Volume Vs Capacity

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Volume vs Capacity If there are two terms in general science that are most often interchanged in use and

meaning, it is no other than volume and capacity. To give you an idea of the real differences between these two terms, let us make a comparison of their definitions. Firstly, to what exactly does volume refer? Whether something is a liquid, a solid or a gas, volume refers to the amount of three-dimensional space that it occupies. Some of the most common units of volume include cubic meters, liters, millilitres and cubic centimeters. Secondly, capacity refers to the ability of something to hold, receive or absorb. It is similar in concept to volume, but there are a few differences. One good example to illustrate the difference between capacity and volume, is how they are used in sentences. Take a look at the following: - The helium gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons. - The gas in our experiment expanded to twice to its original volume. In the sentence examples, volume was used to describe the three-dimensional size of the object, which was gas. Meanwhile, capacity referred to the volume that the gas tank could hold. Another example, is that capacity is the ability of a container to hold two cups of rice, while that same container may have a volume of 5 cubic centimeters which refers to the amount of space that the container itself occupies. To summarize, volume is the space taken up by the object itself, while capacity refers to the amount of substance, like a liquid or a gas, that a container can hold. Summary: 1. Volume is the amount of space taken up by an object, while capacity is the measure of an objects ability to hold a substance, like a solid, a liquid or a gas. 2. Volume is measured in cubic units, while capacity can be measured in almost every other unit, including liters, gallons, pounds, etc. 3. Volume is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of an object, while capacitys measurement is geared more towards cc or ml.


Supplementary Notes: Volume and Capacity Robert P. Hunting What is the difference between volume and capacity? Volume is how much space a given material occupies. Capacity is the maximum volume a container or receptacle has the potential to carry. How do children's notions of volume and capacity develop? From a logical adult perspective it could be argued that length measurement should precede area measurement, which in turn should precede volume measurement. However there are good grounds for thinking otherwise. Some researchers argue that children's intuitions (experiences) of three dimensional space are more basic, and that their intuitions of two dimensional space, followed by uni-dimensional space (lengths and distances) come later. This question is discussed in an Arithmetic Teacher article by Kath Hart. The work of Piaget suggests that children think about volume differently according to whether they are able to "conserve". By conserve is meant that any given quantity remains invariant under different physical transformations. That is, so long as nothing is removed and nothing is added, the measure of a quantity will stay the same no matter what the physical configuration, or rearrangement. Now the important thing to appreciate is that the realisation of physical invariance becomes interiorised into the mental structures of the child. Thus conservation of volume begins to work for a child when that child is able to mentally anticipate the possibility of reorganising the elements of a quantity in order to more easily and efficiently solve a problem. A problem Piaget has used to study children's behaviour in volume situations involves 36 wooden cubes, together with several bases of differing shapes. First the blocks are set up on a three by four base so that the height of the blocks is three. The child is told that the blocks are a building on an island and each block is a room. The problem is to determine if a building with the same number of rooms can be built on another island that is just three blocks long and two blocks wide. A base of this shape is provided. As well as being invited to move the blocks the child is asked to explain what is happening. You can read the results reported in "The child's conception of geometry" by Piaget, Inhelder, and Szeminska, Basic Books, 1960. You are encouraged to try the same experiment with some children yourself. What are the metric units used to quantify volumes and capacities of objects and containers? Metric units for measuring volume differ according to whether liquid or solid material is being measured, and the quantity involved. The unit of liquid volume and capacity is

