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8 theSun | WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 25 2009

news without borders

Officials: Australian wildfire danger looms for months

MELBOURNE: The wildfire emergency said DSE spokesman Stuart Ord. to intensify again on Friday and emer- destroyed in the fires, up from 1,800 Ord said a worst case scenario
in Australia that has killed more than Ord said the deadly combination of gency workers were racing to prepare previously, with more than 6,000 insur- would be a repeat of the conditions
200 people will continue until early searing temperatures and high winds for the threat. ance claims lodged, totalling A$775 on Feb 7, which created a perfect fire-
April if dry conditions persist in the that whipped up the firestorms that “This is how it will be until late million (TM2.8 billion). Some 450,000ha storm that destroyed all in its path.
nation’s parched southeast, officials claimed 210 lives and razed entire March-early April unless we get some have been burned out in Victoria since On that day, dubbed “Black Satur-
said yesterday. As 3,500 firefighters towns on the weekend of Feb 7 could rain. We’ve just had the driest January the fire season began in November. day” in Australia, temperatures hit a
took advantage of milder weather to return at any time. Firefighters had a on record in Victoria with virtually no Firefighters have little hope of record 46.4°C and 80kph hour winds
try to contain six fires raging across scare on Monday, when flames threat- rain all year – combine that with a 13- extinguishing the massive blazes, sent firestorms racing through towns.
Victoria state, the Department of ened dozens of communities to the year drought and the forest floors and which can stretch for more than Ord said the winds sent burning
Sustainability and Environment (DSE) northwest and east of the southern bush are tinder dry,” he said 100km, instead pursuing a policy of embers up to 20km through the air,
warned the reprieve was temporary. state’s capital Melbourne. Officials yesterday released revised containment where they concentrate sparking spot fires and making the
“There’s no room for complacency,” Ord said the fires were expected figures showing 2,029 homes were on saving lives and property. blazes impossible to control.– AFP

Guantanamo detainee
returns to Britain
alleging ‘torture’
Thaksin supporters demand
LONDON: A British resident
detained at Guantanamo Bay
yesterday spent his first full
day of freedom in more than
six years after returning to
Britain and alleging he was
and told he would face no
further action. “He’s now been
released, full stop, that’s the
end of it,” said a Metropolitan
Police spokesman.
His lawyer Clive Stafford
new elections to ousted premier Thaksin Shina-
watra called on Prime Minister
Abhisit Vejjajiva to dissolve his two-
month-old government, and said
they would camp out at Government
House for at least three days.
“We are ready to stay, whether
it is three days, seven days, one
month or one year,” said Jatuporn
Prompan, one of the protest leaders.
Readying for a night on the
streets, protesters began construct-
“tortured in medieval ways”. Smith told reporters Binyam BANGKOK: Thousands of anti-gov- Demonstrators shouting “We ing tents, food stalls and a stage
The transfer of Binyam Mo- then had a “tearful reunion” ernment protesters besieged the Thai don’t want this government” broke outside the gates of the compound.
hamed (pix) – who was born in with his sister, who he had not prime minister’s office yesterday to through barbed wire barricades The rally has already forced
Ethiopia but held seen for seven years, and was demand snap elections, unleashing manned by hundreds of police and Abhisit to move his weekly Tuesday
British resi- heading for a secret location. fresh political turmoil days before soldiers and took control of the cabinet meeting to the beach resort
dency at “He just wants to go to a the kingdom hosts a key summit. roads around Government House, of Hua Hin, where he will host a
the time place we’ve got for him tonight Red-shirted demonstrators loyal an AFP correspondent said. summit of Association of Southeast
of his where he can be by himself REUTERSPIX The so-called “Red Shirts” have Asian Nations leaders from Friday.
arrest with his sister and hopefully campaigned against the govern- Abhisit insisted that he would
– was begin to put his life together ment since a court dissolved the go to work at Government House
the first again.” Stafford Smith added pro-Thaksin former ruling party today as usual.
under US that Mohamed was not angry in December, paving the way for “I can walk in but protesters
President but “sad” and “grateful” for the British-born Democrat Party leader must be unarmed. Protesters said
B a r a c k support he had received. Abhisit to take power. they will not obstruct officials from
Obama, who In a statement released working. Core leaders must give
ordered the through his lawyers earlier, Mo- assurances that protesters will
closure of the “war on terror” hamed said he could not face In the dock... comply with their promise.”
Police said around 10,000 flag-
prison on Cuba two days after talking to the media yet and Ieng Sary’s wife told Cambodia’s
taking office on Jan 20. alleged that British officials had Khmer Rouge “Killing Fields” court
waving demonstrators dressed in
His release came as a review colluded with his “abusers”. yesterday she only worked with
signature crimson tee-shirts had
of conditions at the detention “It is still difficult for me to Chinese experts on humanitarian
massed outside Government House
camp by the US Department believe that I was abducted, issues and had no hand in the
after travelling on motorbikes,
of Defence called for easing hauled from one country to the deaths of the regime’s estimated
trucks and on foot from a down-
the isolation of some inmates next, and tortured in medieval 1.7 million victims. Ieng Thirith, 76,
town Bangkok parade ground.
and allowing them more social ways – all orchestrated by the Pol Pot’s social minister, is charged
Some tried to overturn a police
contact and recreation. United States government.” with crimes against humanity
truck before a group carrying
Dressed in casual clothes, He alleged that British of- but said she only oversaw teams
hammers and wirecutters broke
Mohamed, 30, landed in a ficials had questioned him in rebuilding hospitals destroyed
through the huge coils of razor
small plane at RAF Northolt Pakistan and that evidence by the years of civil war that
wire sealing off the main road in
airbase in northwest London was then used by “the people preceded the fall of Phnom Penh
front of the building.
and was escorted across the who were torturing me”. in 1975. “I don’t know why a
Protesters using crowbars also
runway by officials. Mohamed faces an uncer- good person like me has been
smashed up concrete barricades
He was then detained by tain future in Britain while his accused of such crimes,” she said
behind the sprawling complex.
police officers under anti-terror immigration and security status during a bail hearing at the joint
Authorities have deployed about
laws and questioned for nearly is established, with deportation Cambodian-international court
3,700 police officers and 1,680 sol-
five hours before being freed to Ethiopia possible. – AFP yesterday. diers for the protests. – AFP

