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Linnea McCloud 1 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012 Differentiation type: Product by interest and learner profile

Grade Level: 3rd Title of Lesson: Layers of the Earth/ Introduction to Rocks and Minerals Unit

Rationale: I chose to differentiated based on product by interest and learner profile because I think the students will enjoy the assignments if they are choosing them. I also think that the students will remember more information because they are connecting the content to their prior knowledge, their interest, and something they already know a lot about (for example; math).

Objectives: Students will be able to explain and demonstrate their knowledge about the layers of the earth. Students will be able to apply the vocabulary words generated by the class.

Materials: iPads, clipboards, Vocabulary Info Box sheets, pencils, chart paper, The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth, computer, list of examples.

Procedure: 1. Introduce students to layers of the Earth. Read book The Magic School Bus: Inside the Earth. 2. Before reading, ask, Does anyone know what might be inside of our Earth? Record predictions on one half of a piece of chart paper.

Linnea McCloud 2 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012 3. While reading, have students write down any new, interesting, or important words on a Vocabulary Info Box sheet (see attached). 4. After reading, ask several students to come to the chart paper and circle predictions that were correct. 5. On the other half of the chart paper, record 15 words the students wrote down on their Vocabulary Inbox sheets. Students can add new words to their sheet. 6. Have students put Vocabulary Info Box sheets in their Holder Folder for later use. 7. Students return to their desks and get their iPads out. 8. Have students look at the application called 3D Earth. Give students 2 minutes to explore the application. 9. Read the students the information provided for each layer. Re-explain the information provided for each layer in a different way for more understanding of the layers of the Earth. 10. Bring up classroom website. Show students the information provided about the layers of the Earth. This information is under the Science tab. 11. Introduce students to the Think-Tac-Toe assignment. Read each box and give an example of what that might look like. (Some examples provided; see attached). 12. Show students how to use the website to help them with their Think-Tac-Toe assignments.

Assessment: The students will meet the objectives by using the Think-Tac-Toe sheet provided below. The first row is based on the fine arts, the second row is based on other core subject areas,

Linnea McCloud 3 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012 and the third row is all vocabulary activities. I will be assessing the students based on their use and understanding of the concepts based on the objectives above.

Linnea McCloud 4 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012

Think-Tac-Toe: The Layers of the Earth

Write a play about the layers Create a model of the Earth. The layers must be visible to a viewer, the layers must be labeled, and each layer must be a different color. The model can be no bigger than your hand. of the Earth. Identify characters, setting, and plot within the play. This can be performed with other classmates of your choosing. You do not need to perform. This needs to be one page long. Write a fictional story about your own journey into the Earth. What might you see? What might you hear? What might you smell? Use sensory words to create a story that is one page long. Create a vocabulary sort with 10 of the vocabulary words you wrote down during the story. Write a paragraph explaining why you sorted the words this way. Write a poem about the layers of the Earth. Include information and vocabulary Write a newspaper article about the Magic School Buss trip into the Earth. You are the Write and perform a song about the layers of the Earth. This can be set to a song you already know or an original song written by you. This needs to be one page long.

words we discussed in class to reporter! Interview the explain the layers of the Earth. Do not write more than one page. characters. You can include quotes from the book. Do not write more than one page. Write a fictional story about Miss McClouds class studying rocks and minerals. Use 10 vocabulary words in your story that is one page long.

Write definitions for 10 vocabulary words on your Vocabulary Inbox sheet. These definitions need to be in your own words.

Linnea McCloud 5 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012

(Rubric) Think-Tac-Toe: The Layers of the Earth

The student Exceeds 3 The student expressed originality and uniqueness to meet all the requirements listed in the meets section. The student expressed originality and uniqueness to meet all the requirements listed in the meets section. Meets 2 Does Not Meet 1

(Row 1) Displayed their knowledge about the layers of the Earth.

The student used The student did not appropriate follow the directions vocabulary words to provided or follow the demonstrate the layers requirements listed in of the Earth. the meets section. The student used appropriate vocabulary words to explain what is inside the layers of the Earth.

(Row 2) Explained the layers of the Earth in a writing activity.

The student did not follow the directions provided or follow the requirements listed in the meets section.

(Row 3) Compared and contrasted the vocabulary words generated by the class.


The student did not The student applied follow the directions new vocabulary words provided or follow the to a sort, story, or requirements listed in definition list. the meets section.

Total Points: _____/4

NOTE: Students only have to meet the requirements. They do NOT have to exceed the expectations. However, if the student exceeds, they will receive bonus points.

Linnea McCloud 6 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012 Examples: Row 1, Box 1: picture from

Row 3, Box 1:

Multiplication Product Times

Subtraction Take Away Difference

Linnea McCloud 7 TLCI 340, Section P2, March 8, 2012

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