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Written by Adam Livingston

1803 West State Street, Marshalltown, IA (641) 351-9391

EXT. CAMP SLURPALACUMMA - DAY Its very cold outside. The eerie forest of Camp Slurpalacumma is covered with snow. The forest is shown with its full creepiness throughout the opening credits while the Morricone-inspired theme song plays. As the song concludes, we see the turquoise sky glisten upon the pearly snow, and a single police car driving down a road. INT. POLICE CAR A police officer drive while singing along to country music and sipping coffee. Hes an old man in his late 50s. He looks nearly idential to the sherriff from Misery (1990), except he has a huge scar on his face that runs from his forehead down to the opposite side of his mouth. The cop looks out his drivers side window and sees something that concerns him. He immediately slams on the brakes and hurriedly steps out of the vehicle. EXT. CAMP SLURPALACUMMA - DAY The police officer sees three bright objects sticking out of the snow; one brown, one orange, one blue. He walks over to the blue object and gasps. POLICE OFFICER Jesus Christ. The blue object is a winter coat that is covering the corpse of a young boy. The cop uses his sleeve to brush the snow off the torso of the boy, revealing a single gunshot wound to the chest. The police officer reaches in the back pocket of the boys corduroy pants and pulls out a Pac-Man wallet. He opens the wallet and we see the contents. The cop holds a driving permit that reads TRUMAN WILLIAMS. The smell of the rotting corpse overwhelms the police officer and he vomits all over Truman. He recovers and crawls away. POLICE OFFICER (CONTD) (speaking into radio) I need an ambulance at the south entrance to the Slurpalacumma campsite. Theres a kid here, deceased, named Truman Williams. Appears to be dead by gunshot wound. Despite what hes seen, the police officer remains calm and reserved.


DISPATCHER 10-4, emergency services are en route to your location. Please stand by. The police officer gets up and walks to the orange object and finds the corpse of another boy with the back of his head blown off. Blood and pieces of skull and brain are scattered all over the fucking place. The police officer gags repeatedly, but his breakfest of coffee and donuts have already been wasted on Truman. POLICE OFFICER (speaking into radio) I found another dead kid. The police officer reaches in the dead youngsters wallet and reads his school ID. The name ROGER BUFORD DOUGLAS is printed on the card, as well as a picture of him with his head intact. POLICE OFFICER (CONTD) (speaking into radio) This ones name is Roger Buford Douglas. It appears that hes a student of Roald Dahl Memorial High School. DISPATCHER Emergency services will be notifed of the second corpse. POLICE OFFICER Roger that. The police officer throws the wallet on the chest of Rogers inanimate body. He exhales deeply and sits back in the snow, relaxing while processing everything he had just seen. After awhile he pulls out a wallet of his own and begins sifting through pictures of his family. He has four young children, all probably still in elementary school, and his ugly wife. He smiles a he recollects that his innocent and adorable children dont have to go through an unfortunate massacre like the two lads in front of him have. Out of nowhere, a hairy beast grabs the officers face, pulls it back, and begins ferociously snacking on the flesh of his neck. POLICE OFFICER (CONTD) AHHHHHHHHH! The police officers scream is halted as the beast severes his vocal chords.


Theres red snow everywhere due to the broken veins and arteries spurting blood all over. The beast takes a huge bite out of the police officers face. FADE OUT. FADE IN: INT. CHILDS BEDROOM A little BOY of about seven or eight years old is sitting on his floor, playing Rampage: World Tour on his Nintendo 64. The room is filled with Star Wars memorabilia and various famous childrens toys, such as Mr. Potato Heads, Legos, and Tinker Toy sculptures. As the little boy smashes buildings and eats terrfied people, a knock is heard on the door. A WOMAN pokes her head in the room. Shes could win a Lucille Ball lookalike contest, except shes missing some teeth. WOMAN Honey? BOY Yeah? WOMAN A man from the police station is here to ask some questions about Truman. The boys face lights up with excitement as he finally gets ton talk with a police officer, but soon becomes worried as he senses theres something wrong. WOMAN (CONTD) Honey, this is detective Branson. A young, sexy, and masculine man emerges from the hallway. This is detective BRANSON. You can tell he is a total badass by just looking at him. He has slicked back blackn hair, a rugged complexion, and a beautiful Burt Reynolds mustache. Sunglasses cover his eyes, and hes dressed like a boss in a black suit and a black tie. Detective Branson is truly a sharp dressed man. BRANSON Hey, little man. Hows it going? The young lad is in awe of how cool Detective Branson is, so he keeps his mouth shut.


