All Tenses Exercises

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1 1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: PRESENT SIMPLE OR PRESENT CONTINUOUS.

0 1 Do you like (you/like) her?

He _____________________ (not/play) the drums regularly.

2 No, I dont like that band now. I _____________________ (listen) to Muse these days. Do you know them? 3 Hes so boring! He usually _____________________ (talk) about his favourite sports team and Im not interested in it! 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 My girlfriend _____________________ (not/understand) why I like heavy metal. Look, he _____________________ (fall) asleep again! I cant believe it! _____________________ (he/read) anything at the moment? His father _____________________ (prefer) detective stories. _____________________ (her husband/come) from Wales? Jay cant come to the phone. He _______________________ (serve) the customers. No, she _______________________ (not/belong) to any club. His feels so lonely. His girlfriend _______________________ (study) in Scotland this term. _______________________ (he/come) here often? Oh, I _______________________ (see) now, hes your brothers best friend. My brother never _______________________ (agree) with me. _______________________ (their son/stay) in Edinburgh at the moment? Paddy _______________________ (not/play) the violin. Hes a drummer.

2 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of PAST SIMPLE. 0 1 I was (be) only three years old then.

When _________________ (she/leave) university?

2 Agatha Christie _________________ (not/be) a good student because she _________________(not/know) how to spell. 3 4 it. 5 Im not going to put on that sweater! I _________________ (wear) it yesterday! We _________________ (write) a Maths test last week. I hope I _________________ (not/fail) _________________ (they/be) happy when she _________________ (tell) them the news?

6 I ______________ (feel) stupid when all the kids ______________ (laugh) at me on my first day of school.

2 7 8 ______________ (you/have) a uniform when you ______________ (be) a student? ______________ (she/be) present at school yesterday?

9 Her parents ______________ (buy) her a piano when she ______________ (do) that music course. 10 When ______________ (he/become) successful?

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: PAST SIMPLE OR PAST CONTINUOUS. 0 When I computer. 1 2 3 was watching (watch) television, my brother broke (break) my

What ___________________ (your son/do) yesterday at 8 p.m., Mrs Walker? It ___________________ (rain) and the sun ___________________ (not/shine). What ___________________ (you/read) before you ___________________ (fall) asleep?

4 While she ___________________ (complain) about the noise, he ___________________ (switch) on the television. 5 6 7 Finally he ___________________ (finish) writing and called it The Cat Waltz. He ______________ (not/finish) the book before his death. As they ______________ (sit) by the fire, somebody ______________ (knock) on the door.

8 At 7 oclock my son ______________ (surf) the Internet and I ______________ (clean) the kitchen. 9 10 No, it ______________ (not/snow) when he ______________ (decide) to leave the house. Eventually he ______________ (give) us the key to the room.

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets: PRESENT PERFECT OR PAST SIMPLE. 0 1 Where have you been (you/be)?

How long _________________ (he/know) his girlfriend?

2 Shes very depressed because she thinks her boyfriend _________________ (forget) about her birthday. 3 4 5 When _________________ (you/hear) that? Well, _________________ (he/ask) her to marry him? No? What is he waiting for? You _________________ (tell) the joke two times, dont you remember?

3 6 After ten years they _________________ (move) away from here to start a new life in another country. 7 8 life. 9 10 11 12 Its strange but he _________________ (not/see) his children for 5 years. What kind of husband is he? He _______________ (not/help) her with the housework in his _______________ (you/send) her the text message yet? When _______________ (he/get) the piercing? After the wedding they ________________ (live) in Paris for 8 months. How long ____________________ (your sister/know) him?

13 Youre not going to believe this! Dan ________________ (take) his girlfriend to that expensive restaurant in the city centre yesterday. Do you think it means something? 14 What? Our daughter wants to live with him? But she __________________ (not/finish) her college yet.

5 Complete the sentences using WILL OR GOING TO with the words from brackets. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Look, that plane is going to land (land) on water!

Oh no! I know this sound. My computer ___________________ (stop) working. I think new drugs ___________________ (not/help) get rid of antisocial behaviour. Look, her shoelaces are undone. She ___________________ (fall)! People ____________________ (live) longer in the future. Is that the time!? I ___________________ (be) late for the meeting with my boss! After 2030 everybody ____________________ (do) the shopping on the Internet. The sky is clear so it ________________________ (not/rain) today. Dont worry. It is possible that nanorobots _______________ (change) the way we look at medicine.

