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Insurance Industry 2013 Employment and Hiring Outlook

The National Insurance Industry 2013 Employment and Hiring Outlook is the latest in a series of whitepapers by The main goal of this survey is to provide insurance industry job seekers and insurance employers a very in-depth forecast on how the insurance industry is performing in all aspects of employment. All previous surveys, as well as this one, can be downloaded at

Key findings for 2013: More than 16,000 jobs in the insurance industry are currently open across the nation, and there are another 23,000 forecasted for the rest of 2013. However, the insurance talent pool is shrinking alongside an aging industry. Qualified candidates with skill-based insurance experience are hard to find, and this situation will only worsen in the years to come.
This survey endeavors to answer the following questions to help understand the state of the employment market in the insurance industry for 2013.

1. How will your companys hiring be in 2013 as compared to 2012: better, same or worse? 2. Is your company currently hiring for insurance industry positions? 3. What insurance jobs are currently open at your company? 4. What is your forecast for hiring in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2013? 5. If you are hiring in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2013, what positions will be open at your company? 6. What are your companys biggest hiring challenges? 7. Has your company hired anyone directly using social media (Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter)? If yes, please indicate the source and number of total hires.
To get the answers, went right to the source. Our staff spoke via telephone with 173 insurance companies (Property and Casualty/Life and Health), agents and brokers, third party administrators and managing general agents.

Insurance Industry Employment Outlook for 2013 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

Table of Contents

Methodology Used for Survey KEY FINDINGS Breakdown of Surveyed Insurance Companies Insurance Industry Unemployment Rate/Statistics How Many Employees in the Entire Insurance Industry? Snapshot of Insurance Industry Occupations 2013 Insurance Industry Employment Survey Breakdown Is Insurance Hiring in 2013 Going to be Better, Same or Worse? 82% of Surveyed Companies Have Current Job Openings 96% of Surveyed Insurance Companies Are Hiring in 2013 What are Employers Greatest Hiring Challenges? Are Insurance Employers Using Social Media to Recruit? The 2013 Insurance Industry Employment Survey Analysis Conclusion-Insurance Industry has Great Jobs Insurance Industry Sign of Caution Contact Information

Page 3 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 10 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13

Job Listings of Open and Forecasted Jobs (sampling)

Page 14-16 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

2013 Insurance Industry Employment Outlook-Methodology conducted phone interviews with 173 insurance companies, agents and brokers, third party administrators and managing general agents between January 8th and January 23rd, 2013. We spoke with key human resource professionals, talent acquisition leaders and business owners to ask them eight questions about the state of their current employment practices and their hiring outlook for 2013. The 173 insurance entities surveyed employ a total of 339,759 employees representing 15% of the total number of employees in the industry. (Complete chart of insurance entities surveyed on page four.)

Insurance Industry 2013 Employment Outlook

Combined, this survey found more than 16,000 jobs currently open in the 173 surveyed companies. In addition to the 16,000 jobs currently open, more than 23,000 jobs are forecasted to come open in the last three quarters of this year. 40% of surveyed companies indicated that hiring would be better in 2013 when compared to 2012. (31% in 2012) 96% of companies plan on hiring at least one person in 2013. (94% in 2012) 84% of companies currently have open jobs. (82% in 2012) 29% of companies are planning on hiring 51 or more employees in 2013. (31% in 2012) 8% of companies are planning on hiring 200 or more employees. (11% in 2012) The top six insurance jobs being recruited for are sales positions, call center, claims adjusters, account managers, customer service and IT. Skilled insurance industry professionals are extremely hard to find. 71% of surveyed companies have not ever recruited anyone directly via social media (Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn). Of the 32 companies that did report hiring someone from social media, the main resource was LinkedIn with more than 300 hires. Unqualified applicants are filling up applicant tracking systems of major insurance companies. Job seekers are applying to all positions, not just the ones they are qualified to do. Companies surveyed are concerned about their retiring population and about how to replace it with experienced workers. (explained on page 12) 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