BRANSON (CONTD) You mind if I play your game with you? Is it two player? The boy gets up and plugs in another controller to his Nintendo 64. He hands Branson the controller and they both sit down next to each other on the floor. WOMAN Detective Branson, would you like some coffee? BRANSON Yes, mam. That would be delightful. WOMAN How would you like it. BRANSON Lots of cream and lots of sugar, please. WOMAN All right, Ill have it for you in a bit. The woman leaves the room and Branson takes off his suit jacket and places it on a nearby chair. He picked up the controller like its a foreign device that hes never used before. He squints at the pause screen. BRANSON So whats your name, little man? BOY Andy. BRANSON Okay, Andy. So, what game are we playing? ANDY Rampage: World Tour. BRANSON Hmm. I dont think Ive ever played this one. What do you do? ANDY You pick a monster and blow up buildings and eat people and stuff.


BRANSON Wow. This sounds like a violent game. Your parents are okay with you playing violent games? ANDY Yup. BRANSON Well then play. Andy and Branson choose their monsters and begin destroying cities together. BRANSON (CONTD) You know, back in my day, we didnt have games like this. We would play games that were really simple, and some wouldnt even require a button. Just a joystick. And we couldnt play games at home unless we were rich. Most kids like me had to save up money to go to an arcade. You ever been to an arcade? ANDY No. BRANSON Well there were two games there that I was a master at. Ms. PacMan and Missile Command. ANDY Ooh, Ive played Pac-Man at my aunt Jennys house before! BRANSON Oh yeah? So you know how hard it is? Andy nods in agreement about the difficulty of the game. BRANSON (CONTD) I spent hours and hours at the arcade playing that game. And I got good, like real good. I got so good that I eventually got to play for free just because kids would give me quarters just to see me play. I ended up with the arcades record for highest score in Ms. PacMan. (MORE)

6. BRANSON (CONTD) When they finally got a regular PacMan machine, I got the record in that too. Both of those records stood until they tore down the arcade a couple years ago.

Andy is utterly fascinated with the story. ANDY Thats cool! Whyd they tear it down, though? Branson points at the Nintendo 64. BRANSON Well, now everyone plays their games at home, so arcades cant stay in business because they dont make any money. ANDY Thats sad. Arcades sound really fun. BRANSON It is sad. The place where I spent most of my childhood is gone. But oh well, now I get to play these more advanced games with you. And Im losing. ANDY No youre not! Look at the score, youre killing me! Branson looks at the score and he is indeed killing him. The door to the room opens and the woman enters with a mug of coffee in her hand. WOMAN Heres your coffee, detective. are you guys doing? Branson takes his coffee. BRANSON Were doin just fine, mam. you. WOMAN You are most welcome! The woman smiles at Detective Branson as she leaves the room, probably, at the fact that he gets along so well with Andy. Thank How


Before she exits, Branson makes eye contact with her and returns the smile, probably making her very wet. Branson and Andy resume playing their game. BRANSON So, Andy. How do you know this Truman kid? ANDY His mom used to babysit me and I would go over and he would show me his Legos and his trains and stuff. BRANSON You guys were pretty good friends? ANDY Yeah. Branson takes out a little notepad out of his inside jacket pocket on the chair, as well as a black pen. BRANSON Do you remember when you saw Truman last, Andy? ANDY A couple of days ago. BRANSON Whered you see him? Were you guys hanging out at his house? ANDY Yeah, I went there after school. helped him build his Star Wars Legos. Cool. I

BRANSON What were you guys building?

