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Mental Health: Lesson 5-6, Stress (Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers)

Type of Work: Indy Product: iFramed ThingLink Note Class Time:2 Periods EOC: Stress Inventory (lesson 5), Notes iFramed (lesson 6) Due:3 Pds Concept: Stress is such a large part of our modern day lives. If you havent figured it out yet this class is really about developing healthy coping mechanisms for lifes bumps and bruises (.really stress). Its important to discuss what stress is, identifying where it comes from and more importantly shed some light on how stress has changed over the course of our existence and how it plays such a vastly different role today than in previous generations. Once we do this we can start to uncover what stress does to us and eventually how to learn that how we really create our own stress. Lesson Link: Stress Inventory Link(s): Click Here Program Link: Click Here
Directions: Do only one Level. The information below is only a breakdown of what you will learn at each level in progressing order. Click on the level and it will take you to your own evidence of completion based on level attempted. Complete your questions and delete all other info on page including this to turn in. Snip and enter as your evidence of completion. Save a copy of your doc for your records in case you want to change your snip.

Breakdown of Evidence of Completion Goals/Objectives/Criteria By Level Attempted

1 2 3 4

Level 1 Click Here Level 2 Click Here Level 3 Click Here Level 4 Click Here

Take a stress inventory Discuss how stress affects various age groups in different ways. Define stress and stressors Identify negative and positive causes of stress. Identify positive and negative ways we deal with stress. Identify the different causes of stress throughout our lives. Define the stress response/fight-or-flight. Identify several responses by the body in the fight or flight response. Discuss the problem with long term stress on the human body. Identify physical, emotional and behavioral warning signs of stress. Define Homeostasis. Identify how stress changed then vs. now in terms of types of stress and time frame. Identify and describe the 3 stages to the General Adaptation Syndrome. Define Psychosomatic Disorders. Discuss the concept of Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers. Discuss the purpose of stress and the role it plays in our lives. Identify how the human timeline is an analogy for how stress has changed over the course of human history. Utilize ThingLink to iFrame your Stress Notes.

Mental Health: Lesson 5-6, Stress (Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers)
Type of Work: Indy Product: Snip of Notes or Printed Copy Class Time:2 Periods EOC: Stress Inventory (lesson 5), Notes (lesson 6) Due:3 Pds


ABSENT? (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date=

1. Take this stress inventory and snip (put below) or print your results:

2. Put in order who has the most and least stress (Put the letters in the green). K-Kids (0-11) T-Teens (12-18) A-Adults (18-40) M-Mid-Adults (40-60) E-Elderly (60 +) LEAST stress K 3. Go to here, and Watch the video, then answer the following: 4. What is stress: 5. What do we call the events that cause stress? 6. Is all stress bad? 7. What stresses you out? 8. What are 2 good ways to deal with stress? 9. What are 2 bad ways to deal with stress?

MOST stress

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Mental Health: Lesson 5-6, Stress (Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers)
Type of Work: Indy Product: Snip Notes Below Class Time:2 Periods EOC: Stress Inventory (lesson 5), Notes (lesson 6) Due:3 Pds


ABSENT? (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date=

1. Take this stress inventory and snip (put in lesson 5) or print your results: 2. Put in order who has the most and least stress (Put the letters in the green). K-Kids (0-11) T-Teens (12-18) A-Adults (18-40) M-Mid-Adults (40-60) E-Elderly (60 +) 3. Now below each age group identify a couple reasons why each group has more or less stress. LEAST MOST stress stress Kids Less Responsibility No Work 4. Go to here, and Watch the video, then answer the following: (Put answer NEXT to Question) 5. What is stress: 6. What do we call the events that cause stress?: 7. What is the natural reaction of stress called?: 8. What are 3 things that happen in this?: 9. What is another name for this response?: 10. Is all stress bad? 11. Whats the problem with long term stress? 12. What stresses you out? 13. What are 2 good ways to deal with stress? 14. What are 2 bad ways to deal with stress?

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Mental Health: Lesson 5-6, Stress (Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers)
Type of Work: Indy Product: Snipped NotesBelow Class Time:2 Periods EOC: Stress Inventory (lesson 5), Notes iFramed (lesson 6) Due:3 Pds

Stress Defined:

ABSENT (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date=

Start by taking one of the stress inventories found here and snip your results into lesson 5. Causes of Stress= Emotional (list 2) 1. 2. Good Stress = ExamplePhysical (list 2) 1. 2. Purpose of the Fight or Flight: Bad Stress = exampleBehavioral (list 2) 1. 2.

*The Biggest Warning Sign that something is wrong is changes in 1. 2. Patterns Homeostasis Defined: The Purpose of Stress

(Explain the Pic)

Fight or Flight Explained what it is..

(Explain Why Zebras Dont Get Ulcers) Stress THEN Stress NOW

List Several Changes that Occur during Fight or Flight Response: 1. 4. 2. 5. 3. 6. Type of Time Factor Challenges

Our Body Was Never Intended to Run on Chronic Stress

General Adaptation Syndrome

Quick Overview of Stages Alarm Resistance Exhaustion

Physical Disorders that result from stress are called: And include: 1. 2. 3. .Basically Lowered Immune Response
In his work, Selye - 'the father of stress research,' developed the

theory that stress is a major cause of disease because chronic stress causes long-term chemical changes.

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Intro to Wellness: Lesson 7, Attitude is the Father of Behavior

Type of Work: Indy Product: iFramed ThingLink Note Class Time:2 Periods EOC: Stress Inventory (lesson 5), Notes iFramed (lesson 6) Due:3 Pds


ABSENT? (For Full Credit Turned in Late): Absent Date=

1. Start by taking two of the level 3-4 stress inventories found here and snip your results into lesson 5. Compare/contrast results.

2. Upload the following Picture to your thinglink account and use for Notes. 3. When Done Iframe into Lesson 6.

Level 5/Extra Credit/Going Beyond: There are many stress inventories that measure or quantify the level of stress for adults. However there really are no quality ones designed specifically for teens who lead much different lives than adults. Your Goal: Create your own by modifying, adding, or deleting current stress inventories such as the one we took in class (Holmes-Rahe Stress Inventory) to design a stress inventory specifically for teens. Create a scale that incorporates different totals.

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