Traning Report On Ongc

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CHAPTER1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................. 3 1.1 Foundation .................................................................................................................. 3 CHAPTER2: ONGC AS PROCESSING INDUSTRY ............................................................ 5 2.1 Process Plant .......................................................................................................... 5 Co-generation Plant ......................................................................................... 5 Oil and Gas process plant ............................................................................... 5

2.1.1 2.1.2 2.2 2.3 2.4

Utilities .................................................................................................................... 5 Environment System .............................................................................................. 6 Safety system ......................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER3: INTRODUCTION TO URAN PLANT ............................................................... 7 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 CSU (Crude Stabilization Unit) ............................................................................ 10 Gas Sweeteing Unit(GSU) .................................................................................... 11 Ethane Propane Recovery Unit(EPRU) ............................................................... 12 Condensate Fractionating Unit (CFU)................................................................. 12 PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 13

3.4.1 3.5 3.6

Co- Generation (COGEN) ..................................................................................... 13 Slug Catcher ......................................................................................................... 15 Capacity of slug catcher ............................................................................... 15 Process Description ...................................................................................... 16

3.6.1 3.6.2 3.7

LPG Unit ................................................................................................................ 16 LPG recovery unit .......................................................................................... 16 LPG-1 Capacity .............................................................................................. 16 Product components of natural gas............................................................. 16 Basic principles ............................................................................................. 17 Refrigeration................................................................................................... 17 Fractionation .................................................................................................. 17

3.7.1 3.7.2 3.7.3 3.7.4 3.7.5 3.7.6

CHAPTER4: COMPRESSORS ........................................................................................... 18 4.2 Applications .......................................................................................................... 18

CHAPTER5: CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR ................................................................... 19 5.1components of Centrifugal Compressor ................................................................. 20

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5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3

Casing ............................................................................................................. 20 Diaphragms .................................................................................................... 22 Rotor Assembly ............................................................................................. 23

5.2 Advantages And Disadvantages ............................................................................. 28 5.3 Working Of Centrifugal Compressor ...................................................................... 28 CHAPTER6: LEAN GAS COMPRESSOR (K-1503 A/B).................................................... 30 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 Compressor Parameters: ..................................................................................... 31 Gear Box: .............................................................................................................. 31 Synchronous Motor: ............................................................................................ 31 Cooling Water System: ........................................................................................ 32 Sleeve Bearing Lubrication: ................................................................................ 32 Reading of K-1503 A: ........................................................................................... 33

CHAPTER7: RECIPROCATING COMPRESSORS ............................................................ 34 7. 1 7. 2 7. 3 Advantages And Disadvantages: ........................................................................ 35 Basic Design And Working: ................................................................................ 36 The Thermodynamic Cycle: ................................................................................. 39

CHAPTER8: OFF-GAS COMPRESSOR (K-2501 A/B) ...................................................... 41 8. 1 8. 2 8. 3 Compressor Parameters: ..................................................................................... 41 Condensing Equipments: .................................................................................... 42 Reading of K-2501 A: ........................................................................................... 42

CHAPTER9:DIFFERENCE BETWEEN RECIPROCATING AND CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR................................................................................................................... 44 CONCLUSION .................................................................................................................... 46

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Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) is a public sector petroleum company involved in wide scale exploitation of oil as well as natural gas from the Indian mainland as well as from Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. ONGC is one among the Indian governments maharatan companies which involves most profit making five public sector companies and hence is one of the most profit making companies in India whose turnover is about 3935.19 billion rupees with an annual profit of about 938.61 billion rupees. Bombay High (now Mumbai High) is an offshore oilfield located in the Arabian Sea around 160km west of the Mumbai coast. Discovered in 1974, the field has been operated by Oil and Natural Gas Corporation (ONGC). Production at the field started in 1976. Crude oil produced from Bombay High is of very good quality as compared to crudes produced in Middle East. Bombay High crude has more than 60% paraffinic content while light Arabian crude has only 25% paraffin.

1.1 Foundation:
In August 1956, the Oil and Natural Gas Commission was formed. Raised from mere directorate status to commission, it had enhanced powers. In 1959, these powers were further enhanced by converting the commission into a statutory body by an act of Indian Parliament. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) (incorporated on June 23, 1993) is an Indian Public Sector Petroleum has been ranked 357th in the Fortune Global 500 list of the world's biggest corporations for the year 2012. It is also among the Top 250 Global Energy Company. It produces around 77% of India's crude oil and around 81% of its natural gas. It was set up as a commission on August 14, 1956. Indian government holds 74.14% equity stake in this company. ONGC is one of the Asias largest and most active companies involved in exploration and production of oil and gas. It is involved in exploring for and exploiting hydrocarbons in 26 sedimentary basins of India, and owns and operates over 11,000 kilometres of pipelines in the country. Headquarter of ONGC is Tel Bhavan which is situated in Dehradun. Over 33,800 employees are working in this company which make it largest company in terms of market capital in India.

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Fig:-1 Detail of ONGC on map

Fig: - 2 ONGC Oil Platform (210 km in Arabian Sea)

Fig:- 3 ONGC Mumbai High Oil Platform

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Any process industry can be solely divided into 4 parts: Process plant Utilities Environmental system Safety system

2.1 Process Plant:

This part consist the basic purpose of that process industry for which it has been established. ONGC Uran plant basically produces LPG and other value added products and pumps the stabilised oil to different refineries. In sum to get this purpose there is overall two plant: 2.1.1 Co-generation Plant: Co-generation plant can be also sub divided into mainly 3 different process units: Gas Turbine Boilers Gas fired boilers 2.1.2 Oil and Gas process plant: Oil and gas process plant can be sub divided into 6 different processing units: Slug catcher unit Condensate fractionation unit Gas sweeting unit Crude separation unit LPG recovery unit Ethane propane recovery unit

2.2 Utilities:
Utilities plays very important role in any process industry. They provide support to process plant for the smooth running and continuous production.

