Introduction - : Definition of Development

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Introduction;This report intends to track Indias development since independence and to also outline and examine the sustainability

issues it is now facing. This report will examine the various areas in which India has developed including its industrialization and urbanization. It will also assess the major sustainable issues India faces outlining some methods of assessing these issues.

Definition of Development;Development - means a progression from a simpler or lower to a more advanced, mature, or complex form or stage. It is also defined as the gradual advancement or growth through a series of progressive changes. Development is a process, not a level. It is a path to achieve certain goals.

What are the major social problems in IndiaAs a developing nation, India has observed endless social problems, one leading to the other. However, one major social problem is illiteracy. It is the sole cause of many other social problems like child marriage, poverty, child labour, gender discrimination so on and so forth. If this is not dealt with at an earliest, it will lead to many other social issues as well as it is and will continue to be a hindrance in development of the country.

What according to you are the major social problems in India;India is a young and developing nation and has several issues that needs to be addressed and solved for development and progress of the nation. It is true that illiteracy is a major issue of concern but it seems to be coming to an end. However, according to me corruption, dowry system, population growth, poverty, gender discrimination, female foeticide and homicide etc are some of the major social issues of India that needs to be addressed soon. India has faced and is still facing social, economic and political issues since the time of Independence. However, every social problem is inter-related and one of the major social problem is Dowry system according to me. This is causing several death of women who was not able to provide the demanded dowry.

According to me the major social problem in India is gender discrimination. The obsession for having male child is creating gender gap and this is leading to other social problems like dowry system, domestic violence, child marriage, female foeticide etc. If people stops discriminating between the genders and treat both the genders equally many social problems of the nation can be solved. It can be done only through education and making the people understand the importance of girls and teach them to respect women.

India: a geographical summary;India is a country in the subcontinent of South Asia in the larger continent of Asia. South Asia is made up of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. India is the dominant country in the subcontinent. India is the worlds second most populous country in the world with a rapidly expanding population of well over 1billion people. It is a vast country with many physical features ranging from the Himalayas in the north, to the Ganga valley in the east, to the Thar desert in the west. India has a mainly tropical climate but also has a typical monsoon climate with heavy rain from June to September and dry weather for the rest of the year, the country also has very warm weather for most of the year. India has many large metropolitan conurbations such as the capital Delhi (New Delhi), Kolkata and Mumbai.

Indias development since independence;European traders first came to Indian shores in 1498 with the arrival of European explorer Vasco Da Gama. India was under the control of many different colonial powers until the early eighteenth century when British rule fully came into place. The British remained in power until 1947 when India became an independent nation. British control left a lasting impact on India, in many ways impeding Indias development in some sectors. After

independence India developed in many different ways which will be examined below.

Indian governmental structured change rapidly after independence. It went from being a country within the British Commonwealth to a sovereign, secular country. India became a fully independent, secular state on the 26 November 1950 when the new constitution. The country developed into a democratic republic with a president, prime minister and a council of ministers, all who are elected by the public. Indias full title is the Republic of India and today it is the largest full democracy in the world.

Before independence India was a country which relied heavily on agriculture. After independence this remained much the same, even today India ranks second worldwide in agricultural output. Agriculture and allied sectors like logging, forestry and fishing accounted for 18.6% of Indias GDP in 2005, employed 60% of the total workforce and despite a steady decline of its share in the GDP, is still the largest economic sector in the country. Recently India has developed a rapidly growing agricultural biotech sector. According to a Rabobank report, the agri-biotech sector in India has been developing at an amazing 30 per cent since the last five years, and it is likely to sustain the growth in the future. India has massive potential in the agri-biotech sector with the possibility that the country will become a major grower of genetically modified rice and other genetically engineered crops. India has always been a major grower of cash crops such as tea, tobacco, coffee and spices while also being a world leader in exporting many varieties of fruit. Although India has developed many modern and innovative means of farming the agricultural sector

in India remains synonymous with poverty. The majority of Indias farmers earn less than $2 (USD) per day growing rice on tiny family-owned plots.