recovery of 48 children being prostituted domesti-

cally,” the FBI said. It was the outgrowth of an
initiative begun in 2003 to bring together state
briefs and federal law enforcement agencies to focus on
the problem. The task forces have recovered 670
children since then, the FBI said. – AFP
North Korea preparing
to launch satellite Jobless ex-con asks for
SEOUL: North Korea said yesterday it was prepar- more prison time in Taiwan
ing to launch a satellite on one of its rockets, which TAIPEI: A jobless Taiwan man released from
analysts have said would actually be a test-launch prison two years ago asked police to send him
of its longest-range missile. The announcement, back so he could eat, local media said yesterday,
which unsettled financial markets in South Korea, a grim sign of hard economic times. When police
follows weeks of angry rhetoric from Pyongyang found the 45-year-old convicted arsonist lying
aimed at Seoul and warnings that the Korean on a street in a Taipei shopping district, he re-
peninsula was on the brink of war. Analysts said quested a return to life behind bars, nostalgic for
Pyongyang was using brinkmanship to put pres- the 10 years he had already served, the China
sure on the new US government and its main allies Post newspaper reported. Officers who found
in the region, South Korea and Japan, to reverse him bought him a boxed lunch but declined to
tough policies against the North. “The preparations send him back to prison. – Reuters
for launching an experimental communications
satellite ... are now making brisk headway,” North Stay married and save the
Korea’s KCNA news agency said. – Reuters
planet: Aussie lawmaker
48 minors recovered CANBERRA: Staying married is better for the
planet because divorce leads the newly single
from prostitution rings to live more wasteful lifestyles, an Australian
WASHINGTON: US authorities recovered 48 lawmaker said yesterday. Senator Steve Fielding
minors from child prostitution rings in a series of told a Senate hearing in the Australian capital
raids across the country over a three day period, Canberra that divorce only made climate change
the Federal Bureau of Investigation said on Mon- worse. When couples separated, they needed
day. The bureau said 571 people were arrested on more rooms, more electricity and more water. This
charges of trafficking children for prostitution and increased their carbon footprint, Australian Associ-
solicitation as a result of the operation. Dubbed ated Press quoted Fielding as telling the hearing on
“Operation Cross Country III”, the operation was environmental issues. Such a “resource-inefficient
carried out in 29 cities by the FBI and local law lifestyle” meant it would be better for the planet if
enforcement agencies. The operation “led to the couples stayed married, he said. – AFP

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