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Friends with benefits, you say?

By Stephanie Morris carefully steeled yourself with psycho and C) have the same attitude that often goes hand- feel like no matter what the fu-
somehow seems lost in transla- feelings, i.e. it was a one-time in-hand with traveling. ture holds, the here and now is
Expats engage in an infinite tion. Your new life, however thing, lets move on. If this is the Whatever drives us to make really what matters because
variety of relationships here. temporary you tell yourself it is, unfortunate case, it will either these decisions can also blind the here and now seem pretty
They are as different as the per- consumes you, and your “other get a little messier then origi- us to the reality of the situation, great. B) This can also be the
sonalities that make them up, life” seems even farther away nally planned or you might find and who knows, maybe that’s quintessential feeling associat-
as fluid as the change that has than it actually is ... and that’s yourself in another type of rela- fine with you. If so, Godspeed, ed with teaching overseas, with
become a part of our everyday pretty far. Can it work? tionship found here, otherwise and truth be told, I’m a bit en- travel in general actually.
lives. Whether born out of con- Absolutely. Does it often? I known as ... vious of those for whom that Combine A and B and you’ve got
venience or genuine compatibil- guess that depends on who you The Friends-with-Benefits- sort of thing does the trick. The yourself something that, no
Expat living is a page dedicated ity, they’re all here. Living, are. Cheers to you my friend, except-who-are-we-kidding-I- rest of us however, will have to matter the outcome, will be one
breathing, hungry and horny. and wishing you all the very don’t-do-this-with-any-of-my- face it at some point or another. helluva ride. Don’t listen to any-
to the issues that affect foreigners'
We don’t shut it off once we best. other-friends Relationship: You It either ends, or you may find one who tells you otherwise, liv-
daily lives. It is your page, make the move. If anything, it The I-Got-Drunk-and-Made- can call it what you want but yourself in ... ing in the moment is what life
where you can share stories about gets worse. out-with/Slept-with-my-Friend- there are precious few who can The Are-we-really-in-a-rela- over here is about so much of
your life in Korea. Send story Types of relationships found in-Korea Relationship: It’s honestly say that the separation tionship-in-Korea-ok-I-guess- the time, and you never know
ideas to Matthew Lamers in Korea, but not restricted to freakin’ hilarious when it’s not of emotion from the “other stuff” we-are Relationship: A) Some what can happen if you give it
at mattlamers@heraldm.com the following: you and sometimes even when comes naturally and whose pla- people say the initial stages of a half a chance.
The Long-Distance-with- it is. Still, if/when it happens, tonic relationships can go places relationship are the most excit- There are so many more, not
Someone-Back-Home Relation- there’s really nothing to be done they were or were not meant to ing. You’re still getting to know the least of which is the one
ship: Travel can be an essential except grin and bear it. Time ever go. each other while both being on yours truly is currently dealing
part of life experience, and those has a habit of ushering the awk- The emotions that so often go your best behavior, the attrac- with. A continuation will be or-
SeoulSteves.com’s experiences are invaluable wardness (if any) away and along with this kind of thing tion that initially gripped the der, but that is another column
when it comes to relationships sooner or later things will re- can be magnified here in Korea two of you is starting to grow for another time.
Top Events for this week — and one’s contributions to turn to some semblance of nor- for the same reasons a lot of stronger. There’s still so much
them. It all seems so doable, mal. That is assuming both par- stuff here is. Perhaps it’s the to talk about and learn about,
Until Sunday, Italian Chef de Cuisine Roberto Mancini will be preparing that is, until that plane hits the ties involved A) are mature sense of isolation that comes and the sex, once past the awk- Stephanie can be reached
special dishes at the Hyatt Regency Incheon’s Restaurant 8. For more tarmac of Incheon International enough to appropriately deal from living in a foreign land; ward, getting-to-now-you stage, through her blog, stephanieinsu-
information call (32) 745-1234. Airport, and all that logic you so with the situation, B) are not perhaps it’s the devil-may-care is passionate and plentiful. You won.blogspot.com — Ed.

