Application of Geotextiles

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Definition of Geotextiles | Advantages of Geotextiles | Application of Geotextiles

Geotextiles Geotextiles are polymer f abrics used in the construction of roads, drains, harbour works, and breakwaters, and f or land reclamation and many other civil engineering purposes . Advantages of Geotextiles T he geotextiles market requires bulk quantities of material. Warp-knitted wef t-insertion geotextiles of f er the f ollowing advantages when compared to woven geotextiles: 1. Strength-f or-strength, they are lighter than woven geotextiles using the same yarn.T his makes f or easier handling and laying on site; thus transport and labour costs are less in real terms. 2. Knitted geotextiles have exceptional tear strength. Additional strength can be designed and built-in to the wef t direction such that a bi-axial high tensile, high strength warp/wef t geotextile becomes a reality; e.g. 500kNm warp and 500k Nm wef t. 3. Knitted geotextiles can incorporate an additional f abric to f orm a true composite geotextile, the f abric being simply knitted-in. 4. T he individual yarns in the warp knitted wef t-insertion geotextile are straight when incorporated, so they are able to take-up the strain immediately on loading. T hose in woven geotextiles are interlaced. Uses Of Geotextiles Construction of roads, drains, harbour works, and breakwaters, and f or land reclamation and many other civil engineering purposes . Some importance applications of geotextile are described below: Separation In this f unction, the geotextile serves to separate two dissimilarmaterials, eg, two dif f erent soils, landf ill material and the native soil, stone material and subgrade soil, old and new pavement, f oundation soils and various types of walls, or one of many other similar situations. In some instances, it is dif f icult to distinguish between the separation and stabilization f unctions because in both situations the geotextile is serving as a separator. However, in stabilization some additional phenomena occur.

Us e s o f g e o te xtile

Stabilization In this application, the natural soil on which the geotextile is placed is usually a wet, sof t, compressible material, exhibiting very little strength. By acting as a separator, the geotextile allows water f rom the sof t natural soil to pass f rom this soil into a f ree-draining construction soil, which in turn allows consolidation of the natural soil to take place. As a result of the consolidation process, there is a strength gain in the natural soil, which then provides an adequate f oundation f or construction to take place. Reinforcement T he key dif f erence between stabilization and reinf orcement is that stabilization is accomplished by providing f or drainage of water f rom the unstable soil, while in reinf orcement the strength characteristics (stressstrain) of the geotextile provide added strength to the whole system. Another dif f erence is that in stabilization the geotextile is placed on or around the area being stabilized and thereby also acts as a separator, whereas in the reinf orcement application the geotextile is placed within the material being reinf orced. T his is in line with reinf orcement concepts in concrete and other materials. Filtration Here the prime f unction is to retain soil or other f ine materials, while allowing water to pass through. Again, it is seen that more than one f unction is being perf ormed. If there were no drainage of water taking place, movement, and theref ore retention of the soil, would not be of concern. Part of the mechanism by which f iltration occurs is through the development of a soil f ilter behind the geotextile. As the water passes through, soil is f iltered out and collects behind the geotextile. As buildup takes place, a natural soil f ilter is developed. Drainage In the previous sections, drainage was discussed as taking place in a direction perpendicular to the plane of the geotextile. Here, drainage parallel to the plane of the geotextile is described. T he property called transmissivity is def ined as f low parallel to the plane of the geotextile. T his type of f low can occur to some extent in all geotextiles, but is best achieved in needle-punched nonwoven materials. T his class of geotextiles can be manuf actured in a range of thicknesses such that this characteristic is optimized. Moisture Barrier When impregnated with an asphaltic emulsion, geotextiles become impermeable and can then be used as moisture barriers. T he primary application f or this type of geotextile is in pavement rehabilitation.

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