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Subject Year Date / Day Number of Pupils Time Theme Topic Focused Skills Integrated Skills Intended Learning

Outcomes Behavioural Objectives

Vocabulary Grammar Sentence Pattern Previous Knowledge Moral Values Thinking Skills Multiple Intelligences Teaching Aids Stages/ Time Set induction (5 minutes)

: English Language : 5 Arif : 29th September 2013 / Wednesday : 34/34 : 12.15 pm 01.15 pm : World of Self and Personal Relationship : Animals and Us : Listening : Reading, Speaking and Writing : 1.1.1 Listen to and repeat words that contains final blends 1.1.2 Listen to and identify different types of letters sounds. : By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i. name and talk about animals and their young ii. read and response to texts about animals iii. Read and respond to a story. : Around, carry, animals, dirty, sneaky, everywhere : Singular and Plural : cow and cows, mouse and mice, roach and roaches : Pupils have seen and heard about the animals : Gratitude and love for the environment : Classify, look for patterns : Visual-spatial, interpersonal, verbal-linguistic : Graphic organizer, worksheet, flash cards, PowerPoint Slide Content Activity 1. Teacher plays video on the animal sounds song. 2. Teacher introduces the topic. Resources PowerPoint SIldes, Youtube video.

To attract pupils interest towards the lesson.

Presentation (15minutes)

Presenting vocabulary and sentence patterns. Animals are all around us, They are everywhere. Bulls pull carts and help man, Carry goods they can stand. Cows are ever ready, To give us milk daily. To the farmer they are useful, To us they are wonderful. Roaches and rats are not pets by far, From our homes we should bar. Dogs and cats are nice, But not rats, roaches or mice. We keep some animals as pets. Cats keep away dirty rats, Dogs and geese guard the house, To keep away even the sneaky mouse. Animals are all around us, Here, there and everywhere. To encourage pupils to talk about the pictures by asking question.

1. Teacher reads the poem to pupils. 2. Ask question after each stanza to check pupils understanding. Stanza 1: What can we find around us? Stanza 2: How do the bulls and cows help man? Stanza 3: Why cant we keep rats and roaches as pets? Stanza 4: Why do farmer rear cats? Why are dogs useful? 3. Teacher lead pupils read poem.

English Year 5 Text Book page 39

Practice (15minutes)

1. Teacher and the pupils take turns to ask the questions and answer them based on the picture. a) What can you see in the picture? b) Name the animals in the farm.

English Year 5 Text Book page 40 and 41

c) What are the people doing? d) Have you seen to a farm before? 2. Teacher lead pupils read the text. Production (20minutes) To check pupils understanding of the animals and people doing. 1. Teacher asks pupils to get into groups of five. 2. Teacher writes the activities from the text in pieces of paper and put them in box. 3. A representative from a group will pick the piece of paper and mime the activity written as group. Other groups guess what the activity is. 4. Teacher rewards points to the group with the correct guess. If other groups cannot guess correctly, the points will be awarded to the mime group. 5. Teacher record marks in the class score sheet. Closure (5minutes) To recall pupils personal experience related 1.Pupils talk about their experience in to the topic Animals and Us the animals around them. Paper, box

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