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By Robert Koehler
On Talking Points

This writer spent Sunday

night staring in disbelief at
his TV.
Korea’s National Treasure
No. 1, the beautiful Nam-
daemun, was ablaze. Since the
gate was built in 1398, Korea
has seen many ups and downs. Expat living is a page dedicated
But, Namdaemun, also known
to the issues that affect expats'
as Sungnyemun, remained
the same — it was a rock of daily lives. It is your page,
stability in a rapidly changing where you can share stories about
world. your life in Korea. Send story
Sungnyemun, to this ideas to Matthew Lamers
writer, represented what was at
most beautiful in Seoul —
here, you could feel the dy-
namic contrast between old
and new that makes Seoul
such an interesting place to
live. It was a national icon,
an image beloved by broad-
casters worldwide to capture
the special energy of Korea.
And in a matter of mere
hours, it was gone.
It would be ludicrous, of
course, to somehow equate
the destruction of Sung- PHOTO CHALLENGE (CHILDREN) —
nyemun to the Sept. 11 ter- During the 2006 World Cup, this photo was
rorist attacks. Yet, upon taken in front of Seoul City Hall of a young
watching the gate collapse, girl decked out in red from head to toe.
the feeling was oddly similar. Reminiscing on the past, any international
The images were surreal — soccer tournament presents a great time to
this was not supposed to hap- be in Korea. Everyone is excited; the at-
pen. Over the course of 600 mosphere is great, people are outgoing and
years, Sungnyemun had everyone parties into the early hours of the
managed to survive the worst morning.
that Korean history could Photo by Stephen Wilson,
throw at her, including the
brutal Japanese invasions of
the 16th century, the colonial
assault on Korea’s historical
and cultural heritage, the de-
struction of the Korean War
and forced-march economic
development that left much
of Korea’s traditional legacy
in tatters. Sungnyemun was
Until Sunday night.
To put some emotional per-
spective on the disaster,
Effective classroom correction techniques
By Sean Smith
imagine how Americans sation. It would be much better to use that others could use review on. typing into PowerPoint, learners have Students who fear correction will now
might feel if they witnessed On EFL explicit error correction to draw the A slight variation on this that I have no distraction and will continue on be able to talk without worrying about
the Statue of Liberty fall into student’s attention to the point in ques- found to be an improvement is to put whatever task the teacher has as- being corrected and those that want to
the ocean. Or how the French One common mistake new teachers tion. the errors and corrections on to a signed them. be corrected will be.
might feel if they watched make is to use recasts to correct mis- For error correction to be effective, PowerPoint slide while the students Many students are naturally reticent This also allows students to say
the Eiffel Tower collapse. takes. A recast is when the teacher re- learners need to know that they are be- are doing something else. Then when to speak in class for fear of making mis- “enough correction,” and turn it off by
Following the blaze, much peats the incorrect sentence or phrase ing corrected. The teacher, however, it’s time to review the mistakes, bring takes and having them corrected in flipping the card over.
of the news has focused, nat- back to the learner with corrections but may not want to interrupt a task to cor- them up one at a time on the board and front of their peers. On the other hand, Giving learners a sense of control
urally enough, on finger does not otherwise interrupt the flow of rect a student if the error is not nega- ask students for corrections. Getting some students complain that they are will also increase in-class motivation
pointing. Did the firefighters the conversation. For example: tively affecting communication or com- students to think about what the mis- not corrected enough. The following and confidence by a small amount. A
do their jobs properly? Has Student: Yesterday I watch movie. pletion of the task. One common solu- take is, rather than just giving them idea provided to me by my friend copy of these cards is available for
the Cultural Heritage Teacher: Yesterday I watched a movie. tion is to make note of errors and then the answer, results in more thinking Duane provides a solution to both of download on my blog.
Administration been doing Student: It was an action movie. later in class put those errors up on the and stronger learning. these problems: Give learners cards
all it can to protect the na- Unless the teacher explicitly points board. The advantage here is that stu- Students are actively involved in the that say “correct my vocabulary,” “cor-
tion’s cultural properties? out the error (in this case, tense) re- dents are not embarrassed in front of error correction. Additionally, when rect my pronunciation,” and “correct Sean Smith teaches English at
Why didn’t the police provide search indicates that students do not friends and classmates when the writing something on the board, stu- my grammar.” Learners then have the Hanyang University and may be con-
sufficient security for the notice the correction, but rather consid- teacher points out their mistakes. dents tend to stop their group work and option to display the card face up and tacted via his website http://efl-
monument? And why — as- er it to be a normal part of the conver- Additionally it helps highlight an error focus on what the teacher is doing. By be corrected, or to not be corrected. — Ed.
suming, as appears to be the
case, this was a case of arson

