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The Citizen Newsletter

The Conservative Voice of Henry County

Issue # 389

March 5, 2013

Chip Conner wrote:

As I sit in my hotel room overlooking Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, DC; I am alert to the fact that a Federal sequestration kicked in on Friday night. Obama is about a block away from me and is telling everyone that the world is coming to an end and the sky is falling. He said first responders and teachers would lose their jobs. The last time I checked, my local county and city governments pay the teachers, police, and fire fighters. Their check is not signed by Obama. Obama warned of cuts in services and disruptions in daily activities. The TRUTH is that the sequestration amounts to no more than a well needed Federal enema that will wash out some of the junk this guy has filled our nation's gut with. $65 Billion in spending cuts is much less than the automatic increases that kicked in this year anyway. The Federal government spends almost $4 Trillion per year. That includes all of the Billions that go overseas to the such countries as Egypt. That includes all of the pork laden projects like bridges to nowhere in Alaska. $65 Billion will only run the goverment for about 7 days. The cleansing process is needed. Stop the automatic annual increases and lets go back to zero based budgeting. It's okay to disagree with the thoughts or opinions expressed by other people. That doesn't give you the right to deny any sense they might make. Nor does it give you a right to accuse someone of poorly expressing their beliefs just because you don't like what they are saying. Learn to recognize good writing when you read it, even if it means overcoming your pride and opening your mind beyond what is comfortable.

In This Issue:
Page Feature 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 7 9 9 10 10 11 Truth about Sequestration Rotary Club Pheasant Hunt Dictionary Project HB 142: So-Called Ethics Bill Cobb County Ed-SPLOST Stockbridge Hires PR Firm Citizens Seek ULDC Change American History Parade Criminals on Parade What the Sequester Reveals Stockbridge Does It Again Henry Co Commissioners

We Are Not Lobbyists Candor Among the Raindrops

Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed. Everything else is public relations ~ George Orwell

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The Henry Local Political Network is pleased to announce a

Candidate Social
with Hampton Mayoral Candidates

Steve Hutchison and Chris Moore

Please join us at Speakeasy Bookstore on Thursday March 7th at 7pm in Hampton for an informal gathering where you will be able to meet both candidates before early voting begins. The evenings events will begin promptly at 7pm with social time followed by a short statement by both candidates. The statements will be followed by time for citizens to meet both candidates. Speakeasy Bookstore is located at 5 E. Main St in Hampton. The Henry Local Political Network is a non-partisan organization promoting political awareness and candidate information. If you have any questions visit HLPN on Facebook.
The Henry Local Political Network is a nonpartisan association dedicated to providing information to voters about local candidates running for office in Henry County Georgia. HTTPS://WWW.FACEBOOK .COM/#!/PAGES/HLPN/357883290991474

The Dictionary Project

The Republican Women of Henry Co. is once again looking for folks to sponsor the Dictionary Project. Our goal is get a dictionary into the hands of every public school 3rd grader in Henry Co. This is our 10th year with this wonderful project. We need your help, and so do the kids. We are very short in the Red Oak and Wesley Lake area. We only need 9 1/2 cases to finish this year!!!! Those are the only two schools left. Books are $2@ in a case of 24, which comes to $48 a case. All donations help. Sponsoring one case or 5 books brings us that much closer to getting this book into the hands of the kids. It is a worthwhile investment in their future, and yours. If you have any questions, or just want to make a donation, please contact: Katie Queen at 770584-4206 You can find more information at

Thank you for your sponsorship in advance.

House Bill 142 Ethics Reform

The Citizen notes that HB 142 bans expenditures to buy votes except for members who are sitting in decision-making roles in committees, subcommittees or a caucus which is a partisan voting bloc.
Also noted is that when Joe Citizen is an unpaid volunteer member of a committee, subcommittee or partisan voting group, then HE is considered a Lobbyist. No exceptions.

