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6 theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 2009

news without borders

MCA may reopen sex

DVD case against Chua MACC quizzes
THE MCA disciplinary board may reopen
the sex DVD case involving deputy presi- But because
dent Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek if it re- Press Digest the party
ceives fresh complaints from members. by Kong See Hoh
China Press reported yesterday that last
was busy
year the board had received complaints making
that the sex DVD incident had marred the Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat, party members preparations

for three hours

party’s image. aligned with Ong are said to be planning to for the
“But because the party was busy mak- shut Chua up with requests to the central general
ing preparations for the general election committee or the presidential council to
that followed not long after the DVD sur- reopen the sex DVD case. election that
faced, the board put the case aside,” the Interestingly, the Chua Soi Lek sex DVD followed not
daily quoted a party source as saying. resurfaced lately, a year after it came to long after
The party’s morale took a dive after light in Johor, and police have started an the DVD by Humnyun Kabir respectively for contempt of the House.
suffering a major setback in the elections. investigation following a report made in
Subsequently, the party’s top two leaders Petaling Jaya by a hawker that the lewd
surfaced, Last Wednesday, Perak state assembly’s
decided not to seek re-election to their DVD was dropped into his mailbox. the board rights and privileges committee chaired by
posts and the sex scandal was eventually The board’s deputy chief, Datuk Jimmy put the case IPOH: Perak state assembly Speaker V. Siva- Sivakumar handed down the suspensions,
buried. Low Boon Hong, kept mum when asked if aside.” kumar was questioned for three hours by two throwing the state deeper into a constitutional
But the source said if there are fresh it is taking up the sex DVD case again. Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) and political crisis.
complaints about the sex DVD or requests However, he said, the new team at the officers from Putrajaya in relation to reports Many constitutional lawyers have given their
for an inquiry into the incident, the board board can reopen cases left aside by its lodged against him for alleged abuse of power. opinions on whether Sivakumar has the powers
has the right to reopen the case. predecessor. The questioning took place at the official to do what he did, and Zambry has set up a
Following a news portal report that He said the party constitution allows residence of the mentri besar here from about legal team to advise him on his next course of
Chua’s supporters are plotting to call for for action to be taken against members 6.20pm. action.
an extraordinary meeting to move a vote found guilty of criminal offences, including “A very dangerous precedent has been set The only thing clear is that Sivakumar has
of no-confidence against party president expelling them. by the authorities in challenging the immunity to convene the state assembly to endorse the
powers of the Speaker as the rights of a Speaker decision as the assembly was not in session
have not been respected by the authorities,” when the committee met.
Ong seeks to weed out phantom members Sivakumar told a press conference after the
He had written to the Sultan of Perak last
week for consent to convene a special sitting
MCA will launch a major exercise next month to The 60-year-old second largest component in He said he gave his full cooperation to the and he is waiting for the reply from the palace.
cleanse itself of “phantom” members. the Barisan Nasional coalition once claimed to have MACC officers yesterday, like he did when he Sivakumar has also engaged the services
According to a report in Sin Chew Daily yester- more than a million members but the problem of was quizzed by three state commercial police of lawyers
day, the party will also adopt direction elections for phantom and dormant members has been plaguing officers on Monday over reports lodged against Earlier DAP Sitiawan assemblyman Datuk
the party president and state liaison chiefs in two the party in recent years. A re-registration exercise him for recent political and constitutional devel- Ngeh Koo Ham had thrown a challenge to Zam-
years. will show the true membership figure which could opments in the state. bry and his exco members not to take salaries
The report said as part of the exercise, the party be lower than 500,000. “I acted very professionally during both the during their course of rule of the state until the
will re-register all members. The trimmed-down party may also end up with questioning sessions although they should not do High Court decides on the legality of the new
It is learnt that the leadership under Datuk fewer branches and fewer number of central del- this (to me) in the first place as the Speaker has Perak state government.
Seri Ong Tee Keat is determined to cleanse the egates. immunity powers against civil and criminal pro- The Pakatan Rakyat exco members will do
party although it could mean having its membership It is also learnt that as part of the cleanse, trim ceedings for anything said or done,” he added. likewise, he said.
strength halved as this is the only way to remove the and repackaging drive to improve its image, the party It is believed that the reports were related to Ngeh said that only the legal state govern-
names of phantom members, and those who have will also take disciplinary action against recalcitrant Sivakumar’s suspension of Mentri Besar Datuk ment should draw salaries and the rakyat should
died or left the party, from the membership list. leaders or suspend problem divisions. Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir and his six state exco not be short-changed in paying both the BN and
members from the for 18 months and 12 months PR exco teams salaries.