Breakdown of Surveyed Insurance Companies (2013)

Insurance Entity
Property and Casualty Life and Health Managed Care Broker/Agent MGA Third Party Administrators Other (Independents) Number of Companies Surveyed 104 26 4 24 4 7 4 Number of Total Employees 206,444 89,793 17,454 23,700 765 1,171 432 OPEN JOBS January 2013 11,956 3,344 201 879 29 43 19





Insurance Industry Unemployment Rate (BLS)

YEAR Unemployment Rate (Insurance) 1/2103 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006









The unemployment rate for the insurance industry continues to reside in the four percent range. While the industry lost 2,000 jobs in January 2013 (from December 2012), the unemployment rate is predicted to stay relatively stable. According to a U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) report in January of 2013, the unemployment rate for the insurance industry is 4.7%. The insurance industry has always trended well below the national unemployment rate. (December 2012, National Unemployment was 7.8%)

Insurance Industry Total Employee Count (thousands) (BLS)

YEAR All Employees 1/2013 1/2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

2346.4* 2321.6 2222.8 2224.1

2261.4 2281.3 2313.1 2301.8

* projected 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

The Jobs in the Insurance Industry (BLS)*

Insurance Employment
(Insurance Carriers and Related Activities)

Insurance Jobs Classification

Actuaries Claims Adjusters, Appraisers, Examiners and Investigators Customer Service Representatives Human Resource Managers Insurance Sales Agents Insurance Underwriters Office and Administration

# Employed Nationally 21,700 263,810 247,080 2,230 411,500 101,800 812,950

Medium Salary $87,650 $61,110 $35,530 $118,580 $46,770 $59,290 $36,830

Source: NAICS 524000 (May 2011) 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

2013 Insurance Industry Employment Survey Breakdown

(See methodology used for survey on page 3.)

1. Compared to 2012, will your overall insurance industry hiring forecast be better, the same or worse in 2013?


January 2013 5% 54% 40%

January 2012 8% 61% 31%

December 2010 3% 70% 25%

February 2010 8% 56.3% 35.7%

November 2009 18% 72% 7%

After talking to more than 170 insurance companies, this year many more stated that they felt hiring would be better than last year. Sales agents were one area that many companies stated they were putting in significant recruiting investments to find talent. In addition, brokers and agents are seeing an uptick in business which is creating account manager and administration jobs. Also standing out in this survey was the amount of openings available in 2013 for direct hire insurance technology professionals.

2. Do you have any current insurance job openings?

January 2013 YES NO 84% 16%

January 2012 82% 18%

December 2010 84% 16%

February 2010 74% 26%

September 2009 83% 17%

Out of the 173 insurance companies surveyed, only a handful of companies indicated that they do not have a job open right now. We asked each company to give us the number of insurance jobs they currently have open and we found more than 16,000 jobs across the board. (See chart on page 4.) 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

3. If your company has current (January 2013) job openings, what types of jobs are available?
This survey found more than 16,000 currently open jobs in January of 2013. Some examples: Corporate Synergies is looking for sales professionals, and Universal Property and Casualty, LuVullo Associates, IAT Group and American Integrity Insurance are all looking for claims professionals, while QBE is looking for actuaries. Overall, most companies have current job openings. For job seekers, some of the jobs that are available reside at companies many have never may never heard of before. This is the hidden job market where many great insurance career opportunities can be found.

4. What is your insurance industry hiring outlook for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2013, by number of future hires?
Projected # of Hires in 2013 NO HIRES 1-5 HIRES 6-10 HIRES 11-20 HIRES 21-50 HIRES 51-100 HIRES 101200 HIRES 201+ HIRES


JANUARY 2012 6% 30% 13% 9% 11% 12% 8% 11%

DECEMBER FEBRUARY 2011 2010 5% 32% 11% 11% 11% 8% 7% 15% 15.3% 31.5% 13.5% 5.4% 12.6% 6.3% 2.7% 12.6%

SEPTEMBER 2009 21% 36% 11.3% 9.1% 8.6% 4.1% 3.2% 8.1%

0 124 162 645 679 1224 1520 18,981

4% 39% 11% 17% 8.5% 7.5% 5% 8%


Total of Projected Insurance Industry Hires in 2013 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