House Bill 142 HELPS the paid lobbyist with big bucks to spread the graft, and HURTS the individuals and grassroots organizations with no money to give. In the news feed email from Henry Countys state representatives we see the following information about Ethics Bill for which they all voted! Note the exceptions to limits on buying votes. (Emphasis added) House Bill 142 would strengthen Georgia's ethics laws by banning expenditures by lobbyists on individual members of the General Assembly and by making common sense changes to the campaign contribution disclosure requirements. HB 142 specifically bans gifts of tickets to athletic, sporting, recreational, musical concerts and other entertainment events from lobbyists to state officials, which is currently allowed. The only exception would be for events where all members of the General Assembly are invited like the annual legislative day held at UGA, Georgia Tech or other collegiate sporting events held in Georgia. Food and beverages may be provided to legislators only at group events where all members of the General Assembly, all members of the state House or Senate, all members of a standing committee or

subcommittee of either body or a caucus of either body are invited.

HB 142 also restores power to the Georgia Government and Campaign Finance Commission by empowering it with rule making authority. Further, it clarifies and broadens the definition of who

must register as a lobbyist.

Dale Rutledge, District 109 404-B Coverdell Legislative Office Bldg. Atlanta, GA 30334 404.656.0109 - Office Andy Welch, District 110 404-F Coverdell Legislative Office Bldg. Atlanta, GA 30334 404.656.0109 - Office

Brian Strickland, District 111 404-C Coverdell Legislative Office Bldg. Atlanta, GA 30334 404.656.0109 - Office

Liz Carter posted at


Posted this on my State Senators wall and here is the response - Stay on your Senator!!! We can get this changed before it passes. Georgia State Senators - Want to fix the controversial Ethics bill, that is currently designed to "intimidate" activists? Do the right thing and look at something like this...(there is still time to fix this bill) There is a simple and common sense compromise that should have been discussed. Being that the argument for the current wording seems to be that the people have the right to know who is lobbying the legislators and one could argue that an activist representing a group of people is a lobbyist, you create a new category - Activists. Activists lobbying for or against legislation for a group of others would register as a Non-Profit Activist. The Non-Profit Activist has a one-time registration, does not have to file reports and is not subject to ethics compliance, unless at some time the Non-Profit Activists accepts money to lobby or spends money on legislators, at which time the Activist Lobbyist is reclassified as a true blue lobbyist and must comply with lobbyist rules. That way, there is no "intimidation" of financial penalties or "intimidation" from deep pocket lobbyists.

Candor Among the Raindrops

By Dr. Michael Moon As elections come and go and candidates tell stories about what they will and can do for us the little people. Most of them should not fool themselves or the public by telling these stories of platitudes so lofty that they might get a nose bleed. They spend dollar upon dollar to gain an office they have no conceivable idea about how to run. There is half-truth, whole truth and sometimes just plain lies spoken about how a matter might or will not be resolved. They push the envelope of fear upon the public as though it were wholesale candy. The problem there is that many of those in the public will take that candy and suck on it until all the flavor is gone, thus leaving a piece of nothing. We have all at one time or another fallen to this and then we feel dumped upon after the show is over. In politics today, the show was over before it ever began. Think about the fact that politicians spend untold dollars to keep a job that is supposed to pay a small amount. But lo and behold the brown paper sack, or the envelope or the direct deposit will take care of them by those toadies who want to rule the lily pad. We see poor tired working people trying to make enough to feed the family, pay the light bill, keep the water on and somewhere along the way be able to buy gas to put in that never ending whole of a tank to go back and forth to work. A monotonous regime that drives many to an early grave. The politician though even when replaced by the voters has friends to give them a job that pays far in excess of what they are worth or the knowledge they think they have to accomplish a nothing job. It is an insult to the voting public to put this vicious cycle right in their face and say, they are the best qualified. Education means so much in any job, but some good ole common sense to go with that education will make a person rise above and be able to create avenues to fix the problems that face society today. Ugly and tiring are the days when a person is supposed to know how to perform well and then go to the cocktail parties, the luncheons and the special events where they could care less about being there, but it is for looks only. How many politicians who feel themselves just a little better than the rest of society turn down the chance for a photo opportunity? That is narcissistic behavior at its best. They are known by many names, idol seekers, media whores, and ladder climbers to name a few. But they are considered just a fool by those who see them as they truly are in life. They are as a changeling that comes around to kiss a baby and at the same time overtax the milk and food it eats. No matter how a person looks at this type of scenario you see an ugly, grotesque figure emerging to claim itself as your leader. Look how people stand in line to hear these charlatans talk down to them or pump them full of nothing. People pay big money for a plate of stale food just to listen to the same lies that they heard when they went with their parents to see a politician years before. Not until people change will the way things are in our nation will look. They must change their lives, reeducate themselves, and learn common decency and morality before the system will heal. They cant stand on Sunday and say to a group that they are the answer to their problems and then go and lay with a whore of Babylon. Setting examples is what people expect and that expectation is lacking in our world today. Our children of today are watching closely at everything that is going on in the world and are listening to the political jargon that is spilled out of the mouths of spineless human beings who need to be able to say NO.

