundred and one thousand men, magicians and con/urers, and he prepared for battle with Israel in =ephidim.


#! And the" carried on a great and severe battle against Israel, and the Lord delivered Amalek and his people into the hands of 6oses and the children of Israel, and into the hand of 8oshua, the son of :un, the %phrathite, the servant of 6oses. ## And the children of Israel smote Amalek and his people at the edge of the sword, but the battle was ver" sore upon the children of Israel. #& And the Lord said to 6oses, 0rite this thing as a memorial for thee in a book, and place it in the hand of 8oshua, the son of :un, th" servant, and thou shalt command the children of Israel, sa"ing, 0hen thou shalt come to the land of -anaan, thou shalt utterl" efface the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven. #( And 6oses did so, and he took the book and wrote upon it these words, sa"ing, #* =emember what Amalek has done to thee in the road when thou wentest forth from %g"pt. #+ 0ho met thee in the road and smote th" rear, even those that were feeble behind thee when thou wast faint and wear". &, $herefore it shall be when the Lord th" God shall have given thee rest from all thine enemies round about in the land which the Lord th" God giveth thee for an inheritance, to possess it, that thou shalt blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven, thou shalt not forget it. &1 And the king who shall have pit" on Amalek, or upon his memor" or upon his seed, behold I will re3uire it of him, and I will cut him off from amongst his people. &2 And 6oses wrote all these things in a book, and he en/oined the children of Israel respecting all these matters. CHAPTER 82 1 And the children of Israel proceeded from =ephidim and the" encamped in the wilderness of 2inai, in the third month from their going forth from %g"pt. 2 At that time came =euel the 6idianite, the father9in9law of 6oses, with 7ipporah his daughter and her two sons, for he had heard of the wonders of the Lord which he had done to Israel, that he had delivered them from the hand of %g"pt. 3 And =euel came to 6oses to the wilderness where he was encamped, where was the mountain of God. ! And 6oses went forth to meet his father9in9law with great honor, and all Israel was with him. # And =euel and his children remained amongst the Israelites for man" da"s, and =euel knew the Lord from that da" forward. & And in the third month from the children of Israel4s departure from %g"pt, on the da" thereof, the Lord gave to Israel the ten commandments on 6ount 2inai. ( And all Israel heard all these commandments, and all Israel re/oiced e.ceedingl" in the Lord on that da". * And the glor" of the Lord rested upon 6ount 2inai, and he called to 6oses, and 6oses came in the midst of a cloud and ascended the mountain. + And 6oses was upon the mount fort" da"s and fort" nights he ate no bread and drank no water, and the Lord instructed him in the statutes and


/udgments in order to teach the children of Israel. 1, And the Lord wrote the ten commandments which he had commanded the children of Israel upon two tablets of stone, which he gave to 6oses to command the children of Israel. 11 And at the end of fort" da"s and fort" nights, when the Lord had finished speaking to 6oses on 6ount 2inai, then the Lord gave to 6oses the tablets of stone, written with the finger of God. 12 And when the children of Israel saw that 6oses tarried to come down from the mount, the" gathered round Aaron, and said, As for this man 6oses we know not what has become of him. 13 :ow therefore rise up, make unto us a god who shall go before us, so that thou shalt not die. 1! And Aaron was greatl" afraid of the people, and he ordered them to bring him gold and he made it into a molten calf for the people. 1# And the Lord said to 6oses, before he had come down from the mount, Get thee down, for th" people whom thou didst bring forth from %g"pt have corrupted themselves. 1& $he" have made to themselves a molten calf, and have bowed down to it, now therefore leave me, that I ma" consume them from off the earth, for the" are a stiffnecked people. 1( And 6oses besought the countenance of the Lord, and he pra"ed to the Lord for the people on account of the calf which the" had made, and he afterward descended from the mount and in his hands were the two tablets of stone, which God had given him to command the Israelites. 1* And when 6oses approached the camp and saw the calf which the people had made, the anger of 6oses was kindled and he broke the tablets under the mount. 1+ And 6oses came to the camp and he took the calf and burned it with fire, and ground it till it became fine dust, and strewed it upon the water and gave it to the Israelites to drink. 2, And there died of the people b" the swords of each other about three thousand men who had made the calf. 21 And on the morrow 6oses said to the people, I will go up to the Lord, peradventure I ma" make atonement for "our sins which "ou have sinned to the Lord. 22 And 6oses again went up to the Lord, and he remained with the Lord fort" da"s and fort" nights. 23 And during the fort" da"s did 6oses entreat the Lord in behalf of the children of Israel, and the Lord hearkened to the pra"er of 6oses, and the Lord was entreated of him in behalf of Israel. 2! $hen spake the Lord to 6oses to hew two stone tablets and to bring them up to the Lord, who would write upon them the ten commandments. 2# :ow 6oses did so, and he came down and hewed the two tablets and went up to 6ount 2inai to the Lord, and the Lord wrote the ten commandments upon the tablets. 2& And 6oses remained "et with the Lord fort" da"s and fort" nights, and the Lord instructed him in statutes and /udgments to impart to Israel. 2( And the Lord commanded him respecting the children of Israel that the" should make a sanctuar" for the Lord, that his name might rest therein, and the Lord showed him the likeness of the sanctuar" and the likeness of all its


vessels. 2* And at the end of the fort" da"s, 6oses came down from the mount and the two tablets were in his hand. 2+ And 6oses came to the children of Israel and spoke to them all the words of the Lord, and he taught them laws, statutes and /udgments which the Lord had taught him. 3, And 6oses told the children of Israel the word of the Lord, that a sanctuar" should be made for him, to dwell amongst the children of Israel. 31 And the people re/oiced greatl" at all the good which the Lord had spoken to them, through 6oses, and the" said, 0e will do all that the Lord has spoken to thee. 32 And the people rose up like one man and the" made generous offerings to the sanctuar" of the Lord, and each man brought the offering of the Lord for the work of the sanctuar", and for all its service. 33 And all the children of Israel brought each man of all that was found in his possession for the work of the sanctuar" of the Lord, gold, silver and brass, and ever" thing that was serviceable for the sanctuar". 3! And all the wise men who were practiced in work came and made the sanctuar" of the Lord, according to all that the Lord had commanded, ever" man in the work in which he had been practiced and all the wise men in heart made the sanctuar", and its furniture and all the vessels for the hol" service, as the Lord had commanded 6oses. 3# And the work of the sanctuar" of the tabernacle was completed at the end of five months, and the children of Israel did all that the Lord had commanded 6oses. 3& And the" brought the sanctuar" and all its furniture to 6oses like unto the representation which the Lord had shown to 6oses, so did the children of Israel. 3( And 6oses saw the work, and behold the" did it as the Lord had commanded him, so 6oses blessed them. CHAPTER 83 1 And in the twelfth month, in the twent"9third da" of the month, 6oses took Aaron and his sons, and he dressed them in their garments, and anointed them and did unto them as the Lord had commanded him, and 6oses brought up all the offerings which the Lord had on that da" commanded him. 2 6oses afterward took Aaron and his sons and said to them, )or seven da"s shall "ou remain at the door of the tabernacle, for thus am I commanded. 3 And Aaron and his sons did all that the Lord had commanded them through 6oses, and the" remained for seven da"s at the door of the tabernacle. ! And on the eighth da", being the first da" of the first month, in the second "ear from the Israelites4 departure from %g"pt, 6oses erected the sanctuar", and 6oses put up all the furniture of the tabernacle and all the furniture of the sanctuar", and he did all that the Lord had commanded him. # And 6oses called to Aaron and his sons, and the" brought the burnt offering and the sin offering for themselves and the children of Israel, as the Lord had commanded 6oses. & <n that da" the two sons of Aaron, :adab and Abihu, took strange fire and