ANDY Uhhh, we were building the Death Star. BRANSON The first one or the second one? ANDY What? BRANSON Nevermind. Was Truman acting suspicious?


ANDY What does that mean? BRANSON Was he acting strange, or was he acting weird? Andy, despite his young age, picks up from the tone of Bransons voice that something is wrong. ANDY No, why? BRANSON Andy, your friend Truman has been missing for the last two days. ANDY Hes gone? Andy is visibly shaken by the news. Hes shocked.

BRANSON Hes lost. Missing. Nobody knows where he is. But thats why Im here. Im trying to find him. Andy begins to sob hysterically and runs into Bransons arms. Branson rolls his eyes and pulls out a cigarette while embracing him. BRANSON (CONTD) Hey! Dont worry, little buddy. Itll be alright! You know how many police officers are looking for him? Hundreds. The entire state is looking for him. Branson lights the cigarette in his mouth and inhales the smoke in the coolest way possible. God, he is fucking radical. Andy cries a bit less hysterically. ANDY Detective Branson, youve got to find him! Hes my best friend! Branson grabs Andy by his shoulders and gves him a stern look right in his eyes. BRANSON Ill find Truman, Andy. you. I promise


Branson takes another long drag on his cigarette. him another hug. WOMAN Do I smell smoke?

Andy gives

The woman barges into the room like a crazed psycho-bitch. She thinks there is something on fire. But then she sees Branson. She sees her crying son in his arms while hes smoking a cigarette. WOMAN (CONTD) (gasp) Dont smoke around my son, you faggot! The woman walks up to Branson, slaps the shit out of him, and takes the cigarette out of his mouth. BRANSON Im sorry, mam. I... WOMAN Get out of my house. Branson exhales deeply and begins to stroll out of the room. BRANSON Bye, Andy. Andy waves goodbye as the badass detective leaves. CUT TO: EXT. STREET - DAY A gas guzzling 1970s Chevrolet is barreling down the road, with Feels Like The First Time by Foreigner blasting from the speakers. The car slows down and turns into a parking lot. The parking lot of Uncle Ricardos, a bar. Branson stes out of the car and strolls into the bar. INT. UNCLE RICARDOS Some patrons are sitting at tables, eating wings and watching football. Others are at the bar, consuming various alcoholic beverages. The place isnt packed, but its not almost empty either. Branson walks over to the bar and takes a seat. BARTENDER Hey, Branson. What would you like this afternoon?


BRANSON Gin and tonic. BARTENDER Coming right up. Branson takes his jacket off and slings it over the back of the stool. BRANSON You wouldnt happen to have todays paper would you? BARTENDER I do. The bartender walks over to Branson with his druk and gives it to him, along with the newspaper from behind the counter. Branson takes a look at the newspaper, and on the front page there is blown up picture of Truman Williams, along with the words MISSING above it. BARTENDER (CONTD) You guys gonna find this kid? BRANSON Were working on it. BARTENDER Well maybe you guys should work faster. Cant imagine what his parents feel like. Ant even imagine someone going missing in a small town like this. Shouldnt ever happen. BRANSON Give me a fucking break. Most of us havent slept. What stopping you from going out to look for him? BARTENDER This. The bartender shows Branson the various work activities going on behind the counter. Branson rolls his eyes. A television set above the bar begins a relevant news story. NEWS REPORTER Residents of Springfield are shocked and in panic by the disappearance of a local boy.


