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Lin Article Critique: Part 3 Results & Discussion

For Part 3, follow the instructions below. Your paper should be at least 4 pages, including title and reference pages. APA format is required.

Review: Presentation: Article Critiques Lecture: Part 3 (inside Module/Week 7 Reading & Study) Pyrczak: chs. 1012, 13

Structure of your paper Critique of Results Critique of Discussion Putting it All Together (summary of critique-entire article) Follow-up Research Improvement Plan

Instructions on critique

Critique of Result

Answer at least five questions presented in Pyrczak: ch. 10 At least five questions presented in Pyrczak: ch. 12 Answer at least four questions presented in Pyrczaks text ch. 13

Critique of Discussion

Critique of entire article

In addition, point out at least one methodological flaw (question 5 of Pyrczak) of this study. This will lead to the purpose of follow-up study. Provide at least one-paragraph on a potential follow-up study that has some changes in the design that would add Propose of follow-up research improvement plan meaningfully to this subject area. This does not have to be an extensive description of a completely new study. Rather, it may adopt the basic design of the first study, only with some modifications to make it better.

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