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Logic and Problem Solving IST110

School of Applied Media and Information Technology
Computer Systems Technology

Changes to This Course Outline

Every effort has been made to ensure that information in this course outline is accurate at the time of publication. The Institute reserves the right to change courses if it becomes necessary so that course content remains relevant. In such cases, the instructor will give the students clear and timely notice of the changes.

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No part of this course outline may be reproduced in any form or resold without written permission from The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. Copyright 2008 by: The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology 11762 - 106 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T5G 2R1

1. Course Description
Course Code: IST110 Course Title: Hours: Credits: Calendar Description: Logic and Problem Solving 96 6 This course provides a foundation for developing logical problem solving skills. Analytical and critical thinking skills are emphasized throughout this course. This is a creative process, and emphasis is placed on solving a wide variety of problems through the creation of valid, efficient and maintainable algorithms. A variety of tools and techniques are introduced to facilitate the development and proof of proposed solutions.

2. Major Topics
A. Problem Solving Techniques B. Solve Problems Involving File Access C. Implement Modularization Techniques D. Solving Problems using Arrays E. Report Generation

3. Texts & References


(Optional) Joyce Farrell, Programming Logic and Design, Thompson Nelson, ISBN 1-4188-3633-8 , Fourth Edition

4. Student Evaluation
There is a theory component and a lab/applied component to this course. A student MUST receive a passing grade (60%) in BOTH components in order to receive credit for the course. Students failing either component will receive the failing mark as their final course grade. Mark Distribution A. Assignments - Lab 1 B. Assignments - Lab 2 C. Assignments - Lab 3 D. Assignments - Lab 4 E. Quizzes - Quiz 1 F. Quizzes - Quiz 2 G. Midterm Exam H. Final Exam 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% 7.5% 10% 10% 25% 25% 100%

5. Delivery Method
Lectures and labs.

6. Student Equipment & Supplies


7. Student Responsibilities
Enrolment at The Northern Alberta Institute of Technology assumes that the student will become a responsible citizen of the Institute. As such, each student will display a positive work ethic, take pride in and assist in the maintenance and preservation of Institute property, and assume responsibility for his/her education by researching academic requirements and policies; demonstrating courtesy and respect toward others; and respecting instructor expectations concerning attendance, assignments, deadlines, and appointments.

8. Learning Outcome Guides

A. Problem Solving Techniques LOG ID: 11808 Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to construct valid solutions using a variety of techniques. 1. demonstrate a basic understanding of problem solving techniques. 2. solve and draw solutions to problems using structured flowcharts. 3. defend your solution using a formal test plan and testing techniques. B. Solve Problems Involving File Access LOG ID: 20190 Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to design and draw a logical solution to a problem involving the use of sequential file access. 1. demonstrate a basic understanding of the use of files for input and output. 2. construct and illustrate the solutions necessary to access files for input and output. C. Implement Modularization Techniques LOG ID: 20189 Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to demonstrate and display an understanding of the concept of modularization in your flowchart solutions. 1. define the use of modularization in your flowchart solutions. 2. use parameter passing in terms of control of information between modules. D. Solving Problems using Arrays LOG ID: 20187 Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to recognize common patterns, and identify and use known algorithms to develop valid solutions to provided problem scenarios. 1. recognize and use algorithms for problems using array logic. 2. recognize and use algorithms for simple sorting and search of data. E. Report Generation LOG ID: 20191 Upon successful completion of this Learning Outcome Guide, you will be able to describe and demonstrate the concepts needed to produce valid reports within a logical solution. 1. produce reports using various formatting techniques.

9. Additional Information

See for more curriculum information on the Computer Systems Technology program. Prepared By: Neil Lang for Allan Anderson Approved By: Jeannette Muzechka for Allan Anderson Outline Date: 4/26/2007 Outline ID: 12034

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