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The basic utilities which are very necessary are: Effluent treatment Instrument air Air dryer Flare system Blow down system Soft water system Fuel gas Inert gas system

2.3 Environment System:

This system monitors the effect of plant on environment by continuous monitoring inside and outside surrounding of plant and always tries to maintain a minimum national standard of different environmental parameters. If this minimum standard is not achieved by the plant then government has to shut that industry as per environmental law. It can be also categorized into two parts: Primary environmental system: related to heath precaution Secondary environmental system: related to environment

2.4 Safety system:

This system maintains the safe working condition in this plant is very much prone to fire as the air in the surrounding contains lots of hydrocarbon and oil vapours. So any small spark can produce large scale destruction. This system consist of Fire water unit Gas detection unit Static charge removal unit

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Uran onshore facilities of ONGC is located at Uran in Raigad district, Navi Mumbai. It is approximately 15 M above mean sea level. The western side of the site faces sea and the east side is surrounded by hills. The site is not on a level land and processing area are located at different elevations. The Uran Plant is one of the most important installations of entire ONGC. It was established in the year 1974 and expanded in stages. It receives the entire oil and part of natural gas produced in mumbaai off shore oil fields. It presently handles 21% of the total natural gas production of ONGC and 92% of the total oil produced by Mumbai Offshore. Both the Oil and gas received prom offshore is processed at various units for producing value added products like LPG,C2-C3, LAN, processing, storage and transportation of oil. It has been awarded as the best processing plant in India. It is situated at the outskirts of Mumbai city, and has an excellent location with mountains on one side and the sea on the other side. The huge pipelines from the offshore come directly in the Uran plant. The plant has an area of 5.5 km. During last 10 years, the ONGC Plant has undergone lot of modifications, installation of new units and process control systems. Timely up gradation and modernization of plant facilities and control system have enabled ONGC to improve profitability, reduce cost of operation and optimize resource utilization.

Fig.- 4 Layout of pipelines

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Fig. 5 Western off-shore

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Fig. - 6 Layout diagram for Uran plant

Fig. 7 Overall schematic of Uran complex

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The Uran plant has several units. These are as follows: 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 CSU (Crude Stabilization Unit) GSU (Gas Sweetening Unit) EPRU (Ethane, Propane Recovery Unit) CFU (Condensate Fractionation Unit) Co-generation plant Slug Catcher LPG unit

3.1 CSU (Crude Stabilization Unit):

The CSU is designed to stabilize pressurized crude oil from the Mumbai offshore oil fields. It is designed to produce 20,000,000 tons of stock tank crude oil per annum. This unit includes provision for dehydration and desalting crude oil. Basically CSU is used to separate gases from oil and then compressed in reciprocating compressors. And from there it is send to GSU unit for sweeting and other process. In case LPG units are operating on sour gas CSU off gas can be taken directly to LPG-I/II.

Fig. - 8 Flowchart of working process of CSU unit

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3.2 Gas Sweetening Unit(GSU):

Sweetening of a gas refers to the removal of hydrogen sulphate from the gas. The Gas Sweetening Plant focuses on the removal of acid gases, hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and carbon di oxide (CO2) from the feed gas. The feed gas consists of slug catcher gas, CFU off-gas and SU off-gas. For the sweetening of the sour gas, there are two identical trains. Each train are designed for mixed sour gas feed of 5 MMNCM/day and a total capacity of 10 MMNCM/day. Usually only 50% of the designed capacity is used.

Fig. 9 Layout of process in GSU unit

The main two stages in this process are: 1. Inside the absorber column C-1201 the acidic components and the sulphur compounds present are absorbed from the feed gas at the feed gas pressure level. 2. The Sulfinol solution is regenerated by stripping to remove the absorbed gases from the solvent in the Regenerated column C-2102 at low pressure and elevated temperature. Firstly the sour gas is sent to the sour gas knock out drum V-1202 where the contained liquids are separated and sent to Condensate Fractionation Unit (CFU). Then the gas is fed into the absorber column where CO2 and H2S are removed by counter current with lean sulfinol solution to meet the product specification.
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The sweet gas from the absorber is sent to sweet gas header via sweet gas knockout drum. The rich solution from the absorber bottom is flashed into the flash scrubber where it is scrubbed with the lean solution. The rich solution from this is sent to regenerator column. The rich solution is regenerated by reboiled vapours generated the attached boiler. The acid gas which is separated is released into sulphur recovery plant or directly into the atmosphere.

3.3 Ethane Propane Recovery Unit(EPRU):

Ethane and Propane recovery are among the phase-3 process in the ONGC Uran Plant, Uran and Bombay. C2-C3 Recovery Unit (EPRU) is supplied with two feed streams from the LPG-I & II units. These are the high pressure Second Stage Vapour (SSV) and low pressure feed from the Light Ends Fractionators (LEF). These streams are partially cooled to condense them. The refrigeration is provided by passing the high pressure feed streams through an expander and by a propane refrigeration system. The partially condensed feed streams are fed to the Demethaniser to separate the methane vapours from C2-C3 liquid. The overhead gas from the Demethaniser is fed to a second expander to provide cooling to the reflux condenser. The lean gas is then warmed to ambient temperature by the lean gas Compressors. Refrigeration gas is provided to LPG I & II as an inter-stage product. The C2-C3 is pumped to area 16 for storage as pressurized liquid.

