BRKSEC-3007 - Advanced Cisco IOS Security Features (2010 Las Vegas)

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Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Security Features


Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Firewall
Cisco IOS Firewall Overview Cisco IOS Firewall Packet Flow Cisco IOS Firewall Troubleshooting Common Issues and Resolutions Summary

Zone Based Firewall Troubleshooting Example Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System
Cisco IOS IPS Overview Cisco IOS IPS Packet Flow Cisco IOS IPS Troubleshooting Common Issues and Resolutions Summary
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

What is Not Covered

Troubleshooting Firewalls on PIX/ASA and FWSM
BRKSEC-3020: Advanced Firewalls

IPS Appliance Troubleshooting

BRKSEC-3030: Advanced Intrusion Prevention Systems

BRKSEC-3011: Troubleshooting GET VPN
BRKSEC-3012: Troubleshooting DMVPN NRLSEC-3013: Troubleshooting Remote Access SSL VPN


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Cisco IOS Firewall Overview


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Zone-Based Policy Firewall Overview

Allows grouping of physical and virtual interfaces into zones Firewall policies are applied to traffic traversing zones Simple to add or remove interfaces and integrate into firewall policy
Supported Features
Stateful inspection Application inspection: IM, POP, IMAP, SMTP/ESMTP, HTTP URL filtering


Per-policy parameter
Transparent firewall VRF-aware firewall

Private-DMZ Policy DMZ-Private Policy

DMZ Public-DMZ Policy






Private-Public Policy
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

Zone-Based Policy Firewall Configuration

class-map type inspect match-any myprotocol match protocol smtp match protocol ftp match protocol http class-map type inspect match-all myclass match access-group 102 match class-map myprotocol policy-map type inspect mypolicy class type inspect myclass inspect zone security private zone security public

Define services inspected by policy

Services with ACL to define permitted/denied hosts (Optional)

Define firewall action for traffic

Setup zones

zone-pair security priv-pub source private destination public service-policy type inspect mypolicy interface Ethernet0 zone-member security private interface Serial0 zone-member security public access-list 102 permit ip any

Establish zone-pair & apply the policy Assign interfaces to zones


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Cisco IOS Firewall Packet Flow


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Understanding the Packet Flow

End-to-end packet path must be identified
Narrow down the issue to the device level

Determine the packet flow based on SRC IP, DST IP, SRC port, DST port, and protocol
Determine the interfaces/zones through which the flow passes Then perform a systematic walk of the packet flow through the device based on feature configured
Source Address:a.b.c.1 Destination Address:d.e.f.1 Source Port: xxxx Destination Port:yyy Protocol: UDP Source Interface: Fa 0/0 Destination Interface: Fa 1/0 Flow is narrowed to 2 interfaces only

IP S: a.b.c.1 D: d.e.f.1 Proto: 17 (udp) UDP -- S: xxxx -- D: yyy

Packet Flow

Packet Flow


interface Fa 0/0
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interface Fa Cisco Public 2/0

interface Fa 1/0

General Packet Flow

Inbound ACL Input Int NAT Before Routing Routing NAT After Routing Stateful IPS Output Int

Auth Proxy

Fragment Inspection

Stateless IPS Input Int

Outbound ACL Output Int

Decrypt Packet N IPSec Pkt? Y Inbound Input ACL Encrypt Packet Y IPSec Pkt? N
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Stateless IPS Input Int

Cisco IOS Firewall Troubleshooting


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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The problem solving Process

Whats going on Prioritize

Ask the right questions to better define and clarify the problem

What information do we need but we dont have? How to get that information?

Understand the flow Whats supposed to happen vs. What actually happened

Test assumptions Deploy changes
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


IOS Firewall Troubleshooting Tools


Show commands
Packet capture Debug commands


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Most effective troubleshooting tool available for Zone-Based Policy Firewall Tool for alert and audit trail Tool to help identify packet dropped by the firewall Tool for capturing the debug command output Use of syslog server strongly recommended when deploying firewall solutions


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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SyslogDissection of a Syslog Message

Symptom: An user complains that he is unable to browse to an web server at
Cause of the reset EC-SUN[100]# grep ""

Jul 26 13:58:16 2167: Jul 26 18:02:34.907 UTC: %APPFW-4-HTTP_JAVA_APPLET: HTTP Java Applet detected resetting session on zonepair publicPrivateOut class myClassMap appl-class HttpAic

Name of the Zone-Pair


Class-map name
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AIC Policy Name



SyslogCheck for Packet Drops

Configure ip inspect log drop-pkt to help identify packet dropped by the Firewall and drop reason Feature introduced in 12.3(8)T Rate limited at 30 seconds intervals
Router(config)#ip inspect log drop-pkt Router# ... *Mar 25 19:21:27.811: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp session due to Invalid Header length with ip ident 7205 ... *Mar 25 19:30:23.131: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp session due to RST inside current window with ip ident 14992 tcpflags 0x5004 7916131 ack 1538156964
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


SyslogCommon Packet Drop Reasons

Invalid Header length The datagram is so small that it could not contain the layer 4 TCP, Universal Computer Protocol (UCP), or Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) header Non-initial TCP segment is received without a valid session. The packet contains an invalid TCP sequence number. The packet contains an invalid TCP acknowledgement number. A synchronization packet is seen within the window of an already established TCP connection. The TCP packet received is out of order. A TCP segment is received that should not have been received through the TCP state machine such as a TCP SYN packet being received in the listen state. The TCP responder proposes an illegal window scale option when the initiator does not offer the window scale option A reset (RST) packet is observed within the window of an already established TCP connection.

Segment matching no TCP connection Invalid Seq# Invalid Ack (or no Ack) SYN inside current window Out-Of-Order Segment Stray Segment

Invalid Window scale option RST inside current window

SYN with data or with PSH/URG flags


TCP SYN packet is seen with data.

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Syslog alert and audit-trail

Check the syslog for firewall alerts that may indicate potential hostile events
*Jun 26 04:05:59.803: %FW-4-HOST_TCP_ALERT_ON: Max tcp half-open connections (10) exceeded for host *Jun 26 04:07:04.347: %FW-4-ALERT_ON: getting aggressive, count (101/100) current 1-min rate: 173

*Jun 26 04:07:04.347: %FW-4-ALERT_OFF: calming down, count (99/100) current 1-min rate: 173

Audit-trail for session establishment and tear down

*Jun 26 03:47:36.879: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL_START: Start tcp session: initiator ( -- responder ( *Jun 26 03:47:52.843: %FW-6-SESS_AUDIT_TRAIL: Stop tcp session: initiator ( sent 63 bytes -- responder ( sent 96581 bytes
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Show Commands
Use to display the configuration, and connections statistics information MOST of the problem can be diagnosed with the Syslog & Show commands Show commands are different for Classic Cisco IOS Firewall and Zone-Based Policy Firewall


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Show CommandsZone-Based Firewall

To display zone and member interfaces
show zone security [zone-name]

To display zone-pair information

Router#show zone-pair security source private destination public Zone-pair name priv-pub source-Zone private Destination-Zone public service-policy priv-pub-pol

Show policy stats and session

show policy-map type inspect { <policy name> [class <class name>] | zone-pair [<zone-pair name>] [sessions | urlfilter cache] }


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Show Commands - Zone-Based Firewall

To display the firewall statistics
Router# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair policy exists on zp priv-pub Zone-pair: priv-pub Service-policy inspect : firewall-pmap Class-map: L4-inspect-class (match-any) Match: protocol tcp 1 packets, 24 bytes 30 second rate 0 bps Inspect Packet inspection statistics [process switch:fast switch] tcp packets: [44:0] Session creations since subsystem startup or last reset 1 Current session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [1:0:0] Maxever session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [1:1:0] Last session created 00:00:40 Last statistic reset never Last session creation rate 1 Maxever session creation rate 1 Last half-open session total 0 Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop 0 packets, 0 bytes
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Show Commands - Zone-Based Firewall

To display the Firewall sessions

Router# show policy-map type inspect zone-pair sessions policy exists on zp priv-pub Zone-pair: priv-pub Service-policy inspect : firewall-pmap Class-map: L4-inspect-class (match-any) Match: protocol tcp 1 packets, 24 bytes 30 second rate 0 bps Inspect Number of Established Sessions = 1 Established Sessions Session 5346C90 (>( tcp SIS_OPEN Created 00:09:22, Last heard 00:09:17 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [46:119] Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop 0 packets, 0 bytes


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Public


How to use packet captures for troubleshooting firewall issues?