Our forefathers said, We the People, and that is just exactly what they meant. No ifs, ands, or buts. But people are not going to change in the public until they see real changes in leadership that are supposed to be role models of our American way of life. I watch news broadcast, one after another, that show crime, pestilence, and other horrors that go on and on. They speak of people not respecting a cemetery or a church; and the reason being is that those who dont respect them have no respect for themselves to begin with and then they have not been taught any better. People see money being wasted time and time again, and then a smoke and mirrors type of answer to try and explain it away. Well, it just doesnt work anymore because people have learned to ask questions and then take action when needed. Stand and look around and see what is happening around you because you might not like what you see.

Cobb County Ed-SPLOST

On March 19 there will be a vote for the Education-only SPLOST. There are many misconceptions about this complicated issue. For starters, passage will not cause our sales tax to rise; it will remain exactly the same. This vote is only for the continuation of Ed-SPLOST. And here is the threat voters hear every time: If SPLOST doesnt pass, capital projects would have to be paid out of the general budget, which already is at an $80 million deficit. With 90 percent of that budget being personnel, there is nowhere else to find money without letting hundreds of teachers go, along with those administrators. So if you vote for SPLOST you actually are saving teachers jobs. At least the public relations spin did not include, Its for the kids for the umpteenth time. Perhaps we have not read the spin on this one, or simple math eludes us. Sounds like Obama's "Not One Dime." If there is no tax involved there would be no need for a referendum..... A continuation of a tax is still a tax. The mentality goes that the specific needs that may have warranted a SPLOST (of any kind) can and should be extended and expanded to a new wish list, and to last forever.

City of Stockbridge Hires PR Firm

Seeks Advertising Dollars from Homeowners' Associations and Businesses
TOGETHER. SHAPING THE FUTURE OF STOCKBRIDGE. Dear Stockbridge Business Owners, The City of Stockbridge is pleased to announce the upcoming publication of the newly revised City Newsletter. The publication is scheduled to make its debut in March, and there are opportunities for you to

promote your business in each edition as one of our advertisers. The multi-page professionally published newsletter will hit the homes of nearly 7,000 people right here in our own city. Contact Andy Aloisio (678.905.4842) for more information or click here for Newsletter Information . Best Regards, Elizabeth "BJ" Mathis Community and Economic Development City of Stockbridge 770.389.7900 Ext 248 Since 2004, KDA Communications has connected Homeowners' Associations (HOA's) and local businesses to the residents they serve through our customized print, web, and mobile media products. We enable HOA's, Property Managers, Developers, and Builders to effectively communicate with their residents, while simultaneously connecting those residents to local businesses. It's completely turnkey. All you have to do is provide us with your neighborhood information, events, news, and photos...we'll do the rest. Our team of graphic designers will format to your specifications, our team of professional sales reps will sell the ads, and our mailing coordinators will ensure they arrive in your residents' mailboxes as scheduled! We free up your HOA officers and committee volunteers to focus their valuable time on other neighborhood needs. We provide the vital communication link between HOA's and their residents, so our publications and HOA websites are referred to constantly. Advertise with KDA and you'll actually be welcomed into the homes of your target market, and stay there. What other advertising medium can deliver that?