Fig. 10 Layout of EPRU process

3.4 Condensate Fractionating Unit (CFU):

The CFU has been designed and constructed for the stripping pf acid components, H2S andCO2, from the condensate mainly supplied from slug catcher

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(Phase II and Phase III) and IHI & HP compressors. The condensate is intermittently supplied from K.O. drum installed in Gas Sweetening Unit (GSU). CFU is composed of the following sections: Feed condensate treatment section. Condensate stripping section. Off gas compressor section. Flare section.

3.4.1 Process: The condensate from the slug catcher, CSU, LPG and GSU act as the feed to the Condensation Fractionation Unit. The feed enters the feed coalesce (X-1101) operating at 48-52 kg/cm2g where water is removed and the condensate is fed to the stripper column (C-1101). The Stripper column operates at 23-25 kg/cm2g and here the H2S and CO2 gases are removed. This stripped vapour goes to the knock out drum (K.O.D V-1101). The heat requirement to the stripper column is given by the stripper bottom reboiler (E-1101). The stripper bottom liquid is supplied to the reboiler via stripper bottom pump and filter (X-1102). The vapour generated in the reboiler is returned to the stripped for stripping and the stripping liquid in the reboiler is sent to the stripper bottom re boiler surge drum. The stripped liquid can be sent as a reflux to stripper Column or sent to CFU-II or LPG column. The stripped vapour containing H2S and CO2 is sent to the reciprocating type gas compressor where the gas pressure is built up to available sour gas under standard pressure. The compressed gas goes to the cooler and then to the off-gas compressor discharge K.O.D and from the gas is sent to GSU.

3.5 Co- Generation (COGEN):

Cogeneration means simultaneous generation both electrical and thermal energy by raising a single primary heat source, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of the plant. Cogeneration is one of the most powerful and effective energy conservation techniques. In industries like refineries, petrochemical, fertilizer, sugar etc. there is a requirement of both power and steam. LPG/CSU plant at Uran needs power and steam. To meet this requirement a cogeneration plant was setup. Hence this plant fulfils the requirement of both electrical power and steam at a very low cost and high efficiency and reliability. Power capacity of the gas turbine (GT): Power- 3*19.6 MW GE frame- 5 gas turbines Steam capacity of the waste heat recovery boilers (HRSG): Steam- 2*75+1*90 TON/HR Waste heat recovery boilers
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Plant demand for power and steam: Power average - 41.0 MW/HR Power (peak) - 50.0 MW/HR Steam - 150 TON/HR Export (with 3 GTS) - 5.0 MW/HR Import (with 3 GTS) NIL This power and steam demand is easily met by the Co-generation plant as the power turbines produce 3*19.6 MW= 58.8 MW. The steam produced by the HRSG is 2*75+1*90 TON/HR = 240 TON/HR. But sometimes one of the gas turbine may not be operational as mechanical failure may occur, fuel gas line may leak, seizure of the compressor of the turbine etc. The Co-generation plant is always connected to the power grid MSEB in the case of failure of one of the turbines. Thus undisturbed power supply continues

Fig.- 11 Block Diagram of Co-generation plant

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3.6 Slug Catcher:

Bombay high gas is transported from offshore platforms to Uran Terminal via 26subsea lines about 210 km length (BUT lines) and the length of 26 gas pipelines from Satellite field to offshore be about 91 km (HUT line). The operational flexibility of diverting Bombay High gas to Heera is provided through ICP-Heera Trunk Line and also through SHS-Heera Trunk line. A total combined (BUT & HUT) 16.5 MMSCM/D of gas handling facilities has been created at Uran Terminal in the Slug-Catcher Unit of which 11.3 MMSCM/D gas processing capacities has been created at GSU. LPG and ethanepropane recovery units to extract value added products like LPG/LAN/C2-C3 and the remaining rich gas will be sent through plant bypass loop to consumer, GAIL for extracting value added products at their LPG recovery plant USAR and to the fertilizer unit of RCF and power sectors. There are two Slug Catchers provided in two phases (Phase-II and Phase-III), to handle sweet gas coming from BH field and sour gas from Satellite fields to knock out the condensate from the incoming gas before gas processing and diverting the gas to consumers. Slug catcher facilities are to serve the following objectives: To separate the continuously coming condensate from the saturated gas by reducing fluid velocity and subsequent gravity separation. To hold the slug fluid coming at Uran at the time of pigging of gas pipe lines. To continuously send the hydrocarbon liquid to CFU-1 /2 units for further processing. To partially stabilize the liquid from phase 2 sweet liquid condensate and inject into crude inlet to CSU in case of CFU-1/2 are down. To supply gas (after condensate separation) to GSU-12/13 plants. The formation of condensate is due to pressure reduction from 90 kg/cm to 50kg/cm. The retrograde condensation taking place and accumulation of liquid at the low points of sea-bed.

3.6.1 Capacity of slug catcher Phase 2: Design capacity Volume Sea bed temp : : : 8 mm nm/day 3100 m (this hold up is for 2 days) 20C minimum

Phase-3: Design capacity : Volume 5mm nm/day : 450 m(this holds up for 2 days

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3.6.2 Process Description: Gas from offshore coming to Uran terminal by 26 submarine gas pipeline shall enter the expanded slug catcher. In case of balanced gas supply from offshore to consumer, the offshore gas straightaway enters the slug catcher but if there is an excess of gas from offshore compared to consumption, the offshore gas enters the slug catcher through a pressure control valve to maintain normal operating pressure at GSU Inlet. In such cases excess gas, if desired, can be routed to Hazira from the offshore itself. From slug catcher the separated gas takes its normal route to GSU. The liquid slug catcher sump flows into a slug liquid drum where gas & liquid can take two routes. Either it can be pumped via filters to CFU I/II or LPG II liquid driers for further processing in CFU I/II or it can be partially stabilized in slug liquid stabilizer after heating in Slug Heater. The flashed gases go to flare while partially stabilized condensate is routed to CSU -I/II. This route becomes necessary when either CFU I or II or both units are down and are not in position to accept condensate and during pigging operation of gas trunk lines.