Typical problem scenario: Application x failing when going through the firewall Capture Server





Setup the capture filter for the flow in question Start packet capture on both inside and outside of the firewall

Start the application thats failing

Compare the packet captures to look for packet drops and match that up with the firewall logs


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Using IOS Embedded Packet Captures

Key configuration steps
Create the capture buffer and capture point Associate the capture point to the buffer Start/stop the capture
Router#monitor capture buffer test-buffer Router#monitor capture buffer test-buffer filter access-list 120 Filter Association succeeded Router# Router#monitor capture point ip cef test-capture serial 2/0 both *Mar 26 20:33:10.896: %BUFCAP-6-CREATE: Capture Point test-capture created. Router#monitor capture point associate test-capture test-buffer Router#monitor capture point start test-capture *Mar 26 20:34:03.108: %BUFCAP-6-ENABLE: Capture Point test-capture enabled. Router# Router#monitor capture point stop test-capture *Mar 26 20:34:21.636: %BUFCAP-6-DISABLE: Capture Point test-capture disabled.
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Using IOS Embedded Packet Captures

Dump the packet on the router itself

Now we have the packets captured, whats next?

Router# show monitor capture buffer test-buffer dump 15:34:07.228 EST Mar 26 2009 : IPv4 LES CEF : Se2/0 None 05CECE30: 0F000800 45C0002C ....E@., 05CECE40: 6D170000 FE0649DD 02010102 01010114 m...~.I]........ 05CECE50: 0017A353 0FB6B952 3EF1499C 60121020 ..#S.69R>qI.`.. 05CECE60: 917A0000 02040218 00 .z....... . .

Or export it out and analyze it in Ethereal/Wireshark

Router# monitor capture buffer test-buffer export ? ftp: Location to dump buffer http: Location to dump buffer https: Location to dump buffer rcp: Location to dump buffer scp: Location to dump buffer tftp: Location to dump buffer
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


IPSec and Cisco IOS Firewall

Problem Statement:
How IPSec works/interacts with IOS Firewall

IOS Firewall works with IPSec in one of the two ways: IOS Firewall and IPSec enabled on the same router
IOS FW does packet inspection on the decrypted packets for inbound traffic IOS FW does packet inspection before encryption for outbound traffic

IOS Firewall for IPSec pass-through traffic

IOS FW will not inspect encrypted IPSec packets as the protocol number in the IP header is not TCP or UDP ISKMP which is UDP/500 will be inspected Router needs to allow UDP/500 (ISKMP) UDP/4500 (NAT-T), IP 50 (ESP)/ IP 51 (AH) for IPSEC


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IPSec and Zone-Based-Firewall

Two types of IPSec configuration

Non-VTI based Classic configuration with crypto map applied to an interface

Interface-based IPSec configuration
GRE over IPSec

Static VTI (Virtual Tunnel Interface) EzVPN using Dynamic VTI

Using VPN with Zone-Based Policy Firewall 8/prod_white_paper0900aecd8062a909.html


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Classic IPSec with ZBF



Zone Private Zone Public

Internet Traffic (TCP/UDP/ICMP) Clients IPSec Tunnel

Web server

R1 Internet


Define the zone security policies

Source Zone Destination Zone

Private N/A Allow TCP/UDP/ICMP traffic from the tunnel, and Web traffic to server

Public Allow all outbound TCP/UDP/ICMP traffic N/A




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Classic IPSec with ZBF - Configuration

class-map type inspect match-any all-traffic match protocol tcp match protocol udp match protocol icmp class-map type inspect match-all pub-pri-cmap match class-map all-traffic match access-group name tunneltraffic class-map type inspect match-all inbound-web match protocol http match access-group name web-server ! policy-map type inspect pri-pub-pmap class type inspect all-traffic inspect policy-map type inspect pub-pri-pmap class type inspect pub-pri-cmap inspect class type inspect inbound-web inspect
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

zone security public description Internet facing zone zone security private description Secure private zone zone-pair security pub-pri source public destination private service-policy type inspect pub-pri-pmap zone-pair security pri-pub source private destination public service-policy type inspect pri-pub-pmap ! interface FastEthernet0/0 zone-member security public crypto map test ! interface FastEthernet1/0 zone-member security private ! ip access-list extended tunnel-traffic permit ip ip access-list extended web-server permit ip any host
Cisco Public


Interface-based IPSec with ZBF



Zone Private

Zone Public

Internet Traffic (TCP/UDP/ICMP) Clients

Web server

IPSec Tunnel R1 R2 Internet

Zone VPN

Define the zone security policies

Destination Source Zone Zone

Private N/A
Allow Web traffic to

Public Allow all TCP/UDP/ICMP N/A Deny

Cisco Public

VPN Allow all TCP/UDP/ICMP Deny N/A


Private Public VPN


Allow All TCP

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Interface-based IPSec with ZBF Configuration

class-map type inspect match-any tcptraffic match protocol tcp ! policy-map type inspect pri-pub-pmap class type inspect all-traffic inspect policy-map type inspect pub-pri-pmap class type inspect inbound-web inspect policy-map type inspect pri-vpn-pmap class type inspect all-traffic inspect policy-map type inspect vpn-pri-pmap class type inspect tcp-traffic inspect ! zone security public description Internet facing zone zone security private description Secure private zone zone security vpn description This is the VPN zone zone-pair security pub-pri source public destination private service-policy type inspect pub-pri-pmap zone-pair security pri-pub source private destination public service-policy type inspect pri-pub-pmap zone-pair security vpn-pri source vpn destination private service-policy type inspect vpn-pri-pmap zone-pair security pri-vpn source private destination vpn service-policy type inspect pri-vpn-pmap ! interface Tunnel0 zone-member security vpn tunnel mode ipsec ipv4 tunnel protection ipsec profile test ! interface FastEthernet0/0 zone-member security public ! interface FastEthernet1/0 zone-member security private


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Common Issues and Resolutions


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Performance Degrades
After turning on IOS Firewall, the connection is very Slow Valid Packet Drops after a while of turning the Firewall ON

Troubleshooting Steps:
Step1: Check & investigate which process utilizes MAXIMUM CPU
Router# show processes cpu | exclude 0.00

CPU utilization for five seconds: 70%/39%; one minute: 52%; five minutes: 43% PID Runtime(ms) Invoked uSecs 5Sec 1Min 5Min TTY Process
74 84 120 1388 983836 24468 31823 305327 3070 43 3222 7970 0.08% 38.18% 1.22% 0.04% 37.74% 1.27% 0.04% 37.02% 1.26% 0 EAPFramework 0 IP Input 0 Inspect process


IP Input process is expected to be higher than any process If any process > IP Input process, need investigation of that process, may e0 s0 not be related to IOS Firewall If IP Input process is HIGH, it could be related to IOS Firewall

Public Network


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Performance Degrades (Cont.)