9 Computers definitely _______________ (not/drive) cars for us! There are so many things that can go wrong. 10 My mom started taking computer classes last weekend. She ___________________ (learn) how to send email and use the Internet. 11 12 13 14 Can you hear that? My neighbours ___________________ (have) another party. I can see a few people I know so I ___________________ (not/feel) lonely. Who knows? Maybe new drugs ___________________ (help) reduce crime in the future. Im sure solar energy ___________________ (be) more popular than petrol.

6 Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets: PRESENT CONTINUOUS OR GOING TO - FUTURE REFERENCE. 0 1 I am visiting (visit) my grandparents on Friday.

I think we ___________________ (go sailing) tomorrow if the weather is nice.

2 She cant meet you tomorrow, Ron, because she ___________________ (fly) to Rome for a few days. 3 4 5 6 Our daughter ___________________ (go backpacking) in July with her boyfriend. Honey! Ive got the tickets! We ___________________ (spend) a week in Rio de Janeiro! When ___________________ (he/go hiking) in the Alps? Maybe Sandra ___________________ (help) us choose the right hotel.

7 How ______________________ (you/relax) there? Im not sure because I dont know the place. 8 She still cant choose where she wants to go. She thinks she ________________________ (go sightseeing) in Belgium. 9 10 11 go? 12 13 14 I ___________________ (go swimming). Do you want to join me? And your holiday plans? What ___________________ (you/see) this year? Mom! Jason ___________________ (organise) an expedition to the Rocky Mountains. Can I They ___________________ (start) their trip tonight at 11. When ___________________ (he/tell) you how much you have to pay? We ___________________ (talk) to our boss. Maybe he can sponsor their holidays.

8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets MEANI ASI. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next year I (work) m going to work harder.

He cant hear you because he (listen) ________________ to heavy metal on his walkman. My father (not understand) ______________________ how to use my computer. My mother never (agree) ________________ with me about clothes. They never (do) ________________ their homework on time. Im so excited. I (fly) ________________ to Spain tomorrow. Thats my last camping holiday. Next year I (stay) ________________ in a hotel. At the moment, my father (read) __________________ a detective story

5 8 9 10 11 12 We often (go) __________________ cycling on Sundays. Dont ask him. He (not know) __________________ anything. Sorry, I cant come out tonight. We (have) __________________ a party. I love camping. I (buy) __________________ a tent this year. Carole (think) __________________ Im lazy.

9 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets MEANI ASI. 0 Last week I (go) went to the cinema to see the new James Bond film.

1 I (paint) ______________ the living room ceiling when I (drop) ______________ my brush onto the TV. 2 3 I (not do) ______________ my homework last night, I forgot. Where (be) ______________ you yesterday?

4 I (not come) ______________ to see you yesterday because I (sleep) ______________ all evening. 5 I (be) ___________ tired yesterday and this morning I (wake) ___________ up at ten oclock. 6 7 8 Im sorry, I (not see) ________________ you there. Its so dark in here. While you (talk) ________________ on the telephone, I (write) ________________ two letters. Look at this. I (find) ________________ it on the way home.

10 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c. (FIND THE CORRECT VERB TENSE PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT CONTINUOUS, GOING TO) I (0) _____________ in a very multi cultural part of England. Its a very interesting place. I often (1) _____________ in the small streets behind the station. Theyre full of small shops and restaurants. My friends and I (2) _____________ here every Friday. This week we (3) _____________ to a new restaurant. I (4) _____________ Thai chicken I always do. One day I (5) _____________ how to cook Thai food. (6) _____________ how to cook Thai food? 0 1 2 3 4 5 a) am living a) am walking a) are going to eat a) are going a) am going to have a) learn b) living b) walk b) are eating b) go c) eat c) is going b) am having b) am learning c) have c) am going to learn c) live c) am going to walk

