MASEEI Assignment 1: Problem For The Consultancies To Be Undertaken

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MASEEI Assignment 1

Assignment on

Problem for the Consultancies to be undertaken

Submitted By:
Saurabh Naskar (A29) MBA (M&S)- 2011-2013 Section A

Management consultants today play different roles and accordingly undertake different problems catering to clients specific problems. These roles can broadly be categorized as, Purchase of expertise model o This is used by clients who require consultant to bring their own independent perspective on the industry and the issue in hand. Doctor patient model o Here the consultant emphasizes on his/her diagnostic capability by carefully analyzing the clients organizational problems. Process consultation model o Here the consultant acts as a facilitator, while the client contributes expertise. Thus, there are clear division of roles and tasks. Ultimately the client chooses what to do with the problem at hand.

Now a days, consulting is more than just giving advice to clients. Different problems taken up by consultancies today are broadly given as, o Providing information to the clients o It is the most common reason for seeking assistance o Compilation involves attitude surveys, cost studies, feasibility studies, market analysis, etc. Solving problems of the clients o Managers of different organizations often give consultants difficult problems to solve. o Clients might wish to know whether to make or buy a component, change market strategy, which financial policies to adapt or providing a suitable solution for a persisting problem. Effective diagnostics o Now a days management consultants are experts in diagnostics. Though the process by which an accurate diagnosis is formed sometimes strains the consultant-client relationship, since managers are often fearful of uncovering difficult situations for which they might be blamed. o Competent diagnosis requires more than just an examination of the external environment of the organization, but it also requires the evaluation of technology, economics of the business and the behavior of the non-managerial members of the organization. Recommending actions o Consultants characteristically concludes his/her survey with a written report or oral presentation that summarizes what the consultant has learned and recommends in some detail what the client should do about those problems. Implementing changes o Today consultants continuously strive to understand which actions, if recommended are likely to be implemented Building consensus and Commitment o Consultants always provide sound and convincing recommendations. o Consultants today have the ability to design and conduct process for Building an agreement about what steps are necessary. Establishing the momentum to see the implementation of those steps. Facilitating client learning o Today management consultants leave behind a lasting value in the clients organization. o This is done by not only enhancing the clients ability to deal with immediate issues but also helping them learn methods needed to cope with future challenges. Organizational effectiveness o Sometimes successful implementation requires not only new management concepts and techniques, but also different attitudes regarding different management functions. o Consultants generate organizational effectives by implying the ability to adapt to the future strategies.

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