Zone-Based Policy Firewall DoS Protection
Every class-map configured with the "inspect" action in a policy-map carries its own set of DoS protection counters
Counters of the number of "half-open" TCP and UDP connections Total connection rate through the firewall and IPS software

Each class-map's DoS protection is individually configurable with a parameter-map that modifies the DoS protection values The legacy default settings prior to Release 12.4(11)T may interfere with proper network operation if they are not configured for the appropriate level


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Performance Degrades ZBF

Troubleshooting Steps:

Step2: Define a parameter-map and set the max-incomplete high values to very high values
parameter-map type inspect DoS-param-map max-incomplete high 20000000 one-minute high 100000000 tcp max-incomplete host 100000 block-time 0

Cisco IOS Step3: Apply the parameter-map to every class-map's inspection action Public policy-map type inspect z1-z2-pmap Network Firewall

class type inspect my-cmap inspect DoS-param-map e0 s0


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Performance Degrades ZBF

Troubleshooting Steps:

Step 4: check the DoS counters with the following command

router#sh policy-map type inspect zone-pair priv-pub < Removed > Maxever session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [92:46:33] Last session created 00:00:45 Last statistic reset never Last session creation rate 1 Maxever session creation rate 270

Step 5: Tune the DoS settings for every inspect-type class-map contained Public within a policy-map that must have unique DoS protection requirements
Network e0 s0 od_white_paper0900aecd8055e6ac.html


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HTTP Connection Reset

Unexpected web connection reset while browsing a web site

Troubleshooting Steps:
Step1a: Analyze syslog messages generated by the router Jul 26 13:58:16 2167: Jul 26 18:02:34.907 UTC: %APPFW-4HTTP_JAVA_APPLET: HTTP Java Applet detected - resetting session on zone-pair publicPrivateOut class myClassMap appl-class HttpAic Step1b: Review the configuration with show command.
class-map type inspect http match-any HttpAic match response body java-applet exit policy-map type inspect http HttpAicPolicy class type inspect http HttpAic reset log Exit Reason for the connection reset

Remove the reset command under policy map
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


HTTP Connection Reset (Cont.)

Troubleshooting Steps:
2a. Analyze Syslog messages generated by the router Jul 26 15:03:51 2768: Jul 26 19:08:08.751 UTC: %APPFW-4-HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH: Content length (82271) out of range - resetting session on zone-pair publicPrivateOut class myClassMap appl-class HttpAic 2b. Using show command reveals the Body Length of the web traffic was configured too LOW.

Reset the body length for request/response to higher value
class-map type inspect http match-any HttpAic match req-resp body length gt 1000000 exit
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


HTTP Connection Reset (Cont.)

Troubleshooting Steps:
3a. Analyzing Syslog reveals the following messages
Jul 27 13:12:39 5448: Sig:12 HTTP URI length exceeded. Received to

3b. Using show command in reviewing configuration may reveal Request URI Length was set Too LOW.

Reset URI Length to 256 as follows
class-map type inspect http match-any HttpAic match request uri length gt 256 exit


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Zone Based Firewall Troubleshooting Example


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Zone Based Firewall Desired setup

Zone Outside

Zone Inside



R2 IOS Firewall

R3 .3


.2 IPsec tunnel .2


Zone DMZ


http server

Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Zone Based Firewall Example

Desired Policy
R1 Zone Outside Zone Inside



Three Zones
inside zone outside zone dmz zone
R4 Zone DMZ

http server

Traffic policies
TCP and UDP connections from inside to outside
TCP and UDP connections from dmz to outside, http from the outside to the dmz any other required connections from the outside to the inside


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Zone Outside

Zone Inside R2 R3

Zone Based Firewall

Class Map Configuration


Zone DMZ

class-map type inspect match-any INSIDE match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-any DMZ match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-all OUTSIDE match protocol http match access-group name OUT_DMZ match access-group name OUT_IN

http server R4

ip access-list extended OUT_DMZ permit tcp any host eq www

Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Zone Based Firewall

Zone Configuration
R1 Zone Outside R2 Zone Inside R3

Zone DMZ

zone security inside


http server

zone security outside

zone security dmz


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Zone Based Firewall

Policy Map Configuration policy-map type inspect IN_OUT class type inspect INSIDE inspect class class-default drop

Zone Outside R1 R2

Zone Inside R3

Zone DMZ http server R4

policy-map type inspect OUT_IN class type inspect OUTSIDE inspect class class-default drop
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

class-map type inspect match-any INSIDE match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-any DMZ match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-all OUTSIDE match protocol http match access-group name OUT_DMZ match access-group name OUT_IN

zone security inside zone security outside zone security dmz


Zone Outside

Zone Inside R2 R3

Zone Based Firewall

policy-map type inspect DMZ_OUT class type inspect DMZ inspect class class-default drop
policy-map type inspect OUT_DMZ class type inspect OUTSIDE inspect class class-default drop
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Policy Map Configuration (continued)

Zone DMZ http server R4

class-map type inspect match-any INSIDE match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-any DMZ match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-all OUTSIDE match protocol http match access-group name OUT_DMZ match access-group name OUT_IN

zone security inside zone security outside zone security dmz


Zone Outside

Zone Inside R2 R3

Zone Based Firewall

Zone-pair Configuration


Zone DMZ http server R4

zone-pair security IN->OUT source inside destination outside service-policy type inspect IN_OUT zone-pair security OUT->IN source outside destination inside service-policy type inspect OUT_IN

zone-pair security DMZ->OUT source dmz destination outside service-policy type inspect DMZ_OUT
zone-pair security OUT->DMZ source outside destination dmz service-policy type inspect OUT_DMZ
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Zone Based Firewall

Firewall Interface Configuration
Zone Outside Zone Inside R2 R3

interface Loopback0 ip address ! interface Ethernet0/0 ip address


Zone DMZ http server R4

zone-member security outside

! interface Ethernet1/0 ip address zone-member security inside ! interface Ethernet2/0 ip address zone-member security dmz
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Zone Based Firewall

Additional Configuration Enable telnet on all the routers
Line vty 0 15 password hello Login

Zone Outside R1 R2

Zone Inside


Zone DMZ

http server

Enable http server on R4 (DMZ)

R4#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R4(config)#ip http server

Enable logging on R2 (Zone Based Firewall)

R2#conf t Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z. R2(config)#ip inspect log drop-pkt
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Zone Based Firewall

Telnet from R4 to R1

Telnet from R3 to R1
Telnet from R1 to R3 Telnet from R1 to R4.