the litre. Commonly used fractions and multiples of the litre are the millilitre (mL), decilitre (dL), kilolitre (KL), and megalitre (ML). You will recall that the prefix milli means one thousandth (0.001), deci means one tenth (0.1), kilo means one thousand times, and mega means one million times. Solid matter is measured in units called cubic metres (m3), but there are not as many related units. I can only think of one commonly used: the cubic centimetre. There is another, which is the cubic decimetre (deci means one tenth, remember). Its regular shape is 10 cm in each of the three dimensions. An MAB large cube approximates this volume. The interesting thing about this unit is that a shape having the volume of one cubic decimetre holds exactly one litre of liquid. What volume does one millilitre take up then? The cubic decimetre is not very useful apart from the relationship just explained. Measuring the volume/capacity of irregularly shaped objects. Indirect methods are used to determine the volume of irregularly shaped objects. The most popular way is enshrined in the history of science when a Greek called Archimedes realised one day after taking a bath that there was a relationship between the space his body took and the amount of water displaced from a very full bath into which he had climbed. This realisation helped him solve a problem that was bothering him. He leapt out of the bath and ran starkers down the street shouting "Eureka", or so the story goes. The method is indirect because first an equivalent amount of water to the object to be measured is obtained, then the water is measured. The measure of the volume of displaced water is also the measure of the object's volume. Another indirect method would be to weigh the object, if it has uniform density. Why cubic units? One reason cubic units are used for comparing and enumerating volumes is that they have the property of "stacking" together in such a way that there is (conceptually if not actually) no space between them. The point here is that a potential source of error is minimised if not eliminated. A similar reason is clear in the case of square units in area. However, just as in covering two dimensional surfaces square units are not unique in doing this, so cubic units are not unique for filling space nicely. Can you think of some other solids that fit together neatly? Explorations with materials such as Polydron pieces is a worthwhile activity. Sources of error in volume and capacity measurement. One of the important ideas teachers need to understand about measurement is that we can never state with confidence an absolutely exact number corresponding with the attribute we are attempting to quantify. The reason is because we can never know. (It is

okay to read the preceding sentence again.) Remember what we actually do is trap the measure in question between two numbers: the difference between the numbers can be as close as our instruments will allow, and the purpose for which we want to put the results. That is why we should always prefix any measurement (number of units) with the word "about". The numbers we assign to attributes are approximations only, and there is always some error factor to take into account. When measurements of length are being summed, the error component for each measurement is additive. For example, say we want to add together two lengths A and B and we are confident that the measure of A is between 342 and 344 mm, and the measure of B is between 156 and 158 mm. Then the sum A+B is between the interval 498 and 502 mm. What happens in the case of area? Suppose we want to know the area of a flat surface having the length dimensions just discussed? The area AxB is between 53352 and 54352 square millimetres (that is, an error interval of 1000 square millimetres, which is 10 square centimetres!). What about volume? Well lets choose simpler numbers -- a box having length L between 100 and 101 mm (error of 1%), width W between 300 and 303 mm, and depth D between 200 and 202 mm. What will be the percentage error of the volume? You should get something like 3% The sources of error which effect each linear measure compound so that unlike length, where a 1% error on each component leads to a 1% error on the overall sum, for volume, error is multiplicative. Some challenging problems. Here are some problems you may work on. Discuss different ways to approach each problem in your group. Could the problem be modified/simplified for a elementary school student? What might some limitations be? 1. How much water does your household use per day? 2. How much water is in Pamlico Sound? 3. What proportion of a given plant or tree is water? 4. How much water is in the Student Recreation Center outside swimming pool? 5. How many marbles would fit in a cubic metre? 6. What shape has the most capacity for the least surface area? Design some experiments to investigate. 7. How many cubic inches in a litre? How many cubic yards in a cubic metre? 8. Formulate some other do-able problems and share them with your group.

http://www.cofed.ecu.edu/MathScience/Hunting/volcap.html http://www.lessonplanspage.com/MathActivityFile.htm http://www.teachervision.fen.com/measurement/resource/52445.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/39097990/Satu-Kajian-Mengenai-Penggunaan-Bahan-Bantu http://www.skwirk.com.au/p-c_s-12_u-221_t-591_c-2195/VIC/6/Cubic-centimetres/Volume-andcapacity/Measurement/Maths/ http://norhasyimah-oum.blogspot.com/ http://volume-of-liquid-year2.blogspot.com/ http://www.suite101.com/content/5-misconceptions-in-elementary-mathematics-a68912

huraian sukatan

20 2. Measures 9. Volume of
Liquid 1. Computation Of Volume Of Liquid 1. Use and apply fractional computation to problems involving volume of liquid. i. Compute volume of liquid from a situation expressed in fraction. ii. Solve problems in real context involving computation of volume of liquid. KITS Specific courseware, powerpoint presentation, measuring cylinders, variety of containers such as bottles, jugs, cans, cups, word cards, sentence cards Curriculum Specifications Refer to page 19

