11 042) Guided By: Dr. D. C. Jinwala: Prepared By: Parth Patel (P CO

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Prepared By: Parth Patel ( P11CO042 )

Guided By: Dr. D. C. Jinwala

Introduction Exhaustive Search Dictionary of Hash Martin Hellman's Cryptanalytic TMTO Why Called TMTO? Problems with Hellmans TMTO Improvements Rainbow Table Schema Improved Rainbow Table Protection Existing Implementation Conclusion

Given Encryption function E. Plaintext P0 and corresponding cipher text C0. Recovering a key K N is equivalent to inverting one-way function.
C0 = EP0(K) EP0-1(C0) = K

Problem : Find pre image of a given output of One-Way function H.

Given a hash Y find any corresponding X such

that Y=H(X) where H is one-way function.

Traditional attack: Brute Force

Always theoretical possible Needs exponential time to run Ex. MD-5 is 128 bit hash

Can we improve the time to recover Password?

Pre-calculate all hashes, store all

Store in sorted order Can crack hashes immediately Uses massive amounts of space
key aaaa10ba956cacf8861139efb9 bbbb6348157868b25c81aebfb9 cccc2c3b5aa76527deb882cf99 value software security zoo

If value column is ignored and 64-bit output of oneway function, the space required is 8*264 bytes (7 Exabyte).

In 1980 Hellman described an attack to inverse N values of a function[1] Needs N calculations before the attack Calculate N but store few to save storage Practically applicable when same Cryptanalysis have to be carried out many times.

One have Given a One-way function .

H: {VariableLengthStrings} -> {0,1}n

Define a Reduction function which reduces the output of H to input domain of H.

R: {0,1}n -> {VariableLengthStrings}

Now generate hash chain by applying function H and R successively .

So the chain looks like this

aaaaaa --H--> 5AE419F8 --R--> eyiygsl --H--> AC4B68E2 --R--> sgfnyd . --R--> keiget

Generate multiple chains with this schema but different initial points. Only Store starting point and ending point.

So the chain looks like this

aaaaaa --H--> 5AE419F8 --R--> eyiygsl --H--> AC4B68E2 --R--> sgfnyd . --R--> keiget

Generate multiple chains with this schema but different initial points. Only Store starting point and ending point.

Look up 7


Not Found

Given the hash h8 find the pre image for that

Look up


R h7

Not Found

Given the hash h8 find the pre image for that

Look up

R h10


Found chain starting with 4

Given the hash h8 find the pre-image for that

Re-compute chain starting with 4 until h8 is encountered At each step keep track of last used preimage

Success Rate (Perfect table):

m = Chain Length n = Number Of Chains N = Total number of possible hash

Table Lookup is Costly Slow IO The reduction function can give the same password for two different hashes merges Even if you find an end in the table, you may not find the password in the chain false alarms

Distinguished point Method suggested by L. Rivest.[2] Continue to compute chain until a point which satisfy some predefined condition.
Ex: first/last 20 bits of hash is zero

So when running online attack do not lookup table after each reduce operation but only when predefined condition satisfied. Variable length chain. Helps to identify Merging chains.

Avoine suggested a method to reduce checkpoints[3] It defines set of positions in the chains to be checkpoints. The value of checkpoint function G is calculated for each checkpoint of each chain as shown.

During online attack for each check point we re-calculate value for G. When matching chain is found in table all the generated checkpoint values are compared with the check point values stored in table. If they differ at least for one checkpoint it is declared as false alarm.

In 2003 Oechslin introduced new way of table generation. Instead of using one reduction function a set of reduction function {R1,R2,R3 ..} . After each application of one-way function a reduction function from this set is used. Significant improvement in merging chains. If N reduction function is used then after any collision there is only 1/N probability of merging chain.

Source: Rainbow table - Wikipedia

Source: Rainbow table - Wikipedia

In 2009, V. L. Thing and H. M. Ying introduced new table structure.[5] This table structure improves upon memory requirements

Do not hash password directly. Use Salted Hash

saltedhash(password) = hash(password + salt) saltedhash(password) =hash(hash(password) + salt)

Key stretching
key = hash(password) for 1 to 65536 do key = hash(key + password)


Used to generate rainbow tables of various algo LM, NTLM, MD5, SHA, ORACLE Various implementation use this tables Sam Inside, Able & Cain

Ophcrack [13]

7.5 GB table size XP special (7.5GB) 96% Success Rate Used against LM hash Recover in less than 5 Minutes

DistrRTgen [8]
Distributed Table Generation Project. BOINC grid computing architecture. Tables can be downloaded free.

Security Research Lab [10]

GSM call Interception A5/1 encryption Algorithm. 2 TB of Hybrid Table.

Elcomsoft : Thunder tables

4 GB table. Used to crack RC4 algorithm in Office Files.

Brute force attack is not always practical as it takes too long table lookup attack usually takes too much amount of memory, sometimes beyond current technology reach. Time-Memory Trade-off attacks is another generic framework that can be applied to invert one-way function with opportunity to balance required time vs. memory.

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