Telnet from R1 to R4 on port 80 (http access)

R1 R2 R3


http server
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Zone Based Firewall Telnet should work

Telnet from R4 to R1 should work
R2#sh policy-map type inspect zone-pair DMZ->OUT sessions policy exists on zp DMZ->OUT Zone-pair: DMZ->OUT
R1 Zone Outside R2 Zone Inside R3

Service-policy inspect : DMZ_OUT

Zone DMZ http server R4

Class-map: DMZ (match-any) Match: protocol tcp

1 packets, 24 bytes
30 second rate 0 bps .. Inspect Number of Established Sessions = 1

R4#telnet Trying ... Open

Established Sessions
Session 6A62F98 (>( tcp SIS_OPEN/TCP_ESTAB Created 00:00:05, Last heard 00:00:04 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [30:69]
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

User Access Verification

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Zone Based Firewall Telnet blocked

Telnet from R1 to R3 is blocked
R2#sh policy-map type inspect zone-pair OUT->IN sess
R1 Zone Outside R2 Zone Inside R3

policy exists on zp OUT->IN Zone-pair: OUT->IN

Zone DMZ http server R4

Service-policy inspect : OUT_IN

Class-map: OUTSIDE (match-all) Match: protocol http Match: access-group name OUT_IN


R1#telnet Trying ...

Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop 10 packets, 240 bytes

% Connection timed out; remote host not responding

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Zone Based Firewall http should work

Telnet from R1 to R4 on port 80 (http access) works
R2#sh policy-map type inspect zone-pair OUT->DMZ sessions policy exists on zp OUT->DMZ Zone-pair: OUT->DMZ Service-policy inspect : OUT_DMZ Class-map: OUTSIDE (match-all) Match: protocol http
R4 Zone DMZ http server R1 Zone Outside R2 Zone Inside R3

Match: access-group name OUT_DMZ Inspect

Number of Established Sessions = 1

Established Sessions Session 6A62C48 (>( http:tcp SIS_OPEN/TCP_ESTAB Created 00:01:29, Last heard 00:00:13 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [2:0]

Class-map: class-default (match-any)

Match: any Drop 0 packets, 0 byte
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

R1#telnet 80

Trying, 80 ... Open


Zone Based Firewall Policies Again

Three Zones
inside zone outside zone dmz zone.
R4 Zone DMZ http server Zone Outside R1 R2 Zone Inside R3

Traffic policies
TCP and UDP connections from inside to outside
TCP and UDP connections from dmz to outside, http from the outside to the dmz any other required connections from the outside to the inside


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Zone Based Firewall IPsec does not work!

Telnet from R1 to R3 (IPsec peers) works
R2#conf t
Zone Outside R1 R2 Zone Inside R3

Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.

R2(config)#ip inspect log drop-pkt R2(config)#end

Zone DMZ http server R4

*Apr 5 23:45:25.723: %SYS-5-CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R2# *Apr 5 23:47:10.931: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping udp session on zone-pair OUT->IN class class-default due to DROP action found in policy-map with ip ident 0
R1# *Apr 5 23:46:18.687: %SYS-5CONFIG_I: Configured from console by console R1#ping .. Type escape sequence to abort. Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds: ..... Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)

R2# *Apr 5 23:48:38.055: %FW-6-LOG_SUMMARY: 3 packets were dropped from => (target:class)-(OUT->IN:class-default)
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

Zone Based Firewall Whats missing?

Zone Outside

Zone Inside



.2 ??? .2

R3 .3



Zone DMZ

??? Need a policy for the IKE and IPsec traffic

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http server

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Zone Based Firewall ACL Configuration

Zone Outside Zone Inside R2 .2 .2 Zone DMZ .4 R4 http server .3 R3

Allow IKE and IPsec

R1 .1 .2

ip access-list extended OUT_IN permit udp host host eq isakmp permit udp host host eq non500-isakmp permit esp host host ip access-list extended VPN_OUT permit udp host host eq isakmp permit udp host host eq non500-isakmp permit esp host host


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Zone Based Firewall Configuration

Add Class maps and Policy maps for IKE & IPsec
policy-map type inspect IN_OUT

class-map type inspect match-any INSIDE

class type inspect INSIDE

match protocol tcp


match protocol udp

class type inspect VPN_OUT

class-map type inspect match-all VPN match access-group name OUT_IN class-map type inspect match-any DMZ match protocol tcp match protocol udp class-map type inspect match-all OUTSIDE match protocol http match access-group name OUT_DMZ match access-group name OUT_IN class-map type inspect match-all VPN_OUT match access-group name VPN_OUT


policy-map type inspect OUT_IN

class type inspect OUTSIDE inspect class type inspect VPN pass

Note: Order of inspection.

policy-map type inspect DMZ_OUT

class type inspect DMZ inspect policy-map type inspect OUT_DMZ class type inspect OUTSIDE inspect


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Zone Based Firewall IPsec should work

Telnet from R1 to R3 (IPsec peers) works now
Zone Outside Zone Inside R2 R3

R2#sh policy-map type inspect zone-pair OUT->IN sess


policy exists on zp OUT->IN Zone-pair: OUT->IN

Zone DMZ http server R4

Service-policy inspect : OUT_IN

Class-map: OUTSIDE (match-all) Match: protocol http Match: access-group name OUT_IN Inspect Class-map: VPN (match-all) Match: access-group name OUT_IN Pass 5 packets, 652 bytes Class-map: class-default (match-any) Match: any Drop 0 packets, 0 bytes
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

R1#ping Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:

.!!!! Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), roundtrip min/avg/max = 8/10/12 ms

Firewall Summary


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Firewall Summary
ALWAYS TAKE Systematic Approach to troubleshoot IOS Firewall issues Establish base-line traffic profile for your network through IOS Firewall, and set the DoS settings accordingly DO NOT change the default UDP & DNS session timeout value Use syslog and show commands to troubleshoot IOS firewall


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Troubleshooting Cisco IOS Intrusion Prevention System


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Cisco IOS IPS Overview


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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OverviewWhat Is Cisco IOS IPS

Previously called IDS before 12.3(8)T, use ip audit CLI Introduced in 12.3(8)T, now refers to Cisco IOS IPS Software based inline intrusion prevention sensor Support Cisco IPS version 5.x signature format starting from 12.4(11)T* Signature based packet scanning, use same set of signatures as the Cisco IPS 4200 sensor platform Dynamic signature update, no need to update IOS image Variety event actions configurable per-signature and per-category Ease of managementCCP, CSM**
* Version 5.x Signature Format Is Not Backward Compatible with Version 4.x Signature Format ** CCP = Cisco Configuration Professional; CSM = Cisco Security Manager
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Cisco IOS IPSSystem Components

Signature Micro-Engines (SMEs)
A SME defines parameters for signatures in a specific protocol category, e.g. HTTP

Signature Files
Contains signature engine, parameter information such as signature name, signature ID and signature actions etc.

Signature categories*
A signature category contains pre-selected signature sets for a specific vulnerability

SEAP (Signature Event Action Processor)

SEAP allows for advanced event action filtering and overrides on the basis of the Event Risk Rating (ERR) feedback

Event Monitoring
Syslog messages and/or SDEE** alerts for events generated by IOS IPS
* Version 5.x Signature Format Only (i.e. 12.4(11)T or later) ** SDEE = Security Device Event Exchange
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Signature Categories
IOS IPS with Cisco 5.x/6.x format signatures operate with signature categories Signature category is a group of relevant signatures represented by a meaningful name All signatures are pregrouped into categories An individual signature can belong to more than one category
Router#sh ip ips category ?

adware/spyware attack ddos dos email instant_messaging ios_ips l2/l3/l4_protocol network_services os other_services p2p reconnaissance releases viruses/worms/trojans web_server

Adware/Spyware (more sub-categories) Attack (more sub-categories) DDoS (more sub-categories) DoS (more sub-categories) Email (more sub-categories) Instant Messaging (more sub-categories) IOS IPS (more sub-categories) L2/L3/L4 Protocol (more sub-categories) Network Services (more sub-categories) OS (more sub-categories) Other Services (more sub-categories) P2P (more sub-categories) Reconnaissance (more sub-categories) Releases (more sub-categories) Viruses/Worms/Trojans (more sub-categories) Web Server (more sub-categories)


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Packet Flow


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Cisco IOS IPS Packet FlowInbound

Packet Re-injection

Layer 2 decapsulation

Stateless IPS


Inbound ACL

IPSec decryption

Inbound crypto map ACL

Auth Proxy

Inbound ACL




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IPSec/IPS Packet FlowOutbound


Stateless IPS


Fragment Inspection

Outbound ACL

Stateful IPS & Firewall


Outbound crypto map ACL

IPSec encryption

Layer 2 encapsulation

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Troubleshooting IPS


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The Problem Solving Process

Whats going on Prioritize

Ask the right questions to better define and clarify the problem

What information do we need but we dont have? How to get that information?