The services sector employs 23% of the Indian workforce and began its rapid development in the 1980s, this is in comparison with approx.4.5% in the 1960s. The stimulus for the spurt in growth in the services sector came from two main areas: a substantial stepping up of public investment and also the emergence of a highly educated Indian workforce who were willing to work for far lower wages than their European counterparts. The services sector accounted for 63% of Indian GDP in 2008 and as per the Central Statistical Organisation this figure has continued to grow in 2010. Lead indicators suggest that the pace of expansion in the services sector activity is likely to be sustained even in the next financial year as foreign tourist arrivals along with the number of telecom subscribers is set to increase. A major area of development in the countries services sector has been the teleservices and information technology sectors. Many multinational firms have outsourced their teleservices and IT services to India as they are attracted by an English speaking, low wage, highly educated workforce. It is interesting to note that the rapid development of the services sector in India has had a direct connection to the industrialization of the country since independence.

Before independence India was a largely agriculture-based country. Although there was a relatively large manufacturing sector in some parts of the country it was mainly in the form of small-scale local

enterprises such as spinning, weaving and woodwork industries. These businesses served their local markets which meant that large-scale expansion of an industry was very difficult at that time. Postindependence, the Indian private sector began attempts to expand. However it was faced with foreign competition, including the threat of cheaper Chinese imports. It has since handled the change by squeezing costs, revamping management, focusing on designing new products and relying on low labour costs and technology. Technology has been one of the main cornerstones of Indias industrial development. The city of Bangalore has become known as the Silicon Valley of India. Over 250 high-tech industries have set up their including IBM, Intel and HP. These companies are part of Indias growing IT sector while also being involved in software manufacturing. This growing IT and technology sector has spread to most of Indias other large cities such as Chennai, Mumbai and Kolkata and in 2009 the Information Technology sector accounted for 5.9% GDP. Mining and other energy exploits have also been one of the main areas which have pushed the industrialization of India since independence. India has the third largest coal reserves in the world and full-scale exploitation of the coal resources began in the mid-1960s. Evidence of this can be seen all across the country with huge coal mines, especially in the east. This has also lead to the industrialization of many of Indias major cities with huge coal-producing factories in cities such as Kolkata. India is involved in the production of many other fossil fuels such as oil and gas and as of January 2007 India had 5.6 billion barrels of proven oil reserves. However the most interesting area of energy development in the country in recent years has been the move towards renewable and nuclear energy research and production. India has recently developed many hydroelectric power stations in the north of the country along the foothills of the Himalayas. Nuclear power is a very large source of electrical consumption in India. As of 2010, India has 19 nuclear power plants in operation generating 4,560 MW while four other are under construction and are expected to generate an additional 2,720 MW. This recent development has coincided with further industrialization of many of Indias cities.

Industrialization in India has probably been the countrys main development since independence in 1947. This vast industrialisation has also led to changes in the countrys population dispersion and settlement patterns.

Settlement Development:
Population dispersion patterns have changed drastically since Indias independence. Although India has always had a large population, settlement patterns were a lot different under British rule. During that time most of Indias working class lived in the countryside in small nucleated farming settlements. Under the caste system, which was heavily followed in India pre-independence, these working classes would have been kept away from the upper classes who generally lived in the cities or in large estates. Since independence however there was a massive change in the population and settlement dynamics of India. As industrialization and modernisation began so too did large scale urbanisation. Many of the people who had previously been labouring on the countrys farms began migrating to the cities at unprecedented levels. They moved to the cities in search of work in the new factories and various industries, also they went in search of a better standard of living. This inmigration led to many Indian cities becoming large conurbations or super-cities. Some of these conurbations include Delhi (population 15 million), Kolkata (pop.15 million), Mumbai (pop.13 million) and Bangalore (pop.6.5 million). Many of these citys populations are still increasing making the country even more urbanised and moving it away from its rural roots. The development of India since independence has changed it into a democratic, industrial country at the forefront of becoming a big global power. However due to this rapid change and urbanisation India faces many problems. The country is facing many sustainability issues in the near future which will be discussed below.

India and Future Sustainable Development;Sustainable Development is something which many countries across the world are aiming to

achieve. In theory, development that is sustainable and not damaging to the planet is very possible. Of course though, in reality there are a lot of politics and challenges involved. In Indias case there are many sustainability issues which must be addressed or will hamper the countries future development.