Profane expressions — fuggedaboudit

— would anyone willfully
burn down one of Korea’s
most important pieces of tra-
ditional architecture?
Truth be told, the blame
game is a tad depressing.
That’s not to say there By Jeffery Hodges but I blame Norman Mailer for Abundance of Katherines,” a gross misspelling, as the term effect of Mailer’s illiterate much wrong.
aren’t very important On Language initially popularizing the which not only incessantly uses renowned stage actress vulgarism. Language already
lessons to be learned from basest form of this word in his the word but even depicts its Tallulah Bankhead acidly ob- suffers from a deleterious ten- Words molt old meanings
this tragedy. There certainly Although my old buddy Al World War II novel, “The 19-year-old main character served upon first meeting dency toward semantic drift, like feathers,
are. But now is not the time Termini, who drove the Naked and the Dead.” Here is a openly hailing Mailer’s book: Mailer: “So you’re the young and I see no good reason to en- Make speaking a spiel of
to fingerpoint. It’s time to Gutenberg Express between typical instance of a character “(I)t’s 872 pages, and it uses man who doesn’t know how to courage this vagabond neglect dumb luck,
mourn. the Stanford and Berkeley li- wantonly mouthing this term: the word fug or fugging or fug- spell.” of proper English, so I’ve writ- Bring us all to the ends of our
Interestingly enough, the braries back in the 1980s, “Minetta was becoming irri- ger or whatever about 37,000 Mailer’s crude misspelling ten a poem, “Semantic Drift,” tethers
suspect — an elderly man would litter his language with tated. It was impossible ever times. Every other word is a has spread even beyond the lit- to warn against Mailer’s mis- Leave us all without giving a
by the name of Chae — was profane expressions like to win an argument with fug, pretty much” (120). erary world and into popular use of our fine English lan- f**.
the same individual respon- fuggedaboudit, I never expect- Pollack. “Aaah, fug you,” he In homage to Mailer, this culture, where it has undoubt- guage and to graphically
sible for attempting to burn ed to see a t-shirt with that said (60). character and his best friend edly wreaked even more harm protest his unorthographic in- This is my protest. I utterly
down the Munjeong Hall in word unabashedly emblazoned Could this word possibly be adopt the vulgar term for their by piercing the virgin ears of fluence: refuse to use Mailer’s three-let-
Changgyeong Palace in across its front, but the cursed more crudely spelled out? own use. Shocking, yes, but not any who have ever heard of ter word. Fuggedaboudit.
2006, supposedly to draw thing is available at Mailer’s trashy novel should nearly so astounding as the that rock band whose name “Wood” now no longer sounds
attention to a land compen-, which at least ad- have been banned 60 years ago, fact that Green’s book placed was coined in 1965 by the crazy,
sation dispute involving mits that this is an “Adult T- but that ship has long sailed as a finalist for the Michael L. band’s cofounder Tuli While “stout” only scarcely Jeffery is a professor at
some property of his. His Shirt.” Despite its adult status, and returned with cargo. Printz Award in literary excel- Kupferberg as homage to seems strong; Kyung Hee University and can
punishment at the time? A however, anyone can access the Some of that cargo has re- lence! Mailer’s illiteracy: The Fugs. “Foul” connotes nothing of be reached through his blog
suspended sentence. site and order that shirt! cently gotten unloaded in John Literary? A word like that, Now, many may think me lazy, Gypsy Scholar at gypsyscholar-
At any rate, the Cultural I hate to speak ill of the dead, Green’s teenybopper novel, “An literary? Why, the word itself is alarmist, but consider the long- And “sin” suggests nothing — Ed.
Heritage Administration has
already announced plans to