Citizens Seek ULDC Modification

We propose the county code changes to specifically protect the right to grow food crops and raise small animals on private property so long as such crops and animals are used for human consumption by the occupants, gardeners, or raisers and their households and not for commercial purposes.

Get the picture? A backyard chicken coop is enclosed. The birds do not fly around the neighborhood!


Cant we all just get along?

Henry County Code allows the following:
One (1) miniature pig which does not exceed one hundred pounds in weight and one (1) miniature goat which does not exceed forty (40) pounds. Only one (1) miniature pig and/or one (1) miniature goat may be located on any premises and/or property which is less than three (3) acres in size. Property exceeding three (3) acres in size may have more than one (1) such animal. A license is also required and must be obtained from Henry County Animal Control Department.

County Code does not restrict owning and raising dogs, cats, hamsters, white mice, other caged birds (parrots, cockatoo, myna) even snakes!

Yet none of those pet owners can say My Pet Makes My Breakfast
Please attend the Board of Commissioners meeting on March 19th at 6:30pm. June and I will address the board and ask them to direct staff to review and update the ULDC.

Using a study of ordinance citations from across the state listing specific requirements and qualifications for raising chickens, which we hope to see expanded to other egg producing fowl.


Proposal for modification to the Henry County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC): Section to be modified: Sec. 2.04.00. - Miscellaneous provisions, 2.04.03: Keeping and raising of livestock. The keeping and raising of all farm animals and fowl shall be limited to property located within the RA zoning district and must have a minimum lot area of three (3) acres. Modification to maintain compliance with Sec. 3-16-1: Nuisance, Sec. 3-4-1: Health and safety of persons and animals, and other applicable code sections. Proposed inclusions: 1. That restriction to RA zoning districts and the requirement for three acres are removed from the ordinance. In their place, specific qualifications and restrictions are inserted to control but not prohibit keeping and raising specified livestock within all areas of unincorporated Henry County. 2. With regard to fowl, qualifications and requirements shall include: 2a. Allow fowl to be kept and raised 2b. Limit to no more than six (6) fowl in a residential area providing a lot area less than three acres. 2c. Coop is required for housing fowl. Coop must be 25 inches from ground and 5 feet from any dwelling, feed in rat-proof container. Coop must provide four (4) square feet per bird. Birds may not run at large; area must be fenced or otherwise enclosed by natural (wood, stone, shrubbery) landscape barrier to prohibit passage by birds. 2d. Coop may not be placed in a front yard in a residential area providing a lot area less than three acres. Protection of street-side appearance and curb appeal shall require that coop is protected from street view or lot must provide privacy fencing or natural (wood, stone, shrubbery) landscape barrier. 2e. Prohibition against keeping or raising rooster(s) where lot size is less than three acres. We are seeking the ability to raise fowl (specifically chickens) in our residential backyard. Please contact your district commissioner. Tell him that you support this update to Henry Countys Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) and want him to vote in favor.

Thanks for your support, Larry & June Stanley

American History Parade

March 4 March 5 March 6
1789 1865 1770 1946 1936 US Constitution goes into effect. Congress meets in New York City Abraham Lincoln delivers his 2nd Inaugural Address British soldiers fire on colonists at what becomes known as Boston Massacre Winston Churchill declares an Iron Curtain has fallen across Eastern Europe A Mexican Army overwhelms defenders at the Alamo


2013 President Obama overwhelms US Citizens with release of imprisoned illegal aliens DHS freed over 2,000 immigrants since February. WASHINGTON (AP) The Homeland Security Department released from its jails more than 2,000 illegal immigrants facing deportation in recent weeks due to looming budget cuts and planned to release 3,000 more during March. The immigrants who were released still eventually face deportation and are required to appear for upcoming court hearings. And, we are certain they will all show up!