JW Marriott Seoul (02-6282-6735) and Marriott Executive Apartments

(02-2090-8050) in Seoul are celebrating the Spring Strawberry Festival
with special dessert and smoothie recipes. The event at Executive
Apartments runs through this weekend, but the JW Marriott will feature
the special menu through the end of the month. WHITE DANCER — Taken in Seoul during an annual festi-
val, the dancer, wearing a hanbok, moves slowly and grace-
Thursday fully across the stage. David Smeaton/ davidsmeaton.com

Make your reservation for Margarita night at On the

Border in Shinchon. The event has been exploding in
popularity and runs from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For more in-
formation and to make reservations call 324-0682.


Today is the registration deadline for beginner computer class-

es in the Seoul City Hall area. E-mail anne@korea4ex-
pats.com for more information.

Zelen in Itaewon is hosting a wine party featuring its trademark

Bulgarian cuisine. Price is 38,000 won ($40) and it runs from 8 p.m.
to 12 p.m. Food service finishes at 10 p.m. Call 749-0600 for infor-

SeoulTennis.com is organizing a tennis tournament

to kick off the tennis season. The tournament starts
today. Price is 38,000 won at the door. The event
takes place from 8 p.m. to 12 p.m. Food will be served
till 10 p.m. Call 749-0600 for more information or see
seoultennis.com or e-mail info@seoultennis.com


International Guides Korea is putting together a rock

climbing trip to Maisan today. The group will meet at the
front gate of Chungnam University in Daejon at 7 a.m.
Visit iguidekorea.com for more information.

The Royal Asiatic Society is sponsoring a trip to Sobaek Mountain to

visit the major temples in the area. E-mail raskb@kornet.net, visit
raskb.com or call 763-9483 for more information.

The Hyatt Regency Incheon is hosting a Biondi Santi Wine Maker’s

Dinner tonight, featuring the food of visiting chef Roberto Mancini. For
more information call (032) 745-1234.


The Royal Asiatic Society is planning a hike around the Jusan reservoir
and Juwang Mountain National Park. The area was featured in the in-
ternationally acclaimed Korean movie “Spring, Summer Fall Winter ...
and Spring.” E-mail raskb@kornet.net, visit raskb.com or call 763-9483
for more information.

To have your events listed on Seoul Steves Events List or to see more
events go to www.seoulsteves.com — Ed.

What The Book’s

English bestsellers
Fiction Bestsellers Nonfiction Bestsellers
1. The Kite Runner (Last week 1. Brother One Cell: An Amer-
No. 2) ican Coming of Age in
Khaled Hosseini South Korea’s Prisons (3)
Trade paper $15.00 Cullen Thomas
Trade paper $15.00
2. A Thousand Splendid Suns
(3) 2. Eat, Pray, Love (1)
Khaled Hosseini Elizabeth Gilbert
Hard cover $25.95 Trade paper $15.00