BRANSON Hey, could you turn it up? The bartender grabs a remote and increases the television volume. NEWS REPORTER The boy is Truman Williams, a student at Roald Dahl Memorial High. He was last seen going to bed by his mother at around 10 pm on Friday night and he wasnt in his bed the next morning. Branson lights up a cigarette while watching the news program. NEWS REPORTER (CONTD) His mother, Wendy, is with us at the Williams home. Sheila? SHEILA is a fat black woman who is the reporter in the field for the local news station. Shes standing next to an even fatter white woman, WENDY, dressed in green sweatpants and an orange Tweety Bird shirt. Its white trash at its finest. SHEILA Thanks, Darcy. Im with the mother of Truman, Wendy Williams. Mrs. Williams, Im sure youre very upset, but could you let our viewers know what they can do personally to help find your son? While Wendy Williams originally looks composed, she explodes in the microphone with sobs of uncontrollable crying. Shes disgusting and obnoxious. Even for the circumstances, it seems like is way overly-dramatic. WENDY Just keep an eye out for em! When yall are takin yer kids to daycare or McDonalds, tell em to keep their eyes open for em! The more people lookin the better! I just miss my boy! Truman, if youre out there and you can hear me, come back! Whatever I did, Im so sorry! Ill change! Ill be the best mama ever, Truman! Come back!


Sheila pulls the microphone away from Wendys mouth because her speech was getting too cringeworthy for the viewers at home. Wendy mopes off and out of the frame, still sobbing like a three year old. SHEILA There you have it, folks. A mother, hoping for her son to be found. Back to you, Darcy. The news reporter begins to ramble about some random bullshit. The bartender turns the TV back down, and Branson takes a sip of his gin. BARTENDER Jesus Christ. Poor kid probably wouldnt want to go back. Branson chuckles at the joke, knocks back the remainder of his gin, and slams the glass on the counter. He pulls out his money clip and begins to count out his bills. BARTENDER (CONTD) Dont worry about it, Branson. This ones on the house. BRANSON Oh. Why thank you. BARTENDER Now go find that kid. counting on you. BRANSON Will do. Branson gets up and puts on his jacket and sunglasses. As he leaves, he hears a ruckus at the back of the bar, where all the town rednecks play pool. Branson looks back, and sees a MEXICAN and a FAT FUCK arguing. The Mexican is dressed in a wife beater and his black Wranglers and cowboy boots, while the fat fuck is wearing a green Adidas track suit and light blue Crocs. They both look stupid. MEXICAN Aye, Esay. You just got beat fair in square, holmes! Pay up! FAT FUCK Im not paying shit! I didnt even agree to bet! I thought we were just playing a friendly game, thats all! Everyones


The Mexican whips out a switchblade. MEXICAN Twenty bucks, fat ass. Put that shit in my hand or Ill carve your fuckin intestines out, holmes. Branson cooly walks toward the bickering idiots. before they notice hes there. BRANSON Put the knife down. The fat fuck and the Mexican both turn and look at Branson. The fat fuck is about to cry and it looks like hes about to shit his pants. MEXICAN Who the fuck are you? Branson puts his hands in his pockets and relaxes like one cool cat. He then stares down the Mexican. BRANSON My name is Detective Ronnie Branson. There seems to be a problem between you two gentlemen. How might I be of service? MEXICAN Tell this homeboy to pay the fuck up. I just beat his ass in billiards and... BRANSON PUT THAT FUCKING KNIFE AWAY. NOT GOING TO ASK YOU AGAIN. IM He stops

Bransons bluntness and tone of voice scares the shit out of the Mexican, but even moreso the fat fuck. The Mexican puts the knife back in his pocket. Branson takes another long drag of his cigarette and points to the only other bar PATRON near the pool tables. BRANSON (CONTD) You. Did you hear anything about a bet between these two? Uh, no. PATRON No I didnt.

BRANSON Well, I guess its your word against his. (MORE)

14. BRANSON (CONT'D) Im sorry, but there is not sufficient evidence to neutralize your burden of proof. Now put your hands behind your back.