brought it before the Lord who had not commanded them, and a fire went forth from before the Lord, and consumed them, and the" died before the Lord on that da". ( $hen on the da" when 6oses had completed to erect the sanctuar", the princes of the children of Israel began to bring their offerings before the Lord for the dedication of the altar. * And the" brought up their offerings each prince for one da", a prince each da" for twelve da"s. + And all the offerings which the" brought, each man in his da", one silver charger weighing one hundred and thirt" shekels, one silver bowl of sevent" shekels after the shekel of the sanctuar", both of them full of fine flour, mingled with oil for a meat offering. 1, <ne spoon, weighing ten shekels of gold, full of incense. 11 <ne "oung bullock, one ram, one lamb of the first "ear for a burnt offering. 12 And one kid of the goats for a sin offering. 13 And for a sacrifice of peace offering, two o.en, five rams, five he9goats, five lambs of a "ear old. 1! $hus did the twelve princes of Israel da" b" da", each man in his da". 1# And it was after this, in the thirteenth da" of the month, that 6oses commanded the children of Israel to observe the Bassover. 1& And the children of Israel kept the Bassover in its season in the fourteenth da" of the month, as the Lord had commanded 6oses, so did the children of Israel. 1( And in the second month, on the first da" thereof, the Lord spoke unto 6oses, sa"ing, 1* :umber the heads of all the males of the children of Israel from twent" "ears old and upward, thou and th" brother Aaron and the twelve princes of Israel. 1+ And 6oses did so, and Aaron came with the twelve princes of Israel, and the" numbered the children of Israel in the wilderness of 2inai. 2, And the numbers of the children of Israel b" the houses of their fathers, from twent" "ears old and upward, were si. hundred and three thousand, five hundred and fift". 21 'ut the children of Levi were not numbered amongst their brethren the children of Israel. 22 And the number of all the males of the children of Israel from one month old and upward, was twent"9two thousand, two hundred and sevent"9three. 23 And the number of the children of Levi from one month old and above, was twent"9two thousand. 2! And 6oses placed the priests and the Levites each man to his service and to his burden to serve the sanctuar" of the tabernacle, as the Lord had commanded 6oses. 2# And on the twentieth da" of the month, the cloud was taken awa" from the tabernacle of testimon". 2& At that time the children of Israel continued their /ourne" from the wilderness of 2inai, and the" took a /ourne" of three da"s, and the cloud rested upon the wilderness of Baran there the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, for the" had provoked the Lord in asking him for meat, that the" might eat.


2( And the Lord hearkened to their voice, and gave them meat which the" ate for one month. 2* 'ut after this the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and he smote them with a great slaughter, and the" were buried there in that place. 2+ And the children of Israel called that place Aebroth ;attaavah, because there the" buried the people that lusted flesh. 3, And the" departed from Aebroth ;attaavah and pitched in ;a?eroth, which is in the wilderness of Baran. 31 And whilst the children of Israel were in ;a?eroth, the anger of the Lord was kindled against 6iriam on account of 6oses, and she became leprous, white as snow. 32 And she was confined without the camp for seven da"s, until she had been received again after her lepros". 33 $he children of Israel afterward departed from ;a?eroth, and pitched in the end of the wilderness of Baran. 3! At that time, the Lord spoke to 6oses to send twelve men from the children of Israel, one man to a tribe, to go and e.plore the land of -anaan. 3# And 6oses sent the twelve men, and the" came to the land of -anaan to search and e.amine it, and the" e.plored the whole land from the wilderness of 2in to =echob as thou comest to -hamoth. 3& And at the end of fort" da"s the" came to 6oses and Aaron, and the" brought him word as it was in their hearts, and ten of the men brought up an evil report to the children of Israel, of the land which the" had e.plored, sa"ing, It is better for us to return to %g"pt than to go to this land, a land that consumes its inhabitants. 3( 'ut 8oshua the son of :un, and -aleb the son of 8ephuneh, who were of those that e.plored the land, said, $he land is e.ceedingl" good. 3* If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us to this land and give it to us, for it is a land flowing with milk and hone". 3+ 'ut the children of Israel would not hearken to them, and the" hearkened to the words of the ten men who had brought up an evil report of the land. !, And the Lord heard the murmurings of the children of Israel and he was angr" and swore, sa"ing, !1 2urel" not one man of this wicked generation shall see the land from twent" "ears old and upward e.cepting -aleb the son of 8ephuneh and 8oshua the son of :un. !2 'ut surel" this wicked generation shall perish in this wilderness, and their children shall come to the land and the" shall possess it so the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he made them wander in the wilderness for fort" "ears until the end of that wicked generation, because the" did not follow the Lord. !3 And the people dwelt in the wilderness of Baran a long time, and the" afterward proceeded to the wilderness b" the wa" of the =ed 2ea. CHAPTER 84 1 At that time Aorah the son of 8et?er the son of Aehath the son of Levi, took man" men of the children of Israel, and the" rose up and 3uarreled with 6oses and Aaron and the whole congregation. 2 And the Lord was angr" with them, and the earth opened its mouth, and


swallowed them up, with their houses and all belonging to them, and all the men belonging to Aorah. 3 And after this God made the people go round b" the wa" of 6ount 2eir for a long time. ! At that time the Lord said unto 6oses, Brovoke not a war against the children of %sau, for I will not give to "ou of an" thing belonging to them, as much as the sole of the foot could tread upon, for I have given 6ount 2eir for an inheritance to %sau. # $herefore did the children of %sau fight against the children of 2eir in former times, and the Lord had delivered the children of 2eir into the hands of the children of %sau, and destro"ed them from before them, and the children of %sau dwelt in their stead unto this da". & $herefore the Lord said to the children of Israel, )ight not against the children of %sau "our brethren, for nothing in their land belongs to "ou, but "ou ma" bu" food of them for mone" and eat it, and "ou ma" bu" water of them for mone" and drink it. ( And the children of Israel did according to the word of the Lord. * And the children of Israel went about the wilderness, going round b" the wa" of 6ount 2inai for a long time, and touched not the children of %sau, and the" continued in that district for nineteen "ears. + At that time died Latinus king of the children of -hittim, in the fort"9fifth "ear of his reign, which is the fourteenth "ear of the children of Israel4s departure from %g"pt. 1, And the" buried him in his place which he had built for himself in the land of -hittim, and Abimnas reigned in his place for thirt"9eight "ears. 11 And the children of Israel passed the boundar" of the children of %sau in those da"s, at the end of nineteen "ears, and the" came and passed the road of the wilderness of 6oab. 12 And the Lord said to 6oses, besiege not 6oab, and do not fight against them, for I will give "ou nothing of their land. 13 And the children of Israel passed the road of the wilderness of 6oab for nineteen "ears, and the" did not fight against them. 1! And in the thirt" "ear of the children of Israel4s departing from %g"pt the Lord smote the heart of 2ihon, king of the Amorites, and he waged war, and went forth to fight against the children of 6oab. 1# And 2ihon sent messengers to 'eor the son of 8aneas, the son of 'alaam, counsellor to the king of %g"pt, and to 'alaam his son, to curse 6oab, in order that it might be delivered into the hand of 2ihon. 1& And the messengers went and brought 'eor the son of 8aneas, and 'alaam his son, from Bethor in 6esopotamia, so 'eor and 'alaam his son came to the cit" of 2ihon and the" cursed 6oab and their king in the presence of 2ihon king of the Amorites. 1( 2o 2ihon went out with his whole arm", and he went to 6oab and fought against them, and he subdued them, and the Lord delivered them into his hands, and 2ihon slew the king of 6oab. 1* And 2ihon took all the cities of 6oab in the battle he also took ;eshbon from them, for ;eshbon was one of the cities of 6oab, and 2ihon placed his princes and his nobles in ;eshbon, and ;eshbon belonged to 2ihon in those da"s. 1+ $herefore the parable speakers 'eor and 'alaam his son uttered these


