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8 theSun | THURSDAY FEBRUARY 26 2009

news without borders

Right-of-reply bill threatens press freedom: Media groups

MANILA: A proposed law guarantee- passed in the Senate, while the House urged Congress to take care that the reply in the medium that published or zle freedom of speech not only for the
ing the right of reply to anyone who is debating a counterpart bill, although proposed law does not abridge free- aired the accusation. local media but foreign media as well.”
feels they have been poorly treated officials said it too is likely to pass. dom of the press, which would violate “This bill is in direct conflict with “Once again, press freedom is
by the media threatens press freedom No date has been given for a the Philippine constitution. the constitution which guarantees under siege from political forces insidi-
in the Philippines, media groups said consolidated version of the bill by a “The caveat is be sure it will not be an press freedom. This is just a bill for the ously trying to further their personal
yesterday. committee of both Houses. infringement on the freedom of expres- politicians who can say what they like agenda, this time through legislation,”
The Right of Reply Bill, which Asked if President Gloria Arroyo sion and the freedom of the press.” about anyone or anything in both Houses said Nonoy Espina of the National
has wide bipartisan support in would sign it into law or veto it if What has worried local and foreign where they are protected by privilege but Union of Journalists.
the House of Representatives and passed by the legislature, her chief media groups is the wording of the scream like hell when they are criticised,” The final bill is expected to impose
Senate, proposes heavy fines and jail aide Executive Secretary Eduardo bill which says anyone “accused of Vergel Santos, chairman of the Busi- fines of up to 50,000 pesos (about
terms for media groups who do not Ermita told reporters it was “specu- a crime or criticised for any lapse in nessWorld editorial board, told AFP. RM3,700) for failure to comply or up
comply. A version of the bill has been lative” at this point. However, Ermita behaviour” shall be given the right to “This is just another attempt to muz- to six months in jail. – AFP

Obama: US will emerge

WASHINGTON: President Barack Obama that, Obama said more money may be
(pix) struck a balance between grim economic needed to fix debt-laden banks and revive
reality and a more hopeful outlook yesterday the economy, warning that “while the cost of
to try to reassure worried Americans their action will be great, I can assure you that the
country will emerge from crisis “stronger than cost of inaction will be far greater.”
before.” Among others,
Riding high in opinion polls, Obama was But he seemed to take a harder line against

stronger from crisis

careful to include a sober assessment of the troubled US automakers, saying that while
economy in his first speech to Congress, seek- he supports revamping the car business to
ing to temper expectations that his administra- make it competitive the government would
tion’s rescue efforts would yield quick fixes. not protect the companies from their own
But the politician whose memoir was called bad decision-making.
The Audacity of Hope was also back in stride, Trying to show he will make good
telling recession-weary Americans they can on his promise of fiscal responsibility,
expect better days ahead. debt, warning that the “day of reckoning” had The primetime State of the Obama said he had identified US$2
“While our economy may be weakened arrived. Union-style address to a joint trillion (RM7.4 trillion) in budget cuts
and our confidence shaken, though we are Among others, Obama promised: session of the Senate and over over the next decade.
living through difficult and uncertain times, » A new era of US diplomatic engagement; House of Representatives Obama, who rolls out his first
tonight I want every American to know this: » No more high school dropouts; » US will comes against a backdrop budget proposal on Thursday, has
We will rebuild, we will recover,” Obama said no longer ‘hide’ the price of wars; » To seek of growing anxiety across the vowed to halve the US$1 trillion-plus
in a televised speech five weeks after taking a cure for cancer ‘in our time’; » Will increase country in the face of the worst annual deficit he inherited
office. the number of US soldiers and Marines; » To financial meltdown in from Bush by the end
“And the United States of America will help the car industry » Carbon cap legisla- decades. of his term. - Agen-
emerge stronger than before,” he said to loud tion. While his cies
applause from lawmakers, cabinet members First and foremost, however, Obama public support
and invited guests. pressed the case for his economic plans is strong, Wall
The Democratic president wasted little time while laying out a broader agenda, includ- Street remains
before levelling a barrage of indirect criticism ing a much-anticipated push for a healthcare skeptical of his
Go to Sun2Surf
at his Republican predecessor George W. Bush overhaul and a stepped-up US role in the fight economic rem-
for full text of
for the country’s economic plight and bloated against climate change. edies. Despite
Obama’s speech