Poverty;Poverty is an everyday sight in India but something which must be addressed or it will negatively affect the countrys future sustainability. Poverty in India is widespread with the nation estimated to have a third of the world's poor. According to a 2005 World Bank estimate 42% of the Indian population fall below the international poverty line. Although this is a major increase on the figure of 87% in 1980 it is still a shocking statistic. Many of the countrys poor live in the slum areas or bastis of the major cities. These bastis lack even basic amenities such as proper sewerage or running water. Therefore Indias poverty has led to huge levels of disease amongst its population. Diseases such as cholera and typhoid are commonplace in slum areas. A lack of proper healthcare means that many inhabitants of Indias slums die before they are 30. If India is to become a truly developed country it must develop a form of social welfare scheme, this means that at current poverty levels close to 240 million people would be availing of welfare benefits. This is a figure which is simply not viable, therefore if India is to sustain development into the future it must do something to lower poverty levels.

The Environment and Pollution:

The environment is something which every country must strive to sustain, however for a country as large as India this can be a major problem, not only in dealing with atmospheric pollution but also the damage that is being done to Indias natural landscape as we speak. Air pollution and carbon emissions have become a major cause for concern in India as it has

become industrialized. Although India is low on the carbon emissions scale compared to countries such as America its carbon levels are still very high and steadily increasing. India is emitting 1.17 tonnes of co2 per person per year and this is an ever-increasing figure. Most of these carbon emissions are coming from factories and industry, however a large portion is coming from the countrys waste as it degrades in landfill. Recycling (or a lack of) is a major issue in India and if the government does not set up some sort of recycling initiative it could lose colossal amounts of money storing waste in landfill and also cause irreparable damage to the environment. Air pollution is becoming a major problem in many of Indias cities. A good example of this is the city of Hyderabad where air pollution levels have reached alarming rates. Even the cities zoological park has recorded levels of Respiratory Suspended Particular Matter (RSPM) as being 68 micro grams per metre cubed, a level well above the recommended rate for such an eco-sensitive zone. These huge levels of air pollution are down to the fact that India still burns huge amounts of fossil fuels such as coal. Although the country is attempting to develop green energy sources it still has to burn huge amounts of fossil fuels to cope with an ever-increasing demand for energy. This coupled with the fact that Indias main fossil fuel is coal (a very high polluter) means that air pollution levels will probably continue to increase. However there have been some encouraging signs in recent years as the government and legislators have begun a major drive to invest in clean technology and recycling facilities so as to avail of the economic benefits from the Kyoto Protocol.

The Indian Railways History: Pre-Independence

The British ruled India for close to 400 years during the most important years of World History, when the World was discovered, industrialized and transformed. And starting from English, Cricket, the Constitution, the Bureaucracy, the Parliamentary system, the complex law structure and the Civil Services to Do the needful and the fascination Indians have with

white skin, most of what we see today in modern India is the legacy of what the British left us. Among these, the largest in material terms is of course, the Indian Railways. Though it was the British who built up the Railways, nothing much remains visible of those days except those many intangible things of the Railways which are still stuck in those days of the British Raj: operating laws, bureaucracy, paperwork and of course, speed being examples. Instead of looking at the Railways as an entity of which everything is to be criticized because everyone has an opinion (all of which I respect), I would like to look into the past for a while, the stories on how this giant organization came to be, the History of the Indian Railways

The Beginnings of the Railways in India

As our textbooks say, the first commercial passenger train in India ran from Bombay Boree Bunder (later VT and today CST) to Thane on April 16th 1853, a 14 coach train hauled by 3 steam locomotives. But there were makeshift trains running before that in India, as early as 1835. The first train was the Madras Redhill Railroad which was used to transport granite and other minerals somewhere around the present day Chintadripet in Chennai. Then there were railways laid for building the Godavari Dam and the Solani Aquaduct in Rourkee. The British invited private enterprise based out of England to help build a Rail network in India, guaranteeing them 5% returns minimum. Several companies were incorporated, surveys were carried out extensively and work on the line out of Bombay was started in 1852 by the GIPR. In the beginning, anyone could start a Railway company in India with their own set of rules to build tracks and run trains for profit. These companies had no unified structure on anything, used whatever type of gauge, type of equipment, rolling stock, classes of accommodation, fares and operational methods that suited them. So predictably it was a mess as there was no centralized control. Almost the entire early railway network in British India was built by the private sector till 1923, when the two largest companies were nationalized. Till then the government would take over profitable companies but then hand it back again and so on.

Development of road ways in india;Roads are definitely a cost efficient and popular mode of transport. It stretches across the length and breadth of a country and can be used by different sections of society. It helps in the movement of men and material from one mode to another. It forges national unity and is instrumental in the nations socio economic development. It acts as a support system to other means of transport like railways, shipping, airways etc. Hence a well developed roadway is vital for promoting commercial interest of the country.