words, sa"ing, -ome unto ;eshbon, the cit" of 2ihon will be built and established. 2, 0oe unto thee 6oab> thou art lost, < people of Aemosh> behold it is written upon the book of the law of God. 21 And when 2ihon had con3uered 6oab, he placed guards in the cities which he had taken from 6oab, and a considerable number of the children of 6oab fell in battle into the hand of 2ihon, and he made a great capture of them, sons and daughters, and he slew their king so 2ihon turned back to his own land. 22 And 2ihon gave numerous presents of silver and gold to 'eor and 'alaam his son, and he dismissed them, and the" went to 6esopotamia to their home and countr". 23 At that time all the children of Israel passed from the road of the wilderness of 6oab, and returned and surrounded the wilderness of %dom. 2! 2o the whole congregation came to the wilderness of 2in in the first month of the fortieth "ear from their departure from %g"pt, and the children of Israel dwelt there in Aadesh, of the wilderness of 2in, and 6iriam died there and she was buried there. 2# At that time 6oses sent messengers to ;adad king of %dom, sa"ing, $hus sa"s th" brother Israel, Let me pass I pra" thee through th" land, we will not pass through field or vine"ard, we will not drink the water of the well we will walk in the king4s road. 2& And %dom said to him, $hou shalt not pass through m" countr", and %dom went forth to meet the children of Israel with a might" people. 2( And the children of %sau refused to let the children of Israel pass through their land, so the Israelites removed from them and fought not against them. 2* )or before this the Lord had commanded the children of Israel, sa"ing, Dou shall not fight against the children of %sau, therefore the Israelites removed from them and did not fight against them. 2+ 2o the children of Israel departed from Aadesh, and all the people came to 6ount ;or. 3, At that time the Lord said to 6oses, $ell th" brother Aaron that he shall die there, for he shall not come to the land which I have given to the children of Israel. 31 And Aaron went up, at the command of the Lord, to 6ount ;or, in the fortieth "ear, in the fifth month, in the first da" of the month. 32 And Aaron was one hundred and twent"9three "ears old when he died in 6ount ;or. CHAPTER 85 1 And king Arad the -anaanite, who dwelt in the south, heard that the Israelites had come b" the wa" of the spies, and he arranged his forces to fight against the Israelites. 2 And the children of Israel were greatl" afraid of him, for he had a great and heav" arm", so the children of Israel resolved to return to %g"pt. 3 And the children of Israel turned back about the distance of three da"s4 /ourne" unto 6aserath 'eni 8aakon, for the" were greatl" afraid on account of the king Arad.


! And the children of Israel would not get back to their places, so the" remained in 'eni 8aakon for thirt" da"s. # And when the children of Levi saw that the children of Israel would not turn back, the" were /ealous for the sake of the Lord, and the" rose up and fought against the Israelites their brethren, and slew of them a great bod", and forced them to turn back to their place, 6ount ;or. & And when the" returned, king Arad was still arranging his host for battle against the Israelites. ( And Israel vowed a vow, sa"ing, If thou wilt deliver this people into m" hand, then I will utterl" destro" their cities. * And the Lord hearkened to the voice of Israel, and he delivered the -anaanites into their hand, and he utterl" destro"ed them and their cities, and he called the name of the place ;ormah. + And the children of Israel /ourne"ed from 6ount ;or and pitched in <both, and the" /ourne"ed from <both and the" pitched at I/e9abarim, in the border of 6oab. 1, And the children of Israel sent to 6oab, sa"ing, Let us pass now through th" land into our place, but the children of 6oab would not suffer the children of Israel to pass through their land, for the children of 6oab were greatl" afraid lest the children of Israel should do unto them as 2ihon king of the Amorites had done to them, who had taken their land and had slain man" of them. 11 $herefore 6oab would not suffer the Israelites to pass through his land, and the Lord commanded the children of Israel, sa"ing, $hat the" should not fight against 6oab, so the Israelites removed from 6oab. 12 And the children of Israel /ourne"ed from the border of 6oab, and the" came to the other side of Arnon, the border of 6oab, between 6oab and the Amorites, and the" pitched in the border of 2ihon, king of the Amorites, in the wilderness of Aedemoth. 13 And the children of Israel sent messengers to 2ihon, king of the Amorites, sa"ing, 1! Let us pass through th" land, we will not turn into the fields or into the vine"ards, we will go along b" the king4s highwa" until we shall have passed th" border, but 2ihon would not suffer the Israelites to pass. 1# 2o 2ihon collected all the people of the Amorites and went forth into the wilderness to meet the children of Israel, and he fought against Israel in 8aha?. 1& And the Lord delivered 2ihon king of the Amorites into the hand of the children of Israel, and Israel smote all the people of 2ihon with the edge of the sword and avenged the cause of 6oab. 1( And the children of Israel took possession of the land of 2ihon from Aram unto 8abuk, unto the children of Ammon, and the" took all the spoil of the cities. 1* And Israel took all these cities, and Israel dwelt in all the cities of the Amorites. 1+ And all the children of Israel resolved to fight against the children of Ammon, to take their land also. 2, 2o the Lord said to the children of Israel, @o not besiege the children of Ammon, neither stir up battle against them, for I will give nothing to "ou of their land, and the children of Israel hearkened to the word of the Lord, and


did not fight against the children of Ammon. 21 And the children of Israel turned and went up b" the wa" of 'ashan to the land of <g, king of 'ashan, and <g the king of 'ashan went out to meet the Israelites in battle, and he had with him man" valiant men, and a ver" strong force from the people of the Amorites. 22 And <g king of 'ashan was a ver" powerful man, but :aaron his son was e.ceedingl" powerful, even stronger than he was. 23 And <g said in his heart, 'ehold now the whole camp of Israel takes up a space of three parsa, now will I smite them at once without sword or spear. 2! And <g went up 6ount 8aha?, and took therefrom one large stone, the length of which was three parsa, and he placed it on his head, and resolved to throw it upon the camp of the children of Israel, to smite all the Israelites with that stone. 2# And the angel of the Lord came and pierced the stone upon the head of <g, and the stone fell upon the neck of <g that <g fell to the earth on account of the weight of the stone upon his neck. 2& At that time the Lord said to the children of Israel, 'e not afraid of him, for I have given him and all his people and all his land into "our hand, and "ou shall do to him as "ou did to 2ihon. 2( And 6oses went down to him with a small number of the children of Israel, and 6oses smote <g with a stick at the ankles of his feet and slew him. 2* $he children of Israel afterward pursued the children of <g and all his people, and the" beat and destro"ed them till there was no remnant left of them. 2+ 6oses afterward sent some of the children of Israel to sp" out 8aa?er, for 8aa?er was a ver" famous cit". 3, And the spies went to 8aa?er and e.plored it, and the spies trusted in the Lord, and the" fought against the men of 8aa?er. 31 And these men took 8aa?er and its villages, and the Lord delivered them into their hand, and the" drove out the Amorites who had been there. 32 And the children of Israel took the land of the two kings of the Amorites, si.t" cities which were on the other side of 8ordan, from the brook of Arnon unto 6ount ;erman. 33 And the children of Israel /ourne"ed and came into the plain of 6oab which is on this side of 8ordan, b" 8ericho. 3! And the children of 6oab heard all the evil which the children of Israel had done to the two kings of the Amorites, to 2ihon and <g, so all the men of 6oab were greatl" afraid of the Israelites. 3# And the elders of 6oab said, 'ehold the two kings of the Amorites, 2ihon and <g, who were more powerful than all the kings of the earth, could not stand against the children of Israel, how then can we stand before them1 3& 2urel" the" sent us a message before now to pass through our land on their wa", and we would not suffer them, now the" will turn upon us with their heav" swords and destro" us and 6oab was distressed on account of the children of Israel, and the" were greatl" afraid of them, and the" counselled together what was to be done to the children of Israel. 3( And the elders of 6oab resolved and took one of their men, 'alak the son of 7ippor the 6oabite, and made him king over them at that time, and 'alak was a ver" wise man.