3.7 LPG Unit:

3.7.1 LPG recovery unit: Two units of 5.65 MMSCMD capacities each receive the sweet gas from GSU. The combined capacities of LPG units are as follows: Sweet gas throughput: 11.3 MMSCMD LPG production: 3, 17,000 MTPA LAN production: 1, 87,000 MTPA 3.7.2 LPG-1 Capacity: Design: Feed-sweet gas : 5.65 MMSCMD Product: LPG: 1, 58.500 MTPA LAN: 93,500 MTPA

In case of GSU and EPRU Shutdown LPG plant can directly run on sour gas (the gas from slug catcher). 3.7.3 Product components of natural gas: Methane Ethane Propane No. of carbon atoms 1 No. of carbon atoms 2 No. of carbon atoms 3 Lean gas to consumers C2C3 to IPCL for further processing LPG at 8kg/cm2 to BPCL &
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HPCL Butane Pentane Hexane+No. of carbon atoms 4 No. of carbon atoms 5 No. of carbon atoms 6 Naphtha to IOTL for further dispatch To petrochemical plants Basic principles

3.7.4 Basic principles: LPG recover from natural Gas is made on the two principles: Refrigeration Fractionation 3.7.5 Refrigeration: By using the relation between temperature and a pressure a refrigeration system designed. A refrigerant is a fluid which picks up heat from process system, by boiling at low temp and pressure and gives up heat by condensing at a high temperature and pressure which is done by compressor. In LPG plant propane is used as Refrigerant and it picks up the heat from feed gas. 3.7.6 Fractionation: Fractionation is a unit operation in which a multi-component liquid mixture is separated into individual components with considerable purity. It is a continuous process of vaporization and condensation and there by separation of a pure individual component is achieved. Relatively more vaporization takes place for lighter component and more condensation takes place for heavier component. A continuous heat input is given through re-boiler at the bottom to accomplish stripping of the feed. An external reflux is given from the top of the column through the reflux drum to cool and, wash the top vapours, so that a pure component with maximum recovery can be achieved.

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A gas compressor is a mechanical device that increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. Compressors are similar to pumps: both increase the pressure on a fluid and both can transport the fluid through a pipe. As gases are compressible, the compressor also reduces the volume of a gas. Liquids are relatively incompressible; while some can be compressed, the main action of a pump is to pressurize and transport liquids.

4.1 Types Of Compressor:

Fig. - 12 Classification of Compressors

4.2 Applications:
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Gas compressors are used in various applications where either higher pressures or lower volumes of gas are needed: In pipeline transport of purified natural gas to move the gas from the production site to the consumer. Often, the compressor in this application is driven by a gas turbine which is fuelled by gas bled from the pipeline. Thus, no external power source is necessary. In petroleum refineries, natural gas processing plants, petrochemical and chemical plants, and similar large industrial plants for compressing intermediate and end product gases. In refrigeration and air conditioner equipment to move heat from one place to another in refrigerant cycles: E.g. Vapour-compression refrigeration. In gas turbine systems to compress the intake combustion air In storing purified or manufactured gases in a small volume, high pressure cylinders for medical, welding and other uses. In many various industrial, manufacturing and building processes to power all types of pneumatic tools. In some types of jet engines (such as turbojets and turbofans) to provide the air required for combustion of the engine fuel. The power to drive the combustion air compressor comes from the jet's own turbines.


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Centrifugal compressors use the rotating action of an impeller wheel to exert centrifugal force on refrigerant inside a round chamber (volute). Refrigerant is sucked into the impeller wheel through a large circular intake and flows between the impellers. The impellers force the refrigerant outward, exerting centrifugal force on the refrigerant. The refrigerant is pressurized as it is forced against the sides of the volute. Centrifugal compressors are well suited to compressing large volumes of refrigerant to relatively low pressures. The compressive force generated by an impeller wheel is small, so chillier that use centrifugal compressors usually employ more than one impeller wheel, arranged in series. Centrifugal compressors are desirable for their simple design and few moving parts. In many cases the flow leaving centrifugal impeller is near or above 1000 ft. /s or approximately 300 m/s. It is at this point, in the simple case according to Bernoulli's principle, where the flow passes into the stationary diffuser for the purpose of converting this velocity energy into pressure energy.

5.1components of Centrifugal Compressor

A simple centrifugal compressor has three components: Casing Diaphragm Rotor assembly

5.1.1 Casing:
For high pressure compressor, it need outer and inner casing to support its pressure. Commonly, the nozzles are at the outer casing and inner parts such as diaphragm, impeller and shaft are at the inner casing. Inner casing can be opened as top inner casing and bottom inner casing in order to install the parts.

Outer Casing:
Most compressor manufacturers have standard castings or forgings of their various housings and impellers from which they make up a compressor for a particular set of operating conditions. Inner Casing: The inner casing have the parts been installed. During final fabrication, the inner casing will be inserted into the outer casing (housing) which connect all the inlet/outlet nozzles. The casing size limits the flow, which can be passed through it while the impeller castings limit the maximum and minimum head.
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The construction features of the two models in use are: Horizontally split casing design: The horizontal plane in the middle and consists of an upper and lower part. All necessary connections, such as suction and discharge nozzles, intermediate suction and discharge nozzles, wherever required, and lube oil inlet and drain connections are integral with the lower half. Internal parts can be accessed just by lifting the upper part which needs no major dismantling of piping. For inspection of bearings, there is no need to remove the upper half. Only bearing cover removal is adequate.