Thinking Skills 1. Comparing & Contrasting 2. Sequencing 3. Listing 4. Problem Solving 5. Relaying Information

1.Introduction Definition of volume and capacity and differentiate (4m)

Volume is how much space a given material occupies. volume refer as whether something is a liquid, a solid or a gas, volume refers to the amount of three-dimensional space that it occupies. Some of the most common units of volume include cubic meters, liters, millilitres and cubic centimeters. The volume of a solid is the amount of space it occupies. Solids are three-dimensional. A threedimensional shape has length and width, and the extra dimension of depth. To measure threedimensional spaces, a three-dimensional unit of measure is used. The common units used to measure the volume of objects include cubic millimetres (mm3), cubic centimetres (cm3) and cubic metres (m3) To calculate the volume of a solid, its three dimensions (length, width and depth), are multiplied together.

Volume of Liquid is how much three-dimensional space a liquid occupies or contains. To measure the volume of liquids, only need to place them in a graduated cylinder and read the measurement.

Capacity is the maximum volume a container or receptacle has the potential to carry. capacity refers to the ability of something to hold, receive or absorb. It is similar in concept to volume, but there are a few differences. One good example to illustrate the difference between capacity and volume, is how they are used in sentences. Take a look at the following: - The helium gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons. In the sentence examples, volume was used to describe the three-dimensional size of the object, which was gas. Meanwhile, capacity referred to the volume that the gas tank could hold.

2.Content (i) Compare and contrast strategies of teaching mathematic on volume (12m) Strategy 1: Usage of teaching courseware Strategy 2: contextual learning

Topic Comparing in Volume of Liquid

Level of students: High Achiever

Time 60 minutes Learning outcome : Pupils should be able to compare the capacity of two containers that can hold more with little guidance from the teacher and understand the concept that the height level of water in containers do not means its more in capacity.

Teaching aids/material A jug, a glass, beakers, syrup and several envelopes that have questions.

Step 1. 2. Pupils sit in a group of four.

Each group will get an envelope that contain a question that they need to solve and write the report.

Example of question: You are needed to measure the glass that have full of syrup using graduated cylinder or beaker. Then use the glass that full in syrup and pours into the jug. Write the report in the table below and answer the followed questions.

Container Glass

Quantity (ml)



Is the amount of water in the glass are same with the water in the jug? ________________


Draw the level of syrup that you get from the activity.


Is it you can add more syrup into the jug? ___________________


Which container can hold more water? ___________________

Conclusion As a conclusion, teacher asks again about the concept of volume of liquid and related with misconception that students often make comparison of height rather than its capacity Topic Comparing in Volume of Liquid

Level of students: High Achiever

Time 60 minutes Learning outcome : Pupils should be able to compare the capacity of two containers that can hold more with little guidance from the teacher and understand the concept that the height level of water in containers do not means its more in capacity.

Teaching aids/material A jug, a glass, beakers, syrup and several envelopes that have questions.

Step 1. 2. Pupils sit in a group of four.

Each group will get an envelope that contain a question that they need to solve and write the report.

Example of question: You are needed to measure the glass that have full of syrup using graduated cylinder or beaker. Then use the glass that full in syrup and pours into the jug. Write the report in the table below and answer the followed questions.

Container Glass

Quantity (ml)



Is the amount of water in the glass are same with the water in the jug? ________________


Draw the level of syrup that you get from the activity.