3* And the elders of 6oab rose up and sent to the children of 6idian to make peace with them, for a great battle and enmit" had been in those da"s between 6oab and 6idian, from the da"s of ;adad the son of 'edad king of %dom, who smote 6idian in the field of 6oab, unto these da"s. 3+ And the children of 6oab sent to the children of 6idian, and the" made peace with them, and the elders of 6idian came to the land of 6oab to make peace in behalf of the children of 6idian. !, And the elders of 6oab counselled with the elders of 6idian what to do in order to save their lives from Israel. !1 And all the children of 6oab said to the elders of 6idian, :ow therefore the children of Israel lick up all that are round about us, as the o. licks up the grass of the field, for thus did the" do to the two kings of the Amorites who are stronger than we are. !2 And the elders of 6idian said to 6oab, 0e have heard that at the time when 2ihon king of the Amorites fought against "ou, when he prevailed over "ou and took "our land, he had sent to 'eor the son of 8aneas and to 'alaam his son from 6esopotamia, and the" came and cursed "ou therefore did the hand of 2ihon prevail over "ou, that he took "our land. !3 :ow therefore send "ou also to 'alaam his son, for he still remains in his land, and give him his hire, that he ma" come and curse all the people of whom "ou are afraid so the elders of 6oab heard this thing, and it pleased them to send to 'alaam the son of 'eor. !! 2o 'alak the son of 7ippor king of 6oab sent messengers to 'alaam, sa"ing, !# 'ehold there is a people come out from %g"pt, behold the" cover the face of the earth, and the" abide over against me. !& :ow therefore come and curse this people for me, for the" are too might" for me, peradventure I shall prevail to fight against them, and drive them out, for I heard that he whom thou blessest is blessed, and whom thou cursest is cursed. !( 2o the messengers of 'alak went to 'alaam and brought 'alaam to curse the people to fight against 6oab. !* And 'alaam came to 'alak to curse Israel, and the Lord said to 'alaam, -urse not this people for it is blessed. !+ And 'alak urged 'alaam da" b" da" to curse Israel, but 'alaam hearkened not to 'alak on account of the word of the Lord which he had spoken to 'alaam. #, And when 'alak saw that 'alaam would not accede to his wish, he rose up and went home, and 'alaam also returned to his land and he went from there to 6idian. #1 And the children of Israel /ourne"ed from the plain of 6oab, and pitched b" 8ordan from 'eth9/esimoth even unto Abel9shittim, at the end of the plains of 6oab. #2 And when the children of Israel abode in the plain of 2hittim, the" began to commit whoredom with the daughters of 6oab. #3 And the children of Israel approached 6oab, and the children of 6oab pitched their tents opposite to the camp of the children of Israel. #! And the children of 6oab were afraid of the children of Israel, and the children of 6oab took all their daughters and their wives of beautiful aspect and comel" appearance, and dressed them in gold and silver and costl"


garments. ## And the children of 6oab seated those women at the door of their tents, in order that the children of Israel might see them and turn to them, and not fight against 6oab. #& And all the children of 6oab did this thing to the children of Israel, and ever" man placed his wife and daughter at the door of his tent, and all the children of Israel saw the act of the children of 6oab, and the children of Israel turned to the daughters of 6oab and coveted them, and the" went to them. #( And it came to pass that when a ;ebrew came to the door of the tent of 6oab, and saw a daughter of 6oab and desired her in his heart, and spoke with her at the door of the tent that which he desired, whilst the" were speaking together the men of the tent would come out and speak to the ;ebrew like unto these words5 #* 2urel" "ou know that we are brethren, we are all the descendants of Lot and the descendants of Abraham his brother, wherefore then will "ou not remain with us, and wherefore will "ou not eat our bread and our sacrifice1 #+ And when the children of 6oab had thus overwhelmed him with their speeches, and enticed him b" their flattering words, the" seated him in the tent and cooked and sacrificed for him, and he ate of their sacrifice and of their bread. &, $he" then gave him wine and he drank and became into.icated, and the" placed before him a beautiful damsel, and he did with her as he liked, for he knew not what he was doing, as he had drunk plentifull" of wine. &1 $hus did the children of 6oab to Israel in that place, in the plain of 2hittim, and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel on account of this matter, and he sent a pestilence amongst them, and there died of the Israelites twent"9four thousand men. &2 :ow there was a man of the children of 2imeon whose name was 7imri, the son of 2alu, who connected himself with the 6idianite -osbi, the daughter of 7ur, king of 6idian, in the sight of all the children of Israel. &3 And Bhineas the son of %la?er, the son of Aaron the priest, saw this wicked thing which 7imri had done, and he took a spear and rose up and went after them, and pierced them both and slew them, and the pestilence ceased from the children of Israel. CHAPTER 86 1 At that time after the pestilence, the Lord said to 6oses, and to %la?er the son of Aaron the priest, sa"ing, 2 :umber the heads of the whole communit" of the children of Israel, from twent" "ears old and upward, all that went forth in the arm". 3 And 6oses and %la?er numbered the children of Israel after their families, and the number of all Israel was seven hundred thousand, seven hundred and thirt". ! And the number of the children of Levi, from one month old and upward, was twent"9three thousand, and amongst these there was not a man of those numbered b" 6oses and Aaron in the wilderness of 2inai. # )or the Lord had told them that the" would die in the wilderness, so the" all died, and not one had been left of them e.cepting -aleb the son of


8ephuneh, and 8oshua the son of :un. & And it was after this that the Lord said to 6oses, 2a" unto the children of Israel to avenge upon 6idian the cause of their brethren the children of Israel. ( And 6oses did so, and the children of Israel chose from amongst them twelve thousand men, being one thousand to a tribe, and the" went to 6idian. * And the children of Israel warred against 6idian, and the" slew ever" male, also the five princes of6idian, and 'alaam the son of 'eor did the" sla" with the sword. + And the children of Israel took the wives of 6idian captive, with their little ones and their cattle, and all belonging to them. 1, And the" took all the spoil and all the pre", and the" brought it to 6oses and to %la?er to the plains of 6oab. 11 And 6oses and %la?er and all the princes of the congregation went forth to meet them with /o". 12 And the" divided all the spoil of 6idian, and the children of Israel had been revenged upon 6idian for the cause of their brethren the children of Israel. CHAPTER 87 1 At that time the Lord said to 6oses, 'ehold th" da"s are approaching to an end, take now 8oshua the son of :un th" servant and place him in the tabernacle, and I will command him, and 6oses did so. 2 And the Lord appeared in the tabernacle in a pillar of cloud, and the pillar of cloud stood at the entrance of the tabernacle. 3 And the Lord commanded 8oshua the son of :un and said unto him, 'e strong and courageous, for thou shalt bring the children of Israel to the land which I swore to give them, and I will be with thee. ! And 6oses said to 8oshua, 'e strong and courageous, for thou wilt make the children of Israel inherit the land, and the Lord will be with thee, he will not leave thee nor forsake thee, be not afraid nor disheartened. # And 6oses called to all the children of Israel and said to them, Dou have seen all the good which the Lord "our God has done for "ou in the wilderness. & :ow therefore observe all the words of this law, and walk in the wa" of the Lord "our God, turn not from the wa" which the Lord has commanded "ou, either to the right or to the left. ( And 6oses taught the children of Israel statutes and /udgments and laws to do in the land as the Lord had commanded him. * And he taught them the wa" of the Lord and his laws behold the" are written upon the book of the law of God which he gave to the children of Israel b" the hand of 6oses. + And 6oses finished commanding the children of Israel, and the Lord said to him, sa"ing, Go up to the 6ount Abarim and die there, and be gathered unto th" people as Aaron th" brother was gathered. 1, And 6oses went up as the Lord had commanded him, and he died there in the land of 6oab b" the order of the Lord, in the fortieth "ear from the Israelites going forth from the land of %g"pt.