5. If you are hiring in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters of 2013, what positions will be open at your company?
This survey found that more than 23,000 jobs are being forecasted for the last three quarters of the year, in addition to the 16,000 jobs currently open in the insurance industry. On pages 14-19, we posted some of the positions that are open or forecasted. Employers who did forecast positions seemed to indicate many of the future openings will come from normal turnover. However, some companies are opening new offices, adding product lines and expanding sales staff. Independent claim adjusting companies noted a higher demand for their services creating new opportunities for claims professionals. Companies like Nationwide and Allstate are both in an agency growth mode. While these are not your typical 9-to-5 jobs, for those with some entrepreneurial spirit and some financial backing, this could be a great opportunity to stay in the insurance business with your own company. Lastly, technology positions (especially home office) are in huge demand. These include web developers, java developers, IT, SEO and content specialists, as well as database administrators.

6. Insurance Employers: What are your greatest hiring challenges?

Insurance employers did not waste any time telling about their hiring challenges. Once again, the clear winner is unqualified job seekers applying to any and all job openings. With the national unemployment rate still high and many underemployed and unemployed job seekers applying to any job during a job search, companies are getting an extraordinary amount of applications. Even though the insurance industry is under 5% unemployment, many companies also indicated that they are having a hard time finding certain types of employees with specific insurance skill sets. In this group are insurance producers (sales), actuaries, product managers, technology professionals and specialized commercial underwriters. Challenges in hiring great people in the insurance industry come in all shapes and sizes. The 173 insurance companies shared with us some insights into what they are experiencing: 1. 14 companies mentioned retirement issues and the effect it will have on their recruiting in the next couple years. We have a lot of people retiring and no clear direction how we will replace these employees, one HR Director stated. She also added that she was surprised by the advanced age of her workforce. 2. Quite a few companies stated that they do not have a very competitive reason to attract great talent. Post-recession changes in company benefits, smaller workforce and overworked employees have made for uncertain an recruiting landscape. 3. The unpredictable economy is a challenge for many insurance companies. Many companies stated they want to hire but do not have a complete and clear direction on when the hiring will take place. Many of the open positions are replacements. 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

4. Competition for top insurance talent is challenging. Many insurance companies have very different salary grades and compensation packages that are just not strong enough to attract top talent. If we find a great candidate for a significant position, that same person will usually have offers from our competitors that we just cant touch, is typical of responses. 5. Finding very specialized talent in technology is extremely challenging for many insurance companies. IT and web development departments want to hire employees, not contractors (even though most companies surveyed use contractors). Once hired, the even bigger challenge is retention. 6. Hiring sales professionals will always be a challenge for insurance companies, agencies and brokers. Even more challenging is hiring 100% commissioned sales professionals. The turnover in this area is huge with high costs to do business. 7. The claims industry is having a very hard time nationwide finding inside property (homeowners especially) claims professionals. 8. Many companies stated it is hard to find qualified talent that can move or live near their location. A particular example: Loudoun Mutual Insurance Company, located in Waterford, Virginia. 9. Attracting college graduates to enter the insurance industry is a challenge for many companies. 10. Finding inside telephonic nurse case managers was a challenge mentioned by seven insurance companies. 11. Recruiting budgets are very limited. Many recruiting resources have been cut, causing a lot of openings to remain open. 12. Finding insurance talent that has a desire to work with a strong work ethic has proved tough. More than 15 companies mentioned that even when they find qualified talent, the soft skills dont line up with the company. Talent acquisition managers, human resource professionals and owners also have to make decisions on what recruiting sources they can budget for and use that will support their hiring requisitions. Job boards, social media recruiting products and applicant tracking system CRMs are all on the table. With so many choices, the challenge lies in which recruiting sources will deliver the goods. 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001


7. Has your company hired anyone directly using social media (Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter)? If yes, please indicate the source and number of total hires.