3. The Friday Night Knitting

Club (4)
Kate Jacobs
Trade paper $14.00
3. Three Cups of Tea: One
Man’s Mission to Promote
Peace (2)
Greg Mortenson
Trade paper $15.00
An ode to punk-infected rock
4. Water for Elephants (5) A solid night of live music in Seoul: ing for her. I would have liked them to up to a variety of effect pedals and two
Sara Gruen 4. The Secret (5) punk-infected rock, Burning Hepburn Richard Doherty feel each other a bit more as they amps, which were all put to good use.
Trade paper $13.95 Rhonda Byrne
Hard cover $23.95
and men in long black skirts. on Live Music played — at times they looked more in- Playing a mini piano with one hand
5. The Spiderwick Chronicles First on the bill at Skunk Hell in dividual than band-like. and grasping a microphone with the
(6) 5. The God Delusion (6) Hongdae were a local three-piece, ration of the set. Judging from the Up next were my most anticipated other, the vocalist, whose face was
Holly Black Richard Dawkins Propeller 21. They kick-started the crowd’s reaction, everyone was drawn act of the night, Burning Hepburn. The hidden by her hair for most of the set,
Boxed Set $49.99 Trade paper $15.95 night with an energetic performance of in together, creating an unforgettable band officially consists of four members, had a beautiful voice and good vocal
solid pop-punk tunes. atmosphere. Definitely a band to keep but when they play in session they add range.
6. What Is the What: The Auto- 6. The Reluctant Communist They certainly knew their genre well an eye out for on the live circuit. an extra two to cover keyboards and They played solidly through their set,
biography of Valentino (N/R) and rarely strayed, which happened to Third up were punk-rockers, The horns. The band dressed in a range of but unfortunately couldn’t seem to
Achak Deng (7) Charles Robert Jenkins be their downfall for me. Lacking vari- Strikers. They stormed onto stage play- punk styles, bringing back memories of work the thinning crowd following
Dave Eggers $24.95 ety more than anything else, if they mix ing a set with a healthy dose of punk-in- bands I liked as a child, and hinted at Burning Hepburn.
Trade paper $15.95 it up a bit, they could develop into a fected rock. their influences. Skunk Label’s All Sound All Here
7. A New Earth: Awakening strong young band, appealing to those The solid bass rhythm and diverse Mixing punk, rock and ska — and night was a fun night and a great show-
7. Duma Key (2) to Your Life’s Purpose who like their rock more catchy and ac- range of riffs from the guitar were playing at various tempos — they kept case for a variety of genres on Seoul’s
Stephen King (4)
Hard cover $28.00
cessible. complimented to perfection by strong my interest throughout their entire live scene. Watching a show in Skunk
Eckhart Tolle
Trade paper $14.00
Downhell, the second band of the vocals. They youthfully bounced set. Hell has a sense of community as the
8. The Other Boleyn Girl (N/R) night, took to the stage with the male around the stage and ensured every- They played off each other’s energy, crowd and the bands mingle through-
Philippa Gregory 8. Into the Wild (7) members dressed in long black skirts one at least nodded along to them. A while sounding very together through- out the night.
Trade paper $16.00 Jon Krakauer and the lone female in something a lit- surprisingly strong performance — out. The addition of a trumpet on some If you’re looking for a good night of
Trade paper $13.95 tle, well — shorter. considering they only formed a couple tracks, and bringing the keyboard to punk action, you would do worse than
9. The Road (8) They sounded as good as they looked: years ago. the front on others, added a welcome going to a Skunk Label show.
Cormac McCarthy 9. Guns, Germs and Steel (8) Guitarists battled it out with dueling Opening the second half of the night variety to their sound. To get to Skunk Hell take a right
Trade paper $14.95 Jared Diamond solos and solid riffs. The vocalist sang were Swimming Fish. They had that Burning Hepburn are a band with from Sangsu Station Line 6, exit and
Trade paper $16.95 with a true metal passion and was hit- distinct Korean punk style and were plenty of live experience under their follow the road down. The venue is up
10. No Country for Old Men ting all the right notes. The bass player the most Korean sounding band of the belt — and it showed. Their set was the hill, opposite 7-Eleven.
(10) 10. The World is Flat (10) was fairly inanimate (but looked devil- night. The cute female vocalist had a possibly the best of the night.
Cormac McCarthy Thomas L. Friedman ishly hot) as she strummed away. big voice for such a small girl and had a Filling in for another band, finish-
Intl paperback ed. $7.99 Trade paper $16.00
It was a mix that simply just worked, strong presence on the stage. The rest ing up the night, were four-piece Richard can be reached through his
What The Book ships anywhere in Korea. See its website at www.whatthebook.com and drew me to their world for the du- of the band laid down a solid pop back- Skrew Attack. The guitar was hooked blog, dorty.reptaro.net — Ed.

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