Thesun 2009-02-26 Page03 Judge Recuses Himself From Nizar Case

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theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 2009 3

news without borders

PKR Youth protest
outside MACC HQ
‘No to gutter politics’ by Tim Leonard and Charles Ramendran
by Giam Say Khoon and the non-partisan and demo- the people will begin in Kedah. cratic participation of the people of Asked if the party would
PUTRAJAYA: Parti Keadilan Rakyat members staged two protests
Malaysia. push for a privacy law, PKR
KUALA LUMPUR: Parti Keadilan – one by burning copies of reports on corruption and another by
“We condemn all forms of dirty information chief and Batu
Rakyat Wanita yesterday launched displaying a calf on a lorry – against the Malaysian Anti-Corruption
politics such as insinuation and abuse MP Tian Chua said that with
a “No to Gutter Politics” campaign Commission (MACC).
of information obtained to attack the the advent of communication
to raise public awareness of the In the first protest by PKR Youth outside the commission’s head-
privacy, reputation, family and home technology, the party would
need to take a stand against such quarters at 11am, 100 people led by PKR supreme council member
of any person holding public office, study the possibility of enacting
“culture” following the recent Badrul Hisham Shaharin produced boxes of documents and copies
especially female politicians. such a law.
exposure of semi-nude photos of of reports lodged with the MACC since 1990 and burned these at
“Gutter politics cause irreparable On whether PKR Wanita
Selangor executive councillor Eliza- the entrance to the commission.
damage and deprivation of human would also back MCA deputy
beth Wong. They also burnt an enlarged photograph of MACC chief Datuk
dignity, especially when the target president Datuk Seri Dr Chua
Its chairman Zuraida Kamarud- Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan as well as the commission’s logo. At this
is a female politician.” Soi Lek, whose sex scandal
din said the media had been used juncture, Department of Environment officers threatened to cite the
She said such politics was a clear was made into a DVD last year,
as a platform to sensationalise the protesters for open burning if they continued.
violation of Article 12 of the Univer- Zuraida said support would be
private lives of politicians, both men Badrul then walked into the MACC headquarters to hand a
sal Declaration of Human Rights that rendered to any victim of gutter
and women, holding public office. “death certificate” to a member of the commission’s staff. “This
no one shall be subjected to attacks politics, regardless which political
“Without us realising it, we are symbolically shows that the MACC must be buried because it has
upon his honour and reputation. party the victim came from.
dragged into a ‘culture’ called gutter been manipulated and used by Barisan Nasional politicians to ‘frame’
“We call upon the government Chua was called in by police on
politics,” she said at the Parliament opposition leaders. We believe the MACC has become a tool of the
to enact laws or to amend existing Monday to facilitate investigations
lobby yesterday. BN,” he said.
laws to protect the privacy sphere against him for allegedly perform-
Zuraida, who is also Ampang MP, He said the MACC should act on all complaints and not show
of the people. Stern penalty must ing unnatural sex, after a police
said the women of PKR viewed the bias in its investigations, expressing disappointment at Ahmad Said’s
be imposed on those who violate report was lodged by a business-
sudden surge of gutter politics as statement last week that MACC had “good and strong evidence” that
the right to privacy,” she said, adding man who received the DVD a year
an imminent threat to the country’s Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had misused his
that a nationwide roadshow to ex- after the incident.
political culture as it undermines powers over the maintenance of his personal vehicle and distribu-
plain gutter politics to
its civility tion of 46 cows for Aidiladha.
In Shah Alam about 2pm, 120 PKR Youth members gathered
opposite Plaza Masalam in Section 9, where the state MACC office
and send the wrong is located, carrying banners and placards denouncing Ahmad Said’s

Judge recuses
message that I disclosure. About half an hour later a small lorry carrying a calf ar-
cannot decide on rived, drawing the attention of dozens of passers-by.
the matter objec- “PKR Youth is conveying a message to them (MACC) not to con-
tively.” tinue to behave like a tamed cow of Umno’s,” Youth chief Shamsul
Reiterating Iskandar Mohd Akin said.
his words last “They should be professional and practise impartial-
week, he said: ity, and not make baseless claims. The MACC does not stand for

himself from
“I have been ac- Malaysian Agency of Cows and Cars, it should be an institution of
tively involved the highest integrity,” he said.
in PAS and PKR Shah Alam police chief ACP Nor Azam said police did not allow
as an adviser the calf to be brought out of the lorry, fearing it could pose a hazard
and counsel, been to the public should it run loose.
a member of PAS In Petaling Jaya, Puchong MP Gobind Singh
with party positions Deo said in a state-