How are insurance companies using social media to find insurance talent? (Jan. 2013)
Number of Companies Reporting Total # of hires via Total # of hires via Total # of hires via

YES NO Didnt Know

32 121 18


LinkedIn is the clear winner for the insurance industry. Many insurance companies have career Facebook and Twitter accounts but are seeing no direct hires from these sources. What does all this mean? Insurance companies surveyed indicated they like LinkedIn because it is more of a professional meeting place with fairly easy search capabilities to find insurance candidates. It is a free resume database, stated one agency manager. The drawback to LinkedIn for some companies is that even when they find a potential match, they have to reach out to them directly. For some companies, they just dont have the manpower to do that. Challenges for some companies when we asked this question was the fact they still dont have access to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter or other social websites while at work. Therefore, they do not use these resources.

The 2013 Insurance Industry Employment Survey Analysis

More than 16,000 Jobs Currently Open and 23,335 Forecasted for the Insurance Industry once again wants to thank the 173 insurance companies, which represent almost 15% of the industry based on employee count, for sharing valuable hiring information. Our goal in providing this report to the insurance industry is to talk to human resource professionals, talent acquisition managers and owners via phone to get a real sense of how they view hiring in the insurance 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

11 industry. For employers, we hope this survey offers a peek into how other insurance companies are providing their companies with the best insurance talent. Overall, the insurance industry is plugging along and we expect 2013 to look a lot like 2012. We do see fewer jobs forecasted this year: 23,335 in 2013 vs. 27,000 in 2012. What may be different this year is some of the major changes starting to take place in healthcare reform that is affecting brokers, agents and health insurance professionals. Conversely, technology in the industry is changing quickly and companies that have huge capital expenditures in this area are creating jobs they may not have had available just a couple of years ago. Something that has not changed is the challenge to find great insurance talent. With the insurance industry unemployment rate under 5% and the high number of retirements on the horizon, insurance companies either are or soon will be scrambling for qualified talent. Replacing key managers, executives and vice presidents in all insurance sectors is something to watch in the next few years. The surveyed companies also indicated they are not doing a good job of recruiting at colleges to get fresh insurance talent into the mix. It also appears that many jobs that are open (excluding the entry level sales positions) are being filled with exact matches instead of hiring and training. Many of the open jobs found in this survey require extensive claims, underwriting, actuarial and IT backgrounds. Without that direct experience, insurance job seekers are not even considered. This exact skill match is also the reason many human resource departments work overtime going through mounds of unqualified resumes. This exact match hiring trend is also heating up the recruiting competition between companies. A few companies mentioned they lose great skilled insurance employees because they cannot match the compensation packages from aggressive competitors who are directly recruiting their talent. Conclusion The insurance industry has jobs, and those are good jobs. As previously stated, many of the jobs require matching skill sets. If you are an underwriter, nurse case manager, IT professional, property claims adjuster, commercial lines producer, web developer, actuary or executive assistant, the insurance industry has a job for you. However, if you are outside the insurance industry and want to break in, job seekers are finding this extremely difficult unless they go through the sales route. For many, this is not even an option. The majority of the insurance jobs found in this survey all seem to require an insurance background. Insurance Industry Sign of Caution After five years of producing employment outlook surveys for the insurance industry, a couple common themes have stood out that, if not taken seriously, could actually set the insurance industry back. It all has to do with getting talent and the right talent. 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