MEXICAN For what?!?!?! BRANSON What the hell do you think? I just saw you pull a knife on this guy. Thats threatening with a deadly weapon. And a felony. Put your hands behind your back. The Mexican swings a punch at Branson. Branson dodges the potential blow, grabs the Mexicans hand, and slams his own elbow into the back of the Mexicans elbow, which promptly snaps the Mexicans arm. MEXICAN AHHHHHH! Branson shoves his ass to the ground and fastens handcuffs around his wrists. BRANSON Now you got assaulting a police officer and resisting arrest too, dumb ass. FAT FUCK Thanks, detective. BRANSON ,Dont mention it. Branson escorts the Mexican out of the bar. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: INT. MOTEL ROOM The motel room is dark and depressing. Clearly, its probably the cheapest motel one could possibly go to. Its daytime, but the shades are up, making the room dark. A boy, TRUMAN, is sitting on a chair, bounded to it by hundreds of layers of duct tape. Hes sitting in front of a table with nothing on it but an empty cereal bowl. Suddenly, two men burst through the doorway, BIG DAVE and GUS.


BIG DAVE The kid still here? Gus flips on the light near the doorway. Its clear which one is Big Dave. He weighs over 400 pounds, has a red mullet, and is missing several teeth. Gus looks like a rundown meth addict. Gus looks over and sees Truman still sitting there. GUS Sill here, Big D. Big Dave walks over the Truman and pours a bag of donut holes all over the table. BIG DAVE Heres your breakfast. Big Dave picks up three of the donut holes and shoves them in his mouth all at once before turning on the black and white television set to a telecast of The Price is Right. Gus remains leaning against the wall by the door, regularly looking outside of the window. Truman begins to scarf down the donut holes at a fascinating rate. GUS Kid likes them donut holes. BIG DAVE No shit. GUS Key kid, why dont you talk? Truman continues to dominate the donut holes. Hey, kid! GUS (CONTD) I asked you a question! Hes terrified.

Truman flinches and stops eating.

TRUMAN Because Im afraid you guys are gonna kill me. The two men explode with laughter. BIG DAVE Whyd ya think were gonna kill ya? GUS We aint no kid killers!


Big Dave and Gus howl with laughter even harder. waits until they calm down. TRUMAN Whyd you guys take me then?


Big Dave and Gus look at each other quickly before exploding with laughter again. BIG DAVE We didnt take ya to kill ya. took ya to use ya! TRUMAN What do you mean? BIG DAVE We, me, and my friend Gus here, are fugitives from the law. We happened to break outta state penitentiary a few days ago, and needed ourselves a hostage in case we get in, ya know, a little sticky situation. GUS Cops aint gonna shoot when youre in front of us, kid. Big Dave and Gus laugh. TRUMAN When are you guys gonna let me go? GUS As soon as we cross the border. TRUMAN The border to where? GUS The real land of freedom. Maple syrup, hockey, universal health care. Canada! O Canada! O Canada! BIG DAVE O Canada! O Canada! We

TRUMAN Why are you going to Canada?


BIG DAVE I just told ya were fugitives from the law! Aint ya ever heard of criminals like us running off the Canada to escape jurisdiction? GUS Dude! You planning on telling him everything about us? Shut the fuck up, why dont ya? BIG DAVE Hes not gonna say shit. Big Dave turns to Truman. BIG DAVE (CONTD) Are ya? TRUMAN Im not going to say anything! I just wanna go home! I miss my mom! I promise Im not going to say anything! Jut please take me home! Big Dave exchange unsympathetic looks while Truman calms down. GUS How are we supposed to know that youre not gonna go rat us out? Truman tries to come up with an answer, but ultimately not. Hes silently but extremely frustrated about not his captors a good reason to let him go. He continues weep. Big Dave shows indifference to his feelings and reaches over to take some donut holes. He grabs a few stuffs them in his mouth. GUS (CONTD) Dont worry, kid. Youll be fine. Remember, were not here to hurt you. Once we get up to Canada well let you go. I promise. Big Dave takes a big gulp of soda from the Mega Buddy fountain drink on the nightstand. He belches loudly, ruining the somewhat heartfelt moment between Gus and Truman. Gus sighs loudly. He pats down his pockets. GUS (CONTD) Shit. Im out of cigarettes. Im gonna run out and get some. Need anything, Big D? can giving to and


BIG DAVE Im glad you asked, Gus! GUS AH, FUCK! BIG DAVE What?