6 6 a) Do you know b) Are you know c) Are you knowing

I (0) _____________ reading about different religions and cultures. I (1) _____________ its really interesting. Next year I (2) _____________ a history course at college. This afternoon I (3) _____________ some books to read in the holidays. I (4) _____________ a great book at the moment about the history of India. I (5) _____________ everything but Im learning more and more. Its by Professor Charles Street. (6) _____________ it? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a) am loving a) think a) starting a) am going to buy a) read a) dont understand a) Are you know b) love b) am thinking b) start b) am buying b) am reading b) am not understand b) Do you know c) am going to love c) am going to think c) am going to start c) buy c) am going to read c) am not understanding

c) Are you knowing

11 Circle the correct answers: a, b or c. (FIND THE CORRECT VERB TENSE PAST SIMPLE , PAST CONTINUOUS, USED TO) Last week, I (0) __________ a book on local history. Its fascinating. The phone rang while I (1) __________ but I (2) __________ it. I couldnt stop (3) __________. In the book it says that a man called John Collins built our house over 200 years ago in 1796. He was a soldier and died fighting when he was 38 years old. He (4) __________ his horse when some soldiers (5) __________ him and shot him. Its funny, at school I never (6) __________ history but now its my favourite subject! 0 1 2 3 4 a) was starting reading a) used to read a) wasnt answering a) to read a) was riding b) used to start reading b) was reading b) didnt answer b) read b) rode c) started reading c) read c) didnt use to answer c) reading c) used to ride

7 5 6 a) were seeing a) used to like b) used to see b) didnt like c) saw c) was liking

When I was young I (0) ________ to be a professional footballer. I started (1) ________ when I was 6 and I (2) ________ for a team. I was quite good. But, one day, while I (3) ________, I (4) ________ my leg very badly. I was in hospital for 2 months and, after that, I was never very good again. I (5) ________ help train children but I stopped (6) ________ that 2 or 3 years ago. Now I only watch football on the TV. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 a) was wanting a) training a) playing a) played a) was breaking a) did a) doing b) used to wanting b) train b) used to play b) used to play b) broke b) was b) to do c) wanted c) trained c) play c) was playing c) used to break c) used to c) do

12 FUTURE (WILL/ GOING TO) - Complete the questions for the answers given. The lines show how many words you need to use. 0 A Are you going to be alright?

B Yes, I am. Dont worry. Everythings fine now. 1 A __________ __________ __________ be rich?

B I dont know. Maybe I will be rich in 20 years! 2 A __________ __________ __________ __________ in ten years?

B Im not sure. Maybe Ill be in Canada or the USA. 3 A Is __________ __________ __________ __________ late?

B No, he isnt. He telephoned to say that his train is on time. 4 A Who __________ __________ __________ win?

B John is. Look, hes much better than the others. 5 A ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ next summer?

8 B I dont know. I might work or I might have a long holiday. 6 A What ___________ ___________ ___________ like in 50 years?

B I think people will look the same as they do now. Maybe theyll be taller. 7 A ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ have a test?

B Yes, I think we are. Look the teacher is moving the desks. 8 A Is ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ be at the party?

B Yes, he is. My brother never misses a party.


PRESENT PERFECT: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Circle the correct words.

I have never seen / saw a better film than this. Oh, no! Look what you have did / done! Johnny isnt here. Oh. Where has he been / gone? Why havent you done / you havent done your essay? Have you heard about Dennis? Yes, I have / heard. Has he eaten lunch? No, he havent / hasnt. Ssh. We havent finished our test yet / still. Youre late. Where have you been / gone? Has your dog come / came home? Has she decided what to eat? No, she didnt / hasnt. Mrs Pierce has gave / given her class a surprise test. How far you have / have you driven? Wait a minute. Ive just / already woken up and Im still half asleep. Hes took / taken two exams but only passed one. Have you thought about my idea? --- Yes, I have / did. Have I seen / saw you somewhere before? We havent had / didnt have many sunny days this year.