11 And the children of Israel wept for 6oses in the plains of 6oab for thirt" da"s, and the da"s of weeping and mourning for 6oses were completed. CHAPTER 88 1 And it was after the death of 6oses that the Lord said to 8oshua the son of :un, sa"ing, 2 =ise up and pass the 8ordan to the land which I have given to the children of Israel, and thou shalt make the children of Israel inherit the land. 3 %ver" place upon which the sole of "our feet shall tread shall belong to "ou, from the wilderness of Lebanon unto the great river the river of Berath shall be "our boundar". ! :o man shall stand up against thee all the da"s of th" life as I was with 6oses, so will I be with thee, onl" be strong and of good courage to observe all the law which 6oses commanded thee, turn not from the wa" either to the right or to the left, in order that thou ma"est prosper in all that thou doest. # And 8oshua commanded the officers of Israel, sa"ing, Bass through the camp and command the people, sa"ing, Brepare for "ourselves provisions, for in three da"s more "ou will pass the 8ordan to possess the land. & And the officers of the children of Israel did so, and the" commanded the people and the" did all that 8oshua had commanded. ( And 8oshua sent two men to sp" out the land of 8ericho, and the men went and spied out 8ericho. * And at the end of seven da"s the" came to 8oshua in the camp and said to him, $he Lord has delivered the whole land into our hand, and the inhabitants thereof are melted with fear because of us. + And it came to pass after that, that 8oshua rose up in the morning and all Israel with him, and the" /ourne"ed from 2hittim, and 8oshua and all Israel with him passed the 8ordan and 8oshua was eight"9two "ears old when he passed the 8ordan with Israel. 1, And the people went up from 8ordan on the tenth da" of the first month, and the" encamped in Gilgal at the eastern corner of 8ericho. 11 And the children of Israel kept the Bassover in Gilgal, in the plains of 8ericho, on the fourteenth da" at the month, as it is written in the law of 6oses. 12 And the manna ceased at that time on the morrow of the Bassover, and there was no more manna for the children of Israel, and the" ate of the produce of the land of -anaan. 13 And 8ericho was entirel" closed against the children of Israel, no one came out or went in. 1! And it was in the second month, on the first da" of the month, that the Lord said to 8oshua, =ise up, behold I have given 8ericho into th" hand with all the people thereof and all "our fighting men shall go round the cit", once each da", thus shall "ou do for si. da"s. 1# And the priests shall blow upon trumpets, and when "ou shall hear the sound of the trumpet, all the people shall give a great shouting, that the walls of the cit" shall fall down all the people shall go up ever" man against his opponent. 1& And 8oshua did so according to all that the Lord had commanded him.


1( And on the seventh da" the" went round the cit" seven times, and the priests blew upon trumpets. 1* And at the seventh round, 8oshua said to the people, 2hout, for the Lord has delivered the whole cit" into our hands. 1+ <nl" the cit" and all that it contains shall be accursed to the Lord, and keep "ourselves from the accursed thing, lest "ou make the camp of Israel accursed and trouble it. 2, 'ut all the silver and gold and brass and iron shall be consecrated to the Lord, the" shall come into the treasur" of the Lord. 21 And the people blew upon trumpets and made a great shouting, and the walls of 8ericho fell down, and all the people went up, ever" man straight before him, and the" took the cit" and utterl" destro"ed all that was in it, both man and woman, "oung and old, o. and sheep and ass, with the edge of the sword. 22 And the" burned the whole cit" with fire onl" the vessels of silver and gold, and brass and iron, the" put into the treasur" of the Lord. 23 And 8oshua swore at that time, sa"ing, -ursed be the man who builds 8ericho he shall la" the foundation thereof in his first9born, and in his "oungest son shall he set up the gates thereof. 2! And Achan the son of -armi, the son of 7abdi, the son of 7erah, son of 8udah, dealt treacherousl" in the accursed thing, and he took of the accursed thing and hid it in the tent, and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel. 2# And it was after this when the children of Israel had returned from burning 8ericho, 8oshua sent men to sp" out also Ai, and to fight against it. 2& And the men went up and spied out Ai, and the" returned and said, Let not all the people go up with thee to Ai, onl" let about three thousand men go up and smite the cit", for the men thereof are but few. 2( And 8oshua did so, and there went up with him of the children of Israel about three thousand men, and the" fought against the men of Ai. 2* And the battle was severe against Israel, and the men of Ai smote thirt"9 si. men of Israel, and the children of Israel fled from before the men of Ai. 2+ And when 8oshua saw this thing, he tore his garments and fell upon his face to the ground before the Lord, he, with the elders of Israel, and the" put dust upon their heads. 3, And 8oshua said, 0h" < Lord didst thou bring this people over the 8ordan1 what shall I sa" after the Israelites have turned their backs against their enemies1 31 :ow therefore all the -anaanites, inhabitants of the land, will hear this thing, and surround us and cut off our name. 32 And the Lord said to 8oshua, 0h" dost thou fall upon th" face1 rise, get thee off, for the Israelites have sinned, and taken of the accursed thing I will no more be with them unless the" destro" the accursed thing from amongst them. 33 And 8oshua rose up and assembled the people, and brought the Crim b" the order of the Lord, and the tribe of 8udah was taken, and Achan the son of -armi was taken. 3! And 8oshua said to Achan, $ell me m" son, what hast thou done, and Achan said, I saw amongst the spoil a goodl" garment of 2hinar and two hundred shekels of silver, and a wedge of gold of fift" shekels weight I