Legless New Zealand woman

swims with ‘mermaid tail’
briefs WELLINGTON: New Zealander Nadya Vessey,
who lost her legs in a childhood illness, now
swims like a mermaid – thanks to Oscar-winning
Pakistan disqualifies movie special effects wizards Weta Workshop,
according to news reports yesterday.
opposition leader from office The workshop, which won Oscars for their
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan’s Supreme Court yester- effects on The Lord of the Rings trilogy, made a
day barred main opposition leader and former mermaid wetsuit for her, complete with fishtail,
premier Nawaz Sharif from holding office and which she tested in a Wellington pool.
contesting elections, sparking political turmoil in Weta costume-maker Lee Williams said she
the nuclear-armed nation. wanted Vessey to be “beautiful and sexy” in the
The court order also applied to his brother suit, which contains plastic moulds and has hand-
Shahbaz Sharif, leading to the immediate collapse painted fish-like scales. – dpa
of his government in the central Punjab province,
Pakistan’s most populous state and the country’s German court upholds sacking
political heartland.
The government enforced governor’s rule in of cashier over RM6 theft
Punjab, the regional parliament was suspended BERLIN: A German court confirmed on Tuesday
and provincial governor Salman Taseer, a member that a supermarket which sacked a cashier for
of the main ruling Pakistan People’s Party, took stealing coupons worth just €1.3 (RM6) was
over the powers of chief minister. within its rights, in a case which has aroused
“All petitions have been dismissed by the Su- debate in Germany.
preme Court,” senior lawyer Akram Sheikh told The 50-year-old woman burst into tears at
reporters in the capital Islamabad. the employment tribunal, where she had taken
The move triggered a political showdown as Sharif the case after being dismissed a year ago.
accused President Asif Ali Zardari of manipulating the The case has seen various solidarity cam-
verdict to throw him out of politics and urged the paigns for the unnamed woman, nicknamed
nation to rise up against the court order. – AFP “Emmely”, who had worked for the store for
more than 30 years. The judges on Tuesday
Swiss doctors uncover new endorsed the decision of the supermarket,
saying the theft proved she could not be
gaming related disease trusted with the supermarket takings. – dpa
GENEVA: A 12-year-old girl was ordered to
stop playing video games for 10 days by her Aussie firefighters race
Swiss doctor after it was found that a serious
hand infection she was suffering from was to beat new danger
caused by excessive gaming. MELBOURNE: Reinforcements were called in
The new infection has since been dubbed to the fight against Australia’s deadly wildfires
Palmare PlayStation Hidradenitis by Prof Vincent yesterday in a race to build defences ahead of a
Piguet from the University Hospital of Geneva. dangerous new blast of searing heat and wind.
The girl was taken to her doctor after suf- Scores more firefighters from New Zealand
fering from painful lesions on her palms for and across Australia were to join more than
four weeks, Swiss news agency ATS said. 3,000 already battling seven major blazes in
“They were huge red nodes which were very Victoria state, where more than 200 people have
spectacular,” Piguet said, adding the girl had been burned to death, officials said.
spent hours on her PlayStation. The lethal combination of high temperatures
Piguet and his team concluded that the and strong winds which sent walls of flame roaring
tension of the hands on the console and fre- through towns and villages on Feb 7 are forecast to
netic pressing on the buttons had triggered return tomorrow, though not to the same degree.
minuscule cutaneous injuries which were ag- “People need to be prepared, need to be
gravated by sweat. After her 10-day ban from alert, be vigilant,” said Bruce Esplin, Victoria’s
PlayStation, the lesions went away. – AFP emergency services commissioner. – AFP

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