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Say No To Smoking 1. There are drugs in the world that are hurting us all.

The drug that I am going to talk about is the drug found in cigarettes: nicotine. Although some good people do no think that smoking cigarettes will directly affect their lives, they are wrong because smoking is nothing but a shortcut to dying. Smoking is not a joke, although we see it on TV, in comics, and maybe right in front of our faces, it does affect our health. Did you ever take a close look at the bottom of the cigarette box? Well, if you did not, this is what it says: SMOKING MAY CAUSE LUNG CANCER, HEART DISEASE AND MAY ALSO COMPLICATE PREGNANCY. Does it not shock you that these tobacco companies are giving us a warning? I do not know why kids think smoking is cool. Maybe they think it makes them look more like an adult or they do it because their friends are doing it, but that is not a very good reason to kill themselves, is it? Smoking is the cause of many deaths around the world. Smoking causes diseases such as lung cancer, lip, mouth, and tongue cancer, and heart attack. Smoking can ruin all your hopes and your dreams. Have you ever seen a commercial for cigarettes? You have to admit that the people in that commercial do look like they are having fun. Did you notice that they never show you an "after photo"? The reason is that those people are ugly now that their bodies have had too many puffs. As General George Washington said, "Every puff is like a taste of death". Even if you just take a little puff, you still can get very ill. That is why you should never start to smoking.

2. Is there any adventure or fun in smoking? Absolutely not! Don't be fooled by the fun packed advertisements of the cigarette making companies. There is no "taste", no "fun" and no "adventure" in smoking cigarettes. These are just the slogans of the cigarette making companies which are multiplying their profits at the cost of the precious human lives. The greedy multi-national multi-billion dollar cigarette manufacturers are killing people quietly without being noticed by anyone. According to the WHO report, every 6.5 seconds a person in the world dies prematurely due to cancer, heart attack, respiratory or some other kind of tobacco related diseases. No doubt, the tobacco is the fourth most common risk factor for diseases worldwide. If you are a smoker then think seriously for a moment and decide whether you are mentally OK. I very much doubt because you are spending money on the purchase of an item which is not only risking your life by unintentionally inviting numerous diseases to attack your body but also risking the lives of other people who are forced to inhale second hand smoke, which is more dangerous than smoking. If you smoke inside your house then you also risk the life of your spouse and children. Is it a wise decision to keep on smoking? Say no to smoking, if you want to live a normal healthy life free from diseases. Why not take a bold decision NOW and quit smoking immediately! Are you prepared to do so?

Tobacco use is going to kill nearly 10 million people each year, mostly in their productive middle ages. It is estimated that 75% of these deaths will occur in the developing countries mainly due to the high number of smokers and lack of medical facilities available there. Due to lack of knowledge and education, the number of smokers in the developing countries and poor households is increasing at an alarming rate. The warning written on the cigarette packets is mostly ignored by the illiterate smokers. It is sad that the average amount spent by poor households on tobacco is nearly the same as the amount spent on education. A recent study in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has proved that the more people are educated, the less they smoke. Your health is your best asset. Protect your life from painful tobacco related diseases. Live a healthy and happy life and just say no to smoking.

3. Children are learning about smoking and tobacco everyday in school, from friends, from TV and movies. As parents, you can play an important role in helping your child understand the dangers of tobacco use, and teaching them how to stay away from it.

Be a good role model. Set a good example for your children by not smoking or using other tobacco products -quit now or never start. If you smoke, try to stop right away. In the meantime, don't use tobacco in front of your children. Don't offer it to them and don't leave it where they can easily get it. Talk to your children about smoking and tobacco. Start talking to your children about tobacco use at age five or six, and keep talking through their high school years. Many kids start using tobacco by age 11, and many are addicted by age 14. Look for opportunities to talk about the dangers of smoking. Talk directly to children about the risks of tobacco use; if friends or relatives died from tobacco-related illnesses let your kids know. Bring up the subject if you see something about smoking on TV or in the newspaper. Discuss with your kids how tobacco companies use billboards, magazines, movies, and TV try to make smoking look cool. Teach your children how to say "no". Know if your kids' friends use tobacco. Talk about ways to say "no" to tobacco. Young people need encouragement and support to stay tobacco free. Help them make a list of reasons not to smoke. Say, "Lets practice saying no. Pretend I'm a friend offering you a cigarette." Teach your children to stand up for what they believe, which can earn them respect from good friends. Protect children from secondhand smoke. Make your home smoke-free. Ask people who visit not to smoke inside your home. Avoid smoking in the car or other closed areas. Teach your children the dangers of secondhand smoke and ways to avoid exposure to somebody else's smoke.

REMEMBER: You can make a difference! Help your children grow up tobacco free!