Road Network in India

Road network in India is one of the most extensive in the world, amounting to 3.314 million kilometers, consisting of Expressways, National Highways, State Highways, Major District Roads, Other District Roads and Village Roads. The National Highways extending over 66,754 km act as the main road network in the country. Though they account for only 2 per cent of the total road in India, they carry about 40 per cent of the total traffic.27 per cent of the roads are single lane.59 per cent of the roads are double lane and the balance of 14 per cent is four, six or eight lane. The Department of Road Transport and Highways under the Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and Highways is in charge of maintaining and development of roads. All roads except for National Highways fall within the purview of State governments. The department of road transport and highways essentially carries out the following functions. Roads Wing It is responsible for

Construction and management of National Highways, in line with the provision of National Highways Act, 1956. Providing technical expertise and financial help to State governments for the maintenance and construction of state roads. Standardizing the specifications for roads and bridges in the country. Maintaining databank of knowledge on roads and bridges.

Transport Wing It is concerned with

The subject of road transport system in the country. It is mainly responsible for administration of Motor Vehicles Act 1988 and Road Transport Corporations Act 1950, besides taxation of motor vehicles, motor insurance and encouraging transport co operatives in the area of motor transport. It is also responsible for formulating road safety standards through National Road Safety Policy. Gathering, recording and analyzing road accident statistics.

Creating awareness among the public on road safety.

The Ministry carries out the operations of National Highways through three different agencies, they are State Public Works Department (PWD), Border Roads Organization (BRO) and National Highways Authority Of India (NHAI).The daily management of most national highways in states are looked after by the respective PWD's. The BRO is primarily concerned with construction and maintenance of roads in border areas, also known as General Staff (GS) roads. The BRO has linked the border areas of North and North East with the rest of the country. It has played a vital role in developing the road network in states like Bihar, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Uttarakhand and Chhattisgarh. Nearly 46,884 km of National Highways is managed by the concerned PWD's and BRO. Sixty years since Independence, India has made tremendous progress with respect to it transport system. The accelerated growth rate in the economy has helped the nation to bridge distance. The architect of the change is the development of thousands of km of world class roads, dedicated freight corridors and improvement in rural roads. Immediately after Independence India did not have the luxury of well networked roadways. The British had left behind only 4 lakh km of roads that linked major cities and the rural heartland. So the government then formulated a two pronged strategy-improve connectivity and provide infrastructure that stimulated economic growth. Unfortunately resources were meager and the government was finding it difficult to sustain progress. As a result the quality of roads was poor and would often deteriorate after the monsoons. The establishment of the National Highways Authority Of India (NHAI) in 1988 dramatically changed the future of roadways in India. The NHAI brought about standardization in terms of quality and management became more efficient. In the eight plan the government gave the sector lots of incentives like customs free import of capital goods and freebies like tax holidays. The government came up with a proposal for an ambitious project called Golden Quadrilateral to connect the country through two different corridors the North-South and East-West corridor extending to a length of 25,000 km. It was funded by the World Bank and Asian Development Bank. The government came with a special cess on petrol and diesel to finance the project. The landscape for roadways changed dramatically after this.

Health sector development and disease control in India;India has made significant progress in the past several decades in improving the health and well-being of its people. Over the past 40 years, life expectancy has risen by 17 years

to 61 years, and infant mortality has fallen by more than two-thirds to 74 deaths per 1,000 live births. Despite these significant strides, the country continues to bear a heavy burden of both communicable and non-communicable diseases. Furthermore, India is experiencing a slow epidemiological evolution from infectious and parasitic diseases to non-communicable diseases. Also, the emergence of AIDS has begun to affect national and regional epidemiological profiles and priorities. India's health sector faces several key issues: respective roles of the public and private sectors, budget and resource allocation, management of health services, quality of care, and work force. The Union and state governments are addressing these issues, and the country has embarked on a series of programs to adjust its health strategies, technical paradigms, and appropriate technology, and to improve the performance of its health programs. Since 1991, the World Bank Group has significantly increased its emphasis on health sector development in India. The Bank has been working to help India reduce the level of mortality, morbidity, and disability through a three-pronged approach. The first is to reduce the burden of the most significant diseases by supporting priority programs with positive externalities. The second is to strengthen the performance of state health systems to deal with the evolving burden of disease by providing more efficient and effective health care. The third is to strengthen essential functions such as food and drug administration capacities. The Bank has also collaborated with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other centers of excellence such as the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States National Institutes of Health, and bilateral agencies in strategy development, technical matters, peer review, project design, and program monitoring. Through projects to control the spread of AIDS, leprosy, cataract blindness and tuberculosis-and a future project to control malaria--the Government of India is seeking to reduce the burden of the most significant endemic diseases with World Bank Group assistance focusing on high-return investments. Through two Bank Group-assisted projects to support state health systems, the government has also sought to help states improve their health policy environment and access to and quality of services, with particular attention to building institutional capacity, the first-referral level, and services for the poor. This will help establish sustainable health systems that focus on cost-effective programs, and also make sufficient use of the private sector. In the future, the priority will continue to be developing effective and sustainable health systems that can meet the dual demands posed by the growth in noncommunicable diseases and peoples' needs for better quality and higher levels of health care.