Ask the photographer: The megapixel myth

rebuild the fallen gate exactly
as it was. The restoration pro-
ject is expected to take three
years and cost some 20 billion
won ($21 million). Of course,
the restoration project raises By David Smeaton However, it doesn’t just come els in diagonal hexagons, rather sensor is used. Compression es- ware to handle the image times, so there’s not much point
its own issues, including down to a simple number repre- than rows of rectangles. As a re- pecially can result in large drops Of course, megapixels do uploading 5mb photos to your
whether the rebuilt gate I want to upgrade my camera. senting a higher-quality image. sult, there are gaps between the in image quality, negating all make a difference when it comes blog or flickr account, because
would still classify as a It’s not that old, but there’s a There are a lot of factors included. pixels, and Fuji ‘guesses’ the the money you spent buying to printing, but unless you’re they’ll be resized to make them
National Treasure. Previous newer model which has a lot Don’t be fooled into thinking megapixel rate. For the megapixels. What’s the point of professional, you will never print more “web friendly”.
examples of restored cultural more megapixels. Is it worth the that 6 megapixels is twice as superCCD sensor, they double having a 10 megapixel camera if high-quality images. A 6 x 4 im- I think that if your camera
properties, such as the money for that extra resolution? good as 3 megapixels. the outcome to compensate for you’re only going to photograph age (postcard size) only requires does everything you need, and it
Jeokmukdang of Ssanggye-sa — Jamie, Seoul. It depends on the resolution missing pixels. So a true 6 low resolution images? a resolution of 2 megapixels has a few less megapixels, then
(formerly Treasure No. 458; of your camera, how your cam- megapixel sensor is called a 12 Newer studies have also (1800 x 1200 pixels). Higher don’t worry. You’ll never notice
one hall in the temple was de- To answer the question, we era’s software handles the data, megapixel sensor. The images shown that more than 6 megapixels have little impact on the difference. Keep the extra
stroyed in a fire in 1968) and should first understand what image compression, and are really 6 megapixels; howev- megapixels is useless for point the resolution, especially to the money in your pocket and up-
the Bronze Bell of Naksan-sa exactly a pixel is. A pixel is a whether you use digital or opti- er the camera stores 12 and shoot cameras. The sensor naked eye. However, an 8 x 10 grade your camera when it of-
(formerly Treasure No. 479, tiny color square. Cameras, cal zooms. megapixels of data, half of is so small that extra megapix- image would require closer to 8 fers much more useful features.
rebuilt after a forest fire de- TVs, computer monitors and Megapixels are quite a talk- which is completely useless. els do not improve image quali- megapixels (2400 x 3600 pixels) Happy shooting!
stroyed the temple in 2005) similar devices use millions of ing point amongst photogra- Another con nobody mentions ty at all. DSLR cameras, espe- without looking grainy. How of-
suggest that it won’t. pixels to create a picture. Most phers, and there’s one univer- is that compressing your image cially ones with cropped sen- ten do you print 8 x 10 images?
importantly, the sensor in your sally accepted truth — the race will result in lost quality. Some sors, are a bit better off. Only If you do print an image that big, Send David a message at
camera uses pixels to read and for more megapixels is the sales cameras use very high compres- full frame DSLR cameras can 5 to 7 megapixels will still look or
Robert is the editor-in- interpret the image. A million con of the decade. A good exam- sion when storing jpg files. All enjoy the benefits of up to 20mp. just fine. visit his website at www.david-
chief of SEOUL magazine, pixels is roughly a megapixel. 3 ple of megapixel tampering is that extra data is lost when the Pocket cameras with high The final consideration is that If you want to be a
and the administrator of The megapixels is 3 million pixels, one big camera company’s inter- camera writes the image to your megapixels will naturally have most images end up on the in- part of the weekly Photo
Marmot’s Hole blog (www.- and so on. polation method of guessing card. Compression and internal much higher noise, lowering im- ternet or e-mailed. Anything Challenge, join the “Seoul Photo — Ed. The basic theory is the more megapixels. Their new software have a huge effect on age quality. As a result, the cam- over 200kb is going to cause Club” group at flickr (flickr.-
pixels, the better your image. superCCD sensor arranges pix- how the data from the camera’s era needs more complex soft- long download and upload com/groups/seoulphotoclub).

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