coveted them and took them, and behold the" are all hid in the earth in the midst of the tent. 3# And 8oshua sent men who went and took them from the tent of Achan, and the" brought them to 8oshua. 3& And 8oshua took Achan and these utensils, and his sons and daughters and all belonging to him, and the" brought them into the valle" of Achor. 3( And 8oshua burned them there with fire, and all the Israelites stoned Achan with stones, and the" raised over him a heap of stones, therefore did he call that place the valle" of Achor, so the Lord4s anger was appeased, and 8oshua afterward came to the cit" and fought against it. 3* And the Lord said to 8oshua, )ear not, neither be thou disma"ed, behold I have given into th" hand Ai, her king and her people, and thou shalt do unto them as thou didst to 8ericho and her king, onl" the spoil thereof and the cattle thereof shall "ou take for a pre" for "ourselves la" an ambush for the cit" behind it. 3+ 2o 8oshua did according to the word of the Lord, and he chose from amongst the sons of war thirt" thousand valiant men, and he sent them, and the" la" in ambush for the cit". !, And he commanded them, sa"ing, 0hen "ou shall see us we will flee before them with cunning, and the" will pursue us, "ou shall then rise out of the ambush and take the cit", and the" did so. !1 And 8oshua fought, and the men of the cit" went out toward Israel, not knowing that the" were l"ing in ambush for them behind the cit". !2 And 8oshua and all the Israelites feigned themselves wearied out before them, and the" fled b" the wa" of the wilderness with cunning. !3 And the men of Ai gathered all the people who were in the cit" to pursue the Israelites, and the" went out and were drawn awa" from the cit", not one remained, and the" left the cit" open and pursued the Israelites. !! And those who were l"ing in ambush rose up out of their places, and hastened to come to the cit" and took it and set it on fire, and the men of Ai turned back, and behold the smoke of the cit" ascended to the skies, and the" had no means of retreating either one wa" or the other. !# And all the men of Ai were in the midst of Israel, some on this side and some on that side, and the" smote them so that not one of them remained. !& And the children of Israel took 6elosh king of Ai alive, and the" brought him to 8oshua, and 8oshua hanged him on a tree and he died. !( And the children of Israel returned to the cit" after having burned it, and the" smote all those that were in it with the edge of the sword. !* And the number of those that had fallen of the men of Ai, both man and woman, was twelve thousand onl" the cattle and the spoil of the cit" the" took to themselves, according to the word of the Lord to 8oshua. !+ And all the kings on this side 8ordan, all the kings of -anaan, heard of the evil which the children of Israel had done to 8ericho and to Ai, and the" gathered themselves together to fight against Israel. #, <nl" the inhabitants of Gibeon were greatl" afraid of fighting against the Israelites lest the" should perish, so the" acted cunningl", and the" came to 8oshua and to all Israel, and said unto them, 0e have come from a distant land, now therefore make a covenant with us. #1 And the inhabitants of Gibeon over9reached the children of Israel, and the children of Israel made a covenant with them, and the" made peace with


them, and the princes of the congregation swore unto them, but afterward the children of Israel knew that the" were neighbors to them and were dwelling amongst them. #2 'ut the children of Israel slew them not for the" had sworn to them b" the Lord, and the" became hewers of wood and drawers of water. #3 And 8oshua said to them, 0h" did "ou deceive me, to do this thing to us1 and the" answered him, sa"ing, 'ecause it was told to th" servants all that "ou had done to all the kings of the Amorites, and we were greatl" afraid of our lives, and we did this thing. #! And 8oshua appointed them on that da" to hew wood and to draw water, and he divided them for slaves to all the tribes of Israel. ## And when Adoni?edek king of 8erusalem heard all that the children of Israel had done to 8ericho and to Ai, he sent to ;oham king of ;ebron and to Biram king at 8armuth, and to 8aphia king of Lachish and to @eber king of %glon, sa"ing, #& -ome up to me and help me, that we ma" smite the children of Israel and the inhabitants of Gibeon who have made peace with the children of Israel. #( And the" gathered themselves together and the five kings of the Amorites went up with all their camps, a might" people numerous as the sand of the sea shore. #* And all these kings came and encamped before Gibeon, and the" began to fight against the inhabitants of Gibeon, and all the men of Gibeon sent to 8oshua, sa"ing, -ome up 3uickl" to us and help us, for all the kings of the Amorites have gathered together to fight against us. #+ And 8oshua and all the fighting people went up from Gilgal, and 8oshua came suddenl" to them, and smote these five kings with a great slaughter. &, And the Lord confounded them before the children at Israel, who smote them with a terrible slaughter in Gibeon, and pursued them along the wa" that goes up to 'eth ;oron unto 6akkedah, and the" fled from before the children of Israel. &1 And whilst the" were fleeing, the Lord sent upon them hailstones from heaven, and more of them died b" the hailstones, than b" the slaughter of the children of Israel. &2 And the children of Israel pursued them, and the" still smote them in the road, going on and smiting them. &3 And when the" were smiting, the da" was declining toward evening, and 8oshua said in the sight of all the people, 2un, stand thou still upon Gibeon, and thou moon in the valle" of A/alon, until the nation shall have revenged itself upon its enemies. &! And the Lord hearkened to the voice of 8oshua, and the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens, and it stood still si. and thirt" moments, and the moon also stood still and hastened not to go down a whole da". &# And there was no da" like that, before it or after it, that the Lord hearkened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel. CHAPTER 89 1 $hen spoke 8oshua this song, on the da" that the Lord had given the Amorites into the hand of 8oshua and the children of Israel, and he said in the sight of all Israel,


2 $hou hast done might" things, < Lord, thou hast performed great deeds who is like unto thee1 m" lips shall sing to th" name. 3 6" goodness and m" fortress, m" high tower, I will sing a new song unto thee, with thanksgiving will I sing to thee, thou art the strength of m" salvation. ! All the kings of the earth shall praise thee, the princes of the world shall sing to thee, the children of Israel shall re/oice in th" salvation, the" shall sing and praise th" power. # $o thee, < Lord, did we confide we said thou art our God, for thou wast our shelter and strong tower against our enemies. & $o thee we cried and were not ashamed, in thee we trusted and were delivered when we cried unto thee, thou didst hear our voice, thou didst deliver our souls from the sword, thou didst show unto us th" grace, thou didst give unto us th" salvation, thou didst re/oice our hearts with th" strength. ( $hou didst go forth for our salvation, with thine arm thou didst redeem th" people thou didst answer us from the heavens of th" holiness, thou didst save us from ten thousands of people. * $he sun and moon stood still in heaven, and thou didst stand in th" wrath against our oppressors and didst command th" /udgments over them. + All the princes of the earth stood up, the kings of the nations had gathered themselves together, the" were not moved at th" presence, the" desired th" battles. 1, $hou didst rise against them in thine anger, and didst bring down th" wrath upon them thou didst destro" them in thine anger, and cut them off in thine heart. 11 :ations have been consumed with th" fur", kingdoms have declined because of th" wrath, thou didst wound kings in the da" of thine anger. 12 $hou didst pour out th" fur" upon them, th" wrathful anger took hold of them thou didst turn their ini3uit" upon them, and didst cut them off in their wickedness. 13 $he" did spread a trap, the" fell therein, in the net the" hid, their foot was caught. 1! $hine hand was read" for all thine enemies who said, $hrough their sword the" possessed the land, through their arm the" dwelt in the cit" thou didst fill their faces with shame, thou didst bring their horns down to the ground, thou didst terrif" them in th" wrath, and didst destro" them in thine anger. 1# $he earth trembled and shook at the sound of th" storm over them, thou didst not withhold their souls from death, and didst bring down their lives to the grave. 1& $hou didst pursue them in th" storm, thou didst consume them in th" whirlwind, thou didst turn their rain into hail, the" fell in deep pits so that the" could not rise. 1( $heir carcasses were like rubbish cast out in the middle of the streets. 1* $he" were consumed and destro"ed in thine anger, thou didst save th" people with th" might. 1+ $herefore our hearts re/oice in thee, our souls e.alt in th" salvation. 2, <ur tongues shall relate th" might, we will sing and praise th" wondrous works. 21 )or thou didst save us from our enemies, thou didst deliver us from those