Understand the flow Whats supposed to happen vs. What actually happened

Test assumptions Deploy changes
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Basic Configuration Example

ip ips config location flash:ips/ retries 1 ip ips notify SDEE ip ips name iosips ip ips signature-category category all retired true category ios_ips advanced retired false

ALWAYS remember first select category all AND retire all signatures

crypto key pubkey-chain rsa named-key signature key-string 30820122 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 82010F00 3082010A 02820101 | snip | F3020301 0001 quit

IOS IPS crypto key

interface GigabitEthernet0/1 ip address ip ips iosips in ip virtual-reassembly duplex auto speed auto

enable IOS IPS policy on interface


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Configure Event Notification Using SDEE

SDEE messages are transported over HTTP/HTTPS You must enable HTTP/HTTPS in order to use SDEE Recommend to set the number of concurrent subscriptions to three when using IME
Router(config)#ip sdee subscriptions ? <1-3> Number of concurrent SDEE subscriptions

IOS IPS log message format:

*Mar 22 03:53:13.827: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE: Sig:5114 Subsig:1 Sev:75 WWW
IIS Unicode Attack [ ->] RiskRating:75

*Mar 22 03:53:13.827: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE: Sig:5081 Subsig:0 Sev:100 WWW WinNT cmd.exe Access [ ->] RiskRating:100

SDEE = Security Device Event Exchange

Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Common Troubleshooting Steps

1. Check IOS IPS configuration, to confirm policy is applied to the right interface in the right direction

show run
2. Check signatures status, to confirm signatures are compiled show ip ips config show ip ips signatures count 3. Check flows inspected by IOS IPS, to verify IOS IPS is inspecting traffic show ip ips sessions detail 4. Check SDEE alerts / syslog messages, to verify attacks are being detected show ip sdee alerts

show logging
5. Use appropriate debug commands


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IOS IPS Troubleshooting Commands

Step 1: Check IOS IPS configuration
Router#sh run Building configuration... Configure IPS signature storage location Enable IPS SDEE event notification

-- output skipped -! ip ips config location flash:ips/ retries 1 ip ips notify SDEE ip ips name iosips Configure IOS IPS to use one ! of the pre-defined signature ip ips signature-category categories category all retired true Configure an IOS IPS crypto category ios_ips advanced key which is used to verify the retired false digital signature on the ! signature package crypto key pubkey-chain rsa named-key signature key-string 30820122 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 01050003 82010F00 3082010A 02820101 -- output skipped -F3020301 0001 quit ! interface GigabitEthernet0/1 ip address ip ips iosips in ip Presentation_ID virtual-reassemblyCisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 2010

Enable IPS rule on the desired interface and specify the direction the rule will be applied to

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IOS IPS Troubleshooting Commands

Step 2: Check IOS IPS Configuration and Signatures Status
Router#sh ip ips all IPS Signature File Configuration Status Configured Config Locations: flash:ips/ Last signature default load time: 16:42:08 PST Mar 1 2008 Last signature delta load time: 22:59:57 PST Mar 3 2008 Last event action (SEAP) load time: -noneGeneral SEAP Config: Global Deny Timeout: 3600 seconds Global Overrides Status: Enabled Global Filters Status: Enabled IPS Auto Update is not currently configured IPS Syslog and SDEE Notification Status Event notification through syslog is enabled Event notification through SDEE is enabled IPS Signature Status Total Active Signatures: 581 Total Inactive Signatures: 1623 IPS Packet Scanning and Interface Status IPS Rule Configuration IPS name iosips IPS fail closed is disabled IPS deny-action ips-interface is false Fastpath ips is enabled Quick run mode is enabled Interface Configuration Interface GigabitEthernet0/1 Inbound IPS rule is iosips Outgoing IPS rule is not set IPS Category CLI Configuration: Category all: Retire: True Category ios_ips advanced: Retire: False

Determine the # of active signatures

Verify the IOS IPS policy is applied to the right interface in the right direction Verify the signature category being used
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IOS IPS Troubleshooting Commands

Step 2: Check Signatures Status
Router#show ip ips signatures count Cisco SDF release version S318.0 Trend SDF release version V0.0

Check signature release version

Signature Micro-Engine: multi-string: Total Signatures 8 multi-string enabled signatures: 8 multi-string retired signatures: 8 - output omitted Signature Micro-Engine: service-msrpc: Total Signatures 27 service-msrpc enabled signatures: 27 service-msrpc retired signatures: 19 service-msrpc compiled signatures: 1 service-msrpc inactive signatures - invalid params: 7

Total Signatures: 2204 Total Enabled Signatures: 873 Total Retired Signatures: 1617 Check Total Compiled Signatures: 580 Total Signatures with invalid parameters: 7 Total Obsoleted Signatures: 11

there are signatures being compiled


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IOS IPS Troubleshooting Commands

Step 3: Check Flows Inspected by IOS IPS

Router#show ip ips sessions detail Established Sessions

Src.address/port & dest.address/port

Session 47506A34 (>( tcp SIS_OPEN Created 00:02:49, Last heard 00:02:44 Bytes sent (initiator:responder) [25:95] sig cand list ID 14272 sig cand list ID 14273

Bytes sent and received


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IOS IPS Troubleshooting Commands

Step 4: Check Alert Messages
Verify that the router is seeing IOS IPS related event and alert messages.
Router#sh logging Syslog logging: enabled (12 messages dropped, 7 messages rate-limited, 0 flushes, 0 overruns, xml disabled, filtering disabled)
-- output skipped -Log Buffer (4096 bytes): *Mar 22 03:53:13.827: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE: Sig:5114 Subsig:1 Sev:75 WWW IIS Unicode Attack [ ->] RiskRating:75 *Mar 22 03:53:13.827: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE: Sig:5081 Subsig:0 Sev:100 WWW WinNT cmd.exe Access [ ->] RiskRating:100

Router#sh ip sdee alerts Alert storage: 200 alerts using 75200 bytes of memory SDEE Alerts SigID Sig Name SrcIP:SrcPort DstIP:DstPort or Summary Info 1: 5114:1 WWW IIS Unicode Attack 2: 5081:0 WWW WinNT cmd.exe Access


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Cisco IOS IPS Debugging Commands

Step 5: Use Debug Commands Enable debugs on specified IOS IPS engines
Router# debug ip ips timers

Router# debug ip ips [object-creation | object-deletion]

Router# debug ip ips function trace Router# debug ip ips detail

L3/L4 debug commands:

Not recommended in production network

Router# debug ip ips [ip | icmp | tcp | udp]

Application-level debug commands:

Router# debug ip ips [tftp | smtp | ftp-cmd | ftp-token]

Enable debug on specified SDEE attributes

Router# debug ip sdee [alerts | details | messages | requests | subscriptions ]


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Common Issues and Resolutions


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Common Issues
Misunderstanding of terms used for signature status Memory allocation errors when compiling signatures Total number of signatures that can be compiled

Signature failed to compile

Configuration steps Cisco IOS IPS policy is applied at the wrong direction and/or interface Signature does not fire with matching traffic
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Misunderstanding of Terms Used for Signature Status

Retire vs. unretire

Enable vs. disable

Compiled vs. loaded Cisco IOS IPS inherited these terms from IPS 4200 series appliance Due to memory constraints, most of the signatures on router are retired by default IOS IPS users need to worry about enable/disable as well as retire/unretire


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Misunderstanding of Terms Used for Signature Status (Cont.)