Notice of claim filed against Utusan Court says ‘no’ to preliminary

by Himanshu Bhatt and Bernard Cheah
ment must be stopped as it places Islam on the
same level as other religions. The report quoted
Penang Islamic Council president Shabudin Yahaya
objection by Anwar
GEORGE TOWN: A notice of claim has been filed as saying he was uneasy about the establishment KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court dismissed He said it is important for the prosecution
against Malay language daily Utusan Malaysia for its of the inter-religious council. yesterday a preliminary objection by Datuk which is seeking to invoke the revisionary pow-
report that the Penang state government had formed The notice said the words used were untrue, Seri Anwar Ibrahim against an appeal by the ers of the court to show at a minimum threshold
an “Inter-Religious Consultative Council”. baseless and published with malicious intent, and prosecution for the sodomy case to be heard in or prima facie level that a substantial failure or
The notice by Karpal Singh & Company on behalf of Lim had never established an “Inter-Religious Con- the High Court, saying it was “premature”. miscarriage of justice has occurred, which has
Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng was sent on Tuesday. sultative Council” as published by the paper. Justice Datuk Mohd Zabidin Diah said he caused undeserved hardship.
In its front page story on Tuesday headlined “DAP It described the words used in the report as agreed with the prosecution that the applica- Sulaiman submitted that no injustice had
hina Islam?” (DAP insults Islam?”), Utusan reported slanderous and had caused public hatred, insults tion was premature. He said the High Court can been caused to the prosecution by the sessions
that the setting up of the council by the state govern- and ridicule towards Lim. The paper was asked rectify, correct the findings or the order of the court’s refusal to transfer the case and no injus-
to retract the words and publish a public apology subordinate courts. tice has been caused to the prosecution’s right
prominently on its front page. It also asked the Anwar’s lawyer Sulaiman Abdullah had to pursue its case against Anwar.
Utusan to pay compensation to be agreed upon. raised a preliminary objection in a letter dated In reply, Datuk Mohd Yusof Zainal Abiden,
Meanwhile, PAS Tanjung division lodged a police Jan 23. He said the prosecution should meet who is heading the prosecution, said the High
report against Shabudin, saying his reported com- the “threshold test” before the court proceeds Court’s revisionary powers are wide and exten-
ment is slanderous and has the potential to stoke to hear the revision. sive and could be invoked in any situation where
racial tensions. (The prosecution had filed a revision and an it appears desirable in the interest of justice.
appeal against sessions judge S. M .Komathy’s He said a judge may call for and examine
decision against the transfer of the case.) the record of any proceedings before any
Sulaiman said the prosecution should show subordinate criminal court for the purpose of
“if and how the decision of the sessions court satisfying himself as to the correctness, legality
has prejudiced the ‘rights of the prosecution’, in or propriety of any finding, sentence or order
particular, disposing of the right of the prosecu- passed and as to the regularity of any proceed-
tion to continue its case against Anwar. ings of the subordinate court.
He said the prosecution should also show Earlier, Sulaiman withdrew his application to
“if and how the decision of the sessions court disqualify Mohd Yusof, saying Mohd Yusof in his
has caused a serious failure or miscarriage of affidavit in reply had stated that he did not have
justice amounting to an illegality” – based on a access to the investigation papers in connection
principle that revisionary powers should only be with the “black eye” incident.
exercised sparingly. The hearing continues.

Selangor govt extends Wong’s leave

SHAH ALAM: The state government has extended Istana Mestika and briefed him on current
assemblywoman Elizabeth Wong’s leave indefi- issues in the state, said His Highness had no
nitely until police investigations are completed. objection to him using his personal car for of-
“We are also grateful to the Sultan of Selan- ficial purposes, as long as all procedures of the
gor for trusting the exco members to make any law were followed.
decision of the status of Wong who was the On the donation of cattle to his constituency
exco for Tourism, Consumer Affairs and Environ- for Aidiladha, which has become the subject of
ment,” Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim a graft report, Khalid said the sultan also had no
said after the state exco meeting yesterday. objection and, in fact, asked him to continue the
“We have discussed the issue with all the charitable deed.
exco members and the state government Khalid said he will write to the Malaysian
agreed that it will be better for Wong to continue Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) chief Datuk
her leave until police investigations are over. Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan on his remarks last
“Any decision (on Wong) will only be made Friday regarding the investigation into corrup-
after the investigations are completed.” tion allegations against him. “I will also take legal
On another note, Khalid who had an audi- action against the chairman of Gerak for making
ence with the sultan yesterday morning at allegations against me on abuse of power.”.

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