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Rakaez Almarefa for Training

First: New vision in Safety Procedures

Second: Best deal in dangerous situations

Rakaez Almarefa for Training

First: New vision in Safety Procedures

Security awareness:
definition of security awareness. Factor in achieving security awareness. Ethics and professional behavior. Foundations of behavior. The foundations of professional decision-making deficiencies in the application and its causes. Regulatory FAQ for Industrial Security / the official. . Card specification permits entry and exit of the facility staff. Conditions for issuing permits individual card. Procedures if received regular reports for permits (the / a fraud / non-use permit / expiration). Definitions and terminology used in the Security Studies Dangers that may threaten the security of facilities hazards (natural / industrial). Terrorist activity (intrusion / infiltration / assassinations, ambushes of / torpedo / poison / damage / property / infusion), including acts of sabotage and types. Moral vandalism (malicious propaganda and rumors). The collapse of morale.

Field observation:
definition of the notebook personal security inspector. Specifications book. Use WordPad. Security reports the report definition. Types of reports. Elements of a report. Inclusions and specifications of the reports. Inclusions security and safety plan and functions of the elements of the security of fixed installations in the centers and periodicals

Rakaez Almarefa for Training

tasks (director of security, items, and established a reserve guard): 1. Edit reports, including the various securities. 2. The preparation of security plans and safety. 3. Sketch plan and manage the security guarding the facility / tables (outline codes / written communication and Las / warning). 4. Records of the organization of cooperation. 5. Regulation of entry and exit control and security functions of an inspector in different locations: 6. Functions of the elements (guard towers / foot patrols and passenger / centers on fixed ports. 7. Functions of the fixed centers of the Interior). 8. System service in the guard posts and patrols.

Inspection personnel :
identify the suspect / evidence of suspicion. Inspection traditional individuals. Inspection (with the unusual behavior / suspects). Methods and preventive measures to control the regular suspects / people with aggressive tendencies to avoid damage to the confrontation: 1. Method (dialogue Pacific / physical control / use of chemicals). 2. The use of modern equipment / trained dogs. Methods of inspection of vehicles: the traditional sequence of inspection procedures for vehicles. Professional sequence inspection procedures for vehicles (suspicious / left) if the discovery or mere suspicion of the presence of hazardous materials within the payload. Inspection of buildings Inspection powers and great buildings. Prepare for the inspection of buildings. Outline of the structure of assumed the formation of an inspection team composed of building one floor. Allocation of tasks to the elements of team building inspection departments.

Rakaez Almarefa for Training

Second : Best deal in dangerous situations

Definitions and terminology used. The impact of the blast another explosion. Divide in terms of explosive materials (case of chemical / sensitivity / configure packages). Anti-personnel mines. Types of toxic substances and danger: 1. Canyon / will corrode tissue / inflammatory / influential on the sense organs / carcinogen. 2. Materials deformed / nerve / natural gas). Methods of entry of toxic substances to the human body. International Code of toxic substances. Evidence for leakage of hazardous material. If the responsibilities of security personnel discovered (receipt of a communication / news) leakage of a hazardous substance. Types of hazardous materials: Booby traps and methods of planting or delivered to the target. Sophisticated explosive devices. The design of modern explosive devices, including the following. Explosive devices used by terrorist groups. Pipe bombs are conventional detonators. Detonators (mechanical / electrification / chemical / mercury, wireless or laser). Planting explosive devices in buildings. Mines. Flammable materials. Devices and methods of inspection to discover the places of explosives. Manual inspection. Types of inspection. Routine inspection (broadband).

A professional inspection. Nasriscovery of explosive containers or mere suspicion of it. Task teams to deal with hazardous materials. radioactive materials. Drawing is the image of uranium oxide (U3O8).

Rakaez Almarefa for Training Definitions and terminology of the lecture / definition and types of weapons of mass destruction. Almanacs radiation units of measure activity article. Types of radioactive materials (radioactive materials in nature / radioactive isotopes). Hazardous effects of radiation (elements / isotopes) radioactive. Factors increase the proportion of hazardous effects of exposure to radiation. Devices used in the detection and measurement of ionizing radiation. The causes of the spread of radiation accidents. Procedures for the event (detection / suspicion) in a radioactive leak.

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