Criminals on Parade Obama Pardons 17 on March 1st

The crimes: counterfeiting and mutilating coins, concealing a felony, conspiracy to submit false
statements, wire fraud, theft, intent to defraud, conspiracy to traffic counterfeit goods, conspiracy to defraud the Immigration and Naturalization Service, distribution of a controlled substance (cocaine), unauthorized acquisition of food stamps, theft of an interstate shipment, distribute cocaine, embezzlement and misapplication of bank funds.

What the Sequester Reveals

Public schools everywhere will be affected by the government's automatic budget cuts
"Next year is scarier than this year," said Sharon Adams, chief financial officer for Muscogee County schools in Georgia. The district serves the U.S. Army's Fort Benning and could lose $300,000 in federal funding out of its $270 million in general funds before the end of the school and more than four times that in 2013-2014. The schools' losses will come from cuts to a federal program known as "Impact Aid" that supplements local property tax losses for districts that cover federal land, including military posts and Indian tribal areas. In North Carolina, Cumberland County Schools superintendent Frank Till, whose district has a total budget of $450 million and includes Fort Bragg, said he may forfeit about $800,000 for the remainder of the fiscal year but that his primary concern is what might happen next year, when the district could be out about $3.2 million.

But wait, there's more to consider! Muscogee County's budget is $270 MILLION, and they cannot manage without a federal handout??
Cumberland County NC cannot manage a $450 MILLION budget without the handout?? It appears that management is the key. Every school district in the United States hires and pays for the best educated, brightest and most competent administrators. Yet none of them can find the capacity to actually manage and control costs?


Stockbridge Does it Again

On Friday, March 1, 2013 the Stockbridge City Council held a Special Called Meeting at 5:30pm - No Public Comments were allowed. The City Council passed Resolutions and an Ordinance by a vote of 3-1 that would: 1. Create a Downtown Development Authority where the Mayor and Council would appoint members with terms of six years, four years and two years. 2. Change the Charter - amending Veto Powers, determining when elected officials take office, and changing the person that calls the meeting to order after an election. 3. Increasing the Hotel/Motel Tax from 5% to 8%. 4. Forced Annexation of properties into the City. All items were approved by the City Council by a 3-1 vote despite receiving the documentation just minutes prior to the meeting. Please take a moment to visit the City's web site and view the documents attached for this meeting. [WWW.CITYOFSTOCKBRIDGE.COM] It is revealed that the City of Stockbridge wants to annex Piedmont Henry Hospital into the city and also other areas that they call islands of land that are in the county. Mr. Milliron makes the arrogant message that they dont need the citizens or the business owners approval to take such an action. Reminds one of the eminent domain problem the city was faced with a few years ago. They have hurriedly sent the proposal to the Georgia General Assembly to the Henry delegation to see if it can be rushed through this term. Mr. Milliron and the current council and mayor need to realize that it was the taxpayers of Henry County who paid for that hospital and taxes were taken out of our homeowners taxes up till Piedmont became involved. I would say that it gives the public and people who pay land taxes here in Henry County somewhat of a say being that they paid this for over thirty years. Mr. Milliron doesnt live in Henry County so he is lacking in that area. But the people are paying for him a vehicle and expense account to travel nearly 50 miles round trip a day to work. See something wrong here. A lot of citizens do


Henry County Board of Commissioners


Tommy Smith Chairman



Gary Barham District 3


Reid A. Bowman, Sr. District 4


William Bo Moss District 1




Brian Preston District 2


Bruce Holmes District 5


The Citizen Newsletter is provided by

Henry Citizens for Responsible Government Larry Stanley, Editor Please report broken links or other problems

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