I need...

GUS You know what weve been doing? BIG DAVE What? GUS Weve been calling each other by our names. In front of the kid. Fuck. BIG DAVE The kid promised not to say anything. Who cares? GUS Who cares? Are you fucking retarded? We dont even know the damn kid and youre just gonna take his word for it? BIG DAVE Well shit, man! He seems like a nice kid who wouldnt lie to us! Gus looks at Truman. GUS Truman, what are our names? TRUMAN How do you know my name? GUS Youre all over the news, dumb ass. Now what are our names? Truman begins to say something, but he hesitates. GUS (CONTD) What the fuck are you waiting for!?! Spit it out! TRUMAN Gus and Big Dave!


GUS Shit! God damn it! Gus knocks a lamp of the nightstand. It shatters against the wall. Truman breaks out in tears again. BIG DAVE Jesus Christ, Gus. Youre an asshole. Big Dave casually takes another drink from his Mega Buddy. GUS Watch him until I get back! Big Dave takes another sip from his Mega Buddy. out of the room. BIG DAVE Sorry about him, kid. If I had it my way, we wouldnt be dealing with him. TRUMAN Why dont you have it your way? BIG DAVE I owe him. Big Dave finishes off his Mega Buddy and throws the empty cup across the room. The wto sit there in silence, both completely emotionless. TRUMAN Owe him for what? BIG DAVE You dont wanna know, kid. Big Dave slumps down into a sleeping position and drifts off into a slumber. FADE TO BLACK. FADE IN: EXT. MOTEL ROOM PARKING LOT - MORNING A really old and shitty Dodge Ram pulls up to the rundown Pink Flamingo hotel. It parks and outsteps Gus, holding a carton of cigarettes and a bottle of orange juice. Gus storms


He walks up the outside stairs to the second floor of the motel and strolls to room #24. He unlocks the door with a key and steps in. INT. MOTEL ROOM The chair that Truman was sitting in is empty. Big Dave is sound asleep on the bed and snoring loudly. Gus drops the carton of cigarettes in disbelief. GUS MOTHERFUCKER! Guns runs rampant through the room, searching for Truman. checks behind everything, under the beds, everywhere. No Truman. GUS (CONTD) Big D, get up you fat fuck! Gus goes into the bathroom for search for Truman. Not on the toilet, not behind the shower curtain. Hes not there. Gus returns to the room and jumps on top of Big Dave. He being to pummel him relentlessly. GUS (CONTD) Get up, dumb ass! The kids gone! I told you specifically to watch the kid until I got back. And of course, once again, you fuck everything up! Big Dave erupts and throws Gus halfway across the room. BIG DAVE What the hell is your problem, man? GUS WE, have a big fucking problem, thanks to you! BIG DAVE What? The kid. Oh shit. GUS Hes not here. Come on. go. Now. (MORE) We gotta GUS Where is he? BIG DAVE He

21. GUS (CONT'D) For all we know, the cops are en route to this location as we speak.

Big Dave nods and they both run out the door. EXT. MOTEL ROOM PARKING LOT - MORNING Gus and Big Dave sprint to the beat up Dodge Ram. Gus gets in the drivers seat and Big Dave, the passenger seat. INT. DODGE RAM Gus starts the truck. You Make My Dreams Come True by Hall and Oates blasts from the radio. The truk peels out of the parking lot and turns onto a city street. Gus and Gid Dave are frantically looking for Truman, and Gus is fucking pissed at Big Dave. GUS You are such a fucking retard! How do you manage to fuck everything up?!? Seriously, how did you get so stupid?!?! Did you just fall asleep?!?! Yes! BIG DAVE Im sorry! sorry go of fall

GUS Youre sorry?!? Well Id be too if I made my best friend back to prison for a fuckton years! How long ago did you asleep?! BIG DAVE I dont know!

The Doge ram weaves in and out of traffic with Hall and Oates blaring. GUS If we dont find this realize how fucked we knows our names, what what my vehicle looks everything! kid, do you are? He we look like, like,

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