There are two main sustainability issues associated with water in India. India has huge problems with water pollution. Most of Indias water pollution is as a result of industry and poor sewerage in urban areas. In city slums, rivers are used as open sewers and garbage dumps for things such as human waste and animal carcasses, these rivers are then used to bathe and even drink from, resulting in huge levels of disease. The river Ganges is considered to be one of the worlds dirtiest rivers and still an estimated 2million people bathe in its waters everyday due to Hindi beliefs and culture. E.Coli infections are common amongst people who visit the Ganges and due to its religious significance levels of infection will most likely remain. Some sources even say that Indias water pollution problem is so bad that 70% of available water in India is contaminated. Indian officials must act to create sewerage treatment plants in order to reverse the countrys unprecedented levels of water pollution. Another Sustainability issue which India faces in the future is the problem of water availability. Indias rapidly growing population is putting an increasing strain on Indias water supply. This is highlighted by the fact that according to World Watch Institute, Indian demand for water in urban areas is expected to triple by 2025. Another big problem is that actual water reserves look set to deteriorate due to global warming. 80% of Indias water comes from the Himalayas, either from rainwater or melting glaciers. If current projections are correct global warming will melt many of the Himalayan glaciers away by 2030 and thiswould result in the level of many of Indias main rivers dropping further pushing water demand.

Poverty and the Environment:

Both environmental degradation and poverty alleviation are urgent global issues that have a lot in common, but are often treated separately. This link has never been more evident than

in Indias case. There is a common misconception that for poor countries to develop, environmental concerns have to be sacrificed, or else that environmental concerns are a luxury to address once poverty is alleviated. However for India to develop sustainably it must learn from past countries and recognise that poverty and the environment go hand in hand. The Centre for Science and Environment based in Delhi observes that if the worlds poor were to consume in the manner of people in developed countries we would need two additional planet Earths to produce resources and absorb wastes and good planets are hard to find!. The links between poverty and pollution and environmental-damage can be seen everywhere in India. The use of rivers as sewers is common to Indian slum areas. There is also a link between dumping and landfill and countries of poverty. India has huge landfills scattered across its major cities and to highlight the link with poverty further most of these landfills are located next to the bastis. However to blame Indias poor for the environmental degradation would be a huge mistake. It is the lack of resources and facilities provided to the poor which results in the level of damage occurring in India. However there are many methods which the Indian government could use to tackle both problems i.e. reduce poverty by tackling environmental degradation. [1] Strengthen participation by the poor in decision-making related to access to

environmental resources: People in Indias poorest areas should be involved in deciding where sewerage should be provided and how best to provide clean water as their local expertise would be vital. [2 ] Employ only local people in the building of environmental resources in their slum

areas: This would boost the local economy and also create a sense of pride in environmental resources within the community. [3] Expand the natural asset base of the poor: By providing free plots of land to the

countries poor India could promote a sense of environmentalism and a respect for nature while also providing economic assistance to the poor. [4] Tackle environmental problems which affect the poor first and concentrating on

overall environmental damage levels after. By tackling problems such as water pollution and air pollution in slum areas the Indian government could take its people out of poverty creating an overall knock-on effect for the countries overall sustainable development. [5] If the Indian government where to apply some of the above methods they could

both alleviate poverty and create an environmentally-sustainable country.

Conclustion;India has developed from an agricultural country into an urbanized, industrialized country. However this has led to many problems for the country including poverty and environmental damage. However it is not too late for India to fix its problems and hopefully in the future we will see this happening. Mother Earth provides enough to satisfy every mans need but not every mans greedMohandas Gandhi.

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