Retire vs. Unretire Select/de-select which signatures are being used by IOS IPS to scan traffic Retiring a signature means IOS IPS will NOT compile that signature into memory for scanning

Unretiring a signature instructs IOS IPS to compile the signature into memory and use the signature to scan traffic
You can use IOS command-line interface (CLI) or CCP to retire or unretire individual signatures or a signature category


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Misunderstanding of Terms Used for Signature Status (Cont.)

Enable vs. Disable
Enabling a signature means that when triggered by a matching packet (or packet flow), the signature takes the appropriate action associated with it
However, only unretired AND successfully compiled signatures will take the action when they are enabled. In other words, if a signature is retired, even though it is enabled, it will not be compiled (because it is retired) and it will not take the action associated with it

Disabling a signature means that when triggered by a matching packet (or packet flow), the signature DOES NOT take the appropriate action associated with it
In other words, when a signature is disabled, even though it is unretired and successfully compiled, it will not take the action associated with it

You can use IOS command-line interface (CLI) or CCP to enable or disable individual signatures or a signature category Enable/disable is NOT used to select/de-select signatures to be used by IOS IPS
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Misunderstanding of Terms Used for Signature Status (Cont.)

Compiled vs. Loaded Loading refers to the process where IOS IPS parse the signature files (XML files in the config location) and fill in the signature database
This happens when signatures are loaded via copy <sig file> idconf or the router reboots with IOS IPS already configured

Compiling refers to the process where the parameter values from unretired signatures are compiled into a regular expression table
This happens when signatures are unretired or when other parameters of signatures belonging to that regular expression table changes Once signatures are compiled, traffic is scanned against the compiled signatures
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Memory Allocation Errors When Compiling Signatures

The number of signatures that can be compiled depends on the free memory available on the router When router does not have enough memory to compile signatures, memory allocation failure messages are logged Already compiled signatures will still be used to scan traffic. No additional signatures will be compiled for that engine during the compiling process. IOS IPS will proceed with compiling signatures for the next engine
*Mar 18 07:09:36.887: %SYS-2-MALLOCFAIL: Memory allocation of 65536 bytes failed from 0x400C1024, alignment 0 Pool: Processor Free: 673268 Free: 0 Cause: Memory fragmentation Cause: No Alternate pool Alternate Pool: None

-Process= "Exec", ipl= 0, pid= 3, -Traceback= 0x4164F41C 0x400AEF1C 0x400B4D58 0x400B52C4 0x400C102C 0x400C0820 0x400C23EC 0x400C0484 0x424C1DEC 0x424C2A4C 0x424C2FF0 0x424C31A0 0x430D6ECC 0x430D7864 0x430F0210 0x430FA0E8
*Mar 18 07:09:36.911: %SYS-2-CHUNKEXPANDFAIL: Could not expand chunk pool for regex. No memory available Process= "Chunk Manager", ipl= 3, pid= 1, -Traceback= 0x4164F41C 0x400C06FC *Mar 18 07:09:37.115: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE_COMPILE_FAILURE: service-http 12024:0 - compilation of regular expression failed *Mar 18 07:09:41.535: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE_COMPILE_FAILURE: service-http 5280:0 - compilation of regular expression failed *Mar 18 07:09:44.955: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE_COMPILE_FAILURE: service-http 5284:0 - compilation of regular expression failed *Mar 18 07:09:44.979: %IPS-4-SIGNATURE_COMPILE_FAILURE: service-http 12023:0 - compiles discontinued for this engine
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Memory Allocation Errors When Compiling SignaturesResolution

The pre-defined IOS IPS Basic and Advanced signature categories contain optimum combination of signatures for all standard memory configurations, providing a good starting point Never unretire the all category For routers with 128MB memory, start with the IOS IPS Basic category For routers with 256MB memory, start with the IOS IPS Advanced category Then customize the signature set by unretiring/retiring few signatures at a time according to your network needs Pay attention to the free memory every time after you unretiring/retiring signatures


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Total Number of Signatures Can Be Compiled

There is no magic number!

Many factors can have impact:

Available free memory on router Type of signatures being unretired, e.g. signatures in the complex STRING.TCP engine

When router free memory drops below 10% of the total installed memory, then stop unretiring signatures


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Signature Failed to Compile

There are mainly three reasons that could cause a signature fail to compile
Memory constraint, running out of memory
Signatures are not supported in IOS IPS: META signatures Regular Expression table for a particular engine exceeds 32MB entries

Check the list of supported signatures in IOS IPS at: s6586/ps6634/prod_white_paper0900aecd8062ac75.html

Retire signatures not supported by IOS IPS and signatures not applicable to your network to save memory


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Configuration Steps
Follow the steps in the following order for initial Cisco IOS IPS configuration:
Step 1: Download IOS IPS signature package to PC Step 2: Create IOS IPS configuration directory Step 3: Configure IOS IPS crypto key Step 4: Create IOS IPS policy and apply to interface(s)
Remember to FIRST retire the all category

Step 5: Load IOS IPS signature package

Next verify the configuration and signatures are compiled:

show ip ips configuration show ip ips signatures count


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Configuration Steps (Cont.)

Next you can start to tune the signature set with the following options:
Retire/unretire signatures (i.e. add/remove signatures to/from the compiled list) Enable/disable signatures (i.e. enforce/disregard actions) Change actions associated with signatures

Refer to Getting Started Guide at: 7/ps6586/ps6634/ ml


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Case A: IOS IPS Policy Is Applied at the Wrong Issue Direction/InterfaceIncorrect Configuration

Protecting Attacks from Inside

Inside Outside

Head Office

Branch Office
Worms FE0/0 FE0/1 Web Clusters Internet Traffic IPSec Tunnel Cisco 28xx Internet Interface FastEthernet0/0 Branch Office PCs/Laptops ip ips ips-policy out Policy applied to the wrong direction Head Office PCs Application Servers

Cisco 18xx


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IOS IPS Policy Is Applied at the Wrong Direction/InterfaceResolution

Protecting Attacks from Inside
Inside Outside

Case A: Solution

Head Office

Branch Office
Worms FE0/0 FE0/1 Web Clusters Internet Traffic IPSec Tunnel Cisco 28xx Internet Interface FastEthernet0/0 Branch Office PCs/Laptops ip ips ips-policy in Policy applied to the right direction Head Office PCs Application Servers

Cisco 18xx


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Case B: IOS IPS Policy Is Applied at the Wrong Issue Direction/InterfaceIncorrect Configuration