12 Consider this from The Insurance Journal (1/17/12), The insurance industry workforce is old. The average age of an insurance industry professional is 54, and 60 percent of insurance industry professionals are older than 45. According to a 2010 McKinsey report, 20 percent of the insurance workforce is near retirement age compared to 15 percent in the broader financial services workforce. By 2018, this number for the insurance industry is expected to rise to 25 percent. Also, the Bureau of Labor Statistics report is estimating that 60% of all new jobs in the 21st century (all sectors) will require job seekers to have certain skills that only 20% of the workforce will actually possess. The companies surveyed have been hearing this for years, but the great recession didnt make this issue seem so big. However, in the last two surveys, companies are really concerned about future hiring for three big reasons: drain, dorms and diversity. 1. Drain: Replacing the knowledge that the retiring talent is taking with them. Companies must decide not only on how they will replace these employees, but how to translate and identify the skill sets these employees had that are critical in todays insurance marketplace. 2. Dorms: College recruiting, training programs and making the insurance business cool to talented young people considering career paths. Many insurance companies havent been focused here for too long of a time period. 3. Diversity: Many insurance companies indicated they have not been doing enough to get a diversified workforce over the years. These are all very large concerns for the insurance industry. This survey was clear; companies know that filling key insurance positions now and in the future with the right people is going to be challenging. Ironically, the insurance industry is stable, has great career paths, great benefits, is almost recession proof, has all levels of workers and is usually very financially sound. Potential candidates should be flocking to the insurance industry. The work that needs to be done is to make careers in insurance more visible and accessible to the masses. When anyone is asked how they got their job in the insurance industry, the answer cant be, My dad got me this job; hes been in the industry forever. A separate but related PR challenge is to make potential candidates understand there is more to this industry than life insurance sales jobs. What will work? Maybe a collaborative effort from the industry itself to brand the insurance industry for what it is: one of the greatest industries in the world with all types of fantastic jobs! 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001


About, LLC. is the premier online employment website for the Insurance Industry. Over 1,800 employers utilize to connect with monthly traffic of over 150,000 insurance professionals throughout the country. delivers a highly targeted candidate audience with our #1 position for Insurance Jobs in all major search engines (Google, Yahoo, and Bing). was founded by Scott Kotroba and Roger Lear in 2001. GIJ hosts the largest database of insurance talent in the country. Report written by: Roger Lear, Co-Founder 800-818-4898, ext.2102 Rogers LinkedIn Scott Kotroba, President/Co-Founder 800-818-4898, ext.2101 Scotts LinkedIn
To request a media kit, please contact our Marketing Department, Bradley Sparrow ( at 800-818-4898.

(Link to Download the 2013 Insurance Industry Employment 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001


Sampling of Surveyed Insurance Companies

(List includes name of company and current/future openings as of 1/2013)
Liberty Mutual USAA Travelers Actuary, Claims, Customer Service, Sales, Underwriting Claims, Risk Management, Customer Service, Underwriting, Workers Compensation, Claims, Underwriting, Sales, Customer Service, IT, Nurse Case Managers Underwriting, Actuary, Claims, Claims Litigation, IT Sales, Claims, Customer Service, Underwriting, IT, Underwriting, Claims, Financial, IT Legal Claims, Billing, Adjusters, Admin insurance agents, (always looking) Marketing, Sales, Risk, Admin Acct Assist, Team Support, Acct Managers Claims, Underwriting, I.T. Sales, Claims, Administration Underwriter Entry Level Positions Bi Adjuster, MD Adjuster Account Executive, Account Managers 2 Risk Management, underwriting assistant, COO I.T. Commercials Lines, Underwriting, Commercial Manager Assistant Analyst Admin, Sales, Adjuster, Finance Sales IT, Processing tech claims, underwriting Sales Sales, Risk, Analyst, Workers Comp agents Underwriting, Claims, Sales, Analyst, Actuarial, Adjusters, Workers Comp, sales/marketing Data Entry Clerk, Auto Damage Appraiser premium auditors, phone auditors Loss Control, Claims, Mgmt. Sales, CSR's , Underwriting, Marketing, Operations claims, underwriter Underwriting, Sales, Case Mgmt., Analyst Inside CSA