Fig. 13 horizontally split casing

Vertically split casing design: These are used when the working pressure and type of gas demand such an arrangement. All internal parts are similar to the horizontally split type casing, but the diaphragm seals and the rotor bundle are inserted axially in a forged steel barrel casing. Ends are closed with end covers; the lower half of the bearing housing is integral with the end cover. By removing the end cover, it is possible to withdraw the complete internal assembly and have access to the internals like seals, diaphragms and rotor, without disturbing the outer casing. There is no need to remove end covers for bearing inspection.

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Fig. - 14 vertically split casing

5.1.2 Diaphragms:
The diaphragm is generally made of cast steel. However, based on operating conditions, alloyed cast iron, forged steel or stainless steel materials are also used. In small and medium size casings, the diaphragms are fabricated from plates. FUNCTION: The function of the diaphragm is: To form the dynamic flow path of the gas inside the compressor. To form the separation wall between one Compressor stage and the subsequent one. To convert the kinetic energy of the gas leaving the impeller into pressure energy. TYPES OF DIAPHRAGM: They are of three types: I. Suction diaphragm II. intermediate diaphragm III. Discharge diaphragm

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Fig. 15 interstage Seals Diaphragm

5.1.3 Rotor Assembly:

The basic function of the centrifugal compressor rotor is to impart the required compression energy to the gas. The rotor forms the heart of the centrifugal compressor, consisting of the shaft, Impellers, spacers, bushes, Balancing drum, thrust collar, Coupling hub and thrust bearing. The impellers are hot shrunk and keyed. The shrinking of impeller and balancing piston is necessary to ensure that the impeller does not get slackened due to the centrifugal forces during start up and normal running of the compressor. This would otherwise result in vibrations on the rotor system. Rotor must perform its function with a deflection less than the minimum clearance between rotating and stationary parts. The loads involved are the torques, the weight of the parts, and axial gas forces. The rotor, during assembly is balanced stage wise.

Fig. 16 rotor assembly

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The components of rotor assembly are as follows:

An impeller in centrifugal compressor imparts energy to a fluid. The impeller consists of two basic components: I. An inducer such as an axial-flow rotor II. The blades in the radial direction where energy is imparted by centrifugal force There are three types of impeller: Types of Impeller Radial blades Advantages Disadvantages Surge margin is narrow

1. High absolute outlet velocity 2. No complex bending 3. Ease in manufacturing Backward curved 1. Low outlet kinetic blades energy 2. Low diffuser inlet Mach no. 3. Surge margin is widest Forward curved High energy transfer blades

1. Low energy transfer 2. Complex bending stress 3. Difficulty in manufacturing 1. High outlet kinetic energy 2. High diffuser Mach no. 3. Complex bending stress

Fig. 17 semi open impeller

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Fig.- 18 centrifugal impeller

The shaft is made out of forged alloy steel and the impellers, spacers and the balancing drum are shrunk fitted on it. Spacers of stainless steel material are used to protect the shaft against gas erosion and corrosion. The shaft is made by turning and grinding operations. Journal bearing zones of the shaft is ground and burnished with the diamond burnishing technique to improve the surface finish and to keep the total run outs within the permissible limits.

Fig. 19 rotor shaft

The bearings in turbo machinery provide support and positioning for the rotating components. Radial support is generally provided by journal or roller bearings, and axial positioning is provided by thrust bearings.

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Radial bearings: The heavy frame type gas turbines use journal bearings. Journal bearing may be either full round or split; the lining may be heavy, as in large-size bearings for heavy machinery, or thin, as used in precision inserttype bearings in internal combustion engines.

Fig. 20 radial bearing

Thrust bearings: The most important function of a thrust bearing is to resist the unbalanced force in a machines working fluid and to maintain the rotor in its position (within prescribed limits).

Fig. 21 thrust bearing

Fig. 22 components of thrust bearing

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Seals are very important and often critical components in turbo machinery, because they spin at very high speed. In order to prevent frictions and wears, seals play the most important roles for these matters. Labyrinth seals: The labyrinth is one of the simplest of sealing devices. It consists of a series of circumferential strips of metal extending from the shaft or from the bore of the shaft housing to form a cascade or annular orifices. The major advantages of labyrinth seals are their simplicity, reliability, tolerance to dirt, system adaptability, very low shaft power consumption, material selection flexibility, minimal effect on rotor dynamic, back diffusion reduction, integration of pressure, lack of pressure limitations, simple to manufacture and tolerance to gross thermal variations. Mechanical seals: A typical mechanical seal has two major elements. They are the oilpressure-gas sea land breakdown bushing. This seal normally have buffering via a single ported labyrinth located inboard of the seal and a positive shutdown device which will attempt to maintain gas pressure in the casting when the compressor pressure is at rest and the seal oil is not being applied. Dry gas seals: The use of dry gas seals in process gas centrifugal compressors has increased over the last thirty years, replacing traditional oil film (mechanical) seals in most applications. Dry gas seals are basically mechanical seals consisting of a mating ring, which rotates, and a primary ring, which is stationary. As gas enters, it is sheared towards the gap to act as seals. During normal operation, the running gap is approximately 3 microns.