Protecting Attacks from Outside

Inside Outside

Head Office

Branch Office
FE0/0 FE0/1 Web Clusters Internet Traffic IPSec Tunnel Cisco 28xx Internet DMZ Interface FastEthernet0/1 Branch Office PCs/Laptops

Cisco 18xx

Application Servers

ip ips ips-policy out Policy applied to the wrong direction

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Head Office PCs


IOS IPS Policy Is Applied at the Wrong Direction/InterfaceResolution

Protecting Attacks from Outside

Case B: Solution

Inside Outside

Head Office

Branch Office
FE0/0 FE0/1 Web Clusters Internet Traffic IPSec Tunnel Cisco 28xx Internet DMZ Interface FastEthernet0/1 Branch Office PCs/Laptops ip ips ips-policy in Policy applied to the right direction
2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

Cisco 18xx

Application Servers

Head Office PCs



Signature Does Not Fire with Matching Traffic

Verify IOS IPS is applied in the right direction (inbound/outbound) and on the right interface

Is IOS IPS event notification enabled? i.e. syslog/SDEE

Do you see alarms/alerts showing signature matching? It is essential that we see whether signatures are triggered by the traffic

Use show ip ips signatures statistics | i <sig id> to see signature hits
Run debugs:
debug ip ips <engine name>

debug ip ips detailed

debug ip ips function-trace (if the above two do not show anything)


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IPS Summary


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Cisco IOS IPS Enhancements

1 Lightweight IPS Engines for existing and new signatures optimized for HTTP, SMTP and FTP protocols New Default IOS IPS Category signatures updated frequently by Cisco Signature Team

Memory efficient traffic scanning for attack signatures consuming up to 40 % less memory on the router. More comprehensive and effective attack coverage by default. Much quicker inclusion of most relevant new threat signatures within the default set (category). Capability to load more signatures simultaneously and provide protection for larger number of threats and vulnerabilities

Chaining of Traffic Scanning (Regular Expression) Tables

Configurable Threshold (Upper Limit) to be dedicated to IPS feature

Avoid large amount of router memory by IPS signature Tables. Prevent IPS feature to consume all the free processing memory available and cause performance and other operational problems


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IPS Summary
Use the Getting Started Guide as a reference to check that IOS IPS is configured properly.

Always remember to RETIRE ALL signatures first.

ip ips signature-category category all retired true

Recommendation is to use pre-defined IOS IPS Basic or Advanced signature category and tune the signature set based on your network applications
Cisco IOS IPS show Commands and SDEE are the most essential component for troubleshooting


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Documentation and Links


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Documentation for Cisco IOS Security

Router Security

Cisco IOS Security Commands Reference _reference_chapter09186a00801a7f84.html#wp1187286

Cisco IOS Firewall

Cisco Zone-based Firewall Design and Application Guide 09186a00808bc994.shtml


Cisco Configuration Professional (CCP)


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Give us your feedback and you could win fabulous prizes. Winners announced daily. Receive 20 Cisco Preferred Access points for each session evaluation you complete. Complete your session evaluation online now (open a browser through our wireless network to access our portal) or visit one of the Internet stations throughout the Convention Center.

Dont forget to activate your Cisco Live and Networkers Virtual account for access to all session materials, communities, and on-demand and live activities throughout the year. Activate your account at any internet station or visit
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Appendix : Classic IOS Firewall


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Simple Classic IOS Firewall Configuration

Inside Outside

1. Define the security policy


Deny any connections initiating from outside

Allow only SMTP, ftp, and http connections from inside

2. Convert the security policy into IOS configuration

access-list 101 deny ip any any interface serial0 ip access-group 101 in access-list 102 permit any any eq smtp access-list 102 permit any any eq ftp access-list 102 permit any any eq http ip inspect name foo smtp ip inspect name foo http ip inspect name foo ftp interface ethernet0 ip inspect foo in ip access-group 102 in
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public

ACL to deny inbound connection ACL to allow only SMTP, FTP, and HTTP from inside to outside Inspection for necessary protocols Inspection rule, and ACL both applied as inbound on ethernet 0 interface


Show CommandsClassic IOS Firewall

To display the firewall policy and sessions
Router# show ip inspect all Session audit trail is disabled Session alert is enabled one-minute (sampling period) thresholds are [400:20000] connections max-incomplete sessions thresholds are [400:20000] max-incomplete tcp connections per host is 100000. Block-time 0 minute tcp synwait-time is 30 sec -- tcp finwait-time is 5 sec tcp idle-time is 3600 sec -- udp idle-time is 30 sec dns-timeout is 5 sec Outgoing inspection rule is TESTING_REALWORD smtp max-data 20000 alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 ftp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 tcp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 3600 udp alert is on audit-trail is off timeout 30 Inbound access list is 101 Outgoing access list is not set Established Sessions Session 49AA929C (>( udp SIS_OPEN Half-open Sessions Session 467479EC (>( smtp SIS_OPENING
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Show CommandsClassic IOS Firewall

To display the firewall statistics
Router# show ip inspect statistics

Packet inspection statistics [process switch:fast switch]

tcp packets: [616668:0] http packets: [178912:0] Interfaces configured for inspection 1 Session creations since subsystem startup or last reset 42940 Current session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [0:0:0] Maxever session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [98:68:50] Last session created 5d21h Last statistic reset never Last session creation rate 0 Last half-open session total 0
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Show CommandsClassic IOS Firewall

Displays session related information
Router# show ip inspect session Established Sessions Session 25A3318 (>( ftp-data SIS_OPEN Session 25A6E1C (>( ftp SIS_OPEN

Connection states
SIS_OPENING SYN has been received but Three way Hand-shake is not complete SIS_OPEN When Three WAY Hand-Shake is complete SIS_CLOSING FIN is received but the entire closing sequence has not been achieved SIS_CLOSE When FIN and FIN-ACK have been received from both sides
Inside Client Outside Inside Outside





2 3
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Common Issues and Resolutions

Performance degrades When I turn on IOS Firewall Cisco IOS Firewall dropping valid packets Inspect applied in wrong direction Fragmentation and Cisco IOS Firewall IPSec and Cisco IOS FW issues HTTP connection resets Multi-channel protocol not working (FTP, VoIP)


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Inspect Applied in Wrong Direction

Symptom: No return traffic is making it through the router, possibly getting dropped by the ACL
access-list 101 deny ip any any interface Serial0 description outside ip access-group 101 in ip inspect name IOSFW tcp ip inspect name IOSFW udp
interface Serial0 description outside ip inspect IOSFW in

Public Network s0

Cisco IOS Firewall

Private Network e0


ACL 101 Inspect

Inbound inspection and ACL are both applied on the outside interface and return traffic gets dropped by ACL 101
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Inspect Applied in Wrong Direction

Troubleshooting Steps:
Do a show ip inspect sessions on the router to see if we built anything into the session table, dont see anything Check the direction of the applied interface ACL vs. inspection; both are applied in the same inbound direction

Public Network Internet


Private Cisco IOS Network Firewall s0


ACL 101

Resolution: Apply Inspection Outbound on the Internet facing interface (while, ACL is applied Inbound)
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Fragmentation and Cisco IOS Firewall

Before IOS release 12.3(8)T
Applying fragmentation control in situations where legitimate fragments are likely to arrive out of order, may have an impact on application performance as they are discarded
Router(config)# ip inspect name inspection-name fragment

As of 12.3(8)T release
IOSFW now takes advantage of virtual fragmentation reassembly. VFR provides a mechanism to buffer incoming IP fragments for re-ordering and virtual reassembly. This now enables IOS FW to manage sessions that include fragmented packets. Should be enabled on both public/private interface
Router(config-if)# ip virtual-reassembly


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Performance Degrades (Cont.)