If your child is smoking or chewing tobacco, it will be up to him or her to quit. But you can help. Here's how:

Try to avoid threats and punishment. Find out why your child is smoking. Your child may be influenced by peer pressure or may want to get your attention. Talk to your child about ways to say "no" to tobacco. Show your interest in a helpful way. Find out what changes can be made in your child's life to help him/her stop. If you smoke, quit. If you did smoke and have already quit, talk to your child about your experience. Tell them what helped you quit. Talk to your child's doctor. He or she may be able to help. Suggest to your child's friends that they quit together, if a group of them smoke. Offer to help and support them. Be supportive. You and your child need to prepare for the mood swings and crankiness that can come with nicotine withdrawal. Finally, reward your child when he or she quits. Plan something special for you to do together. Helping your child is one of the best parenting activities you could ever do.


Listed below are some important health complications caused due to sumptuous consumption of junk food. Lack of energy: Junk foods do not contain any nutrients that are beneficial to the human body. In most cases, these foods are filled with harmful carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol that do not provide any useful energy. As a result, somebody consuming junk food has reduced level of essential nutrients thereby causing weakness in the body. Poor Concentration: One disadvantage of consuming junk food is that it contains high amount of oil and fat. As a result, human body finds this food difficult to digest and needs to spend high amount of blood and enzymes. When a person consumes junk food in excess, a major portion of blood in the body is

diverted to the intestine. As a result, the person feels drowsy and suffers with reduced concentration. Heart Diseases: Junk foods have been identified as a major cause of heart diseases including myocardial infraction, cardiac arrest and atherosclerosis. This is due to the fact that junk food contains excessive amount of low-density lipoproteins and cholesterol that get deposited on the inner linings of blood vessels. This result in formation of plaques and the heart is required to put an extra effort for pumping blood through the arteries. Presence of fat in the blood also causes reduced oxygen levels. Another harmful factor present in junk foods is excess concentration of sugars and salt. Excessive concentration of sodium ions causes an increased heart blood pressure. Liver Failure: Even liver gets damaged due to presence of ingredients such as fat, cholesterol and salt inside the junk foods. Diabetes: Junk foods also cause damage to the pancreas resulting in insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) The phrase "junk food" itself speaks of endangerment to health. Junk foods are deemed to be trash foods as they are high in fat and sugar components regardless of how they are labeled by manufacturers. The apparent effect of junk food on health administers when there is excess in intake. Teenagers comprise the higher bulk of junk food fanatics and they seem to be unhealthy with such a lifestyle of munching in chips, fries, crackers and other snack foods in front of the television. Majority of junk food choices do not deliver beneficial nutritional values, but you could actually integrate a few junk foods in your diet with an assurance that it is of moderate amount. Regardless of age, the effect of junk food on health settles as bad as it could be especially when you eat too much of some. You will end up easily getting exhausted by being a junk food fanatic. Because it doesn't balance the appropriate levels of energy you ought to consume, you have tendencies of craving for more food when you eat junk foods. Also, you can be less focused with anything you undertake at work and home because what you are acquiring from junk foods are mere fats, not healthy ingredients. Also, you will experience lack of important oxygen that eventually result to poor brain functioning. In the long run, your heart cannot function as it should because of too much cholesterol absorbed in the body as an effect of junk food on health. If there's too much plaque in the arteries, your heart has to assert more effort in pumping blood which may cause you to be in fatigue. The excess amount of cholesterol in your body can destroy the liver as well, leaving you overweight at the same time. Most of obese kids have acquired their overweight dilemma because of too much junk food intake. Most of those who are junk food eaters are likely to get diabetic at any point in their life

because of high presence of sugar in the body. High blood pressure due to great amount of sodium from junk foods can also occur. As they always say it, whatever is avoided comes so tasty. Ice cream, chocolate, junk foods, fries, burgers, potato chips and shakes are all tempting. You can perhaps be disciplined in indulging in these types of food because they are initially unhealthy to have. Too much of anything sweet or salty is health threatening. Not only will you have a bad effect of junk food on health, you will also largely embrace mood swings, decreased enthusiasm to handle workouts, weight gain and constipation problems if you eat junk foods unstoppably. In lieu of them, you can pick fruits and high-fiber food for good snacks and meals. 1. Junk food is an informal term for food that is of little nutritional value and often high in fat, sugar, and/or calories. It is widely believed that the term was coined by Michael Jacobson, director of the Center for Science in the Public Interest, in 1972. Junk foods typically contain high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little protein, vitamins or minerals. Common junk foods include salted snack foods, gum, candy, sweet desserts, fried fast food, and carbonated beverages.

Is Politeness and Courtesy outdated in today's world?

The way things are moving it appears no one really cares for anyone else. People are slowly becoming self centered, rude and impolite. Families are breaking up. Divorces are taking place faster than marriages. We have become less tolerant than we used to be. We would rather smash a door in person's face than hold it open for people. We can't take criticism. Cases of road rage are on the increase. Cases of children picking up guns and going on a shooting spree are on the increase. What is the cause of this? Why has this change in attitudes taken place? Are the parents to blame? Are teachers to blame, Is it the media which is responsible or is it the political system which is the root cause of this decadence? Yes all those things counts. But most of all if parents can give their kids a happy home, happy child hood while teaching them about family values and good behavior this problem could be over come even if anyone tries to change it. Now a days people seem too busy and they don't have the time for their families. So how can the parent's teach kids? But I feel that parents should think of their kids future than earning money. They should realize that money is not everything.