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5.2 Advantages and Disadvantages:

5.3 Working of Centrifugal Compressor:

The centrifugal compressor, originally built to handle only large volumes of low pressure gas and air (maximum of 40psig), has been developed to enable it to move large volumes of gas with discharge pressures up to 3,500 psig. However, centrifugal compressors are now most frequently used for medium volume and medium pressure air delivery. One advantage of a centrifugal pump is the smooth discharge of the compressed air. The centrifugal force utilized by the centrifugal compressor is the same force utilized by the centrifugal pump. The air particles enter the eye of the impeller, designated D in Figure 23. As the impeller rotates, air is thrown against the casing of the compressor. The air becomes compressed as more and more air is thrown out to the casing by the impeller blades. The air is pushed along the path designated A, B, and C in Figure 23. The pressure of the air is increased as it is pushed along this path. Note in Figure 6 that the impeller blades curve forward, which is opposite to the backward curve used in typical centrifugal liquid pumps. Centrifugal compressors can use a variety of blade orientation including both forward and backward curves as well as other designs.
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There may be several stages to a centrifugal air compressor; a higher pressure would be produced. The air compressor is used to create compressed or high pressure air for a variety of uses. Some of its uses are pneumatic control devices, pneumatic sensors, pneumatic valve operators, pneumatic motors, and starting air for diesel engines.

Fig. - 23 working principle of centrifugal compressor

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Centrifugal compressor is two stage compressors in which there are total 6 impeller. 4 impeller are in 1st stage whereas in second stage 2 impeller are present. In this compressor lean gas is compressed. The suction of gas is axially. After the recovery of Ethane and Propane, the lean gas is received in the lean gas compressor knock-out drum at about 20C & 12.7 kg/cm2g. Then lean gas is compressed to about 40kg/cm2g by lean gas compressor. The compressor gas after cooling to about 40C is supplied at battery limit for gas consumers.

Fig.- 24 lean gas compressor

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6.1 Compressor Parameters:

Compressor type: 2BCL606 Capacity: 106210 kg/hr wt Gas handled: Lean gas Molecular weight: 16.40 Suction pressure: 12.5 kg/cm2 A Discharge pressure: 45.2 kg/cm2 A Suction temperature: 20.5 C

Speed: 8610 rpm Maximum constant speed: 9964 rpm Discharge temperature: 85C First critical speed: 3970 rpm Casing design pressure: 80 kg/cm2G Maximum allowable temperature: 180 C Maximum casing working pressure: 80 kg/cm2G

6.2 Gear Box:

Power: 10650 KW Speed output: 9116 min-1 Oil required: 265 l/min Gear ratio: 5065 Service factor: API 1,4 (approx.: 10%)

Speed input: 1800 min-1

Oil pressure: 1-2 bar List of lubricant: D177 Viscosity class: D/N 51519 VG46 ISO

Lubricant: D/N 515102 L-TD

6.3 Synchronous Motor:

Type: SAT 95.1226, 5-4 Voltage: 1946 Volts

Output: 10650 KW Current: 1767 amp (AC)

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Frequency: 36 to 65.56 Speed (1080 to 1967 rpm) range: 1800 Power factor: 0.92 Excitation current: 552 amperes Moment of inertia (WR2): 573 kg m2 Kinetic energy constant (S): 1.146 Maximum inlet temperature (water): 33 C Temperature rise (rotor k): 87

Phase: 2 3 Over speed rpm: 2160 Excitation voltage: 8.6 volt Standard: IEC Motor weight: 27100 kg Maximum inlet temperature (air): 43 C Temperature rise (stator k): 77

6.4 Cooling Water System:

Flow: 0.38 m3/hr. Maximum operating pressure: 6 bar Maximum temperature (inlet): 33 C Weight of water: 100 kg

Pressure drop: 0.2 bar Test pressure: 10 bar Maximum temperature (outlet): 40 C Weight of cooler empty: 1740 kg

6.5 Sleeve Bearing Lubrication:

Kinematic oil viscosity: 46 mm2/sec at 40C Oil flow per bearing (main shaft extension end): 13 l/min Oil flow per bearing (opposite end): 13 l/min

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6.6 Reading of K-1503 A:

Ist Stage Suction Ist Stage Discharge IInd Stage Suction IInd stage Discharge Temperature (15-TI- Temperature (15-TI- Temperature (15-TI- Temperature (15-TI605) (C) 607) (C) 606) (C) 608) (C)





Ist Stage Suction Pressure (15-PI607) (kg f/cm2G)

Ist Stage Discharge Pressure (15-PI608) (kg f/cm2G)

IInd Stage Suction Pressure (15-PI609) (kg f/cm2G)

IInd Stage Discharge Pressure (15-PI610) (kg f/cm2G)





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A reciprocating compressor uses the reciprocating action of a piston inside a cylinder to compress refrigerant. As the piston moves downward, a vacuum is created inside the cylinder. Because the pressure above the intake valve is greater than the pressure below it, the intake valve is forced open and refrigerant is sucked into the cylinder. After the piston reaches its bottom position it begins to move upward. The intake valve closes, trapping the refrigerant inside the cylinder. As the piston continues to move upward it compresses the refrigerant, increasing its pressure. At a certain point the pressure exerted by the refrigerant forces the exhaust valve to open and the compressed refrigerant flows out of the cylinder. Once the piston reaches it top-most position, it starts moving downward again and the cycle is repeated.

Fig. 25 Movement of Piston during compression

Reciprocating compressors are often some of the most critical and expensive systems at a production facility, and deserve special attention. Gas transmission pipelines, petrochemical plants, refineries and many other industries all depend on this type of equipment. Due to many factors, including but not limited to the quality of the initial specification/design, adequacy of maintenance practices and operational factors, industrial facilities can expect widely varying lifecycle costs and reliability from their own installations. Various compressors are found in almost every industrial facility. Types of gases compressed include the following:
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Air for compressed tool and instrument air systems Hydrogen, oxygen, etc. for chemical processing Light hydrocarbon fractions in refining Various gases for storage or transmission Other applications

There are two primary classifications of industrial compressors: intermittent flow (positive displacement), including reciprocating and rotary types; and continuous flow, including centrifugal and axial flow types. Reciprocating compressors are typically used where high compression ratios (ratio of discharge to suction pressures) are required per stage without high flow rates, and the process fluid is relatively dry. Wet gas compressors tend to be centrifugal types. High flow, low compression ratio applications are best served by axial flow compressors. Rotary types are primarily specified in compressed air applications, though other types of compressors are also found in air service.