Troubleshooting Steps:

Step2a: Check Firewall Statistics

Router# show ip inspect statistics < Removed > Session creations since subsystem startup or last reset 2 Current session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [4214:16853:566] Maxever session counts (estab/half-open/terminating) [4214:16853:566]

Step2b: Check the DoS settings IOS Cisco

Public Network ip inspect max-incomplete high value (default 500) Firewall

ip ip ip ip

inspect max-incomplete low value (default 400) inspect one-minute e0 high values0 (default 500) inspect one-minute low value (default 400) inspect tcp max-incomplete host value (default 50) [block-time minutes
2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public



Performance Degrades (Cont.)

Troubleshooting Steps:
Step3: Verify the IOS Firewall Policy to see if the HTTP traffic is inspected
ip ip ip ip ip inspect inspect inspect inspect inspect name name name name name IOSFirewall IOSFirewall IOSFirewall IOSFirewall IOSFirewall http https pop3 smtp dns

Inspect http" adds capability to inspect returned content for java applets hence get substantial performance hit

If Java Applet filter is NOT required, turn off http inspection. Otherwise, create Java-list to bypass inspection from the known trusted sites.
ip inspect name IOSFirewall http java-list 20 ip inspect name IOSFirewall smtp ip inspect name IOSFirewall dns access-list 20 permit
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Performance Degrades (Cont.)

Troubleshooting Steps:
Step4: Check to see if the default UDP & DNS-Timeout is reset
If the DNS and UDP timeout is set too high, the router will ended up building too many UDP and DNS unused sessions If UDP & DNS timeout is set too LOW, session may pre-maturely get reset causing creating many more connections than needed

Set the UDP timeout to 30 seconds (default) and DNS timeout to 5 Seconds (default) unless otherwise required.
Router(config)#ip inspect dns-timeout 5

Configuring DNS in the firewall policy results in performance degradation bug ID (CSCse35588). This was fixed in 12.4(11)T


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Public


Performance Degrades (Cont.)

Solution: Tune the DoS protection parameters
Step1: Be sure your network is not infected with viruses or worms that could lead to erroneously large embryonic connection values Step2: Set the max-incomplete high values to very high values initially, and see if the performance improve, then base-line traffic in your network, and see the value accordingly
ip inspect max-incomplete high 20000000 ip inspect one-minute high 100000000 ip inspect tcp max-incomplete host 100000 block-time 0

Prior 12.4(11)T default DoS settings were set low

12.4(11)T onwards DoS settings are max out by default

Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Multi-Channel Protocol Not Working

Example1: Can FTP to a server but unable to list the directory (ls) Example2: Can call and receive call, but unable to hear anything

Troubleshooting Steps:
Use show ip inspect session, and check the state of the data connection Analyze Syslog Message

Every multi-channel protocol needs to be inspected


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Public


Matching Traffic Is Detected but Not Dropped by Default

In version 4.x signature format releases (i.e. prior to 12.4(11)T), pre-built signature files (128/256MB.sdf) with version 5 or earlier versions have signatures with Risk Rating of 95 or higher have a default action to drop packets This default action setting has caused issues with customers To be consistent with the Cisco IPS appliance, starting from version 6 of pre-built signature files (128/256MB.sdf), the default action for signatures in IOS IPS is set to produce-alert 12.4(11)T or later releases (version 5.x signature format) have the default action for signatures in IOS IPS set to produce-alert


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Public


FW Drops Out-of-Order Packet

FW Drops Out-of-Order Packet Slows Down Network Traffic
After turn on IPS, web traffic response time slows down. Go to the router and find out there are syslog messages dropping out of order packets. *Jan 6 19:08:45.507: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt10.10.10.2:1090 => *Jan 6 19:09:47.303: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt10.10.10.2:1091 => *Jan 6 19:13:38.223: %FW-6-DROP_PKT: Dropping tcp pkt66.102.7.99:80 => debug ip inspect detail shows Out-Of-Order packet
*Jan 6 19:15:28.931: CBAC* sis 84062FEC L4 inspectresult: SKIP packet 83A6F83C ( ( bytes 174 ErrStr = Out-Of-OrderSegment tcp *Jan 6 19:15:28.931: CBAC* sis 84062FEC pak 83A6FF64SIS_OPEN/ESTAB TCP ACK 842755785 SEQ 2748926608 LEN 0 ( => ( *Jan 6 19:15:28.931: CBAC* sis 84062FEC pak 83A6F83CSIS_OPEN/ESTAB TCP ACK 2748926608 SEQ 842755785 LEN 1317 ( <= ( *Jan 6 19:15:28.931: CBAC* sis 84062FEC L4 inspectresult: SKIP packet 83A6F83C ( ( bytes 1317 ErrStr = RetransmittedSegment tcp *Jan 6 19:15:28.935: CBAC* sis 84062FEC pak 83A6F83CSIS_OPEN/ESTAB TCP PSH ACK 2748926608 SEQ 842758636 LEN 137 ( <=( *Jan 6 19:15:28.935: CBAC* sis 84062FEC L4 inspectresult: SKIP packet 83A6F83C ( ( bytes 137 ErrStr = Out-Of-OrderSegment tcp


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Public


FW Drops Out-of-Order Packet Resolution

FW Drops Out-of-Order Packet Slows Down Network Traffic

IPS requires packets arrive in order to perform signature scanning, thus drops out-of-order packet; this is one of the reasons for slow response and longer latency in network traffic IOS IPS supports Out-of-Order packet starting from 12.4(9)T2 and later 12.4T releases Not fixed in 12.4 mainline releases Out-of-Order fix also applies to application firewall Out-of-order fix DOES NOT work when IOS IPS interface is included in a Zone-Based FW zone Out-of-order fix works between IOS IPS and Classic IOS FW (ip inspect) If using a release that does not have the fix, workaround is to use ACL to bypass IOS IPS inspection for the traffic flow in question
router(config)#access-list 120 deny ip any host router(config)#access-list 120 deny ip host any router(config)#access-list 120 permit ip any any router(config)#ip ips name myips list 120

In the example, ACL 120 denies traffic and remove the traffic from IPS scanning; the network traffic between the two site do not experience slow response


2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco Public


Cisco IOS Firewall Configuration Models

Two Configuration Models
Classic IOS Firewall Interface-based stateful inspection Zone-Based Policy Firewall Zone-based stateful inspection

Firewall policies are configured Firewall Policy = Inspection policy on traffic moving between zones combined with ACL policy Policy correlation is simple, and Policy correlation is difficult therefore easier to troubleshoot More granular inspection policy

Conceptual Difference Between Cisco IOS Classic and Zone-Based Firewalls rod_white_paper0900aecd806f31f9.html Zone-Based Policy Firewall is supported since 12.4(6)T
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


Zone Based Firewall IPsec Configuration

crypto isakmp policy 1 authentication pre-share
Zone Outside Zone Inside R2 R3

crypto isakmp key p address ! crypto ipsec transform-set e esp-des


Zone DMZ

! crypto map blah 1 ipsec-isakmp set peer set transform-set e match address 101 !

http server

interface Ethernet1/0
ip address crypto map blah ! access-list 101 permit ip host host
Presentation_ID 2010 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public


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