who rose up against us, thou didst destro" them from before us and depress them beneath our feet. 22 $hus shall all thine enemies perish < Lord, and the wicked shall be like chaff driven b" the wind, and th" beloved shall be like trees planted b" the waters. 23 2o 8oshua and all Israel with him returned to the camp in Gilgal, after having smitten all the kings, so that not a remnant was left of them. 2! And the five kings fled alone on foot from battle, and hid themselves in a cave, and 8oshua sought for them in the field of battle, and did not find them. 2# And it was afterward told to 8oshua, sa"ing, $he kings are found and behold the" are hidden in a cave. 2& And 8oshua said, Appoint men to be at the mouth of the cave, to guard them, lest the" take themselves awa" and the children of Israel did so. 2( And 8oshua called to all Israel and said to the officers of battle, Blace "our feet upon the necks of these kings, and 8oshua said, 2o shall the Lord do to all "our enemies. 2* And 8oshua commanded afterward that the" should sla" the kings and cast them into the cave, and to put great stones at the mouth of the cave. 2+ And 8oshua went afterward with all the people that were with him on that da" to 6akkedah, and he smote it with the edge of the sword. 3, And he utterl" destro"ed the souls and all belonging to the cit", and he did to the king and people thereof as he had done to 8ericho. 31 And he passed from there to Libnah and he fought against it, and the Lord delivered it into his hand, and 8oshua smote it with the edge of the sword, and all the souls thereof, and he did to it and to the king thereof as he had done to 8ericho. 32 And from there he passed on to Lachish to fight against it, and ;oram king of Ga?a went up to assist the men of Lachish, and 8oshua smote him and his people until there was none left to him. 33 And 8oshua took Lachish and all the people thereof, and he did to it as he had done to Libnah. 3! And 8oshua passed from there to %glon, and he took that also, and he smote it and all the people thereof with the edge of the sword. 3# And from there he passed to ;ebron and fought against it and took it and utterl" destro"ed it, and he returned from there with all Israel to @ebir and fought against it and smote it with the edge of the sword. 3& And he destro"ed ever" soul in it, he left none remaining, and he did to it and the king thereof as he had done to 8ericho. 3( And 8oshua smote all the kings of the Amorites from Aadesh9barnea to A?ah, and he took their countr" at once, for the Lord had fought for Israel. 3* And 8oshua with all Israel came to the camp to Gilgal. 3+ 0hen at that time 8abin king of -ha?or heard all that 8oshua had done to the kings of the Amorites, 8abin sent to 8obat king of 6idian, and to Laban king of 2himron, to 8ephal king of Achshaph, and to all the kings of the Amorites, sa"ing, !, -ome 3uickl" to us and help us, that we ma" smite the children of Israel, before the" come upon us and do unto us as the" have done to the other kings of the Amorites. !1 And all these kings hearkened to the words of 8abin, king of -ha?or, and


the" went forth with all their camps, seventeen kings, and their people were as numerous as the sand on the sea shore, together with horses and chariots innumerable, and the" came and pitched together at the waters of 6erom, and the" were met together to fight against Israel. !2 And the Lord said to 8oshua, )ear them not, for tomorrow about this time I will deliver them up all slain before "ou, thou shalt hough their horses and burn their chariots with fire. !3 And 8oshua with all the men of war came suddenl" upon them and smote them, and the" fell into their hands, for the Lord had delivered them into the hands of the children of Israel. !! 2o the children of Israel pursued all these kings with their camps, and smote them until there was none left of them, and 8oshua did to them as the Lord had spoken to him. !# And 8oshua returned at that time to -ha?or and smote it with the sword and destro"ed ever" soul in it and burned it with fire, and from -ha?or, 8oshua passed to 2himron and smote it and utterl" destro"ed it. !& )rom there he passed to Achshaph and he did to it as he had done to 2himron. !( )rom there he passed to Adulam and he smote all the people in it, and he did to Adulam as he had done to Achshaph and to 2himron. !* And he passed from them to all the cities of the kings which he had smitten, and he smote all the people that were left of them and he utterl" destro"ed them. !+ <nl" their boot" and cattle the Israelites took to themselves as a pre", but ever" human being the" smote, the" suffered not a soul to live. #, As the Lord had commanded 6oses so did 8oshua and all Israel, the" failed not in an"thing. #1 2o 8oshua and all the children of Israel smote the whole land of -anaan as the Lord had commanded them, and smote all their kings, being thirt" and one kings, and the children of Israel took their whole countr". #2 'esides the kingdoms of 2ihon and <g which are on the other side 8ordan, of which 6oses had smitten man" cities, and 6oses gave them to the =eubenites and the Gadites and to half the tribe of 6anasseh. #3 And 8oshua smote all the kings that were on this side 8ordan to the west, and gave them for an inheritance to the nine tribes and to the half tribe of Israel. #! )or five "ears did 8oshua carr" on the war with these kings, and he gave their cities to the Israelites, and the land became tran3uil from battle throughout the cities of the Amorites and the -anaanites. CHAPTER 90 1 At that time in the fifth "ear after the children of Israel had passed over 8ordan, after the children of Israel had rested from their war with the -anaanites, at that time great and severe battles arose between %dom and the children of -hittim, and the children of -hittim fought against %dom. 2 And Abianus king of -hittim went forth in that "ear, that is in the thirt"9first "ear of his reign, and a great force with him of the might" men of the children of -hittim, and he went to 2eir to fight against the children of %sau. 3 And ;adad the king of %dom heard of his report, and he went forth to meet


him with a heav" people and strong force, and engaged in battle with him in the field of %dom. ! And the hand of -hittim prevailed over the children of %sau, and the children of -hittim slew of the children of %sau, two and twent" thousand men, and all the children of %sau fled from before them. # And the children of -hittim pursued them and the" reached ;adad king of %dom, who was running before them and the" caught him alive, and brought him to Abianus king of -hittim. & And Abianus ordered him to be slain, and ;adad king of %dom died in the fort"9eighth "ear of his reign. ( And the children of -hittim continued their pursuit of %dom, and the" smote them with a great slaughter and %dom became sub/ect to the children of -hittim. * And the children of -hittim ruled over %dom, and %dom became under the hand of the children of -hittim and became one kingdom from that da". + And from that time the" could no more lift up their heads, and their kingdom became one with the children of -hittim. 1, And Abianus placed officers in %dom and all the children of %dom became sub/ect and tributar" to Abianus, and Abianus turned back to his own land, -hittim. 11 And when he returned he renewed his government and built for himself a spacious and fortified palace for a ro"al residence, and reigned securel" over the children of -hittim and over %dom. 12 In those da"s, after the children of Israel had driven awa" all the -anaanites and the Amorites, 8oshua was old and advanced in "ears. 13 And the Lord said to 8oshua, $hou art old, advanced in life, and a great part of the land remains to be possessed. 1! :ow therefore divide this land for an inheritance to the nine tribes and to the half tribe of 6anasseh, and 8oshua rose up and did as the Lord had spoken to him. 1# And he divided the whole land to the tribes of Israel as an inheritance according to their divisions. 1& 'ut to the tribe at Levi he gave no inheritance, the offerings of the Lord are their inheritance as the Lord had spoken of them b" the hand of 6oses. 1( And 8oshua gave 6ount ;ebron to -aleb the son of 8ephuneh, one portion above his brethren, as the Lord had spoken through 6oses. 1* $herefore ;ebron became an inheritance to -aleb and his children unto this da". 1+ And 8oshua divided the whole land b" lots to all Israel for an inheritance, as the Lord had commanded him. 2, And the children of Israel gave cities to the Levites from their own inheritance, and suburbs for their cattle, and propert", as the Lord had commanded 6oses so did the children of Israel, and the" divided the land b" lot whether great or small. 21 And the" went to inherit the land according to their boundaries, and the children of Israel gave to 8oshua the son of :un an inheritance amongst them. 22 '" the word of the Lord did the" give to him the cit" which he re3uired, $imnath9serach in 6ount %phraim, and he built the cit" and dwelt therein. 23 $hese are the inheritances which %la?er the priest and 8oshua the son of