7. 1 Advantages And Disadvantages:

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7. 2 Basic Design And Working:

The primary components of a typical reciprocating compressor system can be seen in Figures 26, 27 & 28. The compression cylinders (Figure 27), also known as stages, of which a particular design may have from one to six or more, provide confinement for the process gas during compression. A piston is driven in a reciprocating action to compress the gas. Arrangements may be of single-or dual-acting design. (In the dual-acting design, compression occurs on both sides of the piston during both the advancing and retreating stroke.) Some dual-acting cylinders in high-pressure applications will have a piston rod on both sides of the piston to provide equal surface area and balance loads. Tandem cylinders arrangements help minimize dynamic loads by locating cylinders in pairs, connected to a common crankshaft, so that the movements of the pistons oppose each other. Gas pressure is sealed and wear of expensive components is minimized through the use of disposable piston rings and rider bands respectively. These are formed from comparatively soft metals relative to piston and cylinder/liner metallurgy or materials such as poly-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (PTFE).

Fig. 26 Reciprocating Compressor Cylinder Assembly

Most equipment designs incorporate block-type, force-feed lubrication systems; however when there is zero process tolerance for oil carryover, non-lubricated designs are employed. Cylinders for larger applications (typical cut off is 300 hp) are equipped with coolant passages for thermo-syphon or circulating liquid coolant-type systems, whereas some smaller home and shop compressors are typically air-cooled. Large application cylinders are generally fitted with replaceable liners that are press-fitted into the bore, and may include an anti-rotation pin.

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Fig.- 27 Two-throw HSE Frame and Running Gear

Process gas is drawn into the cylinder, squeezed, contained and then released by mechanical valves that typically operate automatically by differential pressures. Depending on system design, cylinders may have one or multiple suction and discharge valves. Unloaders and clearance pockets are special valves that control the per cent of full load carried by the compressor at a given rotational speed of its driver. Unloaders manipulate the suction valves action to allow the gas to recycle. Clearance pocket valves alter the cylinder head space (clearance volume). They may be fixed or variable volume.

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Fig.- 28 Two-throw HSE Frame and Running Gear

The distance piece (sometimes called the doghouse) is a structural member connecting the compressor frame to the cylinder. Intermixing of fluids between the cylinder and the distance piece must be avoided. Packing rings contain gas pressure within the cylinder, and they keep oil from entering the cylinder by wiping oil from the piston rod along its travel. The distance piece is typically vented according to the most hazardous material in the system, which is often the gas compressed in the cylinder. The packing rings are designed to contain the gas within the cylinder, but with the high pressure it is possible that some of the compressed gas will leak past the packing rings. The running gear, housed within the compressor frame (Figure 26), consists of the crosshead and connecting rod which connect the piston rod to the crankshaft, converting its rotary motion into a reciprocating linear motion. The crankshaft is fitted with counterweights to balance dynamic forces created by the movement of the heavy pistons. It is supported within the frame of the compressor by plain bearings at several
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journals. A flywheel is also provided to store rotational inertia and provide mechanical advantage for manual rotation of the assembly. Some compressors will lubricate their frame running gear with an integral, shaftdriven oil pump, while others are provided with more extensive, skid-mounted lubrication systems. All properly designed systems will provide not only for oil circulation to the critical surfaces of the equipment, but also for lubricant temperature control, filtration and some measure of instrumentation and redundancy. Suction gases are generally passed through suction strainers and separators to remove entrained particulates, moisture and liquid phase process fluid that could cause severe damage to the compressor valves and other critical components, and even threatens cylinder integrity with disastrous consequences. Gas may also be preheated to coax liquid process gas into the vapour phase. Intercoolers provide an opportunity for heat removal from the process gas between compression stages. These heat exchangers may be part of the compressors oil and/or cylinder cooling system(s), or they may be connected to the plants cooling water system. On the discharge side, pressure vessels serve as pulsation dampeners, providing system capacitance to equalize the flow and pressure pulsations corresponding to the pistons compression strokes. Typically, reciprocating compressors are relatively low-speed devices, and are direct- or belt-driven by an electric motor, either with or without a variable speed drive controller. Often the motor is manufactured to be integral to the compressor, and the motor shaft and compressor crankshaft are one-piece, eliminating the need for a coupling. Gearbox-type speed reducers are used in various installations. Sometimes, though less commonly, they are driven by steam turbines or other sources of power such as natural gas or diesel engines. The overall design of the system and the type of driver selected will influence lubrication of these peripheral systems.

7. 3 The Thermodynamic Cycle:

An explanation of a few basic thermodynamic principles is necessary to understand the science of reciprocating compressors. Compression occurs within the cylinder as a four-part cycle that occurs with each advance and retreat of the piston (two strokes per cycle). The four parts of the cycle are compression, discharge, expansion and intake. They are shown graphically with pressure vs. volume plotted in what is known as a P-V diagram (Figure 29).