Nizar case
at branch, division and ment that the
state levels, and contested MACC should
in the 2004 general election for stop making
a state constituency as a PAS statements
candidate. on the Khalid
“I made my position plain and investigation.
invited the parties to submit on “Section 29
by Tan Yi Liang be one of the real danger of bias this issue, stating that I would be (4) of the Ma- and that it should be decided willing to hear the case if all par- laysian Anti-
objectively,” he said, adding that ties had no objection.” Corruption
KUALA LUMPUR: Judicial Com- the application of the test was one Objections were raised by Commission
missioner (JC) Mohamad Ariff Md of “pragmatic difficulty”. Kamaluddin and Perak state legal Act 2008 does
Yusof decided yesterday to recuse “The pragmatic problem is adviser Datuk Ahmad Kamal not empower
himself from hearing an applica- how a judge or judicial commis- Mohd Shahid. the MACC chief
tion by Datuk Seri Mohammad sioner in my position is to decide “For clarity and avoidance of to comment
Nizar Jamaluddin to challenge objectively that there is a real doubt and unnecessary specula- publicly on in-
Datuk Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir’s danger or possibility of bias if I tion, I state that I am no longer vestigations and
appointment as Perak mentri am to continue hearing this case. a member of any political party p r o s e c u t i o n s.
besar. Being objective means I should and tendered my resignation from Any public opin-
Ariff’s decision was based on opt in favour of the presumption PAS before accepting the position ion expressed by
his past political affiliations. He that my oath and constitutional of JC,” Ariff said. the MACC in such
was a PAS member and contested duty requires me to discharge He said his past involvement circumstances
in the 2004 general election on a my duties impartially,” Ariff said reflected his political choice as a would be embar-
PAS ticket. in summing up Monday’s argu- citizen and should not impact his rassing and also
“The primary concern must be ments. judgment. reflect poorly on
that justice must not only be done “Datuk Kamaluddin had “It should not have an immedi- it,” he said.
but manifestly seen to be done. advised me of the attorney-gen- ate bearing on my impartiality as Gobind Singh
My sitting has caused problems, eral’s view that it is a matter of a JC in hearing this case, since all said all comments
whether rightly or wrongly. In the public debate whether I can be judges and JCs are duty bound to on the case should
overall circumstances, I find it best impartial, and to maintain the discharge their functions justly be left to the at-
that I recuse myself from hearing public standard of confidence in and impartially and to uphold the torney-general, in
this case,” said Ariff (pix), who had the judiciary, it is only appropriate Constitution,” he said, slamming whom the power
heard submissions on his recusal that I recuse myself. criticisms in the mainstream of prosecution was
on Monday from both lead defence “The test of whether a real media and blogs. PKR Youth vested.
counsel Sulaiman Abdullah and danger of bias exists has not been “It will be a sorry day for the members
Senior Federal Counsel Datuk satisfied. Also, it was said that I judiciary if the external conduct arrive to
Kamaluddin Mat Said.
“Both sides had convincing
can sit, and must sit as a matter
of constitutional principle, and
of judges has to be conditioned
by these external factors, since it
present a
calf to the
Khaild wants individual to clarify
arguments. Both agreed that the
test that should be applied would
recusal will invite unwarranted
comments regarding the judiciary
will fetter the independence of the
irregularities in Mecca deals
Shah Alam SHAH ALAM: Mentri Besar Tan Sri other parties. Among the transac-
yesterday. Abdul Khalid Ibrahim yesterday re- tions, we found the irregularities.”
PR reps say they were offered vealed that his predecessor Datuk
Seri Dr Mohamad Khir Toyo was
He said Khir Toyo had worked
with the individual and signed

money to become independents linked to property deals in Mecca

between a state-owned company
and an individual.
documents without the PNSB’s
board’s approval.
Asked if he would approach the
by Humayun Kabir fice separately. Keshvinder Singh later told He said the state government MACC for action, Khalid said: “We Yunus told a press conference reporters he was approached wants the individual to come do not like to make allegations.
before lodging the report that before CNY by a freelance reporter forward to clarify irregularities un- We prefer the individual to come
IPOH: Two Perak state assembly- he was offered several million who told him to name a price. He covered when Permodalan Negeri forward first.”
men yesterday lodged complaints ringgit, position and concessions alleged that an offer of money and Selangor Berhad’s (PNSB) Saudi Khalid also said the purchases
with the Malaysian Anti-Corrup- if he became an independent. position was made. property purchase was audited. were made in ringgit when they
tion Commission (MACC) alleg- He claimed that the approaches Keshvinder Singh said he “We want the individual to should have been in riyals.
ing that they were offered bribes started soon after the March 8 was told the money would be come forward first before we pro- On Tuesday, the MB’s Office in a
to leave their parties. general election last year and deposited in an overseas bank ceed to the next step,” he said, but statement highlighted discrepan-
Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s Yunus intensified just before Chinese account and his family could have refused to identify the person. cies in the purchase of 12 apart-
Jamsari (Kuala Kurau) and DAP’s New Year (CNY) last month. a three-month holiday abroad “There were various internal ments by PNSB in 2007 for RM25.6
K. Keshvinder Singh (Malim Yunus lodged his complaint at while any resulting political transactions to purchase the million. Seven units were sold to
Nawar) arrived at the MACC of- 10.47am and left at 3pm. tension subsided. apartments and to resell them to the individual for RM17.2 million.

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