10 INDIRECT QUESTIONS WRITE THE CORRECT INDIRECT QUESTIONS USING THE SENTENCES GIVEN Why did she cry? - I don't really know __________________________________ . Does she speak Greek? - I will ask her __________________________________ . Where is Joe? - I have no idea __________________________________. I'd like to know what time__________________________________ ?. - The show starts at 8 o'clock. Is he all right? - I do not know__________________________________ . What did he want? - I'm afraid I can't tell you __________________________________. Do you know who __________________________________? - Yes, Jim Harrison is a writer. Whose car was it? - I'm not quite sure __________________________________ . Is this the right train? - Let's ask someone __________________________________ . I wonder when __________________________________ . But they've already got married! How long has she known him? - Well, I'd like to know __________________________________ How much is this scarf? - Why do you want to know __________________________________ ? Can you tell me what __________________________________? - Her name is Maggie. Do they have any free tickets? - Let's have a look __________________________________ . Do you remember where __________________________________? - The boxes were in the garage. Which countries did she visit ? - To tell the truth, I haven't found out _______________________________yet . What will the weather be like next week? - I wonder _______________________________ . What's the population of Sr Lanka? - I'd like to know _______________________________ . Is it possible? - You should find out_______________________________ . How many English words do you know? - I have no idea _______________________________. How much is the most expensive car in the world? - I don't care_______________________________ . What day did the World War II start? - I can't remember_______________________________ . Does she agree with it? - Ask her_______________________________ . What will she have for dinner? - I don't know_______________________________ . How much money have they? - I can't tell you_______________________________ . Who is he? - I don't want to know_______________________________ . He was born in Paris. - And do you know when_______________________________ ?

11 What would she do? - Why should I tell you_______________________________ . FUTURE TIME CLAUSES complete the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets to form future time clauses:

I'll be ready as soon as you (be). We'll stay here till she (return). Please, call us when you (arrive). I'm going to tell her before she (leave). I don't know when the party (start). He'll drive you there whenever you (need). The moment summer here, the garden will be so beautiful! (be) I am going to take the exam after I all these books. (study) He will wait for you until you (be back) Don't worry! I'll watch you while you in the lake. (swim)

JOIN THE SENTENCES by using the CONJUNCTION in brackets to form future time clauses

We'll get there. We'll send a message. (soon after)Soon after we get there, we'll send a message. I would like to finish it. It will get dark. (before) We are going to have a rest. We'll be on holiday. (while) He will not regret it. She'll move away. (until) Can you water the flowers? We'll leave the house. (when) ? Get in touch with him. I'm going to write to him. (as soon as) Come to see me. You'll feel alone. (whenever) I will find the opener. I will open the bottle. (the moment) We will go to the shop. We will be walking the dog. (while) I'll have finished my lesson by noon. I'll come round. (after)


Jack is seeing the doctor tomorrow. He will be all right. Soon after Jack sees the doctor tomorrow, he will be all right. We are going to get married. We will live in Bristol. As soon as we . You'll be hungry. You can take anything from the fridge. Whenever you . I'm going to change my job. I must tell my boss. Before I . They will be waiting for me. They will have enough time to prepare it. While they . Peggy is coming tonight. She will help you. As soon as Peggy .


ADJECTIVES: Put in the adjective in bold from the first sentence into the second

sentence in its correct form (comparative or superlative). Example: I have a fast car, but my friend has a ______ car. Answer: I have a fast car, but my friend has a faster car. 1) This is a nice cat. It's much than my friend's cat. 2) Here is Emily. She's six years old. Her brother is nine, so he is . 3) This is a difficult exercise. But the exercise with an asterisk (*) is the exercise on the worksheet. 4) He has an interesting hobby, but my sister has the hobby in the world. 5) In the last holidays I read a good book, but father gave me an even one last weekend. 6) School is boring, but homework is than school. 7) Skateboarding is a dangerous hobby. Bungee jumping is than skateboarding. 8) This magazine is cheap, but that one is . 9) We live in a small house, but my grandparents' house is even than ours. 10) Yesterday John told me a funny joke. This joke was the joke I've ever heard. Comparison of Adjectives - Fill in the correct form of the words in brackets (comparative or superlative).
1. My house is (big) than yours. 2. This flower is (beautiful) than that one. 3. This is the (interesting) book I have ever read. 4. Non-smokers usually live (long) than smokers. 5. Which is the (dangerous) animal in the world? 6. A holiday by the sea is (good) than a holiday in the mountains. 7. It is strange but often a coke is (expensive) than a beer. 8. Who is the (rich) woman on earth? 9. The weather this summer is even (bad) than last summer. 10. He was the (clever) thief of all.

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