Recently I had to go to courts for a case and I was shocked to see the number of Divorce cases that they were taking up that day. There were more than 100 and 99% couples were very young. I think the parents of these young ones are to be blamed for this situation.

Good manners are the backbone of the society. They are essential for social life and individual peace and comfort. Good mannered people are respected and appreciated everywhere. If a person is dressed well, it does not mean that he must be possessing good manners as well. A man without manners remains savage. Therefore, it is very necessary to have good manners. Courtesy and politeness is the key to good manners. Words and phrases like 'I am sorry', 'Please', 'Kindly', 'Thank You', 'Sir', 'Madam', 'I beg' your pardon' etc. should be used often. They create a healthy impact and a sense of respect on the minds of others. If they are spoken at the right moment in a soft and sweet voice, they work wonders. Even if something negative has to be said, it should be said in such a way that it does not hurt the feelings of the other person. One should also respond positively to a negative situation. Politeness is okay, but it gets old and boring. You want to attack life with a passion, not a politeness, you want people to think about you and remember you and say "she is so passionate" you don't want people to think about you and remember you and say "she is so polite," because, who cares about polite?

Politeness is best expressed as the practical application of good manners or etiquette. It is a culturally defined phenomenon, and therefore what is considered polite in one culture can sometimes be quite rude or simply eccentric in another cultural context. While the goal of politeness is to make all of the parties relaxed and comfortable with one another, these culturally defined standards at times may be manipulated to inflict shame on a designated party. Anthropologists Penelope Brown and Stephen Levinson identified two kinds of politeness, deriving from Erving Goffman's

concept of face:

Negative politeness: Making a request less infringing, such as "If you don't mind..." or "If it isn't too much trouble..."; respects a person's right to act freely. In other words,deference. There is a greater use of indirect speech acts.

Positive politeness: Seeks to establish a positive relationship between parties; respects a person's need to be liked and understood. Direct speech acts, swearing and flouting Grice's maxims can be considered aspects of positive politeness because:

they show an awareness that the relationship is strong enough to cope with what would normally be considered impolite (in the popular understanding of the term); They articulate an awareness of the other person's values, which fulfills the person's desire to be accepted.

Some cultures seem to prefer one of these kinds of politeness over the other. In this way politeness is culturally bound. Courtesy comes from old French 'courteis' (12th century) is gentle politeness and courtly manners. In the Middle Ages in Europe, the behaviour expected of the gentry was compiled in courtesy books. One of the most influential of these was Il Cortegiano (The Courtier) which not only covered basic etiquette and decorum but also provided models of sophisticated conversation and intellectual skill.[1] In medieval India too, nobility and royalty were expected to display courteous behaviour. The concept was described by the Sanskrit word, daksinya, which meant "kindness and consideration expressed in a sophisticated and elegant way".[2]

My car Every morning I wake up to the birds chirping away as if I am listening to a small orchestra on Broadway. Very nice sounds, but walking out is just as good. The sun greets me as a rush of warm rays flow across the serene blue skies like a tranquil water fall making break at the high point. You hear a beautiful sense of calmness as I walk to my car, neighbor's wave to me as if I was a rock star greeting fans. As I approach my car it reminds me of a roller coaster, waiting to take me on a thrill ride. After opening the doors and then

sitting in the seats that feel like a warm hug, I start the engine and then listen to its rev as if it were a tiger yawning after a long nap. The power that comes through the steering wheel and gearbox brings back memories of a rocket ship, in the back of my mind I am hearing the count down at the NASA Space Launch Pad...3...2...1.GO. Driving this car can be compared to riding a raging bull during a rodeo, if your hands are not on the wheel you can feel this car pulling away, screaming and jumping to be free. If you can control this beast you can make cuts in the road with the precision of a knife, this car's handling carves the road as if it was cheese, the tires and brakes are also superior like a jaguar's claws. The sound from the car while driving is music to my ears, you can hear the exhaust notes rumbling from the engine to the back like rolling thunder during a hurricane. Every increase in speed brings a louder sound. All in all, after getting out of this car, you almost have to peel yourself off as if you have been glued to the seats. The power and share beauty of this car is the same as riding a wild animal, but this animal is something you can control. When leaving the car, I arm the alarm for security with a "beep" that tells me "good bye", it's like parting with a friend after a fun dance.
The car is a five door BMW X1 with alloy wheels and tinted windows. The color of the car is a light gold or champagne color with a noticeable black scratch on the front bumper. It has automatic headlights and brand new windshield wipers. The windows have been cleaned, and the paint and wheels are shining from where the car was recently detailed. Displayed on the back glass in the bottom right corner is a Macon State student parking decal, and there is a Butler Toyota tag

cover over the tag itself. The interior of the car is black. It has black seats, with black carpet, and heavy-duty plastic floor mats on top of the large manufacturer floor mats that have the word Altima written across the bottom in bold white print. The car has no sunroof and no antenna.

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