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Fig.- 29. Intake

At the conclusion of a prior cycle, the piston is fully retreated within the cylinder at V1, the volume of which is filled with process gas at suction conditions (pressure, P1 and temperature, T1), and the suction and discharge valves are all closed. This is represented by point 1 (zero) in the P-V diagram. As the piston advances, the volume within the cylinder is reduced. This causes the pressure and temperature of the gas to rise until the pressure within the cylinder reaches the pressure of the discharge header. At this time, the discharge valves begin to open, noted on the diagram by point 2. With the discharge valves opening, pressure remains fixed at P2 for the remainder of the advancing stroke as volume continues to decrease for the discharge portion of the cycle. The piston comes to a momentary stop at V2 before reversing direction. Note that some minimal volume remains, known as the clearance volume. It is the space remaining within the cylinder when the piston is at the most advanced position in its travel. Some minimum clearance volume is necessary to prevent piston/head contact, and the manipulation of this volume is a major compressor performance parameter. The cycle is now at point 3. Expansion occurs next as the small volume of gas in the clearance pocket is expanded to slightly below suction pressure, facilitated by the closing of the discharge valves and the retreat of the piston. This is point 4. When P1 is reached, the intake valves open allowing fresh charge to enter the cylinder for the intake and last stage of the cycle. Once again, pressure is held constant as the volume is changed. This marks the return to point 1. Comprehending this cycle is key to diagnosing compressor problems, and to understanding compressor efficiency, power requirements, valve operation, etc. This knowledge can be gained by trending process information and monitoring the effect these items have on the cycle.

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Fig.-30 off- gas reciprocating compressor

8. 1 Compressor Parameters:
Cylinder type: 2HHE-FB Bore: 7.75 Stroke: 10.00 Normal discharge pressure: 746 PSIG Rated discharge pressure: 965 PSIG Maximum allowable working pressure: 1177 PSIG Hydrostatic test pressure: 2950 PSIG Maximum allowable cooling water pressure: 75 PSIG

RPM Disp. C.F.M at % Std Cylinder 422

FRAME 105.5 11.50

OUTER 115.2 10.60

TOTAL 220.7



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Clearance Added clearance



Discharge valves: 49 K2 NEC.IM Inlet valves: 48 K1 NEC.IM

8. 2 Condensing Equipment:
Design pressure: 55.0 kg/cm2g Capacity: 183 litres Total weight empty: 361 kg Corrosion allow: Nil Design temperature: 150C Operating fluid: Off gas Test pressure: 80.5 kg/cm2G Radiography: 100%

8. 3 Reading of K-2501 A:
MAIN MOTOR WINDING / BEARING TEMPERATURE SCANNER (25-TJI371/A): LOAD: 75% 1) Motor winding: 68.9C 3) Motor winding: 67.9C 5) Motor winding: 58.1C 7) Motor winding: 40.3C 9) Compressor main bearing:55.6C 2) Motor winding: 65.3C 4) Motor winding: 69.3C 6) Motor winding: 67.4C 8) Motor winding: 46.1C 10) Compressor bearing:55.3C

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Suction pressure (25-PI-302): 22.3 kg/cm2g

Discharge pressure (25-PI-303): 51.0 kg/cm2g

Suction temperature (25-TI-302): 30C

Discharge temperature (25-TI-304): 79C

Current: 55 amperes

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Reciprocating compressors and centrifugal compressors have different operating characteristics and use different efficiency definitions. The compression equipment used for pipelines involves either reciprocating compressors or centrifugal compressors. Centrifugal compressors are driven by gas turbines, or by electric motors. Reciprocating compressors are either low speed integral units, which combine the gas engine and the compressor in one crank casing, or separable high-speed units. The latter units operate in the 750-1,200 rpm range (1,800 rpm for smaller units) and are generally driven by electric motors, or four-stroke gas engines. In centrifugal compressors there is no safety valve present as it is not a positive displacement compressor. Whereas, reciprocating compressors, being a positive displacement compressor, are compiled with a safety valve in the discharge line.

S.No 1. 2. 3. 4.

Topic Design Initial cost Moving parts Foundation

Reciprocating Compressor Simple Lower Many May required depends on size Can be applied with suction pressure at atmospheric or even a slight vacuum. Pressure up to 828 bar

Centrifugal Compressor Complex High less Does not required special foundation Inlet pressure to atmospheric or below Pressure up to 100 bar


Minimum suction inlet pressure Maximum discharge outlet pressure


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Maximum discharge outlet temperature

Discharge temperature limits depends on seal element selected. The temperature is about 175 C The inlet temperature can be as low as -162C These are positive displacement compressor. The maximum flow depends upon cylinder size, the number of throw and on the driver speed. Depends on cylinder size. Stroke and speed. Less High Weather seal Present These compressors are made of grey iron, ductile iron, and carbon steel. Piston and covers may be made of aluminium Less High due to wear and tear of parts. More

The temperature is 204 to 232C


Minimum suction inlet temperature

Temperature ranges from -19 to -46C


Maximum flow

These can be sized for an inlet flow of 680,000 m3/hr.

6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Minimum flow Efficiency Volumetric efficiency Sealing device Safety valve

These can be sized for flow as low as 170 m3/hr. High Less Mechanical seal Not present Major component such as casings, nozzle and shafts, impeller are primarily carbon, alloy or stainless steel. High Less due to less wear and tear. Less



12. 13. 14.

Manufacturing cost Maintenance cost Installation time

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Working with Oil AND Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC) as a summer training was a very nice experience. The whole training period was very interesting, instructive and challenging. I learnt a lot about company and the real industry working condition and practice. I also learnt about the centrifugal and reciprocating compressor. I also practiced what I learnt in the university and applied it on field. I gained a good experience in term of self-confidence, real life working situation, interactions among people in the same field and working with others with different professional background. I had an interest in understanding basic engineering work and practicing what has been learnt in the class. Also, the training was an opportunity for me to increase my human relation both socially and professionally.

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