Farmers Insurance Nationwide Insurance State Farm Insurance Engle Martin & Associates, Inc. Midwest Marketing Associates, Inc. The Gibraltar Group Insurance Office of America, Inc. Midwest Employers Casualty Co. IBEX Business Solutions CSE Insurance Group South & Western Empower MGA Cambridge Property & Casualty FHM Insurance Company ICAT Michigan Insurance Company Wendelken Texas Association Of Public Schools Merchants North Star Companies Berkely Mid-Atlantic Absolute Integrity Insurance Church Mutual Prosurity, Inc. The Motorist Group American Financial Network McAnnally Appraisal Services Lowry & Associates Accident Fund McNeill MEDMARC Insurance Group Amalgamated life 1st source 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

Acadia Insurance CUNA Mutual Group Indemnity Insurance Corporation of DC Delta Dental of Georgia Tick Tock Benefits Employers Insurance Group, Previously AmComp ADP Total Source Darwin Professional Underwriters, Inc. Lincoln Heritage Life Insurance Platinum Group of Companies Glatfelter Insurance Group Insurance Relief SCOR Global Life Americas ICS Merrill National Interstate Insurance underwriting, claims, loss control, workers comp, Financial Services Provider, CSR, Accounting, Attorney's, Risk, Analyst Actuarial, Operations, Analyst, Communications benefit counselors, account development managers claims, underwriting, loss prevention, customer support workers comp underwriting, claims, support Agents service, claims, claims adjuster trainees Risk, Claims, Sales, Customer Service sales, Underwriter, Analyst, Claims, actuary, underwriting Analyst, Administrative, Sales claims, underwriting, marketing, loss control, product, risk management, compliance, agency manager, regional account manager Claims, Underwriting, Loss Control customer service reps, agents, adjuster, controller, clerical, claims supervisor Inspectors, auditors Marketing Manager sales, claims, loss control, administrative, financial, CSR Field Underwriter Customer Service Rep marketing, litigation, account management, claims reps, sales sales (always hiring and looking) recruiters, trainers, market research analyst Claims. Underwriting adjusters Claims, loss control, adjusters, underwriting Agency Underwriter Financial Professional Associate, Administrative, Marketing Assistant, Customer Service Rep Claims producers local clerical High Level Underwriting property/liability adjusters Agents, customer service reps, agency producers claims Agents / Adjusters Claims, Administration

Meadowbrook Insurance Acceptance Insurance ISI Insurance Services American Agricultural Insurance Company USI Insurance Services, LLC Baltimore Equitable Insurance Secur-All Insurance Agency Extensis Group (NIP Group) Sagicor Life USA The Republic Group Insurance Mills Mehr & Associates Grinnell Mutual Superior Access Insurance Services Prudential - Marlton, NJ Branch

Propel Insurance Gentry Insurance Agency National Lloyds Insurance Company RSUI Capstone ISG Timothy Brown Insurance Agency Inc. Cameron Mutual Group Superior Insurance MG Inc. Prime Insurance Company 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

Builders Insurance Group BIS (Insco Dico) A-Abana Auto Insurance American Arbitration Corporate Synergies Risk Transfer LoVullo Associates Inc Unico American Corporation (Crusader Insurance) Beynon & Co. FCCI Insurance Group Insurance Servicing and Adjusting Company The Woodlands Financial Group Celina Insurance Group Universal Property & Casualty Pinnacle Assurance The UIS Group Great West Casualty IAT Group EMC Insurance Companies Lead General Liability Adjuster Underwriters, Administration, Claims, Subrogation, Management Sales Agents No Fault, Claims sales Underwriters, Supervisor of Retail, VP Risk Portfolio Mgmt. Claims, Underwriting VP of Claims, Experienced Claims Adjuster Agent Underwriting, Loss Control, Surety, Claims Manager Agents, accounting, underwriting, CSR's sales, trainees, compliance Inside Claims Adjuster customer service, underwriting, marketing reps Commercial Insurance Loss Control liability adjusters, claims processors, physical damage adjusters Claims, Underwriting internships, programmers, underwriters, appraisers, claims adjusters, actuarial, file clerks 43 East Pine Street Orlando Florida 32801 800-818-4898 - Serving the Insurance Industry Since 2001

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