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Secondary Sources

"1905 Treaty of Portsmouth Photo Gallery." WHAT'S NEW? - Web. 15 Feb. 2011. <>. This website basically gave a summary of the Russo-Japanese war, and the Treaty of Portsmouth. Although not that much information was gained from visiting this site, we were given access to a lot of pictures.

Gottscho, Samuel H. Sagamore Hill, Residence of Theodore Roosevelt. Treaty of Portsmouth, Japanese Swords Presented by Japanese Government for His Work on The Treaty. 1966. Photograph. The Library of Congress, Washington D.C. Library of Congress. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. These swords were given to Theodore Roosevelt by the Japanese for his work with them. They appreciated what he has done and it showed us how countries can come together in another way.

"IMPERIAL PROCLAMATION OF WAR." Relocate. Web. 27 Jan. 2010. <>. This is a copy of the proclamation that Japan created officially stating that they're in war against Russia. It shows who started the war officially, and why. This proclamation gave us knowledge of the reason behind the Treaty of Portsmouth.

Japanese and Korean Coolies Removing Supplies from Wharf of Chemulpo. 1904. Photograph. Library of Congress. This photograph help to show us what the people of Japan and Korea looked like and what the land surrounding them looked like. After looking at the picture we had a better understanding of everything going on during the war. Jutaro Komura. Photograph. Harper's Weekly, Portsmouth, NH. This photograph of Jutaro Komura help us learn who was apart of and signed the Treaty of Portsmouth. The picture has enabled us to better understand who went to Portsmouth in 1905 and who signed the treaty of September 5, 1905.

Kirchner, Walther, and Walther Kirchner. "Russo-Japanese War." Russian History. 7th ed. New York, NY: HarperPerennial/HarperCollins, 1991. 209-10. Print. This book is all about Russian History. Considering that the Russo-Japanese war and the Treaty of Portsmouth was between Russia and Japan, getting information about Russia seemed like a good idea. There were a couple of pages about the Russo-Japanese war and treaty that did help with the research.

The Treaty of Portsmouth (Portsmouth Peace Treaty). Web. 19 Jan. 2011. <>. This is a website which holds quotes and information of the treaty itself. This allowed us to use the quotes and learn more about why the treaty itself was needed to end the war.

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