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Raeesah Azan September 16, 2012 Shawwal, 1433 Mrs.

Fareeda Abdurrahman

Reply to What Are People For? By Wendell Berry

What is the purpose of technological progress?, Wendell Berry asks his readers in his book, What are people for?. Most people would answer, To solve world issues and improve our communities of course. But, Berry seems to disagree that this is the true answer, stating that our attempts at progress derive from greed and the desire to live in ease. (Berry line 20) And from there Walden goes on to say that there is indeed no future, just a cultish faith in the future.(Berry, line 14) Berry Walden believes that justice for our earth cant come from focusing on the future and innovations but focusing on the earths present and preserving its ideals. Though Berry has some good points, I dont agree with his overall idea of the future and technological progress. I believe that staying in the present is moving backwards, and life should be all about moving forward.

In a way Berry is right when he says that the future is an article of faith. Yes, the future is something we all dream about, have hopes for and that is the exact reason why many of us are motivated to resolve our present problems to create a better future. I dont think this belief is cultish at all, but instead unifying. Leaving the future as is, doesnt seem like justice to Earth as Berry States. How can limiting the mind and disabling it from exploring the unknown be

justice? Thanks to technology, we have been able to find medicines that have cured the incurable, provide water to those who had not passage to water, and to communicate with countries all over the world. Why stop that? Why stop discovering? Why not continue to find cures, and help others? Not doing so seems like the real injustice.

Today we have developed the necessary technology to surpass the fondest hopes and dreams of any of the past. And it will only continue to get better. The only limitations to the future of humankind are those that we impose upon ourselves. It is now possible to relieve humanity of many of its unresolved problems through the use of technology.

Berry again states if we take care of the world at present, the future would have receiver full justice from us (Bell, line 23) But how would we take care of the world if we do not explore it, and find its flaws needed to be fixed? What if a new life threatening force were to attack earth? We wouldnt be prepared for any of it without technology. We would be lost and ultimately without a home to even take care of. As the saying goes, Where there is no vision, the people perish." To me not progressing, and living in the present is living at ease, oppose to what Walden says. Abandoning innovation is uncaring of the earth and the lazy way out and the quitters way.

It is imperative that we continue the process of experimentation in order to transcend our present limitations and enhance the lives of everyone. These gifts of human ingenuity and invention do not degrade our lives, but rather they enrich and enhance us. Living in the present alone, is not caring for Earth but instead living for the future. The Earth will never be at peace if everyone lived day by day not planning of the future. As long as there is a tomorrow, there will

be problems that come with it, but as long we keep moving forward, we can overcome it with the help of technology.

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