:un and the heads of the fathers of the tribes portioned out to the children of Israel b" lot in 2hiloh, before the Lord, at the door of the tabernacle, and the" left off dividing the land. 2! And the Lord gave the land to the Israelites, and the" possessed it as the Lord had spoken to them, and as the Lord had sworn to their ancestors. 2# And the Lord gave to the Israelites rest from all their enemies around them, and no man stood up against them, and the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hands, and not one thing failed of all the good which the Lord had spoken to the children of Israel, "ea the Lord performed ever" thing. 2& And 8oshua called to all the children of Israel and he blessed them, and commanded them to serve the Lord, and he afterward sent them awa", and the" went each man to his cit", and each man to his inheritance. 2( And the children of Israel served the Lord all the da"s of 8oshua, and the Lord gave them rest from all around them, and the" dwelt securel" in their cities. 2* And it came to pass in those da"s, that Abianus king of -hittim died, in the thirt"9eighth "ear of his reign, that is the seventh "ear of his reign over %dom, and the" buried him in his place which he had built for himself, and Latinus reigned in his stead fift" "ears. 2+ And during his reign he brought forth an arm", and he went and fought against the inhabitants of 'ritannia and Aernania, the children of %lisha son of 8avan, and he prevailed over them and made them tributar". 3, ;e then heard that %dom had revolted from under the hand of -hittim, and Latinus went to them and smote them and subdued them, and placed them under the hand of the children of -hittim, and %dom became one kingdom with the children of -hittim all the da"s. 31 And for man" "ears there was no king in %dom, and their government was with the children of -hittim and their king. 32 And it was in the twent" "ear after the children of Israel had passed the 8ordan, that is the si.t" "ear after the children of Israel had departed from %g"pt, that 8oshua was old, advanced in "ears, being one hundred and eight "ears old in those da"s. 33 And 8oshua called to all Israel, to their elders, their /udges and officers, after the Lord had given to all the Israelites rest from all their enemies round about, and 8oshua said to the elders of Israel, and to their /udges, 'ehold I am old, advanced in "ears, and "ou have seen what the Lord has done to all the nations whom he has driven awa" from before "ou, for it is the Lord who has fought for "ou. 3! :ow therefore strengthen "ourselves to keep and to do all the words of the law of 6oses, not to deviate from it to the right or to the left, and not to come amongst those nations who are left in the land neither shall "ou make mention of the name of their gods, but "ou shall cleave to the Lord "our God, as "ou have done to this da". 3# And 8oshua greatl" e.horted the children of Israel to serve the Lord all their da"s. 3& And all the Israelites said, 0e will serve the Lord our God all our da"s, we and our children, and our children4s children, and our seed for ever. 3( And 8oshua made a covenant with the people on that da", and he sent awa" the children of Israel, and the" went each man to his inheritance and to


his cit". 3* And it was in those da"s, when the children of Israel were dwelling securel" in their cities, that the" buried the coffins of the tribes of their ancestors, which the" had brought up from %g"pt, each man in the inheritance of his children, the twelve sons of 8acob did the children of Israel bur", each man in the possession of his children. 3+ And these are the names of the cities wherein the" buried the twelve sons of 8acob, whom the children of Israel had brought up from %g"pt. !, And the" buried =euben and Gad on this side 8ordan, in =omia, which 6oses had given to their children. !1 And 2imeon and Levi the" buried in the cit" 6auda, which he had given to the children of 2imeon, and the suburb of the cit" was for the children of Levi. !2 And 8udah the" buried in the cit" of 'en/amin opposite 'ethlehem. !3 And the bones of Issachar and 7ebulun the" buried in 7idon, in the portion which fell to their children. !! And @an was buried in the cit" of his children in %shtael, and :aphtali and Asher the" buried in Aadesh9naphtali, each man in his place which he had given to his children. !# And the bones of 8oseph the" buried in 2hechem, in the part of the field which 8acob had purchased from ;amor, and which became to 8oseph for an inheritance. !& And the" buried 'en/amin in 8erusalem opposite the 8ebusite, which was given to the children of 'en/amin the children of Israel buried their fathers each man in the cit" of his children. !( And at the end of two "ears, 8oshua the son of :un died, one hundred and ten "ears old, and the time which 8oshua /udged Israel was twent"9eight "ears, and Israel served the Lord all the da"s of his life. !* And the other affairs of 8oshua and his battles and his reproofs with which he reproved Israel, and all which he had commanded them, and the names of the cities which the children of Israel possessed in his da"s, behold the" are written in the book of the words of 8oshua to the children of Israel, and in the book of the wars of the Lord, which 6oses and 8oshua and the children of Israel had written. !+ And the children of Israel buried 8oshua in the border of his inheritance, in $imnath9serach, which was given to him in 6ount %phraim. #, And %la?er the son of Aaron died in those da"s, and the" buried him in a hill belonging to Bhineas his son, which was given him in 6ount %phraim. CHAPTER 91 1 At that time, after the death of 8oshua, the children of the -anaanites were still in the land, and the Israelites resolved to drive them out. 2 And the children of Israel asked of the Lord, sa"ing, 0ho shall first go up for us to the -anaanites to fight against them1 and the Lord said, 8udah shall go up. 3 And the children of 8udah said to 2imeon, Go up with us into our lot, and we will fight against the -anaanites and we likewise will go up with "ou, in "our lot, so the children of 2imeon went with the children of 8udah. ! And the children of 8udah went up and fought against the -anaanites, so


the Lord delivered the -anaanites into the hands of the children of 8udah, and the" smote them in 'e?ek, ten thousand men. # And the" fought with Adonibe?ek in 'e?ek, and he fled from before them, and the" pursued him and caught him, and the" took hold of him and cut off his thumbs and great toes. & And Adonibe?ek said, $hree score and ten kings having their thumbs and great toes cut off, gathered their meat under m" table, as I have done, so God has re3uited me, and the" brought him to 8erusalem and he died there. ( And the children of 2imeon went with the children of 8udah, and the" smote the -anaanites with the edge of the sword. * And the Lord was with the children of 8udah, and the" possessed the mountain, and the children of 8oseph went up to 'ethel, the same is Lu?, and the Lord was with them. + And the children of 8oseph spied out 'ethel, and the watchmen saw a man going forth from the cit", and the" caught him and said unto him, 2how us now the entrance of the cit" and we will show kindness to thee. 1, And that man showed them the entrance of the cit", and the children of 8oseph came and smote the -it" with the edge of the sword. 11 And the man with his famil" the" sent awa", and he went to the ;ittites and he built a cit", and he called the name thereof Lu?, so all the Israelites dwelt in their cities, and the children at Israel dwelt in their cities, and the children of Israel served the Lord all the da"s of 8oshua, and all the da"s of the elders, who had lengthened their da"s after 8oshua, and saw the great work of the Lord, which he had performed for Israel. 12 And the elders /udged Israel after the death of 8oshua for seventeen "ears. 13 And all the elders also fought the battles of Israel against the -anaanites and the Lord drove the -anaanites from before the children of Israel, in order to place the Israelites in their land. 1! And he accomplished all the words which he had spoken to Abraham, Isaac, and 8acob, and the oath which he had sworn, to give to them and to their children, the land of the -anaanites. 1# And the Lord gave to the children of Israel the whole land of -anaan, as he had sworn to their ancestors, and the Lord gave them rest from those around them, and the children of Israel dwelt securel" in their cities. 1& 'lessed be the Lord for ever, amen, and amen. 1( 2trengthen "ourselves, and let the hearts of all "ou that trust in the Lord be of good courage. THE END


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