Is it you can add more syrup into the jug? ___________________


Which container can hold more water? ___________________

Conclusion As a conclusion, teacher asks again about the concept of volume of liquid and related with misconception that students often make comparison of height rather than its capacity

Content (ii) Discussion on difficulties and misconceptions on each of the strategy

Same capacity but different volume of liquid. . Misconceptions arise in the topic such as :

Mathematical language such as confusion between capacity and volume of liquid Comparing volume of two containers that can hold more. Student often make the comparison on height rather than its volume.

3.0 The Main Problem Misconception on Capacity Children often make the comparisions on length rather than on capacity. Students will automatically choose the taller containers if we ask them which holds more. This is what we called Misconception on capacity. The Tallest Container Always has the Greatest Volume

This a misconception caused by visual perception. Also they learn this from eating in fast food restaurants and similar locations that display cup sizes. The tallest cup always holds more, because of the way they are displayed.

The best way to eliminate this problem is to have students fill tall containers with water and then pour the water into a shorter container which has the same volume. This is a difficult misconception to break and even adults have issues with this misconception.

The most effective method of eliminating math misconceptions is to address them immediately when observed. This is imperative, so students do not carry these misconceptions any further and develop a better understanding of mathematics.

Read more at Suite101: 5 Misconceptions in Elementary Mathematics: Elimination of Mistaken Beliefs about Math Concepts is Critical http://www.suite101.com/content/5-misconceptions-in-elementarymathematics-a68912#ixzz1E1AcBh2v

3. Evaluation (literature review)

Satu kajian mengenai penggunaan bahan bantu Mengajar dalam pengajaran pembelajaran matematik D i s e k o la h re n d ah By Lai kim leong, khaw ah hong & s e a h a i k u a n jabatan matematik maktab perguruan batu lintang

Misconception while teaching Volume Of Liquid Learning of Mathematics will be becoming one of of the interesting and fun to some of pupils but also it becoming the nightmare to another pupils. The situation also happen if the mathematics teachers unable to understand the needed of pupils and how them will able to accept the mathematics concepts. As we know, pupils are always pushing to get good marks in exam without we know whether the concept that they should understand is good or they have misconcept and just their fate to get good marks. According to Postman, N. & Weingarther, C.,(1996), In class try to avoid telling your students any answer... Do not prepare a lesson plan, instead confront your students with some sort of problem which

might interest them. Then, allow them to work the problem through without your advise or counsel. Your talk should consist of questions directed to particular students, based on the remarks make by those students. If a student asks you a question, tell him that you dont know the answer, even if you do. Dont frightened by the long stretches of silence that might occur. Silence means the students are thinking. In my opinion, the suggestions that written by Postman and Weingarther are very suitable to apply in our pupils activities because we can give them space to think and apply their knowledge about the topic taught. As we know, misconception on capacity that may arise among the students while teaching Volume Of Liquid especially when comparing capacity of two containers that can hold more. More than that our students often make comparison of height rather than its capacity. As a teacher, we should find the suitable methods or solution to make them understand and got the right concept after they have taught the volume of liquid topic. We can apply contructivist approach with the suitable activities that will help us to monitor our students to make sure they got the right concept about volume of liquid. The readiness of teacher to guide them with suitable question to get the answer is very importance. It is because when teacher ask them with the general question they come out with another question that narrow down to the answer. Nis Azis Nik Pa, (1999) said that, Contructivism is not more than a commitment on the views that people develop his/her own knowledge. This is means that any knowledge possess by an individual is the result of activity done by that individual, and not an information or learning received passively from outside. Knowledge can be transferred from the individual thinking to another individual thinking. On the other hand, every individual develops, his/her knowledge by using his/her experiences selectively.


To summarize, volume is the space taken up by the object itself, while capacity refers to the amount of substance, like a liquid or a gas, that a container can hold. Summary: 1. Volume is the amount of space taken up by an object, while capacity is the measure of an objects ability to hold a substance, like a solid, a liquid or a gas.

2. Volume is measured in cubic units, while capacity can be measured in almost every other unit, including liters, gallons, pounds, etc. 3. Volume is calculated by multiplying the length, width and height of an object, while capacitys measurement is geared more towards cc or ml.

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